#eoa ship appreciation week 2020
ograndebatata · 4 years
EoA Ship Appreciation Week 2020 - Day One - New Beginnings  Enemies/Rivals
Note: So...I get it I likely am stretching it more than a bit with this kind of story, as we have absolutely no idea of whether these characters are rivals, much less of whether they even know the other exists. 
But this ship just came to me one day, and I sailed away on it before I knew what had happened. And given what we know of their characters, I think it would make sense for them to have started out like rivals, before turning into something better, so to speak. 
I hope you like my take on this.
Note #2: The full name I gave Professor Mendoza is not canon in any way. It’s something I came up with. I felt and feel it makes sense, but it’s not in any way official. Just thought I’d say it. 
Now, without further ado, check on below for the actual fic.
Sparks Under Stars
“And so, according to the legend, the Creators rewarded the jaquins for the role they played in that battle by giving them a picture in the sky, so their bravery and loyalty would be remembered for all eternity,” Professor Sabina Campana Mendoza finished, her brown eyes locked on the familiar constellation whose story was one of her favorites.
If she looked hard enough, it almost seemed she could see the creature taking form around the stars that were its central structure, turning to smile at her before flying away to halt the plots of evildoers, like she had often seen real jaquins doing over the course of her life.
Of course, it did not happen, but all the same, those stars seemed to carry a special glow about them, one no other constellation could match. Just looking at it, she could understand why the Maruvians had made this out to be a special constellation.
"Wow," a familiar raspy voice breathed from her side, a soft rush of hot air caressing her hair.
Drawn away from her musings, Sabina looked at the sound, right into the eyes of the man who had once been the greatest pain in her neck, but was now something much more wonderful.
"That was a beautiful story," Antonio Agama added as the stared into her eyes, his own green ones glowing softly in the light of the campfire they were lying by as they huddled half-dressed under a blanket. “Thank you for telling it to me.”
Taken aback by both his voice and gaze, Sabina could only blink. Both things told her that he meant what he said, and yet the feeling somehow seemed out of place on him. Yes, she had told this story many times before, and while she had yet to receive truly nasty feedback - discounting people who were plain rude or deliberately trying to start trouble - this kind of delighted reaction seemed out of place on an adult man.
Unsure of what else to do, Sabina reached up and bopped Antonio's nose.
"Don't you think we're past the stage where you need to butter me up?"
For some reason, his smile briefly dimmed at her words, as if he was actually hurt that she was genuinely accusing him of something.
"I meant it," he stated, sounding just as sincere as before. "It was a beautiful story, even if it had its sad parts. I'm glad to have learned it."
Despite herself, Sabina had to make a noticeable effort not to scrunch up her face in puzzlement. As honest as his words still sounded, what they were implying seemed just a bit too… unexpected, for lack of a better term.
“You mean… You'd never heard it before?” she managed to whisper.
Antonio nodded, again conveying full sincerity in his face. The slightest of gasps flew past her lips from the small gesture, though it conveyed only a tiny part of the amazement that she felt at this reveal. Him saying he’d never heard this story was almost as shocking as if he’d told her he had never learned to read. Which she knew some people didn’t in certain parts of the world, but not in Avalor. Despite all the damage Shuriki’s rule had done to them as a culture, everyone still learned to read as far as she knew.
But then again, she also thought everyone knew this story, and Antonio had just told her he didn’t.  
“But it’s the kind of thing taught at school from an early age, even in remote villages that only have basic schooling.” Sabina at last managed to say. “I know children usually get told a tamer version first, but still...”
Antonio’s face darkened, the flames in the campfire suddenly shifting as a stick popped open on it, the snapping sound giving the illusion that something was breaking inside it by him admitting that.
“I didn’t really go to school,” he graveled out. “All the school-stuff I learned was from my mother, and she was too busy working to teach me a lot. Most of what I know, I taught myself.” 
Sabina reached up and rested a hand on his upper arm, feeling her sympathy going out to him. Antonio had never told her much about his childhood, but she knew it hadn’t exactly been happier. Or at any rate, that it had been even less happy than the childhood of the average person unlucky enough to grow up during Shuriki’s rule. 
After a few seconds of her resting her hand on his arm, he smiled and put a finger under her chin, the light back in his eyes. 
"Which is why I'm glad to learn from you," he added.
Sabina returned the smile, feeling a weight she had only noticed now lifting from her chest. One thing she liked about him - at least ever since they had actually straightened things out between them - was that he admitted when he knew less than her, and that he was willing to learn. All too often, men she met assumed that she knew less just because she was a woman, and when she proved otherwise they only scowled and huffed off in annoyance. Antonio never had, even when the two of them were at odds. And now that they were on better terms, he was actually eager to learn from her, which suited her just fine, because she was always eager to share her knowledge.
“Well, they do say we’re always on time to learn,” Sabina teased as she reached up and curled a strand of Antonio’s hair around her finger.
For some reason, though, Antonio scowled again at her words, as if they reminded him of something unpleasant.
“Tell that to my brother," he grumbled. 
Sabina pulled back her hand. 
"I thought you and Pablo had mended your relationship by now?"
Antonio’s scowl faded a bit. 
"For the most part, we did. But he still hasn't let into his thick head that he needs to make a different living."  
“Well, some of us need more time to learn than others,” Sabina teased, a smirk on her lips. "I mean, how long did you take to care about more than the money you can get for ancient artifacts?"
Antonio’s scowl deepened again, a long breath rumbling from him. 
"I thought we were past this," he ground out. "I only ever claimed finders' fees for the things I found, and only when they were affordable, and I always returned things to their rightful owners."
“I know,” Sabina said, her voice calmer and gentler now. “And I understand why you did it now,” she added, remembering when he told her how he had grown obsessed with the rewards of adventure, and how it tied to his childhood troubles, and how despite everything he had always strived to keep a certain code by not simply selling objects in the black market and making sure to find out who the rightful owners were. “But how long did it take you to learn to care about more than that when it comes to things you find? To realize how important they truly are to help the world learn about its past?"
He let out another long breath at her questions. His eyes clouded over as he pondered her question, the faint popping of the firewood and the chirps and calls of the night animals filling the silence as he thought.
"A lot," he eventually managed.
"And yet you got there," Sabina insisted. 
Antonio’s thoughtful look remained the same. 
"All I mean is, as long as there’s life there’s hope,” she added. Memories of a time when she had forced herself to believe the very same thing crashed over her, sending a shiver through her being and almost making her grimace from the memory. “Trust me, I’d know,” she added, her voice a hushed whisper.
Though the fire was in no danger of going out, chills kept rippling through her, fueled by the memories of those 41 years of terror. They might be behind her, and the memories might be kept away most of the time, but sometimes they still invaded her.
A warm calloused band set on her face, Antonio drawing her away from her thoughts again, this time by rubbing a thumb over her cheek bone.
“I suppose that’s true,” he conceded, now  with a deliberately teasing voice of his own. “After all, we did learn to get along. And how unlikely does that sound in comparison?" 
A barked laugh flew from her at the analogy, all the more genuine because of how true it was. A year ago, if she had been told that she and Antonio Agama would become as close as they were, she would have guessed that the person had either escaped from an asylum or drank too much pisco. Yes, there had been a certain chemistry between them for years, but both had refused to act out on it, held back by the rivalry that fueled them when it came to their discoveries. And if they had never needed each other to escape five target-seeking javelins, an anaconda, four crocodiles, seven caimans, and three jaguars, they probably still wouldn't have stopped being stubborn, nor would they have admitted that they worked better as a team than as rivals.
"It does sound much more unlikely," Sabina at last replied. "Especially after all the repeat attempts that were needed." She tapped her chin in mock-thought, deliberately rolling her eyes. “How many clashes over ancient artifacts did that take exactly?”
“Fourteen,” Antonio replied with a smirk. “I kept tabs.”
Sabina mock-rolled her eyes again. “And don’t I know it…”
"Don't talk like you weren't doing it," he mock-scolded as he took his hand from his face and playfully swiped at her nose with his finger. 
Sabina snorted at the remark, rubbing her nose to clear the tickling. She could certainly say that, but that lie would be dirtier than she and Antonio had been after they got through all those spots of trouble. As much as she had fumed when Antonio held his victories over her, she had never hesitated in holding hers over him either.
“Look on the bright side,” he added as he drew her closer to him. “At least we know we won’t be fighting for this one.”
Despite her muttered laugh at his poor joke, Sabina snuggled into his chest, listening to his heart beating in her ear.
“Well, this is much better than fighting...” she murmured, resting her hand on his ribs.
She felt him shifting as he smiled at her words, and then felt his fingers running through her hair, more gently than she would have once thought him possible, his voice just as gentle as he replied.
“Yes. It is.”
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iamtotallycool · 4 years
EOA Ship Appreciation week Day 1: New Beginnings
So excited to begin 2020 Ship week!
For my first entry is actually a couple that I randomly decided to give a try and ended up falling into the abyss and there is no hope of me escaping.
So enjoy my first Carzel (Carla/Marzel) fic!
Calypso Cottage was a quant little place, secluded at least a half a mile away from the farthest village of Nueva Vista. It was comfortable to say the least, built small in a size and structure, and it did come with a least one of every type of necessity. 
While the cottage sat on top of a small seaside hill, safe enough from the rising and falling tide, the ocean was still right outside the front door , causing the locals to always wonder if the building was enchanted in order to survive over the many years.
Carla Delgado, the now current tenant, had moved in just as the cold season had begun and had survived it then, even during the fiercest evening storms. 
She was unsure though if she would want to there for another cold season. It was nothing against the cottage, it had been a great place that had been entirely her own. It was because every where she looked, memories of the past year, the evidence of the new life she had built, stared back at her.
From the frilly lace curtains that Carla thought had been too childish, but Marisa had instantly fallen in love with it. The wallpaper that had to be torn down and painted instead behind the stove after Marzel and her had burned a few too many new dishes. Even the bath tub had memories, it been where her Sirena boyfriend had slept until that first night she had invited him to bed with her, and every night after that.
Was he still her boyfriend though?
Well, that was up for her to decide.
Carla grabbed the enchanted glass bottle with a rolled up piece of paper inside it off the kitchen table. The bottle felt somewhat heavier in her hand. But she knew that it was more metaphorically the weight the words on the paper than the items themselves.
She exited out of her front door and ran quickly down the winding sand path that led directly to the beach.
Once she was at the very edge of where the sea and land met, she watched as the sun set over the ocean's golden horizon on what would now be Day 7.
And unfortunately, true to his word, Marzel still hadn't come back. Carla would have had to been blind however, to not notice Cuco making his rounds to check in on her. Sometimes she hated how noble he was.
Carla sunk down to the sand and nervously rubbed over the small scar on her ankle. The one she had gotten from that day her foot had gotten stuck in the coral and would have probably drowned if not for a certain blue haired Sirena that saved her. For a while, it had been the only way that she knew for sure that this had all been real.
"I'll wait for a week," Marzel had said. "Honestly, I would wait forever, but that is one luxury I don't have. Not anymore."
When he disappeared under the waves, his back to her in order to appear strong, Carla realized how absolutely alone she felt. She despised being alone. She had the experience of being locked up in the Avalorian dungeons for almost a year alone with only the spiders and rats keeping her company. She never wanted to feel that way again.
Only a few minutes had passed before some rash part of her wanted to scream out for him to come back. Carla wanted to be pampered by him, for him to run his fingers over her skin with intense fascination, or listen to her complain about work while he held her, or even just bring her pretty shells because 'they reminded him of her.'
She couldn't be rash about this though. The first rule her parents had ever taught her was for her not to be driven by her emotions. And while looking back on it now, it had been a very unhealthy in the way her family and her operated with it, there was a hint of truth to it.
Marzel was a Prince, Prince to an underwater kingdom of magical creatures, but a royal in the end. And she was...a reformed villain, that much she had come to terms with.
Neither of them had ever been in a serious relationship before, and she hadn't been looking for one when she had first come to this place. With her mother gone and her father and her pardoned by the Princess, they had the golden opportunity to start anew.
But, after having spent time, really spent time, with the nauseously named group Team Avalor, Carla realized how much she lacked compared to them, even though they were all around the same age. They were Royal Wizards, and Future Queens, and had Captained their own ship, and were in charge of the Kingdom's Military. Even the younger Princess was a renowned inventor and was even attending college while Carla hadn't even finished school.
And what was to be her accomplishments? To just keep being the daughter of Ash and Victor Delgado?
So, after a very intense fight with her father, the most intense she had ever had, Carla stood firm in her decision to go live on her own in a place where she had never lived and see just what she was capable of. And, thanks to the limited survival skills, she was at least starting to lead what would be considered a 'normal' life.
Then, Marzel crashed into it. After an initial awkwardness, especially when he found out who she was, they unexpectedly started to form some kind of bond. And well, they were both adults and it was hard to deny that they found the other attractive, and Carla had never really dated anyone, so what was the harm in having some summer fun.
It was easy to imagine then how it practically rattled the two of them to their core when that tricky feeling called love bloomed between them, and Carla was able to shelve those romance books she had escaped into for so many years and just enjoy herself. 
But those days didn't last long as the coldness of reality was now beginning to settle over their explosive untamed passion.
After a close call from an ancient disease the had swept Coronado and infected many, including the King, Marzel now needed to focus more than ever on his duties as an heir. He would also need to marry someone who could be a part of the Royal life. 
There was some small selfish part of her that wished he would abdicate the throne to his sister Marisa, giving him the freedom to live more on land. But that wouldn't be fair to anyone. He was born to rule, and a great and benevolent ruler he would be. And she had actually yelled in frustration in how much it hurt to be wholly unselfish and wondered why people actually did it. A reaction Marzel had found amusing.
It was then that another solution was brought up by Cuco. Carla could be turned into a Sirena.
Carla's head had started immediately reeling at the idea, but Marzel reassured her that he would not force her to make that choice right this second. His mother hadn't been given a choice when it came to transforming into a Sirena, and it was thanks to a multitude of right factors and patience that his parents had made it work against all odds. But he didn't want that for her, for them.
So, she had gone through the pros and cons all day, every day for the past week.
Carla knew there would things she would miss about this life. Chocolate, hot showers, and long flowing dresses. But they all seemed superficial, like Castle and shiny jewels now did, in comparison to fiery kisses, family meals, and just a sense of stability. 
She could continue her impromptu career as an actress, she had certainly proven the skills for it with the local theater troupe, and it would certainly be a glamorous life.
However, she had also started to lead a second life under the sea.
Sabina was a crusty and slave driving old sea witch that Carla had the accidental pleasure of knowing.
'I'm a healer land-walker! Not a witch!' Sabina's shrill voice cut through Carla's memory, with one long taloned finger pointed in her face. Despite her barnacle crusted outer appearance, she was also patient and kind, her eyes glowing with pride when Carla completed a potion or mastered a spell. And this time, they were spells that had helped other creatures, and Carla realized how much she actually enjoyed it.
Carla had also been spending more time at the palace, at the first behest of Marisa that attached to her very quickly, and was just excited to have a human friend. As time passed though, it had become evident, no matter how hard they tried to be discreet, that is started becoming more for Marzel. Luckily though, it had come with silent approval from the Royal Family, especially after she helped them during the epidemic.
Her father had been a big deciding factor. She loved him dearly and had told him that she just needed some space for awhile. And now she may be leaving him forever. 
Carla wouldn't be a Delgado though, if she took that as the end all be all. She was too smart for that.
And she ended up finding the solution in the pages of the books that Sabina had given her to study. It was funny, for all her screeching and bemoaning about not being a witch, why would she keep books that contained spells that included shape-shifting ones?
It had been a long scrying stone session that allowed them to talk to one another even though she was still in Nueva Vista and he in Avalor thanks to Mateo. They had yelled and cried and talked like that first time that it emotionally and physically drained both of them. But in the end, they were different people now from a year ago. So, he was willing to give her his blessing and assured he would be there if she ever needed him.
Now it had come down to the most obvious one, but also the most important.
Did she seriously want to be with Marzel? Possibly for the rest of her life?
Carla hadn't exactly had the greatest example of a loving marriage by her parents. Especially since she had been deeply fooled by her parents overly exasperated grand gestures of pet names and sickly sweet compliments that had been used to cover up the lies and poison that laid underneath.
However, when Carla had pulled back that outer layer of her and Marzel's relationship, what she found underneath were the tiny and real intimate moments they shared. Like how he would take her words to heart when he was feeling down. Or how content he looked when she brushed her fingers through his long hair. Or how his usual flirtatious and confident nature was replaced by an adorable naiveté when it came to his understanding of the human world.
She loved it all.
She loved him.
With this reaffirmed vigor running through her body, Carla hastily stood up and with a slight running start, threw her message in a bottle out as far as her arm would let her.
The remaining rays of the sun glinted off the glass as Carla watched it bob in the water for a few moments before it disappeared underneath the waves.
Carla felt her whole body begin to shake with nervousness as the minutes begin to roll by. The bottle was enchanted to appear in the nearest water source the other was located to, so he should have gotten it already. She began to ball up parts of her purple sundresses skirt tightly in her hand. Was she too late? Had he been lying about waiting for her at all?
She had become so caught up in her internal worry, that she almost missed him breaking through the water's surface just as the sky entered it's twilight stage. Even though they were initially far away, her eyes easily locked onto his bright crystalline blue ones as he got closer and closer to her.
As soon as his tail magically transmuted into legs near the shoreline, he threw down a satchel he had been holding and actually ran to her, even though he stumbled once or twice. Carla stayed rooted to her spot though, her body getting weak from relief, as he pulled her in for a tight embrace and his lips crashed onto hers.
Her strength was instantly revived as she felt like an electric currant ran down her spine and she returned his affections tenfold. He had grown some slight facial hair since the last time she saw him, which scratched against her face. His lips though had their usual salty taste Carla had grown an acquired love for as they deepened their kiss and drowned further into each other. It almost would be worth it to be separated if reuniting felt this great every time.
"I'm guessing you got my message?" She asked coyly, her lips tingling and their arms still around each other.
Marzel smiled as he reached out and wound one of the strands of her hair that had been dyed purple around his finger. 
"I've never been so terrified in my whole life," He whispered, leaning down even more to press his forehead against hers.
"I'm still terrified," She admitted.
"The theater--"
"I already quit."
"Your house--"
"Wrote the landlord and sent him this months rent."
"Your things--"
"I don't have much." Carla then smiled a little proudly, "But I actually have enough for once in my life to be packed up and ready to move whenever we can."
 "And could you really give it up?" Marzel swallowed hard. "Everything on land?" 
"My whole life I've been rejected and put down by other humans. The only time I've felt equal and worthy has been my time with you and your family." She pulled her hands out of his grasp and gently cupped his face. "I'm not giving up a life on land, I'm gaining a new one. And if you ask me one more time, I'm seriously going to break up with you."
Marzel laughed as he easily kissed the top of her head. He then released his hold on her, but held onto her hand as they walked back over and he picked up the satchel he had thrown down.
"Then let's go begin our lives together, mi cielito."
They walked out, and then swam when it got deep enough and Marzel's tail returned, still hand in hand over to a small rock outcropping. He helped lift her up onto the rough surface. He opened up his satchel to reveal of large clump of milagras, freshly cut milagras. That's why he had taken so long.
Marzel began pulling out large pieces of the magical kelp and they worked together in wrapping it around her body, starting at the top and working downwards. They paused briefly when they got to the last piece that would cover her legs.
"I love you."
Carla grinned as she reached and ran her hand over his undercut, her fingers instinctively running over the intricate designs. "I love you too, mi tesoro."
Marzel leaned into her touch and lifted one of her legs up to place a brief kiss on her bare knee.
As soon as the milagra covered her feet, the transformation instantly began and Carla automatically closed her eyes. At first, it didn't feel too different from the shape shifting potion she had taken to become Rita or the spell to have her become a malvago as this wave of magic touched every pore in her body. However, somewhere in the middle, she felt as if her very soul was also changing, becoming in tune to the ocean and all the creatures that lived with in it.
And it was all over in only a few seconds.
Even with her eyes still closed, Carla could feel some changes, like how her sundress had transformed into a new outfit and how her hair had gotten longer and thicker as it now flowed and curled all the way down her back. 
Carla then opened her eyes tentatively and saw a sparkling bright purple tail where her legs had been. She lightly traced her fingers over the scales and felt her nerves light up everywhere she touched. This was really her tail. She had done it.
Marzel was staring at her with wide eyes and mouth agape. Carla felt a little shy under such an intense gaze.
"So, how do I look?"
"Are you sure you weren't one of the ancient sea goddesses in disguise this whole time?"
Gods, that had to be the sappiest and cheesiest line she had ever heard. And she couldn't have been smiling any brighter as she threw her arms around him.
Marzel hugged her back tightly as he tipped backwards and they both fell into the sea together.
They were encased in a flurry of bubbles as they continued to slowly sink into the ocean. However, with this new soul and body, she didn't feel like she was falling, instead, she felt like she was rising. Carla began to weep, even though she didn't know if that was entirely possible underwater, at how right this all felt.
Carla then brought her lips to his pointed ear and whispered to him the same words she had written for that message in a bottle.
"Take me home."
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camelottree638 · 4 years
Gabaomi and Marisol - EOA ship appreciation week 2020 - Norbergian Lullaby
FINALLY it is done! about 2 hours before day 2 ends for me, finished after homework and university... (I uploaded it on vimeo and only now created the link because I hardly had time to finish the video before the deadline. Now I have enough time to reupload it here and on tumblr properly.)
Naomi is exhausted after a long council meeting. Marisol wants to hear another adventure story and soon gets Naomi by using her puppy dog face. Naomi sings an Norbergian lullaby her own mother used to sing to her. Marisol loves to hear of the adventures Naomi and Queen Elena had in their youth and she is fascinated by Elena's magic.
One day she runs away in search of adventures like her parents but soon gets scared. Her father Gabe is quickly there to comfort her. Gabe and Naomi decide that Mari can have her adventures, as long as she is properly trained and prepared for them. When they are back home, Naomi and Gabe watch Mari sleep, remebering the time when se was a baby.
Thank you to @pizza-n-sunshine for helping me with the decision to use Heidi to finish this on time! :D
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