#emo main boy with two much trauma and a death wish who is in love with the other two but won't admit it
lockwood/george/lucy is just ten/jack/martha in another skin. try to convince me otherwise
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr/ Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud), Fukukado Emi (Ms. Joke)/Kayama Nemuri (Midnight)
Word Count: 1,088 Words
Summary: Todo-siblings, teacher shenanigans, the 1-A twins accidentally freeze out the fifth floor, and Kirishima is best boy.
Warnings: Cursing, Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, Abuse Mention, Mensuration/Period Mentions, Caps, Food Mention, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Anxiety Mention, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, let me know if I should add anything else.
Note: Natsuo and Fuyumi's chat names are based on quirk headcanons I have for them. Natsuo's is because I headcanon him to have a quirk where he can manipulate and generate water like Shoto can with his ice and Fuyumi's because I headcanon her to have a thermal manipulation quirk. Touya's is 'wine' because white and red wine and his hair is red and white.
Usernames: We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars, Aizawa: hollywoodlivingdead, Shouji: fryingpan, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Aoyama: phantomtown, Honenuki: visualizedragon, Sako: halfminutetomars, Awase: distressparade, Shinokanri: simplestrategy
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
We Love A Good, Caring Dadzawa In This House-Chapter 3
11:38 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
chaotic goth gay: so anygay we ever gonna talk bout the fact that the twins in 1a plan to take a week home?
kazoo cowboy: no??? it's their personal life????
needalegup?: I say we leave the boys alone.
screeching cockatiel: they don't like being referred to at 'the twins' Nemuri. They're separate beings.
chaotic goth gay: okay, the two canadian flags of Shouta's 25 nearly adopted children.
grumpy scarf cat: you're right but why say it?
bloody hell: I thought his class was 26 students now like mine? who tf you forgetting Nemuri?
chaotic goth gay: no one I be leaving out that little grapist tho. hate him and so does Shouta
screeching cockatiel: OwO oh worm?
grumpy scarf cat: never again Hizashi. never again.
screeching cockatiel: OvO
grumpy scarf cat: i hate you.
screeching cockatiel: love you too babe uwu
grumpy scarf cat: well,
grumpy scarf cat: i'm gonna go yeet myself off the roof for that one.
screeching cockatiel: Nuuuuuuu, how will me Hitoshi and Ayane ever survive without you!?
grumpy scarf cat: tru tru
grumpy scarf cat: I'll take Hitoshi with me.
screeching cockatiel: you wouldn't dare!
grumpy scarf cat: again tru tru
2:24 AM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
grumpy scarf cat: yeet yeet bitch he finally asleep [pic of Hitoshi asleep against Aizawa's side with Ayane asleep between them]
chaotic goth gay: that's perfect.
chaotic goth gay has changed their name to yeet yeet bitch
yeet yeet bitch: thank boi me sleep now
yeet yeet bitch is offline
4:14 AM
We Are Number One™
WHERE?: so anyway I'm ready to yeet our dad into the sun but that's too good for him
chaoticdisastergay: oh worm???? same hat??? could stand to snow his eyes out first tho
immafirinmahlaser: why y'all puttin ur father on blast in the main chat?
WHERE?: wait, where? oh fuck wrong one Touya, wrong one! mayday mayday
SmolMight: I was summoned my the word mayday what happened
SmolMight: oh
SmolMight: well then
lostmymarbles: Dear? Please lay down? I was comfortable?
chaoticdisastergay: well, speaking of tmi, I thought it was just a bathroom run but turns out my monthly came a week early, Atsu. I'm coming back.
WHERE?: that was a long time in the bathroom but okay.
lostmymarbles: Yeah, almost an hour. I'm lonely, the bed feels cold without you, snowdrop!
chaoticdisastergay: I had to shower over in the 1a dorms too, calm down.
lostmymarbles: Kay, come back to bed, I wanna cuddle.
SmolMight: Such precious. Most pure. We have been blessed with witnessing this couple be cute.
WHERE?: so anNYway, Touya, you goin back to the family chat?
chaoticgaydisaster: yee
4:30 AM
Trauma? Yeet. Memes? Yoink.
vulpix: anygay. still wanna yeet our dad into the sun but it'd still be too good for him.
lapis: I??? feel that????? wtf???????
thermostat: oh? a mood? in this good household?
wine: i really just want to go back to sleep but the brain machine broke i'm woke
vulpix: oh worm?
thermostat: anyway gotta actually get outta bed soon, drop off your girls at daycare, get mine to school, and go to work.
lapis: fine, gonna go with ya
thermostat: mhmmmm sure you are, you're gonna fall asleep in 20 minutes Natsuo.
lapis: that may be but i'll at least try
thermostat: doubt
thermostat is offline
8:24 AM
We Are Number One™
cena: so anyway tea apparently shoto and touya are going home all next week
princessbubblegumknockoff: oh? drama?
WHERE?: family visit no drama
chaoticgaydisaster: just visiting our family
SmolMight: so anygay Aizawa told us we have someone special visiting a1 today for class!
Spider-Man: I wonder who it is!
Dadzawa: toshi cmon I gotta get to class and drop you off like a gay goth god of insomniac children
exhausted: hol up im eating still
exhausted is offline
Dadzawa is offline
cena: well, no answers from them i guess
Emergency Exit: Everyone, please get off your phones in class!
9:37 AM
We Are Number One™
itsmeyaboy: so who was it that came to your class?
TheGreatCreator: The Big Three of UA
itsmeyaboy: huh. we had Hawks, Ryukyu, and Mirko
Iron Man: The Three Greats of UA
HopeSummers: We win.
SmolMight: Meh, we both got good people to teach us.
HopeSummers: Valid, carry on.
2:28 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
gotta go fast: so anyway, am i ever gonna get told why there's someone named speechtotext in this chatroom and who all they are?
kazoo cowboy: That's Majima with the support course.
needalegup?: he couldn't figure out how to work his phone with his fingers when we first made this chat and he used speech to text a lot.
goth portals: we used to get a lot of text messages where Hatsume had spoken over him and it became too much of a meme so Nemuri changed his name to speechtotext.
gotta go fast: understandable, have a nice day.
7:24 AM
We Are Number One™
Spider-Man: um guys all of floor five is frozen what happened?
Galvan: the girls' side isn't but it's getting cold over here
GuyFieriIsGod: My door is frozen shut.
Spider-Man: Todoroki or Yukimura must have had a nightmare again
TheGreatCreator: Does this happen often?
Spider-Man: more than you'd believe.
GuyFieriIsGod: Does anyone have an ice pick?
Galvan: i'm going downstairs before it spreads
TheGreatCreator: That's a good idea, Tsu, we don't want you getting too cold and hibernating.
WHAT?: wow
Spider-Man: wow? just wow? dude, help us!
WHAT?: ...
WHAT?: perish.
baby shark: I'm coming!
7:45 AM
We Are Number One™
GuyFieriIsGod: He got us out.
TheGreatCreator: It was easier because Todoroki likely melted it.
GuyFieriIsGod: Anyway, now that we're free, I'm making breakfast if anyone wants any. 1b and Shinsou included
WHAT?: wow
cena: Is Bakugo okay?
SmolMight: Yeah, that's just his morning brain. That happens if he gets less than an hour of sleep. He kinda short circuits for about an hour.
Pichu: excellent. thank you for this knowledge.
princessbubblegumknockoff: sometimes I question if your have a death wish.
Pichu: a death wish to get him to hug me and tell me i'm cute dammit!
Pichu is offline
baby shark: a very pure death wish. we don't deserve you denki!
WHERE?: It's been made apparent to me that I froze the fifth floor and I'm sorry.
chaoticgaydisaster: and I made enough snow it was practically snowmen
princessbubblegumknockoff: THEY RISE!
WHERE?: too early for this i need a pot of coffee
chaoticgaydisaster: mood but also gimme half dammit
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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attack-on-neverland · 3 years
2.1 The Main Trio
In both Attack on Titan and The Promised Neverland, the main trio consists of three character tropes which are The Empath, The Distant but Loving and The Savior (who I also like to call “The Genocidal Maniac.” The existence of these tropes especially in the main three characters is important to recognize because these three are also generalizations of the attitudes of the people of their world. This mix keeps things relatively balanced and stable until one of them breaks the delicate balance for whatever reason.
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Armin, Eren, and Mikasa (AOT)
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Norman, Emma, and Ray (TPN)
1. Armin and Emma - The Empath
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Armin (AOT) and Emma (TPN) make up The Empath. Both initially reject the idea of having to strike first and would avoid casualties at all cost. These characters would rather risk failure than harm innocent people (again, initially). They have a deep sense of compassion and can even empathize with the enemy and prefer to talk things out rather than engage in battle. Both Armin and Emma are also the ones to eventually stop the genocidal plans of Eren (AOT) and (Norman). Both characters also selflessly sacrificed themselves to save their loved ones.
Armin dreams of reaching the outside world and seeing the wonders of nature, which is why he joins the Survey Corps in order to secure peace for them once again. In the face of death, he chose to talk it out with Bertholdt, holder of the Colossal Titan and tried to get him to join their side. Even when his life was threatened, Armin hesitated to strike first, which only changed when Captain Levi instructed him to do so or else they would be killed. It is also Armin who stops Eren’s plan of destroying everything outside of Paradis and establishes the Alliance. Armin willingly sacrificed himself and got burnt alive by the Collosal Titan to ensure that he could buy time for Eren’s plan to work (He got revived eventually). However, he does live by the principle that “People who can’t throw something important [humanity] away can never hope to change anything.” This represents an eventual shift in Armin as his innocence is broken and he abides by the rules of war rather than reject them completely, opposite to Emma.
Emma also dreamed of the outside world and meeting all of her siblings with their families before they discovered the painful reality of their world. Throughout the whole series, it was shown how Emma would do literally anything to protect her younger siblings as she would stay behind to hold down enemies, set off on dangerous journeys with the older kids, and even struck a deal with That Person* which meant sacrificing herself to safely bring everyone back to the human world. However, Emma’s empathy doesn’t only manifest in her sibling relationships, but extends to everyone, even their biggest enemies. She befriends devils Mujika and Sonju, forgives Lucas after he endangered her life by bringing her to Goldy Pond, and extends her love to all the adults who were the reason behind the existence of the plantation. She cries out when she sees the demons being massacred by Norman, and begs for him to reverse things. She recognizes that no one is inherently bad and that everyone is just doing what they can to survive. In the end, Emma’s deal with That Person reveals that she traded what she loved the most (her family and her memories of them) in exchange for the freedom of all humans. This resulted in Emma ending up on some mountaintop (in the human world) with no concrete memories, but feelings of pain, longing, and sadness while all the other kids lived their happy lives together and arrived safely in their destination. Trust me, I cried BUCKETS.
2. Mikasa and Ray - The Distant but Loving
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Mikasa (AOT) and Ray (TPN) make up the Distantly Rational but Loving trope. Aside from both having black hair and emo hairstyles, these two characters both exhibit the most skill and wits among all the other characters. In times of turmoil and panic, these two managed to keep a cool head (most of the time) and allowed everyone else to survive in safety. Both characters can be said to be distant because they are rarely seen enjoying themselves, presumably because of their traumatic backgrounds which is why all of their energy is focused on getting stronger and saving everyone. Their loyalty is unmatched, and they would be willing to destroy anyone who gets in the way of the safety of their families. This attitude stems from dark backgrounds that made both characters value life and the people around them so much. Despite their willingness to achieve any lengths, these characters still manage to think logically, and do not intend to cause unnecessary harm even to enemies.
Mikasa used to be a sweet and loving child who enjoyed the little things and simply being around her parents. However, everything changed when her parents were murdered by kidnappers, leaving Mikasa an orphan. She witnessed all of this violence and was supposed to be killed as well if she weren’t saved by Eren. From that day on, Mikasa grew to be outwardly distant, presumably to avoid getting attached to anyone who could possibly disappear in an instance. However, she was also attached to Eren and all of her comrades in the Survey Corps. She tried to hide that vulnerability under her cold exterior, but no one would ever doubt her love for her comrades. Witnessing her parents’ deaths made her swore to become stronger in order to protect those she loved.
From a young age, Ray was seen to be quieter than the other kids. Instead of playing, he would spend his time reading books, doing research, and observing everyone. This is because he discovered early on that Gracefield was not an adoption home, but a farm with children as their produce. However, he had to stay quiet and volunteered himself to become Mama’s spy so that he would not be shipped out early. The trauma stems from the awareness that each shipped out orphan became meals for demons, but being unable to do anything about it. For years, he had been a slave to Mama in order to acquire the parts he needed to aid their escape plan. It is evident how his loyalty to his siblings does not fade as he would sacrifice himself for the safety of everyone else. Like Mikasa, he still keeps a calm demeanor and can rationalize under dire circumstances.
3. Eren and Norman - The Self-sacrificing Savior / "Genocidal Maniac"
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Eren (AOT) and Normal (TPN) both make up “The Savior” or the “Genocidal Maniac”. These boys both start out as innocent, wide-eyed children who wanted to explore the world. They are both passionate about saving all of their family and even sacrificed themselves for their safety. However, they are both drastically changed by a deeper understanding of their reality. From being hopeful optimists, they come to see the reality that no one else realizes. From the day of their realization, they come to an understanding that they have to be “devils” in order to save humanity in an attempt of self-sacrifice. They know that nothing would be able to redeem these sins, yet they still push forward to destroy anything and anyone that gets in their way. This is because they know that there is no alternative that guarantees their safety except complete annihilation of everything else. They eventually trade in their humanity at the cost of lives of children, innocents, and everyone who might get in the way. However, one key difference is that Norman (TPN) gets a chance at redemption, while Eren (AOT) does not. This will be further explored in Being Bound by destiny vs. Defying destiny.
After witnessing the death of his mother, Eren vows to exterminate every last titan in order to guarantee the safety of humanity. He trains hard in order to become an efficient member of the Survey Corps and promises to use his Titan power to defend everyone. Eren is hopeful, arrogant, and stubborn, and this causes him to dive in head first when anyone is in danger. He literally sacrifices himself and is eaten by a titan to save Armin, and he sacrifices himself time and time again. However, when the Survey Corps reach the ocean, Eren realizes that the real enemies are those across the other side of the ocean. The humans who wish for the demise of Paradis Island and its residents. Their enemies are not titans, but other humans. From that day on, Eren distanced himself from everyone and made his own plans. He had gone to extreme lengths to detach himself from his comrades so that they would have no power to stop him and the wrong-doings will be all his. This eventually resulted in Eren's attacks on Marley because he found out that the whole world was going to launch an attack on Paradis to exterminate the “devils” of society. In the end, Eren successfully activates the rumbling and ended up killing 80% of the world population because he knew that discrimination towards Eldians would not end until the world starts anew. His friends were able to save the 20% because they stopped Eren by having Mikasa kill him. Brb, gonna cry AGAIN.
After learning the truth of the house from Ray, Norman decided that he had to aid Emma’s plan of saving all the kids in the house, even the defenseless young ones. To do so would require utmost planning, strategy, and tactics that would put the three at risk. However, Norman decided that the benefits would outweigh the risk and proceeded with Emma’s plan. Unfortunately, Mama stops them in their tracks and decides to ship Norman early in order to stop him from ruining her plans. Emma and Ray do everything they can to save Norman and include him in their plan, and Norman pretends to agree. Unbeknownst to the two, Norman had already planned to betray them because he was afraid that the attempt to save him would only put everyone else at risk. This leads to Norman sacrificing himself and letting him get “shipped out” by Mama. However, instead of being turned into food, he is taken in as an experiment of Project Lamba, where he endured great suffering as a test subject. It was during his time here that he witnessed firsthand the cruelty of the demons, and decided that there was no other way but to exterminate them. He saw the realities of the mass produced farms where children don’t even gain autonomy and consciousness, he met fellow Lamba experiments who would have certain illnesses for life, and he endured the pain firsthand. After a series of events, he breaks out of Lamba and finds Emma and the other children. By this time, Emma had already realized that not all demons were bad and that it was simply a matter of survival for some of them. Norman, however, did not buy into this kind of thinking. When he told his plans of genocide, Emma firmly rejected this and asked for a few days to find an alternative before Norman could continue with the plan. While Norman agreed, he betrayed her and carried out with the plan earlier than expected and caused the degeneration of thousands of demon villagers. In his heart, Norman did not want to do this, but believed that there was no other way. He did not want to bring others in the plan because he wanted to keep the blame to himself as part of his self-sacrifice. Unlike Eren, Norman is redeemed when he reunites with the others and tries to forge a new plan.
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