#eightman is lesbian
starl1tsky · 25 days
ok so for the last year i've been like omg its crazyyy the proportion of straight girls on my rugby team is insaaaane. turns out that's not true. my gaydar is just Bad.
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gaelic-symphony · 2 years
Okay, yes, Heartstopper is sweet and beautiful and gay af, but by far the most relatable moment for me is in the rugby scenes, when one of the backs makes a breakaway and starts sprinting for the try zone, watching members of the forward pack do a little sort of half-walk/half-jog in the general direction of the ball, knowing that the only person who could possibly catch their teammate is the fullback, and any ruck would already be over and done with by the time they could get there, and the try will either happen or it won't, so really it's probably not worth it to sprint, and they should save their energy for scrums and close-contact play, plus everyone knows forwards hate running. Doesn't get much more relatable than that!
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