#dkda sueños de juventud
marionto · 2 years
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Dkda, producida por Luis de llano macedo
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liliana-von-k · 3 years
DKDA, Sueños de Juventud - Entrada
Having recently discovered that I've got something like 1500 channels on my Roku tv, I'm still in the process of finding stuff I really like--the MST3K channel was an immediate fave, of course, and I'm keen on the all-Chinese-action-movies and the Korean+kpop channels--but something else I really love is the assortment of old novelas. Right now I'm watching some that I've only seen parts of before, like Salome and Teresa, and some I've already seen in their entirety, like the sumptuous Alborada. Seeing Jan in that production made me think of the huge crush I had on him in DKDA, which is why I had to post this.
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