#dont be afriad to request anything for yourself!!!
yesican-stop · 1 year
I’d feel too bad to ask for anything for myself but maybe some Scarlet x Esther? A solid sapphic comfort ship for these trying times hehe
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a light at midnight
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ofnifflersandkings · 7 years
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Title: Endless Longing Character: Danny Rand A/n: It's been awhile but this reminded me how much I fucking adore Danny.
“You alright there, Dan?” You asked, noticing his gaze had fallen onto the large windows on the one side of his office, he still had his chin resting in his hand and you noticed he looked like a little kid when his mind began to wander.
His gaze was pulled back to you and the one corner of his smile was hidden by his hand. “Yes?”
You grinned. “Nothing, just wanted to let you know I was heading out.”
Danny nodded, getting up from his chair so he could hold out your coat for you. Sometimes on less busy days at the shop, you’d come into the building during the affernoon to see your siblings and have a chat with Danny.
He handed you your bag and walked you to the door, pausing for a breif moment while he debated whether to hug you or not.
His thought process didn’t get too far because you just gave him a small wave and proceeded to make your way to the elevator. Danny barely caught sight of your coat before the metal doors of the elevator completely blocked you from him.
Danny sighed heavily and promptly shut his office door before crashing into his chair while he poked aimlessly around his desk, trying to keep himself busy.
Your relationship with him was becoming a reoccurring topic in his subconscious.
Mostly because it confused the hell out of him.
There had been multiple occasions where he had kissed you, but the two of you sort of brushed them off as heat of the moments kind of deal when both of your emotions were running the show.
And ever since you moved back into your place, the lines became even more blurred.
When you introduced him to the people who worked at your shop, almost all of them assumed you two were dating.
But you quickly brushed it off with the usual,
“Oh no, Danny’s a close childhood friend. We just still manage to tolerate one another as adults.”
He didn’t understand a lot of things he felt for you, partly because most of it was stuff he hadn’t felt before. He just knew that it went beyond the realms of what normal friends felt for one another.
To make matters even worse, you had started to spend less times with him.
It wasn’t a constant thing, and he was just glad to see you were happy and living a normal life again.
Danny just didn’t realize it meant you wouldn’t be around as much.
Apart from when you came by the building, you were almost too busy with work to hang out with him at his place or somewhere in the city anymore.
It was starting to make him feel a little self-conscious. You had invited him to join in on a party you going to with some of your old friends from university.
And at first, he was more than thrilled to get to learn more about you and the people you got along with.
But it quickly turned sour when he realized how out of place he was in the whole situation. Everyone around him was talking about the same thing, but none of it made sense to him. They could have started speaking in another language and he probably wouldn’t have noticed the difference.
Before the plane crash, he was well educated, and he wasn’t by any means a stupid person. But everyone else just seemed to be in on something he missed the memo about. References went right over his head and he couldn’t understand any of the jokes.
He would try and turn to talk to you alone, but you were engaging in the conversation with such enthusiasm, and as usual you sounded like the knowledge of the universe just poured out of your head.
Danny felt too embarrassed to ask, he just wanted to be a part of your world, too.
But it just seemed like the pieces didn’t fit together.
He had tried to mask the hurt in his voice as he told you something had come up and he needed to head home.
He must not have done very well, because you gave him a soft smile.
“Call me when you get there and let me know everything’s alright, okay?”
The simple request made his whole system flood with hope.
Danny didn’t like avoiding you, but he was afriad if he saw you in person. All of his insecurities would come falling out of his mouth and then you’d know everything.
He didn’t like to keep secrets from you, and frankly when he did, he was bad at it. This just felt like one problem you couldn’t help him fix.
So to say he freaked out whenever you showed up at his apartment door, would be major downplay.
At first, he debated not answering.
But it had nearly been a week and he missed you.
So, despite all warning flags, he opened the door and welcomed you with a smile.
“I’ve been worried about you,” You said once the two of you got comfortable in the kitchen. “You usually call me everyday, or at least message me,” You turned back from your brewing tea to smile at him. “I thought you might have died.”
You tried to make light, but the smile fell off your face when you saw Danny intently staring into his coffee mug.
You sat down on the stool next to him, lightly nudging his arm with your elbow. His head slightly turned towards you and you gave him one of your soft smiles that you knew he liked.
“Okay?” You asked.
Danny blinked, pushing aside his mug while he turned to face you. “You know you mean the world to me, right?”
There was a short laugh from you. “Of course, I do.”
He shook his head, taking your hands into his. “I dont think you understand,” He started, his thumbs running across your plams. “I don’t know what I’d do or how I’d manage if you weren’t a constant part of my life. And when I’m not with you all I do is think about how you are and worry if you’re okay. And I don’t like it when you tell people that we’re just friends because all the things I feel for you aren’t the kind of things I feel for anyone else,”
There was another pause, and Danny kept his eyes solely on your hands, not wanting to see your reaction just yet. “It really freaks me out sometimes, because I feel all of these things but I don’t know how to read you as well as you can read me. And I worry that you don’t see it the same way, that you don’t care about me the way I care about you.”
It was silent.
Even the constant sound of traffic seemed to be at a halt.
Danny finally let his eyes meet yours and he was taken back by your expression.
He understood what it meant, because it was the same look people constantly told him he gave you.
He finally felt like he could read you.
You all but tossed yourself into him, arms going around him in a tight embrace while you burried your face into his shoulder.
Danny looked down at you, he felt like his ribcage was about to crack from the rapid increase of his heartbeat. All he could do was return the embrace with equal feeling.
No one said anything else
But it was perfectly clear to the two of you that the feelings were more than mutual.
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ofnifflersandkings · 7 years
•~ Prompt List #4 ~•
A/n: Seeing as I have new content to write for, I thought it would be beneficial to create a brand new prompt list as well! There are also links to old lists at the bottom.
Requests are never closed and you can be as in detail or vague as you like, as long as there’s a number or an idea, I’ll so my best to get it done for you :)
1.) “I see so many things that could hurt you. I should never have let one of them be me.”
2.) “I’m angry all the time, it’s driving me crazy!”
3.) “Everything has just been so awful, is it because of me?”
4.) “When I win you’re heart, and I will win it. It’ll be because you chose me.”
5.) “You make nervous like, all the time.”
6.) “I know I promised to be there, but something important came up so please forgive me!”
7.) “You know I hate it when you ignore me.”
8.) “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
9.) “Stop that! This isn’t you!”
10.) “Come back to me.”
11.) “I couldn’t sleep, and I know you’re one of those weird nocturnal people so I thought you’d answer.”
12.) “I don’t understand? That’s hilarious, of course I understand.”
13.) “I cant,..I can’t do this anymore.”
14.) “This, this is why I’m leaving you because you lied! You lied again!”
15.) “You were the ONE person I thought I could always count on.”
16.) “I can’t believe I fooled myself like this.”
17.) “ I can’t believe I almost have a crush on some astoundingly stupid!”
18.) “Dont give me that look!”
19.) “Maybe I did, so what?! I don’t have to tell you everything I’m doing!”
20.) “Does it matter if I mind? Even I say no you’ll just show up anyways.”
21.) “You know that I like you, but I can’t tell if you feel the same?”
22.) “Would you mind staying?”
23.) “It’s getting late.”
24.) “You’re not going out in that, you can stay on my couch till it settles down outside.”
25.) “Just this once, just for the hell of it! Let me save you!”
26.) “Why shouldn’t I be so reckless?! You’re reckless all the time! Why can’t I be like you?!”
27.) “I should have protected you.” “I never asked for that.” “You shouldn’t have to ask!”
28.) “Do you feel safe with me?”
29.) “Do you trust me?”
30.) “Do you have someone?”
31.) “Oh, I didn’t realize you already had a date.”
32.) “You’re together! Wow, I’m so happy for you!”
33.) “You don’t actually like him do you?”
34.) “No, I think he’s great!”
35.) “I just don’t understand what he has that I don’t.”
36.) “I will always be there for you, even if you don’t want me.”
37.) “It’s just, he understands you so much better than I do. He knows how to talk about the things you like and I can barely even follow.”
38.) “It just hurts.”
39.) “I don’t want you to love someone else.”
40.) “Please, don’t be scared of me.”
41.) “I would never hurt you.”
42.) “He was wrong to leave you, I would never do such a thing.”
43.) “Your wall may keep out pain, but it also keeps out love.”
44.) “You’re afriad to let yourself be happy, why?”
45.) “You don’t have to do this.”
46.) “I need to know that you’re on my side”
47.) “No one is as kind as you. No one understands me as well as you do!”
48.) “She loves you I know it!”
49.) “Please don’t give up.”
50.) “You seem to have the gift of happiness.”
51.) “If you knew, you wouldn’t believe me.”
52.) “Try me.”
53.) “You deserve to be happy.”
54.) “Why is it that someone so young and so full of life spends every night alone at her window?”
55.) “Just a young girl who doesn’t belong to anywhere or anyone.”
56.) “I never had that many friends growing up, so I learned to be okay with just me.”
57.) “I don’t need anyone!”
58.) “Don’t offer me love, I don’t want it.”
59.) “I’m always gonna love you.”
60.) “I know I’m not the best at showing it, but I really do care.”
61.) “There…There was a train crash, and I thought- I thought you were on it!”
62.) “I don’t care how mad we are at each other, please, please never do that to me again.”
63.) “Call me when you get home, I wanna make you sure you made it okay.”
64.) “Please stop calling me.”
65.) “I really don’t want to see you.”
66.) “I'm staying here in this spot, weither you want me to or not.”
67.) “I fell in love with your soul.”
68.) “I’m not angry, I’m disappointed.”
69.) “You have to trust me, you have to believe that I can get you out of this.”
70.) “You said you could fix this.”
71.) “Leave! Please leave!”
72.) “I hope I never see you again.”
73.) “You’re brilliant, absolutely brilliant!”
74.) “This, is light reading?”
75.) “I just didn’t want you to be alone.”
76.) “You deserve so much more.”
77.) “I miss seeing you smile.”
78.) “Why haven’t you been answering my calls or my texts?”
79.) “I just wanted to be chosen.”
80.) “I need you, please don’t go away I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you.”
81.) “This is your fault!”
82.) “Do as you are told!”
83.) “I can’t trust you anymore, not after this.”
84.) “I don’t want to be lonely anymore.”
85.) “You weren’t there! You were never there when I needed you. And now that I found someone who is you’re angry?”
86.) “I’m so sick of wanting the same emotionally unavailable guy who would rather act all tough than face his feelings!”
87.) “Why him?!”
88.) “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
89.) “Because he’s sweet and kind! And he talks to me and listens!”
90.) “You must think you’re pretty charming, don’t you?” “A little bit.” “Yeah? Well you are!”
91.) “She just loved him so much, and in the end, he didn’t really love her back.”
92.) “Where do you feel safe?”
93.) “I ran all this way to tell you and that I love you and-” “You love me?” “What..I-I never said I loved you.
94.) “You said it, and I wanted to say it, but uh-”
95.) “Okay…I’m gonna count to 30, and if she doesn’t answer the door, I’m gonna go home and I’m never gonna talk about it again.”
96.) “I feel ridiculous in this.”
97.) “The world doesn’t owe me anything.”
98.) “I hate feeling like this.”
99.) “Oh boy, we’re going there.”
100.) “There is no physical way you could make this anymore awkward than it already is.”
101.) “Nope, I was wrong. I was totally and completely wrong.”
102.) “Yeah, I’m mean, but you’re fucking crazy!”
103.) “She’s a bitch, you’re an ass and you both deserve each other.”
104.) “You haven’t thought any of this through have you?” 105.) “Please, stop talking.”
106.) “You ruined the moment.”
107.) “This isn’t going to work.”
108.) “Just be honest with me for once!”
109.) “So uhm, I love you, and all that.”
110.) “I’m happy being on my own.”
111.) “You don’t have to worry about me, I’m fine.“
Prompt List #1: http://ofnifflersandkings.tumblr.com/post/153373686902/prompt-list
Prompt List #2: http://ofnifflersandkings.tumblr.com/post/158790212217/prompt-list-2
Prompt List #3: http://ofnifflersandkings.tumblr.com/post/162984507597/prompt-list-3
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