#distributed artificial intelligence soft computing
Unlocking the Power of Microlearning: A Comprehensive Guide to MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform
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In today's fast-paced world, where time is of the essence and attention spans are shrinking, traditional methods of learning are being challenged by the need for more efficient and effective alternatives. Microlearning has emerged as a solution to this challenge, offering learners bite-sized, easily digestible chunks of information that can be consumed on-the-go and at their own pace. At the forefront of the microlearning revolution is MaxLearn, a cutting-edge platform that is transforming the way individuals and organizations approach learning and development. In this article, we will explore the various facets of MaxLearn's microlearning platform, including its features, benefits, and applications in today's dynamic educational landscape.
I. Understanding Microlearning:
Microlearning is a learning approach that involves delivering content in small, focused bursts, typically ranging from a few minutes to 15-20 minutes in length. Unlike traditional long-form training sessions, microlearning modules are designed to be concise and targeted, focusing on specific learning objectives or topics. This makes them ideal for learners who have limited time or attention spans, as well as for organizations looking to deliver training in a more flexible and efficient manner.
II. Exploring MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform:
MaxLearn's microlearning platform is a comprehensive ecosystem designed to support the creation, delivery, and management of microlearning content. At its core, the platform offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for both learners and administrators to navigate and access content. Whether you're accessing the platform from a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can expect a seamless and intuitive experience that puts learning at your fingertips.
III. Key Features of MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform:
Microlearning Courses: MaxLearn offers a wide range of microlearning courses covering various topics and disciplines. From soft skills such as communication and leadership to technical skills such as programming and data analysis, there's something for everyone on the platform. Each course is broken down into bite-sized modules, allowing learners to focus on specific topics of interest or areas for improvement.
Microlearning Authoring Tools: MaxLearn's microlearning platform includes powerful authoring tools that enable users to create their own microlearning content. Whether you're a subject matter expert, instructional designer, or training manager, you can use these tools to develop engaging and interactive learning experiences tailored to the needs of your audience. From multimedia presentations to interactive quizzes and assessments, the possibilities are endless with MaxLearn's authoring tools.
Microlearning Tools: In addition to authoring tools, MaxLearn's microlearning platform also offers a range of tools and resources to support the delivery and management of microlearning content. From content libraries and repositories to tracking and analytics dashboards, the platform provides everything you need to create, distribute, and track microlearning content efficiently and effectively.
Microlearning Software: MaxLearn's microlearning platform is powered by advanced software that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to optimize the learning experience. From personalized recommendations to adaptive learning pathways, the software enables learners to receive tailored content and support based on their individual needs and preferences.
IV. Applications of MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform:
Employee Training and Development: One of the primary applications of MaxLearn's microlearning platform is in employee training and development. By offering bite-sized training modules that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, organizations can empower their employees to learn new skills and knowledge on-the-go, without disrupting their workflow or productivity.
Continuing Education: MaxLearn's microlearning platform is also well-suited for continuing education and professional development. Whether you're a working professional looking to stay ahead of the curve or a lifelong learner seeking to explore new interests, the platform offers a wealth of microlearning courses and resources to support your ongoing learning journey.
Onboarding and Orientation: Another application of MaxLearn's microlearning platform is in onboarding and orientation programs for new employees. By providing new hires with access to microlearning modules that cover essential information and policies, organizations can streamline the onboarding process and ensure that employees have the knowledge and resources they need to hit the ground running.
V. Benefits of MaxLearn's Microlearning Platform:
Flexibility: MaxLearn's microlearning platform offers learners the flexibility to access content whenever and wherever it's convenient for them. Whether they're at home, in the office, or on the go, learners can engage with microlearning modules at their own pace and on their own terms.
Efficiency: Microlearning modules are designed to deliver targeted information in a concise and focused manner, making them highly efficient for both learners and organizations. Learners can quickly acquire new skills and knowledge without having to invest significant amounts of time or effort, while organizations can deliver training in a more cost-effective and scalable manner.
Engagement: MaxLearn's microlearning platform leverages interactive multimedia elements and gamification features to enhance learner engagement and motivation. From videos and animations to quizzes and challenges, the platform offers a variety of ways to keep learners engaged and invested in their learning journey.
Personalization: With MaxLearn's microlearning platform, learners receive personalized recommendations and adaptive learning pathways based on their individual needs and preferences. Whether they're a beginner or an expert, the platform tailors the learning experience to each learner's unique skill level and learning style, maximizing engagement and retention.
VI. Conclusion:
In conclusion, MaxLearn's microlearning platform is a powerful tool for organizations looking to deliver effective and efficient training in today's fast-paced world. With its user-friendly interface, robust authoring tools, and advanced software capabilities, the platform empowers learners to acquire new skills and knowledge on their own terms, while enabling organizations to streamline their training processes and drive business success. Whether you're a corporate trainer, HR manager, or lifelong learner, MaxLearn's microlearning platform offers a wealth of opportunities to enhance your learning experience and achieve your goals.
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techlearn01 · 28 days
Python is a versatile and user-friendly high-level programming language. Its appeal lies in its simplicity and adaptability, making it the preferred language for many different uses, ranging from web and desktop development to cutting-edge fields like artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Exploring Python Developer Skills
The skill set of a proficient Python developer is a fusion of technical prowess and soft skills, essential for both individual growth and professional advancement. While formal education in computer science, computer engineering, or related fields undoubtedly lays a strong foundation, practical experience and a robust portfolio of Python projects often hold equal significance in the eyes of prospective employers.
Top 10 In-Demand Skills for Python Developers:
Proficiency in Core Python Concepts: Mastery over fundamental Python concepts such as data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming (OOP), and functional programming paradigms lays the groundwork for effective code implementation and problem-solving.
Web Development with Django or Flask: A comprehensive understanding of web frameworks like Django and Flask empowers developers to build scalable, secure, and efficient web applications with ease, catering to diverse user needs.
Data Analysis and Visualization with Pandas and Matplotlib: Competence in data manipulation and visualization libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib equips developers with the tools to glean valuable insights from raw data, facilitating informed decision-making processes.
Machine Learning and AI with TensorFlow or PyTorch: Familiarity with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch enables developers to delve into the realm of predictive analytics, neural networks, and deep learning algorithms, driving innovation in various domains.
Database Management with SQL and NoSQL: Proficiency in database management systems, including relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) databases, enables developers to design robust data storage solutions tailored to the specific requirements of their projects.
Version Control with Git and GitHub: Adeptness in version control tools like Git and platforms like GitHub facilitates collaborative development efforts, ensuring seamless code integration, tracking, and management across distributed teams.
Testing and Debugging Techniques: Acumen in testing methodologies and debugging techniques is paramount for ensuring the reliability, stability, and performance of Python applications, mitigating potential bugs and vulnerabilities.
Containerization with Docker: Understanding containerization technologies like Docker empowers developers to encapsulate and deploy Python applications within lightweight, portable containers, streamlining the development-to-deployment lifecycle.
Cloud Computing Platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud): Familiarity with cloud computing platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) facilitates scalable infrastructure provisioning, deployment, and management of Python applications in cloud environments.
Soft Skills: Communication, Problem-Solving, and Collaboration: Effective communication, adept problem-solving abilities, and a collaborative mindset are indispensable soft skills that complement technical expertise, fostering synergy within development teams and driving project success.
In essence, Python's ubiquity and versatility have propelled it to the forefront of modern software development, rendering Python developers indispensable assets in today's tech-driven landscape. By honing a diverse skill set encompassing both technical proficiencies and soft skills, aspiring Python developers can embark on a rewarding journey towards professional excellence and innovation.
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rohitjikumar · 4 months
Navigating Success: B.Tech Colleges in Noida and Ghaziabad Paving Paths to Prosperity.
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B.Tech colleges in Noida and Ghaziabad act as springboards for students, propelling them towards prosperity. Through a blend of academic rigor and practical exposure, these institutions equip graduates with the skills demanded by today's competitive job market. With industry collaborations, internships, and expert guidance, students gain invaluable insights and real-world experience. Situated in bustling technological hubs, these colleges offer access to cutting-edge resources and opportunities. By fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and holistic development, they empower students to navigate their way to success, ensuring they emerge as confident and competent engineers ready to thrive in the professional arena.
VGI Best College For B.Tech Colleges in Noida and Ghaziabad
VGI stands as the premier choice for B.Tech education in Noida. With its state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculty, and industry-aligned curriculum, VGI ensures a transformative learning experience. The college's emphasis on practical learning through labs, projects, and internships equips students with the skills needed for real-world success. Moreover, VGI's strong industry connections facilitate placements in top companies, providing students with lucrative career opportunities. Through a holistic approach to education that nurtures both technical prowess and soft skills, VGI emerges as the Best College for B.Tech Colleges in Noida and Ghaziabad, shaping future-ready engineers poised for excellence.
VGI's B.Tech program boasts unique selling propositions (USPs) across various branches, catering to the diverse interests and career aspirations of students.
1. CSE Artificial Intelligence : VGI stands out with its specialized focus on Artificial Intelligence within the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department. Through cutting-edge courses, hands-on projects, and collaboration with industry leaders, students delve deep into machine learning, neural networks, and data analytics, preparing them for careers at the forefront of AI innovation.
2. Computer Science & Engineering : VGI's CSE program goes beyond traditional curriculum, emphasizing practical application and industry relevance. With access to advanced labs, workshops, and industry projects, students gain expertise in areas like software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing, ensuring they are well-equipped for the rapidly evolving tech landscape.
3. Electrical Engineering : VGI's Electrical Engineering program distinguishes itself through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical exposure. With modern labs, simulation software, and industry collaborations, students explore areas such as power systems, control systems, and renewable energy, preparing them for roles in power generation, distribution, and automation sectors.
4. Electronics & Communication Engineering : VGI offers a comprehensive Electronics & Communication Engineering program, focusing on areas like signal processing, embedded systems, and communication networks. Through hands-on projects and industry internships, students develop proficiency in designing, implementing, and troubleshooting electronic systems, paving the way for careers in telecommunications, IoT, and embedded technology.
5. Mechanical Engineering : VGI's Mechanical Engineering program stands out for its emphasis on practical skills and innovation. With well-equipped workshops, design labs, and industry tie-ups, students gain expertise in areas such as thermal engineering, manufacturing processes, and automotive engineering. This hands-on approach, coupled with exposure to emerging technologies like 3D printing and robotics, prepares graduates for roles in diverse sectors including automotive, aerospace, and renewable energy.
VGI Infrastructure : B.Tech Colleges in Noida
Banking & ATM : VGI offers elaborate banking services within the campus premises. VGI maintains its accounts with the leading nationalized bank Oriental Bank of Commerce. The bank has also installed ATM facility for the students at the entrance of VGI campus. It makes easy for the students of VGI to open their bank account and get the banking services within the campus.
Doctor & Dispensary : VGI Dispensary is a primary health centre which is working 24*7 to cater to any medical emergencies which can be taken care of at a primary level. VGI has a dedicated General physician and an Ambulance for the students and residents of VGI.
350KWP Solar Plant : With the challenging situation of global climate change and need of carbon credit control VGI is taking an initiative by setting up 350 KWp grid connected roof top Solar PV energy system on the academic block of VGI. This system promotes green energy and clean energy. It is also an inspiration as well as resource for the students for conducting study, research, development and applications of solar energy. The objective of the project is to demonstrate the technologies of solar power generation at a place which is visited by young and innovative minds. It helps students to see the installation, understand it and take the message back to the states for replication of similar models.
The main inspiration to build this power plant has been taken from an ambitious plan of India which plans to build large grid connected solar power plants, with a cumulative installed capacity of 20,000 MWP by 2020, under the National Solar Mission. Solar energy can contribute to about 7 percent of our total power needs and lead to a reduction of more than 30 percent of our coal imports, one of the eight missions under the NAPCC is the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission which was launched in late 2009. The mission targets 22,000 Mw of power by 2022 keeping in mind the importance of show casing solar technology.
Mess AND Canteen : Mess facility is an integral part of the campus which provides nutritious homely food to all hostellers, day scholars, faculty & staff members and visitors. It provides 4 meals a day – quality food is prepared under strict hygienic conditions. The food is served in the dining area keeping all the sensitivities in consideration.
All the hostel mess serves Vegetarian Food only and operates in self-service mode.
The menu of the items is designed considering the requirements of the students and nutrition is added to make it healthy and complete.
We offer regular breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and tea and dinner to all hostelers.
Mess Menu is prepared by the students of hostel committee and approved by authorities of VGI.
VGI Hostel Facilities: Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions offers on campus hostel accommodation for boys and girls. The students have the choice of availing air conditioned or non air conditioned accommodation. All the hostel buildings have round the clock security, separate gymnasium for boys and girls and a common entertainment area having a television and a DTH connection.
Fully furnished rooms with furniture, storage cabinets and study table
24 hours power supply.
RO plant for clean drinking water.
Hot water supply in the bathrooms during winters.
High Speed WIFI internet connection.
A washing area with washing machines (girls hostel)
Pantry Area
Round the clock medical services
In campus provision shop for the hostel inmates
Separate mess facilities within the hostel premises with revolving menu decided by the students mess committee.
Greater Noida
Seemapuri, Delhi
VGI Library : Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions has a huge central library as well as separate library pertaining to the Pharmacy, Diploma Engineering and the Education department. The libraries are assessible to all the students of VIshveshwarya Group of Institutions upon the production of library membership card which is issued to the students as soon as they take admission in their respective courses.The students spend quality reading time by going through more than 18 newspaper dailies and magazines which have weekly and monthly subscriptions.
BOOK BANK : The unique "book bank facility" ensures that the students can take the required textbooks for extended periods of time up to the entire semester ans even more if genuinely required. The "book bank" facility saves a lot of money as the students as don't need to buy expensive text books and other relevant study materials from the market.
DIGITAL LIBRARY : The students also have the access to a unique digital library wherein they have access to a plethora of off-line and on-line journals. The off-line journals are saved in the college's central library server that connects all the libraries to each other and the on-line journals can be accessed by the central library's dedicated hi speed Internet. The students can make use of the modern workstation computers to access both the off-line and the on-line content.
LIBRARY QUICK FACTS : Total number of on campus libraries : 5
Combined square feet area : 18,000 square feet
Combined seating Capacity : 3800 students at any time
Total Number of books available : 60,700
Total number of workstations in the digital library : 16
Total number of off line journals available : 105000
Total number of newspaper dailies available : 18
Total number of weekly,fortnightly and monthly subscribed magazines available : 154
Placement Statistics : Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions is proud to announce the conclusion of its final placement process with given placement figures. The 
institute witnessed participation of multitude of companies across varied domains. Our corporate visitors were delighted to see the enthusiasm and zeal students exuded in the placement process, which was evident in their positive feedback. A total of about 56 companies participated in the placement processes, being organized as On Campus Job Fairs. The students at AIMS have undergone a dedicated training program through VGI Career Diagnostic Centre to hone their soft skills, functional skills and were provided career counselling by some of the corporate leaders which has helped them identifying and positioning themselves better vis-à-vis the career opportunities provided through On-campus placements.
Placements for this year highlights positive trends both in terms of compensation as well as quality of profiles offered.The varied roles offered include the following- Software Developer, Telecom, Embedded Systems, Business Consultant, B2B & B2C Marketing, Team Leader, HR consultant, and the like. Students also work offline on internships lasting from 2 -8 weeks, also known as Live Projects, which make them more employable and Industry ready. Regarding placements and Internships, firms such as HCL, Satyam Software, Smart Shore, Optra Automation, Trinity Global Tech, Excitel Broadband and others have appreciated the quality of engineering and management graduates that VGI produces.
Total no of Companies
Past Relationship
New Companies
Placement Statistics
Total no of selections
Total no of student selected
Selections more than one company
Highest annual compensation
6.0 L
Average annual compensation
2.62 L
Highest Sales
6.0 L
Highest HR
3.24 L
ADMISSION PROCEDURE : Three simple steps to be followed for online application.
Step 1. Fill up the basic Details: Applicants have to fill up their basic details in the Online Application Form. Step 2. Review the application:
Applicants have to review their filled application, make sure that the filled particulars are correct to the best of their knowledge. In case of any correction, same can be edited.
Step 3. Payment of Examination Fees and Submission of Application:
The applicants have to make the online payment as mentioned and submit their dully filled in application online.
Application Fees: The fee (in Indian Rupees) is Rs. 1100/-
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indoredatascience · 4 months
Data Science Training: Experts and Curriculum in Indore
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Data Science Training: Experts and Curriculum in Indore
Data science training in Indore benefits from a combination of experienced experts and well-designed curricula that prepare students and professionals for the demands of the field. Here's an overview of the experts and curriculum you can expect to encounter in Indore's data science training programs:
Experienced Experts:
Faculty Expertise:
Educational institutions in Indore hire faculty members with expertise in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistics, and related fields. These experts are responsible for delivering high-quality instruction.
Industry Practitioners:
Many training programs in Indore bring in industry practitioners as guest lecturers or adjunct faculty. These professionals offer real-world insights, share their experiences, and bridge the gap between academia and industry.
Research Scholars:
Some faculty members and researchers in Indore are actively engaged in data science research. They contribute to the academic community and may involve students in research projects.
Mentors and Advisors:
Training programs often provide students with access to mentors and advisors who guide them throughout their learning journey. These mentors offer career advice and help students navigate complex data science topics.
Kick Start Your Career By Enrolling Here: Data Science Course In Indore
Industry Collaboration:
Collaborations with local businesses and organizations allow students to work on real-world projects under the guidance of experienced professionals. These collaborations provide valuable mentorship opportunities.
Curriculum Highlights:
Foundational Courses:
Data science training in Indore typically begins with foundational courses covering statistics, programming (Python and R), data manipulation, and data visualization. These courses build a strong analytical foundation.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning:
Advanced courses delve into machine learning algorithms, deep learning techniques, and neural networks. Students learn to develop predictive models and work with large datasets.
Natural Language Processing (NLP):
NLP is an integral part of data science curricula, enabling students to work with text data, sentiment analysis, and language modeling.
Big Data Technologies:
As big data plays a crucial role in data science, training programs often include courses on big data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, and distributed computing.
Data Engineering:
Data engineering courses cover data ingestion, data transformation, and database management. Students learn to design and maintain data pipelines.
Data Ethics and Privacy:
Curriculum emphasizes the ethical considerations of data science, addressing issues of privacy, bias, and fairness in data analysis and modeling.
Capstone Projects:
Many data science programs in Indore culminate in capstone projects where students apply their skills to real-world problems. These projects showcase their abilities to potential employers.
Elective Specializations:
Some programs offer elective courses or specializations in areas like healthcare analytics, financial analytics, marketing analytics, or cybersecurity, allowing students to tailor their learning.
Practical Labs and Projects:
Hands-on experience is integral to the curriculum. Students engage in practical labs, assignments, and projects to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Data Visualization:
Courses on data visualization teach students how to communicate data-driven insights effectively using tools like Matplotlib, Seaborn, Tableau, or D3.js.
Soft Skills Development:
Training programs often incorporate soft skills development, including communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, to prepare students for effective collaboration in the workplace.
Continuous Learning and Updates:
Data science is a rapidly evolving field, so curricula are designed to adapt and update to keep pace with the latest industry trends and advancements.
Certifications and Exams:
Some programs offer certification exams or assessments to validate students' skills and knowledge in specific data science areas.
Real-World Case Studies:
Data science training programs often include real-world case studies that allow students to apply their skills to practical scenarios. Analyzing and solving these cases helps bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Interactive Learning:
Interactive learning methods, including group discussions, peer collaboration, and hands-on workshops, are frequently incorporated into the curriculum. These methods foster engagement and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Project Mentoring:
In many data science programs, students are assigned mentors or advisors who guide them through their capstone projects or research initiatives. This mentorship ensures that students receive personalized support and feedback.
Cross-Disciplinary Learning:
Data science often intersects with other fields such as business, healthcare, finance, and engineering. Training programs encourage cross-disciplinary learning, allowing students to gain expertise in domain-specific applications.
Resource Access:
Educational institutions provide access to a wide range of resources, including well-equipped computer labs, high-performance computing clusters, cloud computing platforms, and databases for research and project work.
Guest Lectures and Industry Talks:
Training programs frequently invite guest speakers from the industry to share their experiences and insights. These talks provide students with a real-world perspective and networking opportunities.
Continuous Assessment:
Assessment methods go beyond traditional exams and often include continuous assessment through quizzes, assignments, and peer evaluations. This approach encourages students to stay engaged and consistently demonstrate their skills.
Career Services:
Many data science training programs in Indore offer career services such as resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance to help students secure employment in the field.
Global Perspective:
Some programs incorporate a global perspective by introducing students to international data science trends, best practices, and case studies. This exposure prepares students for global career opportunities.
Research Opportunities:
Institutions with research-focused data science programs provide opportunities for students to engage in cutting-edge research projects alongside faculty members and industry partners.
Flexibility in Learning:
Recognizing the diverse needs of students, some programs offer flexible learning options, including part-time, evening, or online courses, allowing working professionals to pursue data science education while managing other commitments.
Industry Advisory Boards:
Training programs may have industry advisory boards consisting of professionals and experts who provide input on curriculum development, ensuring that it remains relevant and aligned with industry demands.
Continuous Feedback Mechanisms:
Programs collect feedback from students and industry partners to make improvements in curriculum design, teaching methodologies, and overall program quality.
Global Certification Preparations:
Some data science programs include preparatory courses for global certifications like Certified Data Scientist (CDS) or Certified Business Analytics Professional (CBAP), enhancing students' employability.
Advanced Topics:
Advanced topics such as reinforcement learning, generative adversarial networks (GANs), and AI ethics may be covered to prepare students for emerging trends in data science and artificial intelligence.
Networking Opportunities:
Programs often organize networking events, alumni meetups, and industry conferences to help students build connections within the data science community.
Indore's data science training ecosystem combines a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, practical learning opportunities, and industry engagement to ensure that students and professionals acquire the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of data science.
Here are some resources to check out:
What are the Best IT Companies in Indore
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gmlsoftlab · 6 months
Software Development’s Future in 2024
Software development, a dynamic and ever-evolving field, plays a pivotal role in shaping the technological landscape. Predicting its future trends is essential for staying ahead in the digital era.
Current State of Software Development
In the present scenario, software development is driven by technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things. However, challenges like cybersecurity threats and the need for faster development cycles persist.
Emerging Technologies in 2024
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Advancements in AI and ML are poised to revolutionize software development, enabling smarter, more adaptive applications.
Blockchain Technology Blockchain's decentralized nature promises enhanced security and transparency, impacting how software is developed and deployed.
Quantum Computing The advent of quantum computing holds the potential to solve complex problems exponentially faster, transforming software development processes.
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality AR and VR are not limited to entertainment; they are increasingly becoming integral to software development, offering immersive experiences.
Impact on Software Development
Changing Work Dynamics Remote work and distributed teams are becoming the norm, influencing how software development projects are managed.
Enhanced Security Measures As technologies evolve, developers must prioritize robust security measures to protect against sophisticated cyber threats.
Increased Automation Automation in software development accelerates repetitive tasks, allowing developers to focus on innovation and problem-solving.
Role of Developers in the Future
Evolving Skill Sets Developers must adapt to new technologies, acquiring skills in AI, blockchain, and other emerging fields.
Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Interdisciplinary collaboration becomes crucial as software development intersects with fields like ethics, design, and environmental science.
Environmental and Ethical Considerations
Sustainable Software Development The future demands eco-friendly coding practices to minimize the environmental impact of software development.
Ethical Implications of Advanced Technologies As software becomes more sophisticated, addressing ethical concerns surrounding privacy, bias, and accountability becomes imperative.
Challenges and Opportunities
Navigating Regulatory Changes Developers face challenges in complying with evolving regulations, but these changes also create opportunities for innovation.
Potential for Innovation Despite challenges, the ever-changing landscape of software development presents numerous opportunities for creative solutions.
Future Trends in Software Development
Decentralized Applications (DApps) Decentralization through blockchain technology is giving rise to DApps, changing how applications are built and operated.
Edge Computing Edge computing, with its focus on processing data closer to the source, is poised to become a key aspect of future software development.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) CI/CD practices streamline software delivery, ensuring faster and more reliable releases.
Preparing for the Future
Continuous Learning and Skill Enhancement Developers must commit to lifelong learning, staying abreast of technological advancements to remain competitive.
Importance of Adaptability Adaptability is key as the software development landscape evolves; developers must be ready to embrace change.
In conclusion, the future of software development in 2024 is marked by exciting innovations and challenges. Developers who actively engage with emerging technologies, prioritize ethical considerations, and adapt to changing dynamics will thrive in this dynamic landscape.
In the competitive landscape of software development, GML Soft Labs emerges as a true pioneer. Its commitment to innovation, client satisfaction, and quality sets it apart as the top software development company in Chennai. Businesses seeking digital solutions that go beyond expectations need look no further than GML Soft Labs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How will artificial intelligence impact software development in 2024? A: Artificial intelligence will revolutionize software development by enabling smarter, more adaptive applications and streamlining development processes.
Q: What skills will be crucial for software developers in the future? A: Future developers should acquire skills in emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and continuously enhance their interdisciplinary knowledge.
Q: How can developers address ethical concerns in software development? A: Developers can address ethical concerns by prioritizing transparency, considering the environmental impact, and staying informed about ethical guidelines.
Q: What is the significance of edge computing in the future of software development? A: Edge computing is crucial for processing data closer to the source, ensuring faster and more efficient software development and delivery.
Q: How can developers prepare for the evolving landscape of software development?A: Continuous learning, adaptability, and a commitment to staying informed about emerging trends are essential for developers preparing for the future
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ultrimio · 7 months
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SYNTHWAVECPU N1 - September 2023 Unveiling the Differentiable Neural Computer: A Revolution in Neural Networks
In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the Differentiable Neural Computer (DNC) stands out as a cutting-edge development. This remarkable neural network, a brainchild of Google’s DeepMind, represents a fusion of the traditional neural network with external memory resources. This integration allows the DNC to learn from and memorize intricate data patterns, making it an unprecedented tool in the realm of machine learning.
The Anatomy of DNC:
At its core, the DNC is a recurrent neural network (RNN), a type of artificial neural network designed to recognize patterns in sequences of data. The DNC, however, goes beyond an RNN's capabilities by incorporating an external 'memory matrix.' This memory matrix is where the DNC stores and retrieves information, enabling it to learn tasks that require long-term memory.
The DNC consists of two essential components: a controller and a memory bank. The controller, which can be either a feed-forward or a recurrent neural network, interacts with the memory matrix to write, read and erase data. The memory bank, on the other hand, provides a storage space where the controller can record and access data over extended periods.
The Algorithm Behind DNC:
The DNC operates using a series of read and write operations. The controller determines what information to store in memory and which data to retrieve based on the input it receives. Therein lies the most significant novelty of the DNC: it can learn how to use its memory.
The DNC uses a 'soft attention mechanism' to read and write across several memory locations. This mechanism allows the controller to distribute its attention over the memory locations, enabling the DNC to handle large-scale structures of data.
The DNC’s Power:
The DNC's ability to learn and remember over time sets it apart from other neural networks. It can infer complex relationships, solve problems that require reasoning over multiple steps, and even plan for the future. Furthermore, the DNC can generalize past experiences to unfamiliar situations, providing a level of adaptability unseen in traditional neural networks.
The DNC in Practice:
The DNC's practical applications range from natural language processing and computer vision to robotics and optimization problems. It has shown promise in tasks such as question-answering, translation, and even playing video games that require strategic planning.
The Differentiable Neural Computer signifies a leap forward in the field of AI. By integrating the power of a neural network with an external memory system, the #DNC has opened up new possibilities for machine learning.
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rohitpalan · 7 months
Market Dynamics: Flexible Hardware & Chips in Stretchable Electronics
The stretchable electronics market is anticipated to expand its roots at a steady CAGR of 6.2% between 2023 and 2033. The market is expected to have a market share of US$ 53 billion by 2033 while it is likely to be valued at US$ 29 billion in 2023.
Advanced flexible technology, healthcare tracker, and fitness monitoring watches, along with skin-based badges for insulation tracking are gaining traction in the market.
The technology integrating with connected devices through IoT transforms the market. The integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced computing is garnering market growth.
The 5G deployment and smartphone penetration are helping the market spread its boundaries while affordable prices, flexible technology, and high connectivity shaped the market’s growth trajectory.
The higher application of stretchable electronics in the automotive, defense, and energy sectors is anticipated to have an impact on these sectors in the future. Robotic technology in the defense sector is further expected to propel the market growth
The transforming consumer electronic industry with new development each day is anticipated to add new programs to the market’s expansion. The research and advertising-based projects are expected to be successful.
Explore Market Insights: Gain valuable insights into the stretchable electronics market by requesting a sample report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-17461
Key Pointers:
The United States market leads the stretchable electronics market in terms of market share in North America. The United States region is thriving at a CAGR of 5.0%. The growth in this region is caused by the technologically-enabled automotive sector and expanding healthcare research. Moreover, the transforming aerospace and defense research is projected to garner regional growth as well. The region is expected to reach a value of US$ 8.3 billion by 2033.
The United Kingdom market is another important market. The market thrives at a CAGR of 4.6% between 2023 and 2033. The growth is attributed to increased healthcare research, a growing population of millennial consumers, and fashion trends. The regional market is projected to reach a value of US$ 1.5 billion by 2033.
China’s stretchable electronics market booms at a strong CAGR of 7.6% from 2023 to 2033. The leading market dynamics are flourished of the expanding manufacturing facilities, technologically-driven population, and affordable pricing in China. Further, the market is likely to cross a value of US$ 13.4 billion by 2033.
Based on component type, the flexible screen segment leads the market as it thrives at a CAGR of 6.1% between 2023 and 2033.
Based on application type, the consumer electronics segment leads the market as the market thrives at a CAGR of 6.0% during the forecast period. Previously, the segment thrived at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2018 to 2022.
Competitive Landscape:
The key vendors focus on building highly flexible, affordable, and easy-to-integrate technology. Key competitors also merge, acquire, and partner with other companies to increase their supply chain and distribution channel.
Recent Market Developments:
Stretch Skin Technologies have started developing soft sensors that are polymer-based and are easily integrated into functional chip components. The technology also utilizes high-performance, nano-material, nano-wires, etc.
Flexosense has launched its flexible Electronic substrates that further offer the sensor to healthcare devices, robotics, and consumer electronics manufacturers.
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Key Players Profiled in this Market:
Forciot Ltd
RISE Acreo
Sri International
Avery Dennison Corporation
Canatu Oy
Market Segmentation:
By Component Type:
Flexible Display
Flexible Battery
Flexible Sensor
Bio Sensors
CMOS Hybrid Sensors
Photo Detectors
Piezo Resistive
Flexible Memory
Flexible Photovoltaics
By Application:
Consumer Electronics
Medical & Healthcare
Energy and Power
Aerospace and Defense
Key Regions Covered:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan
The Middle East and Africa
0 notes
craigbrownphd · 1 year
If you did not already know
Subspace-CUSUM We consider the sequential change-point detection problem of detecting changes that are characterized by a subspace structure. Such changes are frequent in high-dimensional streaming data altering the form of the corresponding covariance matrix. In this work we present a Subspace-CUSUM procedure and demonstrate its first-order asymptotic optimality properties for the case where the subspace structure is unknown and needs to be simultaneously estimated. To achieve this goal we develop a suitable analytical methodology that includes a proper parameter optimization for the proposed detection scheme. Numerical simulations corroborate our theoretical findings. … Sliding Convolutional Attention Network (SCAN) Scene text recognition has drawn great attentions in the community of computer vision and artificial intelligence due to its challenges and wide applications. State-of-the-art recurrent neural networks (RNN) based models map an input sequence to a variable length output sequence, but are usually applied in a black box manner and lack of transparency for further improvement, and the maintaining of the entire past hidden states prevents parallel computation in a sequence. In this paper, we investigate the intrinsic characteristics of text recognition, and inspired by human cognition mechanisms in reading texts, we propose a scene text recognition method with sliding convolutional attention network (SCAN). Similar to the eye movement during reading, the process of SCAN can be viewed as an alternation between saccades and visual fixations. Compared to the previous recurrent models, computations over all elements of SCAN can be fully parallelized during training. Experimental results on several challenging benchmarks, including the IIIT5k, SVT and ICDAR 2003/2013 datasets, demonstrate the superiority of SCAN over state-of-the-art methods in terms of both the model interpretability and performance. … Coded TeraSort We focus on sorting, which is the building block of many machine learning algorithms, and propose a novel distributed sorting algorithm, named Coded TeraSort, which substantially improves the execution time of the TeraSort benchmark in Hadoop MapReduce. The key idea of Coded TeraSort is to impose structured redundancy in data, in order to enable in-network coding opportunities that overcome the data shuffling bottleneck of TeraSort. We empirically evaluate the performance of CodedTeraSort algorithm on Amazon EC2 clusters, and demonstrate that it achieves 1.97x – 3.39x speedup, compared with TeraSort, for typical settings of interest. … Multitask Soft Option Learning (MSOL) We present Multitask Soft Option Learning (MSOL), a hierarchical multitask framework based on Planning as Inference. MSOL extends the concept of options, using separate variational posteriors for each task, regularized by a shared prior. This allows fine-tuning of options for new tasks without forgetting their learned policies, leading to faster training without reducing the expressiveness of the hierarchical policy. Additionally, MSOL avoids several instabilities during training in a multitask setting and provides a natural way to not only learn intra-option policies, but also their terminations. We demonstrate empirically that MSOL significantly outperforms both hierarchical and flat transfer-learning baselines in challenging multi-task environments. … https://analytixon.com/2023/03/24/if-you-did-not-already-know-1999/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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journalijwest · 2 years
Call for Paper
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT)
ISSN : 0975 - 9026 ( Online ) 0976- 2280 ( Print )
Scope & Topics
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that provides excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of web & semantic technology. The growth of the World-Wide Web today is simply phenomenal. It continues to grow rapidly and new technologies, applications are being developed to support end users modern life. Semantic Technologies are designed to extend the capabilities of information on the Web and enterprise databases to be networked in meaningful ways. Semantic web is emerging as a core discipline in the field of Computer Science & Engineering from distributed computing, web engineering, databases, social networks, Multimedia, information systems, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, soft computing, and human-computer interaction. The adoption of standards like XML, Resource Description Framework and Web Ontology Language serve as foundation technologies to advancing the adoption of semantic technologies.
Topic of Interest
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to
Semantic Query & Search
Semantic Advertising and Marketing
Linked Data, Taxonomies
Collaboration and Social Networks
Semantic Web and Web 2.0/AJAX, Web 3.0
Semantic Case Studies
Ontologies (creation , merging, linking and reconciliation)
Semantic Integration, Rules
Data Integration and Mashups
Unstructured Information
Developing Semantic Applications
Semantics for Enterprise Information Management (EIM)
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Semantic SOA (Service Oriented Architectures)
Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
Semantic Web for e-Business, Governance and e-Learning
Semantic Brokering, Semantic Interoperability, Semantic Web Mining
Semantic Web Services (service description, discovery, invocation, composition)
Semantic Web Inference Schemes
Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
Information discovery and retrieval in semantic web;
Web services foundation, Architectures and frameworks.
Web languages & Web service applications.
Web Services-driven Business Process Management.
Collaborative systems Techniques.
Communication, Multimedia applications using web services
Federated Identity Management Systems
Interoperability and Standards
Social and Legal Aspect of Internet Computing
Internet and Web-based Applications and Services
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously
or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline : August 20, 2022
Notification                   : September 20 , 2022
Final Manuscript Due : September 28, 2022
Publication Date          : Determined by the Editor-in-Chief
For other details please visit : https://airccse.org/journal/ijwest/ijwest.html
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ijwestjournal · 2 years
Call For Papers
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT)
ISSN : 0975 - 9026 ( Online ) 0976- 2280 ( Print )
Scope & Topics
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT) is a quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that provides excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of web & semantic technology. The growth of the World-Wide Web today is simply phenomenal. It continues to grow rapidly and new technologies, applications are being developed to support end users modern life. Semantic Technologies are designed to extend the capabilities of information on the Web and enterprise databases to be networked in meaningful ways. Semantic web is emerging as a core discipline in the field of Computer Science & Engineering from distributed computing, web engineering, databases, social networks, Multimedia, information systems, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, soft computing, and human-computer interaction. The adoption of standards like XML, Resource Description Framework and Web Ontology Language serve as foundation technologies to advancing the adoption of semantic technologies.
Topic of Interest
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to
Semantic Query & Search
Semantic Advertising and Marketing
Linked Data, Taxonomies
Collaboration and Social Networks
Semantic Web and Web 2.0/AJAX, Web 3.0
Semantic Case Studies
Ontologies (creation , merging, linking and reconciliation)
Semantic Integration, Rules
Data Integration and Mashups
Unstructured Information
Developing Semantic Applications
Semantics for Enterprise Information Management (EIM)
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Semantic SOA (Service Oriented Architectures)
Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
Semantic Web for e-Business, Governance and e-Learning
Semantic Brokering, Semantic Interoperability, Semantic Web Mining
Semantic Web Services (service description, discovery, invocation, composition)
Semantic Web Inference Schemes
Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
Information discovery and retrieval in semantic web;
Web services foundation, Architectures and frameworks.
Web languages & Web service applications.
Web Services-driven Business Process Management.
Collaborative systems Techniques.
Communication, Multimedia applications using web services
Federated Identity Management Systems
Interoperability and Standards
Social and Legal Aspect of Internet Computing
Internet and Web-based Applications and Services
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through Email: [email protected]   or through Submission System. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline : June 15, 2024
Notification                   :  July 20, 2024
Final Manuscript Due :  July 27, 2024
Publication Date          : Determined by the Editor-in-Chief
Here's where you can reach us [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
 Submission URL : http://coneco2009.com/submissions/imagination/home.html
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nicholas-liou · 2 years
The Computer Science Buzzwords of 2022
Using a smartphone has become one of the most common human functions. We all use it for so many different things! In fact, the Covid-19 crisis triggered a global shift in technology adoption and business process digitization. Smartphones are everywhere, and they can do so much! In fact, the demand for such a device is now so high that the market for such phones is expected to reach INR 19 billion by 2025.
Robots and other technologies are increasingly assisting in medical research and development. In the medical field, robots can assist doctors in performing more precise and minimally invasive procedures. 3D printers are also assisting in this area by producing soft food for people who are unable to chew solid food. NASA is also printing a pizza using 3D printing technology. Drones, on the other hand, can monitor crops and detect diseases before they spread and cause crop failure.
If you want to work in this field, you should research computer vision and distributed cloud, two key buzzwords for 2022. Computer vision and distributed cloud are cutting-edge technologies that enable computers to extract detailed information from visual images. In fact, this technology is capable of handling massive amounts of data. Computers will be able to understand and act on information based on data collected in the near future. However, before you can make money from it, you must first become educated in AI, information security, and embedded systems.
As AI becomes more popular, it will begin to have an impact on many aspects of human life. For example, if a person has previously purchased a specific item, a smartphone may suggest something similar. Self-driving cars and Siri are another example. Despite the hype surrounding artificial intelligence, there is still a long way to go before we can create generalized AI capable of multitasking. Why not take advantage of AI, which is already making many of our lives easier?
The global economy is expected to re-emerge in 2021, with jobs in new technologies in high demand for the next decade. The proper education can assist you in securing a valuable future job in this field. Learning new technologies will also make you future-proof, making it more appealing than ever. Consider joining upGrad to learn more about new technology and how to apply it to your career. You'll be able to complete practical projects and get job assistance from top companies there.
The expansion of AI will drive job creation and the demand for skilled workers. The global market for cognitive systems is expected to reach $190 billion by 2025. While AI is expected to impact every aspect of human life, it still faces numerous challenges. Many people are concerned that new technologies will eliminate jobs, but many businesses believe that the new technologies will increase demand for qualified professionals. They are already implementing automation initiatives, such as artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
AR and virtual reality are two of today's hottest technologies. Despite the fact that these technologies have been in use for decades, they have yet to be translated into a consumer-friendly product. Until recently, these technologies were limited to video games, but they are now making their way into our everyday lives. Those who understand how to create AR experiences can begin working in the field immediately. An AR Engineer's annual salary is more than $6 lakh.
Quantum computing is another significant new technology. It makes computers and other devices by utilizing the properties of quantum-level objects. For example, IBM has created what is known as a "digital twin" for a wind turbine. The user can use this technology to run multiple simulations and gain valuable insights into how to improve a product or process. It has a wide range of applications, including personal health monitoring, banking, and high-frequency trading. Aside from medical research, quantum computing can be used to detect fraud and prevent disease outbreaks.
While 5G is still a few years away, it's already a tech industry buzzword. Despite the fact that the technology has not yet been officially released, service providers are testing it to ensure compatibility. It will be 100 times faster than current 4G technology and support millions of devices per square mile. Nonetheless, it will cost money, so a large-scale rollout may be delayed.
0 notes
jkluniversity · 2 years
Is Bachelor of Computer Application a Good Choice After 10+2
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Having a thorough understanding of computer science can open up a whole new world of technical possibilities for you. You can obtain the same by pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science from JK Lakshmipat University. Following this course will provide you with everything you require: A solid foundation on which to build your professional wall. A graduate degree in computer science will offer new doors for you.
 Make an effort to give it your best. Make sure you don't leave any cards unturned. Clear out any uncertainties you have by asking experienced mentors at JKLU, discussing difficulties with classmates, or seeking online assignment help. 
 This article will explain why and how a computer science degree can be beneficial to you.
What is the definition of computer science?
 The study of computing and programming is what computer science is all about. Computation in conjunction with a computer system is also included in the notion.You will discover how computers are used to design, test, and analyse a variety of concepts.Before you begin your computer science studies, you must have a thorough understanding of mathematical concepts. This is because computer science has a mathematical foundation, and you'll need to befriend mathematics to fully comprehend the concepts.If math isn't your cup of tea, attempt to reshape your interests and devote more time to the subject. 
 Concept of STEM: Computer science is a combination of STEM subjects. The abbreviation stands for the following- 
S- Science 
T- Technology 
E- Engineering 
M- Mathematics. 
It entails the creation of software, the resolution of computing challenges, and the development of diverse methods for effectively utilising technology.
Things to consider if you want to pursue a bachelor's degree in computer science: 
The field of computer science does not have a collection of five, ten, or fifteen topics to choose from. It's difficult to categorise CS in such a straightforward manner. It's a multi-layered notion with far too many topics. It is critical for students to remain dedicated and hardworking throughout their academic careers. However, it is also true that in order to achieve anything, you must have a sound approach. Make it apparent that this is something that requires your attention:
Interest                                                                                                                Make up your mind to focus on these three aspects of computer science. Once you've completed this, you'll be able to finish your bachelor's degree.                                                                                                                                                    Topics covered in Bachelor of Computer Science programme offered at JKLU    
Database Management
Theory of Computation
Micro Processors
Software Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Networks
Soft Computing
Optimization Techniques
Data Compression
VLSI Design and Testing
Cloud Computing
Quantum Computing
Bioinformatics Algorithms
Embedded Systems
Probability Theory
Digital Electronics
Data Structures
Algorithm Design and Analysis.
Discrete Mathematics.   
Graph Theory and combinatorics 
Computer Organisation and Architecture
Operating Systems
Compiler Design
Normal language and Automata Theory
Cryptography and Network Security.
Parallel and Distributive Computing
Image Processing
Information and Coding Theory
Pattern Recognition
Data Mining
Information Retrieval
Machine Learning
Computational geometry
Complexity Theory
Wireless and Mobile Communication
Computer Graphics
Simulation and Modelling                                                                                                                                                                                                                     All of your efforts in obtaining a bachelor's degree in computer science will pay off handsomely. You will find yourself in a very different setting once you have earned your bachelor's degree.You will have a plethora of job options available to you. There will be reputable companies interested in hiring you. There will be opportunities to work in your desired field.                                                                                                                                                                                          The following are some of the advantages of taking computer science classes:                                                                                                                   You can help to improve the situation:                                                                                                                                                                                                Our world is becoming increasingly technological. We're seeing both the positive and negative aspects of technology. On the one hand, there are technology aficionados who are dealing with all of the wrong issues. Yes, you read that correctly: hackers! These are the people that are doing mayhem with their knowledge.You can be the polar opposite of such individuals. The proper use of computer science can make a significant difference in the world around us. You can make a significant contribution to making the world a better place. Many professionals in this field have made significant contributions to the fields of arts and science, medicine, and engineering.                                                                                                                                                                                                You'll be on the cutting edge of technology: 
You will have a wealth of computer and IT knowledge after completing a bachelor's degree in computer science. You can participate in the invention and innovation process. The computer experts were well aware of the infinite opportunities this field brings. Those that are actively involved in this field are the ones who will be able to create better things in the the future. As a result, they have a concept of what kinds of things, which are unachievable for the general public, can truly become a reality.
 You will be a part of a fast expanding industry: 
Demand for Computer Scientists and engineers is rapidly increasing in the global market. Computer systems design and related services are among the top ten fastest expanding industries, according to studies. Computer and information technology experts have the best job and career opportunities. Software developers and computer science-related professionals are experiencing rapid growth in the industry.
 You may be able to work in multiple industries:  
 You will be able to study a variety of topics while obtaining a bachelor's degree in computer science. You will have enough knowledge at the end of the course to explore and work in a variety of industries. The interdisciplinary curriculum at JKLU helps students to pursue 30+ major minor specializations which will help you improve your talents by giving you solid analytical and theoretical understanding.
 Get high-paying jobs: 
Specializations in CS offers students with opportunities to work in some of the highest-paying positions. The fact that computer-related employment pay more is not a secret. 
So, if you're looking for a profession that will improve your lifestyle, a bachelor's degree in computer science is the finest option. There are numbers that show that computer science students have been offered better pay packages than other pupils.
 You'll have more opportunities to advance in your career:  
CS graduates get opportunities to work in a variety of industries, resulting in greater job opportunities. There are plenty of job opportunities for computer science freshmen. This indicates you have a "zero" risk of not finding work. In fact, you will have the opportunity to select the finest option for you. After a few semesters, opportunities will be knocking on your door. 
All you have to do now is figure out how to get the best of everything. The programmes and learning framework that enhances your holistic development.                                                 
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tanadrin · 4 years
The single factor most predictive of what a xenologer will encounter on first contact--barring, of course, those features of alien civilizations that are necessarily unique and by definition cannot be predicted--is the size of the planet's sentient population. The technological situation of civilizations is not, of course, a simple hierarchy, with "advanced" at the top and "primitive" at the bottom, but when it comes to those factors that do lend themselves to a simple numerical expression, there is a clear correlation between the size of population and the amount of energy generated by, or the maximum information processing capability available to, the civilization in question.
On that basis, we may reasonably expect every world of twelve billion inhabitants to have explored their local star system. We may reasonably expect every world of ten billion to have harnessed fusion power; every world of five billion, to have devised some form of computing technology; every world of three billion, to have harnessed fission. By the time a planet reaches a population of one billion, it will have writing, steam engines, and the rudiments of astronomy and physics well-covered. In Chapter Four, I discuss a range of important technological milestones, the size of civilizations that tend to attain them, and why I believe that milestone tends to be found in civilizations of that size, down to populations of about five hundred million. I believe the tightness of this correlation holds for smaller populations as well, including entirely preindustrial ones, but further investigation is warranted.
Now I shall reply to several usual objections in turn.
First, surely historical circumstance matters? Of course. The unique geometry of the Dimidians' home system hampered local spaceflight and space exploration considerably. Religious-philosophical considerations delayed the development of fusion power among the Samhese by centuries, while in the case of humans, internecine strife rather accelerated the harnessing of fusion by several decades, for use as a weapon of war. I believe population size is the largest contributing factor to technological development--the largest but, to be sure, not the only one. For a discussion of other important factors in detail, see Chapter Nine.
Second, how does one account for biology? To put it simply, I do not--I believe that Kerzoa's Law not only holds, but has repeatedly been successfully tested. In short, Kerzoa argued that, in the highly competitive arena of biological evolution, the intelligence threshold at which sophisticated cognition becomes a runaway evolutionary advantage is the same in all biospheres, and that upon reaching this threshold, short-term technological and social innovation will rapidly overtake long-term evolutionary innovation, drowning out its effects as an intelligent species masters its immediate environment and spreads. In short, all evolved sentients are roughly equally intelligent, insofar as this is a feature that can be approximately measured. That's not a trivial assumption! No one would look at Taphaon spatial reasoning ability, or Samhese abstract thinking capability, or the quirk of Dimidian physiology that makes higher-dimensional systems trivial for them to understand and think all evolved sentients are roughly the same. But strengths in one area generally are commensurate with weaknesses in others; that is to say, all sentients begin from a common baseline of intelligence[1]. Of course, this uniformity does not hold once genetic engineering and artificial intelligence are added to a civilization's technological arsenal (see Chapter Six), which should be a great relief to my human readers, whose only natural intellectual advantage, according to studies, is the ability to recognize different-colored fruits at a glance.
Thirdly: famous counterexamples. Each of these, I will argue, is not a true counterexample, since the correlation I argue for did in fact hold until another factor overtook population size in importance, usually only well after the civilization attained a population of at least two billion.
The Hazari population was small on contact, despite being technologically advanced *and* distributed throughout their local star system, due to a plague that had greatly diminished the population of the species, and reduced its long-term fertility. Notably, while their civilization did not collapse in the aftermath of this crisis, it also stagnated for a century and a half, until the Accord initiated a scientific exchange program.
The Kinu-Kmei are similarly famous for being unusually advanced given their population (historically found only on their homeworld). While not stagnant like the Hizari, their rate of innovation is slow; furthermore, as both Kerzoa and Williamson have convincingly argued, the Kinu-Kmei genome shows distinctive signs of uplift in their distant past, which means the Kinu-Kmei are not bound by the same constraints (positive or negative) implied by Kerzoa's Law. Uplift is rare (though cf. Terran examples; the human civilization has uplifted no fewer than six native and alien species to one extent or another, a truly unprecedented number), but in every other known case uplifted species were integrated seamlessly into the uplifting civilization. Whether the Kinu-Kmei were abandoned, their uplifters wiped out by some catastrophe, or are the remnant of a once more widely-distributed species, remains to be investigated by archeologists and xenologers.
The human civilization hews very closely to the population size/energy use correlation until about 900 years ago, when the two became suddenly decoupled; in this case, the cause was not civilizational catastrophe, but its opposite. Due to a quirk of human biology, human populations can grow extremely rapidly in preindustrial conditions, but upon transitioning to an industrialized condition, undergo a delayed reaction they refer to as the "demographic transition," and quickly stabilize, or even begin to shrink. This pattern repeats itself on colony worlds, too; and while there is some indication that, in the absence of the existing human technological base, this might result in stagnation similar to that experienced by the Hazari, the initial human demographic transition (and all subsequent examples) took place in the context of rapid innovations in artificial intelligence and genetic engineering, the latter of which the human genome is especially well-suited for. So even as the human population stagnated, its information-processing capacity did not, which is the real factor with which we are concerned. Population is only its proxy--but, as noted above, due to Kerzoa's Law, it is a very good proxy.
Then there is the example sometimes cited from my own homeworld, that of the Devouring-By-Night. Before being driven to the brink of extinction, the Devouring-By-Night were notable as the only natural predator of my species, the Osmians; they are of course extremely intelligent, but also extremely solitary. They have no technology to speak of; in their natural state, they do not even possess language. But this is not a counterexample at all! For due to their isolation, we cannot speak of the Devouring-By-Night as having any civilization at all; or at least, we must speak of them has having historically had only many civilizations, each with a population of exactly one. And each civilization having, at that, no history, no memory, no language, and no innovation save what its sole member might develop, informed only by instinct and experience, from the time it hatched to the time it spawned and died. Surviving members of that clade can be regarded as having experienced a kind of counter-uplift, and are not representative of the species as it historically existed.[2]
In Chapter Ten, I will discuss these counterexamples in more detail, as well as more subtle objections that have been raised against this theory.
[1] Due to the fierceness with which intelligence is selected for--owing to the vast advantage over the environment which it confers--variation within clades is even smaller, or nonexistent. The three divisions of the Taphaon, despite being separated for almost one million years shortly after they achieved their modern form, differ considerably in size, coloration, shell pattern, visual acuity, and numerous other physiological aspects--but not noticeably in intelligence. Samhese evolution is considerably more complex, and the species we now know as the only surviving member of that clade only branched off from the others about fifty thousand years ago--but this branching occured after that subspecies reached the approximate cognitive threshold of Kerzoa’s Law, and variation in intelligence within that sub-clade has always been small. Similar developments hold for the evolution of Osmians, Dimidians, and humans, though in the lattermost case the difference between even the most outstanding members of the cognitively advanced sub-clade and its closest relatives is perhaps not so great as the sub-clade would like to believe.
[2] Critics of the counter-uplift program have held that it amounts to genocide of a sentient species with a moral right to exist; as a member of the species of which the Devouring-by-Night were an obligate predator, a species which still has an instinctual terror of the deepest parts of the sea where the Devouring-by-Night dwelt, one cannot help but wonder if these soft-headed moralists’ need to find an underdog to root for has overwhelmed every ounce of sense and moral reason in their bodies, or only most. Suffice it to say, the humans’ counter-uplift program was the only alternative to extinction (see articles by Kerzoa, Maugrim, Tersei, Golith, Thompson, and Bellows, cited below), and the law forbidding the surviving members of that clade from intruding on Osmia or the Osmian Antarctic Cession are necessary for both their own wellbeing and that of the Osmians.
--Nauri Maugrim, Statistical Correlations in Planetary Development (Oxford University Press, 3178)
48 notes · View notes
Counterfeit consciousness and Why I Think Turing wasn't right
What is Counterfeit consciousness? Consider this extract from Tom Holt's novel "Practically Human": "The robot delayed, while the Interest Court of its brain contemplated the subtleties of the Laws of Mechanical technology. In the end they passed on a choice expressing that the abrogating law which supervened all others was that no robot should state anything, regardless of how genuine, that will unavoidably win it a smack in the mouth with a 5/8" Whitworth spanner. "Beyond any doubt thing, manager." it said" Is "computerized reasoning" at that point the time when a machine's capacity to think can supersede programming, or is it the lesser trial of applying insignificant principles/programming to give answers to an assortment of issues? Best case scenario endeavors to make counterfeit consciousness have delivered minimal more than the astonishing, human-like capacity of a PC program to comprehend that the letter Y signifies "yes" and the letter N signifies "no". This may seen somewhat realistic however this is unexpectedly not a long way from reality of the circumstance. In the event that we do without any assumptions with regards to the semantics connected to "knowledge" as for a mechanical shape as paired to a human, it ends up noticeably clear this is nothing much the same as utilizing "flying" to portray the two winged animals (natural) and airplane (innovative) types of heaver than air flight. The field of concentrate into the likelihood of computerized reasoning essentially expect that it is conceivable to integrate something that fulfills the conditions for "insight", not every person acknowledges the present assumptions made about human consideration and deductive framework which now and again are criticized by faultfinders whom contend on an assortment of grounds that manmade brainpower is destined to disappointment. A decent case of such a rationality is known as Tesler's law, which characterizes counterfeit consciousness as "that which machines can't do" which infers that any plausibility of a manmade brainpower is unthinkable and that ideas and traits, for example, instinct are capacities that are one of a kind to human. Now I might want to draw the refinement between computerized reasoning as surmised in the theoretical techniques in light of cross examination in the Turing test, which in actuality is only a trial of the frameworks capacity to impersonate human-scale execution, through programming, and accordingly is a recreation of the coveted impact from one viewpoint, and a framework's scholarly ability to learn, oversee, and control common dialect or show unrestrained choice; etcetera on the other. For instance utilizing the Turing test as a model, if a PC displayed the capacity to take choice that if made by a human would show the utilization of instinct, the framework would go because of the way that it isn't a trial of human-scale execution, yet is just trying its capacity to respond to a procedure of unadulterated boost reaction answers to enter (not activity voluntarily). The investigation of manmade brainpower, is a sub-field of software engineering principally worried about the objective of presenting human-scale execution that is absolutely unclear from a human's ideas of emblematic induction (the deduction of new certainties from well established actualities) and representative learning portrayal for use in acquainting the capacity with make surmisings into programmable frameworks. A case of derivation is, given that all men are mortal and that Socrates is a man, it is a unimportant advance to induce that Socrates is mortal. People can express these ideas emblematically as this is an essential piece of human thinking; in this way manmade brainpower can be viewed as an endeavor to display parts of human idea and this is the fundamental way to deal with counterfeit consciousness inquire about. On the off chance that for contention we were to expect that 'canny' procedures are reducible to a computational arrangement of paired portrayal, at that point the general accord among counterfeit consciousness specialists that there is nothing central about PCs that could conceivably keep them from in the end carrying on so as to reenact human thinking is consistent. However this fundamentally accept pragmatic regular thinking isn't the ideal type of human consideration and deductive, scientific, and legitimate thinking is all that is required to be 'smart'. On the off chance that anyway we accept for contention that insight isn't a totally unrelated substance, and is preferably the merging of attributes other than consistent finding or scientific thinking, for example, enthusiastic qualities that together assume an aggregate part in thought, basic leadership and imagination, at that point the best piece of human knowledge isn't computational, and thusly it isn't exact and the advancement of manmade brainpower based the present model of unadulterated paired rationale would conceivably bring about just exact types of human idea being recreated. A lot of research has been done on induction instruments and neural or nerve systems which has incidentally been of more use in finding out about human knowledge through the way toward mimicking insight in the machine, rather that the a different way. Such research has however created a vulnerability about our own points of view. Such ideas require that we illuminate various fascinating abnormalities, the most major of which is that we have no satisfactory speculations to clarify the nature or beginnings of wonders, for example, the psyche, of awareness, nor of knowledge This would require comprehension of the connection between the quintessence being and the mind where at introduce we basically have no genuine hypotheses. For the present, despite the fact that PCs can settle effortlessly the most troublesome numerical issues, there are right now numerous issues that people tackle instinctually which are unresolvable misleadingly, where cutting-edge heuristic tenets and theoretical systems have crumpled because of the measure of relevant data and good judgment information they appear to require, for example, regular dialect handling, or even "What garments might I wear?". It is the level of shared understandings required in our most irrelevant types of social cooperation which essentially require that people expect confused shared learning that is excessively intricate for even the must refined types of computerized reasoning as considered to date, in which recommendations are either valid or false and premises must take after deductively. We have to give PCs the capacity to process uncertain ideas, for example, high, low, hot, warm, or exceptionally close, by substituting exact administer like coherently deductive structures of learning and numerical measures for an estimation. At any rate keeping in mind the end goal to program machines to recreate human mental procedures, one needs to comprehend and illuminate, how these procedures work, along these lines our endeavors to repeat those procedures that will generate machines fit for doing any work that a man can do, can just truly begin when we comprehend the procedures themselves. The inquiries remain, "how might you make knowledge when there is no definition for what it is?" and "How might you know you had done it?" Looked with such inquiries that adequately refutes manmade brainpower as a science because of it's so far unprovable suppositions, the fie Turing Test was concocted. However this appears to demonstrate that machines can just turn out to be more smart as they turn out to be better ready to reenact a solitary human's thinking capacity. It might be we ought to set our sights bring down - and endeavoring to decide the least complex type of creature or creepy crawly life which exhibits knowledge, and working up from that point. The unimportant procedure of distinguishing what is wise, however primitive, will help set the parameters for what we are attempting to accomplish. Fore case. Is the capacity to hold a discussion a genuine trial of insight, or simply of human knowledge - a conceivably unimportant side issue? This has been the truth of the Turing Test since 1950, yet has it lead us down an obscured back street? Consider a speculative race of outsiders who convey by additional tactile discernment, the reality they have no requirement for discourse won't make them less keen, most likely more so on the grounds that less of their mind will be spent in inefficient procedures. We can take this further, and express that mankind needs discourse to give its generally disorderly points of view some request, and subsequently knowledge, while a PC's more consistent structure hinders that need, as a machine insight is by nature computational, and exact and we ought to focus on what we need that AI to accomplish alone merits, not limit it to copying our own insufficient attributes, yet rather an approach that isn't a consequence of shrewd programming, however where the AI can start its own particular activities, not simply responses, and can supersede, not simply modify, its programming. Unreasonably, a specialist framework called the CYC task may practically by chance convey the nearest estimation to human reason, that has yet been conceived, by its acknowledgment of the parallels between the web and the dispersed associations inside the human cerebrum. Since the learning put away on the web is so assorted, and the result of such huge numbers of various levels of human knowledge and experience, we may have in reality as of now accomplished the most troublesome part. All we require now is the machine's capacity to compose, access, and process that 'awareness', with the goal that the appropriate response it provides for any issue is dependably logically applicable, and we have come near our Counterfeit consciousness. Right now it appears that the improvement will stay stalemated until the point that solitary machines have at introduce undreamed of computational and memory traits. Despite this is a cheat, on the grounds that right off the bat all in all, people themselves need to figure out how to think more like the master machine, instead of the inverse; And all things considered, it is the proceeding, obviously superfluous, contribution by people over the world which will keep this pertinent, yet that is next to no not the same as the continuous flow we have all accomplished since birth which illuminates our own day by day basic leadership. What is then left is the subject of inventiveness - the capacity to act, not simply respond, the capacity to start, not simply take after requests, the capacity to self enhance and, taking us back to where we began, the capacity to lie where conditions direct that the fact of the matter isn't sufficient. © trephelix
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zecretsanta · 5 years
Fic: Out Under the Neon
To: @kiichu
From: @pomegranate-belle
Merry Christmas, Emi! Hopefully someday there’ll be more of this AU, but I figured I could at least get the good cutesy stuff to you! (Obviously, the whole AU has to end happily, so rest safe knowing it all works out!)
AO3 link
It’s not raining anymore, not really. More of a drizzle. But the streets are wet, and green and pink light glows back out of black puddles, reflecting the neon off the buildings. Ambidex Street is empty as Dio walks down it. It usually is, this time of night, besides the Myrmidon patrols. And the stinging, ice-cold rain from ten minutes ago wasn’t much incentive for trespassers to try and sneak onto the restricted streets near the Cradle Pharmaceutical compound.
There are more every week, though. Some sick. Most civilians. All desperate.
They can’t afford treatment, can’t afford the prices Cradle wants them to pay for its genetic manipulation codes. ‘Cybertreatment’, the Cradle Pharma adverts call it. The Myrmidons call it ‘hacking’, to a man, and Dio might have broken the mold a little but in this he’s no exception.
Like all the company’s clones, he gets free access to hacking, if he’s ever injured or ill. But he also doesn’t get paid for his work and has to share a room with two other clones on the compound grounds. All the human workers can opt out of the dorms, rent apartments in the neighborhood, get paid at least decent money – but in exchange, they have to pay for hacking same as everyone else. Six of one, half-dozen of the other, Dio figures.
There are a lot of people in the city that still rely on pills, shots, cough syrup, all that shit. The middle ground between the dickwads rich enough to afford hacking and the impoverished idiots dumb enough to try and steal it. They get along with their lot in life same as Dio does – just doing what they have to.
And then, of course, there’s Crash Keys. Dio’s never seen them himself, and like fuck he wants to – their handiwork has left nine clones in the compound’s hospital wing. He knows they’re the real reason Hongou and the other Cradle Pharma bigwigs make the Myrmidons patrol the perimeter streets so much. Some jumped-up kid trying to steal the code to fix his sister’s cancer is inconsequential compared to an organized force trying to leak all the treatment codes to the public like they’re all in some fucking Robin Hood flick.
Not that Dio isn’t aware that the crazy fuckers are probably in the right. Cradle Pharma is shit awful. But what’s he supposed to do about it? Things are how they are.
Dio tilts his head up, lets a few stray raindrops splatter across his face and run cold tracks down his neck. Then he shakes his head, stuffs his hands in his pockets, and keeps walking – kicking through oily puddles as neon signs flicker and fizzle overhead. It’s going to be a long night.
The very next morning Dio’s reassigned, and he’s indifferent. Work is work, and there’s no more or less prestige in any job given to a Left clone, though he might secretly wish there was.
He’s been assigned to watch the GAULEM – Cradle Pharmaceutical’s compendium of medical knowledge, the thing keeping them exclusive and profitable. You’d think that would be a step up, but he’s heard from a few other clones who’ve had the position and they told him it’s a boring job. Stuck in one suite of rooms at the center of the Cradle Pharma compound, day in and day out. At least when he had patrol duty, Dio could stretch his legs across a borough of the city.
But he’s heard the rooms are nice, at least. Posh. So there’s a silver lining or something to being assigned to a job where he has to sit around and watch a fucking computer day in and day out.
They want Dio to start right away, apparently, because he’s herded off after breakfast by his direct superior, Marcus Call. They wind their way through a maze of corridors Dio’s never had any reason to bother with and stop in front of a pair of fancy-looking double doors. Marcus pulls a key off the ring on his belt, unlocks the doors, and flings them open.
The rooms really are nice, Dio thinks when he sees them. Not to say that the rest of the Cradle Pharma compound is poor quality or cheaply made, but it’s definitely more functional than fashionable. This place, on the other hand? It’s fucking plush. Fancy armchairs, actual wallpaper and carpet instead of industrial steel, paintings hanging on the wall like it’s some fucking five-star hotel suite. It’s the sort of place the CEO would stay, but he’s not here – would almost never be caught dead in the compound when he can give his orders from on high in his fucking penthouse uptown. No, the only people in the GAULEM suite are Dio, his superior, and…
A woman in a purple dress, staring at one of the paintings with her hands folded primly in front of her.
She’s beautiful. Big blue eyes in a freckled face, flame-orange hair braided up precariously. Dio’s never seen anything like her. Some of the women working at Cradle Pharma are beautiful, but they all dress stern and sharp and smile like they want to bite off your fucking head. This woman has none of that aura – she’s wispy and soft.
“This is the GAULEM,” Marcus tells Dio matter-of-factly. “GTF-DM-L-016.”
“… What.”
The GAULEM was supposed to be a machine. A computer. Just some console he had to guard and keep from overheating. Not a— a woman.
“It and the other GAULEMs in storage are the last of Dr. Klim’s creations,” explains Marcus. “They’re androids capable of storing every cybertreatment code, encrypting and distributing them securely for the company’s use, diagnosing patients, and utilizing medical knowledge. Keeps this whole place running.”
“She’s… A robot,” Dio settles on saying at last.
“It can be something of a shock for new guards,” allows Marcus, and the ugly amusement on his face tells Dio that he takes great pleasure in throwing his subordinates off-guard with this reveal. “Yes, the GAULEM is a humanoid robot with a sophisticated artificial intelligence program. You will live here in the suite and guard it, oversee routine maintenance, and other miscellaneous duties. Can you handle that, Dio?”
As if there was any question of it. Dio scoffs.
“’Course I can. Who do you think you’re dealing with here?”
“Good man,” Marcus replies. “I’ll leave you to it, then. First maintenance check is in three days, so just get settled in for now. Don’t fuck anything up in the meantime.”
Then, with a jaunty wave, he steps out of the suite and Dio is left alone with the woman—robot. GAULEM. Whatever. He peers at her out of the corner of his eye, wary, but she doesn’t even turn her head. Just keeps staring at the painting in front of her like he’s not even there.
‘Get settled in’ was a hell of a way to phrase it, Dio considers on the second day of his new assignment, because the GAULEM suite is more unsettling than anywhere else he’s ever been. And it’s not the place itself, it’s the GAULEM. She wanders the rooms of her suite like a ghost – pale, silent, and tragic. Makes Dio feel like the victim of a haunting or some shit. Just spends all her time staring at the paintings or looking up at the sunshine drifting in from the skylight. Everything she does is soundless and it creeps Dio the hell out.
“… Hey,” he says at last around midday, the first word he’s ever spoken to her.
She turns to look at him. Her blue gaze isn’t as listless as her movements would suggest, but she’s obviously not emotionally engaged. If she even can be emotionally engaged, he’s not sure. Fuck if he knows what a GAULEM is capable of.
“Y-yes?” she asks. “Did… Did you need something?”
The stutter is kind of a surprise, but Dio shrugs it off. He’s about to open his mouth and address her by her ID number, but just thinking about it makes his stomach curdle a little. He doesn’t really like the idea of calling something that looks like a person – even if she’s just a robot – by an ID number. Hasn’t liked being called by an ID number himself for so long that denying her a name itches under his skin. To the other Myrmidons and Marcus, he gets to be Dio. They don’t care about idiosyncrasies as long as the job gets done. But he remembers being Clone 410 clearly enough that it still burns.
“D’you have a name?” he asks at last. “Like an actual name?”
The GAULEM comes alive a little at the question, brightens.
“Luna,” she says in a quiet, wistful voice. “The doctor called me Luna.”
She’s one of Klim’s, so there’s pretty much no other doctor she can mean. Dio nods.
“Right. Luna, then. I, uh… I’m Dio.”
For the first time, Luna smiles. It’s small, weak – but it transforms her. Sure, she was pretty before, but… Something about the smile makes everything about her more vibrant. Like going from black and white to color or something.
“I-it… It’s nice to meet you, Dio.”
“Uh, yeah.” He clears his throat, stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Right. You too.”
Still with that tiny smile, Luna returns to gazing at the paintings on the walls.
After that, she’s more interested. Attentive. Something. Watches Dio cobble together meals in the suite’s kitchen, asks him about the card games he plays against himself, stuff like that. Doesn’t really offer any information about herself, but… Well, Dio’s just the guard. Not like she has to share her whole fucking life story with him or anything.
If she even has one. The thought slithers uncomfortably in his stomach. Maybe she’s never left the suite at all. Which is just completely fucked up in about a billion ways, but— she’s a robot. Technically speaking, like him, she belongs to Cradle Pharma. Dio tries to discard that line of thought because imagining having only known, you know, four walls, or whatever, is…
But he just can’t. Stop. Fucking. Thinking. About. It.
Dio avoids it as best he can. But spending so much focus on not thinking about the shitty kind of life Luna might have lived means he’s not spending it on warding off nightmares, which comes back to bite him in the ass almost immediately.
Everything is fire and darkness and falling. Dio knows some of the others have dreams like this too. He’s never asked, never talked about it, but he knows. They all know. All he can do in the moment is struggle against the burning, the rush of air – try not to be consumed. It’ll be over eventually. It has to end sometime.
And it does, even sooner than expected. Dio lurches up in bed with a ragged gasp at the feel of a cold hand clasped around his sweating arm.
“What the fuck?” he demands, wheezing out the words as he drags his other hand through his damp, tangled hair.
“Y-you were having a nightmare,” Luna says quietly, and releases him.
She refuses to meet his eyes, instead staring intently down at her hands as they twist the fabric of her skirt.
“Right,” Dio chokes out, because it’s about the only response he can think to make, nonsensical as it is. “I. Shit. Thanks, I guess.”
He rolls over, a dismissal, an attempt to hide the fucking embarrassment of being woken from a nightmare like a damn kid. But he knows he’s not gonna be able to fall asleep again any time soon. He never is.
And then a tinkling melody starts up, slow and pretty. The notes are too bright to be sad, but there’s something upsetting about it anyway – fuck if Dio knows what. He rolls back over, looks up at Luna in confusion.
“I thought it might help you get to sleep,” she says. “It… It’s quiet. And soothing, I think.”
The sound, the music, is coming from… Her necklace?
“It, it’s a music box. It was a gift, from Dr. Klim,” Luna explains, cradling the pendant in her palms like it’s some kind of delicate animal.
She always talks about the doctor that way, reverently. Maybe it makes sense – he created her, after all. But… He left. He left her, left her alone in this prison. No matter how gilded the bars, a cage is still a cage. Dio knows that.
“Thanks,” he says to her again, softer this time. “That’s… Thank you.”
“Y-yeah. Of course. Anytime.”
Luna sits lightly on the side of the bed, pendant still cupped in her hands. Dio falls asleep with her watching over him – and the nightmare does not return.
Dio’s discomfort returns in the morning, the shame and humiliation. But Luna doesn’t talk about it. She offers to help him make breakfast for himself instead. Smiles, gently. She’s soft, he thinks again. It stirs a bizarre protective instinct in him, the desire to see her safe and happy.
“Sorry,” he mutters. “Lost in thought.”
“That… That’s ok,” replies Luna as she passes him the salt. “S-sometimes I get lost in thought too.”
He wants to know what about, but doesn’t ask. They’re… It’s not like they’re friends or anything, it’s pretty fucking clear that Cradle just sees Luna as a tool and even if the thought squirms in his gut like an eel he’s not deluded enough to think he’s not part of the fucking machinery that keeps her trapped here.
So he doesn’t ask. Just changes the subject. Asks her how many guards she’s had, anything to return to a surface-level subject.
“S-six, I think,” she tells him. “A-and you.”
He spends the day on pins and needles, hating it, and has another nightmare. Luna wakes him from it, again, and plays her little music box. After three nights of that routine, she offers to lend it to him at night so he can listen to the melody as he falls asleep.
The nightmares don’t come back after that.
“You like those a lot, huh?” asks Dio a few weeks later, following Luna’s gaze to one of the paintings on the wall.
Luna shrugs her shoulders.
“They’re mine,” she says, utterly without defensiveness or ownership. “I painted them.”
“You. You painted these?”
Luna nods. Suddenly, the paintings are more than just fancy set dressing to match the rest of the GAULEM suite’s opulence. They’re— art. Luna’s art. But the thing is, Dio’s never seen so much as a fucking paintbrush while staying in the suite.
“I-I haven’t painted in a while,” Luna explains, like she’s reading his fucking mind. “It’s. Um. I don’t really h-have, the, um, supplies. Dr. Klim would get them for me, b-but…”
But he’s gone. Dio goes a little cold and frowns, rubbing his arms. So. Only a couple questions and he knows a hell of a lot more than he’d like to. She hasn’t had anything like a life since the doc jumped ship. Used to have hobbies, someone to care about her, give her gifts… And now Luna’s just treated like what Dio thought the GAULEM would be – a glorified fucking computer. She could be so much more, deserves to be more.
And, well, he’s about the only one who can do a damn thing about it.
Dio scratches the back of his neck, can’t make himself meet Luna’s eyes.
“I could probably work something out,” he says gruffly. “Get you some art supplies and shit.”
“Y-you don’t need to do that,” insists Luna. “I’m fine. R-really!”
She fidgets a little with the fabric of her skirt like she always does and shakes her head. And, sure, she’s not gonna croak or anything without art supplies – she’s survived this long, after all. But so what? Surviving and living aren’t the same. He’s seen what surviving looks like and it’s fucking pathetic. It’s good enough for him. He’s fine with it for himself, doesn’t have any aspirations to reach for. But Luna? There are things she wants.
Things he can help her get back. And Dio’s stubborn as hell, so he’s going to do it.
“You want to paint again,” he says. “Don’t you?”
And it takes a while for her to give him a straight answer, but he already knew what it would be. Yeah, Luna wants to paint again. So. That’s that.
The only free time Dio has – or, well, to be accurate the only time he’s allowed to leave the GAULEM suite, because to be honest the entire fucking assignment has effectively felt like ‘free time’ – is during the weekly maintenance checkup. The whole fucking GAULEM maintenance team troops into the suite in their lab coats to, as far as Dio can tell, poke and prod at Luna and stare intently at tablet screens. Luna doesn’t seem to mind, although she’s stoic as shit when she wants to be so who even knows. But it’s uncomfortable to watch, and this week he actually has something to do with his ‘break’, so he slips out of the suite.
None of the Left clones have money because they don’t get paid. Duh. But it doesn’t mean they don’t have a thriving bartering economy. Just gotta know the right person and you can get pretty much anything. A lot of the scientists are willing to fork shit over for a favor, and most of the Myrmidons on patrol have at least one person on the outside supplying them with contraband. Lots of it is junk food or jewelry. Extra blankets. For art supplies, Dio’s gonna have to go pretty damn far afield.
Which means going to Beta. Ugh.
But at least in that regard, Dio’s got things well in hand. He might not like Beta, but he knows the guy’s tastes. He’s a total diva who, despite having perfect eyesight like every other Left clone, is obsessed with eyeglasses. Lucky for him, Dio happens to have a pair set aside – just in case, you know. Dio thinks ahead like that.
When he knocks on the dorm room door, Beta opens it right away. He’s wearing an ugly-ass tracksuit deal and he’s got a pair of oval frames perched on his nose.
“Oh. Dio,” he says, in that fuck-off polite way people have when they aren’t happy to see you. “How… Unexpected.”
He’s really not here for niceties and dancing around shit.
“Yeah, yeah. Look, I have some glasses, you gonna deal or not?”
The door opens wider and Beta steps aside with a little bow. Prick.
“What is it you’re looking for?” he asks, gesturing to his fucking garbage dump of a room.
It’s like a dragon hoard, just a bunch of shit all piled up everywhere. Gotta suck for the poor bastards who have to room with him.
“Art supplies,” Dio says, studying it all. “Paint, canvas, brushes. Shit like that.”
“Hm. Well, I might be able to find what you’re looking for, but for only one pair of glasses—”
But Dio knows what the fuck he’s about. He tugs the glasses case out of his coat pocket and flips it open. High-quality, name-brand rectangle lenses. Basically the holy grail for Beta. Dio’d had to trade a lot of shit to get them, but it had been worth it to know he’d have an ace in the hole with Beta whenever he ended up needing it.
Never thought he’d be using it to get a gift for someone else, though.
Not that he… He’s not upset about it. Not when he thinks about what Luna’s done for him. Not when he imagines what her expression will look like when she gets some new art supplies to work with.
“Oh,” Beta says, stunned, pulling Dio out of his thoughts.
He smirks, waggling the open case and watching Beta’s eyes follow the glasses intently.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought. You want these? Hand over all the painting supplies you’ve got.”
And, well. Not to brag, but Dio walks out of that room with his arms full of art shit. So. Mission success.
Even better than the thrill of victory, though, is watching Luna’s blue eyes go wide and her face pale with ABT fluid when she finally catches sight of him past the maintenance crew filing out the door. Her expression, all startled and awed and pleased, is about the best thing he’s ever seen in his life.
“Is… Is all of that f-for me?” she asks, and lifts a hand but doesn’t reach for the stuff piled in his arms.
“Yeah,” Dio replies.
He sets it all down on the coffee table – tiny canvases, a whole damn forest of different size brushes, and a rainbow of paint colors. Bolstered by his yes, Luna makes her way over to the table to start picking through the haul. She starts grouping paints by some pattern Dio can’t pick out. He leaves her to it – he’s tired as hell from trekking all the way across the compound and he wants a nap.
The soft clatter of art supplies on the wood of the table lulls him to sleep.
Luna returns to painting with gusto. She spends almost all her free time at it, slow and careful. When she’s concentrating, she sticks out her tongue and it’s cute in a way that makes Dio’s heart squeeze a little bit. He tries not to think about shit like that, though. Keep a lid on things like a fucking professional.
Doesn’t mean he’s gonna stop interacting with Luna, though. Fuck that.
“You paint flowers a lot,” he notes as casually as he can, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
Luna pauses, glances back at him with a smile that hits his heart like a bolt of lightning.
“Yes, I… I really like flowers. Um. A-any plant, really. Growing things. They’re very soothing.”
Only when she turns back to her painting does Dio lift a hand to rub at his chest. The hell is wrong with him, seriously?
Like every-fucking-thing else Luna says, her words stick with him. Dio finds himself thinking about them when he should be doing other things. He burns about five different breakfasts that way before he gives up and decides, like the art supplies, he’s gotta do something about it.
But he’s not going back to Beta. No way in hell.
Not that his other choice is much better.
Hazuki Kashiwabara is a programmer. She’s awful and Dio hates her. The feeling is mutual. Unfortunately, they’ve kind of become friends anyway, out of necessity. There’s no one in the compound better to talk shit about everyone else with. He’s become even more reluctantly fond of her because they both fucking hate the maintenance team.
Dio catches up to Hazuki in a hallway off the main labs, steels himself, and demands a favor.
“Yeah?” she asks, laughs at him a little. “And what the hell do you want from me, hotshot?”
“A—a flower,” he stammers angrily. “A potted plant, I don’t know. Something alive. Growing.”
Hazuki leans forward, studying him a little. Even though his first instinct is to back up, to get more space between them, Dio plants his feet and resists the urge.
“What,” he demands sharply.
Hazuki lifts her shoulder sin a lazy, elegant shrug.
“I’m sure I can find something like that,” she says.
And that’s all. Tension and irritation itch under Dio’s skin – there’s more she isn’t saying, and he wants her to spit it the fuck out already and get it over with. But she doesn’t. Just smiles mysteriously and saunters off down the hall. Ugh. Bitch.
Still, he gets a text that she’s got something for him by the next maintenance checkup. She moves fast, he’ll give her that much. They meet up in the same hallway as before.
“It’s an Echeveria laui,” Hazuki tells him. “A succulent. They’re hardy, difficult to kill. Should be easy to take care of as long as you can get it some sunlight.”
She hands him the little potted plant – its leaves are kind of a dusty purple color, and it’s shaped a little like a rose. Pretty. It reminds him of Luna, and he’s glad about that but also pretty pissed at Hazuki for having him all figured out.
“Thanks,” he tells her, because he’s not a complete fucking philistine.
“And don’t water the plant,” Hazuki adds over her shoulder, already walking off. “Water the soil. Got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.”
If he cradles the plant a little closer to his chest than he has to, well, fuck it, no one’s there to see him.
Though Dio’s head swirls with stupid fantasies of presenting the little succulent directly to Luna – like an offering, like a gift – he knows them for the idiocy they are. Nothing ever goes to plan in real life, and he doesn’t like explaining himself. So he sets it on the low coffee table and leaves it there without a word.
That evening, he catches Luna stroking its leaves with a single fingertip, careful and tender.
Maybe he smiles about it, but there’s nobody to catch him at it.
According to Marcus, the maintenance team is recording a higher efficiency in Luna’s transmissions since Dio started guard duty. Dio gets commendations for it, not that they mean anything. When he offers that letting her paint and take care of a plant seems to help, though, the GAULEM suite fills with art supplies and more succulents on fucking command. So at least someone’s getting something out of it.
Still, it’s irritating that they’re all so fucking shocked about it.
Turns out that, just like any human, the sentient robot that’s the cornerstone of the company works better when happy, Dio thinks to himself scathingly. Who’d’ve thought?
The fact that no one before him cared enough to find out – or didn’t even consider Luna capable of happiness in the first place – burns him up. But he’s here now, and unlike the others he’s not a fucking idiot.
Things continue in about the same manner — and Luna smiles more every day. It’s not boring, because he’s not bored. Not in Luna’s company. But it is quiet, and peaceful, and he sort of… Acclimatizes to that.
And then the break-in happens.
There’s hardly a fucking warning at all. No alarms, no crashes, no shattering glass. Just the click of the lock. It’s night. Normally, Dio would be in bed, but it was just his fucking luck he’d woken from a dream earlier and wasn’t keen on going back to bed. Not a nightmare, because he never had nightmares anymore, but…
Dreaming about holding a hand in yours was downright fucking uncomfortable. Left clones just weren’t built for romance, or affection or… Whatever. A dream like that is troubling. And there’s no one he can tell about it. He’s still struggling with the thought, which is probably how the intruders manage to make it all the way into the room before he sees them.
They’re both dressed in black – a man and a woman – and Dio knows what they are immediately. Assassins. None have ever made it this far into the compound, but he’s heard stories. Crash Keys operatives that want to destroy the GAULEM and steal the codes it contains. It had been a danger before, but now that Dio knows what a GAULEM really is, now that he knows Luna, the idea is fucking chilling.
“Hey!” he snaps, losing the element of surprise but disrupting them from their search for Luna.
The girl is closer, so Dio grabs for her first, crushing her wrist in a tight grip to yank her closer. She lashes out with her other hand, but it’s not like Dio’s a fucking amateur, and he catches that one too. That means Dio doesn’t exactly have any hands left to deal with the other assassin – so he kills two birds with one stone and flings the woman into her partner. They knock over an armchair with a crash.
“… Dio…? I-is everything ok?”
They might be a little dazed, but the assassins are between Dio and Luna. He lunges at them, throws a fist. The man shifts to dodge out of the way, but gets clipped on the cheek. Not hard enough to break anything or knock him back on his ass, but probably enough to bruise. Not that it’s much consolation when he gets clubbed in the head with something heavy and sharp – whatever tool they’re planning to use against Luna, probably. The crack of it against his temple stuns him for a moment, but then – even when the pain and the heat and the wetness of blood streaming down the side of his face – his anger, desperation, pushes him forward into a frenzy.
The guy is smallish, but he’s a scrappy fucker and he doesn’t bother trying to dodge again, just ducks in close, takes the hits to his face and chest, and punches Dio right in the throat. The blow is strong, knocks Dio a few steps back into the wall, where he crumples into a heap, wheezing. For fuck’s sake, he growls at himself, but there are black spots flickering across his vision and each breath is a struggle.
There’s a loud crackle, and then sudden, chilling silence. The whole world stops, and a roaring fills Dio’s ears. He’s still blinking spots out of his eyes, so he can’t see what happened, but he can guess. Grabbing at the wall for purchase, he stumbles to his feet. Finally, past the blood and the dizziness, he can make out the scene. The two of them are bent over Luna.
Reaching down to grab her, to pick her up.
He should have been able to fight them off, but he wasn’t. Still. There’s one last thing he can do. Because the wall he’d hit is the one with a carefully hidden slide panel in it, one with a big red button underneath.
Dio slams a hand on the alarm button, and sirens begin to wail. Red bulbs flash overhead, casting the whole scene in bloody light.
“Shit!” hisses one of the assassins.
He snatches his partner by the sleeve and darts for the door.
“No!” she protests, dragging her heels. “The GAULEM!”
“Leave it!”
And then they’re gone, out the door. Dio hopes they’ll be caught, but if they made it this far into the compound without detection, they can probably slip back out too even with the alarm. It doesn’t matter. There’s something more important to worry about. Luna, collapsed on the floor, utterly still.
Blood still dripping down his face, Dio stumbles his way over to her, slumps down onto his knees to feel for a pulse. Luna doesn’t have a flesh and blood heart, but she does have a mechanical equivalent – something to pump the ABT fluid through her system. The pulse, usually stable and fixed, is thready and fast under Dio’s fingers.
She doesn’t stir, even at the expletive. Whatever those Crash Key bastards did to her, it’s knocked her out cold. It’s several minutes’ struggle to get her into his arms – her body is heavy with steel and machinery – but he does it. Gets her laid out on the bed. But after that, he doesn’t know what to do. Doesn’t know if there’s anything he can do.
The ten minutes until she wakes up are an eternity, but finally Luna opens her eyes. It’s not a relief, though, because she doesn’t look well. Something’s still wrong.
“What… What’d they do to you?” Dio asks, even though he isn’t sure he wants the answer.
“A virus,” she says weakly, pushing a strand of orange hair out of her eyes. “It’s… Powerful. Fast-moving. I-I… I think it’s designed to release the cybertreatment codes, o-onto the internet.”
Dio doesn’t give a shit about the codes. Like she’s a sick kid, he puts his hand to her forehead.
“But what about you? Once the codes are out there, once it’s done, it’ll go away?”
“… No. I don’t think so,” she tells him.
Though her skin tends to run cool, her forehead is hot beneath his hand and pale with ABT fluid. Her mechanical systems are overheating as they try to overpower the virus, to hold it at bay, the way a human’s immune system runs a fever to burn out sickness. He’s never seen Luna so humanly vulnerable, and it’s terrifying.
“You’re dying,” he realizes blankly, and his whole chest goes cold.
Luna smiles.
“I was never really alive, Dio. It’s ok.”
“The hell it is! How— how long do you have?”
Luna closes her eyes, hums a little the way she does when she’s processing something.
“Twenty-three hours, thirty-five minutes, six seconds,” she murmurs.
“Shit.” Dio sits back, takes a shuddering breath and rakes his fingers through his hair. “Shit. Ok. The maintenance team will be here soon. They can fix this. Just… Stay there.”
“Ok, Dio.”
He wants to stay by her side, but like fuck his freaking out is gonna help her any. He moves out to the parlor to wait for the maintenance team and tries to pace his frustration away.
When they arrive, the tightness in his chest eases for about all of the five minutes it takes them to decide on a course of action. A fucking unacceptable course of action – to transfer Luna’s database over to a new GAULEM and let the fucking virus run its course. Let it fucking kill her, like the stupid database is all that’s important about her.
“Why can’t you just fix her?” Dio demands.
Marcus shakes his head with an almost pitying look on his face, and Dio has never wanted to punch him more.
“Why should we bother? I understand that this was your assignment, Dio, but there are other GAULEMs, and they will serve Cradle Pharmaceutical’s needs equally as well as GTF-DM-L-016 has. They’re all the same, these machines.”
They’re not. There’s no way they are, because Luna has feelings and desires and memories that are hers alone. But Dio’s anger is so thick in his throat that it chokes him and all he can do is nod. It prompts Marcus to clap him on the shoulder, and then heads out the door with the rest of the maintenance team. The door closes with a quiet click, but to Dio it might as well have been slammed.
Digging his hands into his hair, he hisses an angry breath out through his teeth.
They’ll all be back in twenty minutes, once the new GAULEM has been removed from the vault and the machines are ready. The seconds itch under Dio’s skin as they pass. Luna, on the other hand, looks as serene as always. She has less than half an hour of existence left and she’s spending it sitting in a chair and waiting patiently to die. Dio’s hands begin to shake and he clenches them into fists.
No. No, fuck that.
Maybe she’s willing to die, or thinks she has to, but Dio knows better. Cradle Pharma is in it for themselves. And normally Dio had been fine with that, with the status quo. But it’s not just about him anymore, it’s about her. And letting Luna die doesn’t benefit anyone except Cradle. So fuck them. He’s doing what’s best for him instead.
Luna’s reaching out a hand, concerned, but though her fingertips are only a few inches from his arm she doesn’t close the gap between them.
“We’re leaving,” he snaps. “We’re getting you the hell out of here. If they just want to let you die, then fuck them.”
Luna sighs.
“Dio, it— it doesn’t matter. Even if we left, neither of us can stop the virus.”
They can’t. She’s right. But the bones of a plan are starting to coalesce in Dio’s mind and anything is better than just giving up.
“No,” he says, taking her hand in his, “but I know who can.”
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rohitpalan · 10 months
Stretchable Conductive Materials: Market Analysis by FMI
The stretchable electronics market is anticipated to expand its roots at a steady CAGR of 6.2% between 2023 and 2033. The market is expected to have a market share of US$ 53 billion by 2033 while it is likely to be valued at US$ 29 billion in 2023.
Advanced flexible technology, healthcare tracker, and fitness monitoring watches, along with skin-based badges for insulation tracking are gaining traction in the market.
The technology integrating with connected devices through IoT transforms the market. The integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced computing is garnering market growth.
The 5G deployment and smartphone penetration are helping the market spread its boundaries while affordable prices, flexible technology, and high connectivity shaped the market’s growth trajectory.
The higher application of stretchable electronics in the automotive, defense, and energy sectors is anticipated to have an impact on these sectors in the future. Robotic technology in the defense sector is further expected to propel the market growth
The transforming consumer electronic industry with new development each day is anticipated to add new programs to the market’s expansion. The research and advertising-based projects are expected to be successful.
Explore Market Insights: Gain valuable insights into the stretchable electronics market by requesting a sample report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-17461
Key Pointers:
The United States market leads the stretchable electronics market in terms of market share in North America. The United States region is thriving at a CAGR of 5.0%. The growth in this region is caused by the technologically-enabled automotive sector and expanding healthcare research. Moreover, the transforming aerospace and defense research is projected to garner regional growth as well. The region is expected to reach a value of US$ 8.3 billion by 2033.
The United Kingdom market is another important market. The market thrives at a CAGR of 4.6% between 2023 and 2033. The growth is attributed to increased healthcare research, a growing population of millennial consumers, and fashion trends. The regional market is projected to reach a value of US$ 1.5 billion by 2033.
China’s stretchable electronics market booms at a strong CAGR of 7.6% from 2023 to 2033. The leading market dynamics are flourished of the expanding manufacturing facilities, technologically-driven population, and affordable pricing in China. Further, the market is likely to cross a value of US$ 13.4 billion by 2033.
Based on component type, the flexible screen segment leads the market as it thrives at a CAGR of 6.1% between 2023 and 2033.
Based on application type, the consumer electronics segment leads the market as the market thrives at a CAGR of 6.0% during the forecast period. Previously, the segment thrived at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2018 to 2022.
Competitive Landscape:
The key vendors focus on building highly flexible, affordable, and easy-to-integrate technology. Key competitors also merge, acquire, and partner with other companies to increase their supply chain and distribution channel.
Recent Market Developments:
Stretch Skin Technologies have started developing soft sensors that are polymer-based and are easily integrated into functional chip components. The technology also utilizes high-performance, nano-material, nano-wires, etc.
Flexosense has launched its flexible Electronic substrates that further offer the sensor to healthcare devices, robotics, and consumer electronics manufacturers.
Get In-Depth Analysis: Contact our research expert to delve deeper into the intricacies of the stretchable electronics market@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-17461
Key Players Profiled in this Market:
Forciot Ltd
RISE Acreo
Sri International
Avery Dennison Corporation
Canatu Oy
Market Segmentation:
By Component Type:
Flexible Display
Flexible Battery
Flexible Sensor
Bio Sensors
CMOS Hybrid Sensors
Photo Detectors
Piezo Resistive
Flexible Memory
Flexible Photovoltaics
By Application:
Consumer Electronics
Medical & Healthcare
Energy and Power
Aerospace and Defense
Key Regions Covered:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan
The Middle East and Africa
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