#dwight schultz is still a working actor
astoriachef · 3 months
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Reminder--> This blog does NOT accept unfounded/unsubstantiated rumors regarding the voice casting of the next game. And also another reminder since people either do not realize or have conveniently forgotten.
1) There was a first set of Dragon Age comics that came out after the release of Origins by Orson Scott Card, a vile homophobe. These comics were largely disavowed and no content from them has ever been included in any of the lore.
2) Dwight Schultz who voiced Bhodan in Origins and DA2 was never cast in another BioWare game. His homophobia and transphobia did not become known until after Dragon Age 2's release.
3)  Adam Baldwin who voiced Kal'Reegar in Mass Effect 2 was not cast in any other further  games due to his part in Gamer gate. (If you do a search you will see he has not done any videogame voice work since 2015)
Now lets think logically for a minute. Do you actually think they would actually cast a certain actor who was  so negative and malignant on Twitter to the point where even  the developers had to respond to him as well as debunk some statements?
And now lets think logically even more! The powers that be at BioWare still have to maintain a certain professionalism and decorum and with Twitter being a public arena, they simply can't respond in a way some would like them to respond.
This will be my only statement on the matter. Any future submissions will be deleted.
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