#enrico zambonini
antifaintl · 5 years
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Enrico Zambonini  (April 28, 1893 - January 30, 1944).
Italian anarchist, fighter against Franco in Spain and anti-fascist partisan.
The essay by Giuseppe Galzerano (2009) reconstructs life and political events of the anarchist born in Villa Minozzo (a small municipality in the mountains of Reggio Emilia). Zambonini also lived in exile in France, Belgium and Spain. Caught by the National Republican Army, was killed in Reggio Emilia in 1944 at age 51. That’s the story of a self-educated man speaking three languages, a man who’s never allowed the fascist arrogance subdue him. For his political and human experience he’s not therefore “a local figure”, but he’s part of a wider European and international context. His biography is the evidence of a courageous and consistent activism countering the European totalitarian regimes in the bloodiest Twentieth Century years.
Wikipedia (Italian). Downloadable biografy (pdf, Italian).
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goodbearblind · 3 years
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Posted @withregram • @archivio.anarchico Il 30 gennaio 1944, a poco più di un mese dall'uccisione dei sette fratelli Cervi e di Quarto Camurri, nel Poligono di tiro di Reggio Emilia i fascisti repubblichini fucilarono senza pietà gli antifascisti: #EnricoZambonini, #PasquinoBorghi, #RomeoBenassi, #UmbertoDodi, #DarioGaiti, #DestinoGiovannetti, #EnricoMenozzi, #ContardoTrentini e #FerruccioBattini «Enrico Zambonini rifiutò i conforti religiosi e sollevando il pugno chiuso urlò: "W l’anarchia!"» https://www.instagram.com/p/CKrWo9IAsSl/?igshid=1ubzanxfb14nk
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camfoc · 10 years
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Enrico Zambonini  (April 28, 1893 - January 30, 1944).
Italian anarchist, fighter against Franco in Spain and anti-fascist partisan.
The essay by Giuseppe Galzerano (2009) reconstructs life and political events of the anarchist born in Villa Minozzo (a small municipality in the mountains of Reggio Emilia). Zambonini also lived in exile in France, Belgium and Spain. Caught by the National Republican Army, was killed in Reggio Emilia in 1944 at age 51. That’s the story of a self-educated man speaking three languages, a man who’s never allowed the fascist arrogance subdue him. For his political and human experience he’s not therefore “a local figure”, but he’s part of a wider European and international context. His biography is the evidence of a courageous and consistent activism countering the European totalitarian regimes in the bloodiest Twentieth Century years.
Wikipedia (Italian). Downloadable biography (pdf, Italian).
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