#dragonball super broly spoilers
risingsouls · 4 months
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[Okay another one because I showed it to pals and now I'm just like what are the writers even doing.
Why would Beerus offer this to Goku AGAIN when he's apparently been training VEGETA in the art of destruction ki? Did the writers just already forget this part of their plot? Vegeta also doesn't have the earring in the new chapter. So it wouldn't surprise me if they just literally forgot about that whole thing.]
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hotstreak2k3 · 2 years
Here is what it said on the DBsHype Twitter account:
Track No. 16: “Beerus & Cheelai”
I guess it’s out there, so I’ll give a little more detail on this, we’ll see Beerus call her “Kawaiinaa”, as in “Oh, cute” and not only this, we’ll see him even offer Cheelai to stay there for as long as she likes, lol.”
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I was like Dude “what the fuck”! 😠 This would upset to fans and Broly x Cheelai shippers. We all know Cheelai has her eyes on The Legendary Super Saiyan since Dragon Ball Super: Broly. He better defend his girl. 💚💜
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Since when is Lord Beerus is a Toriyama self insert at this point? Let alone a slimp🤨
God I hope Beerus doesn’t messed up this Dragon Ball pair when the movie comes out. If that ever happens, than our beloved ship sinks.
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superb-fox · 2 years
I finally saw the new dragon ball movie and holy crap was it fantastic. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
There are so many positives in this movie, but I think my absolute favorite is the Piccolo emphasis. The amount of bones he was thrown in this is amazing, from his power up to his plans to his infiltration to his relationship with Pan to all his fights, it's all FANTASTIC! He's so good in this movie, I absolutely adore him and his characterization. The man deserves it after the Buu arc and all of Super. Speaking of Pan she's the fucking best, she's adorable she kicks ass,shes fun, I love her. I really hope this is a sign she'll be used more in the future. Speaking of being used in the future, Broly is in this!!! I made a post a long time ago that I was hoping Broly wouldn't just be forgotten and he wasn't! Goku and Vegeta are training him on Beerus' world to control his power without going berserk! And his buddies are there! Even if it was an extended cameo I ADORED it and I really can't wait to see more. The animation while no longer 2d, plays to the new strengths expertly! From the tracking shots to the high pace, to the massive environments it all looks absolutely SUPERB! CGI at it’s best imo.
But.. it doesn't mean this movie is perfect. Once again the conflict is based off lies and misunderstanding, it really seems like we can't have a modern dragonball plot without it being based on that. Plus the fact it's the Red Ribbon Army AGAIN is a huge let down. The Gamma's are fun, but why weren't they the end bosses? Cell Max is just... nothing. He's not interesting or fun like the Gamma's, it's just a big monster. Just off the top of my head, what if the Gamma's had an override built in? Like Magenta put that in to betray Hedo and it makes them loyal to him? It could overclock them for a huge power boost, there are directions to take it.
But either way the good FAAAAAR outweighs the bad this is a fantastic movie with incredible visuals and superb action. Go watch it if you haven't already.
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radmanraditz · 5 years
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Same energy icon mood board of Raditz and his father, Bardock, from Dragonball Super: Broly
Something @momandpopbutchershop // @stoplickingthingsweird and I noticed while iconing :3
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gold-5tandard27 · 5 years
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filthywishdragon · 4 years
Question for discussion:
What do you think is next for Frieza following the events of DB Super Broly?
He talked about wanting to bring Broly over to fight on his side... how likely is it that he’ll succeed?
Do you think Frost might still want revenge on Frieza?
Will Frieza continue to train and get stronger after seeing Goku reaching even greater heights in the ToP?
Please give us another movie or series announcement soon, Toei!
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alldragonballstuff · 5 years
King Cold: You will rule the saiyans, my son
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titenoute · 5 years
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So about the Broly Movie...
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zeriphi · 5 years
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Whis was.... VERY useful in the Broly movie...
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msdbzbabe · 6 years
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Dragon Ball Super world premiere in Japan Martial arts Museum!  RYO HORIKAWA IS KILLING IT AND NEW BULMA IMAGE WITH BABY BRA WEARING PIGTAILS!
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ionlyswimhomo · 5 years
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i think the pic speaks for itself
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risingsouls · 2 years
[MY BOI GETTIN HIS DUB THOOOOO LET’S GOOOOOOO. God it’s so dumb but I’M DYIN. still proud of my dumbass. 💙
But overall, I enjoyed the movie. My gripes were mostly small stupid ass shit, but that’s par for the course with anything Super related. I even got a little teary eyed. The animation wasn’t too bad either, but I still like the 2D stuff better.]
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dragon-ball-meta · 5 years
Shoutout to Kotaku for managing to have one of the worst takes on THIS topic too. Nothing about Goku’s pursuit is twisted, and he also outright knew Broly wasn’t their enemy and even TRIED to bring him back to his sanity, to reason with him. How they missed that is beyond me. Then again they also missed Vegeta being the one seemingly ready to kill Broly without hesitation when he thought he’d won, and the fact that it was Gogeta that let Freeza go and not Goku, so...why am I surprised he missed that too? But on that note, why is it so problematic NOW that Freeza would be let go, and not back when Goku first was willing to spare him on Namek? Even if it was to force him to live in humiliation, it’s still letting him live, and Freeza posed the same sort of threat then. But now it’s a problem when it can be used to make him look bad... even if he’s not the one making the call. I mean hell, nothing’s stopping Vegeta from blasting off into space and trying to end him either but he doesn’t, and no one gives him crap for it. And the idea Broly was the “hero”? That this was somehow Goku’s fault in his “increasingly twisted pursuit of power”? This is getting cancerously stupid and toxic.
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rockinichigo · 5 years
Dragonball Super Broly movie [SPOILERS AHEAD]!!!!!!##!
Excuse me I need to scream about it because AAAAAAHHHHHH it was so good!
Animation budget was 👌👌👌 minus like a few short scenes!!
Gogeta!!! Daymn!!
Bulma and Frieza both are vain AF!!!
Sooo glad they didn't make Vic do that nasty guttural voice Broly had before. I loved his voice and his screams. Excellent work!!
Sonny Strait WAS BARDOCK
Nappa with a effin 70s stash and HAIR!!! LOLOLOL
Frieza is a little Shit. He got what he deserved. BUT IT NOT BE THE LAST WE SEE OF 'IM!!
Cool ass jackets
UGH!!! There's just so much good!!! It was a good time! 10/10 will watch again!!
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radmanraditz · 5 years
When darkness... ...Is no less...
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...than everything you've built become undone.
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There's no fight and no flight,
...disaster leaves your passion overrun.
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It's time to let go.
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Time to carry on... 
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...with the show.
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Don't mourn what is gone, 
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...greet the dawn...
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...and I will be standing by your side.
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Together we'll face the turning tide.
A Saiyan Trio musing post from Dragonball: Super Broly
Lyrics from Poets of the Fall - Dawn
A gift from me to @indomitablepride ♥ my amazing Vegeta partner both here and on @nappainanotherdimension. 
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gold-5tandard27 · 5 years
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They made "Blizzard" and they didn't put it in until the credits!
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