#earl grey x sonder is totally canon
kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonders YanTober Day 8
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Hotel Horror Story
Yandere! Eclair x Reader, Earl Grey x Sonder
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“Hey Earl Grey! I found this old book in one of the older hotel rooms..” Sonder says walking up to Earl Grey whose cleaning the front desk off.
“Whats it about?” He asked.
Sonder skims the back of the book, some words are crossed off. “Hm… Royalty, knights, a scholar, ooo and a hotel…. Seems like its about the old kingdom. Remember the one that was taken over by a mad man then it crumbled when he took control? Yeah, that one, the books called My Love for them, wanna read it together?”
“Im a little busy cleaning, do read it aloud for me Dear?”
“My pleasure” Sonder sits in one of the chairs behind the front desk and begins to read aloud.
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Once upon a time.
Deep into the unknown forest. The sun does not shine, only the light of the moon. Where dragons roam.
Theres a hotel, hiding away the kingdoms queens first born. They was taken the day they turned eighteen, the day they were supposed to get married to prince of foreign kingdom. Never to be seen again.
Before all this, they were in love with their dear bodyguard, such a forbidden relationship. The knight was hurt beyond belief, a month into his grieving he told his parents he was off to go find you. They pleaded and begged for him to not go, not to risk his life. He continued to get his armor on and left on a journey that will risk him his life. Many knights have went and have never returned.
it was long and tedious journey. bugs would keep the knight from sleep. Monsters coming and going. His chest plate was holding on by a thread it seemed, it did him no good. It covered little to nothing but he still kept it on. His food supply began to dwindle but he never lost confidence or hope.
After days, maybe weeks of walking and fighting. He was just outside the hotel. He noticed no dragons in sight. The outside of the hotel was freezing to the touch. There were lights coming from all around the inside of the hotel.
He began to push the huge doors open, they creaked and fought against him. When he finally got it open enough to get in, he walked in to see an elegant interior. The walls had intricate designs, there were paintings hung all around. As the knight got closer looks, it was you. He walks further into the hotel, the stairs creaked and groaned as he walks up them. He goes to the second floor, the corridor has different wall designs but still theres paintings of you. His cheek started to heat up and heart began to skip beats as he proceeds further in the hotel, the you in the paintings seem to loose more articles of clothing.
the lights at the end seem to not be lit, but by the moon light shining through the windows he can see a door at the end of the hallway, Its made of some type of metal.
The dear knight reached the door, he got a closer a look and the door seems to be rusted in some areas. He tried the door nob, no use. He then tried to shove it open with his shoulder, no use. He fidgeted with the nails to see if he can completely take the door off.
He heard muffled sounds coming from behind the metal door, it came to a stop, he stopped, the door cracked open. From just the crack in door, it seemed to be a bed room. He walked in, you were tied up on the bed, gag covering your mouth. You were in a blue and vanilla outfit, sitting on top of an elegant king sized bed. More paintings filled the room, but it was you with another man.
He looked back over to you when he heard you muffle words. There were tears pooling in your eyes, you kept looking at something behind him and then back at him. He quickly figured out and turned around. There was a man in red stained clothes, sword in hand. But it was too late, the man in red stained clothes stabbed him in the heart, his broken chest plate not provided any protection. You began to scream, still, they were muffled.
The man walked over to you, he was also the man in the paintings, Eclair. His clothes has been stained red over the countless knights that came for you.
Eclair undid you bindings, he kept your gag on. You began to thrash and cry, trying to reach the dead man that layed across the floor. Eclair gripped your wrist tight, pulling you to his chest, blood began to smear on you and your clothes.
Your lover, your suppose-to-be knight in shining armor was you last hope at escaping this hell. So many knights came, all received a similar fate.
You reach for your gag and yank it off. You look Eclair in the eyes, ready to say something. You open your mouth and nothing comes out, tears continue to blur your vision. Eclair looked at you and smiled, not saying a word. He picks you up and places you in chair thats in the corner of the room, his painting chair. He places your dead lovers body next you, then gets a canvas and easel. He grabs his paint and brushes, stands in front of the canvas. Before he starts he says,
“This is a big celebration, your dear bodyguard has been killed, it deserves to be remembered through out history. Once your parents are dead, I’ll paint their heads on pitchforks and hang it for all to see. The entire world deserves to see how much work I put into loving you, but for now, things that happen in the hotel stays in the hotel.”
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Sonder stops reading.
“Hm? Why’d you stop reading? I was actually interested..” Earl grey says.
Sonder and Earl Grey are now curled up together with a blanket on a sofa to the side of the hotel lobby. The lights are off besides a small lamp to their left.
“The pages are ripped out… I’ll go back to the room to see if I can find them.” Sonder got up and left for the room.
Some time passed, Earl Grey was getting inpatient. He decided to look around the hotel for Them. He first went to the second floor since those are the oldest rooms in the building. He started calling out their name, no answer. He saw a slightly cracked door at the end of the hallway and went to it.
Some more time passed. Sonder found the pages and went back to the lobby. “Sorry it took so long Earl grey, but I found some more pages and this weird painting of (name)… Earl Grey?” The blanket was on the ground and Earl Grey was not in sight.
Sonder decided to walk up the stair, they knew Earl Grey would probably go looking for them sooner or later. the stairs started squeaking. “Thats weird, that never happens…” They continue down the hallway. “Earl Grey! Earl Grey are you here?”
As Sonder continues, as she gets closer to the end of the hall, the last door slightly cracks open. “Earl Grey! Haha, if you’re trying to scare me you’ll have to do better.” The door fully opens, the silhouette of Earl Grey is seen in the dark. “Oh! Is that the room thats similar in the book? Awesome!” They cheerfully say.
Earl Grey suddenly drops once Sonders basically touching the door, a cookie with a big hat and blood stained clothes is shown. Earl grey was bloody and dead on the ground. They started walks closer to Sonder as they back up. “Wont you tell me where (name) is? You have my painting of them…Give them back..”
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
”Not… Anymore?”
Inspiration: I changed my theme from my beloved Earl Grey to Yogurt Cream, what if crk could see this?
a/n: im slowing getting back into writing, I’ll start with headcannons and small fics before i get back into request :D
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Earl Grey and Yogurt Cream where talking on a bench. All the Cook run oven break characters were able to force them self into cookie run kingdom. Theu both were sipping tea and talking.
“Earl Grey! Earl Grey!” Espresso came running from the corner.
Earl grey and Yogurt Cream look to the left and see espresso. His glasses slighting falling off, hair disheveled, his cape and coat is gone and he’s just wearing his button up shirt.
“Whats the matter Espresso?” Earl Grey say’s concerned.
“Its hard to explain, I need you to follow me- And you too Yogurt Cream!” They both chase after Espresso to his office.
Espresso locks the door behind them and leads them to his computers. Theres calculations pulled up on all the screens but one. It has Bakers tumblr page pulled up. Earl Grey being their theme.
“Whats this about?” Yogurt Cream says, looking at the screen in confusion. Everyone knew of bakers love for writing and Earl Grey.
“Baker has always loved Earl Grey, right?” They both nod at Espresso statement.
Espresso presses a little red spiny circle at the top of the screen. The theme has many shades of purple, and Yogurt Creams photos all over it. Yogurt Cream gasped in excitement. Earl Grey stays silent.
“If this is a joke I dont find it funny..” Earl Grey states.
“Its not, I think baker just has a new-”
They look back at the screen and seen baker post, it was about still loving Earl Grey even tho changing themes.
“Well that shows its not a joke..” Espresso says.
Earl Grey side eyes Yogurt Cream as he’s looking at the new theme.
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
When I first saw Earl Grey Cookie.
And that’s a fact.
When i first saw him it was like 3am? So i started drawing him since I fell head over heels for him, ya know when you draw when your tired and you think its going good buts its going really bad. i woke up the next morning and those drawings looked horrendous
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Earl Grey x Sonder is totally canon
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Sonder x Earl Grey Cookie is canonical? Huh, so that means, Gardener x Herb Cookie is canonical too.
Sonder x raspberry mousse is also canon🤭
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
since I introduced you to, Archbishop Cream Cookie and Jelly Serpent Cookie, do you simp more over them? Or still simp over Earl Grey?
I am loyal, I will forever be Earl Greys number one!
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