#yoshimoto cocona
bokuaosubs · 10 months
Gekkan Entame August 2023: Yagi Toa, Sugiura Eren, Hayasaki Suzuki, Yanagihori Karen & Yoshimoto Cocona interviews
The debut of Nogizaka46's official rival!
Nice to meet you, we are Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora.
This group was created as an official rival to Nogizaka46.
That idol group, produced by Akimoto Yasushi, is Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora.
We'll be taking a closer look at the personalities of the five fresh members, whose charms are yet to be discovered.
Yagi Toa: Born on the 1st of May, 2007, from Tokyo. 155cm tall. Blood type A. Her nickname is Toa. Her personal colour is yellowish/yebe spring.
Sugiura Eren: Born on the 19th of June, 2008, from Aichi. 160cm tall. Blood type O. Her nickname is Eren. Her personal colour is yellowish/yebe spring.
Yagi Toa's part:
Q: I understand that you have had a long history of dancing.
Yagi: My mother enrolled me in a dance school back when I was four years old, after seeing me dancing to the ending of Pretty Cure. I'd mainly do hip-hop, but the more I kept dancing, the more I would improve, so I enjoyed it and continued going until recently.
Q: Did you enjoy dancing in front of people, too?
Yagi: I've never been good at being in front of people, ever since I was little・・・・・・ I'd often feel like I did better during rehearsals than during the show itself (laughs).
Q: Why did you decide to become an idol, despite not being good at being in front of people?
Yagi: Around the time I became a junior high school student, I started to like the Sakamichi Groups and gradually, I started to think that I wanted to be an idol too. That's when I found out about the BokuAo audition on TikTok and ended up applying.
Q: What was particularly memorable to you regarding the audition?
Yagi: The singing [part of the] audition. There were many cameras and lots of adults, and I sang while thinking 'I'm being watched so closely', to the point where I couldn't hit any notes properly. I don't even know how I got accepted (laughs). I couldn't believe it for a good while, but when I took part in the training camp, there, too, were a lot of cameras and I talked a lot in front of them, I took dance lessons and voice training lessons and the like. I finally realised that I had really become an idol.
Q: Since starting your activities, when have you found being an idol rewarding?
Yagi: Given how I get to experience new things, such as magazine shoots and music video shoots, every day is fresh. I wasn't very good at singing, but after practicing, I've become more confident, singing-wise, and now I enjoy doing that [singing] with everyone.
Q: So, at this very moment, what are the challenges you are currently facing as an idol?
Yagi: It's facial expressions. I practice in front of the mirror on a regular basis, but whenever the camera is pointed at me, I become all stiff. That's why I admire the members who are good at displaying charming facial expressions. I'm also not very good at talking, so I want to improve my talking skills and my mental strength.
Q: You were chosen as the center for the group's debut single, 'Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru'.
Yagi: I didn't expect that... I was surprised, but, most importantly, I want to polish my performance skills, so that many people would feel tempted to listen to our debut single.
Sugiura Eren's part:
Q: Why did you decide to become an idol? 
Sugiura: I have been learning dance since the first grade of primary school, but I didn't really want to be an idol, instead I wanted to become a dancer in theme park productions and make lots of people smile. My mother told me there was an audition, but I didn't want to go for it at the time. But when I was looking around on SNS, the notice about the audition just popped up and I thought it was fate, so I applied in the end.
Q: What genres of dance did you learn? 
Sugiura: I started out with idol dances, then jazz, ballet, theme park-specific dancing, J-pop and many others. The one I did for quite a long time was jazz. It was very difficult and there were many times when I wanted to quit, but I loved the process of creating performances for the annual recital.
Q: Did you show off your dance moves as your appeal point during the auditions? 
Sugiura: I wanted to show myself as I was, so I didn't dare try to appeal. I couldn't sing well and my self-PR was weak, so I thought I'd have no chance of ever getting in. While waiting for the announcement of whether I'd got in or not, I was eating Pocky or talking to my friends on the phone (laughs).
Q: Does your dance experience come in handy in your idol activities? 
Sugiura: Thankfully, I was given a leading dance position, as well as a solo part in the first single. I like to think I'm quick at learning choreography, so I'm really glad that I've kept on dancing.
Q: What other [club] activities have you taken part in, apart from dancing? 
Sugiura: I played percussion in the brass band until I was in the eighth grade, mainly the timpani. [T/L note: Timpani or kettledrums are musical instruments in the percussion family. A type of drum categorised as a hemispherical drum, they consist of a membrane called a head stretched over a large bowl traditionally made of copper.] I joined the club because I saw an older student playing the drums at a trial demonstration of what the club would be like, and he looked so cool. Given how I used to dance too, it was fun coming up with different rhythms.
Q: What are the current challenges you are facing?
Sugiura: I want to improve my talking skills. I'm someone who talks a lot, but I don't have an extensive vocabulary, so I often can't come up with the exact words that can convey what I want to say (laughs). I would like to one day work as a radio personality, so I will do my best!
Q: I got the impression that you are a very confident person, back during the group's unveiling event.
Sugiura: I wasn't nervous at all. I'm usually someone who's helped by the members, so I'm glad I was able to be a person who could mentally support the others during the unveiling.
Q: What is the goal you are currently aiming for?
Sugiura: Our members come from all over the country, so I'd like us to perform in each of our hometowns!
Hayasaki Suzuki: Born on the 13th of March, 2005, from Tokyo. 161cm tall. Blood type B. Her nickname is Suu. Her personal colour is brevet/blueish summer.
Yanagihori Karen: Born on the 24th of July, 2005, from Tokyo. 163.4cm tall. Blood type B. Her nickname is BoriBori. Her personal colour is yellowish/yebe autumn.
Hayasaki Suzuki's part:
Q: Isn't it unusual to have the name 'Suzuki'? 
Hayasaki: People often tell me that. The 'Suzu' comes from my great-grandmother, whose name was 'Misuzu', but I don't really know where the 'ki' came from (laughs). After I became part of BokuAo, I realised that it was easy for people to remember me, and I started liking it! 
Q: Hayasaki-san, you are particularly good at playing the piano, and you've won prizes in multiple competitions.
Hayasaki: I've studied the piano from the first grade of primary school to the third grade of high school. I also played the violin for five years, so I think my sense of pitch is one of my greatest strengths. However, I wasn't as good when it came to playing in public, and I was quite bad at taking part in competitions.
Q: How did you become interested in idols?
Hayasaki: Back when I was in primary school, I went to a park with my family and happened to see an idol group performing there. I was still young at the time, so even though we didn't have any tickets, we were given special seats, and the idols were so enthusiastic! I fell in love with them and ended up becoming a fan, along with my father, until the day when they broke up. Since then, I've started keeping an eye on all kinds of idols.
Q: Is that when you started thinking about becoming an idol?
Hayasaki: I had had a desire to become an idol for longer than that, but I was convinced that I wouldn't get in anyway. But when I started thinking about what I wanted to do after graduating from high school, I found myself thinking that what I really wanted to do was to become an idol. I decided that this would be the first and last audition I'd ever take part in, so I gave it a go and was surprised when I ended up passing.
Q: It's been about three months since you got in.
Hayasaki: Every single day feels like 'youth'! It's only been a few months since we first met, but we've already become good friends and can talk just about anything. We're great friends and work well as a team, and - all of us are foodies! Whenever lunchboxes are served, we rush to them and everyone eats their respective ones delightedly (laughs).
Q: That's nice. By the way, what's your favourite food?
Hayasaki: Mizu yokan. [T/L note: Mizu yokan, a chilled Japanese red bean jelly with chestnut is a traditional sweet treat in Japan.] You can only find mizu yokan in the shops during the summer. That's why I'm glad that summer is here! I have eight mizu yokan at home right now!
Q: Now, you are going to start your activities as an idol in earnest. Do you think you'll be able to overcome your fear of public appearances?
Hayasaki: I've always been an anxious person, but when it comes to BokuAo's activities, I don't get nervous at all. The people around me tell me, 'It's okay if you make mistakes, you don't have to stress about getting it right [from the get-go]', which makes it really easy and enjoyable. With that in mind, I'm really looking forward to the future!
Yanagihori Karen's part:
Q: First of all, please tell us about your hobbies, your special skills and your character.
Yanagihori: My speciality is the tea ceremony, my hobby is skiing, in particular, and I like to smile. ・・・・・・ I've kept saying that since the audition (laughs). I've been practicing the tea ceremony since I was in the first grade of primary school, and I've actually been doing it for a whole year now. At first, I was invited by a friend to go there for the sweets (laughs). But gradually, I realised how much fun it could be and I started taking it seriously. I also started to like wearing kimonos, and now I can even style myself.
Q: How come skiing is your hobby?
Yanagihori: It used to be my father's hobby, which is why I've started skiing ever since I was five. We go skiing every season.
Q: What about your club activities at school? 
Yanagihori: I'm the head of the tea ceremony club, as well as the manager of the swimming club. It's hard work, but I like the hustle and bustle of it all (laughs).
Q: So, Yanagihori-san, what made you decide to audition? 
Yanagihori: My mother was the one who suggested it to me. I used to be in the dance club, back in junior high school, and I also liked singing, so I used to often go to karaoke. When I was in primary school, I wanted to be a model too. That doesn't mean that I had done anything special, but given how my mother knew that I wanted to be in the show business world, she encouraged me to audition.
Q: The audition mentioned that it was looking for 'Nogizaka46's Official Rival'.
Yanagihori: I used to dance to Nogizaka46-san's songs, such as 'Influencer', in my junior high school dance club and I used to watch them on singing shows too. I thought they were really cute. I didn't think I would be accepted in the official rival audition, so I was very surprised and still feel quite flustered about it.
Q: Before you passed the audition, what career path did you have in mind for the future? 
Yanagihori: I wanted to become a nurse and I was thinking of going to university, to study nursing. I've said just earlier that 'I value smiles', and I really do want to make people smile, as well as the fact that I like doing my best for others. In that sense, I think that nursing and being an idol are both jobs that can benefit someone, and I like to think that there is a connection between the two.
Q: So, what are your dreams for the future?
Yanagihori: I want us to become a group that can bring smiles and courage to many, many people. I also want to improve myself, so that I'll be able to contribute lots to the group. I would also like to try modelling, which has been my dream since I was in primary school, and I'd also be interested in working as a narrator, which I hope to happen someday.
Yoshimoto Cocona: Born on the 5th of December, 2005, from Ishikawa. 156cm tall. Blood type A. Her nickname is Cocona. Her personal colour is brevet/blueish summer.
Yoshimoto Cocona's part:
Q: First of all, please tell us why you auditioned.
Yoshimoto: I didn't know much about idols really, but my mother found the notice for the audition. So she sent in my application all by herself......。 Originally, I wasn't interested in neither going to university nor getting a job, so - if I got accepted - I realized that I wouldn't have to do either・・・・・・・(laughs). After that, as the auditions went on, I became more and more interested in various idols and found myself wanting to get accepted. 
Q: Do you have any memories that stick out from the audition?
Yoshimoto: By the time of the final screening, everyone around me had already become friends, but I was really shy and wasn't able to talk. Once I had passed the audition, the members told me that I looked like a tough girl, but that wasn't the case. I was always told that I had an 'eye-catching face, but that I was modest on the inside' (laughs).
Q: So you've always been the quiet type?
Yoshimoto: I didn't like being in front of people. However, I liked Namie Amuro-san and had this hope that I could be someone like her in the future. Thanks to that admiration, I faintly found myself thinking that 'I want to enter the entertainment industry in the future', so I ended up taking jazz dance and singing lessons.
Q: You're right in the middle when it comes to the group's wide age range. Do you feel any difference in the way you interact with everyone [thanks to your age]? 
Yoshimoto: We all get on well together and I rarely feel the age difference between us. The junior high school students are always teasing me, by saying that 'You may think you're all cool, but you actually have a baby face!' (laughs).
Q: So you don't like being told that you have a baby face?
Yoshimoto: I hate it! I wasn't even aware that I had a baby face until I joined the group. I really admire Imada Mio-san and Araki Yuko-san, and my hairstyle is a bit like theirs too, so I want to be like them.
Q: What are your hobbies, your favourite things to do?
Yoshimoto: I don't really have any of those. I didn't take part in any club activities or had any part-time jobs, so I'd come home right away and spend all my time just lazing around. Apart from that, I think I might have watched dramas or films? I prefer Japanese films and dramas to foreign films, and I would like to act in such works one day.
Q: How does it feel, coming to Tokyo from Ishikawa Prefecture? 
Yoshimoto: It's difficult to get on the right trains and interchange them properly! In Ishikawa, I used to drive most of the time, so I'm still getting used to it.
Handwritten messages:
While aiming for the blue skies hidden beneath the clouds, all 23 of us will do our best!
"I'm going to do my best!!" - Sugiura Eren
"I am anxious, since I am new to all of this, but I will devote my effort to growing more and more.
All the members of BokuAo will do our best. I hope you will warmly watch over us!" - Yanagihori Karen
"I am still lacking in many aspects, but I will not forget [the reason for] my efforts and I'll do my best, so that one day, I'll become an idol who can bring hope and inspiration to someone. Thank you for your support!" - Yagi Toa
"I'm anxious because all of this is new to me, but, as much as I can, I'll do my best!!
All 23 of us are running towards the same dream, so I would be very happy if you could support us." - Hayasaki Suzuki
"I'm shy and need more courage than others to take the first step, but I'll work hard to become an idol who can become a catalyst for someone's dream, and I will do my best, so that many people will want to support me, all while not forgetting to express my gratitude." - Yoshimoto Cocona
[from Gekkan Entame’s August 2023 issue, featuring BokuAo's front row from their first single - 'Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru'.]
[TL by: yuzuiro]
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Suzuki Hayasaki, Eren Sugiura, Karen Yanagihori, Toa Yagi, Cocona Yoshimoto
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Announcement ❤️ (Yoshimoto Cocona 14th blog)
Everyone, good evening!
This is Cocona !
I got to appear in “Gekkan Entame”
that is now on sale today ! !
We took photos under a beautiful blue sky〜‪💙✨️
It was a fun photoshoot with everyone playing kagefumi ✌️
[T/L note: 'Kagefumi' is a game similar to tag, but the twist is that instead of trying to touch another player when you're 'it', in this case you're supposed to step on each other’s shadows.]
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I got some ice cream from Kokoka today 🍨
It was an out of the blue gift
and I was soooooooo happy 💕 Thank you, Kokoka 😍
Thank you very much for reading!
See you later〜!
[TL by: K QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
It’s hot everyday, isn’t it 🥵 (Yoshimoto Cocona 13th blog)
Good evening, everyone ♪
This is Cocona !
As the hot days go on,
Is everyone in good health🫠…?
Are you unsure if you're experiencing heatstroke or rather, a cold? Try sleeping with an ice pillow 🧊
Speaking of which, right after I talked about how I still haven’t had yakiniku since I came to Tokyo, I finally got around to trying yakinikuー!
(The photo of the grilled meat/yakiniku itself was uploaded on Suzu’s blog😸)
I also got to see the sea with everyone after the recording 😆
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A few days ago, I went to get some shaved ice with Yuhoー🍧
Yuho, thank you for a great time 💞
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I'm more of a soft-serve ice cream person than a [shaved] ice person, but I've realized that the different types of shaved ice are much more delicious in the summer 😋✨
I hope to enjoy Kanto even more with the members from now on
Thank you for reading.
Bye-bye 👋
[TL by: K
QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Thank you 💕 (Yoshimoto Cocona 11th blog)
Good evening, everyone ♪
This is Cocona
I was going through my photos thinking of what to post on my blog, and I found a photo from when 
I was picking strawberries with my family 🍓 I really love strawberries ♡
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Today was my first day off after a long time.
I am having a bit of trouble getting back to Ishikawa Prefecture unless I have a 3-day holiday
(even though it only takes 2.5 hours to get there 😂)
While I was thinking about what I should do today〜
I got an express delivery from my parents’ home 📦
Occasionally, they send me a fun BOX that I don’t know the contents of…
Even though it is full of things that I can buy by myself, the timing is always good so that it arrives right when I am about to run out of them [said items]〜
Also, they included various things that I thought were cute〜 like new clothes and makeup, they secretly prepare them and pack them in the box together 🥺
Among those items, they also included this kind of heartwarming thingー 🤣
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Because I like Kokin-chan, I think they surely sent it to me while putting emphasis on the illustration, , but it did actually cheer me up ✊ lol
[T/L note: Kokin-chan (コキンちゃん) is a character from the Anpanman anime series. She is a young, bright blue germ with a red bow on her antenna.]
The hot days are continuing, so let’s both eat, drink and sleep well, and get through the summer while paying attention to our health 🍧✨
I am trying to drink 2L of water everyday, but
On busy days, I can’t achieve this goal 🫣
Everyone, is there something you are also trying to do ? 
Well then, once again…
Thank you very much for reading [my] blog.
[TL by: K
QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Odaiba Adventure King (Yoshimoto Cocona 10th blog)
Everyone, good evening ♪
This is Cocona !
Today was a wonderful day ❤︎
I got to appear on the
“Mezamashi Rock-paper-scissors ✊” that I had wanted to play
and then
the opening ceremony of
[it was time for] “Odaiba Adventure King 2023” ✨✨
Our first performance on a stage in front of a live audience 🎉
Being able to receive such power from your support and your encouraging cheers… 😢✨
It was a performance where I had to hold back my overflowing, impossible to describe feelings.
I watched the video [of the performance] later,
Both myself and all the members, we were able to smile and laugh from the bottom of our hearts, thanks to the people who came to see us…
People who watched on TV as well, people who watched it on streaming because it was not shown on your local channels too,
Truly, thank you so much 🥺
Miuna definitely!! watched as well 👀💕
One heart, [one mind] ✨
[T/L note: the expression used for ‘one heart’ (‘心は1つ’) refers to a moment where two or more things come together as one. In this case, Cocona and Miuna’s feelings unified, resulting in ‘one heart, one mind’]
Thank you for reading [my] blog today as well ✨
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[TL by: K QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Announcement ☆📢⋆ (Yoshimoto Cocona 9th blog)
Good evening, everyone !
This is Cocona !
Together with BokuAo, I got to grace
the front cover of “Young Jump”
that is on sale from July 20th! ✨
We took photos in outfits other than our uniforms!
It was refreshing to see the members styled differently from their usual and [to see them] being 100 times as cute ✨✨
It was a very fun photoshoot taken in a cute set ❤️
I would be happy if you took a look at the magazines that are lined up on convenience store shelves 😊💕
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And now ! ! !
Tomorrow, I will be appearing on “Odaiba Adventure King 2023 SUMMER SPLASH!” that I was looking forward to!! ️🍉
I will do my best enthusiastically from the morning ♪
I will go to bed early today 💤
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Today, on the 21st of July (Friday), Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora’s “Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru” Dance Movie has been released on YouTube 🙌 Please make sure to watch it !!⬇️
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Thank you very much for reading until the end 💌
See you laterー!!
[TL by: K QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Vol.7 Announcement ‪⸜♡⸝‪‪ (Yoshimoto Cocona 8th blog)
Announcement !
Hayasaki Suzuki, Yagi Toa, Yanagihori Karen, Yoshimoto Cocona, all of us appeared on “SWEET DEN OF PREMIERE” !
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It was really fun and the time passed by in a flash 😊 This summer 🥥 I hope that all of you will get to know a lot about “BokuAo”!
The program will be broadcasted on July 23, at 25:55~26:20! [T/L note: 1:55-2:20 AM]
Please make sure to watch it ! ✔
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Then, here is an off-shot taken backstage 📸
This features me, who was really excited after seeing a plastic bottle with a straw and with my name on it, for the first time after I became a member of BokuAo… 🥺✨
Everyday, I am grateful for the many people who prepare things for us and take such good care of us day after day…
Before I go to sleep? While I am taking a bath, I say “Thank you very much for today ✨✨” and only then do I go to bed.
A mysterious Cocona routine. It’s a secret.
Thank you for readingー!
See you laterー 🫶🏻
[TL by: K QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Vol.6 I made a mistake 💌 (Yoshimoto Cocona 7th blog)
Everyone, good evening 🌙 This is Yoshimoto Cocona !
In my previous blog, I wrote Janga instead of Jenga [That’s] Embarrassing… sorry 🙏 I wonder if anyone noticed? ?  lol
First time playing Jenga… eh, was it the first time ? ?… If I remember right, I have probably never played Jenga or UNO before 🙃
There are 3 sisters in my family, and there is a great age difference between us as well, so I feel like we’re always having friends over at our home, all in all, we’re a very lively, tight-knit family. [T/L note: she wrote family in English]
Often singing, dancing, or doing crafts… Thanks to all of that, I am pretty skilled with my hands ✌️
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During the audition, I read a picture book story about myself until now 📚 The staff told me that they want to see the rest of the story! 😲
The continuation of the story, “BokuAo” starts now and it will be a story made by the 23 of us and all of you,
There is still a long way to go until the second part of the story 🤭 I would be happy if you would create a beautiful story together with us ♡
Once again, thank you very much.
Moreover, starting today The ‘BokuAo viewcount challenge!’ has started on Tiktok. I would be happy if you took part in it ⭐︎ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLa5aRUD/
Thank you very much for reading〜
See you later!
[TL by: K QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Vol.6 First SHOWROOM (Yoshimoto Cocona 6th blog)
Good evening, everyone! This is Cocona!
Today I streamed on SHOWROOM for the first time. For the two of us, Ami-chan and I, our hearts were beating so fast Although we are [a combination of people who tend to be shy and aren’t very chatty], we received a lot of comments from you all, and the 45 minutes went by in a flash.
I succeeded at Janga in one shotー!! [T/L note: she meant Jenga, but made a typo]
Ahーーit was fun ! !
After the stream, I ate ice cream 🍨 It was delicious 😋
Actually, I didn’t participate in SHOWROOM during auditions because I was embarrassed and it was impossible, I couldn’t do it 😭 but Today, I overcame one more thing that I am bad at To be able to think something like “It was fun〜” now, I am truly happy and full of gratitude ✨✨ Ami-chan, thank you as well 💌
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Thank you very much, trulyー ‼︎
See you later! 🩷
[TL by: K
QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Vol.5 News (Yoshimoto Cocona 5th blog)
Good afternoon, everyone! This is Cocona!
I have some happy news ☆
I got to appear on the front cover of “Young Jump” with BokuAo 🙌🏼✨✨
The photoshoot was really fun ! !
“Young Jump” has the image of a “men’s magazine”, but I hope girls will pick it up and take a look at it as well !
It goes on sale on the 20th of July (Thursday) ! !
I would be happy if you were to GET it 🌟
And then, on the 17th of July (Monday), I will be streaming on SHOWROOM together with Ami-chan!
I would be happy if you watched itー 🫣💓
I am going to post a picture taken together with Ami-chan ♡♡
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Then, see you laterー!
[TL by: K
QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Vol.4 MV 👀 (Yoshimoto Cocona 4th blog)
Everyone, have you watched the “Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru” MV that was released yesterday? !
While walking to school on the footpath between the rice fields, listening to music and singing, I learned baton twirling. I thought “I should incorporate it [in the MV]!” and that’s how the scene of me dancing with an umbrella instead of a baton was created!
(Although it was an umbrella, I could twirl it much better than I imagined lol)
It was my first MV filming, and they took me to a country road… I felt a little helpless shooting [the MV scenes] alone, but checking the end result on the monitor was really fun ♪
Here’s a photo from the solo MV filming 🩵
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And then, the one-take shots of me, Yagi-chan and Suzu were taken with a beautiful sunset as the backdrop [T/L note: 4:09 onwards in the MV]
I highly recommend watching this scene!! I am impressed by how it was shot in a really cool way ✨✨
Though I often find myself thinking I have a ‘cool’ image, in reality… I actually am a cool and easy-going girl 😂
I put my passion into this cool and powerful dance ❤️‍🔥
This is a photo I took with everyone after the filming was over 📸 Eren came to watch our filming 😂 (Always a good friend 🥰)
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This has been [the blog] about the “Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru” MV 💌 Thank you very much for reading [my] blog ! See you later ♡
[TL by: K
QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Vol.3 FNS Song Festival (Yoshimoto Cocona 3rd blog)
Good afternoon, everyone! This is Cocona!
Have you watched the FNS Song Festival?!
I feel truly blessed that my first music show is the FNS Song Festival 💓🎶 Ever since I was a child, I used to do better at an actual event [rather than during the preparation leading up to it]… This is surely because, I have no confidence in myself so I always practice 100 times and do image training. lol I think that’s because, if I practice 100 times, no matter how nervous I get or how blank my mind goes, I get the kind of “I’ll be fine if I did it this often” confidence 🥺 That is my good luck charm 🤲🏻✨✨ That is why, Even though I was nervous, I had lots of fun ! ! From now on, so that I can appear on many music shows, I will do my best!! ✊🏻
So that I can hear everyone in Japan hum along to Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora’s “Aozora ni Tsuite Kangaeru”… ♡
I did the Cocosuzu pose ! ! So that it can get popular 🌟 lol
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Thank you very much for reading [my] blogー! See you laterー 👋🩷
[T/L note: she wrote “blog” in English. She has a tendency to include some English words in her blogs, she signs off with ‘cocona’ (instead of ‘ここな’) most of the time, etc.]
[TL by: K
QC by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
Vol. 2 Announcements ☆ (Yoshimoto Cocona 2nd blog)
Everyone, hello! I’m Cocona 💄
Tomorrow, on the 12th of July, I’ll be performing at the FNS 2023 Summer Song Festival, which I truly adore.
I love singing programmes and I’ve always watched the FNS Summer Song Festival, without fail.
The memorable first stage For all 23 of BokuAo’s members 🎶 I’m grateful to be part of such a blessed environment and I hope I’ll be able to perform to the best of my ability!!
Everyone, please take a look!
And, one more announcement ❤️
Today, cocona’s [written in English] first solo music video [intro video] has been released!! I was the last member, the 23rd [to have their video released], so I waited and waited ♡ lol
I was asked to recreate my genuine reaction from a few weeks ago. How did I do??? I’d love to hear what you think [about it] ^_^
Thank you very much for reading my blog ❤️ I’ll post a video with myself as a child, from my solo introductory music video ♡
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[TL by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
blog start! (Yoshimoto Cocona 1st blog)
Everyone, it’s nice to meet you!
Part of Boku ga Mitakatta Aozora, I am Yoshimoto Cocona!
We’ve finally started our personal blogs on the 10th of July! ♪ I hope that many people will be able to read these blogs. I don’t have much literary talent, but… Please kindly watch over me!
In order to help you all get to know me, I would like to introduce myself!
I’m Yoshimoto Cocona! Born in Ishikawa Prefecture, I’m 17-years-old Birthday: the 5th of December, 2005 Blood Type: Type A Personal colour: Brevet Summer
My favourite food is yakiniku [grilled meat], My favourite sweets are crêpes and My favourite fruit is the strawberry.
I’m the member who usually doesn’t have bangs. I hope you’ll remember me as ‘the girl with uniformly-cut hair’!
The capital city of Ishikawa Prefecture is Kanazawa, which is famous for its seafood bowls! If you come to Kanazawa for sightseeing, you should definitely try… Eating the delicious food near Kanazawa Station, Omicho Market or Higashi Chaya District ^ ^
But, My number one favourite has to be yakiniku… I also like negitan-shio [salted beef tongue with leek / green onions]!!
I haven’t been to any yakiniku restaurant ever since coming to Tokyo, so I’d like to know if there is a place you recommend that serves negitan-shio ★
So, please come back to read cocona’s blog from now on! ☆ Thank you very much! ♪
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[TL by: yuzuiro]
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bokuaosubs · 10 months
B.L.T. August 2023: Anno Aoi, Kudo Yua, Miyakoshi Yuria, Nishimori Aya, Shiogama Nana & Yoshimoto Cocona interviews
Anno Aoi's part:
"I quite like the Sakamichi groups. I wasn't sure if I could find myself accepting [becoming a part of] this group, given how I wasn't confident that I'd pass the audition.
However, my friends and my mother advised me to join the group, thus, I made up my mind. As of right now, I don't know just what kind of group we will become, but I hope we will be a group where everyone is highly aware [of their circumstances/surroundings] and can improve each other.
Everyone has a good personality, so, recently, I feel like I've become kinder too [laughs]. One day, in a few years' time, I would like to participate in the Kouhaku Uta Gassen."
Kudo Yua's part:
"I've always loved dancing and performing in front of people. I've also loved watching idols, so my mother encouraged me to apply.
I like Nogizaka46's Kaki Haruka-san, and collect her goods. Although I am part of their official rival group, I want to be someone just like her who can make those who support us smile.
I want to be part of a group that is able to do that [making the fans smile]. I've been dancing for about six years. There are a lot of members who are older or have more experience than me, but I'll do my best not to be outdone by them in terms of expresiveness."
Miyakoshi Yuria's part:
"I had always dreamed of being an idol and, given how I've just finished high school, I thought this was a now or never moment. My personality... I'm a shy, yet cheerful person. However, if the other person I'm talking to is shy, too, then I'll approach them myself.
I'm not very good at dancing, but during our training camp, I came to like it quite a bit. I am confident that I can sing loudly, too. In the future, I'd like to be a model.
I would also like to appear on the TV programme Shabekuri 007, and I would like to hold a concert in my hometown, Fukui, at the Sun Dome, so I hope that all my friends in Fukui could attend!"
Nishimori Aya's part:
"I didn't want to find a job, so I decided to join the audition as an escape from reality. Everyone else was completely determined to become an idol, so I really wondered whether it was okay for someone like me, with such aspirations, to be here.
Now that I've passed the audition, however, I'm really enjoying being an idol, so I want to have fun while I can.
I also want to become someone who can give hope to people, who can prove that even a country girl like me can be active in Tokyo, [as an idol]."
Shiogama Nana's part:
"I am a fan of Nogizaka46-san, and I've watched many of their programmes and concerts. I thought that if I joined their rival group, I would be able to improve myself further, so I decided to take this challenge.
But, I didn't really think that I'd be able to become an idol. Before that, I had wanted to become a nursery school teacher, but I passed the audition and decided to tell my father.
When I called him, he told me that he was sure I would get in. [Dear parents,] I'm a fool! (laughs) I really want to be part of a group that is great at singing and dancing!"
Yoshimoto Cocona's part:
"While I was watching Tiktoks to pass the time, I came across the video of the audition and was enthralled. I wanted to eventually be active in the entertainment industry, and I was at an age where I was wondering what my career path would be, so this was perfect timing!
I've studied jazz dance for four years, so I think I'm pretty good at it. The training camp, too, was a lot of fun. I'm not a person who cries too often, but I might just cry with happiness if we ever hold a concert in my hometown! (laughs)"
[from BLT's August 2023 issue, featuring BokuAo.]
[TL by: yuzuiro]
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