#elementary school not eat outside but once u were done eating (if u ate at school n not at home) u could go play outside
pranpat · 3 years
tagged by: @teh-ohaew jfshg finally getting around to this ur welcome tay 🙄
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? one is black and the others red
2. Name a food you never eat. I’m v picky with my food jgkxhsdhf ig anything with hazelnuts (im looking at u tay) and @gremlinmetawin same as u with sushi jdfhgjs (i’ve had rlly terrible sushi and I just cant even stand the thought of eating one now)
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? trying to study for my finalkjfgh but i’ve gotten no work done :)
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? mars, bounty and caramilk are the best ones 👏🏼
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? no
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “That’s really how it is” to my sister bc she was showing me a tiktok abt being old enough to understand family gossip idk if that makes sense but yeah
8. What is your favourite ice cream? chocolate vanilla cones
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? same, water.
10. Do you like your wallet? i mean??? i guess? it’s a little too big but my sister got it for me so i had no choice but to use it. it’s good just chunky i usually don’t like carrying wallets in general so
11. What is the last thing you ate? carrots & ranch
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? its hard not to considering i work at a clothing store so im always getting stuff but this time it was just a flannel and jeans
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? i dont watch sports
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? jalapeno cheese
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my friend
16. Ever been camping? Once and that’s only bc it was mandatory in elementary school but it was the worst thing ever bc I hate bugs and I missed my bed
17. Do you take vitamins? i should but i don’t
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? no
19. Do you have a tan? we barely get the sun lol
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? pasta :)
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw?  yes i have fillings for my front teeth so I can’t drink it any other way
22. What color socks do you usually wear? usually black and white ankle socks with my vans but like my fav pair has to be these long ass socks with spaceships on them
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? sometimes when i’m running late but otherwise i always follow the rules lol
24. What terrifies you? death? failure? idk lmao
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my cat
26. What chore do you hate most? folding laundry fjghds that shit is literally the worst and I usually just leave it in the basket bc what’s the point? 🙄
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? idk????? “Mate?”
28. What’s your favorite soda? ginger ale or orange crush
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? if i'm the one driving i prefer going inside bc I hate how narrow drive thrus are and i'm always super far away from the window so its embarrassing when I’m like leaning outside my window to grab the food lmaoo but if someone else is driving, drive thru
30. What’s your favorite number? 0
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My sister
32. Favorite meat? i don’t rlly like meat but the only one i eat occasionally is chicken
33. Last song you listened to? i’ve just been listening to instrumentals to help me study
34. Last book you read? I started the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo but i never got around to finishing it
35. Favorite day of the week? fridays (and Thursdays for now bc of CM🤔)
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? no
37. How do you like your coffee? with cream and sugar
38. Favorite pair of shoes? probably my docs or vans bc they go with everything
39. Time you normally get up? Depends, if I have class or work then I wake up an hour before that otherwise I like to sleep in till like 1-2pm
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets they pretty
41. How many blankets on your bed? just one
42. Describe your kitchen plates. white??  
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. i just did the dishes so its pretty clean  
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i dont drink
45. Do you play cards? im terrible ilose to everyone i play with 😖
46. What color is your car? grey  
47. Can you change a tire? lmao no
48. Your favorite state or province? dont have one?? anywhere is good except for where i live
49. Favorite job you’ve had? Probably my job last year bc it was at an arts & craft store and i liked my coworkers
Tagging: @metawwin @yibobibo @morksuns @taytawan @tichawongtipkanon @gigiesarocha @gunsatthaphan @b-iconpearl @fushiguroo (only if you want!!)
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pratktcven · 6 years
this is unofficial and un-beta'd, but fuck i've been working on it forever and i want to die
the summer between may 20
Shiro graduates college on a pleasant spring day. The sun is warm on his robe-clad shoulders but not hot, and there is enough of a breeze that the long hours in his metal fold-up chair remain bearable. By the time his name is called, Shiro's butt is only partially numb.
"Congratulations," the dean tells him as they shake hands. "You've earned it."
It is a simple platitude. The dean doesn't know him or his personal struggles. Nevertheless, Shiro feels pride swell beneath his breastbone. His degrees—one in History and one in Asian American Studies—were hard earned. He chokes a little when he replies, "Thank you," and clutches his diploma.
After the ceremony ends—after Shiro has tossed his decorated mortarboard into the air and carefully retrieved it—he heads towards the green to find his family. He is stopped several times by various classmates, who all exchange relieved laughter, as though they cannot quite believe that they've finally reached the end. Shiro understands the incredulity. It feels surreal to be done with the five of the most stressful years of his life.
"Hey!" a familiar voice shouts over the din. "Hey, meathead! Over here!"
It's Matt, Shiro's roommate and closest friend since elementary school. He stands on the freshly cut grass with Shiro's parents and cousin, as well as his own mother, father, and sister. Shiro breaks into a wide grin and jogs over; when he is within reach, he is immediately folded into a multi-limbed embrace. He slings one arm around his mom's shoulder and wraps his prosthesis around his dad's back.
"We're so proud of you, honey," Naomi says, her voice is thick with unshed tears.
"Very proud," agrees Hiromu.
"I'm only a little impressed," Keith interjects from behind.
Shiro releases his parents so he can step forward and wrap Keith into a tight hug. Keith grunts a little at the playful exertion of force before he gives back as much as he gets. It quickly becomes competitive—they haven't seen each other since early January—and they are soon squeezing each other as hard as they can.
"Is that all you got?" Shiro taunts even though Keith's hold is beginning to hurt his ribs.
"I haven't even gotten started!" Keith shoots back, breathless. "Giving up already?"
"Boys," Hiromu says. His tone is fond, firm, and warranted, as Shiro and Keith tend to forget themselves when they roughhouse. "Knock it off."
Neither Shiro nor Keith can resist one last squeeze before they let go. Keith's face is as red as the flannel tied around his waist. Judging by the heat Shiro feels on his cheeks and forehead, he is no better off.
"You're both nerds," Pidge quips as she elbows Keith aside. Then, with a small grin thrown upwards at Shiro, she demands, "Give me a hug."
Shiro smiles and wraps his arms around her. She hasn't grown much since middle school. At full height, she is level with Shiro's solar plexus, and her pointy chin digs into the exposed softness of Shiro's stomach.
"Hey, kiddo," Shiro greets gently. "Glad you could make it."
"Almost didn't come when I found out that the commencement was going to be outside," Pidge says. "But I also realized that coming meant I could skip Iverson's dumb class, so…"
"I appreciate your support," Shiro drawls.
"Can you really blame her?" asks Matt. "You remember what it was like. Or—wait—no, you don't, because Iverson didn't hate your guts."
Shiro raises an eyebrow at Matt and reminds him, "That's because I never asked stupid hypothetical questions while he was in the middle of a lecture. Or tried to blow anything up during lab. Or attempted to make a flamethrower-slash-robot out of an old toaster."
"Rest in pieces, Deathtron 6000," Pidge intones as solemnly as she is able while still squished against Shiro's torso. Keith, who had taken Iverson's class in junior year with Pidge, places a solemn and respectful palm over his heart.
Once Pidge unlatches, Sam and Colleen are the next to congratulate Shiro. Sam pats him on the should like he did when Shiro graduated high school—Sam had been his biology teacher—and Colleen curls a soft hand around his cheek. They have been a part of his life for almost twenty years, and are as close to him as an aunt and uncle.
"So what do you guys want to do?" Matt asks once all the hugs and congratulations have been exchanged. "We could show you around since the admin opened up campus. Or we could go eat? If you're hungry?"
"Fooooood," Pidge votes.
"You're a gremlin, you always want food," Matt snarks. Then, to the adults, "Any opinions?"
"Whatever you want to do," Colleen says, a sentiment that is quickly shared by Sam and Naomi. Hiromu expresses an interest in a tour while Keith, the final decider, shrugs ambivalently. Matt turns to Shiro and tilts his head with a silent question.
"STC, then Barnum, then the MaCC?" Shiro suggests.
"Mini tour it is!" Matt declares as he claps his hands together. "Dibs on intrepid leader!"
The small journey takes roughly an hour and a half. Matt guides their group first to the science hall where he practically lived his final semester, then to the humanities building where Shiro had done the same. They take a quick detour through the library—an enormous, three story monstrosity made of curving steel, dark stone, and blue-tinted glass that impresses everyone—before going into the campus center. Pidge groans loudly and dramatically when they pass one of the small cafés.
"Please tell me it's time to eat," she whines. "I'm wasting away!"
"How?" Keith asks rhetorically. "You ate like ten bagels at the hotel's continental breakfast."
"I have a fast metabolism."
"There's a good Thai place down the road," Shiro offers. Then, after a quick glance at his phone, he admits, "Might be a little packed now."
"What about that burger place on Massachusetts?" Matt suggests as an alternative. "Since it's only four, they'll have a booth open."
"I vote burgers," Keith chimes.
"We'll have to drive, though," Shiro points out. "Will we all fit in the rental?"
Luckily, the car company had upgraded the Holts' compact to a three-row SUV for no extra charge. The eight of them will fit if Pidge, Keith, and Matt sit in the back, a fact that Matt complains about as they head towards the parking lot. Nobody takes his griping seriously. Matt has always been and will always be a talker, the kind of person who fills silence with the verbal equivalent of packing peanuts.
"I mean, you should be the one sitting the back with the other children," Matt says as he and Shiro peel off their gowns and store them in the trunk. "Since you're still technically five."
"True," Shiro says, too used to the leap year baby jokes to protest, "but I'm not the one in a ridiculous t-shirt." He looks pointedly at Matt's attire, which consists of straight leg jeans, dirty Adidas sneakers, and a lime green shirt featuring Sasquatch in a cowboy hat. "Does Allura know you wore this to commencement?"
"Allura's in France. I can dress however I want." Matt runs a prim hand down the line of his torso. "Besides, it's not like anyone could see it underneath my robes without x-ray vision."
"So you're saying I can tell her?"
Matt pretends not to hear Shiro's teasing. Instead, he walks around to side of the SUV and wedges himself in the back with Keith and Pidge. Shiro stifles a laugh. He knows that Matt doesn't actually care if Allura finds out. Matt's propensity for casual clothing in formal situations is actually a weird running joke between the two of them, which is why Shiro snaps a candid of Matt halfway through dinner and texts it to their missing roommate.
It's a good picture. Matt is gesticulating around a mouthful of his enormous burger, his cheeks bulging comically, while Pidge stares at him, deadpan. They look eerily similar despite their different expressions: their thin noses have the same small upturn, their heart-shaped mouths are identically full and chapped, and their round jawlines both curve softly upward. If it weren't for the incriminating focus on Matt's t-shirt, the snapshot would be almost sweet.
TS [photo image sent] look what matt wore for graduation
Instead of sending the picture to Allura privately—she won't get the message until morning, as Paris is six time zones ahead—Shiro sends the picture to the group chat he shares with her and Matt. Matt throws Shiro a dirty look when his phone chimes.
MH BETRAYAL u may actually be the worst takashi the worst ever (flame emoji) (skull emoji) (poop emoji) thats u
When dinner is done, Shiro, Matt, and their families move outside and continue their conversations on the sidewalk. Hiromu and Naomi are talking to Colleen about their newest home renovation; Pidge and Matt are geeking out over something Matt pulled up on his phone; and Sam is asking Keith about his college decisions. Shiro listens to the latter silently.
"I got into Berkley, UCLA, and San Jose," Keith says. "But I ended up choosing UCLA because I don't really know what I want to major in."
"Katie has said the same," Sam says with a nod. "Though in her case, I believe it was a struggle to narrow down her interests. They have some of the best science departments in the state! And engineering too. Has Hunk decided which one to focus on?"
"He's still trying to decide between mechanical and electrical," Keith replies, his cheeks flushing at the mention of his boyfriend. "He'll probably end up double majoring."
Sam laughs at Keith's reaction and claps him on the shoulder. Sam is like an uncle to both Shiro and Keith, as Matt and Pidge have been their respective best friends since childhood. "I think it's wonderful that you all are going to the same school," he elaborates. "The first year of college is quite the adjustment. Away from home, making all your own decisions—big things, mundane things—it can be overwhelming."
Keith's blush deepens and turns his cheeks a splotchy red. Shiro remembers how Keith struggled with his decision to go to UCLA instead of Berkley or San Jose, admitting to Shiro that while he wanted to go to school with Hunk, he didn't want it to be a deciding factor.
"I don't want to be one of those people," Keith had whispered during one of their weekly phone calls. "Y'know, the person who follows their boyfriend from high school to a college they don't care about? Who doesn't know what they want to do with their life? Who always gets dumped halfway through the first semester?"
"Hunk isn't going to dump you halfway through your first semester," Shiro assured gently. "That only happens in bad television. Besides. Your scholarships are about the same for each place, you don't have a decided major, and physical closeness is something you value in your relationship. It isn't wrong to choose the same school."
"Is that why you and Matt went to the same place? I mean—I know you never dated or anything so it's not exactly the same but—you're close."
"It was definitely something I thought about," Shiro replied. "But I'm glad I did it. My freshman year was difficult, and having Matt there helped me. Are you planning on rooming with Hunk?"
Keith made a strangled noise and gave a choked, "No!" Then he coughed, and said, "No. We all applied to the same dorm hall but opted for random assignment." Keith paused. Sighed. Muttered petulantly, "How much you wanna bet I'm going to end up being roommates with Lance?"
Smiling at the memory, Shiro brings his attention back to the present. He listens as Keith and Sam discuss UCLA's astronomy department until the other half of their group wanders back over. None of them are ready to disperse, so instead of lingering on the curb, they pile into the rental and drive to a local ice cream parlor. It is predictably packed. They have to wait awhile before a harried worker can that their orders, but they get lucky afterwards and snag a recently deserted table after they pay. Shiro holds his single scoop of blackberry walnut expertly in his prosthesis, content to lean back and let the plastic chair hold him and the heaviness of his day as his family chatters around him.
"Getting tired, old man?" Hiromu teases when all that remains of Shiro's dessert is a vague stick on his fingers. "That's supposed to be my job."
"It's been a long day," Shiro says. He can feel the weight of it tugging on his eyelids and weighing on his shoulders. He had woken up before dawn and ended up running for fifteen minutes longer than usual, pushing further and further into the suburbs as he attempted to exercise off his anxiety. It worked until he hit the shower and the sick feeling in his stomach returned as he scrubbed his hair with Allura's leftover shampoo.
"Well, it's done with." Hiromu places a supportive hand on Shiro's upper back. "And Stanford is months away. You've got a whole summer ahead of you to relax, to take it easy." Hiromu grins. "Sounds good, doesn't it?"
"Yeah," Shiro says. "Yeah, it does."
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berserker-official · 7 years
Then allow me to be the one who does it. -ahem- Answer all 200 questions, please.
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t have one right now?
199: I was born in: A hospital in Colorado
198: I am really: Really tired
197: My cellphone company is: Cricket
196: My eye color is: Blue
195: My shoe size is: I think 12?
194: My ring size is: I have no fucking idea
193: My height is: 6′2
192: I am allergic to: Nothing that I know of
191: My 1st car was: I share a Jeep with the family
190: My 1st job was: A pizza man at Little Caesars in Texas
189: Last book you read: All You Need is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka
188: My bed is: Small.
187: My pet: She a good girl and like 6 different breeds
186: My best friend: I have too many
185: My favorite shampoo is: Whatever’s cheap
184: Xbox or ps3: Both but I’m a sony man at heart
183: Piggy banks are: Neat
182: In my pockets: I don’t have pockets right now
181: On my calendar: Nothing special today but I have the Danganronpa V3 release date on it in a couple of weeks
180: Marriage is: Neat
179: Spongebob can: go steppin on the beach
178: My mom: is neat but I’m mad at her right now
177: The last three songs I bought were?
Silence by Marshmello & Khalid, OTONA HIT PARADE and Emotional Literacy by Bradio
176: Last YouTube video watched: Oney Plays D. Premonition WITH FRIENDS - EP 6 - Minesweeper175: How many cousins do you have? I honestly don’t know. My parents don’t really keep in touch with immediate family. My mom is an only child and my dad doesn’t talk to her sister.174: Do you have any siblings? I have a little brother who’s a fucking loser going for an astrophysics degree.
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope
172: Are you taller than your mom? By two feet.
171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play percussion in middle school
170: What did you do yesterday? A bunch of stencil work[ I Believe In ] (I’ve already answered these but here u go)169: Love at first sight: Not really168: Luck: Heart of the Cards167: Fate: No166: Yourself: Nope165: Aliens: Yeah164: Heaven: Not really163: Hell: Not really162: God: Not really161: Horoscopes: No but I look at them randomly160: Soul mates: Yeah159: Ghosts: No but not yet158: Gay Marriage: HELL YEAH157: War: No it bad156: Orbs: I BELIEVE IN THE ORBS155: Magic: No but not yet[ This or That ] (I’ve answered some of these already but here u go)154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs153: Drunk or High: Neither152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Black hair but I don’t really care?150: Blondes or Brunettes: Blonde cuz I’m ready to have fun149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: Night144: Oranges or Apples: Apples143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight hair142: McDonalds or Burger King: Doesn’t matter141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heals: I hate showing off my feet and I actually wore high heels once so HIGH HEELS138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I’m sweet and poor so that one137: Coke or Pepsi: Neither one I actually don’t like carbonated drinks136: Hillary or Obama: Thanks obama135: Burried or cremated: Cremated it’s better for the earth134: Singing or Dancing: Singing even I fuckin suck133: Coach or Chanel: I have no idea132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Neither?131: Small town or Big city: Big City130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller128: Manicure or Pedicure: Whichever is the hand one127: East Coast or West Coast: I’m in the middle so doesn’t matter126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas cuz my birthday is in the summer so I’m dying of heat.125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Neither cuz going outside sucks123: Yankees or Red Sox: Cubs cuz they finally won the world series[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: It bad121: George Bush: He did Nine Eleven120: Gay Marriage: It’s great why the fuck do people think it’s bad119: The presidential election: In general I used to not care but NOW GO FUCKING VOTE118: Abortion: I think it’s important117: MySpace: I never had a myspace but bring back the grunge emo shit116: Reality TV: It’s obviously fake so115: Parents: Parents are good without them I would not be here (But if they’re abusive fuck them)114: Back stabbers: Drop them faster than you can say bye bitch113: Ebay: I’ve only used it once and it was good so I say sure112: Facebook: Needs to chill the fuck out111: Work: Work is good you get money and gain retail horror stories110: My Neighbors: One of them is a drunk so meh but The Best Neighbor is a guy that used to build his own motorcycles but has heart problems so he had to sell them but he’s a chill guy and I love him109: Gas Prices: TOO DAMN HIGH108: Designer Clothes: Too rich for my blood107: College: A good choice for your future but it’s not for everybody106: Sports: The only sport I care about is MLG Gaming105: My family: They cool but highly problematic104: The future: I’m at a big turning point right now so[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Last Saturday?102: Last time you ate: A couple hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Last week I think I hung out with a friend and we watched Willow100: Cried in front of someone: Months probably99: Went to a movie theater: I went to see Spider-Man Homecoming when it came out but next month I’m going to see Jigsaw with @warlord-official so that’s fun98: Took a vacation: I don’t know? When I got out of school for summer vacation?97: Swam in a pool: 2011?96: Changed a diaper: I actually never changed a diaper95: Got my nails done: Never94: Went to a wedding: Two years ago93: Broke a bone: Never92: Got a peircing: Sophmore year I got my lip pierced so...2008?91: Broke the law: I think I ran a red light once so a couple years ago?90: Texted: A day?[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: Me cuz I do the dumbest shit88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My dog87: The last movie I saw: I was watching the Rugrats Movie on Netflix a little while ago86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Danganronpa V3 and then Jigsaw in October and the Ixalan MTG set at the end of the month.85: The thing im not looking forward to: The next time I have to go to jury duty84: People call me: by my name83: The most difficult thing to do is: Be an adult82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never81: My zodiac sign is: Leo80: The first person i talked to today was: My dad79: First time you had a crush: Probably in elementary school? She was partially deaf and my teacher told me to help her out for the year and we got pretty close78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: My friends cuz I gotta let my baggage out77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I don’t remember cuz all my friends think the same way76: Right now I am talking to: No one75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I wanna do photography maybe teaching74: I have/will get a job: When I graduate73: Tomorrow: I gotta get up early for school72: Today: I did a bunch of school readings71: Next Summer: I’m gonna die from heat again70: Next Weekend: Hopefully I can hang with friends69: I have these pets: A good dog68: The worst sound in the world: When a racist opens their mouth67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Roman from the FH team cuz he’s NOT FUCKING NERFING CENT66: People that make you happy: All my friends65: Last time I cried: Just now boi we goin in hard64: My friends are: Good boys and girls63: My computer is: I have an 5 year old ASUS laptop that I should try to upgrade cuz it runs Overwatch poorly62: My School: MSU Denver61: My Car: I share a Jeep with the family60: I lose all respect for people who: Treat my friends like they’re subhuman59: The movie I cried at was: Death Note cuz it was fucking awful58: Your hair color is: Dirty blonde57: TV shows you watch: The only stuff on now that I’m watching is Rick and Morty and AHS: Cult56: Favorite web site: Tumblr even though this hellsite is full of sin55: Your dream vacation: Japan?54: The worst pain I was ever in was: My wisdom teeth were pretty obnoxious53: How do you like your steak cooked: Rare52: My room is: Very messy and small51: My favorite celebrity is: Gal Gadot50: Where would you like to be: Anywhere not stressed out49: Do you want children: Only if I have an S/O that wants kids48: Ever been in love: Yeh47: Who’s your best friend: I have too many to count but @warlord-official is one of them46: More guy friends or girl friends: I think it’s a tie?45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when my friends are happy or I eat a good burger44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My friend that’s in Japan I miss her43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Nope42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope41: Have you pre-named your children: I did when I was dating someone and thought we were pretty serious but then I found out she was cheating on me so not anymore40: Last person I got mad at: My mom39: I would like to move to: Japan or somewhere that is cool all the time like Washington maybe38: I wish I was a professional: Photographer[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Pay Day36: Vehicle: Reasonably priced car is one of the new Jeeps. Super expensive car would be an Aston Martin or Maserati35: President: Obama34: State visited: Georgia was nice33: Cellphone provider: Cricket cuz it’s the only one I’ve had32: Athlete: John Elway31: Actor: Chris Evans30: Actress: Gal Gadot29: Singer: Kesha28: Band: Bradio or Starset27: Clothing store: DXL cuz it’s the only store that sells clothes for Big Boys26: Grocery store: Safeway25: TV show: Hannibal or Future Diary. Rick and Morty is always good24: Movie: Saw, Pacific Rim, Back to the Future, or Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift23: Website: Tumle dot hell22: Animal: Dog?21: Theme park: NONE OF EM20: Holiday: Halloween19: Sport to watch: idk18: Sport to play: I used to do tennis so that one17: Magazine: Shonen Jump or Game Informer16: Book: The Disaster Artist15: Day of the week: Friday14: Beach: I’ve never been to a beach13: Concert attended: Either PVRIS or A Perfect Circle with @warlord-official12: Thing to cook: It’s like a mix of pizza and spaghetti11: Food: A nice burger10: Restaurant: I like Smashburger9: Radio station: I don’t remember the one that plays rock music here but that one8: Yankee candle scent: Something about rain?7: Perfume: There was a vanilla one that I thought smelled nice a long time ago6: Flower: idk?5: Color: a deep blue4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres?3: Comedian: Bo Burnham2: Dog breed: Mutt1: Did you answer all these truthfully? I hope so   
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
what is the second to last letter of your first name? ”I.” how bout the last letter of your last name? -- 5th letter of your middle name? -- what time was it 17 minutes ago? 6:09AM. when was the last time you ate your favorite food? I had ramen a few hours ago, which is one of my favorite foods.
what food is that? ^^^ describe the shoes you wore today I haven’t worn any so far and have no plans to. do you drink coffee? I sure do. what song are you currently listening to? I’m not listening to music; I’m listening to an ASMR video. tell me a line from that song -- how long has your favorite animal been your favorite animal? I’ve loved giraffes and dogs since I was a kid. when was the last time you spoke to your mom? Last night before she went to bed. tell me about something interesting you did today It’s only 6:28AM so not much. I dozed off around 230ish and woke up at like 5:45 needing pain medicine and then decided to scroll through Tumblr and do some surveys for a bit in hopes that I’ll be able to fall back asleep soon. do you have a job? where? Nope. what is your pet (if you have one) doing right this second? She’s in the living room so I can’t see her at the moment, but I’m going to assume she’s on her couch asleep. what kind of pet is that? She’s a doggo. what is/was your favorite subject in school? English. do you have an instagram? Yes. if so how many posts do you have? *shrug* I don’t feel like checking. have you ever been to Europe? No, but hopefully someday. if so, what country(ies)? -- what's your favorite number? The number 8. does that number have any particular significance to you? Yes. what did you buy the last time you went to the mall? Christmas gifts. what battery percent is your phone at right now? 59%. can you juggle? Nope. what do you expect to be doing in 3 hours from now? Sleeping, hopefully. have you ever done any acting/theater? I actually took a couple acting classes for electives at community college. I’m still surprised I did that. how is your hair currently styled? It’s up in its usual messy bun. do you have a pinterest? I do. if so are you addicted to it like me? No, but I do like spending some time on it. do you know anyone who lives in Massachusetts? No. what's the last movie you saw in theaters? I saw A Quiet Place 2 a few days ago. It was nice being at the movies again and finally getting my movie theater popcorn I had been craving. did you enjoy it? Yeah. what's your favorite color combination? I love pastel combos. can you speak any foreign languages? if so, which one(s)? I can speak a little Spanish. say something in said language: (and its translation) ”Estoy cansada pero no puedo dormir.” --> “I’m tired, but I can’t sleep.” what are your plans for tomorrow? I don’t have any. have you ever visited the location of your favorite movie? I haven’t visited any movie locations, but I think that’s cool and would love to do that with several locations. ever read The Book Thief? (if not you should, it's really good) Nope. what's been the best part of your summer so far? Nothing so far. I hope to make a few beach trips, though. do you know what boomwhackers are? Uhh, no. how about a vibraslap? Nope. what's the last thing you took a picture of? **starting this at a later time* I think it was a screenshot. what's your computer's wallpaper? Alexander Skarsgard. how about your phone? I have a Grumpy Bear Care Bear theme going on currently. what's the last thing you watched on youtube? I’m currently watching a YouTube video. how many facebook friends do you have? (if you have facebook) 100 and something. do you use vsco? I have the app, but I’ve hardly used it. what kind of phone do you have? An iPhone 12 Pro Max. are you musically inclined? No, unfortunately. if so, in what way(s)? -- do you prefer to type in word or google docs? I used Google Docs throughout university. what color is your water bottle? I don’t have a reusable water bottle. are you smart?? I feel I’m just very average. besides basic human nessecities what's one thing you can't live without?: I’d really like to always have my coffee, ha. what religion are you? Christian. have you ever seen your favorite animal in real life? Yes. tell me about a song that has personal significance to you. The acoustic version of “Everlong” by Foo Fighters. what are your opinions on Hamilton? The play or the person? does your cat purr really loud? (if you have a cat) -- does your cat have major mood swings? -- who do you admire? My mom. last time you went to starbucks, what did you order? A venti peppermint white chocolate mocha. have you ever gotten a really good grade on a test you didn't study for? Not a test, but essays and assignments that I may have BS’ed a little. how about a bad grade when you studied really hard? Yes. what's your favorite book you had to read for school? One of them is A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. how about your favorite book in general? I couldn’t choose just one. ever heard of the musical Honk!? (the ! goes with the title) No. have you ever met your favorite celebrity? No. who is that person? Alexander Skarsgard. how many times have you seen your favorite movie? I have many favorite movies. can you count to 100 in any languages other than English? Spanish. when was the last time you went to the beach? September 2019 aka waaaay too long ago. what's your dream concert? Hmm. what state do you live in? California. have you ever been in a youtube video? Yes. I’ve uploaded some vidoes before a longgg time ago, but those will remain private now forever. I don’t know wth I was thinking lol they’re so lame. A friend and I uploaded a few as well that are just like...why. how about in the newspaper? Yes. on TV? Yes, on my local news. on the radio? To request a song back in the day. do you prefer to call, text, or email people? Text. what's your dream job? I don’t have one. :/ last time you were in a theater/concert hall/auditorium what was it for? I saw The Phantom of the Opera a few years ago with my aunt. do you have pierced ears? Yeah, my earlobes are pierced. what's your favorite grocery store? We do our grocery shopping at Walmart and it works out fine. tell me a line from a song you particularly love I have many favorite songs. do you like elephants? Sure. how about giraffes? I love giraffes. describe the shirt you're wearing? I’m wearing an Adidas dress shirt. It’s quite comfortable. what did you have for lunch? I haven’t had lunch, yet, it’s only 6:57AM. is it sunny outside? Not yet. can you stand on your head? No. what's your favorite restaurant? I don’t have one. would you rather travel to the past or the future? The past. what's the best gift you've ever received? I couldn’t possibly choose. describe your perfect day. A nice, relaxing day at the beach. did you have chicks in your class in elementary school? Yes, I went to co-ed schools. I’m also a “chick.” Or are you referring to baby chickens? That would be odd, but *shrug* maybe that was the norm where you’re from lol. do you doodle in your notebooks? Yeah. what month is your birthday in? July. how many times a day do you brush your teeth? At least once, but I try for twice. when did you last change a lightbulb? I don’t remember. what's the last song you sang? I don’t recall at the moment. do you know anyone who had a baby recently? Someone on my Facebook did. do you avoid the cracks on the sidewalk? Yes. name 3 things in your refridgerator. Creamer, soda, leftover pesto pasta from last night. have you ever won an award? Honor roll awards and club stuff.
last time you had ice cream, what flavor? I had a homemade chocolate banana milkshake last night that was made with vanilla ice cream. what other tabs do you currently have open? Pinterest, Bzoink, YouTube, and Google. what's the 4th song in your iTunes under letter S? *shrug* I haven’t used iTunes since like 2012. the 2nd song under letter M? -- do you prefer to travel by car or plane? Depends how far I’m going. what internet browser do you use? Chrome. what's your favorite kitchen utensil? Forks and spoons are pretty great. how do you feel about ducks? They’re cute. ever ridden a horse? No. can you eat with chopsticks? I haven’t given them much of a try, but when I have I was flimsy and just gave up quite quickly. do you know what imbakwa moyo means? (without looking it up)? No. tell me a line from the song you're currently listening to. I’m not listening to music. have you ever been to a u-pick berry farm? No. are you good at dancing? Nope. would you like to swing on a star? That sounds terrifying. have you ever forgotten to do your homework? I was good on staying on top of that because I worried about that happening. do you like Shakespeare? No. if so, which play is your favorite? -- are there certain words/phrases that trigger songs in your brain? Yeah. would you rather read a book or watch a movie? Depends on my mood. who sent the last text message you received? My dad. don't you hate that rainbow spinning wheel on the computer? It’s quite annoying. how many minutes are in a year? 525, 600 minutes. do you only know that from Seasons of Love? Yep. what's your favorite article of clothing? My oversized grahic tees and leggings. Although, these shirt dresses I recently got are very comfortable and convenient. do you prefer even or odd numbers? I don’t have a preference. ever heard a hammer dulcimer? No. do you enjoy going to the library? I loved going to the library as a kid. I went all the time. when did you last write someone an actual letter? I have no idea. what's the last gift you received? A new pair of Beats wireless earbuds. did you know that strawberries and raspberries are not actually berries? I did know that. I still say they are anyway. are you good at spelling? I think so. can you roll your r's Nope. can you lick your elbow? Nope. do you have a twitter? I do. do you recycle? Yeah, cans and plastic bottles. when's the last time you rode the bus? Like 5 years ago. I used to have to take it sometimes in college. what's the longest vacation you've been on? A week. what's your favorite kind of donut? Glazed and maple.  do you own anything from Vera Bradley? No. when you go in a pool do you jump in or use the ladder? I don’t do either. I can’t swim, so if I’m going to get into the pool I have to be helped into an inner tube. do you have perfect pitch? Uh, no. I have no athletic abilities. what's your mom's name? I don’t know if she wants me sharing that. do you have an uncle called Steve? Nope. do you have multiple friends with the same name? I don’t have any friends. do you play neko atsume? No. I don’t even know what it is. what did you think of The Fault In Our Stars? I liked the book and the movie. did you prefer the book or the movie? ^^^ The movie actually had me really crying, though. do you like yogurt? Nah. do you like riding on carousels? Nah. ever played with a pinwheel? Yes. do you like museums? I do. if so, what type is your favorite? I like historical ones. is your bedroom a mess? It’s a little cluttered at the moment. Things have been hectic and I have all these medical supplles spread out right now. what's your favorite thing to eat at Thanksgiving? Turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, my brother’s homemade baked mac and cheese, rolls, appetizers... ever had a treehouse? No. have you ever seen a kangaroo in real life? No. a year ago today, what were you doing? I could check my Timehop app again and see, but nah. are you procrastinating on something? Not at the moment. do you have a brother? I have two. a sister? No. do you know what a pandereta is? No. are you currently reading a book? I am. what book is it? ”The Girl and the Unlucky 13″ by AJ Rivers. how are you today?? Eh, alright. when's the last time you used a dictionary? I don’t recall. which do you dislike more, doctor or dentist? The dentist. what's the last thing you searched on google? About a movie. do you ever have conversations via text/email with people in the same room? I have. what was your favorite book when you were a little kid? I had many. I’ve always loved to read. ever owned a pet bunny? Nope. how about a goldfish? Yes. what color hair do you have? Naturally, it’s dark brown, but I dye it red. what did you eat for dinner? I haven’t had dinner, yet, but probably just some leftover pesto pasta from last night. what song, if any, is currently stuck in your head? None at the moment. are you right handed or left handed? Right handed. what website did you last visit? (besides this one) Google. what time do you usually go to bed? When the sun is coming up. Sigh. have you seen the movie Miracles From Heaven? No. what is your opinion on muffins? I love muffins. do you remember your locker combination? I don’t have a locker. do you listen to classical music? I haven’t in a long time. ever take buzzfeed quizzes? Yeah. what's your favorite store? Boxlunch and Hot Topic. when's the last time you were onstage? My UC graduation back in 2015. does it snow where you live? No. :( do you like pasta? I loveee pasta. how about chinese food? Yeah. do you prefer to color with markers or colored pencils? Colored pencils for sure. do you usually look good in pictures? Ha, no. I never do. describe the case on your phone It’s a Winnie the Pooh one. what kind of shoes did you wear today? I didn’t. have you seen any plays/musicals recently? No. what's your favorite thing you've been for Halloween? Eh, I don’t really have a favorite. what do you like to eat at the movies? I have to get popcorn. It’s a must. what was your favorite TV show when you were 10? Whatever was on Nickelodeon and Disney Channel basically. do you have neat handwriting? No, my handwriting is shit. what's your favorite quote? I have several. when did you last have a glass of water? Like an hour ago. what's your shoe size? 6 in women’s US. do you wish you were older or younger? Younger. I’d even be fine if I just stayed this age. do you have more than one best friend? No. when did you last brush your teeth? This afternoon. are you wearing socks? Yep. Always. are your nails painted? Nope. I haven’t painted my nails in years. why do people park in a driveway and drive on a parkway? It is what it is. is the glass half empty or half full? Mine is empty. where was the last beach you went to? About 2 hours away. why does the dentist talk to you when they have stuff in your mouth? I never understood that either. when did you last get a haircut? Over a year ago. how many lights are on in the room you're in? Three. do you like wolves? They’re beautiful animals. what are the first 3 digits of your phone number? --- how long is the song you're currently listening to? I’m not listening to music. have you ever bought anything on etsy? Yeah, a lot of things. do you prefer breakfast or dinner? Dinner. have you ever experienced a tornado? No. a hurricane? No. an earthquake? No. do you like sushi? Ew, nooo. are you registered to vote? I am. when did you last eat waffles? A couple days ago. do you wear glasses? Yes. do you like spicy food? I loved spicy food, but I can’t have it anymore. :( do you like your neighbors? I don’t know them. do you play 2048? No. what's your dream college? I already went and graduated from college. have you ever been to Africa? No. have you seen your favorite movie more than 5 times? I have many favorite movies and a lot of them I’ve seen countless times. what did you last post on facebook? I shared some meme thing.
do you use a mouse or a trackpad? Trackpad. what's your favorite word? *shrug*
what voice part are you? Huh?
how is your hair currently styled? In a messy bun. how much caffeine have you had today? Just coffee this morning so far. where do you typically do your grocery shopping? Walmart. do you know anyone who has a birthday soon? One of my cousins. when did you last receive mail? Recently. what was it? Bills, of course. are you sitting on a chair? Yeah. what did you last watch on youtube? An ASMR video. is your bedroom upstairs or downstairs? I live in a single story house. are you wearing any jewelry? No. do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Both are nice. have you ever seen Wicked? No. (if you have) what's your favorite song from it? -- what's your favorite game on your phone? I like to play murder mystery games sometimes. do you take surveys a lot? I’d say so. do you wear a watch? Nope. what was your biggest accomplishment of the day? Getting out of bed. did you ever have an American Girl doll? Nah. how about webkinz? No. have you ever seen the awesome fountain in the detroit airport? I’ve never been. ever thought you saw someone you know but it turned out to be a stranger? Ha, yeah. what web browser do you use? Chrome. are you wearing shorts? No. what do you wish you could do this summer? Beach vacays. have you ever skipped school? In college sometimes. has a song ever freaked you out cause the volume was up too loud? Yeah, I’ve jumped many times because of that. I’m so jumpy. do you have an ipad? No. is there anyone who you miss even though you don't know them very well? No. what's your favorite time period in history? I find various times in history interesting.  when's the last time you were in a church? It’s been five years since I’ve been in an actual church, but I’ve been attending the live streams to a local church for over a year now. how do you typically watch movies? Certain movies, like the ones I’m really into and excited about or just think looks really good, I like to go see in theaters for the first time. I also watch through some streaming service or on TV. besides money, what would you like a lifetime supply of? My favorite foods. do you like rain? I love it. do you shop at thrift stores? No. look behind you! what's there? My back pillow is right behind me. who did you last talk to outside the family? My doctor.
can you touch your tongue to your nose? No. what/who do you fangirl/boy over? Alexander Skarsgard. where does your dad work? A car repair shop. have you ever caught a fish? No. do you play candy crush? Nope. Never got into those games. flappy bird? No. do you have an ipod? Yeah, but it’s been stored away and unused since 2012. do you celebrate christmas? Yes. I love Christmas. how many songs do you know all the words to? Many. when did you last eat a donut? A few days ago. what's your favorite ride at the fair/amusement park? My favorite amusement park is Disneyland and I enjoy majority of the rides. what are 3 things you want to do before you die? Get my shit together, do something with my life, and travel. have you ever shopped on redbubble? Yes. what is on the walls of your bedroom? Some canvases and framed photos. what brand of toothpaste do you use? Sensodyne. what do you wear to bed? Clothes. do you eat seafood? Nopee. who do you admire? My mom. what color is your computer? Silver. do you do your own laundry? I need help with that, which my mom does. ever broken a bone? yes. what restaurant did you last go to? The last one I physically went to and ate at was Denny’s last year before the pandemic hit. I get takeout regularly, though, from various restaurants and fast food places. what do you spend most of your money on? Food. when did you last see your cousins? It’s been awhile. when's the last time you saw a rainbow? I don’t remember.  when's the last time you were on a boat? Years ago. what time do you usually get up? Between like 9 and 11 lately. do you like fluffy cats? Sure. what's your favorite time of year? Fall, Halloween, winter, and Christmastime. what's the most beautiful song you know? Hmm. what's your favorite stuffed animal? All my many, many giraffes and my two Baby Yoda plushies. what do you put in your ice cream sundae? Strawberry syrup. any plans for the weekend? No. is it sunny outside? No, it’s 11:40PM. have you read the hunger games? Yep, I read the series. can you speak Spanish? Very little. do you like enchiladas? Sure.
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