saturnulysses · 1 year
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emilja never heard THIS kind of gossip in the circle
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vintagewarhol · 1 year
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moonshinaes · 2 years
modern day orpheus and eurydice but they’re played by oscar isaac and emilija baranac.
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singinprincess · 2 years
One thing I want to know about you: how are you so amazing and kind and talented?
Aw, truthfully it’s because I have amazing, beautiful, talented friends like you! 😘
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Inbox me 1 thing you want to know about me
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drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #25
Ned Nickerson - Tom Holland
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Deirdre Shannon - Emilja Baranac
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Chief McGinnis - Russell Crowe
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Brenda Carlton - Toni Collette
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Alexei Markovic - Peter Capaldi
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Toni Scallari - Sally Field
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when you make it your business to tell the truth, you make a lot of people mad
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fullheartart · 2 years
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Legend of the Green Mage Art I did of my FFXIV viera Emilja who I always imagined as a Green Mage instead of a white mage
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wanderella-w · 1 year
Farms and free fruit (Day 44-45)
On day 44 I hiked from Babbacombe to Dawlish with a light backpack. The day was not so special as it was grey and the path went through small, busy towns, a construction site, and partly along railways and roads. But there were also some meadows and woods. I still had to get used to walking alone a little bit even though I had done it before. At the end of the day I took the bus back to my campsite in Sheldon.
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Day 45 looked more promising as it already started out with sunshine. Then it got even better when just after I left Longmeadow Farm, a man sitting in his campervan gave me an apple and two mandarins mumbling something like "you look like you might need it"! I didn't 100% understand what he said but I was very grateful!
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Behind Dawlish, where I arrived by bus, there was a long concrete footpath between the railway and the sea. It may sound a bit boring, and towards the end it was, but in the beginning there were high waves causing a lot of spray so you had to sometimes run from them which was kind of funny.
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I came 10 minutes late to catch the ferry at 10:10 from Starcross to Exmouth, so I had to wait 50 minutes for the next one during which time I made coffee and ate biscuits. Here's my view sitting on some stairs:
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In Exmouth I had to walk along a big and busy beach with lots of cars parked next to it. I was eager to leave it behind me, because, whereas on the map in the guide booklet the past few days have looked like just one big city, it seemed like after Exmouth this would change and it would be all nature again (or mostly). Just behind Exmouth I had lunch next to the Geoneedle, which marks the start of the Jurassic Coast, while I was looking forward to a nice afternoon of hiking.
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I had to have some patience with the going-back-into-nature thing though. First I had to pass the biggest holiday park I have ever seen, with what I guess were more than 200 bungalows in total and another shooting range of the military, only that this time it was actually in use. Very relaxing to walk to the sound of gunfire :D.
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But then, finally, I walked through the gate below and could enjoy the view of the Jurassic Coast, which looks quite different than what we've seen before, in the beautiful afternoon light.
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Just before taking those pictures I met another coast path hiker, doing the whole path and also camping! He was going it the other direction than me. For me it quite cool to meet him but he didn't seem too impressed. He asked if I was called Laura, so apparently there is someone called Laura on the path with us.
Behind Ladram Bay it was time to look for a camping spot. I had already tried around 4pm at a farm, just a little extra walk from the path, but it was no success as the farmer wasn't home. When I now saw a perfect grass patch on a meadow next to the path, I thought I'd give it another try and I went the farm to which the meadow seemed to belong. Some dogs were baking at me and I didn't see a main entrance to the building that looked like the farm house, only something like a terrace door. I walked further and rang at a random house where a lady told me that the farmer did indeed live on the farm. So I gathered all my courage and went back and knocked on the terrace door. A lady opened and she said it was fine if I camped on the spot that I had seen! Okayy great!
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I also came through Burleigh Salterton today which is a cute little town and I went to the church, initially to look for a phone number to call in case I wanted to sleep there. Emilja from the hostel told us that you can sleep in churches and that she had done it before. It was actually on Rosas and my bucket list to do it some day. At the church I didn't find the telephone number but it turned out they had the cutest little community café there so I ordered a cappuccino, took it outside to drink, and afterwards got a free banana from the free food corner (it was big pile of bananas so really enough for everyone).
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savagevillain · 1 year
🍓 for the queen witchfirst
*hmhm* EXCUSE ME @witchfirst. So first of all, you're my wife and my bestie and I love u <3 But we already knew that so I'm gonna focus on our girl em for a wee moment. AMAZING, SHOWSTOPPING, SPECTACULAR. really, louise, you put so much effort and love into her and it shines through in every interaction and ooc talk we have about her!! i adore her and klaus together because we've plotted so much, the good and the bad and the worst, lol, from sweet sweet children to the absolute monsters. the toxicity goes through the roof and that's why they're so fun. eight hundred years is really something, and I'm hoping we're going to be writing them for a long, long, long time because my dash ( and my klaus ) needs emilja.
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exyusimp · 1 year
Emilja was having NONE of his performance
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mars-gifs · 2 years
hi!! can u make a gif pack of emilja baranac as zoe in fakes???
Hi there, hun! 💕
At the moment I'm not taking suggestions (sorry, I don't have a lot of spare time right now) but if you're interested in a commission, of course I'd be happy to gif her for you.
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imperatorsapphiosa · 2 years
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My Age of Sigmar: Soulbound character, Aurika Emilja Van Grike. (Her hand is a bone-crafted prosthetic.)
This portrait was done by the excellent @roboticbiotic — y’all should check her work out!!
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singinprincess · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
I always struggle with these memes idk!!! It's always the same five things. Love you ❤️
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xfirstbcrn · 3 years
They were sitting in his library. It was late. They sat shoulder to shoulder with their respected books, Bastet curled up on the couch next to them. It was evenings like this that mattered, rare moments without any substance where he felt completely alive and completely happy. More and more in the past year those moments had involved Sinead.
Tonight was even better: it was Seamus’ birthday. Or it had been the day prior. He’d been tied up with a ridiculous celebration his father had hosted, but tonight Sinead had come over and they’d spent it playing Seti, making jokes, and talking for hours on end. Now, reading. 
And it was this moment, this exact moment, that his heart raced so loud he worried she might hear it. 
“I almost forgot,” he said, looking up from his book. It was a little sudden, but that was only because he felt as if he didn’t force it out right then and there he might never say it. A little smile. “It wouldn’t be a very good birthday if I didn’t give my guest something.” 
He got up from the couch and went to a box he’d kept stashed on the folklore bookcase. He hadn’t kept it in his room. Emilja, his father, and Zoroush were all snoops of the worst kind. Seamus came back over and held it out to her. 
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wanderella-w · 1 year
🌟Rating the bars🌟
1. Cliff bars
The star of the muesli bars that have it all (filling - nutritional - yummy), but that almost didn't make the first place because of their rather high price compared to other bars! Well, I had to give the first place anyways.
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266 calories - 68g - 9g protein - 2€/bar
+quite a lot of fiber I suppose
2. Trek Flapjacks
Bringing a twist to the traditional toothachingly sweet british flapjack, this chocolate-covered version actually tastes better (less sweet), is high in protein, and has a nice crunch to it due to some soya puffies.
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227 calories - 50g - 9g protein - 1,22€/bar
3. Nature Valley bars
These bars bring you the best of everything (nuts, grains, and chocolate) at a low price. But, they are not so filling and taste mostly like peanut butter, which we can also just snack from the jar;).
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198 calories - 40g - 10g protein - 0,92€/bar
4. Aldi protein bars
These ones were a surprise! You can get them in some crazy flavors (mint, yaffa cake, birthday cake, salted caramel), they are cheap and there is actually not much bad you can say about them! Except that you don't know what the filling is actually made of... but it tasted like ground cashew nuts. Definitely a good option!
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261 calories - 60g - 21g protein - 0,80€/bar
5. Mountain Warehouse Flapjacks
Well, here we've got the super-sweet classic flapjack, that can rescue you from an energy low and make you eat a whole bar even though you just wanted to eat it half. You've got them in different flavors but yogurt and chocolate are the best! Can't have too much of them though, Emilja from the hostel waned is that she couldn't eat Flapjacks anymore after her bike trip though England.
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456 calories - 100g - 4,6 g protein - 1,90€/bar
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encyclopedia-thol · 3 years
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Book One: Emilja, Seamus, Conrin, Kita, Mellan
Carice von Houten | Daniel Radcliffe | Lucas Jade Zimmerman | Willow Shields | Nico Liersch 
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exyusimp · 1 year
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You’re a either Emilja and Aleksandra or a Zvonimir in this world
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