#drugging someone for any reason (unless you're a dr performing surgery) is never okay. It's scummy and horrible
actual-corpse ยท 3 months
Something my mom told me has been festering in my head most of the day...
After watching a video of someone using Swedish Fish to demonstrate how easy it is to slip something into someone's drink... Now I'm angry.
Some girl my uncle knew came out to my parent's house (where he lives bc legal issues) and gave my uncle a hamburger and drink....
The bitch drugged the drink. And I'm so fucking mad. He fucked up once upon a time but he went to rehab and got better for his kids.
He's currently in a legal battle with his ex, who just keeps trying to put him under the jail through dirty tactics and by lying under oath.
I'm willing to bet that bitch is trying to sabatoge him before another court date by getting him to fail a drug test... I wouldn't be surprised... This same lady has also stalked my mother and tried to intimidate the rest of my family.
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