#edgar bones app
novis-initiis-rp · 1 year
Hello tag lurkers! Just a quick post before I hop off to bed that we would love to have more people come and apply for some of our wanted characters! We would love to have James Potter, Fabian Prewett, Severus Snape, Edgar Bones, Emmeline Vance, Lucinda Talkalot, and we accept OC’s as well! It would make me so happy to see some more apps hitting our inbox so please come check us out! If you need any help just send in an ask and I will get to it first thing in the morning! 
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lumosfm · 1 month
UNITED WE STAND: divided we fall. Good morning roleplayers and tag lurkers, I hope you're all doing good! I am delighted to see that we have another two character apps in our inbox meaning that we just need six more before we can officially open our doors! We still have plenty of open characters just wanted to be taken up with some of our most wanted including Rodolphus Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Alastor Moody, Peter Pettigrew, Dorcas Meadowes, Alecto Carrow, Frank Longbottom, Evan Rosier, Molly Weasley, Edgar Bones, Emma Vanity, Lucinda Talkalot, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Emmeline Vance, Antonin Dolohov and many more! So if you are looking for a new, appless, marauders era roleplay, how about you come check us out today!
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aevumrp · 2 years
hello everyone! it's been a fun week with the opening event and we are loving the threads from it! we have a couple apps and reserve in the inbox today that we will be looking over. if you have a reserve, you have until today to complete it. but, no rush if you can't. we would still love those apps regardless of reserves! i know we would love to have an edgar bones, frank longbottom, lucius malfoy, and severus snape!
with that, have a happy sunday!
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
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Welcome to Recreancy, Beth!
You have been accepted for the role of EDGAR BONES!
He worries some people see him as nothing more than Amelia’s baby brother, and while she is a badass person to be connected to, Edgar wants to be worth having around in his own right. Edgar knows he can help make things better. He just needs an opportunity to show it.
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Beth (She/Her/Hers)
AGE: 26
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I teach, so my summer commitments are fairly flexible. At least through the beginning of the school year, I predict I’ll be on 3-5 times a week. Once we get to August, I’m not certain, but I do plan to continue. It might drop down to 1-2 times, depending on the week and additional responsibilities I may be taking on next year.
ANYTHING ELSE: None at this time
NAME: Edgar Bones
AGE: 19  (December 11, 1965)
Edgar uses he/him pronouns, more out of convenience than anything else. As someone with a nonbinary sibling who has shown him that adherence to male and female is completely unnecessary. Edgar has had many conversations with Estell over the years about how they knew, what clued them in, and general feelings about gender. Ultimately Edgar has decided that he is not male; however, he doesn’t have any dysphoria about others seeing him that way. He’s not a man, but he definitely isn’t a woman and doesn’t feel enough not like a man to want to choose a specific identity outside it. He doesn’t have a label and also doesn’t feel like he needs one. 
Unsurprisingly Edgar has been equally vague in labeling his sexuality. He doesn’t really think about himself as having a preference. He’s dated more women because that was easier in school, but he’s definitely also interested in men and people who identify as neither. The best modern word for him would probably be pansexual, but Edgar doesn’t feel the need to look for a word.
BLOOD STATUS: Half-blood
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff
ANY CHANGES: Nothing needed
 Edgar – never Eddie – never set out to surprise people, but he tended to be good at it. Studious and bookish, he might be seen in the library and made assumptions of that he would immediately break by setting off fireworks in the common room to celebrate the end of an exam. Mostly it’s the loud side of him people see first, that brashness. Edgar doesn’t set out to put people at odds. He’d like to believe he’s capable of being anyone’s friend, but he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. He’s too hard to track sometimes, given how quickly he pivots from one topic to another. 
Within that pivoting, though, Edgar can be almost obsessive about the things and people he cares about. He wants to understand a thing in its entirety, try out any possible practical application to determine whether he really gets it or not. Generally if someone is put at risk by this, it’s himself. Edgar isn’t afraid to be his own guinea pig. Some might see it as a disregard for his own health and maybe they’re right, but Edgar sees it more as proving what he can do rather than putting himself on the line. Maybe that’s why he’s so quick to volunteer when he can for Order-related business. It allows him to do while not necessarily taking in everything that could go wrong. 
This one-track-mindedness had another edge to it: Edgar can be blind to the bad, especially in other people. He trusts very easily and tends to create excuses before acknowledging that trust should be revoked. People have to hurt him pretty badly for him to stop caring. Even then, he’ll still care but from a distance. Hufflepuff for a reason and all that. Just because Edgar wasn’t as quiet as some expected from his house, he has always been fiercely loyal and hardworking. He’ll push himself to his limits if it means pleasing someone else, and he’s in this war to protect people who need it. That means people he knows, but it also means people he feels should be protected. It means tearing down walls that never should have been built. 
If it wasn’t for the war, Edgar would probably have ended up in a career similar to his current one, although he’s not sure Amelia understands that. Edgar wants to make a difference and joined the Order accordingly, but above all, he wants to live. He’d still be exploring and pushing if he didn’t have this outlet. It just might mean a little less self-risk, but then again, Edgar hasn’t fully come to terms with that risk. It ranked too low to worry about with everything else going on.
 In a family like the Bones, standing out was fitting in. For some youngest siblings with shoes to fill as eclectic as Edgar’s older siblings, that might have been a source of frustration, but he was more concerned with finding his own way than avoiding theirs. He took on Amelia’s cleverness, Estell’s loyalty, and Ackley’s nerve, happily letting the best parts of them rub off on him. He was never just a combination of his siblings, though. Edgar was the baby of the bunch, and that gave him the freedom to jump in any direction, even if he didn’t quite acknowledge that being the youngest also meant no one would let him fall. 
He may have been insulated from consequences as a child, but Edgar’s parents instilled in him a strong sense of right and wrong as well as a healthy dislike of institution for institution’s sake. Tradition was almost a naughty word in their household. Edgar was raised to believe it’s always good practice to question everything. Never do something because that’s the way it’s been done. Edgar took that to heart perhaps more than his parents intended, but even his mother had to admit that just because Edgar could have a respected life at the Ministry didn’t mean he should. Edgar’s pretty sure she’s secretly proud of him, even if he knows she disapproves of some of his choices. She’d probably be less pleased by the ones she doesn’t know, but Edgar doesn’t want to worry her. He’s already got one blood relative mothering him about his Order participation. Amelia doesn’t need the backup. 
Just because he grew up with a distrust for tradition, however, doesn’t mean Edgar understands the full extent of pureblood dynamics. His family aren’t purebloods, so they didn’t live the politics that went with it. They also weren’t muggle-connected, so Edgar didn’t have to know how bad things got. He thinks he knows. He thinks he was keeping a close eye on it in school, but he’s really fighting more for the principle of the matter than for individuals. He doesn’t like the system, but that’s more because it’s a stuffy old system with a lot of flaws than seeing the effects of it firsthand. So far, his Order experience hasn’t show him anything different when purebloods are apparently more likely than muggleborns to go missing. Edgar sees it more as an “us vs them” because he’s never had to live through or confront anything different. He feels very strongly about that “us” because he knows they’re in the right, but it’s less personal and more justice.
Tattoo Artist: Edgar’s various escapades in school related to self-body modification were not momentary passing whims. Well, maybe the ear was, but after that grew back, he vowed not to go in with so little knowledge in the future. That led him into a deep dive of research into magical and even muggle tattoo techniques before giving himself one. It’s certainly not his best work to date, but it did show enough skill and determination for him to convince Forrest Max at Illegibilus Ink that he had potential worth taking on. Edgar has worked for Forrest for a year now, and while the Order is his primary focus, he has to be not to take pride in the artistic and magical strides he’s made in that time.
 Edgar values his independence a lot, and as soon as he left school, he found a flat above Whizz Hard Books in Diagon Alley. It’s not the fanciest of apartments, but it’s enough for him and only a short walk to the tattoo parlor in Knockturn Alley. And anyway, he doesn’t spend all that much time at home anyway between work and the Order. 
Note: I am very open to the idea of Edgar having a roommate if anyone is interested!
 Edgar hadn’t been involved long enough to fully understand the politics of the organization or to know his niche, but he’d like to consider himself a jack of all trades if they’d only give him a chance. He’d been following the war for ages and had some sense from the outside of patterns, but no one seems to care what a kid has to say for strategy. Still, he can fight all right and had the grades in school to show he has brains. He’ll gladly help research something or jump in on a mission if they’re looking for volunteers. Edgar feels like he hadn’t had a chance to prove himself yet, and he’s itching for it. 
He worries some people see him as nothing more than Amelia’s baby brother, and while she is a badass person to be connected to, Edgar wants to be worth having around in his own right. Edgar knows he can help make things better. He just needs an opportunity to show it. So far, he’s contented himself trying to learn the people there. Every time he thinks he has a handle on someone, they shift as he sees them interact with someone new, but that’s good. It’s adding to his understanding. These are the people he’s signed up to win a war with. He wants to know them inside and out, see their strengths and all the good they’re capable of.
Edgar remembers being little, too young to know how to read yet himself, and being read to by Amelia. Not children’s stories, although she’d do that too on occasion. Instead she’d read her school textbooks to him, and Edgar would curl up tucked against her side listening attentively. In their little group of four, he’d always been the closest to Amelia. Maybe that made sense in some ways. The other three were closer in age with a bigger gap between Edgar and his older brother. Ackley and Estell had always been closer, so perhaps it made sense that Edgar would latch onto that sister who’d done as much parenting as their parents. Sometimes he wishes he could go back to that. He misses the fond look Amelia always used to get, the pride and amusement, even if it sometimes came with admonishment. Now she looks at him and seems sad. Sometimes cross. Edgar isn’t used to Amelia being disappointed by his presence. Things are strained between them for the first time ever, and Edgar can’t understand why. Amelia of all people should understand why he couldn’t just stand on the sidelines. He was only following her. 
Edgar went to school for seven years with Lucinda and Emmeline, but he didn’t know either particularly well then. He doesn’t quite know how to feel about Emmeline and what she’s gone through, but he feels like he understands Lucinda. She’s got a lot of the same fire as he does, even if it burns for a very different reason. Edgar would like to believe that if either came to him, he’d support them in a heartbeat. They’re all young, and that means they have to stick together. Lucinda in particular is someone that Edgar feels like he understands without being directly in her position. He could have been. Every once in a while, he tries to put himself in her shoes and try to imagine losing Amelia. He can’t. But he does think he would have followed Lucinda’s lead and joined the Order in her memory like Lucinda did her brother. He gets her or at least her loyalty. 
Despite Sirius and his friends being several years above Edgar in school, he was very aware of them. Their pranks were legendary, and while Edgar would never admit it, that initial hair dye incident happened because he wanted hair as iconic and recognizable as Sirius and James. Edgar isn’t a little kid anymore, and they aren’t the cool older kids anymore; still, he can’t help wanting to impress them. Maybe they aren’t perfect and maybe they make mistakes, but as far as Edgar is concerned, everyone does. Maybe if Sirius turned to someone like him for a mission, things could be successful. He’d give anything not to let Sirius down. 
Edgar suspects Caradoc barely knows who he is, but as someone who works in Knockturn, Edgar spends a fair amount of time in the man’s bar. He’d like to think that if he can convince Caradoc, he could be useful. First he has to get over his own intimidation of Caradoc, though.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS:  Edgar x Chemistry. I see Edgar as the kind of person who has a messy dating history. He tends to jump in quickly and gets attached easily. As a result, he has issues being seen as clingy and/or jealous (because his behavior sometimes fits that bill). I am absolutely down with figuring out an ex situation and am also willing to play out any relationships that organically pop up!
Edgar has always been smart and good at figuring things out through hands on crazy exploration. That doesn’t bode well in an organization that’s been active for a decade. Some of the lessons older members have already learned are ones that Edgar still needs to, and I don’t think he’ll be good at understanding why if he’s just told no. I can definitely see that rubbing people the wrong way and causing conflict. 
On the other hand, he’s very willing to overlook people’s flaws if he feels like he understands the good in them. Maybe that will endear him to people who don’t have a lot of their own people left, but maybe it will also make him ignore obvious red flags and bad excuses.
I actually was taking an rp break, but having rped with both admins previously, how could I say no? I know what a good job you do curating a community, and that’s important to me. The plot and characters intrigued me too, but I just really love how well you set up members for positive communication and frankly friendship. Specifically with Edgar, I’m excited to play him in general. I was intrigued and considering several characters, but this bio blindsided me with just how much it clicked for me. Color me inspired, but I am excited for this little bundle of optimistic chaos too smart for his own good.
PLOT DROP IDEAS (OPTIONAL): I would be interested in doing something related to Edgar’s work. He’s in Knockturn Alley and listens too closely for his own good. It could be interesting for him to witness and/or hear something that either he shouldn’t or that would be helpful to the Order.
ANYTHING ELSE? Here is a playlist link for additional character inspiration.
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sleepingdragon-rp · 5 years
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app count + 2
✽ Betty Braithwaite ✽ Edgar Bones
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veritas-roleplay · 5 years
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+1 Application for Edgar Bones
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requiem-rpg · 5 years
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We have ONE new application in our inbox for
Edgar Bones
Applications will be reviewed as soon as possible.
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whoisleft-rp · 6 years
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Because of tricky admin schedules, acceptances will take place tonight, Wednesday, November 28th at 9pm EST. 
The complete app count can be found HERE.
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mxrsmxrdrerpg · 4 years
most wanted canon chars? would love to have some input from the members!
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Hello! I’m so excited to see this question!   I would say for boys;  Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Amycus Carrow, Antonin Dolohov, The Lestrange boys, Frank Longbottom, Travers (which could also work as a female or nb character), Benjy Fenwick, Edgar Bones, The Prewett Twins, Arthur Weasley and Caradoc Dearborn!    And for the girls;  Alice Fortescue, Emma Vanity, Tilden Toots (same as Travers, could be male or nb as well), Hestia Jones, Dorcas Meadowes, Amelia Bones and Molly Weasley.  (Just to note that Arthur and Molly would have to be among the oldest in the rp.)   And to most wanted fc question, I would say;  Nina Dobrev, Candice Patton, Jenna Coleman, Lily James, Lily Collins, Christina Hendricks, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, Willa Holland, Melissa Benoist, Caity Lotz and Peyton List.    As for Boys;  Theres my boi Chris Wood, who is definitely open for apps!  Michael Trevino, Douglas Booth, Sam Claflin, Arthur Darvil, Franz Drameh, Dylan O’Brien, Dan Stevens and Carlos Valdes!   Members could you please add your suggestions below <3
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novis-initiis-rp · 1 year
Good evening lovely tag lurkers! we’ve been open a week now and I am loving getting to interact and plot with everyone! We still have so many characters open that we would love to see filled that have connections already including Fabian Prewett, Severus Snape, Edgar Bones, Emmeline Vance, Lucinda Talkalot, and we accept OC’s as well! It would make me so happy to see some more apps hitting our inbox so please come check us out! I’ll be online for the next few hours if you have any questions!
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mutantsrisingrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations ADDISON! You’ve been accepted as RHEA.
 *Insert the Spongebob whew meme here* because Addison, your app for Rebeka blew me away. Rebeka is a character that wants to escape her past, but simply can’t because all of her actions stem from it. The way she corrects Benjamin the first time they meet was the perfect ending to a bio that had me hanigng on to every word. You created a fully dimensional character that I cannot wait to see join the dash! 
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
Out of Character Information:
NAME/ALIAS: addison lolllll
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
AGE: 20
TIMEZONE & ACTIVITY LEVEL:  imma say 6 to be safe. i’m usually more active than i think i am
In Character Information:
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cisfemale, she/her/hers
DETAILS & ANALYSIS: Disclaimer: I fully blame GHOST for what you’re about to read.
Rebeka’s got a clear chip on her shoulder (see: her pettiness regarding one Finn Croix) and it’s been there since the day she was born (or when she was conceived, some things are just meant to be). Rebeka York, no clear relation to the House of York, but is almost royalty all the same. Rebeka is the first born. That doesn’t make her the heir. She only has half of the prestigious blood flowing in her veins and it’s not enough to save her. The creek of a long forgotten floorboard in an abandoned cabin in the woods. She is a bastard, a monster, and her mother’s biggest mistake. They don’t find that out until later.
The shiver from a cold hand on your cheek — a sham of comfort. Rebeka’s parents cared about her, but didn’t love her the way a child deserved to be loved (and that’s another word. Deserving. And worthiness. Birthright. Everything has to have a purpose and meaning. Never loving simply because you do). But this is also how she shows affection too, this is what she learnt, and she doesn’t quite realize the recipient of her hand feels the same coldness she had felt. And that it hurts too. They are the shadow that follows you… The Yorks can’t fully get rid of her, but they can hide her. Rebeka, of the York family, but is not a York herself. Rhea, the mother of Olympian gods and goddesses, but not recognized as an Olympian goddess herself. Rrhea, medical suffix that means flow, discharge, (waste).
(note: I took a medical terminology class this past semester and I’m currently losing it lol).
This feeds into an unwanted paradigm that her actions follow. This need for approval even though the Yorks are years behind in her past. This need to meet her standards even though they’re not her standards in the first place. Not really given that they were forced upon her.
Rebeka, the uncommon spelling of Rebecca. Visually, it feels out of place. It’s missing some letters. It looks unrefined. It’s something nobody really expects (R-e-b-e-c-c-a? No, it’s R-e-b-e-k-a. No H). With her profession, the more people she removes, the more space she makes. Remember her name.
TLDR; She’s Elsa if I had written Frozen.
TW: Infidelity, child abuse/corporal punishment, domestic abuse, child endangerment
It happens during a private lesson. Rebeka conjugates a verb wrong one too many times and her bottom meets the end of a ruler. Il faut que j’obéisse. There are two s’s. Tears spring to her eyes and she wipes them away forcefully, the evidence of her weak heart shimmering on the back of her hand. The governess grabs it with a stern voice, but she cuts herself off with a scream. Ms. McGiven’s palm is sparkling with blood and ice shards. Rebeka can’t feel her left hand. The devil’s apparatus is numb.
Edgar York takes one look in her eyes, that are no longer his, and knows it all.
The incident reveals her mother’s debt—you owe me a heir—and she is whisked away to the master wing. Rebeka doesn’t see her mother in the following months, the woman locked away to prevent potential affairs—potential bastards—but the air vents carry sounds. Rebeka hears more than she wants. She knows more than she should.
The best way to handle a scandal is to keep it in-house. Rebeka’s uncanny resemblance to her mother will only hurt them if they let her go, her father—guardian—rationalizes. Too many people to keep hush-hush, too many hands in their pockets. Rebeka disappears from Edgar’s socials with the same grace that her tutor disappears from her life. A child is to be seen, not heard. The York women are not as privileged.
Their blank slate arrives the following spring, bundled in Egyptian cotton. Rebeka knows how soft the material is, the picture doesn’t do it justice. Edmund—protector of wealth—looks just like his father! Or so the help says. Rebeka barely remembers Edgar’s face. The help delivers his messages to her, when he bothers to communicate anyway. A son is worth more than a daughter and Rebeka is a mutant to boot. A minimal investment—because death is too gruesome to consider. Rebeka does wonder sometimes. She’s put into this world to follow into Edgar York’s footsteps, but the circumstances of her birth prevents it so. What else is there? Rebeka lives because Edgar permits her to. This is another debt, isn’t it?
It’s not until there’s an attempt on Edmund’s life that Rebeka realizes what she can do to settle the debt. Ice melts. She can protect him. It’s a gamble, but it pays off. Finally, she becomes a worthwhile investment. Rebeka sees her guardian’s face for the first time in years. She doesn’t get training. Only her blood—half of it—overrides the unspoken law that the mansion is strictly anti-mutant. Rebeka gets a wing—the forbidden wing and she, the beast—and time to use. It’s all worth it. She yearns terribly to see the love in Edgar’s eyes again.
The first time she creates a hyacinth, Rebeka meets her brother and a seed of devotion takes root in her heart. Edmund is dark as the night, but his smile rivals the sun. His tiny hands pat her cheeks, his eyes glisten with wonder, and he loves her. He declares it so. Five-year olds have no social sensibilities. They feel because they simply do. Rebeka weeps and weeps and weeps. Her face remains dry.
Her mother had been 28 when she made her biggest mistake. Rebeka is 17. It’s an accident that looks purposeful. One hot summer day, Edmund ropes her into the infinity pool that sits above the skyline. It’s been years since her last swimming lesson and Rebeka only remembers enough to float. Edmund’s presence wrings out the anxiety out of her like a wet cloth. She drifts and drifts and drifts until something digs into her sides. Rebeka screams.
There is a loud crunching sound.
Her eyes fly open and the pool glistens with ice crystals. She kicks at the sheet of ice that bind her feet, creating waves that pull the blocks away. Her belly is numb and Rebeka looks on with horror at the small hands frozen to her skin. The following hour is a blur. She goes to her room shivering and sits by the window, watching as the siren lights fade away.
The second time she creates a hyacinth, her hands bleed from the ice shards. Edgar’s hand is big enough to wrap around her arm and Rebeka feels it for days after. Her wing stays the forbidden wing. She knows that Edmund lives. That is all she knows. The days pass by with little fanfare. The days become months. And then seasons.
The night her life changes—again—a man comes into the forbidden wing like a ghost. They did not inform me of a second York child. Rebeka corrects him. She’s the first born. Psalm 51:5. There is a chill in the air that doesn’t come from her, until it does, and the mysterious man with no fear in his eyes invites her away. His name is Benjamin Granger. She doesn’t find out until later.
EOIN - Rebeka had been raised to measure people by their worth. To her, Eoin has virtually none. He doesn’t really fit with the whole Kings Collective shtick anyway. Like for a group that prioritizes art and the aesthetic, his membership as a guy whose power is acid (destructive, dangerous, out of control) feels out of place. He is not beautiful. His power is not beautiful. It is a weakness. His carelessness makes the Collective weak and in a world where power means all, it just won’t do. Objectively, he performs well as his job as a weapon, but his lack of control is a liability. Sure. he respects her. She can understand that. A berserk puppy vying for her attention. But he doesn’t understand how she wants her respect to be earned and she’s not so generous as to throw a bone. If he cares so much, he should figure it out by now.
CIARA - What Rebeka can’t stand is people blaming others to feel better about themselves. Ciara isn’t as invisible as her power makes her to be and Rebeka hates that the other woman is so blind to how her actions have consequences. It’s too bad that she’s included in Rebeka’s object permanence. (And what I like about their connection—and I promise I didn’t do this on purpose—is that they both came from a family with minimal attention to spare. This was once a kinship, now it’s a bitter reminder: people might know you. They might love you. But they sure as hell don’t understand you. This is an instance where their similarities drove them apart.)
EXTRA: none for now!
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aevumrp · 2 years
hello everyone! we will be doing acceptance today for the two apps! you're more than welcome to submit apps if you have a reserve right now! the next acceptance will be at 4 p.m. central and we look forward to seeing all and any apps! i know we would love to see a rodolphus lestrange, narcissa black, edgar bones, frank longbottom, and alice fortescue!
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finestra-rp · 5 years
Ooh, who is the current app in your inbox for?
Actually, we currently have two apps in our inbox! One for Edgar Bones and one for Rodolphus Lestrange! Aka, we have the apps we need to open!!!! I am just waiting on Nyssa to get online to do the acceptance! After which follows will be posted! 
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thedeathlyhallowsrp · 5 years
characters that could be played with a poc faceclaim?
That could be quite a list anon! Here are the characters that MUST have a poc faceclaim:
Dorcas Meadowes
Amelia Bones
Lucas Bones
Edgar Bones
Liam Jordan
Evan Rosier
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Gwenog Jones
Hestia Jones
Other possible characters that could have a poc fc:
Lily Evans
James Potter
Peter Pettigrew
Alecto Carrow (We already have an app with poc Amycus Carrow)
Edward Tonks
Remus Lupin
Rodolphus Lestrange
Rabastan Lestrange
There’s so much more I could list but I’m not going to. Most characters can be poc as long as you take in family connections regarding fcs, such as Regulus needs to have a matching fc for my character Sirius.
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veritas-roleplay · 6 years
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+1 Application for Edgar Bones
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requiem-rpg · 4 years
Your rp looks amazing. May I ask who is really wanted?
Thank you so much, anon! We hope that means we might see an app from you soon! Some characters that I know I would love to see taken up are: 
Bellatrix Black
Lucius Malfoy
Edgar Bones
Ted Tonks
Mary MacDonald
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