aesthetic-marie · 4 years
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This is the Baby Money Yoda, reblog in the next 60 seconds of seeing this to receive a blessing from our green bean prince.
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aesthetic-marie · 4 years
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Atena Farghadani is a 28-year-old Iranian artist. She was recently sentenced to 12 years and 9 months in prison for drawing a cartoon.
This cartoon, that she posted on her Facebook page last year, depicts members of the Iranian parliament as animals. It was drawn in protest of new legislature in Iran that will restrict access to contraception and criminalise voluntary sterilisation. Atena’s charges include ‘spreading propaganda against the system’ and ‘insulting members of parliament through paintings’.
Last August, 12 members of the elite Revolutionary Guard came to Atena’s house, blindfolded her and took her to the infamous Evin Prison in Tehran. According to Amnesty International:
“While in prison last year, Atena flattened paper cups to use them as a surface to paint on. When the prison guards realised what she had been doing, they confiscated her paintings and stopped giving her paper cups. When Atena found some cups in the bathroom, she smuggled them into her cell. Soon after, she was beaten by prison guards, when she refused to strip naked for a full body search. Atena says that they knew about her taking the cups because they had installed cameras in the toilet and bathroom facilities – cameras detainees had been told were not operating.”
She was released in November and gave media interviews and posted a video on YouTube detailing her beatings, constant interrogations and humiliating body searches. She was then rearrested possibly in retaliation for speaking out and has been imprisoned ever since. In January, Atena went on a hunger strike to protest the horrible prison conditions. Her health suffered dramatically, and after losing consciousness and suffering a heart attack in February, she was forced to eat again.
The quote used in the comic is taken from the speech Atena gave at her trial. It has been translated into English by the Free Atena Facebook page. You can read the whole thing here.
Time is now against her, she has just two weeks to lodge an appeal. Michael Cavna, comic journalist for The Washington Post, has launched a campaign appealing to artists to help bring awareness to Atena’s case by creating their own artwork in support of Atena and using the hashtag#Draw4Atena. Can a bunch of artists and a hashtag really make a difference and put pressure on the Iranian Government to release Atena? Probably not. But just remember that Atena is currently in prison enduring horrible conditions, and if her appeal isn’t successful, she will be there for another twelve years. FOR DRAWING A CARTOON AND POSTING IT ON FACEBOOK. Don’t we owe it to her to at least try?
Alot worse actually happens out there.. once Being a soldier (which turned me into an activist) showed me..
Signal boost.
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aesthetic-marie · 4 years
Ok so I reblogged a post earlier about Mark Hamill liking JKR's tweet (you know the one), and deleted it when I found out OP was a terf, but I want to post Hamill's response again because I think he handled it pretty well, acknowledging that he fucked up, saying he didn't really know the context or connotations. I'm posting this because I want people to remember that mistakes happen, even by good people, and we shouldn't rush to attack someone for an honest mistake.
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aesthetic-marie · 4 years
JK Rowling: a TERF
Rick Riordan: now our only hope
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
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Capricorn talking to a Cancer.
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
posts about ADHD have no business being 2k words some of us are unmedicated
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
no game has felt worth 60$ since games became 60$
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
straight people should have to wear “VISITOR” badges when they go to gay bars
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
I know Dracula is the bad guy of Castlevania and all, but if some zealous Christians showed up at my home and horribly murdered my wife because she did medicine too good I too would probably have gone absolutely fucking feral
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
Less than 80 days until the 2010s are over.
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
the inherent horor of being trans is knowing you are the single touchstone a cis person will probably ever have
im reminded of when i went to sit my philosophy exam and had an ex-officer as an invidulator. he asked me if i was trans, something i had no obligation to answer. but if i didnt, i would be cagey. i would now paint an image of all trans people being rude in his mind, so i said yes
that invidulator asked me why, as a trans student, i should have my rights respected if there are so few of us
and instead of rightfully getting pissed off, i had to remember that i am currently representing a community of millions to a single man in a room with just the two of us in it. i could be the deciding factor on how he conducts behaviour with trans people in the future. what if he gets called to invidulate again in 20 years time and has another trans student? what if he remembers the one he met before, and instantly assumes he knows our community?
so i explained to him why i should have rights. and i used my words carefully, because if i slip up even once i have now put a trans person in danger, because he has made a choice based on me
trans people dont get to be angry. cis people always joke about how we demand a space, or we demand the right name, or we demand they bow down to us
think very carefully, did that trans woman demand that you use the right name, or did she correct you? did that trans man hold you at gunpoint, demanding you let him piss in public, or did he look like he wanted to use the disabled toilet to avoid bothering you all together. did the nonbinary trans person have you on your knees begging for forgiveness, or did they ask nicely for you to be mindful of their pronouns?
the transphobic narrative is one of victimhood, meanwhile if i even use the wrong tone cis people will act as a child does, and they will demand that the next trans person they meet apologise
every trans person you meet is aware of this too. we're all very tuned into the fact that we are ambassadors, and that we never asked to be that. i dont want to have to very carefully consider 'will a curt answer mean someome later dies', but every day of my life i do
and cis people need to know that. to be trans is to literally walk on constant eggshells of cis fragility. its why when we see a new trans celebrity we have to desperately hope they dont do stupid fucking shit like caitlyn jenner did. because now everyone thinks trans women are like her. because now negotiations for our right to exist unmolested have gone back another 20 years
and tbh, cis people are pathetically weak. a trans person asked you to use the right name? that did not happen in a vacuum. that trans person has met 50-60 cis people today who refused
and guess what? we get tired too
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aesthetic-marie · 5 years
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This is the Magical 11/11 & 11:11 Post
May you receive what you wish for with love, grace, & ease and keep your heart and mind open.
Likes charge,
Reblogs cast
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