#don't worry this is perfect!
felixeis003 · 5 months
Almost forgot to post this here!
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categorysixkaiju · 1 year
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Porco Rosso (1992) - dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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I lost my mind when I saw this costume!
In Celtic mythology the white stag is a messenger from the otherworld, often a harbinger. It often appears when one has transgressed, and must atone or be undone. And yet it is also associated with prosperity. In this case, a white stag shows up in the house of prosperity to show them their own transgressions and brings ruin upon their house. That's Oliver. The white stag showing the aristocrats their transgressions and each of them fails to atone and is summarily undone. Except the father. The knight who banishes the white stag. Who lives out the rest of his life free of Oliver, who only returns to Saltburn upon his death.
The jacket embroidery is oak and acorns. This is often representative of power, victory, and enduring hardship. It also represents sorrow.
I saw this costume and I knew this deranged little freak would bring this house to ruin. I lost my fucking mind when I saw this costume.
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b-rainlet · 1 year
The Green family dynamics are so interesting because like, Viserys is the father but due to his decay he seems more like the grandfather, whereas Otto is the Grandsire but seems to fill out the role of a father more, not only to his daughter but also her children, so he and his daughter are a mother/father unit but in some situations Alicent is treated like a sibling to her children (by Otto) and then you have the obvious Helaena/Aegon happening (siblings who are also husband/wife and mother/father to their children), but at the same time it seems like Aemond is the one trying to be the family's protector and attempting to step up as patriarch, with some of the scenes between him and Alicent giving off the vibes of equals rather than Mother and Son (like when they discuss Aemond finding Aegon) and his relationship with Aegon seeming like he's the big brother and not the other way around, in this essay I will-
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tinyclowndancer · 3 months
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From Dr. Darling, to the Darlings. 🧨💥
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thedarkcircuswritings · 3 months
Holy shit I have been seeing your account all day and you work so fast and so good. So I finally6jad the courage to make a request.
I think I have seen this trope around, but I also want to see your take on the idea:
✨✨✨ Shadow milk x reader that knows how to dance ✨✨✨
like, maybe a ballet dancer specifically if possible? The whole theater and jester aesthetic would be really interesting to see mixed with that :3
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Shadow Milk rested his hands on your posing form, a smile on his face as he cooed at you. "How graceful, like a swan! Beautiful, like a peacock! Delectable, made from the sweetest ingredients around... Yes, you are perfect for me, aren't you?" He carefully helped to spin you around, moving his hand up to hold yours in the air as he began to walk around you, keeping his gaze locked with yours. "You know, when I laid my eyes on you for the first time, I knew you'd be perfect for my shows... I am always one to have a key eye for great entertainers, and you? Uehehehe, you've certainly struck yourself into the spotlight I set for you!" Shadow Milk then stopped, allowing the strings on your body to continue to spin you around on your platform, just like a music box. He grinned at his own creation, and how your beauty made it all the better. "Yes... Please continue to dance for me, my cygnet!"
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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suncaster warriors :)
[please don't tag as LU] ; character info under the cut
goes by wars and captain
24, 5'7"
demifluix and ace
kind and caring and silly (so silly)
heart of gold
a bit of a workaholic
has to have 1 hug every day or he will Die
in a qpr with legend <3
fights with a sword and shield
excellent leader, excels in fighting against crowds
banned from his era
dark world form is a silver ferret
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fairyroses · 1 year
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— SMALLVILLE, "Accelerate" (2.21) & "Wrath" (7.07)
+ bonus:
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#someday I want to make a really comprehensive 'morally grey lana' gifset but god knows I don't have the time for that right now lol#but for now here's this#given this show's piss poor track record with continuity I'm actually shocked that these s2 and s7 scenes complement each other so well#(the 7x07 convo had to be edited down but I kept the most important/relevant bits)#smallville#smallvilleedit#svedit#clark kent#lana lang#lex luthor#clana#dcmultiverse#sv 2x21#sv 7x07#my gifs#lana always knew that she wasn't perfect and she was right to worry about what would happen once clark finally realized it#but he just wouldn't listen to her#and when he finally saw the real dark ruins of her soul... he flinched#because the lana that clark thought he loved was really just an idealized image that he had projected onto her#and that's why their relationship was always doomed to fail#even though they technically stayed together after this (which was a baffling writing choice tbh) they were never the same#also I just need to point out that lex is obviously trying to save his own life in the bonus gif... but he's also RIGHT#lex knows better than anyone what it feels like to topple off the pedestal that clark kent put you on#and I think he really was trying to save lana from the same fate#btw I didn't include his next line but it's 'you might not want to admit it but we understand each other' and that's just... whew#real 'I've seen you in all your fucked up glory and I know that you're just like me' energy#(sorry I'm clearly still thinking about that post that I reblogged last night lmao)
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I don't know why we never thought to do this before.
Hell, we even keep the ropes next to the gum. The idea was staring us in the face all along.
I kneel on the bed and she slides in behind me, looping the bight under my tits. I close my eyes, trying to shut out everything but the feel of the hemp as she pulls it over my shoulders and around my back. She's tying things a little loose, and it feels weird, but it's probably better that way.
She pats my butt to let me know that she's finished, and I pop up to my knees to give her room to tie a harness around my hips. She fumbles and swears to herself a couple of times, and then swings around in front of me.
"I need you to lay back," she says, before playfully shoving me backwards. I let myself topple, and she continues webbing me with rope. I guess looser ties don't fight gravity very well. Won't be a problem for too long, I think to myself.
"Okay," she says, tying off my hips, "open up."
I let her slip the half-piece of gum in my mouth, but then I think about refusing to chew. What, after all, would be brattier than not playing along? What if I just took my toys and went home? Unfortunately, she's already bound my ankles to the bed, legs spread wide apart, so I have room to grow.
She slides up and looks me in the eye. "Chew."
I do what I'm told.
The flavor is always way too intense starting out, almost chemical, in a way. Its' like when they get the mix wrong in the slushy machine and it's all syrup. Cloying, too sweet, too bright, too fruity. It's hard not to drool blue all over the pillows, but I know better than to actually misbehave.
Like clockwork, as the flavor begins to mellow I feel the telltale warmth deep in my belly. Chewing was a chore before, now it becomes compulsive, thoughtless.
When people write stories about things like this, especially people who've never been through it, they always go on and on about the pressure and the fear and the intensity, but it's never been like that for me.
It does feel incredible, though. They get that part right.
The warmth grows inside me, filling me up, and, when it runs out of room, I begin to grow. I start to lose myself in the feeling of swelling around the juice inside me, when the ropes begin to pull tight across my belly.
I don't mean to, but I arch back and moan deeply, letting a little rivulet of blue dribble onto the pillows. Oops. She chuckles, and we both know I'll pay for ruining her linens yet again.
The feeling is so sharp now, and I lose my mind a little as my skin begins to fight against the hemp. The warmth spreads outward from my middle, spilling into my thighs and my chest, filling everything it can find.
I can feel the knots all over me begin to pull tight as I fill out the webs of rope. I spill out of the gap between the harnesses, and the little part of me that still feels human is silently grateful that we started with something small and easy. The other part of me, the one that's taking over, wants to be squeezed like overripe fruit through fine mesh until there's nothing left but a small ocean of dark blue juice. That's new.
I start to puff through the voids in the harnesses, the cool sensation of the air against my taut skin colliding with the burning where the ropes are holding me back. I start to wonder whether they'll break before I do, but I put that thought away. My breasts are swelling faster than they normally do, even though I only have half a dose in me. They start to obscure my view of things happening lower down, but not before I see her climb in between my swelling thighs.
It's way too soon for me to be leaking, but I feel her tongue against me, and I convulse. soon enough she reappears, mouth stained blue with a look in her eye like I've probably ruined another mattress.
The gum is flavorless now, but I keep chewing. She hasn't told me to stop yet. Still, I feel the growth slow to a crawl. The warmth begins to dissipate, so I give my arms and legs a cursory wiggle.
I'm so full, and still tied down, but I can tell that I'm not round enough. I can't help it. Somewhere, far away in my brain, I know this is a test run, but I keep chewing so frantically, hoping to swell just a little bit more. I almost want to cry.
I'm supposed to be a giant, juicy balloon, not this weird little excuse for an adult human woman.
I guess she can feel my desperate fidgeting, because she crawls up and lays beside me.
"Hey, big girl," she says, wiping bright blue tears off my cheek. "I know you want more, but I think we need to juice you. These ropes look about ready to goosh you to pieces."
I want to say "Let them!" but I know that's the juice talking.
"I know," she says, like she's reading my mind. "It's not fair, but we need to be safe."
I pout harder.
She knows better than to negotiate with terrorists, though. "What are you going to do about it?" she asks, feigning innocence. "You're tied down tight, and too juicy to move." She reaches over, grabs one move my engorged nipples, and squeezes hard. Dark blue juice sprays the wall behind her as I yowl in ecstasy. "Oh no, are you going to squirt on me until I do what you want?" she asks, squeezing again.
"Just cut the ropes off," I beg, trying to think of anything that might free me up to grow safely.
"Sorry, babe," she says, genuinely apologetic. "The rope's too tight now. I don't think I could get the scissors in there without risking popping you."
"I'm going to juice you," she says. "Do you want business, or pleasure?"
I'm too frustrated to cum right now, stuck like I am between one self and another. "Business," I mumble. Fuck orgasms. I'd rather just get this over with.
She smiles gently, and scrambles up onto my massive belly, and grabs a nipple in each hand. Her weight feels amazing, and as she starts to milk giant spurts of juice out of my breasts, back and forth, back and forth, I realize that business may lead to pleasure regardless of how I feel.
Her whole body is swaying with the rhythm of her arms, and I feel a different kind of warmth start to build between my swollen thighs. I can feel every inch of the hemp biting into me, pulling me in so many directions. It feels so good to be her balloon, letting her tease and squeeze as she pleases.
I'm taken completely by surprise when I cum suddenly and violently. I can tell she is, too, because she falls off my quaking body backwards, getting doused by the juice gushing out of me. I'm absorbed by the orgasm wracking my body, and time loses meaning for a little while.
When I come to, panting, I realize that she's nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, I'm small enough now to slip out of the ropes around my wrists and ankles. I sit bolt upright, or, as bolt as I can at least. The residual juice is going to weigh me down a little until my body can process it naturally.
I call her name.
"Down here," says a stunned voice. I look over the foot of the bed.
She's laying there, eyes wide in shock, absolutely drenched in blue.
"Wow," she says.
"Are you okay?" I ask, scrambling to offer her a puffy, light blue hand.
"Look," she says, taking my hand, "that was so much fun, really."
"But?" I ask, trying not to hold my breath.
"... but we have got to find a way to do this that doesn't change my hair color."
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
i dont usually send asks to people im not intimate buuuut.. im sorry for what youre going on rn. just wanted to say you dont deserve it. i dont know you very much, but your art makes me very happy, and once, 1 year ago, you interacted with my toriel and frisk drawing in my deleted blog, and when i saw it was you i started jumping out of happiness, cuz i really really REALLY love your work and it make me REALLY happy i could make you happy with my art too i know, it is very weird to receive a message like that with broken english from someone you dont even remember, but, yea, i just wanted to say i see your art for years on twitter and ur art inspired me so much i cant even put it in the few words i know from english UQHUSHUQHUH dont heat up your head with these weirdos ok. you know you wouldnt do that. there is people like me who love your work and you dont even know the existence
hey, thank you honey, that's incredibly kind of you. you said your blog was deleted? that's a pity, I'm sure your art was lovely. i hope you preserved it somewhere! i still go into the main tag from time to time sorting by recent to reblog from artists that don't get a lot of attention, so i would 100% suggest you keep posting your art on your new blog. it's very likely i will reblog it again :']
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penguinsomadagascar · 6 months
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This is like if Kowalski drew a map of the HQ, but Skipper made him redact part of it.
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canisalbus · 4 months
sorry im emotonal and going off of the other asks sent about machete and just i need to stress how beautiful it is to me that machete sees himself so undeserving of love and affection and feeling as if vasco's too good for him but despite all that he is so incredibly devoted to vasco and loving towards him (in his own way) but is so incredibly clear to anyone with eyes that just how in love he is with vasco. like it's not done out of a "oh god please never realize that you're too good for me here here let me overdo it with the affection" its done with the "i love you, and will always love you, no matter what happens to us or separates us, and i will give it to you as long as i am able, and if you ever leave, i won't be okay, but will still love you, and want you happy". like he doesn't use his own feelings of being undeserving taint his love or the way he loves for vasco, and it's so, so beautiful
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thirdchildart · 7 months
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heads up and fair warning, I'm 20K words deep writing an enemies-to-lovers Cal x Dagan fanfic and if this site lasts til New years I WILL be making it everyone's problem for the entirety of 2024.
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khytal · 9 months
Kazuma wouldn't want you to let the milk go bad
my hero
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hamartiologic · 10 days
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mari-lair · 6 months
(using translator sorry for any mistakes :D )
hello !! I saw your ant gon au and I would like to ask if you post it somewhere written or is it just in comics?
I only post it as short comics!
The AU got far more love than expected though, so when I flesh it out/get a more solid idea for it, I may do a one-shot on it
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