#dumb little angel
beepshroom · 1 month
him: you better not be an angelthing when i get there
my stupid ass:
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tnniest · 3 days
me realizing that boys my age wont ever satisfy me
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Why Hazbin characters are the animal they are:
(Because of that conversation I just had with @xxqueenofdragonsxx )
Angel (spider)
1. His family’s “web of crime”
2. A spider was the last thing he was before he died.
3. He had a weirdly heartfelt moment with a spider as a child that stayed with him to adulthood.
4. He was terrified of spiders and this was his first punishment in hell.
5. He insulted spiders by calling them “creepy fuckers”— the spider community was insulted and sought punishment.
6. He and his family’s last name was “Ragno” which literally means “spider” in Italian.
7. He’s Spider-Man. Or Spider-Gwen at least— look at his colors.
Husk (cat)
1. Fucking hated cats when he was alive
2. Hates flying when he was alive.
3. Flew in a plane in the military at some point so has flight-related trauma.
4. Cause he does that cat thing where they can’t deal with people’s bullshit.
5. Ex had a cat, their relationship was complicated.
6. Husk really hates messes. Having both feathers and fur is the ultimate torture.
7. He died tripping on a cat and then being impaled by the beak of a dead bird.
8. Died falling. Period. Cats land on their feet and birds can fly so it’s some kind of irony.
Alastor (deer)
1. He was killed because someone thought he was a deer in the forest.
2. The deer in headlights look he always makes when someone propositions him sexually
3. He was the predator chasing the prey, now his creature is the prey.
4. First thing he ever killed was a buck.
5. He really likes venison and is a cannibal. Now he has a steady supply of food. He just needs to wait to regenerate.
6. His favorite thing to say was “oh dear” so the universe made it into a pun.
7. He wasn’t shot by a person. He was shot by a serial killer deer.
Sir Pentious (snake)
1. He was a slippery little fella.
2. Was obsessed and had a ton of pet snakes.
3. Alternatively he was terrified of snakes.
4. The last person he called a “friend” called him a snake before leaving him forever.
5. Snakes are supposed to be symbols of healing, which was ironic because he couldn’t save the one person he loved most.
6. He had a lisp and was frequently harassed for sounding “snake-like” (yay ableism)
7. His name really was Sir Pentious when alive and the universe couldn’t not let the opportunity go to waste.
Valentino (moth)
1. He used to zap and kill moths for fun, putting them in peoples beds because nobody likes a moth in your bed.
2. He publicly ran a campaign saying butterflies > moths, the moths didn’t like that.
3. He was killed when a stage light “accidentally” fell on him.
4. Like a moth, he is easily distracted by bright things.
5. Choked on mothballs and died.
6. Sold powder of crushed up moths under the guise that it was cocaine. Someone found out a killed him in anger.
7. Was killed running into traffic as he was being chased by a moth.
Vox (TV)
1. Was a TV host
2. Sold crappy, overpriced TVs
3. Killed someone by smashing their head in with a TV.
4. HE was killed by his head getting smashed in by a TV.
5. His form isn’t really a TV, but he was decapitated and needed a replacement head and this was the first thing he could find.
6. Stared at screens way too long as a child.
7. Was epileptic so the universe thought it would be funny if he could use his face to induce seizures in others (the universe has a messed up sense of humor man. How about we don’t cause people to have seizures?)
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evilbeing · 6 months
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*holds him*
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spookberry · 1 year
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Its my birthday so im posting oc lore <3
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ffverr · 3 days
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I think I've developed a serious problem
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bullagit · 2 months
aziraphale was so excited to show crowley his magic tricks... to get to share that interest w him... ough.. i get so hung up on that about it he was so full of joy and excitement and MOTION he was so HAPPY and goofy.. it's such a rare mode to see from him 🥺
like idk it's one of those things where you don't think about just how many walls a character has up and how much they repress until you see them let the walls down a little bit. i care him
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lavaalishaa · 2 months
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I done gassed you up & now you actin mid ✨
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angelsdean · 2 years
literally genuinely there is a sign on the dean cave door that says “no little brothers allowed !!!!!” and sam has never stepped foot in the room again after scoobynatural. however, adam’s allowed in when he and dean have “educating the angels on pop culture” movie nights. sam does not huff in annoyance, he does not stomp his feet and whine abt double standards and gesture wildly with his gargantuan arms at the sign, dean! the sign says no LITTLE BROTHERS ! he does not do that, nope. (dean later crosses out “little brothers” and adds, “middle children”)
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1981whiplash · 5 months
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And in the end you're the one who always sticks around :')
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spam-monster · 7 months
FINALLY watched the rest of Good Omens s2 (if you couldn't tell by my massive reblogging spree) and I have to pontificate on Aziraphale's decision in the end and how it's not as simple as "herp derp he still thinks heaven is good".
Because the thing is: he hesitated. He looked back at Crowley. He was absolutely considering telling heaven that he had changed his mind up until the point that Mettatron said something about planning "the Second Coming".
Because he realized at that point that, if left unchecked, heaven was never going to stop trying to force armageddon.
And yes we all know Azi is "looks soft but is actually scary" and Crowley is "looks scary but is actually soft", but the thing is Aziraphale is still Very Soft and does Care Deeply about Earth and all the people on it. And he also apparently adores a good love story. If heaven gets their way, everything ends. Nina and Maggie will never eventually get together, Adam will never get to grow up and have a normal life, even Gabriel and Beelz won't be safe out in their little corner of space.
So he could, at this point, go back to Crowley, run off with him, be "us"...but there's no guarantee that whatever heaven's planning won't catch up to them. Aziraphale, in that moment, decides that going up there and figuring out for himself what's really going on is the best chance they have of finally stopping all this mess for good and ensuring that everyone and everything he loves will be safe. Even if the person he loves will never forgive him, at least he'll be safe.
In short; Aziraphale knowingly messed up the happy ending to his own love story to ensure everyone else's happy endings.
this bitch
but now that we've opened up the boys/male-presenting entities kissing-on-screen door, i expect a nice happy proper one next season Mr. Gaiman.
or maybe several
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soft-and-tenderr · 16 days
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Morning light + needy bunny🐰🤍🩷💜
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toastytrusty · 21 hours
literally cannot stop thinking about how dani is a samurai and jorge is a spartan The parallels oh no oh no the parallels
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shallowseeker · 9 months
Sometimes, I miss such obvious stuff.
Like, I'm still reeling that they had Cas kill a Sam.
I mean, he risked everything to rescue the little brother-coded angel...named SAMandriel.
Cas braves severe psychological symptoms just to get to him. I couldn't find GIFs, but when Cas removes the spiked torture crown, he treats Samandriel with such uncharacteristic gentleness, especially at the junction in the series (Cas can still be kinda rough, even with Dean at times.)
Oh, the parallels:
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Watching Cas turn on a dime and "kill his little brother" tipped Sam and Dean off that something was indeed very wrong with Cas. It was watching Cas go through this shit that made them truly stow their own crap and get back in the game (to hopefully figure it out and help him).
Also ough, Samandriel looks so sad as he dies. Like we saw with other angels, Samandriel immediately opened up about the mind control to Cas, wanting his help.
(Interesting, yet again, we see that other angels want to trust Cas. We see as early as season 4 that even friggin' Uriel is comfy airing his frustration and blasphemy at Cas. Anna opened up to Cas, which is why his betrayal threw her so badly. Cas is the angel's angel because he's a respected soldier...and his default is to be a coolheaded confidante.)
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fastbreakpoints · 3 months
the jays play heads up (part one)
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