pappadu · 3 months
my brother and our uncle (only 4 years older than us not a weird old man) always find themselves caught up in these weird sidequests. one night when they were drunk they decided that they should have a licence for big tractors after they became obsessed with the farming simulator game for like all of winter. so they texted the local driving instructor who also does schooling for tractors and trucks and he straight away signed them up. when they were sober the next day, neither of them wanted to be the one to back out so they were now on track to have a completely useless, 800 euros costing licence. but due to the fact that my brother has always loved tractors and the power of autism, he was SO GOOD in the theory lessons that he will have his driving test next thursday where he will have to drive an enormous tractor + trailer through a village DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE HAS NEVER EVER EVEN DONE THIS BEFORE the driving instructor just assumed he has to have worked in the agricultural field with machines before because he has so much knowledge....
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skrollan · 1 year
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smol little Kaku sketch just because 
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undrsk0re · 4 months
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terraxstitch · 7 months
Literally wheezing with laughter watching Taskmaster last night, I honestly thought "This is how I die, laughing at the Tv like that man in the 70s watching The Goodies"
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onlypicturepoetry · 3 months
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Mad Motors studio works
photography + © Christof Keßemeier
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gordonsgano · 1 year
Graeme & Tim winding Bill up
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
Every now and again I remember that Kaku has a different name in the German Dub and it literally translates to:
"Little-corner Draft"
Ecki Zugluft...
Okay to be fair the Draft part is the translation of Mountain-Wind which is only used during water 7
But even after that! his name is still "Little Corner"
And listen, I know that Kaku also means angle, so it's not that far off... But come one.. Little Corner..
Because an "Eck" or a "Ecke" would be a corner and the i is a diminutive.. So.. Yeah...
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talkfastcal · 1 year
Jill during that one episode of dance moms
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girlyliondragon · 2 years
I'm not trying to do some mean joke or anything like that when I say I'll admit I thought the new ice type gym leader was a girl at first glance.
Instead Grusha's just super pretty and I'm digging it. I love his look. Like genuinely love it.
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exrocist · 2 years
Den Originalnamen Kaku kann man mit "eckig" übersetzen, deshalb auch seine eckige Nase, die eckige Giraffenmenschform und der deutsche Name Ecki.
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elencr · 10 months
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      her arm was pressed tightly against her chest.  blue eyes lift from staring at the ground , making eye contact with julian , who was knelt just in front of her. he was worried , she could see it written across his face. that couldn't be good. she's trying her best not to cry in front of him. but the pain was immense and ellie was very ... very ... bad at managing her emotions even on the best of days. she had promised julian that she wouldn't be useless , or in the way , on this away mission. she would actually come in handy. she just had to get off the station. she had been coped up within its walls for the last three weeks. she was itching to do something other than walk the promenade three times a day. and she had been helpful. the little planet that they were visiting , while in need of a doctor , were very big foodies. ellie managed to calm the state of the little village by cooking some rather amazing human dishes. but of course everything was going a little too smoothly. an accident occurred. ellie had tried her best to help , but instead she managed to almost break her arm. or maybe it was broken , from the look on julian's face. " how bad is it , doc ? " she questioned , wincing slightly as she shifted in her position against the brick wall. " because you're face is telling a whole story on its own. "
╰   ––––––– ✧   @dimensionalspades    :      asked      ❨        let me take a look at your injury.           ❩˙
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undrsk0re · 8 months
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Made sum blinkies ^w^
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 months
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Above: Jerome Robbins, John Kriza, Harold Lang, Janet Reed, and Muriel Bentley in the original production of Robbins's Fancy Free. Photo: Maurice Seymour via Newsweek
On April 18, 1944, Jerome Robbins's first ballet, Fancy Free, premiered at the Metropolitan Opera House.
From the moment the action begins, with the sound of a juke box wailing behind the curtain, the ballet is strictly young wartime America, 1944. The curtain rises on a street corner with a lamp post, a side street bar, and New York skyscrapers pricked out with the crazy pattern of lights, making a dizzying backdrop. Three sailors explode onto the stage. They are on 24-hour shore leave in the city and on the prowl for girls. The tale of how they meet first one, then a second girl, and how they fight over them, lose them, and in the end take off after still a third, is the story of the ballet.
That synopsis was written by Leonard Bernstein, the composer of the ballet's score. He was 25 at the time (the same age as Robbins) and an assistant conductor of the New York Philharmonic. Just a few months earlier, he had made a splash as a last-minute substitution for Bruno Walter at a Philharmonic concert, jump-starting his career.
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Above: photo from Haglund's Heel
The ballet featured John Kriza, Harold Lang and Jerome Robbins himself as the three sailors, Muriel Bentley, Janet Reed, and Shirley Ecki as the girls, and Rex Cooper as the seen-it-all bartender. The great critic Edwin Denby observed that the ballet:
was so big a hit that the young participants all looked a little dazed as they took their bows. But besides being a smash hit, Fancy Free is a very remarkable comedy piece. ... Its pantomime and its dances are witty, exuberant, and at every moment they feel natural.
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Above: Jerome Robbins, Michael Kidd, John Kriza, and Shirley Eckl performing the ballet in London Photo: Baron via MPR News
Over the years, Fancy Free has entered the repertory of countless ballet companies in the U.S. and abroad. It was so popular that Robbins and Bernstein were persuaded to turn it into a Broadway musical: On the Town. It debuted on December 28 of the same year, which seems astonishing considering how long it takes to create contemporary musicals. Bernstein wrote the music, Betty Comden and Adolph Green the book and lyrics, and Robbins choreographed it—the first in a long line of musical theater triumphs for him. Confidence in the show was so high that MGM bought the film rights before it opened, a common practice now, but not then. It was the first film set in the city to be actually filmed there (in part) instead of on a Hollywood soundstage.
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onlypicturepoetry · 2 years
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backstage with Mad Motors
photography + © Christof Keßemeier
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gordonsgano · 1 year
Graeme “killing” Tim & Tim’s squeaky “what happppeeend”
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