#dont know if my hunch on details leading up to this is correct or if ill ever get an answer
semercury · 5 months
More evidence added in support of the "I'm always right" hypothesis. Unfortunately I was right about the outcome I didn't want to happen... But I was right...
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cold-arrow · 2 years
Doctor's Notes, Book 3 : Of Hidden Horns
Entry 10
Summary, Things of note since last entry: catching up with Harshnag, The offerings No ghosts, returning the relics, Our questions and the resulting stone reliefs, the dragon and our escape
| With the help of Harshnag, we managed to bring the relics inside. But as soon as he mentioned if we brought any offerings, ( for the statues ) we realized that we'd have make our offerings from before again, in order to gain acces to the Oracle's Sanctum... it took a bit of figuring out as to what would suffice as an offering this time, but atleast we knew what kind of items were needed we ended up giving the statues, - our rations, - one of the geodes from the room, - a manticore hide, - some tools, - one of my expensive one bottles of wine, - and the remainder of the water from the Divination pool. * ( * Which im incredibly sad about, since i didnt end up getting the chance to study it. maybe we can get some more though, without too much trouble hopefully ) |
Thankfully our offerings were accepted, and we were granted acces once more, to the sacred Oracle's chamber. (Im also releived about the fact there was no ghost this time. just an unmoving and quiet (big) corpse. ) Harshnag suggested we should bring the relics with us inside the circle, before asking our questions. And his hunch seemed to be correct. For as soon as Baras spoke and finished his question, the relic he carried with him, just... dissappeared. and similarly to last time, the voice of the oracle spoke to us (in giant)
Baras had asked the question of where the Storm king was, but as it urns out, appearently the oracle ISNT omnipotent and all capable, or all knowing. because the answer to that was hidden, even from them. I guess there must be some kind of magical interface for divination spells to determine his whereabouts. which I assume that the being who instigated his disappearance is likely responsible for. After Baras' question was answered, a strange grinding sound could be heard from one the the walls of the chamber. And upon further investigation, we found a stone relief depicting one of the giant lords. As we carefully examined the reliefs, with a bit of translating help from Harsnhag, these depictions included directions towards their hideout / liars, and the location of the aforementioned Conches.
| After each question, another stone relief revealed itself, with more directions to one of the giant lords. this pattern continued until all of the five walls of the room where decorated with a depiction of one of the giant lords. it seems that the storm king and his race didnt need one, as the rulers of the giants. * ( the question i asked was a bit of stupid one. which Immediately forgot as soon as i stepped into the circle and then asked anyways) | Ill quickly list here some the the relevant answers we got to the other questions -How can we find de conches of King Hekaton? -"The path you choose here, will lead you to them"
-baras asked a personal question, of which we dont know what it was - but it seems that the answer he got was "Yes" -Lym asked a question about her brother i presume - and received : "You cannot. This is a challenge he must overcome himself, or he will never be free. - Omrick asked a question about the location of something - and got more details i think if its specifics or whereabouts? we had an extra question we used for clarifcation, and asked: - "how do we find the Storm King, Hekaton" to which to answer was : - Speak to Serissa, his youngest daughter. She has a clue to her father's whereabouts, and needs our help. The final question we gave to Harsnag, which we all of us thought he had most definitely deserved, even before he asked. The answer he received though remains a mystery | If didnt mention this before, The script on each of the reliefs were also translated thanks to Harsnhag, since they were ofcourse written in giant as well. but unlike some of the other script weve found in the temple, these were all written as if they were done my smaller folk, like us. Not scripture in giant font, like the rest we encountered previously which is bit strange
| Ill list those here as well : "Travel southeast to the untamed moors, and look to the sky for Lyn Armaal-the castle of the cloud giant countess. The conch you seek is in a secret chest. Search the highest spire" | "Travel west, o'er mountains, to the Sea of Moving Ice. There, among the glaciers, you'll find Svardborg-the berg of the frost giant jarl. The conch you seek rests on his icy throne." | "Travel south over tree, hill, and vale. Let the great river be your guide. There, on one of its eastern arms, you'll find Grudd Haug-the den of the hill giant chief. The conch you seek is close to her." (which we already knew) | "Travel east, o'er mountains and snow, to distant spires. There, on a cold mountainside, you'll find a village of yak folk and below that, Ironslag-the forge of the fire giant duke. The conch you seek is in his quarters." | Travel southeast, o'er lands high and low. Cross the great forest to the gray peaks, and search for Deadstone cleft, canyon of the stone giant lich. The conch you seek is in her possession. (edited)
| After Lym had recieved her answer, she isolated herself for a bit. it seems she was formulating a sending spell or something. but upon gaining the response after completing it, all she got was : "You have to get out of the temple, we need to leave as soon as possible !" ... "There is a gargantuan blue dragon outside !"
we made it out. we have to get away form here as soon as possible. Need to get to biggest major city nearby, doesnt matter which. we just have to leave. NOW. | ... As soon as we left the Oracle's Sanctum, We were ambushed by a, Gargantuan Blue Dragon. We were discussing what the best way to leave the temple was... when it suddenly charged into the room. it... didnt notice us at first, since Harshnag immediately drew/caught its attention, but it didnt take long till they did... I uh.... I took the first chance I had, to run as quickly as possible for the exit. I... didnt know what to do. the others were discussing how to both save or help Harshnag, AND to teleport out. But didnt know how. I was unable to think of any way to help, besides saving them from having to teleport me too. I decided to inject myself with a dose of adrenaline... and just ran. I feel like a coward. But, I didnt know or couldnt think of anything to help. How are we supposed to fight, or even survive a fight with a dragon of that size! Its breath weapon alone would be lethal enough to... pretty much anybody that were to come into contact with it. No of us could survive a lightning strike from a dragon that I dont think. maybe Omrick? but... I certainly wouldnt survive. so I just.... ran. I slowly watched Harshnag and the dragon lay into each other as the world / scene sluggishly played itself out in front of me. the shards of the Allfather statue leisurely drifting away, as Harshnag brought his axe down upon the stone base of it.Ttrying to bring down the temple. Large pieces of the stone from the ceiling above us, casually floating down as the supporting pillars began to crack and break. The pieces of it dragging down the enormous form of the dragon. Trying to bury it beneath the mountain, and stop it from chasing after us. |
after what felt like an eternity, or what could have been only a few seconds, I saw the others suddenly appear before me in the hallway. the magic of the teleportation slowly fading as they stepped through a dimensional doorway or something, out of the statue room. I quickly passed them as they ran towards the outside. towards the ship. Relieved that they made it out. They followed closely behind I assume, but I didnt dare look back, or look behind me. When i reached the ship, I simply climbed the rope ladder as quickly as I could, and collapsed on the deck. the lethargy and exhaustion from the haste/adrenaline finally catching up with me. | i dont know if its the side effects from haste or something, But i dont really feel too good.
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