#don’t you dare say aang would be pro-Palestine that man would want a two state solution
The fandomlize of this conflict on got me so pissed.
(Be aware rant incoming.)
I just saw a post that said aang would be pro-Palestine, and I’m like no the fuck he wouldn’t!
This is the man that spared the firelord, that saw the good in fire nation civilians, he would not want to destroy an entire country because of the government.
He would be pro-peace. He definitely wouldn’t cheer for Hamas, he wouldn’t cheer for a group that kills innocent civilians. He wouldn’t be a fan of Hamas or Israeli government.
He would mourn all innocent civilians, but he would want a two state solution, he would want people to make peace and love each other.
Also the air nomads unlike the Palestinians didn’t really bring upon themselves. In the show the air nomads were just living there life and were murdered for possibly housing the Avatar.
In history a lot of times the wars with Israel and the Palestinians, have been started by the Arabs. That is not to say innocent Palestinian deaths are sad, but to say it is all Israel fault is a fact.
Take the 1948 war for example. When the Jews first came to Israel after the Holocaust, and wanted the state of Israel to be created their fight was with the British. They had no fights with the Arabs, until 1948 when an Arab militia shot into a bus killing five innocent Jewish civilians.
While there were tragedies that happened to the Palestinians in the 1948 war, they wouldn’t have happened if the Arabs didn’t start the wars.
Back to my original point about people fandomsy this conflict.
It’s fine to make headcannons about characters being Jews, Zionists Jews, Muslims, arabs, but you make it a problem when you try to make characters about Israel or about Palestine.
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