hoshidoru · 1 month
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magaratimes · 2 years
#PoliticoCD. | Le président initiateur de la dynamique SK DELLA pour le développement, en séjour à Kindu, a entamé une série de visites ce lundi
#PoliticoCD. | Le président initiateur de la dynamique SK DELLA pour le développement, en séjour à Kindu, a entamé une série de visites ce lundi
Salomon KALONDA DELLA a été tour à tour au centre lokole de l’église méthodiste unie dans le quartier tokolote et au centre de formation et d’apprentissage des métiers maman Lynn dans la commune de mikelenge avant de chuter à l’église kimbangu dans la commune de kasuku. A l’église locale de méthodiste unie, Salomon SK DELLA est allé communier avec les responsables méthodistes des 7 districts qui…
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jepeuxpasjairoleplay · 5 months
Je vous souhaite à tous·tes une excellente année 2024, en espérant que cette dernière soit bien meilleure que celle écoulée...
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shinrei017 · 7 months
@ygoc-week day 1 - introductions!
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"Oh my- good evening. My name is Abel- pleased to meet you. Eh? My last name, you say? Should such mundane things like that really matter?"
A beautiful man around his mid-twenties, Abel is someone thats difficult to judge at first glance. His calm expression and fixed amber gaze never seem to falter.
Having a wide variety of skillsets, hes proficient in many different common tasks- cooking, cleaning, sports, academics- etc...
However what he excels at is his dueling skills (his deck is Shinobird!), and his musical prowess. His greatest weakness is his inability to properly understand and recognize emotions- other people's and his own alike.
"You want me to introduce myself, huh...well, im currently a violinist- I work at Miami City's orchestra...but, in the past, I've...'played different roles across many different stages', is a nice way to put it. Oh, have I caught your interest? You want to know, dont you?
But, doesnt the mystery add to my appeal?
I kind of get the feeling you're not the biggest fan of that kind of answer."
Originally hailing from the Fusion Dimension's Academia, he was an elite soldier among the Obelisk Force, entrusted with the special task of [redacted].
A fated encounter and a one-sided promise turned the course of his life upside down, prompting him to abandon Academia and join the XYZ dimension's resistance under the guise of a local. When everything was finally settled, he felt undeserving to live in a place he initially helped destroy, and so ended up in Standard, taking the first steps towards a new life.
"-Oh, thats right. I should end this kind of introduction with something personal, right? But what should it be...my hobbies?
My favorite thing...Seeing people's faces twist in shame or embarrassment."
Oh, yes. One more detail. He seems to be somewhat of a sadist.
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noidol-nolife · 8 months
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月刊エンタメ 2023年5月号 (2023/3/30)
''みかな先輩のエピソードゼロ!?の巻'' 山本望叶 (NMB48)
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guys ep 54 spoilers yes i know entame hasnt subbed it yet
very long post warning
before you ask, i saw the episode live yesterday :) yugipedia discord server (#spoiler section) was very helpful and provided a link (jkjk i was lurking they just posted one anyway)
also side note i dont understand japanese so dont ask me for a translation :D take this with a grain of salt
what i understood was manabu acting weirdly, that being an actual act, yuna challenges him and uh
so she has a sevens road knockoff series called 'celeb rose', which is funny because in a questionable dream i had yuna played a rose deck similar to aki's.
off track, manabu knocks yuna back so hard she hallucinates or something and sees elemental versions of her or something seriously referencing the 6 goha siblings from SEVENS and confirms that yuna is past yuo and not anyone else yay.
also, the water one says tsuna so that's hilarious
so we get a flashback of aitsu/that guy/yuga/whatever you want to call him making the card processor so yay ig teeny tiny plot hole filled
friendly reminder that aitsu could've just pulled out flagship or any other maximum (looking at you, yggdrago) and beaten ryugu into the dirt and we wouldn't've had this entire arc
yuna loses because that's what she gets for going first- anyway
yuna gets fucking carded(yeh i stopped censoring ikik) by the otes relic because WHY THE HELL NOT and thats the end of the episode now bye
jk NEXT EPISODE: asaka and yuamu fight for presidency like trump and biden and totally forget aitsu and yuna got obliterated by a weird stone thing that sorta looks like ryugu's earrings upside down and turned into cards that they WONT SHOW US WHAT THE CARD IS THEY SHOW US THE BACK OF THE FUCKING CARD AND THATS IT AND-
bye ig
(edit: oh crap i forgot to tag oof)
(other edit: was scrolling thru old discord posts and found a buncha people arguing about yuga's harem and i'm both questioning existence and laughing my head off)
(other other edit: lemme quote "the whole list is incorrect. yuga gets no hoes. absolutely zero")
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koutchikajean48 · 9 days
Talon entame une visite de travail au Brésil
Le chef de l’Etat Patrice Talon a foulé le sol brésilien, mercredi 22 mai 2024, pour une visite officielle de travail qui va durer environ 04 jours. Patrice Talon au Brésil. Le chef de l’Etat a été accueilli à sa descente d’avion à l’Aéroport international Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek de Brasília par Boniface Vignon, ambassadeur du Bénin près la République Fédérative du Brésil, et une…
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Gekkan Entame August 2023: Yagi Toa, Sugiura Eren, Hayasaki Suzuki, Yanagihori Karen & Yoshimoto Cocona interviews
The debut of Nogizaka46's official rival!
Nice to meet you, we are Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora.
This group was created as an official rival to Nogizaka46.
That idol group, produced by Akimoto Yasushi, is Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora.
We'll be taking a closer look at the personalities of the five fresh members, whose charms are yet to be discovered.
Yagi Toa: Born on the 1st of May, 2007, from Tokyo. 155cm tall. Blood type A. Her nickname is Toa. Her personal colour is yellowish/yebe spring.
Sugiura Eren: Born on the 19th of June, 2008, from Aichi. 160cm tall. Blood type O. Her nickname is Eren. Her personal colour is yellowish/yebe spring.
Yagi Toa's part:
Q: I understand that you have had a long history of dancing.
Yagi: My mother enrolled me in a dance school back when I was four years old, after seeing me dancing to the ending of Pretty Cure. I'd mainly do hip-hop, but the more I kept dancing, the more I would improve, so I enjoyed it and continued going until recently.
Q: Did you enjoy dancing in front of people, too?
Yagi: I've never been good at being in front of people, ever since I was little・・・・・・ I'd often feel like I did better during rehearsals than during the show itself (laughs).
Q: Why did you decide to become an idol, despite not being good at being in front of people?
Yagi: Around the time I became a junior high school student, I started to like the Sakamichi Groups and gradually, I started to think that I wanted to be an idol too. That's when I found out about the BokuAo audition on TikTok and ended up applying.
Q: What was particularly memorable to you regarding the audition?
Yagi: The singing [part of the] audition. There were many cameras and lots of adults, and I sang while thinking 'I'm being watched so closely', to the point where I couldn't hit any notes properly. I don't even know how I got accepted (laughs). I couldn't believe it for a good while, but when I took part in the training camp, there, too, were a lot of cameras and I talked a lot in front of them, I took dance lessons and voice training lessons and the like. I finally realised that I had really become an idol.
Q: Since starting your activities, when have you found being an idol rewarding?
Yagi: Given how I get to experience new things, such as magazine shoots and music video shoots, every day is fresh. I wasn't very good at singing, but after practicing, I've become more confident, singing-wise, and now I enjoy doing that [singing] with everyone.
Q: So, at this very moment, what are the challenges you are currently facing as an idol?
Yagi: It's facial expressions. I practice in front of the mirror on a regular basis, but whenever the camera is pointed at me, I become all stiff. That's why I admire the members who are good at displaying charming facial expressions. I'm also not very good at talking, so I want to improve my talking skills and my mental strength.
Q: You were chosen as the center for the group's debut single, 'Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru'.
Yagi: I didn't expect that... I was surprised, but, most importantly, I want to polish my performance skills, so that many people would feel tempted to listen to our debut single.
Sugiura Eren's part:
Q: Why did you decide to become an idol? 
Sugiura: I have been learning dance since the first grade of primary school, but I didn't really want to be an idol, instead I wanted to become a dancer in theme park productions and make lots of people smile. My mother told me there was an audition, but I didn't want to go for it at the time. But when I was looking around on SNS, the notice about the audition just popped up and I thought it was fate, so I applied in the end.
Q: What genres of dance did you learn? 
Sugiura: I started out with idol dances, then jazz, ballet, theme park-specific dancing, J-pop and many others. The one I did for quite a long time was jazz. It was very difficult and there were many times when I wanted to quit, but I loved the process of creating performances for the annual recital.
Q: Did you show off your dance moves as your appeal point during the auditions? 
Sugiura: I wanted to show myself as I was, so I didn't dare try to appeal. I couldn't sing well and my self-PR was weak, so I thought I'd have no chance of ever getting in. While waiting for the announcement of whether I'd got in or not, I was eating Pocky or talking to my friends on the phone (laughs).
Q: Does your dance experience come in handy in your idol activities? 
Sugiura: Thankfully, I was given a leading dance position, as well as a solo part in the first single. I like to think I'm quick at learning choreography, so I'm really glad that I've kept on dancing.
Q: What other [club] activities have you taken part in, apart from dancing? 
Sugiura: I played percussion in the brass band until I was in the eighth grade, mainly the timpani. [T/L note: Timpani or kettledrums are musical instruments in the percussion family. A type of drum categorised as a hemispherical drum, they consist of a membrane called a head stretched over a large bowl traditionally made of copper.] I joined the club because I saw an older student playing the drums at a trial demonstration of what the club would be like, and he looked so cool. Given how I used to dance too, it was fun coming up with different rhythms.
Q: What are the current challenges you are facing?
Sugiura: I want to improve my talking skills. I'm someone who talks a lot, but I don't have an extensive vocabulary, so I often can't come up with the exact words that can convey what I want to say (laughs). I would like to one day work as a radio personality, so I will do my best!
Q: I got the impression that you are a very confident person, back during the group's unveiling event.
Sugiura: I wasn't nervous at all. I'm usually someone who's helped by the members, so I'm glad I was able to be a person who could mentally support the others during the unveiling.
Q: What is the goal you are currently aiming for?
Sugiura: Our members come from all over the country, so I'd like us to perform in each of our hometowns!
Hayasaki Suzuki: Born on the 13th of March, 2005, from Tokyo. 161cm tall. Blood type B. Her nickname is Suu. Her personal colour is brevet/blueish summer.
Yanagihori Karen: Born on the 24th of July, 2005, from Tokyo. 163.4cm tall. Blood type B. Her nickname is BoriBori. Her personal colour is yellowish/yebe autumn.
Hayasaki Suzuki's part:
Q: Isn't it unusual to have the name 'Suzuki'? 
Hayasaki: People often tell me that. The 'Suzu' comes from my great-grandmother, whose name was 'Misuzu', but I don't really know where the 'ki' came from (laughs). After I became part of BokuAo, I realised that it was easy for people to remember me, and I started liking it! 
Q: Hayasaki-san, you are particularly good at playing the piano, and you've won prizes in multiple competitions.
Hayasaki: I've studied the piano from the first grade of primary school to the third grade of high school. I also played the violin for five years, so I think my sense of pitch is one of my greatest strengths. However, I wasn't as good when it came to playing in public, and I was quite bad at taking part in competitions.
Q: How did you become interested in idols?
Hayasaki: Back when I was in primary school, I went to a park with my family and happened to see an idol group performing there. I was still young at the time, so even though we didn't have any tickets, we were given special seats, and the idols were so enthusiastic! I fell in love with them and ended up becoming a fan, along with my father, until the day when they broke up. Since then, I've started keeping an eye on all kinds of idols.
Q: Is that when you started thinking about becoming an idol?
Hayasaki: I had had a desire to become an idol for longer than that, but I was convinced that I wouldn't get in anyway. But when I started thinking about what I wanted to do after graduating from high school, I found myself thinking that what I really wanted to do was to become an idol. I decided that this would be the first and last audition I'd ever take part in, so I gave it a go and was surprised when I ended up passing.
Q: It's been about three months since you got in.
Hayasaki: Every single day feels like 'youth'! It's only been a few months since we first met, but we've already become good friends and can talk just about anything. We're great friends and work well as a team, and - all of us are foodies! Whenever lunchboxes are served, we rush to them and everyone eats their respective ones delightedly (laughs).
Q: That's nice. By the way, what's your favourite food?
Hayasaki: Mizu yokan. [T/L note: Mizu yokan, a chilled Japanese red bean jelly with chestnut is a traditional sweet treat in Japan.] You can only find mizu yokan in the shops during the summer. That's why I'm glad that summer is here! I have eight mizu yokan at home right now!
Q: Now, you are going to start your activities as an idol in earnest. Do you think you'll be able to overcome your fear of public appearances?
Hayasaki: I've always been an anxious person, but when it comes to BokuAo's activities, I don't get nervous at all. The people around me tell me, 'It's okay if you make mistakes, you don't have to stress about getting it right [from the get-go]', which makes it really easy and enjoyable. With that in mind, I'm really looking forward to the future!
Yanagihori Karen's part:
Q: First of all, please tell us about your hobbies, your special skills and your character.
Yanagihori: My speciality is the tea ceremony, my hobby is skiing, in particular, and I like to smile. ・・・・・・ I've kept saying that since the audition (laughs). I've been practicing the tea ceremony since I was in the first grade of primary school, and I've actually been doing it for a whole year now. At first, I was invited by a friend to go there for the sweets (laughs). But gradually, I realised how much fun it could be and I started taking it seriously. I also started to like wearing kimonos, and now I can even style myself.
Q: How come skiing is your hobby?
Yanagihori: It used to be my father's hobby, which is why I've started skiing ever since I was five. We go skiing every season.
Q: What about your club activities at school? 
Yanagihori: I'm the head of the tea ceremony club, as well as the manager of the swimming club. It's hard work, but I like the hustle and bustle of it all (laughs).
Q: So, Yanagihori-san, what made you decide to audition? 
Yanagihori: My mother was the one who suggested it to me. I used to be in the dance club, back in junior high school, and I also liked singing, so I used to often go to karaoke. When I was in primary school, I wanted to be a model too. That doesn't mean that I had done anything special, but given how my mother knew that I wanted to be in the show business world, she encouraged me to audition.
Q: The audition mentioned that it was looking for 'Nogizaka46's Official Rival'.
Yanagihori: I used to dance to Nogizaka46-san's songs, such as 'Influencer', in my junior high school dance club and I used to watch them on singing shows too. I thought they were really cute. I didn't think I would be accepted in the official rival audition, so I was very surprised and still feel quite flustered about it.
Q: Before you passed the audition, what career path did you have in mind for the future? 
Yanagihori: I wanted to become a nurse and I was thinking of going to university, to study nursing. I've said just earlier that 'I value smiles', and I really do want to make people smile, as well as the fact that I like doing my best for others. In that sense, I think that nursing and being an idol are both jobs that can benefit someone, and I like to think that there is a connection between the two.
Q: So, what are your dreams for the future?
Yanagihori: I want us to become a group that can bring smiles and courage to many, many people. I also want to improve myself, so that I'll be able to contribute lots to the group. I would also like to try modelling, which has been my dream since I was in primary school, and I'd also be interested in working as a narrator, which I hope to happen someday.
Yoshimoto Cocona: Born on the 5th of December, 2005, from Ishikawa. 156cm tall. Blood type A. Her nickname is Cocona. Her personal colour is brevet/blueish summer.
Yoshimoto Cocona's part:
Q: First of all, please tell us why you auditioned.
Yoshimoto: I didn't know much about idols really, but my mother found the notice for the audition. So she sent in my application all by herself......。 Originally, I wasn't interested in neither going to university nor getting a job, so - if I got accepted - I realized that I wouldn't have to do either・・・・・・・(laughs). After that, as the auditions went on, I became more and more interested in various idols and found myself wanting to get accepted. 
Q: Do you have any memories that stick out from the audition?
Yoshimoto: By the time of the final screening, everyone around me had already become friends, but I was really shy and wasn't able to talk. Once I had passed the audition, the members told me that I looked like a tough girl, but that wasn't the case. I was always told that I had an 'eye-catching face, but that I was modest on the inside' (laughs).
Q: So you've always been the quiet type?
Yoshimoto: I didn't like being in front of people. However, I liked Namie Amuro-san and had this hope that I could be someone like her in the future. Thanks to that admiration, I faintly found myself thinking that 'I want to enter the entertainment industry in the future', so I ended up taking jazz dance and singing lessons.
Q: You're right in the middle when it comes to the group's wide age range. Do you feel any difference in the way you interact with everyone [thanks to your age]? 
Yoshimoto: We all get on well together and I rarely feel the age difference between us. The junior high school students are always teasing me, by saying that 'You may think you're all cool, but you actually have a baby face!' (laughs).
Q: So you don't like being told that you have a baby face?
Yoshimoto: I hate it! I wasn't even aware that I had a baby face until I joined the group. I really admire Imada Mio-san and Araki Yuko-san, and my hairstyle is a bit like theirs too, so I want to be like them.
Q: What are your hobbies, your favourite things to do?
Yoshimoto: I don't really have any of those. I didn't take part in any club activities or had any part-time jobs, so I'd come home right away and spend all my time just lazing around. Apart from that, I think I might have watched dramas or films? I prefer Japanese films and dramas to foreign films, and I would like to act in such works one day.
Q: How does it feel, coming to Tokyo from Ishikawa Prefecture? 
Yoshimoto: It's difficult to get on the right trains and interchange them properly! In Ishikawa, I used to drive most of the time, so I'm still getting used to it.
Handwritten messages:
While aiming for the blue skies hidden beneath the clouds, all 23 of us will do our best!
"I'm going to do my best!!" - Sugiura Eren
"I am anxious, since I am new to all of this, but I will devote my effort to growing more and more.
All the members of BokuAo will do our best. I hope you will warmly watch over us!" - Yanagihori Karen
"I am still lacking in many aspects, but I will not forget [the reason for] my efforts and I'll do my best, so that one day, I'll become an idol who can bring hope and inspiration to someone. Thank you for your support!" - Yagi Toa
"I'm anxious because all of this is new to me, but, as much as I can, I'll do my best!!
All 23 of us are running towards the same dream, so I would be very happy if you could support us." - Hayasaki Suzuki
"I'm shy and need more courage than others to take the first step, but I'll work hard to become an idol who can become a catalyst for someone's dream, and I will do my best, so that many people will want to support me, all while not forgetting to express my gratitude." - Yoshimoto Cocona
[from Gekkan Entame’s August 2023 issue, featuring BokuAo's front row from their first single - 'Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru'.]
[TL by: yuzuiro]
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nisamisig · 2 years
forme-t-on un disciple de Jésus-Christ alors que la conversion du cœur n'a peut-être pas encore eu lieu ?».
</p><br>https://nisamisig.tumblr.com/post/692276227146498048/collerette-pour-chat-mode-demploi-thermomix, https://dowetopuvebo.tumblr.com/post/692275853988708352/mode-demploi-montre-superdry, https://nisamisig.tumblr.com/post/692276227146498048/collerette-pour-chat-mode-demploi-thermomix, https://nisamisig.tumblr.com/post/692276073561538561/ifit-act-mode-demploi, https://nisamisig.tumblr.com/post/692276227146498048/collerette-pour-chat-mode-demploi-thermomix.
#http://vk.cc/c7jKeU#nofollow#<p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><center>COMMENT ETRE UN BON DISCIPLE DE JESUS PDF >> <strong><u><a href= rel= targ#<br> comment devenir disciple de jésus#<br> la vie du disciple pdf#<br> les caracteristiques d'un bon disciple#<br> leadership et discipolat pdfqu'est ce qu'un disciple selon la bible pdf#<br> qu'est ce qu'un disciple de jesus#<br> les caractéristiques d'un vrai disciple pdf#<br>#<br> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>1. Le disciple de Jésus-Christ est prêt à être rejeté · 2. Un vrai disciple aime son prochain · 3. Le#COMMENT PRIER POUR LA FORMATION D'UN DISCIPLE DE JESUS-CHRIST 6- Seigneur#accorde-lui d'être enseigné sur la nécessité d'être un disciple et qu'il#Les qualités d'un bon disciple. Publié dans Les conditions pour être disciple. L'attitude du disciple vis-à-vis du faiseur de disciple. Com#entourage et d'y fairedes disciples de Jésus-Christ. ÉCOUTER…ET ENTENDRE DE DIEU être une bonne méthode pour entamer la discussion.#L'Eglise est le peuple que Dieu se donne par Jésus-Christ pour célébrer la gloire de sa grâce#pour proclamer la bonne nouvelle du salut et pour être son témoin#Les disciples de Jésus – Etudes. Cette série d'études peut être aussi bien utilisé dans un cadre d'étude Comment un disciple doit-il répond#C'est ainsi que le disciple de Christ devrait être au quotidien. Autrement dit#si une parole n'est pas bonne#pouvant servir à édifier et communiquer#Comment donnons-nous au Christ#jour après jour et concrètement#la priorité sur Etre disciple signifie accepter le Christ comme Sauveur et Seigneur.La question qui s'impose est alors : «Comment
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soimort48 · 2 months
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「ENTAME 2024年5月号」 横野すみれ
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hoshidoru · 2 years
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coovieilledentelle · 10 days
Allez hope une petit café et on entame la journée avec bonne humeur et de la musique au coeur.. Allumons notre regard, colorons notre sourire et soyons heureux ! n'oublions pas de rester un peu déjantés pour garder le sourire toute la journée…
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japanesebeautyforever · 9 months
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ENTAME 月刊エンタメ 2023.09-10 えなこ 「太陽とSHORT VACATION」
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gravia-idols · 1 year
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EnTame 2023.06-07 - 2
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noidol-nolife · 1 year
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月刊エンタメ 2023年 03・04月合併号 (2023/1/30)
‘’僕らのスローライフ’’ 五百城茉央 (乃木坂46)
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homomenhommes · 3 months
La nouvelle routine s'est mise en place. Mes clients sont ravis que j'ai pu augmenter le rythme de nos rendez vous. A 4 passes par semaine vu qu'ils sont maintenant 8 ils y ont droit deux fois par mois. Avec l'augmentation de ma " disponibilité ", j'ai pu contenter 4 nouveaux clients pris pour la moitié dans les amateurs de gang bang et l'autre moitié par relation, tous TBM. C'est la marque de ma petite entreprise, la satisfaction des " hors normes " !
Marc entre dans une phase de travail intense avec déplacements et travail à la maison. Nous en discutons ensemble, ce sont des opportunités à ne pas laisser passer. Sacrifice temporaire ! Contrairement à la fois précédente, il ne sera pas obligé de m'organiser mon emploi du temps. Entre mon boulot de paysagiste, la gestion de mes deux poulains, mon taf d'escort officiel d'Emma, il ne me restera pas beaucoup de temps libre. Et là il me laisse libre de baiser avec n'importe lequel de nos amis. Juste quand ses déplacements dépasseront la semaine. Sinon je l'attendrai avec impatience. Mais je ne crois pas que je le ferais.
Je vais me retrouver donc seul un WE sur deux ! C'est Emma qui est contente, elle récupère ainsi mes samedis soirs libres pour sortir.
Mercredi dernier j'ai emmené Ed chez le grand black. A l'aller, il était content car c'était la condition que j'avais posé pour qu'il puisse à l'avenir participer à nos touzes. Quand nous sommes arrivés, Ed a été impressionné par le client. Faut dire que 2m, costaud, noir Kiwi, monté plus de 27 cm x un bon 6,5 de diamètre, ça de quoi impressionner un gamin d'1,66m par 48kg, blanc ! Le client était content que je puisse lui fournir deux jeunes hommes si semblables (âge, format) ;tout en étant si différents (origine). Il l'a tout de suite entrepris. Comme toujours, je reste dans un coin pour veiller sur ma " marchandise ". Ed se trouva nu en un temps record. Profitant de sa force et de la légèreté d'Ed, le client l'a empoigné par les hanches et l'a basculé, tête vers son sexe. Ajustement de la hauteur et Ed se retrouva la gorge empalée sur la mégabite noire. Pour pouvoir respirer et maîtriser un peu l'envahissement de sa gorge il prit appui de ses mains sur les genoux de son pineur. Le client de son coté la bouche posée sur l'anus d'Ed lui bouffait l'oignon à grand coup de langue. C'est la première fois que je voyais cette position à la verticale. Le plus impressionnant c'est qu'ils l'ont tenu un bon moment. Lorsque notre black a pensé qu'Ed était prêt, il l'a posé sur le lit et, profitant de sa position horizontale, s'est enfoncé jusqu'aux couilles dans sa gorge. J'ai entendu que chaque pénétration étranglait Ed. Je me suis approché pour lui dire de se calmer. Il s'est excusé. J'en ai profité pour vérifier la dilatation anale de mon ptit mec. Je ne tiens pas à ce que cette brute le déchire. Il lui avait bien salivé la porte et Ed s'était ouvert à presque 4 doigts. Ça plus un peu de poppers et il pourra prendre le black. Je me retire et disant que c'est Ok et qu'il peut y aller. Pour se faire pardonner, il se couche sur le dos et demande à Ed de venir lui même s'empaler sur sa queue. Malgré la préparation, je vois le visage d'Ed se crisper alors qu'il pousse pour faire entrer le gland. Je m'approche d'eux et lui passe le flacon sous le nez. Chaleur, grosse chaleur et de lui même Ed descend d'une bonne dizaine de cm. Il me réclame une nouvelle dose. Je repasse le flacon et il se retrouve les fesses collées aux cuisses noires. Là, il ne bouge plus. Je lui demande si ça va, il me répond que c'est dur mais que c'est bon aussi. Je m'écarte.
Il reste bien 2/3 minutes sans bouger. Il remonte mais n'ose pas encore sortir toute la bite de son cul. Par contre je l'entends demander plus de gel. Le client se tartine à nouveau la kpote et Ed se rassoit. Le contraste entre les deux protagonistes est total, bien plus qu'avec Jimmy. Ed s'enhardi et entame un " pas " puis un " trot " appréciant sa nouvelle " selle ". Quand son anus s'est bien dilaté, il tourne la tête vers moi et me fait un clin d'oeil. Le black commence à le traiter de " ptite salope ", de " cul à baiser "... il le prend par les hanches et rythme lui même le mouvement d'Ed. Il (le black) se glisse vers le bord du lit et s'assoit en demandant à Ed de serrer ses cuisses contre ses hanches et de s'accrocher à son cou. Là il se lève. Il vient vers moi, me félicite de lui avoir trouvé deux jeunes aussi salopes puis s'écarte et plaque Ed contre un mur pour le fixer alors qu'il reprend le pilonnage anal. Le mec est résistant et je sais qu'il va limer un bon moment. Il bouge encore et vient poser Ed sur le plateau d'une commode, le cul juste au bord. Il n'oublie pas de graisser régulièrement sa tige. Ed est bien parti et même sans poppers donne tout ce qu'il a. Alors que le client l'écrase un peu, il s'empare d'un des gros tétons et l'aspire, le suce, en un mot le tète. Quand il le relâche pour attaquer le second, il découvre un téton raide d'un bon centimètre de longueur. Ses doigts remplacent sa bouche et le client gémis tout en continuant à limer le petit cul blanc d'Ed. Soudain, il se jette en arrière arrachant ses tétons aux bons soins de la bouche d'Ed et se bloque au fond de son cul. Il tressaute 4 à 5 fois avant de sortir. C'est seulement quand il s'est arraché qu'Ed a jute, bon point pour lui ! Comme toujours, le demi-verre de sperme qui distend la kpote est impressionnant. Nous envoyons Ed se doucher et le client me reprend l'enveloppe qu'il m'avait donné dès l'entrée pour refaire le chèque. Ce qu'il y a de bien chez mes clients c'est qu'ils sont suffisamment honnêtes pour reconnaître que parfois ça vaut plus que la passe de routine. Quand il me tend le nouveau papier, j'ai le plaisir d'y lire un montant augmenté de 50%. Pas mal !
Quand je ramène Ed chez lui, il n'y a personne, le ptit frère est au foot. J'en profite pour l'accompagner jusqu'à sa chambre. Grande, dans les 25m², posters d'équitation au mur !!! Aspect très comme il faut. Comme il n'a pas arrêté de me malaxer le paquet pendant le trajet en moto, je bande encore comme un taureau. Je le pousse sur son lit. Il a compris et défait ceinture et boutons de son 501. Je lui baisse le slip et tâte son anus. Malgré ce qu'il vient de se prendre, il s'est bien refermé et je dois saliver pour le rouvrir. J'ouvre ma combi par le bas, sors mes 20cm et les lui mets profond. Malgré ce qu'il vient de se prendre, son cul s'est bien resserré et je ne " nage " pas dedans. Je lui dis qu'il va falloir qu'il s'exerce à refermer son trou sur un crayon de bois. Il me demande comment et je lui explique les exercices de contractions annales qu'il va devoir faire si il ne veut pas que son anus ressemble à une chatte baveuse. Je reprends mon enculade sans douceur. Ed encaisse comme un pro. Son cul est trop bon. Je finis par éjaculer dedans, mes mains retenant ses hanches pour donner tout au fond de son cul. Il jute dans sa main pour ne pas en mettre partout. Je lui fais bouffer son sperme. Après m'être lavé la queue, je le quitte.
Quand je rentre, je suis seul pour encore un bon moment. Je vais à l'appart et y trouve Jimmy devant la télé. Il ne fait pas très chaud mais la piscine est chauffée et nous allons nous y délasser. Je pars pour 1h à contre courant pendant qu'il nage trankil à coté. Nous sommes interrompus par Marc qui est arrivé avec les peignoirs. Nous rentrons et Jimmy toujours " serviable " tombe à genoux aux pieds de Marc et avant qu'il ait eu le temps de réagir, entame un pipe. La bite mole prend très vite de l'épaisseur et défonce rapidement la gorge de mon petit protégé. Le mercredi, c'est le tour d'Ed et du coup il est en manque ! De mon coté je roule une pelle à mon mec. 10mn de ce régime, Jimmy exerçant des aspirations de plus en plus fortes, massant le gland derrière son larynx, Marc explose et il le gave de jus. J'en récupère une partie en roulant un patin à Jimmy.
Marc décide de garder Jimmy pour la soirée.
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