ensomheterjohan · 7 years
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№ 324: #Explore. www.ensomheterJohan.se #mecha #onepictureaday #doodleadaynov #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 Not time to go to work just yet, so why not post a drawing while waiting? I took the photo some days ago. Also while waiting. The drawing is from the 20th of november 2015. Don't remember if that as well was done while waiting for something. But I do know that it was inspired by the theme of the day, which according to @ellolovey was "explore".
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artbyvirki · 7 years
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hstintan · 8 years
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151231_Under #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #illustration Sista bilden varje dag för mig. Återkommer lite när andan faller på under 2016. Detta år ska jag handarbeta mer istället. Och springa. Och äta glass! Och kramas. Tack för detta år alla som varit med i #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 och alla som gillat och kommenterat mina illustrationer. Ett extra tack till alla temapåhittare 😘 Gott nytt 2016!
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Dyck || A Drink
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ensomheterjohan · 7 years
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№ 350: #Olycksfågel. www.ensomheterJohan.se #onepictureaday #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #bird It seems that @enkreativgrej died with the month of May. But then again, if there is one thing we have been taught by modern culture, it is that death, much like life, is not permanent. So maybe one day... Anyway, in December 2015 the #enkreativgrej challenge was managed by @ronjamatilda. And among the themes she presented was "olycksfågel". For the sixteenth day of the month in question. And this fågel is, as you can see, certainly unlucky. Getting an anvil dropped on you. That's kind of the obviousest way to be unlucky. Not much more to say about it.
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ensomheterjohan · 7 years
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№ 321: #KeyFigure. www.ensomheterJohan.se #onepictureaday #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #anthropomorphic Going by train again. This time I'm on my way home from @spex_sm in Örebro. So while travelling, I post another old drawing. This is from when @annefridsjoman gave us the @enkreativgrej theme #nyckelperson.
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artbyvirki · 7 years
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När man låter fantasin och pennan flöda fritt, utan riktlinjer eller planer, bara skapar... ▪️◾️️◾
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artbyvirki · 7 years
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Har ritat varje dag, kladdat i mina skissböcker på väg till och från jobbet, fortsatt rita hemma efter disk, matlagning, middag. Det har varit skönt att rita av sig trots att tiden varit knapp. Den här ritades i måndags iallafall
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ensomheterjohan · 7 years
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№ 311: #Nötkreatur. www.ensomheterJohan.se #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #nötter #onepictureaday An @enkreativgrej piece from 2015 when @annefridsjoman gave us the theme #nuts. Yeah, these bovines are indeed nuts, but this is also a pun in Swedish. No, I won't explain it. If you get it, you get it.
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ensomheterjohan · 7 years
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№ 365: Cowpower. www.ensomheterJohan.se #onepictureaday #enkreativgrej2017 #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 On New Years Eve 2015, the @enkreativgrej theme given by @ronjamatilda was #under. The same theme was used earlier in that year. I drew a wonderbug then. This time, I drew a cow. Not a wondercow. Just a cow. Or actually a rather weird cow. But still a cow. The reason I drew a cow is that the theme made me think of a piece of dialogue from Apple War. I don't demand understanding from anyone who haven't seen the movie. But the thing is: It referred to a cow. So I drew a cow. For today, @jessicaritar gave us the theme #girlpower. I think the drawing could fit that theme too.
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ensomheterjohan · 7 years
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№ 366: Another #insect. www.ensomheterJohan.se #charcoaldrawing #challenge #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #enkreativgrej2016 When you force yourself to make one picture each day of the year, you will inevitably try different things. I have used pencils, ballpoint pens, felttip pens, crayons, pencil crayons, chalk, tomatoes, and... so on. I have posted one acrylic painting as well, but that one was kind of beside the challenge. I did expect at least one of the 366 pictures to be made with charcoal sticks. None was. Until the very last one. @miabeslija brought her charcoal sticks to the celebration of the new year, and this was what I came up with. Don't know who or what or why this is. But according to previously stated definition, it is an insect. And either way, it is the conclusion of my challenge. I have now made one picture for each day of the year. It took me two years. That's three years less than it took to write one song for each day of the year. I haven't posted all the pictures here yet, so I suppose I will keep posting them now and then. Until you have seen... most of them. Probably not all. Some are not finished. (I promised to make 366 pictures. Not to make 366 finished pictures.) And some of them might never be. But maybe I'll show you some unfinished works as well. And maybe I will hide some pictures from you for other reasons. We'll see... Anyway, a new year just started. Its first day is, you know, happening. And I am thinking of starting a new challenge during it. I'll get back to you about it...
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ensomheterjohan · 7 years
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№ 303, 333: #Vidunder. www.ensomheterJohan.se #enkreativgrej2016 #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #Snurr @jefer I meant to post this in September, but that was when my phone was acting the strangest, so I had to save it for later. And later could very well mean the second morning of Christmas. Also known as: Now. All other things I can think of doing right now include going back to sleep, turning on the light, or getting out of bed. Neither of those seems like a very good option. For the 25th of September, @khelenag gave us the @enkreativgrej theme "vidunder". Vidunder means "monster". So, that's kind of the theme I follow all the time at @bestiariet. But these two monster pictures won't fit there. One of the ideas with #vanSchoonbergsBestiarium is that it is a coloring book. If you like. And these pictures won't work as coloring pictures. So I post them here instead. One of them follows the theme "jävlar", given by @libertycapone for the 30th of October last year. Jävlar is a very common swear word in Swedish. Literally, it means "devils" (though, when used in that meaning, it's more commonly spelled "djävlar"). The other one follows the theme "nummer", given by @annefridsjoman for the 29th of November. Nummer, as you may have guessed, means "number". This anthropomorphised digit is known as Femmonstret (the Fivemonster) and comes from the planet Snurr. You can usually find it under the shower that is mounted on the outer wall of Ytkundezund's house in Krumeluria. Like Ytkundezund is my Krumelurian host, this monster is the Krumelurian host of my childhood neighbour Jeff. Jeff is possibly completely unaware of this. The reason why Jeff got a fivemonster as his host, is that he was five years old at the time. Two months older than I. This of course brings up the question of what happens when a fivemonster becomes older. Will it keep its shape, or will it evolve into a sixmonster, a sevenmonster, and so on? Is the Fivemonster still a fivemonster, or does it currently go by the name Thirtyfourmonster? And if so, would that mean that it now has split into one threemonster and one fourmonster? Perhaps this is a job for dr van Schoonberg, after all...
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ensomheterjohan · 8 years
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№ 297: Mus Pchef. www.ensomheterJohan.se #Trakten #chefen #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #anthropomorphic #policechief You have already met the detective mice Chips & Daniel. As a private detective, it can of course help to have acquaintances among the public law-enforcement. In the case of Chips & Daniel, their contact within the mouse community police is Mus Pchef. As his first name happen to suggest, he is a mouse, and as his last name might suggest, he is a police chief. The strange thing about him is that he has occurred in comics that take place in a mouse world setting, as well as comics about human size fable animals (and even human size humans) and he has always matched the size of his co-stars. How this can be possible has never been explained. Yet. This drawing is not a theme combo, unlike some of my latest posts. It doesn't follow today's @enkreativgrej theme, but it does follow the theme for the day when I drew it. @libertycapone was in charge then, and gave us the theme "chefen".
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ensomheterjohan · 8 years
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№ 320: Night Knight & Agent Flum. www.ensomheterJohan.se #SuperHeroAlbum #superhero #flashback #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #enkreativgrej2016 The @enkreativgrej theme @artbyvirki gives us today is "flashback". I have many drawings from last year left to show you, and that may be flashbacky enough, I suppose. But this picture was in itself kind of a flashback already when I drew it, since the superheroes it depicts were made up by @scaryguylogo and me some time in the late nineties and, as far as I know, never used since. Just like Shadow and Diamantdemonen, who I have shown earlier, they are part of the SHA universe. Or at least they were meant to be. I don't think either of them ever appeared in the comics we made. Well, on the cover of Chip # 5, Agent Flum teams up with the titular superhero against the villain Farbror Förkylning. But actually, there never was a fifth issue of Chip. And nor was there a first issue of Chip, for that matter. Nor any comics at all about Chip. I don't remember if Vidar revealed any plans for The Night Knight. But Agent Flum, as his appearance might suggest, was supposed to be the weird superhero in an otherwise serious setting. There are other examples of such characters. I don't think I was aware of Ambush Bug or Deadpool or the Flaming Carrot at the time. The inspiration was probably rather The Mask.
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ensomheterjohan · 8 years
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№ 299: #TheMuddler @MoominOfficial #melankolisk #kastrull #enkreativgrej2016 #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 Today's @enkreativgrej theme from @artbyvirki is "melancholic". According to my memory, I first encountered this word in the Moomin books. So here is the Muddler. I drew him a year ago, when @libertycapone had given us the theme "saucepan".
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ensomheterjohan · 8 years
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№ 306: Happy #carrot. www.ensomheterJohan.se #enkreativgrejomdagen2015 #anthropomorphic #twocolor #kanmanrökamorötter @hanako86 suggested that I should draw a happy cigar with a mustache. Possibly the idea came from our preceding discussion involving Freud and movies and dreams and things. I have never been a fan of tobacco, so the kind of cigar I drew was carrot. I don't know if you can smoke carrots, but you can eat them, and that doesn't work very well with regular cigars, I think. So that's one point for carrots. This drawing was made in November last year. I drew a picture yesterday too, but didn't have the time to post it the same day, so I may as well save it for whatever day, and post something old today. I also planned to post something last Sunday, but my phone wouldn't let me. So I guess I will save that stuff for later too. Well, I already had saved it for later, but now I will save it for laterer. Anyway, I don't seem to post here very often currently. But I am posting very regularly at @bestiariet. There I give you one monster each Tuesday. So my suggestion is: Follow! And tell everyone who likes monsters and/or coloring books! The risk right now, though, is that I will take a break from both Instagram accounts for a while. As implied above, my phone acts strangely, and has done so for a while, so I will send it back to get a new one. Don't know how long that will take. Not too long, hopefully. Either way, until then check me out at Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter! No matter which you prefer, you will find me as @ensomheterJohan.
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