#ep 3 havoc at the hotel cavalier
18catsreading · 8 months
Brennan: reads Gilear's stats
Emily: why did you create such a cursed creature?
Brennan: he's not cursed! He's just a guy! He's - some people have to be normal!
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18catsreading · 7 months
Gilear: I'm gonna speak up. I'm gonna say some stuff alright? I'm gonna say some stuff now.
Fabian: what?
Gorgug: shh! Prophecy! Shh!
Gilear: I'm not the nightmare king alright? I'm not the nightmare king.
Fig: I had to ask, you understand I had to ask
Gilear: you didn't
*giggles from outside the dome* Brennan and everyone breaks
I need to. I'm sorry.
Fabian: is it the nut? Is it the nut you ate coming back up?
Gorgug: there's the other of half of it in the --
Riz: this is bullying
Fig: its large for a nut ok?
Gilear: nearly 100% of people who are punched in the back of the head by a demon would die. *outside giggling again* Nearly 100%.
Your view of the world and how it works is, not your own fault, so wildly warped by your adventuring school, by what you've learned, by what you've experienced with goldenhoard, kalvaxis ...
Fig: well by the fact that you're my dad
Gilear: I love you so much. I died today. I died. The gorilla monster punched the back of my head so hard my brain broke and then I was dead.
Adaine: and you don't know anything about the nightmare king
Gilear: maybe I did before the gorilla monster punched me
Gorgug: Gilear you died but I see you standing right now. Well. You're sitting in the van but.
Gilear: I:m sitting in the back of the van swaddled in a blanket shaking so hard
Fabian: But you're standing in your way
Gilear: I'm physically shaking so hard.
Siobhan: can I give him Boggy?
Brennan: He takes Boggy and starts crying. As Gilear: "This frog is very good".
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18catsreading · 7 months
Ally: that made me so mad it burst my stitches
Brennan: oh no!!! Are you okay?
Ally: I'll be *fine*. They're mostly healed. But the ones that aren't are in trouble.
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18catsreading · 7 months
Riz: Baron's not real!
Kristen: Baron from the Baronies? Was a lie?
Riz: yes, a lie
Fabian: so who have you been seeing?
Riz: no one ...
Kristen: I think I need to tell you all that -- I'm gay
Siobhan: yea we know
Kristen: oh, ok
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18catsreading · 7 months
Lou: inside of Gilear is a golden light. They see some kind of ore or treasure
Ally: inside of Gilear is yogurt
Siobhan: inside of Gilear is nothing because you made him shit himself
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