#dude is going to need a tank for his cabbages by the end of the series
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sirjustice1331 · 3 years
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Minaj am your best friend, bring ya umbilical navel, anytime am close to ya i touch tenderly just a little bit, girl don't u know am upto ya and i loves, Northwhitehead go ahead as i read gestures, oh minaj,u have been to can i got down, yes u can my friend, Minaj restless on the sofa, kebi asks again, girl i love and cherish ya, can i go down, yep dude, and Kebi get down with his tongues, Minaj kebi asks can i get up yes, u r allowed as kebi now spank the booty and caress to play with the big booty, ask again can i get more up, kebi gets to the spinal cord and the back and the neck as minaj cant see him to the side neck ears, hair play with the same to make minaj sit on the sofa with the legs on it as kebi, place his legs to minaj back Tv one to look em in the face, girl aint the worlds greatest but to affirm i love ya, girl be mine, i love you billy, no, a slip of the tongue but Minaj as both became restless and hug each other to show love as in the song below dude
Play ps4 or 5 on Tv screen 1 but with one each side a screen not sitting on the same side on the same screen but looking at each other like in old train the screen blocking as having sex
The Vietnam web browser called otitimach
Write all games app with transaction section between 2 players or more selected with no transaction involved, connected to mobile money platforms and bank wire system, write in stanza form and the sign b4 folding and stepping on CD hole within book paper with much mixed cooking oil on grass mixed with hay land placed on bruised floor with cement fumes, heap guava and hay or kale with milk or porridge, as u wash feet with kids in surgical spirit or mixture of all fruits juice with kids and cattle can even be in the tank which must be big to accommodate the same, pets and even pigs and can add garbage 4 more results in the dark and boom ya app in tank or basins inserted in gone up places within ya yard of black loam soil and sand texture or grass with clay soil or chop guava on wood soaked in pineapple juice or in mango juice in mud or millet/sorghum porridge or cocoa fume mixed with water in the dark heap on dry weather road as above or chop wood on hay bar in mixed ripe mango and raw mango extract and boom ya app dude like 8 ball pontoon dude
Now the know USA got the E-drone that takes years on the air so must have gone down to the outer space below the earth and fixed the air radar surveillance system upside down and since they got the dredger made hole to bring the wire to the earth surface to monitor the below and even with other long range sensors as of animals, drones, guns and animals so that option blocked of attacking from below and with them can attack them from below like sink water bodies or place bomb to make it capsize to other nearby lands and those in such lands as in E-Africa who fear death out of the same now wanting to get to lands without water bodies close as the same can be done dude as in the link below
RATHER be lazy after machine have taken all hard work and be polite and not rude with respect than be hardworking and without respects cause not much cash needed to survive as u have known how to make houses and machines, now cheap and moreover now bought on credit as loan extensions now on credit. Dude stop disturbing me, sell ya car, combine efforts with another and register a credit giving firm as above, keeping the ID so no risk of run away as now we got motor bikes gotten on credit payable per day as with ya loan, take one 4 those youths willing and let them pay u daily at days end and be rich, stop having wealth as land or car or property yet still u want from another or wallows in miasma of dire abject poverty. Dude u r rich and u know not as repayment fast within 2 months not as banks not less than 1 year or let them tell u what they want as baying bills, school fees or buying a machine u write a check to that office or get with him/her and pay as he is having what he wants as giving money u make another rich quicker more than u making your lifespan short if u know not or puts the same in crime activities like building 1 a/c to delude the public as with their Mr big man a/c
Abolish boarding schools and big schools and since many small schools built, tell them to locate 1 and fix themselves or heap them in groups as perpetuate crime and hooliganism among the lazy wanting to eat out of the same collective agenda
The new voting machine as in the link below Write its name and step on the name within Cd hole on cut book paper on hay, heap guava and cabbage and in down line write all u want incorporated b4 signing as said earlier, then wash feet with kids in surgical spirit or with women in porridge or chop guava on wood board placed in heap of millet in the dark in big containers in grass sand land or red soil or just gone up places within ya yard and boom ya machine dude
U can even write curved tv up and down way or on the sides as usual and step within a flat tv below the above writing photo facing down bent, heap hay and guava on basin on gone up places within ya yard, wash feet with kids and pets in surgical spirit or in detergent and u can add paraffin water or chop guava on wood soaked in thinner in mud, yam, carrot or try with each veggies, fruits or berries and leaves, hay, grass or eggs or anything around you 4 more results
On the to be placed on the CD hole gives the machine its color as u can add food color to it to bring out the machine u want dude or smear on ya inserted feet dude
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sirjustice1113 · 4 years
Bicycle way dude
Tank immersed in stagnant water half way in a tank, when heap in such tanks makes alternator generators dude, like in a dug big quarry u do the boom process next to down water level bro
Ng’ani ng’icho nadi gi wang moner ka ng’a moneno thel nyako mosegombo, same to a woman with male one dude. Be energetic and futuristic not at that point only kinda dude
Buy ticket as in the link below or introduced in every nation where their aint touts, but tickets bought on ya phone with receipt information of the car u want as u see it approaching as they can have wifi to know which at where with seat occupancy to place your bookings or go the city way where not as the mobile payed one, where belongs 4 that buses all but 4 the general 1 away from phone all matatus numbers can be in that gadget as below with WiFi showing location and occupancy to book but this at the end of the day the owner of the van is given her share minus tax to build the city as they can confirm via receipts dropped at the entrance door by the passenger to the driver
In the office nowadays it is solved like in the bank, we got reserved seats 4 those who care of the next person who sat on and same with all life concepts as with daily credit pay. U get to that office provided not smelling people recognize and forgo that sit and sit on general seat every1 seats on dude as u care not or love humanity or have been via a lot dude as in the link below
The drone control monitor esp 4 the military tiny bomb drones can harbor the battery free technology as goes the touch temperature way, where the next enemy can identify ya if one as their radar can read waves used to direct the drone on air and even locate the tiny drone and overwhelm you, so u can hide your tiny drones on crevices and on top of buildings, when u stop holding the monitor control tool so they know not where u r and vice vice as they can as well have detective mechanism to detect LCD screen and more used within that interface even from drone mounted with the same fly up high, having the detector looking down to even detect ya clothes, blood components and even guns as much as shoes and bombs/bullets, so be ware as u got the same need to have radar sensor to sense the radar as well as they sense yours and their sent drone and if it goes that way ad-infinitum then 1 who listens not needs to be annihilated like the Kikuyus cause if not they will continue that way ad-infinitum not listening. Some times the drone control monitor has a remote as it, itself can fly, when detected to fly it away using the remote by u power off ya remote dude, so not be caught dude
With like the foreign drone detective radars fold the photo into 2 halves and place under like heap of kale in upper tank or on open ground with grass when car tires all round the heap and find anything to chop to make ya radar too, respecting all veggies, fruits, leaves or berries theorem of being placed in sand or in boxes either rotten, raw, cooked or ripe and acid being added to water and all placed in such acid and even fruit seeds and of veggies and even all scrap metal when u have such next dude and boom ya radar and most also made on big tanks like tip of the bottom parts inside soil or on water body shallow shore water or just in pool with low water level maintaining the above protocols dude. The above ticketing reduces hooliganism associated with such people operating the same and with police as witnessed in many African nations dude
They think they will be granted longevity is they mistreat people or if have much kids, the truth is, if resources are slim as per your number, God cant grant u longevity as their will be more people lest your are few in number
Winter drones or cold days drones need not to have the hanging propellers on top as always in the case with many drones, in fact the propeller can be 1 big 1 hidden like with a computer fan to add effectiveness and beauty dude as in the link below
Duluth has line of weakness and many in any world big water bodies as even on shore like seas and oceans, deploy military radar watch on such lands as many now have know to make nuclear bombs and can detonate those lands to capsize 4 water to fill the empty voids as valleys as it keeps on moving to kill people all around such low lands and destroy much properties as can be the agenda of many people refusing to get it their lands are poor as compared to a certain point as it got large water down pour in-case the same is done to kill all in such low lands to reduce the population or champion the agendas as said b4 dude
Your smartphone can contain your pulse rate and temperature detector and even of alcohol so that if u have it its know behind ya consent or u knowing to trace ya GPS as where u r dude when the combination gotten as few people have likewise the same dude
Using the step on or sit on panels to generate electric power b4 stepping up the power can use the vacuum flask technology where u place heated water inside or that flask has an automated stopper to let out gas as water boils using a coil placed at the back inside of the flask where such as well is an automated response where if temperature reduces to a certain degree it switches on automatically to some set minutes to heat back the water again to a desired temperature b4 the stopper open up or not to release the air bro as in the links below, USES the very very stima that has being magnified to heat the flask dude, a phenomenon worth noting dude like along time steam engine operated dude
The radar as above detect a bulb inside gas or the heated gas cylinder gas contents as either any such heated when cold air blow lifts the cylinder upwards dude and that's it, so think twice as another day in paradise with you, Kill me kill you philosophy 4 the hooligans if u fathom not the reality and refuse to relent not or subdue to one above ya or ya equal. The Ninja Mind NM dude
Diamond ice made much when few sample brought close to kale in tank placed half way in the ground then u chop wood soaked in cooked cabbage water or more as detailed above or just the folded photo inside glass container or in the banner illuminating all sides as with coin or angle to try with any chop dude and with many cooper wires made when placed closed to kale in same tank as above and that one even in water or in side hole made big basement within the factory house basement as in its walls dude as explained earlier bro. Still fail to see what am doing, thinking its Zero work so still disturb me and wants my food as always and with ya silly investigation. U have not stopped dude with all i have said that we are not equal as my mind super cedes yours as if it were so u could have written the same well a head of me in ya own created a/c b4 announcing it us not saying your r the 1 telling me, yet this i had said b4 and now it years past bro. Stop and live ya own life bro, stop cashing into other men affairs dude. Mr Hindu be warned dude and Kisii arresting me kinda, next time, with my hate 4 ya, not a slap but a bullet will be on ya face and Mr white man on his chest as i escort him to the police post, legs on a lever as i hurl him not calling the corpse to take him or if they relent not to the morgue to confirm the truth they had know a lot past but not yet dude as in the link below, in Kenya people transporting timber on roads to reduce friction and the timber being scratched dude, to affirm my hate 4 ya, you luo blooded of knowing much esp women, without such as above, your land can be overtaken, not wanting to be ahead of men thinking another technology cant crop same as those who knows not how to play PS4 and those who knows how to play the same. Same with Wifi drone, they overwhelm ya not women thing as in the bible even if u r rich, Security fast as they monitor people good in such PS5 or 4 games to annihilated them not us knowing cause can guard the nation and those good in computers even if u love food and women better you than that who eats less and know shit regarding playing such games and with high vision or sight degree to monitor and view the same laid on screen signals as in the in below
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sirjustice1112 · 4 years
AG generators
Tank immersed in stagnant water half way in a tank, when heap in such tanks makes alternator generators dude, like in a dug big quarry u do the boom process next to down water level bro
Ng’ani ng’icho nadi gi wang moner ka ng’a moneno thel nyako mosegombo, same to a woman with male one dude. Be energetic and futuristic not at that point only kinda dude
Buy ticket as in the link below or introduced in every nation where their aint touts, but tickets bought on ya phone with receipt information of the car u want as u see it approaching as they can have wifi to know which at where with seat occupancy to place your bookings or go the city way where not as the mobile payed one, where belongs 4 that buses all but 4 the general 1 away from phone all matatus numbers can be in that gadget as below with WiFi showing location and occupancy to book but this at the end of the day the owner of the van is given her share minus tax to build the city as they can confirm via receipts dropped at the entrance door by the passenger to the driver
In the office nowadays it is solved like in the bank, we got reserved seats 4 those who care of the next person who sat on and same with all life concepts as with daily credit pay. U get to that office provided not smelling people recognize and forgo that sit and sit on general seat every1 seats on dude as u care not or love humanity or have been via a lot dude as in the link below
The drone control monitor esp 4 the military tiny bomb drones can harbor the battery free technology as goes the touch temperature way, where the next enemy can identify ya if one as their radar can read waves used to direct the drone on air and even locate the tiny drone and overwhelm you, so u can hide your tiny drones on crevices and on top of buildings, when u stop holding the monitor control tool so they know not where u r and vice vice as they can as well have detective mechanism to detect LCD screen and more used within that interface even from drone mounted with the same fly up high, having the detector looking down to even detect ya clothes, blood components and even guns as much as shoes and bombs/bullets, so be ware as u got the same need to have radar sensor to sense the radar as well as they sense yours and their sent drone and if it goes that way ad-infinitum then 1 who listens not needs to be annihilated like the Kikuyus cause if not they will continue that way ad-infinitum not listening. Some times the drone control monitor has a remote as it, itself can fly, when detected to fly it away using the remote by u power off ya remote dude, so not be caught dude
With like the foreign drone detective radars fold the photo into 2 halves and place under like heap of kale in upper tank or on open ground with grass when car tires all round the heap and find anything to chop to make ya radar too, respecting all veggies, fruits, leaves or berries theorem of being placed in sand or in boxes either rotten, raw, cooked or ripe and acid being added to water and all placed in such acid and even fruit seeds and of veggies and even all scrap metal when u have such next dude and boom ya radar and most also made on big tanks like tip of the bottom parts inside soil or on water body shallow shore water or just in pool with low water level maintaining the above protocols dude. The above ticketing reduces hooliganism associated with such people operating the same and with police as witnessed in many African nations dude
They think they will be granted longevity is they mistreat people or if have much kids, the truth is, if resources are slim as per your number, God cant grant u longevity as their will be more people lest your are few in number
Winter drones or cold days drones need not to have the hanging propellers on top as always in the case with many drones, in fact the propeller can be 1 big 1 hidden like with a computer fan to add effectiveness and beauty dude as in the link below
Duluth has line of weakness and many in any world big water bodies as even on shore like seas and oceans, deploy military radar watch on such lands as many now have know to make nuclear bombs and can detonate those lands to capsize 4 water to fill the empty voids as valleys as it keeps on moving to kill people all around such low lands and destroy much properties as can be the agenda of many people refusing to get it their lands are poor as compared to a certain point as it got large water down pour in-case the same is done to kill all in such low lands to reduce the population or champion the agendas as said b4 dude
Your smartphone can contain your pulse rate and temperature detector and even of alcohol so that if u have it its know behind ya consent or u knowing to trace ya GPS as where u r dude when the combination gotten as few people have likewise the same dude
Using the step on or sit on panels to generate electric power b4 stepping up the power can use the vacuum flask technology where u place heated water inside or that flask has an automated stopper to let out gas as water boils using a coil placed at the back inside of the flask where such as well is an automated response where if temperature reduces to a certain degree it switches on automatically to some set minutes to heat back the water again to a desired temperature b4 the stopper open up or not to release the air bro as in the links below, USES the very very stima that has being magnified to heat the flask dude, a phenomenon worth noting dude like along time steam engine operated dude
The radar as above detect a bulb inside gas or the heated gas cylinder gas contents as either any such heated when cold air blow lifts the cylinder upwards dude and that's it, so think twice as another day in paradise with you, Kill me kill you philosophy 4 the hooligans if u fathom not the reality and refuse to relent not or subdue to one above ya or ya equal. The Ninja Mind NM dude
Diamond ice made much when few sample brought close to kale in tank placed half way in the ground then u chop wood soaked in cooked cabbage water or more as detailed above or just the folded photo inside glass container or in the banner illuminating all sides as with coin or angle to try with any chop dude and with many cooper wires made when placed closed to kale in same tank as above and that one even in water or in side hole made big basement within the factory house basement as in its walls dude as explained earlier bro. Still fail to see what am doing, thinking its Zero work so still disturb me and wants my food as always and with ya silly investigation. U have not stopped dude with all i have said that we are not equal as my mind super cedes yours as if it were so u could have written the same well a head of me in ya own created a/c b4 announcing it us not saying your r the 1 telling me, yet this i had said b4 and now it years past bro. Stop and live ya own life bro, stop cashing into other men affairs dude. Mr Hindu be warned dude and Kisii arresting me kinda, next time, with my hate 4 ya, not a slap but a bullet will be on ya face and Mr white man on his chest as i escort him to the police post, legs on a lever as i hurl him not calling the corpse to take him or if they relent not to the morgue to confirm the truth they had know a lot past but not yet dude as in the link below, in Kenya people transporting timber on roads to reduce friction and the timber being scratched dude, to affirm my hate 4 ya, you luo blooded of knowing much esp women, without such as above, your land can be overtaken, not wanting to be ahead of men thinking another technology cant crop same as those who knows not how to play PS4 and those who knows how to play the same. Same with Wifi drone, they overwhelm ya not women thing as in the bible even if u r rich, Security fast as they monitor people good in such PS5 or 4 games to annihilated them not us knowing cause can guard the nation and those good in computers even if u love food and women better you than that who eats less and know shit regarding playing such games and with high vision or sight degree to monitor and view the same laid on screen signals
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abhisheksingh098 · 4 years
SAIYAN RAP CYPHER | FabvL ft. RUSTAGE, Daddyphatsnaps, Dan Bull, NerdOut & More [Dragon Ball] 
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Joey Nato:- Ayo, you know what's crazy? I learned that me and that dude Gohan got a lot in common Nato, all the haters that tried me will be first to tell You that you won't get buy me with a perfect sell 'Cause I'm married to my goals like my goals Videl My father taught me how to win, but I learned to fail And pick a low in my life, any low I've had Was in the pickle low key, but the key was fight back Even when I was a teen, I would know I'm bad The way I killed a 16 would make Gohan snap Look, legend in the making, can't stop my story And if a Sensu bein' a little hostile towards mе I'm a power up quick and deliver that fast pain Thеy Saiyaman only as good as his last game I heard you pack a punch, but I guess none landed Dummy, you should know I'll beat you one handed And if you mess with family, take a guess what we'll do We won't wanna fight you, nah, we'll wanna kill you, Nato Dreaded Yasuke:- See me walking in the public Sporting the green and black armor on Bandana with the blood drip I was considered low budget Look at me now, fighting the crowd, take you all by the dozen Judging my exterior, I'm raising my thermals Thinking I'm inferior, making ya soul furlough Beat you down thorough Hoping you can manage my final spirit cannon and make ya blood curdle This the time to panic When you see the golden hair, even battle damaged I give you a thousanf-yard stare Not gonna be fair when I start feeling my rhythm You should be scared, ya blood staining your denim Standing there thinking how did I get my momentum? And will be passing down, cause of nepotism Super Saiyan ain't nothing to playing with Enemies don't gotta chance, even when I show them the tip Dan Bull:- Ay, what you bringing? What you saying? I'm the king of the Saiyans Someone from the southern U.S.A., would say I'm advanced Solving the toughest puzzles There must be tuffles living in my brain Still ruling my people, I don't really care what Frieza claims King Vegeta's staying, like a Fajita stain Firing execution beams and heaps of Ki in waves I've seen regimes and seasons change, how could it be the same? You keep on feeding the flames, you're going to free this ape Vegeta's ancestors stand the test of time I guess it's down to diet, genes and some exercise Best alive 'till my son took the crown Now I rest in the sky up above trunks looking down There's a bright future ahead of him, like every parent's hoping for I might have met my descendents if I never had that broken jaw There's so much lore that I could go through more Than even Goku could hope to when he grows new balls Shwabadi:- Yo, I see you thought it was over But then the fusion tango boosted power roasting opponents The coldest foes that I'm owning, the Ki is flowing an ocean You had the nuts to step to one of us, but now you're facing Bofa These thugs People that keep the beam tucked Lethal when thinking you'd of dreamed to beat us Fetal position, you can clear the tear ducts Crying to yourself 'cus you're weak and we're peerless I got twice the will in me, a Gemini man Don't need a smith, come with quickness when I jeopardise plans Double vision, they can't seem him, 'cus I'm fast with the hands Punisher drive, push 'em aside, now I'm sending 'em back This dual personality, you woulda thought'd be a mismatch Two beefy dudes sandwiched together, that's a Big Mac One man think tank, never skipped gym class Think fast, Kamehameha with a Big Bang Gameboy Jones:- Coming to you live, it's the man from the planet of the apes You don't want the smoke and I ain't talking 'bout a vape Tide pod ship, yeah my whip so clean I've been taking planets way before I even hit my teens Raditz stacking cabbage, I'm banking on being savage Heart is full of malice, unleash it by causing havoc You don't want the beef that's unfortunate, there's no salad If I see my brother, I'm snapping that little carrot No app, but I'm bringing in the discord I'm pedal to the metal, that's how opposition gets floored Microsoft, I'm about to give you one note Facing me is suicide, us Saiyans are to cutthroat Pride of a lion, check the mane But I go ape shit, me and you are not the same Compared to me, you ain't even looking half as nice If you wanna beat me, you'll sacrifice your life! None Like Joshua:- This is for Gohan, so long you robots Krillin's own thot, isn't even the most hot or that nice Like I am when it comes to tough fights Goku taking 20 episodes, I'm taking one slice More humble than any Saiyan here on the track 'Cause I know when to attack and when to hold it back Coming from the future, man, it's all out of whack 'Cause Goku's got to live, so don't shoot, he's not Goku Black Or Zamasu, what I've seen will haunt you Travel to the past seems too paradoxical But I've got to killin' villains, saving my fam Now my sword is shaving off years from your lifespan Simpin for Mai chick, she's searching for my Dragon Balls I don't need to make a wish, I can hurt the baddest gods Immortals underestimate me 'cause my dad's a loser Thia Mai is too young, so it's back to the future Zach Boucher:- They don't hold a single hope if they're alone Find a sacrifice against this elitist, you will need it That's my last advice I'll be undefeated and I mean it though, I pack a fight Handing eveybody, one way tickets to the after life Now they're coming at me assuming they're quick Nah, practically practice, they're done with, I'm over this shit Getting so impatient, God I hate how it's over so quick So I'll let you die for nothing, like the Namek, Tien, and his buddy did Say he's Super Saiyan, but I'm saying that he sucked at it You just need to find the little strength that you've been mustering While I keep it deep inside my veins until it clutters You're like Gohan, how you stuttered Killed your friends and all your brothers I was sick of living deep inside the dark But that's when I met Vegeta, he would teach me where to start They don't realize I'm still alive to tear you all apart You call it destruction, I call that a pockmark Connor Quest:- Goten since I was below ten, I've been hard as stone henge Enemies they curve me like a road bend Broke them limits, making grown men fidget When you see me up in GT, I'm the golden ticket Need a scope lens just to even see the height I'm hitting Deny the physics, these guys are tripping If they think that I could give in Collide the digits, call it popping the Trunks Because I'm riding with him, feel the burn As you get offed by the son Flip round turn the tension high No, these clowns ain't friends of mine Kamehameha drop a body to the floor Get a strike to a vital just to end your life Step with a rush on your neck, bust collarbones This is how you make a hero's son, fuck Boruto Ki on lock, you can fight with us You'll be sweeping up the pieces of your teeth after you bite the dust DizzyEight:- Looking for a hero? Then it's us Had to double up to maneuver when it's clutch Give him big rounds, know for the dough I go nuts Fella, sit down, it's known I bring thunder when I punch Ya'll talk too much, enemies do the most What I speak leave 'em toast, when I spit they go ghost You're not the real thing, I'm in a game full of clones They copy what I'm on, then hope that they explode You can't copy me If you do, you do it sloppily They're just throwing shots at me But I promise you never stopping me So much potential You can check my credentials You don't know that you in for Greatness what I'm meant for FabvL:- Hold up, I see 'em wanting the prince Throw your best punch, guarantee I won't even flinch I got the drip that'll turn your number 1 to a bitch Shoot this Galick gun unload it, yeah I'm draining the clip So call me sensei I've been healing the game, better than Dende Type a hero that the villains and their friends say Is truly worthy of the crown, never dead weight Hyperbolic rent payed the best way I got the baddest chick in the whole galaxy Used to say that Super Saiyans were a fallacy Now I've learned that evil deeds are just cowardly Richest man on Earth, so fuck your whole salary Really think you could hang with all the best? No way, royal blood, got it running through my chest Don't play, stupid villains, I could kill without regret All day, listen up, you will do whatever that I say! NerdOut:- Y'all done screwed up I acquired the jewels and now I'm fused up You about to get bruised up Best of both worlds, I use superior stragedy You're not even half the man that used to be half of me You choosing defeat If I wave my arm, the wind will put holes in you Now that's shooting the breeze Go ask Majin Buu, oops it's too late I'm out for 60 minutes, but for you? I only use 8 Laughing while I'm waiting for this union to dissolve 'Cause I don't think the ladies are approving a ménage But if Chichi and Bulma wanna cuddle tonight They better watch out 'cause now I got double the pipe And Gogeta's no match, he stay losing He had to do choreographed Tik Tok dances to make a fusion So which Super Saiyan are you choosing? These dim-witted half-pints or pinnacle of evolution Rustage:- Hit that, Wukong with the staff breaking bodies like a Kit Kat Rip your team in half like I'm moses when I split that Whiplash punches like it's gift wrapped, spit facts Treat you all like Frieza with a bitch-slap Saiyan from the planet of the apes, I'm not playing Best be praying to this God I'm raising stakes I ain't waiting, I be saving every person, every race Passion blazing 'cus I'm facing any aliens in my way Say my name, call me Goku Hanuman, stand my ground, yeah I won't move Chris Chan, when I'm loud with a blown fuse Understand, hear the sound of your bones bruise Go through faster than my flows do A monkey but better than Luffy, I'm king of the planets Ain't needing no piracy I'm stunning, just look at my moves, I'm top of the charts And I'm needing no rivalry And finally, they're fighting me bust in beats like it's Chichi Easy your characters tough, but can they beat me? Daddyphatsnaps:- So you made this far, huh? Now you and me Hahahahaha Somebody hold me back, I'm going berserk And at the rate I'm going, bro I'm 'bout to blow up the Earth It's lunch time, eat your every punch, I'm knowing it hurts your pride Legendary Saiyan, I was chosen at birth, I'm the truth 'Cus I always been the hardest, I'm a bad bitch You had to work to get to where I started so savage Had the Super Saiyan gods saying "oh damnit" He's so made bitch, he breaking up the whole planet Well, if it's gonna go, then I got something I should get off my chest And I ain't talkin' 'bout the X, see you sipping the flex I got these little green bitches out here gripping my pecs I'm ill turn you green bitches then your hitting the deck I'm a god damn God, are you out of your mind? It's strange, millions of scenarios, you die every time Murder you without a trace and 'geta brought me the lime You'll get bodied out your body if you rowdy with mine
https://img.youtube.com/vi/VigYo7W10Ik/maxresdefault.jpg from Blogger https://bit.ly/343heDB
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some-triangles · 7 years
Utena has turned into a car.
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I think it is incumbent on the viewer at this point to try to unravel both why this makes sense as a gesture and why it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Point 1: It’s a magical girl transformation sequence.  Ikuhara, having worked on Sailor Moon, knows all about this stuff.  The beats of a transformation sequence are as follows: upon activation of an arcane device, a girl loses all her clothes and emerges clad in fetish gear.  The ideal transformation sequence from a commercial perspective ends up with a girl wearing an outfit which appeals as much to young girls as it does to grown men.   As has previously been established, grown men like cars – but this car is hot pink, shaped like a uterus and is trying as hard as it can to be a horse.  Or two horses.   It is a “car” in the same sense that Sailor Moon is a “high school girl”.   It has been optimized to serve all of the needs of the academy at once.
Point 2:  What we are dramatizing here is the fact that despite her avowed wish to leave the academy Utena has still been socialized in patriarchy and therefore cannot fully transcend her status as a player of the academy’s game.   When she took Anthy’s hand and led her in the general direction of “out” she was still playing prince, saving the damsel in distress.  This gesture does not work because the academy owns it.   When she attempts it, she is revealed as what the academy forces her to be: an object.  An exciting, ambiguously-gendered object, admittedly, an object which is absolutely up to date and this year’s model, but an object that is nonetheless made to please a particular audience.  As long as Utena can still be the receptacle of male fantasy – as prince or princess – the story cannot work.
Point 3: Back in the old academy Anthy’s role in the final confrontation was to get stabbed a whole lot and lie in a coffin.   Of course, something important and transformative did take place there, and the gesture that changed the academy did come from Anthy in the end; but she didn’t look cool doing it.  Utena did all of the on-screen work.   If Anthy is retelling the story here she wants to emphasize that despite all of Utena’s princely self-sacrifice the most difficult thing anyone did in that room was reach out of that coffin.  She also wants to emphasize that she’s the top.
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Akio killed himself earlier because he was unable to find his “key”.  He lost it when he realized that Anthy was, if not enjoying herself, at least tacitly “consenting” to what he had been doing to her, which was, as far as he was concerned, not nearly as hot as the whole drugged princess routine. Anthy, however, already has Utena’s key. Get it?  What we are emphasizing here, in case anyone got the wrong idea from the TV-mandated chasteness of the original series, is that queer desire is actually an integral part of the revolutionary moment.  Anthy is able to go through with this because she really, sincerely wants to fuck Utena’s brains out.
So Utena’s sex car is saved from rusting away from disuse.   The shadow puppet girls arrive to give Ikuhara’s old buddy Anno a shout-out and the race is on.
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It’s worth considering whether there might have been a way to do the car metaphor without going full bananas zany with it – whether we might have found some kind of tonal harmony between Touga in the cabbage patch and Anthy in the driver’s seat.    It would probably not have worked but I would have loved to see an attempt.  As it is, the narrator has gone manic and we are flying, buddy, we are up in the clouds.
The shadow puppet girls (who apparently all have pink hair in this universe – emphasizing their artificiality, I suspect) complete their setup and a new challenger enters the race.
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Shiori’s car looks kind of like Soundwave from Transformers.  I always liked Soundwave.  Her car is also considerably more phallic than Utena’s, having as it does a cycloptic bull for a figurehead.   Shiori is acting as an agent of the academy here simply by making this a race, rather than an obstacle course - the idea that only one special person gets to leave the academy at a time plays right into the prince/princess narrative.  It’s not a part of the story that Anthy particularly wants to dispel, either, which may be telling.
Shiori says the line of century, which I’m going to render literally for maximum effect: “It’s a big mistake to think that you were the only one who was able to turn into a car.”
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Behind the bull Shiori is a big ol’ Chrysler station wagon with frilly upholstery. She underscores the crabs in a bucket motif by saying that only she is cool enough to do something as neat as escaping the world before crashing into a retaining wall and exploding in a completely unforced error, which makes sense when you consider that nobody’s driving her.
Anthy has a nasty sense of humor.
Next up are the thousand drone tanks of the world’s resentment.  The jokes are flying thick and fast now – the shadow puppet girls pick up the encroaching horde on a “vegetable scanner” which superimposes the danger on a picture of a salad, and the three filler dudes who were so fillery that I never mentioned them once in my recap of the original series show up with radar guns. The drone horde also makes a lot of really high-pitched honking sounds.  The director wants us to know that he knows that this is stupid.  The viewer may well ask what all that trauma from before was about, in that case, but there’s no time, the drones are attacking.
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Utena’s chassis is effed up in much the same way that her uniform was back when she fought Touga that one time.  Like the opening theme says: “what I want is to find my place in life and my self-worth, taking who I've been up until today and heroically stripping her down until she's bare, like the roses whirling in freedom.”  Cast off that magical girl fetish gear, and be free!  And nude. While we continue to film you.  Trust us, it’s all very liberating.
Just as our heroes are about to be splatted by the biggest drone of them all, a tow hook shoots out from nowhere.  It’s our heroes’ friends!   Or… people who we can assume they made friends with, off screen, at some point!
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Ikuhara shouting in the distance: “Oh, the whole bandminton game thing was too subtle for you, huh?  Need to have everything spelled out for you, huh? FINE”
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They are driving Wakaba, a Jeep.  (The utility vehicle is truly the plain friend of the motorsports world.)  Explaining their presence, Juri says that high ideals attract noble companions. (I like overtly conceited Juri, and wish her incarnation from the original academy had had a little bit more of that going on.)  Miki tells Anthy that they will definitely follow her outside at some point.  I do not believe him.
The final challenge approaches.  It’s a giant Disney castle on wheels.
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Thanks, Ikuhara.  I am beginning to see a Point 4 emerging to complement points 1 through 3 above, straight from the director: “If I make this as shiny, noisy and overt as possible, maybe you idiots will pay attention this time.”
The castle hoves massively into the lane in front of them as somewhere in the distance the bongo player goes nuts.   The shadow puppet girls implore Anthy to turn around and head back, but she’s not running anymore.  Suddenly, the car is wearing a dress.  Car Utena gets a secondary transformation - like, that wasn’t even her final form – like, you got your DBZ in my Sailor Moon, you got your Sailor Moon in my DBZ – like, we are now somehow even more uterus-shaped –
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The extended dance mix of Rinbu Revolution starts playing, and let me just say that it is an incongruous choice for a car chase/demolition derby.  Anthy makes it through the castle, to general rejoicing, but there remains one final obstacle.
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Point 5: to make all this masculine bullshit appear as silly as possible.
Akio tells Anthy that if she goes out there all she’s going to find is the end of the world.  Which is true, of course – the point of the whole castle palaver, the point of all this fetishizing of youth and innocence, is to keep death at bay.    If you can’t grow, you can’t die; but of course if you can’t grow, you can’t live, either. 
Akio tells Anthy to go back to being a living corpse.  (He can’t find his key, otherwise.)  Anthy tells him to fuck off so he squeezes them between some giant tank treads.
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 Utena there, getting denuded again, of course.
Then this happens.
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The prince is very, very dead.  The castle collapses in a hail of rose petals and eurodisco.  The shadow puppet girls lose their animating essence and become straw dolls named “Tenjou Utena” and “Himemiya Anthy.”  Cause they were puppets the whole time, see?
“Real” Anthy and “Real” Utena chat about how there are no roads in the outside world and so they will have to make one themselves.  They say this as they are literally driving on a road.   Still on screen and still being filmed, the two girls recline naked on a speeding motorcycle and make out, as you do once you have been freed from the male gaze.  
We end on a shot of another castle in the distance, which seems like a hopeful sign but should be the most ominous fucking thing in the world, if you’ve been paying attention.
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The only possible conclusion is that they have not actually escaped.
In the end I can only interpret the last act of this movie as a titanic shrugging of the shoulders, an admission of a failure to envision what escape from this milieu actually looks like.  In this failure it invited other authors to take a crack at the same problem using the same kind of symbol language, which is how we got Madoka and its “let’s reframe choosing to be the Bride, who is still absolutely necessary to the functioning of the universe, as a revolutionary act in and of itself” thesis, among other things.   Ikuhara has a lot to answer for.
The problem of course is that a genuine escape from the academy should probably not be written by someone who has a vested interest in the academy’s continued existence; and so I think if anyone does end up writing the Utena story with an ending that works, it won’t be Ikuhara, or, not to put too fine a point on it, dudes generally.
Then again it’s possible that outside the academy there are things besides writing and rewriting the same old story to worry about.
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