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divorcionetas · 3 years
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El divorcio no es un capricho, es una necesidad. ❤️ Hay personas que piensan que con nuestros precios cualquier persona puede divorciarse y llegan a criticarnos sin conocernos 🤔 ¿Sabéis? Precisamente lo que pretendemos es que el divorcio no sea un capricho al alcance de unos pocos, sino un derecho accesible al alcance de todos. 🤗 Intentamos restar dramatismo y facilitar acuerdos amistosos a las familias que por desgracia lo necesitan al haber llegado a una crisis matrimonial definitiva. ¿Qué os parece? Buenas noches 🙏❤️ #divorcio #divorcios #divorcioexpres #divorcioexpress #divorciosexpress #eldivorcio #undivorcio #losdivorcios #divorcioamistoso #divorciosamistosos #divorciodemutuoacuerdo #divorciosdemutuoacuerdo #divorcioaccesible #divorciobarato #divorciosaccesibles #divorciosbaratos #divorcioeconomico #divorcioseconomicos #derechoaldivorcio #eldivorcionoesuncapricho #eldivorcioesunanecesidad #derechoyprivilegio #divorcionecesario #crisismatrimonial #familia #matrimonio #padre #madre #padres #familias https://www.instagram.com/p/CJw0v8vF41e/?igshid=13z9xlxk9yet4
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cosmopoliturtle · 7 years
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I’m happy people seem to have enjoyed my Regis! I’ve noticed specifically Regirock caused some confusion. It’s a little hard to explain, but basically whenever I get to a trio or a group of “significant” Pokemon (significant being like, starters or legendaries) I try to come with a theme ahead of time.
The theme doesn’t always have to be obvious but it’s something I use to unify the designs together and keep ideas for myself. Usually I look for some real world or mythical connections, but I kind of made up my own for the Regis.
Regirock is supposed to represent animals, Regice represents humanity, and Registeel represents Gods, kind of like a hierarchy/balance of life forms. They also kind of represent life moving forward -- starting very bestial, then more recognizable, then more “alien”.
I also feel like it became applicable to the Pokemon world as well-- Regirock represents Pokemon, Regice represents trainers, and Registeel represents legendaries. This wasn’t intended to be like, obvious, but I thought it would be a neat way to explore imagery and ideas between the three Regis (and eventually Regigigas will fall into this spectrum).
So yeah, that’s a little insight into my brain. Hope that was maybe interesting and kind of gives you an idea why I would turn Regirock into a rhino. I know Humans didn’t evolve from rhinos but whatever. You know how it is. 
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schsha · 5 years
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solteiroesexclusivo#solteiroesnorj#solteiroesnaglobo# solteiroesdoforró#solteiroesnoencontro#solteiroesconceito# solteiroes360#solteiroesasadospresentes#casadosconhijos#casadosventos#casadosespiritos#reciencasados#recemcasados#vidadecasados#casadosefelizes#casadosprasempre#casadosanjos#casadosaulo# casadosparasempre💏#casadosparasempre#bemcasados#casadossegredos#divorciocomfilhos#divorciodovaqueiro# divórcio#divorcios#divorcioconsensual# divórcios#noaldivorcio#eldivorcio#divorcioconhijos# divórciolitigioso#divorcioenergetico#divorciorapido https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UES3xj8k2/?igshid=gjlg3bt3sxow
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viersanz · 4 years
S U R R E A L I S M O 🛏️💊👁️
#secretspots #nooks #canvasdetails #colorful #streetart #eldivorcio #okuda #murin #dali #inspirational #piñerarenuncia #Vregion #valparaiso #chile
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divorcionetas · 3 years
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Un matrimonio feliz no tiene precio ❤️ Un divorcio amistoso sí, 150€ por cónyuge 🤗 Juntos o separados, pero felices 😍 Feliz 31 de diciembre 🥂🎄 #divorcioneta #divorcionetas #ladivorcioneta #lasdivorcionetas #juntososeparados #juntos #separados #felices #divorciados #juntososeparadosperofelices #divorcio #eldivorcio #losdivorcios #eldivorcioexpress #divorciosamistosos #divorcioamistoso #divorcio150€ #divorcio150 #divorcio150euros #divorciobarato #abogadodivorciobarato #divorciosbaratos #divorcioeconomico #preciodivorcio #preciodedivorcio #costededivorcio #preciodivorcioamistoso #matrimonio #unmatrimomiofeliznotieneprecio #matrimomios #matrimonioydivorcio https://www.instagram.com/p/CJd3sATFeDZ/?igshid=86zr6s7oabdu
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divorcionetas · 4 years
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CLARIN: Tendencia. La DIVORCIONETA 🚛💞❤️ La insólita metodología para un divorcio express que revoluciona España 😘 Feliz sábado!! 😍 #divorcio #divorcioexpress #divorcioexpres #divorciorapido #divorcio24h #divorcioen24horas #divorcio24horas #divorciarme #separarme #undivorcio #eldivorcio #losdivorcios #divorcios #divorciosexpress #divorciosexpressmadrid #divorciosexpress2020 #abogadodivorcio #divorciobcn #divorciobarcelona #divorciohospitalet #divorciomanresa #divorcioreus #divorciobadalona #divorciogerona #divorciogirona #divorciogava #divorciorubi #divorciogranollers #divorciolleida #divorciotarragona https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDf1bNlbUn/?igshid=1kl46uniib9yl
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ok-dingo · 8 years
So how do children get managed with cumpunk being a universe? Does it work like china or specific to each region like you said before?
In most places there wouldn’t really be any stigma on children other than that they’re sort of a waste of cum, but it totalitarian states where the government controls the cum flow not a single drop would be wasted (this is where the milking machines would come into play)
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ok-dingo · 9 years
Fight me again?
Ready for another ass-kickin, huh?
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ok-dingo · 9 years
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