#drop follows i write tnduo thumbsup emoji
sapnaptwt2 · 3 years
"Forget it. Just like you forget everything else." FOR THE PROMPT THING !! idk if im doin this right srry
tntduo? tntduo <3
Wilbur was outside Schlatt's office waiting to be called in when he saw Quackity. Wilbur had come to the president's office to talk to Schlatt about how he's running the country but seemingly forgot to do so once he saw Quackity. Blue suit, blue hat, long hair and the unique way Quackity carried himself, Wilbur fell hard fast.
Quackity was however oblivious to it. When he found Wilbur staring he went up to him, thinking he has probably lost his way or way looking for help, asked Wilbur if he needed anything. Wilbur, who was hopelessly falling more and more by each passing second, dragged out the conversation as much as he could just to spend more time with Quackity. About an hour later, Schlatt yelled at Quackity to stop messing around and to come back in to help the others. With a wink to Wilbur Quackity went inside leaving the poor man blushing.
All this lead to WIlbur making up excuses to see Quackity almost everyday. Each day he talked with Quackity, was a beautiful day to him. Soon enough, being the sly guy he is, Quackity had caught on.
It was one of those days when Quackity would be working outside the office, collecting what seemed like surveys. WIlbur came around at his usual time to talk to him. Both of them talked about whatever appealed to them in the moment as they usually did, time forgotten for a while.
Just as when Wilbur was leaving, Quackity reached out to grab Wilbur's hand, immediately grabbing the taller man's attention. "Wilbur, can I ask you something?", Quackity asked.
"Go ahead", Wilbur replied, suddenly feeling nervous.
"Do you like me? As in more than a friend?"
Soon as Wilbur had processed what Quackity had said, his heart started racing. Racing so fast that it'd probably win in a Formula 1 race. Words failed him when he needed it them the most, his brain turned to mush, impulse took over him and he leaned in to kiss Quackity. Quackity didn't move, and Wilbur took that as a sign to keep going. Soon their lips crashed together in a kiss that was soft at first but left them gasping for air at the end.
"So it is true but you do realize I'm engaged?" Quackity looks up to look Wilbur in the eye, sincerity dripping from his voice.
"No- I didn't- I didn't know. Forget what just happened. Forget it. Just like you forget everything else." Wilbur says sadly, thinking he'd never be able to kiss Quackity again, that this was their first and last kiss, thinking that he'd never taste Quackity's lips that tasted like everything he have ever needed and feared at the same time. He wasn't afraid to get addicted to it, Quackity's warm lips make him feel alive but he'd never be able to taste them again.
"What if i don't want to?"
Wilbur looked at Quackity with confusion. What did Quackity mean by this?
"What if i don't want to forget this but instead carry it on?" Quackity said, a smirk forming on his face.
"What do you-", Before Wilbur could finish, Quackity pulled him in, kissing him with more intensity than before, kissing him like his life depended on it. It didn't matter to him if Schlatt walked in on them now, all he could focus was on Wilbur, they way their lips moved together in sync, leaving Wilbur startled for a second but pulling Quackity closer when he realized what had happened. The only thing the both of them could think of was each other, nothing else in the world mattered to them.
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