leostimstuff · 4 days
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A polyam and queerplatonic 11ponds board for myself!! But also w a friend in mind ^^
💛 🩷 🩶 | 💙 ❤️ 🖤 | 💛 🩷 🩶
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spoopdeedoop · 2 months
hi um. can I add my two cents about 11ponds. to me they are geocentric. 11 is the sun, Amy is earth and Rory is moon but they are inverted. the earth is the centre of the universe that the moon and sun both orbit. it's not ment to be like that, its supposed to be the earth and moon are just a pair orbiting the sun that has many other celestial bodies orbiting it. but. for them it's the other way round. Amy is the centre of Rory's universe, he is married to her, the closest anyone can get. but just past him, orbiting them both is a hunge firey ball of power so incomprehensible he looks small, the same size as them, from the earth's perspective. he orbits around the earth and therefore also the moon, but cannot truly get closer to them because he will burn them up. he can only shine his light and warmth on them, for better or worse. and the whole time, the sun and moon follow the earth across the universe all bound together, untill the sun gets so big and old it swallow them both up, and he has nothing but his memories of them. um.anyway sorry for being so insane I hope this makes sense<3
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radio-ghost-cooks · 4 months
ship ask game: eleven/amy, eleven/rory, or eleven/amy/rory, whichever you feel like doing?
im not as fond of Eleven/Amy but my reasoning why is flawed tbh (Amy falls for the Doctor when Rory is RIGHT THERE???? girlie r u blind? Rory is so amazing if u don't want him i'll take him)
but as for why i like elevenponds sm it all kinda boils down to how genuinely loving and caring all of them are! clearly Amy loves her boys so much and Eleven would do just about anything for the both of them and as annoying as it gets trying to keep them both in check, Rory wants to keep both of them safe and i just think that they all love each other so much that it only makes sense, really.
the dynamic is so neat too. like they all look up to each other in some way and they all love travelling together and the Extrovert and her Introverts and they all love to help people (hell, Rory is a fucking nurse!)
i don't think i have any really unpopular opinions abt them, at least by tumblr standards. i'm certain that "the Doctor is still ace, actually" would get some people a little pissed off on other platforms tho. u don't need sexual attraction to have romantic attraction babes <3
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vicontheinternet · 6 months
Elevenpond is something I hold so close to me. Like they are so special to me.
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daggersandarrows · 2 years
thinking about dorian laid out on his side, propping himself up with an elbow, resting his face against his hand and trying not to look at orym like That as he gets ready for bed. fearne is sprawled on her back beside him, chatting to orym, and dorian can barely even process the words, fighting exhaustion and affection and failing on both counts.
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faultlinebar · 6 years
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@sado_maso_disco ・・・ We’re back.... The return of #SadoMasoDisco ! Bigger-Better-Stranger With a live performance by NY synth legends #ELEVENPOND Friday March 9th 9 - 2 am 21+ 2 Rooms of: #DARKWAVE #POSTPUNK #DEATHROCK #EBM #INDUSTRIAL #ELECTRO #TECHNO With DJ's @djmatthewpernicano @dannylethal138 @rose.knows and special guests TBA! $5 at the door @faultlinebar 4216 Melrose Ave. (at Faultline)
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spoopdeedoop · 2 months
I need you to be unhinged about elevenponds some more. /j Which one is sun, moon and Earth.
anon please dont enable me i won't be able to shut up otherwise /lhj
uhh here's a screenshot of me going in a teensy bit more detail in phox's dms bc i can't be normal for two seconds
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faultlinebar · 6 years
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@rose.knows ・・・ I’m beyond ecstatic to dj my alma matter @sado_maso_disco ! This Friday it’s the return of @sado_maso_disco at the @faultlinebar !#sadomasodisco ~ Bigger + better + stranger... with live performance by synth legends #elevenpond 21+ $5 @faultlinebar leather bar in silver lake. Djs @djmatthewpernicano @dannylethal138 et moi @rose.knows . Dress to distress ⚙️⛓⚙️ (at Faultline)
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