are2wild4u · 7 months
A Painting of Friends
A Painting of Friends: Margaret's life intersects with a fantastic painting of four girls to teach her the value of cherished moments across generations. #emotionstory, #shortstory, #storytelling, #videostory, #emotionalstory, #author, #friendshipstory
A Painting of Friends In an old dusty attic, a beautiful painting of girls in vibrant dresses hung. Margaret, a curious young girl, discovered the painting and was captivated by its beauty and carefree energy. Her grandmother told her the story of the girls in the painting, lifelong friends bound together by the magic of a summer unlike any other. Margaret returned to the painting often, drawn…
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Kesenangan Bisa Saja Palsu
Mimi mencoba mempengaruhi Momo terkait masa lalu. Bahwa ikan asin itu enak. Sampai Momo pun belanja ikan asin dan mencoba memasaknya. Nasi, ikan asin, tempe, sambel dan kerupuk. Kombinasi yang sangat menggiurkan. Ingin sekali Momo menambahkan lalapan. Tapi Mumu mengingatkan untuk kesehatan Momo. Yah, memang ada suatu kondisi yang membuat Momo tidak bisa makan sayuran hijau. Momo menerima itu, walau terkadang Mimi mengingatkan lagi bahwa sayuran hijau itu enak, tapi kalau sudah kebablasan, Mumu pun muncul dan berkata "Jika mulai pusing, salahkan diri sendiri yang tak bisa menahan nikmat itu". Lalu Momo pun menyesal saat menuruti Mimi.
Terkadang Mimi membuat Momo kembali tersenyum di saat Momo sudah lelah, namun jika Mimi berlebihan membuat Momo kembali ke masa lalu, bisa-bisa Momo merasakan kesenangan palsu, dan semakin susah move on untuk berada di detik ini. Kehadiran Mumu yang walau sering membuat Momo marah, kecewa karena keinginan Momo tidak terpenuhi, tapi Momo menjadi lebih bijak untuk menghadapi detik ini dan berinvestasi pada masa depan.
Bandung, 9 Juli 2022
#byAtika #emotionstories
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monukhan69 · 2 years
Watch "upper wala sab ki maa ko salamat rakhe" on YouTube
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storiesthatwillbe · 9 years
Hint of Pleather
Sitting there in the car made me question everything. Everything. Not just why I was here or how on earth I got ringed in on this stupid crap but also why pleather feels just like leather but it isn't. Made me think about how if pleather works like leather why do people even kill animals? Cause it's not the 'authentic experience'? Man. That's not why I'm here though, though why any of us are here is another question altogether. I sighed leaning my face entirely into the cold window, staring out into, well, nothing. The Walmart parking lot was abandoned, just like the building. You truly know a town dies when a supermarket Walmart packs up its sale and heads on out. The parking lot was cracked, a few like an eggshell but a lot like someone took off without securing a keg of beer to the top of their truck. Hell, who knows, that's probably what happened. I change my position again, the back of my head to the window and my feet on the passenger seat. I stared at the empty chair, the smell and the view catching me up in a memory of laughter and a taste. I stare for a few moments, I feel my face slowly grow slack. Then I tighten my face- furrow my eyebrows, grit the teeth, shake my head. I sit down as if I was gonna drive, but there's no way I will. Not for a while anyways. Hopefully. Only reason we would is if these jackasses screwed up. Trip some kinda alarm, or told the wrong person. Senior pranks are never a good idea. That's what I'll tell my kids. Making your mark should be more than spraying some genital to the top of an abandoned building in hopes that Google maps would pick up on it. Making your mark should be with people. Memories are never far, though they fade, the effects will never dissipate. Or at least that's what I thought. Mary thought... Mary. I drift again off into a memory, her laughing as I teased her sides, telling me off and what a goofball I was. The memory slipped and there she was, tears in her eyes and a pit in my stomach. I clamped my teeth down hard. I looked out the window again, wondering where the hell they were. They got me out here and expect me to wait this long? I grip the wheel at 8 and 10. She was always specific about driving. Wanted to stay safe. Pleather smells drifted up again, and a candle shop flickered. She always insisted on candie cane candles.. Reminded her of Christmas, Disney world and the like. I got her a gift basket of the things. I sigh again, laying my head against the headrest, the uncomfortable angle distracting me from memories. My friends insisted that that's what this was all about. Letting go, coming back to being a bro. "Life sucks man, gotta keep moving. Get a new girl right?" Zack told me two weeks after I broke up with Mary. Zack didn't get a lot of things, but he did know enough to not call me a puss. He didn't really get why I was torn up. After all, I broke up with her. If anything she should be destroyed and I should be skipping- wait, sorry, sauntering off with a cocky smile right? After all, I'm a guy right? What was the problem? Wasn't she just a girl? A memory of her holding my hand under the table in the cafeteria. Lights were too bright, except for the occasional lights that were flickering or broke. She smiled wickedly as she glanced to my 'bros' at another table, then leaning in grabbing my neck as she kissed me. A chorus of boos and ooos echoed as they saw me start. They laughed, I blushed, and she cackled. Her mouth always smirked when she was embarrassing me in public. I shivered as I noticed the cold was seeping in. Where were they? If they didn't show soon, I swore to myself, I'll leave them. I wouldn't, but it made me feel like I might. I left her after all. I leaned the chair back, the mechanism halting momentarily. I barely noticed, this car was falling apart anyways. The pleather seats, the engine, the battery, the people.. All falling apart. Everything needed repairs. Everything needed to be touched up, a few bolts tightened, tires changed, seats refurbished.. Hearts healed. I flicked myself in the head, grinning suddenly. That's why you can't have a girlfriend, I told myself. Too close. Too much. Can't stop being dramatic, can't stop thinking. The memories took their time, each one with her near me, her scent in my nose and her hair in my mouth. Contentment was a mile away, a wall of doubts keeping it from view. I remember trying not fidget so she wouldn't know that I was nervous. I knew she was beautiful, but I couldn't feel that beauty. I felt satisfied, but a mile from being with her. Loss is a funny thing. Even when you think you're doing them a favor, it still hurts. All it takes is a scent and a hint of pleather.
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are2wild4u · 6 months
Anyday Now video 4
Any Day Now: Amidst an enchanting forest, Mark and Sarah prepare for the arrival of their little one. 🌿👶 A serene moment in nature's embrace. #Parenthood #NatureLove #NewBeginnings 🌳🍼 #shortstory, #storytelling, #videostory, #emotionalstory, #author,
Video 4 In the heart of an enchanting forest, where the leaves whispered secrets and the birds sang lullabies, a couple stood beneath the canopy of ancient trees. It was a tranquil afternoon, the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches, casting a warm, golden glow on their faces. Sarah, her hand gently resting on her round, swollen belly, leaned into her husband, Mark. They had been…
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are2wild4u · 6 months
Café Kiss video 7
Café Kiss - In a bustling café, their unexpected kiss rewrites the stories of their lives. 💋❤️ #shortstory, #storytelling, #videostory, #emotionalstory, #author, #kiss #lovestory #shortstory_byme, #chanceencounter, #lifechangingkiss, #unexpectedlove, #ca
Video 7 In a crowded café nestled amidst the bustling cityscape, they sit. Their eyes meet, each harboring a flicker of curiosity that ignites like a spark with the contact. Time seems to stand still as they lean in, their breaths syncing, creating an unspoken connection that transcends the cacophony around them. With closed eyes and hearts pounding like a drumbeat, their lips gently touch,…
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are2wild4u · 6 months
The Painting video 2
The Painting: Emily's discovery in the attic unveils a mysterious connection beyond time. #shortstory, #feelgood, #heartwarming, #storytelling, #videostory, #emotionalstory, #author, #Mystery, #FamilyHistory, #TimelessConnection, #Discovery, #TreasureHu
Video 2 In the dimly lit attic of an old, creaking house, amidst a treasure trove of forgotten relics and dusty memories, a faded portrait of a man clung to the wall. Mysterious lines etched on his weathered face told tales of a life well-lived, while beside him, a curious little girl named Emily stood, her wide, questioning eyes fixed on the enigmatic image. She was a beacon of innocence and…
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are2wild4u · 6 months
Three in the Forest video 6
Three in the Forest: Amidst an enchanted forest, their friendship grew into an extraordinary love. Lily, Alex, and Sam forged a unique bond, united by the mystical heart of the woods. 🌲✨ #EnchantedLove, #NatureRomance, #Polyamory, #Throuple, #emotionst
Video 5 In the heart of the enchanted forest, where legends and whispers of mythical creatures abounded, Lily, Alex, and Sam had always been inseparable friends. Their shared adventures began in childhood, as they explored the mystical woods where time seemed to stand still. With the passing of years, their friendship only grew stronger, nourished by the forest’s secrets. The trio knew every…
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are2wild4u · 7 months
Together We Grieve video 2
Together We Grieve: A throuple, a polyamorous trio, grieves together over the loss of their upcoming child. Content Warning: miscarriage. #emotionstory #shortstory #storytellingtok #videostory #emotionalstory #authorsoftiktok #grief #loss #griefand
Video 2 In the soft glow of sunset on the beach near their home, a trio of hearts ached with an unimaginable loss. Laoghaire, a woman with a tender spirit, stood between her two loving partners, Alexander and James, sharing the heavy burden of their shattered dreams. Despite the endless space around them, it felt to Laoghaire like the world was closing in on her, on them. Everything blurred…
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are2wild4u · 7 months
Café Kiss video 5
Café Kiss - In a bustling café, their unexpected kiss rewrites the stories of their lives. 💋❤️ #emotionstory, #shortstory, #storytelling, #videostory, #emotionalstory, #author, #kiss #lovestory #shortstory_byme, #chanceencounter, #lifechangingkiss, #unex
Video 5 In a crowded café nestled amidst the bustling cityscape, they sit. Their eyes meet, each harboring a flicker of curiosity that ignites like a spark with the contact. Time seems to stand still as they lean in, their breaths syncing, creating an unspoken connection that transcends the cacophony around them. With closed eyes and hearts pounding like a drumbeat, their lips gently touch,…
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are2wild4u · 7 months
The Surprise Visit video 3
The Surprise Visit: Reunited after 15 years apart, she took a leap to surprise her mother. Amidst tears and laughter, old wounds heal, and the bond of love rekindles. Sometimes, the best surprises come wrapped in memories. #shortstory, #storytelling, #v
Video 3 She had been waiting for this moment for months. She had planned everything carefully, making sure nothing would go wrong. She had bought the tickets, packed the bags, and arranged the babysitter. She had told her husband to wish her luck. For better or for worse, she was going to visit her mother and face her own stubborn past.. She had not seen her mother for fifteen years. They had…
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are2wild4u · 7 months
Destination Hope video 5
Destination Hope: A woman realizes her own strength and finds the will to leave the worst situation of her life. #emotionstory, #shortstory, #storytelling, #videostory, #emotionalstory, #author, #sadstory #shortstory_byme, #self-improvement, #leavingabu
Video 5 She sat on the bed, her trembling hands clutching the fabrics around her. Her heart was heavy, burdened with years of emotional turmoil, abuse, and pain. She couldn’t remember the last time she had truly smiled, felt loved, or enjoyed life. He had stolen these joys from her, replacing them with fear, self-doubt, and despair. As she sat there, her mind drifted to the countless times he…
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are2wild4u · 7 months
Three in the Forest video 5
Three in the Forest: Amidst an enchanted forest, their friendship grew into an extraordinary love. Lily, Alex, and Sam forged a unique bond, united by the mystical heart of the woods. 🌲✨ #EnchantedLove, #NatureRomance, #Polyamory, #Throuple,
Video 5 In the heart of the enchanted forest, where legends and whispers of mythical creatures abounded, Lily, Alex, and Sam had always been inseparable friends. Their shared adventures began in childhood, as they explored the mystical woods where time seemed to stand still. With the passing of years, their friendship only grew stronger, nourished by the forest’s secrets. The trio knew every…
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are2wild4u · 7 months
Surprise Shower Therapy [MF] video 3
Surprise Shower Therapy:In a hectic world, Sarah and Ethan find solace in a spontaneous shower embrace. 💕 Love: their ultimate escape from life's pressures. 💧 #emotionstory, #shortstory, #storytelling, #videostory, #emotionalstory, #author, #lovestor
Video 3 Sarah and Ethan found themselves locked in a warm embrace beneath the soothing streams of water. The bathroom tiles gleamed with the reflected glow from the nearby window, and steam clung to the air, cocooning them in their own private world…. It had been a long day, filled with the hustle and bustle of city life, work-related stress, and the ceaseless demands of their daily routine.…
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are2wild4u · 7 months
Anyday Now video 3
Any Day Now: Amidst an enchanting forest, Mark and Sarah prepare for the arrival of their little one. 🌿👶 A serene moment in nature's embrace. #Parenthood #NatureLove #NewBeginnings 🌳🍼 #emotionstory, #shortstory, #storytelling, #videostory
Video 3 In the heart of an enchanting forest, where the leaves whispered secrets and the birds sang lullabies, a couple stood beneath the canopy of ancient trees. It was a tranquil afternoon, the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches, casting a warm, golden glow on their faces. Sarah, her hand gently resting on her round, swollen belly, leaned into her husband, Mark. They had been…
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are2wild4u · 7 months
Café Kiss video 5
#emotionstory, #shortstory, #storytelling, #videostory, #emotionalstory, #author, #kiss #lovestory #shortstory_byme, #chanceencounter, #lifechangingkiss, #unexpectedlove, #cafe
Video 5 In a crowded café nestled amidst the bustling cityscape, they sit. Their eyes meet, each harboring a flicker of curiosity that ignites like a spark with the contact. Time seems to stand still as they lean in, their breaths syncing, creating an unspoken connection that transcends the cacophony around them. With closed eyes and hearts pounding like a drumbeat, their lips gently touch,…
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