#disclaimers I don't have any knowledge in the art of massage
honeygrahambitch ยท 3 months
Will had one quick look at his watch.
"Time for me to go, it's getting quite late." He said as he got up from the armchair. He and Hannibal ended up talking for hours even if basically his session should have ended a long time ago.
He let out a deep hiss as a sharp pain went through his right shoulder. He knew he should have avoided making any sudden move.
"What's wrong?" Hannibal asked as Will'a sudden reaction caught Hannibal's attention.
"Yesterday I bent down to pick up a part of the boat engine I am working on and I must have somehow pulled a muscle. I forgot about it." He said as he quickly masked the pain with a smile.
"That's certainly not something to ignore." Hannibal said as he got up too and inspected Will from head to toes as if he was trying to make sure nothing else was broken.
"It's fine, ibuprofen helps." Will said and immediately regretted it. The expression on Hannibal's face changed.
"May I?" He said as he took a few steps closer behind Will.
"Let me guess, besides mastering all the skills a human being can master, you are also a physiotherapist."
"No, I haven't mastered it, but I do have some knowledge."
"Sure, go ahead, doctor." Will said and tensed instantly when Hannibal's hands rested on his shoulders.
"I need you to relax. And I need you to tell me when it hurts. And don't try to hold it in like you usually do."
"Is it that hard to believe that my pain threshold is just very high- OH FUCK, HANNIBAL."
"Seems like I'm in the right spot." He commented. Sure, asking Will to take off his shirt would have made his job easier but he didn't want to overstep his boundaries. He must have been in an enormous amount of pain anyway if he complied so easily with Hannibal's request.
"You think so?" Will asked and his again as Hannibal's hands did their magic near the spot where the neck meets the shoulder.
"Is this above your pain threshold?"
"Why? Is this all you can- JESUS CHRIST."
"Your muscles are so stiff. You were saying this shoulder of yours is usually giving you troubles in general. Would you mind it if I took care of your other shoulder too?" He asked as his hands presses now around the pulled muscle, giving Will a break. "It looks like you really need a massage."
"Whatever you say. Not all of us sit tight 24 out of 24."
"It's just a habit. Of course, that means it is something you have to educate yourself." Hannibal said as his hands were now massaging both shoulders.
Will let out a deep sigh as he felt his tight muscle slowly relaxing against Hannibal's firm grip. The initial pain was gone and was slowly being replaced by something else.
Hannibal found a spot right below Will's nape, almost between the shoulder bladed and used his thumbs to press into it. Will let out a moan and tilted his head back, leaning into Hannibal's touch.
Hannibal had a satisfied smile upon his lips as his hands went back towards Will's shoulders, working their way into relieving the stiffness. When he reached that one muscle again, Will didn't make any noise this time, other than letting out a sigh.
"You should have mentioned that you have magic hands since our first session. Is this something you include in your therapy?"
"Not to everyone. Just for you, in fact." He said as his hands were now resting on Will's shoulders.
"Thanks'. It feels like this has solved all my issues to be honest." He said and laughed, which made Hannibal beam even more.
"That is good to hear." Hannibal said as he walked away from his back. "And Will, you don't need to pull a muscle next time you need a massage. You can just ask for it."
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