#earth aleph
travelers-gaming · 1 year
God earth aleph is so funny. what do you mean they know about bet. superheroes are real but not here, they're mostly on another earth and 9/11 happens 4 times a year there.
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cairavende · 4 months
Worm Arc 17 thoughts:
Travelers backstory!!!!!!!!! WOOOO!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT THEY ARE FROM EARTH ALEPH! That really explains the mysterious nature of their backstory up to now.
Would have loved to get some PoV's from some people who aren't Trickster but I'll live.
He's just such an asshole! Like I already knew he was but god DAMN did this arc remove any doubt.
Just the worst type of asshole that can be found in MOBA games (I say this as someone who played MOBA games for years). And then given superpowers. Ugh.
Just the level of planning ahead she does, the number of moves ahead Simmy is playing. After the first few times she shows up they start quarantining where she attacks. Which ends up being exactly the right situation needed to push the Travelers to the choices she wanted them to make. Like, is quarantining even a counter to the Smurph or is it exactly what she wanted?
Sure precogs mess with precogs. That makes sense. But I don't know that it is as clear cut as Coil presented to Trickster. He implies two precogs just cancel each other out, but I assume it's more of a strength thing - a strong precog will cancel out a weak precog, but a weak precog will only make things a little fuzzier for a strong precog. So having Dinah would have helped against the Simurgh but I don't think it would be enough to just cancel out the Simurgh's power. Coil and Tattletale would probably also help. But I'm not convinced the last few months in Brockton Bay hasn't been more or less what Simmy wanted to happen.
Cody is the only person here that is probably more of an asshole than Krouse. Just could not get over the fact that Noelle didn't want to date him. Unbearably entitled dick. Possibly dead now, if Accord got his way. But very possibly not. Won't be surprised if he shows up again.
Cody's power is fun. I think it's the first "time travel" power I've seen. I mean Clockblocker does time freezing which is basically the same category but still, curious to see if we get any more level of time travel than this.
Marissa needs someone to make her some cookies and give her a place to hang out that isn't the house her mom lives in. I mean, I guess the current situation handles that but not how I meant.
I already liked Jess and now I like her even more. She's a cape geek! Wonderful.
Luke is interesting cause he was the only person besides Noelle who was close to Krouse at the start, but he's the first (well, aside from Cody I guess) to leave him. Really went through a character arc. Also Krouse lists Luke's "individual tragedy" as "not getting to fly" which is hysterical.
Oliver is a trans girl. Headcanon 100% established. It just fits so well. She just needs to find herself! And once she does and realizes what she actually wants to look like her power will get her there and won't need to keep adjusting! Right now Oliver's power is doing performative masculinity for them.
Noelle has had a bad time. God damn. She was having a bad time before everything happened and now she's having a very bad time. Damn. I had some guesses about her correct. Figured she was like, monstrous bottom half and normal top half. And figured touching her was bad. But I didn't foresee "touching her creates mutated evil clones". I'm sure that won't be a major problem in the next arc or two. I'm sure there won't be evil mutated clones of a bunch of capes to deal with . . .
I had long figured Travelers had Cauldron powers. It just fit with their power levels and such. I had also figured whatever Noelle's condition was, it was related to having a Cauldron power. I had a lot of guesses. None of them were "only drinks half a vial". For some reason I thought everyone would be too smart to do THAT! (I have no idea why I thought that.)
Current guess is Noelle is sort of in a never ending "trigger" event. Her power is constantly in the "building and gathering" phase and is not reaching the "lock things down" phase that normally happens (Bonesaw talked about this). Definitely a lot of other things it could be, this is just the best fit I've found so far.
This goes for Oliver too, which is why their power keeps changing how they look. Oliver just got lucky and has much less significant troubles compared to Noelle.
Got to see lots of new Case 53's. That was fun.
I expect to see more of Accord in the future. Just cause like, he gets smarter the more complex the problem. And the world is supposedly going to end due to (I think) the actions of higher dimensional entities. That is a very complex problem. And at the same time, he seems like the kind of person that might see "billions die" as a good way to reduce chaos. To simplify the world. Not saying that is what he will do, just that it seems a shame to not bring him up again.
I knew 40 people had died due to actions of the Travelers. I did not know Noelle had eaten them all! Because she tried to starve herself. I can see why it's important to keep her well fed. And why it's going to be an issue that there is no longer someone providing her with thousands of dollars of meat a week. No waste though, she has a very efficient digestive system.
The ending, with Trickster just staring at the bloodstain left behind by Coil's body while Genesis stares out at the ocean ... very good. I mean, really sucks for them, but it was a very evocative arc ending.
I wonder who won the Ransack tournament? One team disconnected because the building they were in disappeared into a space hole. I wonder what the rules are for that?
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lakesbian · 1 year
my biggest character flaw is that despite ostensibly being really into things like “literary analysis” and “critical reading” and such 99% of the posts i can think to make about worm have to do with how funny it is that a plot point best summarized as a dude asking jesus “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just want to go apeshit?” results in at least 10 billion casualties 
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nottaylorhebert · 1 year
Still setting things up but it looks like we finally got Aleph's internet connected to Bet and Gimel. We've been cut off since shortly after everything went wrong. What happened yall in the past few years? I've been making my way through university and doing therapy, both physical and mental.
Also apparently whatever tinkertech they used to set up the connection might mess with time a bit, so some messages may arrive before i sent them.
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piscadilly · 1 year
literally nobody i talk to knows about worm that i know of so i have nobody to talk to about this absolutely wild fanfic i found for it but lung getting turned into a sentient but immobile tree is so fucking funny to me lol
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mundanemiseries · 11 months
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^ has now...also been reminded of the noise form mating cycle discussion
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reality-detective · 3 months
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It's going to be biblical 👇
The only conclusion here is: AMERICA....REPENT!
Think the coming eclipse is nothing? I did, too, until I discovered all these FACTS!
I don't claim to know what all of this means, exactly, but I believe it's important enough for all of us to be aware that this is happening and pray for wisdom.
On April 8th, 2024, there will be an eclipse. One eclipse is already amazing but this one is actually the last in a 3-part series that has SO much meaning behind it. It is important that we recognize that God said that He would use the sun, moon and stars to communicate with us:
Genesis 1:14- "Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years..."
Luke 21:25 - "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea."
So now we know that God said that He would use the sun, moon and stars to communicate with us, so let's break down this 3-part eclipse series:
1) With the path of this last eclipse, combined with the first 2 eclipses (one in 2017 and the other in 2023), it will create the Hebrew letter over America that is "Aleph Tav" and in Greek it is the "Alpha and Omega" - both means "The beginning and the end." God said in Revelation 21:6 that He is the beginning and the end and this Aleph Tav is like His signature. Why would He use an eclipse to put His signature over America? Let's dig deeper:
2) God has used eclipses to warn nations of coming judgement so that the nation can repent of their sinful ways and come back to Him. This happened with the story of Ninevah. God told Jonah to go to the wicked nation of Ninevah and warn them about coming judgement. Jonah ran away from the assignment and while out at sea got swallowed up by a huge fish and was in its belly for 3 days. Jonah repented of running away so the whale spit him up. He then went to Ninevah and warned the people but there was something that also happened while he was warning the people...an eclipse came over the land.
In the 19th century, ancient tablets were discovered that described an eclipse called the Bur-Sagale eclipse where the totality of the eclipse landed right over Ninevah while Jonah was there preaching of the 40 day warning before the coming destruction. Because of this, the people realized that this was a sign from God that what Jonah was saying was true and they repented and God spared their nation.
It is amazing how much America mirrors Ninevah. (If you don't see it, you may be part of the problem.) To make this even more clear, this last eclipse on April 8th will be going over 7 cities here in America called - yep you guessed it - NINEVAH! I honestly didn't even know that we had any city here in the U.S. named that but here we are - with this eclipse going over these cities (and there will be an 8th one that it goes over also called Ninevah in Canada.)
Here are the cities: 👇
Nineveh, Texas
Nineveh, Missouri
Nineveh, Indiana (this will be the highest magnitude of eclipse Mag 1.023, the local time predicted for it to occur is at 3:07 PM)
Nineveh, Ohio
Nineveh, Pennsylvania
Nineveh, Virginia
Nineveh, New York
Nineveh, Nova Scotia (Not in the US)
Could this be that God is warning us just as He warned Ninevah? There have been many "Jonahs" in the past few years warning the nation that we need to repent and add in this sign above our heads - we can't turn away from the fact that it is not a coincidence. But if you need more proof, let's keep going...
The first part of this 3 part eclipse series was in 2017. The path of that eclipse went over 7 cities named Salem, which is short for Jerusalem (Ps. 76).
Salem, Oregon
Salem, Idaho
Salem, Wyoming
Salem, Nebraska
Salem, Missouri
Salem, Kentucky
Salem, South Carolina
The mathematical "chances" of there being 7 Salem's with the first eclipse and then 7 Ninevah's for the 3rd eclipse is unthinkable. But what about the 2nd part of the eclipse?
4) Perhaps the most striking piece of the 2nd eclipse is that the precise center-line of eclipse path exits the USA directly over Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi means the "Body of Christ" and is one of the only towns named that in the world!
But let's go back to this upcoming eclipse and dig even deeper...
4) Jonah was giving a 40 day warning to Ninevah during the eclipse. If you look at our April 8th eclipse and fast forward 40 days then you will get to May 18, 2024 - the day before Pentecost. The history of Pentecost is that is the last Spring Feast that the Lord has given us (there are 4 in the Spring and 3 in the Fall). This is the day that the Lord sent the Holy Spirit down to all those who have accepted Christ. We are told that the "Restrainer" (many believe this is the Holy Spirit) will be removed before the Tribulation could it be that this is a warning for that? I'm not sure as that is a worldwide event and this eclipse will be just over North America but it is something definitely to think and pray about for more clarity and wisdom. No matter what, there are too many things lining up for it to not be nothing and so my job is to get the information out to you all so that you can at least be aware of these signs that God is giving us so that you can pray about it.
But let's keep going...
5) From the start of this 3 part eclipse to the end, it will be 7 years. God uses numbers a lot to communicate with us, and 7 has a ton of meaning. A few examples are - He created the world in 7 days, there will be a 7 year tribulation, 7 is used for completion, etc.
) Going back to how this correlates with Jonah & Ninevah's story -at the time of this eclipse, there will be another sign in the sky...it will take place under the constellation, Cetus, which is the whale constellation! And not only will it pass through the 8 cities in North America named Ninevah, it will also pass through Jonah, Texas! Speaking of other towns that it will pass through, these are some of the other city names that it will go right over:
Rapture, Indiana
Williamston, Kentucky - this is where the Ark Encounter is located. The Ark Encounter is a full size replica of Noah's Ark.
Eagle Pass, Texas - where we are having so many border issues.
And the point where it crosses the 2017 eclipse to mark the center of the X is an area in southern Illinois called Little Egypt. What is even more fascinating about this is that Little Egypt is sandwiched in between 2 other cities called Alpha, Kentucky and Omega, Illinois - both having the 2017 eclipse come over their cities. Furthermore, the intersection of the 2017 and 2024 solar eclipses occurs directly over the New Madrid Fault Line, a major seismic zone. An earthquake along this fault line could potentially destroy the U.S., making it one of the most perilous fault lines in the country. I have no idea if this will happen or not, but there are too many things here that are all literally lining up to not share with everyone.
7) One more interesting fact is that there are 2,422 days in between the 2017 eclipse and the 2024 eclipse. If you look up 2422 in Strong's Concordance, an Bible concordance that has every word of the KJV, takes us to Exodus 1:19 which says,
"The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive."
Why would this be of any significance? Well, to me, it reminds me of how Jesus said that His return would be like a woman in labor with the signs of His coming growing stronger and closer together. We are at a point in history where we are seeing all of the signs that He gave us happening before our eyes. In fact, we are even seeing things that will happen during the tribulation get setup now. If we are seeing those things being setup now, that must mean that we are super close to it actually happening. Going back to God saying that He uses the sun, moon and stars to show us signs - and then Jesus saying that the signs of His coming will be like a woman in labor, well this information leading us back to Exodus 1:19 explaining that the Hebrew women have labor fast is so interesting to me! Could we be on the brink of the rapture and tribulation!? I don't know exactly when it will happen but Jesus did tell us that we would know the season and I do believe that we have been in that season for the past few years and are pushing closer and closer to it!
It is no secret that this world has gone mad and everyone knows that there is something happening behind the scenes that feels really uncomfortable. If you have that feeling, you are right! There is a major push for things to happen that were predicted to happen over 2,000 years ago. Most people seek their understanding in the wrong place though. They look to the news and the world to guide them; however, these sources will only bring more questions, not answers. It causes people to live in fear, anxiety and depression. However, Jesus didn't want us to live that way. He gave us the information so that we would know what is happening when we see these things. The first piece of living in His knowledge is accepting that God sent His son, Jesus, to die for our sins and on the 3rd day, Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death. The second piece is to repent to God of your sins and turn away from your sins. Most churches only teach how God loves you but don't teach repentance anymore and that is a HUGE part of your faith. Jesus said that there will be many who come to Him and say, "Lord, Lord, I knew you." But because they didn't repent of their sins and seek Jesus' ways instead of their own, He will reply, "Get away from me, I never knew you." We cannot just live however we want without any consequences. Even little children understand this concept, but it has been lost on most adults. This is why Ninevah was going to see destruction - because they were a self- serving, sinful nation - just like America is today. You can't change the heart of this nation, but you can change your heart and lead your homes to do the same. Third, pray for wisdom in these areas.
I know this has been incredibly deep but just like Proverbs 25:2 says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." This sign in the sky will be right over your head in just a few weeks - will you have the eyes to see what it really means?"
You Decide 🤔
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To a certain degree, I think it must have been even more traumatic for Mars to return to Aleph than it would have been if she had to stay on Bet.
She spent months watching her best friend slowly - and then very rapidly - turning into a horrific monster and suffering the whole time. She survived the horrors of Leviathan and the Slaughterhouse Nine. She had to kill said best friend in the end after she turned into a mountain of mutated, agonized, homicidal flesh. Her power is considered one of the strongest and potentially deadliest on Earth Bet.
And then immediately after incinerating her bestie, who was screaming for her up to the end, and watching bestie's boyfriend get sent to life in interdimensional super prison, she just goes back home where things are... not like that. Aleph is pretty closed off from Scion and all the other cape fuckery. There's capes but they're nothing like her and they sure as hell aren't anything like the ones she fought on Bet. There's no Endbringers on Aleph except for when the Simurgh pops in. Other than the Khepri draft on Gold Morning (which must have been absolutely horrifying for her oh my god), there's probably a good chance that she never has to deal with any cape-related situations again in her life.
She just has to sit there with the power of the literal sun and all the blood on her hands and there's only three people in the entire world who will ever understand what happened to her. How is she supposed to function. What the fuck.
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shakertwelve · 9 months
fucked up how every cape older than like 30 has an unpowered double in earth aleph. hate thinking about it
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wbcannibalgf · 4 months
earth bet: millions of parahumans, no 9/11s
earth aleph: thousands of parahumans, one 9/11
hypothetical earth if there was another letter in the alphabet: like five parahumans, maybe up to three 9/11s
much to think about...
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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“The Lurianic Tree of Life” - based on the Sefer Yetzirah (“Book of Formation”), one of the earliest texts of Jewish mysticism (2nd century BCE to 2nd century CE).
Compared to the version of the Tree which appears in many Western esoteric texts, there is only one path between Malkuth (Earth) and Yesod (Moon). There are also diagonal paths between Binah and Chesed and Chokmah and Geburah, which do not appear in the Western Tree.
This also means that the assignment of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet to the 22 paths differs between the two versions.
The three Mother letters (Shin/Fire, Aleph/Air and Mem/Water) are assigned to the horizontal paths, which allow movement between the different pillars of the Tree.
The seven Double letters (attributed to the seven classical planets) are assigned to the vertical paths.
The twelve Single letters (attributed to the twelve signs of the Zodiac) are assigned to the diagonal paths.
Image source: “The Complete Magician’s Tables” by Stephen Skinner (2006)
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merymoonbeam · 4 months
just a compilation of quotes and some information. (Hofas spoilers but I cant add read more so just ignore the post if you want idk)
Mor quote from Acomaf:
She lifted the orb from its velvet nest. It was no larger than a ripe apple, and fit within her cupped palms as if her entire body, her entire being, had been molded for it. “Truth is deadly. Truth is freedom. Truth can break and mend and bind. The Veritas holds in it the truth of the world. I am the Morrigan,” she said, her eyes not wholly of this earth. The hair on my arms rose. “You know I speak truth.”
Acomaf Book Of Breathings
Unmade and Made; Made and Unmade—that is the cycle. Like calls to like.
Acomaf Book Of Breathings Prophecy
Life and death and rebirth
Sun and moon and dark
Rot and bloom and bones
Hello, sweet thing. Hello, lady of night, princess of decay. Hello, fanged beast and trembling fawn. Love me, touch me, sing me.
Acowar Elriel TT scene:
Elain looked up at Azriel, their eyes meeting, his hand still lingering on the hilt of the blade. I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her.Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife.(acowar)
Crescent City2 TT and Gwydion:
The male drew it, and Bryce flinched. Flinched, but—“What the fuck?” The knife could have been the twin of the Starsword: black hilted and bladed. It was its twin. The Starsword began to hum within its sheath, glittering white light leaking from where leather met the dark hilt. The dagger—.The male dropped the dagger to the plush carpet. All of them retreated as it flared with dark light, as if in answer. Alpha and Omega. “Gwydion,” the dark-haired female whispered, indicating the Starsword.(hosab)
Alpha and Omega meaning:
Alpha (Α) and omega (Ω) are the first and last letters, respectively, of the classical (Ionic) Greek alphabet. Thus, the phrase “I am the alpha and the omega” is further clarified with the additional phrase, “the beginning and the end” in Revelation 21:6, 22:13. The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet were used because the book of Revelation is in the New Testament, which was originally written in Greek.This phrase is interpreted by many Christians to mean that Jesus has existed for all eternity or that God is eternal. 
In Hebrew, the word emet (אמת, meaning “truth”), is referred to as the “Seal of God.”[8][9][10] [Cf. Isaiah 44:6[11]] The word is composed of the first, middle, and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The midrash explains that emet is made up of the first, middle, and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet (aleph, mem, and tav: אמת). Sheqer (שקר, falsehood), on the other hand, is made up of the 19th, 20th, and 21st (and penultimate) letters. Thus, truth is all-encompassing, while falsehood is narrow and deceiving.
Hofas Gwydion and Truth-Teller information
“The Starsword is Made, as you called it.” He waved an idle hand, sparks at his fingertips. “The knife can Unmake things. Made and Unmade. Matter and antimatter. With the right influx of power—a command from the one destined to wield them—they can be merged. And they can create a place where no life, no light exists. A place that is nothing. Nowhere.”
Hofas Gwydion and TT singing
Because the sword and dagger weren’t merely tugging now. They were singing, and all she had to do was reach out for them—
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 7 months
do you think that Despicable Me exists in Earth Aleph and everytime the travelers interact with the undersiders theyre just visibly holding back their giggles bc. Grue
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kdinjenzen · 5 months
just saw your post about how Golden Sun is on the switch now. would you be cool with telling us more about it?
(i struggle to get into media that is new to me without knowing a bit about it first, and it's usually best when i hear it from someone who loves the media in question)
Golden Sun began as a two-part Game Boy Advance JRPG series starting with 2001's "Golden Sun" and ending the first arc with "Golden Sun: The Lost Age" in 2002. The second arc of the story began with "Golden Sun: Dark Dawn" on the Nintendo DS released in 2010 and is the last title in the series to this date with an unfortunate "The End?" cliffhanger suggesting the closure of the series as a whole would come with a FOURTH game to be released at some point in time. To this day there has been no true word on a fourth title to finally finish the series.
The Golden Sun series of games were developed by Camelot Software whom originally were a Sega Only Developer specifically focusing on the "Shining" series starting with Shining in the Darkness in 1991 and ending with Shining Force III in 1998.
Camelot Software then became a Second-Party Development Studio for Nintendo focusing on the Mario Sports series of titles including both the home console and handheld versions of these games, beginning with Mario Golf in 1999.
Camelot Software was also the creator of the Waluigi character who first appeared in Mario Tennis in 2000. (They also created both the UNSEEN version and now KNOWN versions of Wapeach for Mario Tennis and Power Tennis respectively.)
The game series was created with the intent of allowing Camelot to get back to their roots or more RPG style games and to bolster the Nintendo IP owned roster with diverse gameplay titles. Much of Golden Sun's style can be seen in Camelot's older "Shining" titles with a more evolved and "of the era" style. Golden Sun was originally being conceived as a Nintendo 64 title before it was revealed that the Game Cube would be releasing soon and the N64 would be sunset. Development then moved to the GBA.
Originally Golden Sun and The Lost Age were intended to be ONE GAME, but the cartridge space on the GBA was too small and would need far more memory to whole the full game so the idea to split it in two was devised to create a much more well rounded story, give devs more time to finish the latter half of the game, and get the first title out sooner.
Golden Sun (as a series) is fairly simple and follows more traditional JRPG standards of turn based battles, a party of four characters, elemental magic, leveling up, and various collectable armors and creatures to enhance characters in and out of battle.
Elements are a key point to both gameplay and story as the world is inhabited by a small amount of "Adepts" whom can control these elements based on four types: Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water.
Djinni, small elemental creatures, can be found all over the world that will add new abilities and skills to the party's Psynergy (the game equivalent of magic spells) as well as used as parts of larger summons.
The main plot of the first title follows Isaac and Garet, years after the tragic loss of Isaac's father and their mutual friend Jenna's brother and parents being killed in a storm, as they learn more about their town, the world around them, psynergy, and the history of Mt Aleph's Sol Sanctum (a temple hidden within mountain near their small village) from one of the village's historians Kraden.
After opening up Sol Sanctum they are approached by two people who were part of the cause that ended up taking the lives of Isaac's dad and Jenna's family, a third masked figure, and their presumed fourth partner who are currently hunting for the Elemental Stars in an effort to light all the Elemental Lighthouses and releasing the power of Alchemy and Psynergy (again, the game's magic system) across the world which could be potentially disastrous.
After most of the Elemental Stars are stolen, Jenna and their teacher Kraden are kidnapped, Garet and Isaac meet "The Wise One" (a giant floating rock with an eyeball) who tasks them to stop the opposing party of four before they can attain their goal and quite possibly doom the world.
Along this journey they are eventually joined by Ivan, a young Wind Adept, and Mia an expert healer and Water Adept. Between these two and Isaac, an Earth Adept, and Garet, a Fire Adept, the party is able to round out with the full elemental psynergy roster.
They end the first game with a cliff hanger that directly and immediately starts back up with Golden Sun: The Lost Age.
The Lost Age features 4 new party members, who you do meet some of in the first game (no spoilers), and eventually the two teams of four merge into a team of 8 (two of each elemental type) - the groups combine their powers and the first arc ends.
Dark Dawn, the DS title, takes place 30 years after the end of The Lost Age and primarily follows around the children of the protagonists from the first two games going on an adventure that started far before their birth with something that happened at the end of The Lost Age.
Each game features both in and out of combat use of Psynergy. For combat it's as simple as attack/defend/buff/heal/etc. Outside of combat certain elements of Psynergy are used to solve puzzles in various ways from growing plants, pushing large stones, reading character's minds, blowing away objects with great winds, freezing water to create new platforms, etc.
The game features lots of fun collectables, side-quests, world building events, optional dungeons, and more.
I could go on and on about this series more, but that would involve a TON of spoilers so like... GO PLAY THE GAMES! THEY ARE VERY FUN!
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ozzni · 6 months
I kinda like how the multiverse existing in Worm, as a known fact, kinda just... doesn't matter aside from a few edge cases up until the end? And even those edge cases where it actually matters, the only people who actually care about this multiverse relevance are the people directly affected by it. Travellers are the only ones who know they come from Aleph until Echidna starts running loose and they get to go back home. Case 53s don't even know they're from another dimension, only Cauldron does.
Everybody knows that there's another Earth just... right there. They know it's there. Bet and Aleph communicate. But I think aside from, like, people comparing the differences in media and going all, "hey, these guys have/don't have parahumans! that's crazy!", the average person just doesn't think about it at all. Why should Joe Generico of Houston, Texas, Bet care about what's happening in Houston, Texas, Aleph when there's... Elite or something robbing his store?
This defference toward the multiverse kinda just feels fresh to me somehow? I'm so used to people constantly making a big deal out of the idea of other worlds and stuff, that people not caring about it just feels nice. idk where i am, or was trying to, go with this but... I like it. dont aknowlege the other Earth.
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
Muse body hcs, seperated by verse.
Joel Prime / Main
skinny / slim, wider hips than average
Tattoos / Piercings:
Behind left ear: YYZ (airport code for Pearson International Airport) in morse code
Pierced earlobes, occasionally considers stretching them
Chest: top surgery
Various: self harm
Upper - mid back: odd looking scar, unknown source
Neck: rope marks, from death
Others under the cut.
Aleph / Composer
skinny / slim, similar build to main
Eye colour: Magenta*
Chest, back of head: scars from gunshot wounds
Tattoos / Piercings:
Pierced lobes
Other notes:
As a teen, used his reality altering abilities to give himself the body of an amab individual, one that he was more comfortable with
*also changed his eye colour to magenta for shits and giggles
Raven / Death's Avatar
skinny / slim, similar build to main
Eye colour: Indigo/Violet
Tattoos / Piercings:
Ear piercings (multiple)
Kokabiel / Warframe
skinny / slim, similar build to main
Eye colour: Brown, unnatural coral glow
Void based scarring across entire body, most visible on neck, creeping up to his lower jaw
Artem / Genshin
Slim, more muscle than base
Tattoos / Piercings:
Pierced left lobe
Various battle scars
Azarel / Cruelty Squad
Slim, similar build to Artem
Other notes:
*due to being killed/reconstructed semi regularly, his body goes through periods of being heavily scarred and/or altered before being reconstructed
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