#eleanor — 004.
amyzmarch · 2 months
@jomarchz — eleanor & alec.
naquele momento, eleanor nada mais desejava que aprender a desaparecer com um estalar de dedos. se apresentar na temporada social como uma participante ativa era uma coisa para a qual acreditava estar preparada, imaginando que seria muito mais agradável ter certo livre arbítrio que somente aparecer no casamento com um nobre aleatório e de outro país que sua mãe escolhesse como seu futuro marido. e estava até desejando voltar atrás e deixar que a rainha assumisse as rédeas novamente. não aguentava mais a sensação de estar constantemente cercada por abutres que só queriam entrar na família real, que insistiam a todo custo de manter contato com ela e a importunava de todas as maneiras possíveis. ouvir lorde davenport discursar a fazia querer sair correndo a toda velocidade, e não conseguia simplesmente ir embora: toda vez que tentava se despedir e se afastar para ir a qualquer outro canto do jardim em que o baile acontecia, liam davenport parecia fazer questão de segui-la e ignorar tudo o que estava falando. poderia ter chamado os guardas e dar um jeito naquela situação, mas não queria parecer que não conseguia lidar com os seus próprios problemas sozinha. muito menos criar uma cena para todos os convidados. estava completamente desconfortável e era extremamente custoso para eleanor esconder como queria se enfiar no chão. “ah, olha lá o braddock.” o escutou mencionar alexander e desviou a atenção para o rosto conhecido, ignorando o que o duque estava falando ao seu lado. não queria lidar com ele ainda. mas, ao mesmo tempo, era a única esperança que tinha de se livrar daquela situação detestável na velocidade da luz - e esperava que ele percebesse que estava desesperada ao chamá-lo: “lorde braddock! estava mesmo para avisar o lorde davenport que rpecisava encontrá-lo. pronto para a nossa dança?.” abriu um sorriso falso, praticamente gritando: me ajuda.
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casterlygldcs · 1 year
who: @westerlcnds
setting: the apartments of the queen of the west within casterly rock, within a private dining room. this is prior to cedric tyrell's wedding to illya oakheart, and before the west has travelled to the reach. the king and queen of the west are sharing a small, private dinner together whilst ladies remain beyond the veiled curtains.
it was known that the lion king visited the chambers of his queen, both by those cursed writers as well as the general gossip of casterly. and yet, he knew that in itself cemented her position in one of favour. they would know the queen of the west had the favour of her husband. "the court will soon depart for the reach, considering the war of the roses has come to an end. how are you feeling about your first appearance beyond our borders?" and yet, there was something that needed to be asked. for he heard nothing regarding a certain matter. the most important matter. it took time. he needed to give her time, for he was sure the gods looked favourably upon this union. for she was not like his last.
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badplaceideas · 2 years
Deeply Terrible Idea 004
The time-knife but instead it’s Eleanor’s white chocolate shrimp dispenser
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growthgoddess · 1 year
Welcome, my children. My name is Helena, and I am the Growth Goddess. I scour the world altering the fates of worthy women and grow them into unstoppable giantesses. 🏢🚺🏢
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I hope you enjoy my work! You can find written records of my displays of power listed below:
Most of these women's stories have open endings. Feel free to reblog and continue any one of their stories <3 in fact, I highly encourage it!
EVENT ONGOING (3/20-3/27): With the destruction wreaked back in the previous games, we were forced to move our games to the open ocean in the meantime! Catch Deific Dames II and start betting for your favorite multi-storey giantess!
Giantess Calculator
COG: Cause of Growth
Case Ω: Helena Turner the Goddess (Size: Galactic) - COG: A Mix of Brilliant Sciencse, Ancient Magic, and a bit of Desperation
Case #001: Ysolda the Witch (Size: 80ft.) - COG: Vengeful Enchanted Brew
Case #002: Maria the Liberator (Size: 120ft.) - COG: Botanical Growth Accelerator
Case #003: Lily the Gunslinger (Size: 175ft.) - COG: Ancient Native Growth Stimulant
Case #004: SooYeon the Executive (Size: 1500 ft) - COG: Experimental Super Soldier Serum
Case #005: Megan the Undergrad (Size: 140 ft.) - COG: Extraterrestrial Mineral Crash
Case #006: Lisa the Patient (Size: 225 ft.) - COG: Untested Surgical Procedure
Case #007: Jessica the Intern (Size: 100 ft.) - COG: Unknown Cocktail of Chemicals
Case #008: Rachel the Sleepy (Size: 80 ft.) - COG: Hormone Therapy
Case #009: Sophia the Lupara (Size: 150 ft.) - COG: Underwater Wishing Artifact
Case #010: Eleanor the Maid (Size: 30 ft.) - COG: Witch's Enchantment
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Case #011: Grace the Cowgirl (Size: 100 ft.) - COG: Radioactive Milk
Case #012: Nehru the Protector (Size: 25ft.) - COG: Sacred Jungle Fruit
Case #013: Gwen the Attendant (Size: 350ft.) - COG: Smuggled Growth Serum
Case #014: Anne the Drunk (Size: 180 ft.) - COG: Unknown Drug Reacted with Alcohol
Case #015: Leah the Bashful (Size: 85 ft.) - COG: Livestock Growth Inducer Overdose
Case #016: Amelia the Teacher (Size: 70 ft.) - COG: Just the right dose of lethal radiation
Case #017: Tamara the Mambo (Size: 7550 ft.) - COG:. Favor of the Lwa
Case #018: Lamia the Loyal (Size: 1800 ft.) - COG: Dr. Vander's Legacy
Case #019: Beatrice the Glutton (Size: 40 ft.) - COG: Curse of Gluttony and a Witch's Spell
Case #20: Amy the Biologist (Size: 394 ft.) - COG: Unknown Marine Animal's Venom
Case #21: Cassandra the Slytherin (Size: 230ft.) - COG: Swelling Solution overdose
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Case #21: Alice the Unhinged (Size: 80 ft.) - COG: A mix of several medications and a trigger drug
Case #22: Daisy the Clown (Size: 75 ft.) - COG: Enchanted Coin from a Mysterious Woman
Case #23: Celestine the Incarnation (Size: 130 ft.) - COG: Possession by an Unknown Entity
Case #24: Sunrise the Bodyguard (Size: 90 ft.) - COG: Experimental Growth Injection
Case #25: Elara the Queen (Size: 100 ft.) - COG: Eldritch Magic
Deific Dames GTS Game Show:
Ep 1 Polls: Maria, Grace, Jessica, Megan
Ep 1 Results Post
Ep 2 Polls: Rachel, Leah, Alice, Daisy
Side Giantesses:
Hobby Project #1: Cosplay Conundrum
Hobby Project #2: Dominance
Hobby Project #3: Teasing Titaness
Hobby Project #4: Totally Spies Spinoff Synopsis
Hobby Project #5: Delilah's Dilemma
Hobby Project #6: Dueling Damsels
Hobby Project #7: Kaiju Haiku
Hobby Project #8: Not Anymore
Hobby Project #9: Courtney Doesn't Swim
Hobby Project #10: Anything for You
Hobby Project #11: I Will Never Be Small Again
Hobby Project #12: Engorgio V2
Hobby Project #13: Anzu's Ascension
Hobby Project #14: Poem to the Sun
Hobby Project #15: Trampling Tiddies
Hobby Project #16: Wizardry in Work
Hobby Project #17: Jumbo Julia
Hobby Project #18: Wish You Well
Hobby Project #19: Helena's Random Lab Growth
Hobby Project #20: Overgrown Olivia
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I will try to diligently grow women every weekday, for this goddess rests on the 6th and 7th days of the week 😁😉💗
I use NovelAI to generate my images. Its not free for me, but I really want to make my stories come to life! If you are interested in supporting me, I will be posting a Patreon soon to help fund my interventions 🧚
Stay tuned for my next endeavors! 😊
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echoesofman · 2 years
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004 Orange Fleece & 005 Lilac Plush Minky
My plushes named Eleanor Rigby
designed by me
yea it’s plural lol
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mayahirsch-a · 2 years
starter for :   @eleanorcai​. location  :   glace.
your  muse  presents  my  muse  with  a  gift.
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Rejection wasn’t something Maya was good with. In fact, rejection might have been her biggest and most notable fear. At least that’s what her therapist has told her in the past. Still, even the idea of rejection is enough to make Maya more than emotional. It takes an exhausting amount of willpower for Maya to plow right into Glace, a small box containing a silver pair of hoops. 
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“Here, a gift,” She says with malice in her tone, anger and frustration spread across her expression. “Merry Christmas. I need to return these. I don’t want them. I don’t want anything from you, actually.” 
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lydiabeckett · 3 years
at antonio’s pizzeria on APRIL 25TH. around nine in the evening.
closed starter for eleanor hirsch — @eleanorhirsch​​.
The phone on her back pocket was weighing heavily on her. Over the past almost three weeks, Lydia had been making the fine decision of drinking at least half a bottle of any available hard liquor before walking out on any street.
Her phone hadn’t been turned on just yet, her entire being was not ready to return to the real world just yet. Self-pity had become a full time job she was excelling at. Considering her recent habits, it was a surprise that she had even been keeping herself standing. It wasn’t exactly a surprise that among the many feelings she had been pushing down and numbing away, shame had been on the forefront. Ashamed and scared was definitely no way to live.
It wasn’t to say that she didn’t miss her life, because she did. Declan was always in her mind as she often wondered how Holly had been dealing with her absence and if she even would have a job to go back to. Eleanor shouldn’t want anything to do with her. Three weeks of no contact was three weeks too long when it came to them. Lydia, however, saw no other way of dealing with the turmoil inside her head and outside noise would only ever push her closer to a breaking point she didn’t care for reaching.
That was a lot to be running through her mind as she waited for pizza and she knew the cause of it was her half-sober mind. She asked them to hurry with her order. A large pizza for one would make her last for a couple of days inside her apartment, maybe more. Food had not been something she had been preoccupied with for the past weeks, by the time she passed out drunk, dinner had been long forgotten.
Turning on her heels once she had the pizza box and paid for it, she did not expect to see Eleanor’s face. “Nell . . . hi.” 
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sheaellisdelaney · 5 years
cover me (with 1000 kisses)
Who: Shea Delaney & Eleanor Wood
When: 7/22
Where: Shea’s apartment
What: Eleanor comes over
Warnings: Little space to cope, mentions of drug addiction
Shea was missing Eleanor, that was the only real way to say it. She wanted to be around her more and more. Things were just easier with her around. Shea knew that things had changed. When Eleanor was around, Shea knew that the other was safe and protected and so very much hers. Ever since the night that Eleanor had been drugged and it set in just how much she cared for her, it'd been harder to not have her around.
She'd set a timer for exactly an hour from the time she texted Eleanor back, very keen on keeping the other to the time she said. Then she'd set about taking a shower, figuring it was the easiest way to kill time. Her blanket fort from the other night was still up in the living room and every time she thought to take it down there'd be just a certain twinge of pain and she'd leave it up, just in case. And as she got out of the shower she once again found herself debating taking it down. It wouldn't be too hard to reconstruct later and the extra pillows and blankets could certainly be put to better use while Eleanor was over.
Eleanor isn’t sure how serious Shea was about having her in her home forever but she knew to at least pack for a couple days. She throws in different pajamas, undies, a blanket, and her stuffed cat and climbs out her window. She doesn’t even look back as she walks off the property and finds her Uber. 
She’s chatty- nervous, thinking that if she talks she can be in control.
And is relieved when they arrive. It had been less than an hour but she still likes the idea of 1000 kisses so when she knocks she’s grinning wide, thankful it doesn’t hurt to do that any longer.
Shea is still debating whether or not to take apart the pillow fort when there comes a knock on her door. She smiles, bouncing a little on her feet. Her ankle and knee are still fucked to hell, so she's still out of work, but she's getting around a lot better than she had been. She was still limping and would probably be better if she actually used the crutches she'd been given, Shea was too stubborn and independent for such. So, instead she just dealt with the pain.
Heading to the door, she pulled it open, delighted to see a smile on Eleanor's face. "Princess!"
Eleanor is careful with her movements but is immediate in wrapping the other girl up in her arms. “I know I’m not late but I’d still like to give you 1000 kisses. Nice reference by the way.”
Shea wraps her arms around Eleanor and pulls her gently into the apartment, just enough to close the door. Yeah?!" Shea is almost vibrating with excitement at that. It had been mostly a joke, she'd never actually figured Eleanor would agree, even if she had been late. But she was thoroughly excited she was getting them anyway. "Thanks, I was listening to Rent earlier."
“It would be my pleasure.” Eleanor promises, starting already to place light kisses across her face. “I’d like for you to tell me there’s a computer in that fort so we can snuggle and watch the little mermaid. And so I can properly give you all the kisses.”
Shea can't help but giggle at the little kisses to her face. "There can be, real quick!" Her voice is pitched slightly higher than usual, a childish hint to it all as she bounces a little. "Should I go get it?"
“Yes! Go. I’ll be right here.” Eleanor smiles, watching her happily. She seems less pained and it was s good look on her.
Shea nodded excitedly and headed off to her bedroom. Her laptop had taken to living on her bedside table, as she spent most of her days in bed, it was easier. She returned quickly, moving to plug it in  near the pillow fort, glad she'd left it up.  "Snacks?"
“Are you hungry?” Rachel peaks into the fort and easily sets the laptop off to the side. “I’d really just like to kiss you.”
"Might be later. Grabbing snacks now means we don't have to later. Less getting up and interrupting the kisses. Right?"
“You’re the smartest. Snacks are great and water, maybe?” Eleanor makes her way to the kitchen.
Shea giggles a bit and goes into the kitchen with Eleanor."Fruit snacks and pretzels maybe?" She asked. "Have juice boxes now too." She mumbles as she opens the fridge, grabbing a couple water bottles and then a handful of juice boxes. What good was a Disney movie without juice?
“Those sound great. The butterflies or the sticks?” Eleanor helps by grabbing the juice boxes. “You know exactly how to make this perfect. Are we ready?”
"Only have butterflies." Shea liked eating pretzels with ice cream and sticks broke off too easily in the ice cream, so she only bothered to buy the others. When Eleanor took some of the juice boxes she smiled a bit, blushing a bit at the compliment. "Yeh!" She nodded, grabbing the box of fruit snacks sat on the counter, she found she didn't forget about them if she left them on the counter and she liked her snacks where she could get to them easy.
“My favorite!” Eleanor brings the items into the fort and then waits back for Shea to get inside first. “Get comfy. I’m gonna snuggle you so much!”
Shea crawls into the pillow fort, making herself as comfortable as possible. Almost every extra pillow and blanket out of the apartment had been used to construct the fort, including the cushions off her couch. There was also a stuffed red panda that Shea grabbed once she was settled in properly. While she wasn't entirely in little space she could feel her hold on her actual self slipping and had a feeling she'd lose that grip entirely the more she they settled in but for once she didn't mind. Shea knew she was safe with Eleanor.
“You certainly know your way around fort building. A priceless skill that I’m quite envious of.” Her nose scrunches up a bit, noticing the red panda. “Will you cuddle my stuffie for me?” Eleanor climbs out quickly to grab her stuffed cat and then she spoons Shea happily, placing the cat in her arms before starting up the kisses again. “Her name is Cat.” Eleanor whispers in her ear, moving to kiss the woman gently before moving to start at her shoulder.
"Thanks." She gasps slightly when Eleanor mentions her own stuffie. "Of course!" Even though she knows this requires Eleanor getting up, she can't help but whine when she does so. Shea happily takes the stuffed cat, giving it a kiss on the head. "Hello Cat. This is Rud." She made both stuffies wave before adjusting her hold on them to cuddle them properly. She also wiggled to press back into Eleanor, giggling at the kisses.
Eleanor finds the scene before her adorable and precious and she likes that Shea trusts her to see it. “I haven’t kept count of all the kisses I’ve given so far.” She places another kiss to her lips. “What’s off limits, babe?”
"It's okay. You can start now, yeah?" Shea kisses Eleanor back before her eyebrows scrunched together at the question. There was no doubt she was slipping further into little space which meant there were a lot more limits about to be put into place and she had to think about that. "Anything below the waist. And everything stays on." Had she not been so close to little space things would have been different. Shea would have been far more open to clothes coming off, even for just the sake of just giving Eleanor more places to kiss. But at the moment, she isn't.
“So your cheeks?” Eleanor starts counting off kisses as she goes from one cheek to the other. “And your nose?” She continues. “Forehead. Top of your head.” Eleanor continues, even doing butterfly kisses before rounding off the rest of the kisses to her lips and the stuffed. “1000 kisses for my sweetest girl.”
Shea finds herself giggling with each kiss, just happy to be with Eleanor. Happy to be cuddled up with her and getting kisses from her princess. "Princess kisses are best!"
“And you’re the only one who receives them.” She promises, snuggling her in close. “Except stuffies, they need kisses too.”
"Am special?" Shea asks looking at Eleanor curiously.
“You’re the most special person I’ve ever met, sweet girl.”
"Am? Princess sure?" Shea isn't sure she believes her. She wants to, but it's a hard thing for her to believe.
She kisses her nose and smiles. “I’m the most sure about you than anyone or anything else in this world.”
"Okie." She nodded slightly, smiling at Eleanor. "Movie now?"
Eleanor kisses her forehead and moves so that she can get the little mermaid up and playing on the laptop. Once she presses play she gets back to holding Shea’s but her eyes are on the screen.
Shea settles back into Eleanor's arms, adjusting the stuffies in her arms so that their heads are turned to the screen too and able to watch. "Rud likes Lion King better, water no good."
“I hadn’t met Rud when I chose the movie. Should we switch to The Lion King?” Eleanor sits up.
Shea shook her head, whining when Eleanor sits up. "No, is okie. I like it. Rud is okay."
“Okay.” She nuzzles into her. “Cat doesn’t like water either.
"Cat favorite?" Shea yawns a little, reaching around until she finds a blanket and trying to pull it over them, though having issues with being the little spoon. With a huff she drops it and looks at Eleanor. "Please?"
“Cat loves Snow White because she likes to wander outside in the woods. She’s really brave.” At her pleasing she pulls the blankets up and over, doing her best to do a slight tucking in of Shea. “Are we napping or getting cozy?”
"Rud brave too!" She pressed kisses to both stuffie heads, snuggling closer as Eleanor tucks her in. "Not sleepy!" Shea protested, even as she bit back a yawn.
“I’m sure Rud is.” Eleanor holds back a giggle at Shea who won’t admire her very apparent sleepiness. “Okay. Let’s keep watching then baby.”
"Yep!" Shea settles back into Eleanor as they continue to watch. It isn't long before she's lost her battle to stay awake and is quietly snoozing in Eleanor's arms, stuffies held closely to her chest.
Eleanor finished the movie, holding onto Shea with intentions of protection and warmth. She stays awake, having had trouble sleeping as of late unless with Shea so it doesn’t come surprise her when she falls asleep too.
Eventually, the lack of background noise wakes Shea up. It is then that she realizes ho in pain she is, the combination of whatever pain meds she took before wearing off and sleeping in one position causing her body to scream. "Princess," she whines as she turns over to face her, shaking Eleanor a bit.
Eleanor shoots up, eyes opening quick. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?” She tries to untangle herself from the blankets with all her tossing and turning.
Shea grabs Eleanor, trying to get her to stop moving. "Is okie. Just hurt."
“That’s not okay. What do you need? How do I make it better. Medicine, where is it?”
Shea slumps a little, feeling a bit like she's being chastised. "Bathroom. Not bad stuff." She pulls her knees up to her chest, only to wince and let them extend again. Shea had slept on her bad side and it meant weight had been on her bad knee. She whined as she tried to find a comfortable position to sit in.
“I don’t know the difference between bad stuff and good stuff.” Eleanor whispers, nails digging into her hand. “Tylenol?”
"Bad stuff in bedroom." Shea admits quietly, simply nodding at the clarification Eleanor offers.
She gets to the bathroom and looks got the best pain reliever she can find and then she gets s glass of water. “Here baby. Take this.” She puts the pills in her hand and the glass to her lips.
Shea does as she's told, making sure to finish the glass of water before finding a package of fruit snacks. With her good leg bent up underneath her and her bad leg stretched out but bent slightly, she sets Rud and Cat in her lap and opens her package of fruit snacks. She is very particular, sorting them out by color in her hand first and then eating them in number order from fewest number of gummies to most, humming quietly to herself as she does.
Eleanor just watches her quietly. Watching how she sorts through the colors. “It’s a little late for sugar don’t you think? You won’t be able to fall back to sleep.”
Shea pouts as Eleanor speaks. "Not lot! Just little." She does however resist the urge to grab another package of fruit snacks, instead grabbing the pretzels. She's far too aware, even in little space, that having an empty stomach with pain meds, even not her bad ones, often leads to not feeling good. Is snacking her best bet? Probably not, but it was something.
“You need to eat something for filling and of substance. I can make you toast?” Eleanor can’t sit back down till rather panicked.
"With peanut butter?" Shea asks, still munching on pretzels. Her head tilts as she watches Eleanor. "Princess okay?"
“Yes! With peanut butter of course.” Eleanor leans down to kiss her head and after a minute calls out. “How do you want it cut, baby?”
Shea smiles, giggling a bit at the kiss to her nose. She finds herself singing quietly to herself while she waits, making Cat and Rud dance. "Triangles!" Shea calls back.
Eleanor cuts the toast into triangles and gets another glass of water. “Here. This will help your tummy. I’ll hold Cat and Rud so they don’t get dirty.”
Shea pouts a little but hands over the stuffies in return for the plate of toast and glass of water. She eats slowly, still humming to herself.
Eleanor just takes care of the animals, kissing them on their heads and snuggling them. “Does it taste okay?”
"Yep!" Shea nods with a smile, teeth still full of peanut butter. "Thank."
“You’re welcome.” Eleanor licks at her thumb to wipe away some peanut butter from the girls face. “I’m really sleepy, baby.”
Shea giggles, squirming away from Eleanor wiping the peanut butter off her face. "Sleep soon?" She eats a little faster, yawning a bit herself.
“Please.” Eleanor nods, hopeful that maybe she could get some real sleep with her best girl.
"Okie." Shea does her best to speed up her eating without choking on it or gluing her mouth shut with peanut butter. She's starting to doze off every time she pauses too long between bites, which slows her down and instead of finishing she set the last of her toast down. "Sleepies."
Eleanor doesn’t mean to make her feel rushed but sleep had been hard and she isn’t sure she can take care of her the way she deserves in this very moment. “One more sip of water baby, and then we’ll go sleepies.”
Shea just nods and does as she's told. Then she's making her way out of the pillow fort, whimpering as she stands up, not entirely able to put weight on her bad leg. She slowly makes her way to the kitchen to deal with her trash and wash her hands. She has to rest then, bent over the counter to support herself with her leg off the ground. It's killing her, even without the weight and she wants to get rid of the pain. She wants to dose. And it makes her angry that she wants to. Her fist connects with a nearby cabinet before she can stop herself, the sound of cracking wood pulling her all the way back to reality. "Fuck!"
Eleanor doesn’t expect her to leave so much as she expected her to drink the water and lie down. But she goes with it and follows her to the kitchen, staying a bit away as not to overstep her process. But then there’s fist and cabinet swinging from the impact and then Eleanor is breathing heavy in hopes to keep herself calm. “What is it? Is it your leg or your hand. Let me see.” And she’s pulling at her hand to look at, staring at Shea nervously. She’s not sure if it’s her reflex to stay on top and ensure Shea’s fist can be caught if she tries to hit her or if it’s to keep herself in the moment and Shea has the ability to do that.
Shea hadn't realized Eleanor had followed her. She doesn't fight Eleanor taking her hand, even if she knows it's fine. "My hand is fine." She grumbles, flexing her hand and wiggling her fingers to prove it. "The cabinet, however," Shea traces the crack that had formed in the wood with her other hand. "Has seen better days." Shea sighs, still leaning on the counter in an attempt to stay off her leg. "My leg is killing me. I need to dose. I don't want to."
Eleanor lets it go as she starts moving it around, and she just nods stuck in her spot. Her eyes follow to the cabinet and the girl swallows. “I, um.” What if telling her no turned badly? Eleanor doesn’t think she can handle that. “Okay.” She whispers
Shea tilts her head as she watched Eleanor. The response is off. It's not the Eleanor she knows. She's scared and Shea doesn't like that. Shea hops up onto the counter, letting out a whimper before sighing. "What's going on princess?"
“I’m just tired. I don’t want you to do drugs. Please don’t do that.” And though it is delayed she flinches at the sudden movement.
"I don't want to either." Shea sighs, looking down at the ground. "I didn't mean to scare you."
“I’m not scared. You didn’t do anything. It’s okay. I’m okay.” She doesn’t mean to but instantly begins pacing. “Nothing else will help?”
"Princess, don't lie to me. Please." Her voice is quiet and she can't watch Eleanor pace, so she just keeps her eyes on the ground. "No."
“I um. I guess. You should do what you need to I guess.” She’s just blinking now trying to get herself together so she can be there properly.
"I don't want to. I don't want this. I like being all here, with you." Shea sounds desperate and pained. She doesn't want to dose, even if it's the one thing she knows will help. "Can I hold you?"
“I don’t. I can’t .” She feels like she might be sick at the idea of being touched. “Can I hold you?”
Shea just nods as she slides off the counter, groaning slightly as her bad food hits the ground. "Where would you like that to be?" As much as she'd prefer it to be in her bed, she wanted to give that control to Eleanor.
“Your bed. I need to. I really need to sleep. I just need to hold you.”
Shea nods, slowly stumbling her way to her bedroom. The bottle of pills is staring her in the face. Flopping face down onto the bed she knocks the bottle onto the floor with a hard swipe of her hand, not watching where it lands. She'll probably regret it later, but right now she wasn't going to risk it.
Eleanor gets beside her, pulling blankets over them. She needed the extra level of safety. “I’m going to hold you now.”
Shea let Eleanor pull the covers over her but didn't actually move to roll onto her side. Instead she kept herself on her stomach, it took the most pressure off her bad leg. "Okie."
She can’t hold her in that position so Eleanor just takes her hand. “Okay.”
Shea knows it's not the best position but the reality is, she can't afford to make her bad leg worse. Anymore pain and she'd have to dose. "Sorry." She mutters, turning her head to look at Eleanor. "Too much pain."
“No need to be sorry.” Eleanor manages before shaking her head. “Just lie down, no need for moving. I don’t want you hurting even more.”
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fieryheartsbeating · 5 years
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                                                    @shotbled​ said: ❛ why are you doing this? ❜ 
anger surged through the blonde as she gestures wildly towards the graffiti that clung to the stall’s grime filled wall. her nose scrunched in disgust at the words she read - every hateful comment towards the female she considered to be one of her closest friends - “ i’m repainting the stall because no one else in this fucking school is going to do a thing about this. would you like to pick up a paintbrush and help me, or continue to question me ? “
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dcnouementarc-blog · 5 years
a reference tag drop ( finally getting around to doing this in wunderlist so it... oh idk actually gets done ). also taking suggestions !
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hugorafferty · 4 years
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He knocked on her door, bag slung over one shoulder, shifting his weight around as he waited. With exams fast approaching, he felt constantly antsy, like there was always more he could be doing. Studying until he couldn’t take it, until the words were nothing more than a blur on the page, he got up and went to the store. He got a coffee for himself, needing a caffeine boost to continue on his current trajectory. As he was getting his drink, he saw mini bags of candy, undoubtedly leftover from Halloween. He grabbed a bag and paid for it along with his coffee. 
He’d brought some candy over to Leo’s, using it as a little gift to boost her spirits during exam season. It was the perfect kind of break, one where he was still doing something even if it wasn’t necessarily studying. He gave her a sheepish smile when she opened her door. “Surprise,” he said, holding up the bag of candy. “I hope I’m not interrupting you, but I thought you might like this.” 
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aidoneus-alistair · 7 years
Text Message : [ Eleanor ]
Heath: I'm here.
Heath: Begrudgingly. But I'm here.
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quinnsfm · 2 years
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TASK 004. fictional representation of Quinn Eleanor Watkins.
JACKIE BURKHART from that 70’s show. EMILY “EM” DAVIS from until dawn. JOSEPHINE “JO” MARCH from little women. LORELAI GILMORE from gilmore girls. ELEANOR SHELLSTROP from the good place. FIONA GALLAGHER from shameless (us). SANTANA LOPEZ from glee. BROOKE DAVIS from one tree hill. APRIL LUDGATE from parks and recreation. JENNIFER CHECK from jennifer’s body. RACHEL GREEN from friends.
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jandjsalmon · 3 years
Hello everybody!! This is a long one. Sorry about that.
It’s been a full year since I started this nonsense, can you believe it!? It’s been a year since our fandom changed irreparably following that leak and horrible, horrible musical episode (that many -including myself- have never seen all the way through). In fact, I resigned myself to watching through gifs, unsubscribed from the CW and unfollowed basically every social media account for the show and cast (save one) and blocked a whole lot of new terms.
I took on this project because I wanted to remind myself how much I loved fanfiction - and how it didn’t matter what happened in canon because we had so many amazing and talented content creators. And I’m SO pleased and happy that I was right. 
If anyone is interested in the spreadsheet I created for this exercise you can check it out here on this googledoc. I’m going to be taking part in a different fanfiction challenge next (check out @fanfic-reading-challenge​) - so this doc won’t really be updated. It’ll be weird not keeping track like this but perhaps I’ll come up with a better, more efficient way to keep track of all the words and chapters that I read... 
Anyway here are some stats: 
I’ve read 22,455,909 words (7,996,649 of them Bughead) since April 16, 2020. 
The bughead author I’ve read the most of unsurprisingly was @thepointoftheneedle​ - I reread her entire collection three times - upwards of 800,000 words of hers alone. It’s not a secret. I’m a fangirl. But I also like her as a person so that’s a special benefit of being involved in fandom.  
Of course then there was my girl @likemereckless - whom I beta read many many fics for during this pandemic. So when I say I’ve read 384,883 of her words - I mean, I’ve probably read them all three or four times that as I edited and fangirled and was a cheerleader for her through the year. 
One spot for improvement, I guess, would be that I only read 3 fics (total) of non-Bughead riverdale fic (though one is actually Bughead adjacent because it’s their son). I suppose I should check out some Varchie fics (as long as they don’t break up Bughead of course) - so I can support our friends in the bugvarchie community. On my to-do list.
I was introduced to new pairings I’d never read before like at the end of May 2020 - when @anniemurphys shared a single link to a “The Society” fic (a show I’d never actually watched before) - and then I got SUCKED in.  That led me to a bunch of really great writers - like @livinginrhythm - who’s collection I’ve read through twice (all except the cheating fics) - and some of their oneshots have 35000 words! I kept track and I read more of their words than anyone else - a total of 1,069,203 words belong to them!
Then @feelavalanche answered my call for pairings to read - cajoling me into watching Midsommar and delving into the fic.  Between  Anonlady and Rimanez I’ve read 1,125,000 words (+675,000 for rimanez and aonlady +450000 words). And I also gained a crazy obsession with this low-key actor from Sweden (because they make them pretty there) and now know way more than I should... and I’ve seen way more of him than I should. 👀 Gösta *cough*.
I read pairings I’d never thought of before - like Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson  for Mother Maple - who loves Miss Fisher. I did not love the fic (I’m sorry, MM) but it was interesting diving into something new and different (even if it was only for one fic).
I watched new shows (like Never Have I Ever, Boardwalk Empire, Bridgerton, The Happiest Season, and Fargo) and with those came new fics and new pairings and new fandom friends. 
I’m so grateful for all of you who came along for the ride. *pointedy looks at new friends @portiaadams @winterlovesong1 and @queenie-004*
Now I’m going to go read @thepointoftheneedle‘s new masterpiece. It’just BARELY didn’t make the cut for this week (because I’d done all my calculations before she posted it. Ha ha.) 
I hope you all stay healthy and stay safe. 😘
Thanks for being here. 
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Anyway  - here is my last reading list for this exercise. This is the list for the week of April 09-April 15th
Weeks 1- 51 (3580 chapters)
Week 52 (116 chapters)
(Annual Chapter Total = 3696)
Becoming Eleanor by @srainebuggie (chapter 7)
Sharing A Wall by Melaniemia (chapter 3)
right back where we started from by @stonerbughead (chapter 2)
five endings jughead never wrote (and one he did) by @imreallyloveleee (1/1)
the shadows cannot keep you by @winterlovesong1 (2/2)
I only love you more when it snows by @winterlovesong1 (1/1)
make it new by @sullypants (chapter 3)
Regrets Collect like Bullet Shells by @loveandcoffeeandsimplicities (chapter 29) 
The Tides that Change by @loveandcoffeeandsimplicities (chapters 3 & 4)
slowing down by @fallout-mars (1/1)
in the air by @sullypants (chapters 18 & 19)
Bughead Rereads - 3
subway song by @literatiruinedme (1/1)
the things that make us (the way we are) by @darknessaroundus (1/1)
don't give a damn ('bout your bad reputation) by @darknessaroundus (1/1)
In Through An Out Door by @djgrannyglasses (Hyde/Jackie - chapter 3)
e-mails from Austenland by @everyl1ttleth1ng (Austenland - 62/62)
the sweetest life (and the loving is easy when you're with me) by @latinasmoak (Penelope/Colin - first chapter!)
Fluctuations by @treaddelicately (Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne - 1/1)
everybody wants you by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
i could never give you peace by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
you're right in the center by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
Counterplay by @alexandra-emerson (Draco/Ginny - chapters 25-28)
The breeding program by Chevalier_Barthelemy (Five/Vanya - chapter 11)
Hand in Hand to Hell by @portiaadams (Boardwalk Empire - chapter 2)
Misc. Rereads - 25
tenderness of heart by liminal (Austenland - 1/1)
you belong somewhere close to me by georgiestauffenberg (Anne/Gilbert - 1/1) *Anne with an E - SOULMATES! It’s amazing*
even when you're here i kinda miss you by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
i wanna call it for what it is by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
whoever says it first is the bravest by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
right before i close my eyes by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
keep pushing back the time to call it quits by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
You'd Be Here By Now by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 4/4)
will you have me? by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
tell me i should stay by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
I'll Unfold Before You by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 1/1)
Someday We're Gonna Know Too Much To Know It All by @livinginrhythm (Harry/Allie - 11/11)
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biishops · 2 years
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(  jessie  mei  li.  25.  she/they.  genderfluid.  )  are  you  a  HERO  ?  something  tells  me  that  messy  ponytails  ,  a  bow  &  arrow  ,  aviator  sunglasses  make  you  who  you  are  ,  𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐄 “𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐄” 𝐁𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐏  .  with  the  powers  of  MARKSMANSHIP  &  SWORDSMANSHIP  ,  you’re  sure  to  have  a  𝙸𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙽𝚃  ,  𝚂𝚃𝚄𝙱𝙱𝙾𝚁𝙽  personality  —  and  you  definitely  belong  to  SWORD  .  were  you  listening  to  SWAN  SONG  by  SAWEETIE  +  NIKI  on  your  way  to  the  subway  ?  it  suits  you  .  we  can’t  wait  to  see  what  you  do  next  !
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✰  |  character  name  :  katherine  elizabeth  “kate”  bishop ✰  |  age  :  25 ✰  |  faceclaim  :  jessie  mei  li ✰  |  voiceclaim  :  jessie  mei  li ✰  |  skill  set  :  master  archer  &  marksman  ,  swordsmanship  ,  proficient  martial  artist  ,  weaponry  ,  skilled  athleticism ✰  |  affiliations  :  young  avengers  ,  the  avengers  ,  clint  barton ✰  |  family  :  derek  bishop ( father , alive )  ,  eleanor  bishop ( mother , deceased )  ,  lucky ( pet , alive , shared custody with clint ) ✰  |  zodiac  :  aries ✰  |  wiki  link  :  x  ,  x
**  NOTE:  kate  will  be  primarily  based  on   the  comics  but  include  sprinkles  of  her  mcu  character  as  well  as  headcanons  of  my  own  !
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 001.  was  your  character  “blipped”  out  ?  if  so  ,  what  did  they  return  to  and  how  is  it  affecting  them  .  if  not,  who  important  to  them  was  blipped  out,  and  what  did  it  feel  like  after  those  five  years  have  passed  ?
 kate  was  not  blipped  out  !  the  five  years  that  have  passed  were  slow  going  .  she  wasn’t  exactly  sure  what  was  going  on  so  she  did  some  private  investigation  work  .  they  also  continued  to  refine  their  craft  as  a  means  to  do  something  .
002.  where  are  they  living  ?  are  they  living  with  anyone  ?
 they’re  currently  living  in  an  apartment  in  manhattan  .  it’s  technically  one  of  their  aunt’s  properties  but  rarely  used  .
003.  why  is  your  character  affiliated  with  who  they’re  affiliated  with  ?
 with  kate’s  admiration  for  the  avengers  and  clint  ,  it’s  no  surprise  they’re  affiliated  with  shield  ,  sword  and  the  young  avengers  .  she  was  initially  recruited  to  join  shield  .  however  ,  given  how  most  members  of  the  young  avengers  are  in  sword  ,  they  were  transferred  to  be  with  the  rest  of  their  team  .
004.  who  are  their  major  friends,  allies,  and  foes  ?
major  friends  :  the  young  avengers allies  :  the  avengers  ,  s.w.o.r.d.  ,  s.h.i.e.l.d. foes  :  any  enemies  of  the  groups  listed
005.  whose  hands  do  they  believe  the  country  should  be  in  ?
 the  people  and  the  heroes  to  be  honest  !  they  seem  like  they  know  what  they’re  doing  .
006.  what’s  their  current  mental  state  at  ?  their  physical  state  ?
uhhh  ...  she  would  say  that  her  mental  state  is  ...  there  .  whether  it’s  good  or  bad  is  questionable  because  even  they  don’t  know  !  and  physically  ,  kate  is  doing  well  .
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Gucci Eyewear 004 Gold Light Blue Sunglasses
— £315 / $440
Eleanor via her IG story • 6.16.2021
(I’m 99.9% sure these are them, hard to tell because of the coloring and the angles she’s at!)
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