#dont even get me started on marriage my mom would genuinely drop to the floor if i told her i had no plans on getting married EVER 😭
hyewka · 5 months
another visit to my parents home another day of being nagged about a boyfriend KILL me.
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jalapeno-princess · 3 years
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10:34 A.M.
The sunlight was warm against your cheeks as it shone in through the windows; yet, it wasn’t the harsh rays that woke you from your comfortable slumber.
You could feel a tender gaze directed right at you along with a pair of strong arms, your favorite pair of arms to be exact—wrapped protectively around your waist.
Gentle fingers glided softly along your face; almost featherlight to the point where you wouldn’t have even noticed that he was touching you if it weren’t for the callousness of his digits connecting the dots of your scattered freckles and the cool metal on his fourth finger.
You had yet to open your eyes, but you were confident in the idea that your husband was staring at you and you didn’t want to make it known that you were awake just yet.
Honestly, it felt as though you were still in dreamland—everything was just too good to be true. Memories of the most perfect day of your entire life soon came rushing back to your mind and you couldn’t help the small smirk that was now encompassing your face—giving away the fact that you were no longer asleep.
“Good morning Mrs.Tuan.”
Hearing the excitement yet raspiness in his voice along with his last name that was also yours now sent so many emotions to your chest. You were over the moon to say the least. He let out a giggle when you hid your face against his bare chest and placed a sweet kiss on your forehead.
“Good morning Mr.Tuan.”
“Ah, I’m never going to get tired of calling you Mrs.Tuan. I still can’t believe you’re my wife. God, it’s like a dream come true—“
“Took you long enough. I’ve been waiting for over five years for you to propose to me—“
Mark let out a guttural groan at the sound of your playful complaint; dropping his head in between the valley of your breasts and earning himself a shove to his shoulder. A blush was now adorning your cheeks; only then as you felt his warm breath against your nipples did you come to the realization that you were naked. It didn’t bother you though, not like it did when you and Mark first became intimate back in the third week of your relationship.
He was your husband now and the two of you made love to each other numerous times in the duration of your five year relationship that you were no longer shy whenever you’d find yourself naked around him. Actually, Mark was very vocal about how insanely beautiful you were—and devastatingly sexy which led you to lose your timidity and gain a newfound confidence. One that you never knew existed and you owed entirely to your husband.
“Hey, we went over this on multiple occasions baby. I wanted to propose to you only months after we started dating—I knew I was in love with you after only the third date. Trust me, it was extremely difficult for me having to introduce you as my girlfriend and not my wife for these last few years. I don’t know why—I mean sure, getting to call you my girlfriend and getting to be called your boyfriend was all that mattered to me. You’re my soulmate y/n. My person—but something about the titles “wife” and “husband” is more permanent. It solidifies a relationship. But I wanted us to be finished with school and settled in to our actual careers before taking things any further. It worked out though didn’t it? Look at us. We’re both redeemingly successful with our positions at the companies we work at and we share a two story house in our mid twenties. Not that it matters, but we can live comfortably as a married couple unlike a lot of people our age. We’re a whole now. You’re stuck with me and my penis for the rest of your life—“
“Oh God. Just when it was getting so romantic, you just had to throw your dick in there. Well, you’re stuck with me and my pussy—“
“I don’t consider myself stuck at all. Your pussy is so magical—fuck, we’ve had sex at least three hundred times, maybe even more than that and every single time, you never failed to blow my mind—and my dick. But shit, last night had to be the best night of my entire life. Yesterday, was the most incredible day in my twenty-seven years of existence. You are the most beautiful person in the entire world and I’m not just saying that because you’re my wife, it’s true. Not only on the outside; which, honestly, you are a sight for sore eyes. I can never take my eyes off of you and I never want to. I’d stare at you in awe of your beauty all day if time permitted me to. But you have the most kindest and generous hearts and you are just the sweetest soul. I can’t wait to remind you every single day for the rest of our lives just how perfect you are to me.”
He brought his thumb up to the brim of your eyelids and wiped away a tear that you didn’t even know fell. God, this man was really the love of your life. You’d never be able to comprehend exactly what you did to deserve being the lucky girl who loved Mark and got to be loved by him, but you would never take your position in his life as his bride for granted.
Before you could continue to let any more tears fall at his endearing words, he was quick to continue his not so innocent speech about the many naughty thoughts taking up all the space his mind.
“I don’t know if it’s because we’re newlyweds or because you never cease to amaze me each and every time we stumble in to bed together but the sex we had just hours ago in my opinion was the best sex we’ve ever had. I know I complimented you almost the entire day yesterday on how gorgeous you looked in that wedding dress and I’m sure my never ending tears that flowed down my cheeks as you walked down the aisle and my wedding vows that were almost twenty minutes long are enough to prove my undying love for you. But God, seeing you in that dress—that dress was made for you. You looked so fucking ethereal and damn, it looked so much better on the floor once I got you alone. You know, my mind is still a little hazy from sleeping—maybe you could remind me just how amazing it was—if I knew you were this abusive, I would have made you work harder for that ring you’re wearing.”
Both his and your laughter filled the room and you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes and pinching his cute little butt. Your wedding day was everything you could have ever dreamt of and more. There were countless times in your relationship where you would day dream about what your wedding would be like. It didn’t take you too long to realize that Mark was the person you wanted to settle down and start a family with. Everything within you; your heart, your mind, your body and your soul was his. You were set on Mark Tuan; for life. Since he took his time with asking you to marry him, you developed some insecurities about whether or not he saw himself marrying you. Sure, he may have talked about your future together every now and then, but not once did he ever bring up marriage so you just assumed he had no plans on getting married at all.
It made your engagement all the more special when he did finally get around to proposing to you less than a year ago while the two of you were in vacation in Hawaii. You tried to convince yourself that you would be happy even if Mark were to confess he had no plans on tying the knot. As long as Mark was in your life, you were content with whatever title you held in his. But on that magical night when he got down on one knee and went in to detail about his undying love for you as the two of you watched the sunset go down, you felt wholeheartedly that his proposal was one dreams were made of.
“What are you thinking about?” You looked at him in curiosity and it was in that moment; looking at his blank stare did you realize you were probably mirroring his exact facial expression.
“Nothing. Just that I’m really happy. Really, really happy. You mean everything to me Mark. I don’t know what I would do without you and I dont even want to think about my life before you were in it. It was colorless and dull. Now all I see is so many beautiful colors. Just the mere thought of you along pulls on my heartstrings in such a miraculous way. I love the way you make me feel and I love the effect you’ve had on me. I’m so in love with you and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us.”
Your husband gave you his signature gummy smile before smashing his mouth roughly against yours. He licked on your bottom lip and took it in between his sharp teeth, nibbling all but gently while dragging his cold fingertips along your smooth skin.
“You’re my happily ever after y/n. I kind of regret not getting around to marrying you sooner. I just really wanted to give you the ring and the wedding that you’ve always wanted. You deserved the entire universe and more y/n. Truly, there’s so much I want to give you. You are genuinely out of this world; you’re practically a goddess—an otherworldly being and honestly, you deserve so much more than what this world has to offer you. I’m not stupid my love, I’ve picked up on the many wedding magazines you’d scatter throughout the house, I’ve noticed you’ve been watching a couple of episodes from that one Disney weddings show and I overheard you talking to your mom about not knowing how I felt about marriage. I’m sorry that you had to question my feelings for you, but I thought that my constant love confessions and the way I could never stop holding you, kissing you and needing to be around you was enough to prove the fact that you are my home. You own my heart y/n. You always have and you always will forever. The feeling is mutual baby. I don’t care what ends up happening to me. I don’t care where we end up living—if we ever decide to move houses, cities, states or even countries. I don’t care what my job title is, how much money I’ll end up making or what anyone other than you has to think or say about me. Life—life can be rough and there are days that I just want to scream, cry and run away. But then I look at you and I see my purpose—I look at you and see the reason for my existence. You’re the reason why I breathe. You’re the reason why my heartbeat increases—the reason why I wake up with the biggest grin on my face. You are my reason to be happy and I could never thank you enough for all you’ve done for me in the last five years. Now, I can’t wait to continue to relish in our love for many more decades to come.”
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Jihoon OfficeAU P4
And Part 4

Genre: Romance/Fluff/Angst
Plot: You and Seungcheol have been best friends forever and as a favor, you agree to be temporary assistant of the one Lee Jihoon.
Words: 3841\
Warnings: Jihoon checks her underwear out...this is the PG version.
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
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When everyone including Wonwoo who left the office early gathered in Jihoon’s living room, all eyes were on you and Seungcheol.
“Well? What’s going on?” Jeonghan asked.
“Was it true that the two of you were engaged?” Jihoon asked.
“And how does Min Yoongi play into this all?” Wonwoo asked.
Joshua raised his eyebrow at the three men and only chuckled. “We just want the truth to what’s going on. Why Y/N would be associated with someone as elite as Yoongi though she’s just a regular person
” you started, “It’s where it begins.” you said getting comfortable on  the couch. Seungcheol to your left and Jihoon to your right. 
“I may have grown up normal, my family lineage isn’t so much. My father was an engineer for  a big electrical  company but my mother came from one of the top families in Korea. She was in an arranged marriage for most of her life but ultimately fell in love with my dad when they met on a business trip and here I am
” you said with a smile thinking of how in love your parents were to this day. 
“Obviously my grandfather who is the current head of the family didn’t accept the relationship and forbade them to see each other but my parents ran away to the States before I was born.” you continued.
“Then how are you and Seungcheol friends? If you were born in the States, there was a one in a million chance that you would meet. But how did it happen?” Jeonghan asked.
“Our moms are best friends from boarding school.” Seungcheol answered, “Y/N attended boarding school here while her parents stayed in the States to avoid being found by her grandfather. Her parents still wanted her to have a high level of education and my family watched over her for the duration of her studies.”
“So because your parents were best friends they wanted to tie the family together so they arranged your marriage?” Jihoon asked  bluntly causing you and Seungcheol to awkwardly laugh.
“Not exactly
” you said, “Our parents married for love and wanted that for us too. But when we were in the tenth grade I was found by my grandfather. He heard from an overseas contact that he had a granddaughter and that she was currently in Korea and suddenly the hunt for me was on. It turns out the family that my grandfather wanted my mother to marry into had a son around our age and wanted to make the family bond permanent. I met with my grandfather for the first time over lunch with Seungcheol and he said the only possible way out of the contract that he was going to sign was for me to be engaged to someone else before my twenty-fifth birthday. We left that night and spoke with our  parents and explained the situation. My parents were devastated that my grandfather was doing something like this and Seungcheols father suggested that they put Seungcheol and I in an arranged marriage and so it was done.” you took a big breath as everyone processed what you had said.
“After highschool, we broke off the engagement and she left for UCLA.” Seungcheol cast you a side glance, “What I didn’t expect was for her to return.” 
.you basically got engaged for her safety... “ Jihoon stated and Seungcheol nodded.
“Pretty much.” he responded while ruffling your hair which you tried to move away from. “She’s the little sister I never had.” 
“Why’d you guys break it off if it was for her safety?” Wonwoo asked out of nowhere and the eyes were back on you.
“We wanted to marry for love and not arrangement.” Seungcheol answered, “But as I said, I didn’t expect Y/N to return.”
You shrugged, “I felt like I shouldn’t worry too much since Korea was such a big place
.but I guess my grandfathers been keeping an eye on me
“So you dont think that today was an accident
” Seungcheol said and you nodded your head.
“Yoongi’s the type of person who does things with a purpose. He knew I worked for you...he just didn’t expect me to be right in front of him
” you said quietly.
“What does Yoongi have to do with this again?” Jeonghan asked.
“The Min’s were the ones who told my grandfather about me back then. I don’t know how they confirmed it but Yoongi was a senior at the time...we didn’t officially meet till much later though.” you answered.
“Wait, so you meeting with him today...when you stood up
” Joshua started and you nodded your head confirming his suspicions.
“He wanted me to know that I should be careful...the contract that my grandfather is going to sign promises a hefty dowry and Yoongi’s after it. He’ll do anything to get to it and there’s only one way for me to get out of the contract myself.”
“And it’s to get engaged.” Wonwoo stated and you nodded your head.
“Are we done with the questions now? My head hurts.”you whined rubbing your head. It had been a long day and all you wanted to do was get any feeling of Min Yoongi off of you.
“Last thing, I don’t want Y/N to be alone
” Seungcheol stated firmly. He knew the things the Mins were capable of and the last thing he wanted was for you to be ambushed when you were alone.
“She’ll stay with me.” Jihoon interjected before anyone could say anything. “I’m her boss and it’s my responsibility to take care of my employees.”
His tone held finality and no one argued. Not even Seungcheol who could tell why Jihoon said what he said.
“You know that I’ll be fine right?” you asked and smacked Seungcheol’s arm, “Stop babying me!”
Seungcheol grinned, “It’s for your safety and I trust Jihoon more than anyone. Plus Yoongi wouldn’t guess that you’re staying here so that leaves one less place for him to look for you.” 
“I don’t want to intrude though,.” you started and Jihoon shook his head.
“I like having you here.” he gave you one of his genuine smiles and you felt the butterflies go off in your stomach causing you to blush.
The men in the room looked between you two and could tell that something had changed in the atmosphere and suddenly they were making excuses to leave.
“Well, we’ll leave you two to sort out the living arrangements. Y/N, my fathers men will be watching for signs of Yoongi and you’ll have two hidden guards on you when you’re out in public. We should get back to the office. Feel free to take the rest of the day off” Seungcheol said as he opened the door allowing the other men to file out once they said their goodbyes.
“Use a condom” Joshua whispered to Jihoon jokingly as he walked by making Jihoon punch his arm lightly. 
“Or make sure she takes a pill. Seriously, I don’t think Cheol needs another heart attack.” Jeonghan said following Joshua out.
Wonwoo only walked by and smirked at Jihoon before “accidently” dropping something on the floor and walking away.
“It’s not like that.” he grumbled and shut the door and locked it leaving the two of you alone. He looked down to see what Wonwoo had dropped. He narrowed his eyes when he realized that it was a condom and quickly picked it up and shoved it into his pocket before you noticed.
“I’m going to take a shower and wash of the Yoongi germs” you said going towards your “Room” “Do you want to watch another movie?”
“Sure.” Jihoon said watching you from behind. You didn’t close your bedroom door and he could see you get ready for your shower. He knew that you always changed into your bathrobe before your shower and there were times that you would forget to close the door since you were used to living alone so on the rare occasion, Jihoon was greeted with you either topless or bottomless and completely oblivious but this was the first time he was watching you from start to finish.
His eyes drifted down to your plump butt, he knew that you worked out and the effort definitely showed. He also knew that you and Seungcheol would go running or rock climbing on a regular basis and he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander down your frame. Unconsciously he licked his lips wondering what the front looked like and suddenly he slapped himself.
No he would not think of you that way, You were his employee for goodness sakes.
Shaking out of his thoughts, Jihoon decided to finish the wine that the two of you had opened the night before and started looking for a movie. Slowly, he drifted to sleep.
(A little while later)
“Jihoon, Jihoon, HEY JIHOON!” you yelled clapping in front of his face making him jolt awake. “I came out of the shower and you were passed out. Are you okay?” you asked touching his forehead.
He tried not to blush at the contact remembering his dream which had not been completely innocent and looked up to see you looking  at him with concern. He could’ve sworn he saw an angel right then and there and resisted the urge to lean up and kiss you. 
Grabbing a lock of hair that hung over your shoulders, he brought it up to his nose and the smell brought a smile to his face
“Smells good
” he said making you blush tomato red. “Did Seungcheol’s secretary give it to you?”
“How’d do you know?” you asked in shock and he shrugged his shoulders. 
“Just a wild guess. Are you ready to watch a movie?” he asked looking down at his phone.
SC - You have everyones blessings but if you hurt her, I will personally hunt you down and kill you and there will be office rules. You know that we already have a no dating policy but we’ll discuss that later. Just make sure she feels the same way and have a great night Kiddo.
“Tsk” he muttered to himself, “Who do they think they are. Blessing? Blessing my a-”
“What blessing?” you asked out of the blue as you slowly picked up on what Jihoon was muttering.
Caught off guard, Jihoon suddenly became nervous.
“Oh uh...I got a text from the guys about something...being a blessing in disguise..” Jihoon managed to stutter out and you didn’t buy it one bit.
” you said with a curt nod as you got off the couch and that’s when Jihoon saw what kind of underwear you were wearing under your pajama dress and nodded his head in approval.
He was always a black satin kind of guy. He already gave into the fact that he was into you but was going to go at his own pace. He’d had girlfriends before but none of them stuck around long enough due to his heavy workload and commitments and it just got to a point where work always came first for him and he would miss dates, anniversaries, important events and the girl would end up leaving him. 
He knew it was his fault but he never found a girl that was worth it enough to care for. That was until he met you. When you walked into his office with Seungcheol on your first day he had to remind himself to breath. You were beautiful and held yourself with confidence but it was your work ethic that really got him interested.
You were a hard worker, that was a fact but you also knew how to have fun. On the rare occasion that he would step out of his office, he would see Seungcheol or one of the other managers talking to you and upon overhearing a conversation,it sounded like they were asking you for advice over certain matters and that got him curious.
He knew that your time was almost up with the company since his old assistant was due to return the following week and he wondered where you would go. He was tempted to talk to Seungcheol and offer you a permanent position with the company but if Seungcheol had wanted that, he would have done so already. Apparently, no one bothered to tell him about the  proposal Seungcheol had on the first day.
“So did you decide what movie to watch?” you asked settling on the other end of the couch in the blankets. He noticed that you had brought another bottle of wine and poured you a glass before pressing play on the remote.
He took a sip of his wine and made himself comfortable next to you closer than usual. 
Halfway through the movie, Jihoon casually wrapped his arm around your shoulder which made you look at him weirdly. He pretended not to notice as he drank his wine making you return your attention to the movie, though it was obvious that there was something else that was up.
Eventually your head rested against his shoulder and he was subconsciously playing with the ends of your hair. 
“Hey Y/N
” he started and you looked up at him again.
The look in his eyes made you gasp, you didn’t expect to see this emotion in someone like Jihoon but as he tilted your chin up, your eyes closed as your lips met in a soft kiss. 
Jihoon lifted your legs up so they were across his lap as he scooted closer to you and took one of your hands in his and the kiss deepened as your tongues met, A soft moan from you gave Jihoon approval to push it further and without removing his lips from yours, he leaned you backwards so your head was resting on the headrest and he was lying on top of you with the hand that was holding yours resting above your head and the other one holding your cheek.
You pulled away when air became a necessity and Jihoon rested his forehead against yours as you both breathed heavily. 
” you whispered and he took the hand that was still intertwined with his and kissed it. 
“I’m cancelling that contract with Yoongi tomorrow.” he stated and nuzzled your cheek, “But only if you agree to be with me.” he muttered and you pushed him up slightly to look at him with wide eyes.
“Be with you?” you asked and he nodded, “Like as in
“I get to hold your hand whenever I want to, I can tell the guys to back off when I want to and I can spoil you whenever I want to
” he said, “So will you?” he asked and you thought for a while. 
You did enjoy being around him and living with him for the last week did show that you were already able to co-exist with one another. He did have his tough side but you saw a lot of his soft side too. 
In the end, you looked up at him and nodded your head. “Kay.” 
Jihoon gave you one of his rare smiles before his lips met yours again but this time the kiss was more gentle and full of promise. 
After a few minutes of making out, the two of you decided to finish watching the movie that was on but this time, your head was on his chest as he had his arm wrapped tightly around you. At the end of the night, the two of you went to your separate bedrooms, both falling asleep with content smiles on your faces.
The next morning, Jihoon woke up to the smell of food but no sign of you anywhere. He walked into the kitchen to see breakfast made along with a note from you.
Cheol asked me to meet him for breakfast this morning. I prepared some bacon and eggs and the coffee should be done by the time you wake up. See you at the office~! - Y/N ♄
Jihoon smiled at the note before pouring himself a cup of coffee. “It hasn’t been twenty-four hours yet and she’s already wife material” he muttered to himself with a smile.
After eating, he proceeded to get ready and headed to the office. What he didn’t expect was to see his old assistant who had returned from leave sitting in the spot you were supposed to be occupying and his heart dropped. Your three weeks were officially up and to his knowledge, your future with the company was TBA. He suddenly felt upset that no one had told him about your departure and he felt stupid for not talking to Seungcheol sooner about offering you a permanent position.
His assistant looked up at him with a bright smile as if already sensing his presence. “Good morning Jihoon.” she said in a bright tone. 
“Uh...Good morning and welcome back Min.” he said walking past her and going into his office.
He let out a breath and sent you a quick text asking where you were as he looked out the window. At the same time, Min had come into the office without knocking and asked to speak with him.
“I just wanted to let you know that I did a lot of thinking while I was away and promise that I’ll work harder from now on.” she said standing right behind him. “I realized that if I want to be the woman you choose, I have to live up to your standard and I’m willing to do that.” 
Jihoon felt Min wrap her arms around his waist he froze. Did this woman suddenly grow some balls while she was away? His thoughts went to you and wondered what you were doing.
He pulled Min’s arms apart and stepped away from her before turning around. 
“Please respect peoples boundaries Min.” he said sternly with a glare, “I don’t need you to be a woman of my standard. I just need you to do your job efficiently.” 
“But Jihoon, I realized during my trip that the man I wanted to be with was you
” she said, “As your assistant and as someone who could stay by your side...will you let me do that?” she asked grabbing his arm.
Jihoon was about to snap at her when a throat cleared at his doorway and he looked up to see you and Seungcheol standing there with wide eyes.
“Y/N, Seungcheol.” he said and removed Min’s arm from his. “Please go back to your station Min, we will talk later. In the meantime, please find time to schedule a meeting with Min Yoongi of Bangtan Corp. His information should be in the contact list.” 
Min had apparently taken this as a good sign and nodded her head happily, “Yes sir.” before she left greeting Seungcheol along the way and gave you an odd look.
“So that was his old assistant.” Seungcheol said motioning to Min before he looked at Jihoon, “And what the heck was that?” 
“She went on vacation and came back crazy.” Jihoon muttered running a hand through his hair, “Are you two just getting in?” 
“She seems...interesting.” you said looking back at the girl who was going through Jihoons schedule, her eyes wide with shock. “Didn’t you read my note? Seungcheol took me out for breakfast.” 
“I had some official business to discuss with her. As you recall, her three weeks is up.” Seungcheol said and Jihoon interrupted him. 
“I actually wanted to talk to you about that-” he started but Seungcheol held his hand up.
“I do too. What did you think of Y/N’s work over the last three weeks?”  Seungcheol asked as you bit back a giggle.
“Impeccable, organized, punctual..” Jihoon listed off looking at you with a smile, “Over qualified for an assistant.” 
“Then would you think she would make a good asset as one of our managers then?” Seungcheol asked and Jihoon’s jaw dropped and he almost smacked himself in the face. How could he forget?
“Definitely.” Jihoon answered with a nod.
“Good, cause I just offered her the management position we’ve been trying to fill.” Seungcheol said, “She’ll be working with you for the time being till she picks up on how we run things around here but that really shouldn’t take long. We’re in the process of getting her office set up within the week but in the mean time, would it be okay if she worked in yours?” he asked with a smirk and you burst out laughing at the astonished look on Jihoon’s face. 
“I think you broke him Cheol.” you said getting up for your chair to walk to Jihoon’s side of the desk and waved your hand in front of his face. “Hellooooo Jihooonie, do you not want me working in here? I can always go to Joshua’s office
You started to get up slowly but Jihoon caught your wrist instantly and held you in place so you ended up leaning against his desk.
“Everything sounds perfect.” he said and Seungcheol grinned before nodding.
“Great, then I’ll leave her to you. Also, please be aware of what you two do here. I’m not ready to be an uncle yet.” he said getting up, “You might want to have her brief Min on your schedule and things she’s missed since she left as well.” 
“I’ll take care of everything. Thank you Seungcheol, you can leave now.” Jihoon said dismissively with a wave of his hand though his eyes still remained on you.
“I’ll see you two at lunch then. The managers are all getting together to officially welcome Y/N to the management team so attendance is mandatory...though I think that shouldn’t be an issue now” Seungcheol said leaving you with a parting grin as you and Jihoon rolled your eyes.
“So...want to explain?” you asked nudging your shoulder to Min who was watching you and Jihoon with rapt attention.
“Not sure...she kind scared me too.” Jihoon said opening his desk drawer and pulling out his work laptop, “You can work on this for now, I’ll have to convince Cheol to let us share an office and that you having your own office won’t be necessary.” 
“But I want my own office to decorate.” you said with a slight pout and Jihoon chuckled. 
“You can decorate my office anyway you want dear. As long as it’s within reason.” he said holding your hand with a smile, “And thank you for breakfast this morning. It was delicious.” 
“You’re welcome.” you said with a smile, “I figured if I hadn’t prepared it, you would’ve come to the office hungry again.” you then turned to look at Min who was still staring at you and Jihoon, “So should I brief your assistant before you start showing me things?” 
“I’d like to be apart of it too
” he said and looked outside, “Min would you please step into my office?” 
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