#dir Luke Orlando
mtvforcrows · 1 year
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BANKS - Skinnydipped (2021)
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tuesday again 3/19/2024
boy hope i never run out of zelda games to play or my mental health is going to Tank. there are very vague endgame stuff spoilers (not where zelda is, but some of the time fuckery) but i am going to spoil a bit of the rito sage quest. nothing is rot-13'ed. i feel like that's a fair compromise since this game has been out for about a year? please let me know YOUR opinions on recent game spoilers
Thanks A Lot But No Thanks from the 1955 musical It's Always Fair Weather, sung by Dolores Grey. this was Dolores Grey propaganda in the @hotvintagepoll. i love a sugar baby song and this is sort of an. anti-sugar-baby song? a satitrical sugar baby song? she thanks suitors for increasingly improbable gifts (the state of Maine, et al) before killing them??
the PIPES on this woman!!! the comedic timing!!! she pulls out a gun and shoots suitors dead while thanking them for an autographed picture of john wayne!!! she pulls a big lever and they all fall under the stage!!! ive been having kind of a Time in the depths of unemployment and this made me genuinely laugh (not one short sharp bark of laughter, full on cackling).
thanks for the darling uranium mine indeed
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the moonstone by wilkie collins (and philip). this has been my falling asleep reading book. this is decidedly not a cozy mystery but the stakes are not like. so high i have to keep reading through the night to find out what happens. i'm having a good time with it, currently about halfway and still very irritated with rachel, the main character right now. i have not revised my "spoiled brat" opinion and i look forward to seeing if i ever revise it.
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The Three Musketeers (2011, dir. Paul W.S. Anderson). thank you mackintosh (this is a discard from my hometown library and no one needs to know where that is thanks). it's pretty widely available on free platforms rn which is how you know it's good. it's not Good is the thing but it is extremely fun. it is straight up the three musketeers but with an airship. milla jovovich jumps off an airship into the channel. milla jovovich does some assassins creed shit. luke evans does some assassins creed shit. there is an airship fight and an airship chase. it is So cheesy and unfortunately never got another sequel. it also inexplicably has some of the finest cinematic swordfighting since the golden age of hollywood.
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this was a really successful impromptu movie night pick for a more widely varied gang than usual, including some teens. my bestie also enjoyed it, which i am So pleased by bc she has extremely exacting movie taste. this cast is so stacked for no good reason: orlando bloom, luke evans, christoph waltz, mads mikkelsen, matthew macfayden...
i have a post in my head about breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom and their dialogue with each other about loss and grief, but i think that's going to have to wait until i have a little bit more brainpower. perhaps i can talk a little bit about how they make me feel about loss and grief, and how i was upset for zelda and her hundred-year siege in the last one but i am so so so desperately sad for zelda in tears of the kingdom.
i played through breath of the wild with a constant background sense of loss and grief. this is only partially due to the real-life severe depression and joblessness. i think this is a personal brain thing and not a game thing, but i did feel guilty when fucking around in breath of the wild and not actively doing main quests to save zelda. like i would look at the castle off in the distance and feel kind of bad. the champions (and zelda!) telling link as soon as physically possible that it wasn't his fault made me cry in real life every time. i get it's like a month max of in-universe time between games, but it still feels like he has once again missed SO much. i think this is sort of a larger symptom of depression in that i look at [REDACTED] in tears of the kingdom and get a bit hopeless about [REDACTED] and it's like. well i might as well go pick golden apples and not do main quests. time is meaningless.
i am really glad they kept the shrine of resurrection on the plateau in tears of the kingdom. if that hadn't been there i the player would have felt very unmoored. i cannot begin to think how unreal and depersonalized it would have made link feel.
enough of that! the hero's path function is so funny. there are such huge swathes of the map i looked at and said No Thanks! Not Yet!
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my depths map is even funnier. eight lightroots so far. no thank you! too scary still! i thought until VERY RECENTLY that all the caves and wells led to the depths and was avoiding them. mistake! cool shit in caves and wells! some horrible boys as well but they are vastly outnumbered by the cool shit.
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the rito sage quest fucked SO severely. i had so much fucking fun with that boss fight even though it took me a real life two hours to get up to the arena with the puzzles to unlock the boss fight. i also surprised myself and did not have to look up how to beat any of the puzzles or the boss! just entered a state of flow and looked up and it was three hours later! i know a lot of people are very grumpy about how this was not a totally new game with a totally new map, but i have nothing but praise for the mechanics in this completely new section. knocked my socks off. made me think but wasn't too frustrating. made me use all my powers and all my weapon types. it was simply a great deal of almost frictionless fun! some over the top sick as shit stuff that is the whole point of video games as a medium imo
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unlocked all the geoglyphs and i am Upset. i am UPSET.
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and now for some horse talk (TM): i kept the very first horse i caught out of nostalgia even though these stats are not very good. i think the naming scheme for this game will be H (the last game was C). the breath of the wild giant ganon horse is so funny. you can't do shit with this horse. you can't change the mane. you can't change the tack. you can't increase his stats. he's just There. Large.
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tangential horse talk: why is this lynel in the wetlands. his feathering and fetlocks are going to rot off. he is going to founder
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some places ASCEND works where i didn't expect it to: tree. water you can stand in.
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i stumbled across the last power completely accidentally while trying to deliver some eyes to a mysterious god and this was so fucking funny. i DID throw this guy down a big pit in the last game and he never came back. i forgot about that.
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also people were fucking gaga for rauru but why didn't i see people talking about either of these two last summer on this, the -girl affix site and the scruffy shredded boy site
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some other bits and bobs:
i was so annoyed patricia was part of the compendium in the last game i fucking got her this time ok
very hashtag relatable languages moment
unrelated to either of those things, i have done the gerudo sage quest except for the boss battle and i missed two huge swathes of hashtag tunnel gameplay (going to find riju through the tunnels. simply went overland) and getting to the central temple chamber (simply used ascend). whoops
there's a little tower concept art piece in purah's room in the ancient lab! that's a fun little touch i really love, it really helps differentiate the games and show changes in the overworld between games in a very cheap and east way for the devs
bc i play these games like dressup simulators, i also want to note that misko's tents are also really fun, they really feel like they're from a much earlier era and i'm stumbling across an untouched archaeological site
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garden update: growing along okay, it has been so so so wet lately and i should have bitten the bullet and bought the big expensive bag of perlite, the drainage is not terrific. i should elevate all the planters and that would help a bit too. tomatoes are bit leggy, i moved them out of the partial shade on the end of the balcony and in front of the window. i am a bit concerned about them getting scorched, but again it's been so wet lately they need all the help they can get. i feel like they're established enough to be pruned a bit to make them bushier but i am Afraid. there are worse things in life than leggy tomatoes
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the pic on the left below: these bush beans are looking a bit strange as well. the four shorter ones came up, promptly withered their cotyledons, and i thought they died until they popped out their first true leaves. the larger ones i think may have some kind of mosaic virus but it's a little early to tell. these are bins that haven't been used outside (they stored clothes in for the move) and new dirt from home depot. either the dirt or the seed stock itself may have been infected? very strange. the cucumbers in the bin in the back (hidden by the beans) are also taking forever to get going. at least the sweet peas are doing fine. the spinach i planted in that back bin withered where the stems met the soil and died. i think it was simply to early and too damp for them.
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anyway on the right pic above: these normie peas and normie climbing beans seem to be doing fine. that's dill in the gray pot and basil in the bucket, they also seem to be doing fine. just sort of a perplexing corner on the other side of the balcony.
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glitteratti · 1 year
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“crumbs” by rebecca black music video dir. luke orlando, behind the scenes || the blair witch project dir. daniel myrick and eduardo sánchez
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sonicxoculus · 2 years
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Charli XCX - "Every Rule" (2022)
dir. Imogene Strauss & Luke Orlando
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f00dcourt · 2 years
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DAGR x Rebecca Black x LVL1 - Cafe Racer (dir. Luke Orlando) (2022)
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eurodynamic · 2 years
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CHARLI XCX Baby (2022) dir. Imogene Strauss & Luke Orlando
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itsbambrr · 6 years
Rules: Answer questions about yourself and tag 20 people.
I was tagged by @talerano​. I don’t like to tag people, but if you’d like to get to know more about me (within reason), feel free to tag me and I’ll probably tell you.
Name: Amber
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Orientation: Gray-asexual (bisexual + gray-ace)
Height: 5’6
Favorite color: Navy and Tiffany Blue
Book recommendations: 
Nursing Against the Odds -- Suzanne Gordon // A slightly dated but very compelling sociology and macro-level commentary and analysis of the institution of nursing in the early to mid 2000s. A lot of the commentary prompted reorganization and the overarching work is used in nursing scholarship today. It also gives the reader a much deeper understanding of what nurses do today. This work went on to expand into a few volumes that evaluate nursing in the contemporary western world, of which has largely influenced my academic career as a medical sociologist, aspiring nurse educator, and future doctor of nursing practice. 
The Complexities of Care -- Edited by Siobhan Nelson and Suzanne Gordon // For those that aren’t interested in the 400+ pages of Nursing Against the Odds, I recommend this entry in the same vein. This was a much faster read and focuses on the complicated role of “caring” in the institutionalization of nursing. While the overall political position of the writers tend to be much less radical than my own, this more contemporary entry allows readers alike to better understand the social challenges nurses navigate on a a daily basis. Fun fact: I analyzed half of its content in an academic essay where I examined the politics of care and macrosocial structures in the institution of health for a midterm essay in a medical sociology course. 
The Iron Druid Chronicles -- Kevin Hearne // For fans of urban fantasy. 21-(century)-year-old druid Atticus O’Sullivan manages an occult book store in Tempe, AZ. After centuries of hiding, Atticus’ past eventually catches up with him and then some. The series includes 9 novels, 3 novelas, and several short stories within the universe. I highly recommend the audiobook, which is read by Luke Daniels. The book reads at a YA level, but with a more mature tone due to graphic violence (and occasionally gore) and sexual content. 
The Subtle art of Not Giving a Fuck -- Mark Manson // I like nonfiction, but I’m not a big fan of self-help. Which is why I appreciate this book. The Subtle art of Not Giving a Fuck reads less like a preachy life coach and more like a good friend you asked to convince you to get your shit together and start living your life. 
If you care for more, just use the ask button.
Movie recommendations: 
Thor: Ragnarok // I don’t need to explain how great it is to see Tessa Thompson kicking ass. Also, Taika Waititi’s humor is great. 
Black Panther, dir. Ryan Coogler // It’s not really a secret that I love Ryan Coogler’s work, so when I heard that directing Black Panther, I knew I was going to see the movie multiple times. I saw it three times -- twice in theaters while interning at Disney, once on a cross-country flight back home. 
Enchanted, dir. Kevin Lima // While it isn’t as widely advertised in this iteration of my tumblr, I’m a HUGE Alan Menken fan. I’m an even bigger Disney nerd. Like... I go ALL OUT on Disney. Enchanted is a comedic meta commentary that satirizes the Princess and Renaissance Disney eras in a more lighthearted tale. Featuring Amy Adams (a favorite of mine), Patrick Dempsey (meh), James Marsden, Idina Menzel, Susan Sarandon, and cameos from your favorite Disney Princess voice actors.
TV recommendations: 
Brooklyn Nine-Nine // I’m not generally a big fan of IRL police, but I do appreciate a funny and well-written comedy featuring a diverse ensemble cast. Shout-out to the Nine-Nine for having TWO queer characters of color: Captain Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher) and Detective Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz). Catch all five seasons on Hulu and season six on NBC (whenever that starts). 
Community // I was recommended this by a friend who has the same comedic sense as I do. While I think the first season was a bit slow, I do appreciate the humor. Donald Glover and Danny Puti were the main reasons why I watched all six seasons (#sixseasonsandamovie). I loved their onscreen chemistry and their character development. 
The Clone Wars // (aka #sixseasonsandamovie: Star Wars Edition) While it may take some adjustment coming from the live-action films, this animated series expands on the events of The Clone Wars. I found this series particularly useful in parsing out the canon and Legends universe because Lucasfilm was in the process of aquisition by Disney throughout the later part of its production. As a child, I appreciated the well-timed humor and sci-fi action. As an adult, I appreciate the subtle themes and narratives posed in a war that relied upon cloned labor. 
Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra // UGH JUST LOOK AT THIS MASTERPIECE THAT NEEDS TO BE TAKEN MORE SERIOUSLY. A:TLA is basically a Chosen One narrative in which our immature hero must rise to the occasion and bring balance to the world by defeating a major imperial power. The Legend of Korra expands on the universe and is set approximately 70 years after the conclusion of A:TLA. While Korra (the heroine) is much farther in her physical journey as the Avatar/Chosen Once, she still has much to learn about the world aroundher and of Republic City. This series focuses more on social and spiritual conflicts in a recently industrialized world. As a viewer, I think Korra is a much needed representation of brown girls in popular media, especially in animation. REALLY I’M JUST HERE FOR THE WORLD BUILDING AND LORE. And honestly, if you’re a writer or even a lover of well-written worlds, check these two series out for great examples of world-building.  Check out creators Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko on tumblr for more of their work!
Music recommendations: 
I have a pretty broad taste in music, so here’s a quick sample of what you’ll find on shuffle when you’re me:
Pay My Rent - DNCE
Trader Sam’s (background music loop for Trader Sam’s Tiki Lounge at both the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, CA and Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort in Orlando, FL)
Shiver Shiver - Walk the Moon
Hard Times - Paramore
Etta James - I’d Rather Be Blind
Christ Stapleton feat. Justin Timberlake - Tennessee Whiskey
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Aquarium, from Camille Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals
Nocturne op. 9 no. 2 by Frederic Chopin (Fun fact: this appears on Bioshock Infinite’s ambient soundtrack and in the following song...)
United States of Eurasia - Muse
We haven’t really gotten into jazz standards or soundtracks either, so /shrug
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Iced cold brew coffee!
Cats or dogs: Dogs if I am not personally responsible for them for more than 48 hours, cats if I am.
I want to live long enough to witness: The end of this bullshit presidential administration, the elimination of undocumented and prison labor, worldwide denuclearization, public beach access for all, institution of universal or single-payer health insurance in the US, the end of my alma mater’s budget crisis
Weird obsessions: Dr. Sandra Lee’s (DrPimplePopper) YouTube Channel, Filipino fusion cuisine, eating raw fish
Tumblr birthday: September 2010, I think. I’ve had my tumblr since high school. 
How many sideblogs: None anymore, but if you’re interested in my academic and professional work, ask me about my pro-blog on Wordpress. 
Random fact about me: I several redundant professional certifications in water rescue and CPR/AED administration.
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maksatbilgicom · 7 years
Cate Blanchett
Tam adı: Catherine Élise Blanchett Doğum tarihi: 14 Mayıs 1969 Doğum yeri: Ivanhoe, Melbourne / Avustralya Boyu: 1,74 m Ailesi : June Blanchett (Annesi) ,Robert Blanchett (babası), Genevieve Blanchett (kız kardeşi) ,Bob (Erkek kardeşi) Eşi: Andrew Upton (1997’de evlendi) Mesleği: Oyuncu Aktif Yılları: 1994 ‘den bu yana Sosyal Medyada Başlıklar
Hakkında Bilgi
Elizabeth ve Elizabeth: Altın Çağ filmlerinde hayat verdiği ,İngiltere kraliçesi I. Elizabeth ve Peter Jackson‘ın Yüzüklerin Efendisi üçlemesinde canlandırdığı elf kraliçesi Galadriel rolleriyle daha çok tanınmaktadır. Ayrıca Robin Hood filminde Lady Marian karakterine hayat vererek oyunculuğunu konuşturmuştur.
Tam adı  Catherine Élise Blanchett olan Cate Blanchett, 14 Mayıs 1969’da Avustralya, Melbourne, Ivanhoe’de dünyaya gelmiştir. Ebeveylerinden annesinin adı ,June Blanchett, babası Robert Blanchett’dir. Çocukluk döneminde 10 yaşındayken , babası Robert Blanchett kalp krizinden vefat etmiştir. Erkek kardeşi Bob bilgisayar mühendisi çıkmış ,kız kardeşi ise Genevieve Blanchett , sahne ve kostüm tasarımcısı olarak yaşamlarına devam etmektedirler.
Cate Blanchett, 1992 yılında ,Avustralya Ulusal Enstitüsü Drama Sanatları bölümünden mezun olarak eğitimini tamamlamıştır. Bir yıl sonra ise 1993’de ilk önemli tiyatro deneyimini, Geoffrey Rush‘da yer aldığı David Mamet’in Oleanna oyununda Carol karakterini canlandırmış,1994-1995 yılları arasında ise Rush ve Richard Roxburgh ile başrolde olduğu Neil Armfield‘ın yönettiği Company B yapımı Hamlet oyununda Ophelia’ı canlandırarak oyunvuluk deneyimi kazanmıştır.
Cate Blanchett‘in ilk beyaz perde performansı ise Bruce Beresford’un yönettiği baş rollerinde Glenn Close ve Frances McDormand‘ın oynadığı 1997 yılı yapımı Paradise Road filmidir. Ardından 1998’de Ralph Fiennes ile başrolleri paylaştığı Oscar and Lucinda filminde Lucinda Leplastrier rolüyle Avustralya Film Enstitüsü’nün (Australian Film Institute) En İyi Kadın Oyuncu ödülüne aday gösterilmiştir. Bu bir yana 1997’de “Thank God He Met Lizzie” filmiyle , En İyi Yardımcı Kadın Oyuncu ödülünü almıştır.
Onu en çok tanımamıza neden olan yapımlardan biri de 1998 yılında Elizabeth filminde canlandırdığı I. Elizabeth’dir. Cate Blanchett bu filmdeki performansı sayesinde ,  ilk Oscar adaylığını hak etmiştir. Ancak o yıl ki oscar ödüllerinde ise ödül ;  Shakespeare in Love filmi ile Gwyneth Paltrow‘a gitmiştir. Ama bu rol ile oscar’ı kaçırsa da En İyi Kadın Oyuncu dalındaki BAFTA ve Altın Küre ödüllerini kazanmıştır.
2007 yılında Bob Dylan’ı canlandırdığı “I’m Not There” filmiyle 64. Venedik Film Festivali’nde Volpi Kupasını almıştır. (Volpi Cup) Bu filmle Yardımcı Kadın Oyuncu dalında Oscar’a aday gösterilen oyuncu karşı cinsi oynayıp Oscar’a aday olmuş 2. oyuncudur. (İlk oyuncu ise 1983’de Linda Hunt)
  Cate Blanchett, 29 Aralık 1997 tarihinde senaryo yazarı Andrew Upton ile evlendi. Roman Robert Upton (d.2004), Dashiell John Upton (d.2001), Ignatius Martin Upton (d.2008) adlarında 3 oğlu vardır. Ayrıca 6 Mart 2015 tarihinde “Vivienne” adında bir kız bebek evlat edindi.
2014 yılında Woody Allen yapımı Blue Jasmine filminde Oyuncu dalında Oscar kazanmıştır.
2014 yılında yönetmenliğini Peter Jackson’ın yaptığı “Hobbit: Beş Ordunun Savaşı” adlı sinema filminde yine Galadriel karakterini canlandırırken diğer rollerde Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Ian Holm, Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Armitag, Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lilly, Luke Evans, Lee Pace gibi oyuncular oynamıştır.
Cate Blanchett’ın Aldığı Ödüller
2014 – 86. Akademi Ödülleri – En İyi Kadın Oyuncu (Blue Jasmine)
2014 – 86. 66. BAFTA Ödülleri – En İyi Kadın Oyuncu (Blue Jasmine)
2014 – 86. 71. Altın Küre Ödülleri – En İyi Kadın Oyuncu (Blue Jasmine)
2007 – Altın Küre Ödülleri – En İyi Yardımcı Kadın Oyuncu – Sinema (I’m Not There)
2005 – Akademi Ödülleri – En İyi Yardımcı Kadın Oyuncu (The Aviator)
2004 – BAFTA Ödülleri – En İyi Yardımcı Kadın Oyuncu (The Aviator)
1999 – Altın Küre Ödülleri – En İyi Kadın Oyuncu – Drama ( Elizabeth)
1999 – BAFTA Ödülleri – En İyi Kadın Oyuncu ( Elizabeth)
Cate Blanchett’ın Yönetmenliğini Yaptığı Filmler
2013 – Dönüş (Sinema Filmi)
Cate Blanchett’ın Yapımcı Olduğu Filmler
2006 – Stories Of Lost Souls (Sinema Filmi)
Cate Blanchett’ın Oynadığı Filmler ve Diziler
2015 – Cinderella (Lady Tremaine) (Sinema Filmi)
2014 – Knight Of Cups (Sinema Filmi)
2014 – Hobbit: Beş Ordunun Savaşı (Galadriel) (Sinema Filmi)
2014 – Ejderhanı Nasıl Eğitirsin 2 (Valka (seslendirme)) (Sinema Filmi)
2014 – Carol (Carol Aird) (Sinema Filmi)
2013 – Untitled Terrence Malick Proje… (Sinema Filmi)
2013 – The Galapagos Affair: Satan Ca… (Dore Strauch (voice)) (Sinema Filmi)
2013 – Mavi Yasemin (Jasmine) (Sinema Filmi)
2013 – Journey to the South Pacific (Anlatıcı) (Sinema Filmi)
2013 – Hobbit: Smaug’un Çorak Topraklar (Galadriel) (Sinema Filmi)
2013 – Hazine Avcıları (Rose Valland) (Sinema Filmi)
2013 – Girl Rising (Narrator (voice)) (Sinema Filmi)
2013 – Dönüş (Gail Lang) (Sinema Filmi)
2012 – Hobbit: Beklenmedik Yolculuk (Galadriel) (Sinema Filmi)
2011 – The Last Time I Saw Michael Gr… (Sinema Filmi)
2011 – Indian Summer (Lady Edwina Mountbatten) (Sinema Filmi)
2011 – Hanna (Marissa Wiegler) (Sinema Filmi)
2010 – Robin Hood (Maid Marian) (Sinema Filmi)
2009 – Fantastic Mr. Fox (Bayan Fox-Seslendirme) (Sinema Filmi)
2008 – The 80th Annual Academy Awards (Kendisi) (TV Filmi)
2008 – Küçük Denizkızı Ponyo (İngilizce Seslendirme) (Sinema Filmi)
2008 – İndiana Jones ve Kristal Kafatası Krallığı (Rus Ajan Spalko) (Sinema Filmi)
2008 – Benjamin Button’ın Tuhaf Hikayesi (Daisy Fuller) (Sinema Filmi)
2007 – Sıkı Aynasızlar (Jeanine) (Sinema Filmi)
2007 – In the Company of Actors (Kendisi) (Sinema Filmi)
2007 – Elizabeth: Altın Çağ (I. Elizabeth) (Sinema Filmi)
2007 – Beni Orada Arama (Jude Quinn) (Sinema Filmi)
2006 – İyi Alman (Lena Brandt) (Sinema Filmi)
2006 – Stories Of Lost Souls (Julie-Anne) (Sinema Filmi)
2006 – Skandal (Sheba Hart) (Sinema Filmi)
2006 – Babil (Susan Jones) (Sinema Filmi)
2005 – Küçük Balık (Tracy) (Sinema Filmi)
2005 – Iconoclasts (Herself) (TV Dizisi)
2004 – Suda Yaşam (Jane Winslett-Richardson) (Sinema Filmi)
2004 – Göklerin Hakimi (Katharine Hepburn) (Sinema Filmi)
2003 – Yüzüklerin Efendisi: Kralın Dö… (Galadriel) (Sinema Filmi)
2003 – Veronica Guerin (Veronica Guerin) (Sinema Filmi)
2003 – The 100 Greatest Movie Stars (Kendisi) (Sinema Filmi)
2003 – Kayıp (Maggie Gilkeson) (Sinema Filmi)
2003 – Kahve ve Sigara (Cate/Shelly) (Sinema Filmi)
2002 – Yüzüklerin Efendisi: İki Kule (Galadriel) (Sinema Filmi)
2002 – Cennet (Philippa) (Sinema Filmi)
2001 – Çok Özel Haber (Petal) (Sinema Filmi)
2001 – Yüzüklerin Efendisi:Yüzük Kardeşliği (Galadriel) (Sinema Filmi)
2001 – National Geographic: Beyond Th… (Kendisi/Galadriel, Galadhrim’ın Hanımı) (TV Filmi)
2001 – Haydut (Kate Wheeler) (Sinema Filmi)
2001 – Charlotte Gray (Charlotte Gray) (Sinema Filmi)
2000 – Erkeğin Gözyaşları (Lola) (Sinema Filmi)
2000 – 3. Göz (Annie) (Sinema Filmi)
1999 – İdeal Bir Koca (Lady Gertrude Chiltern) (Sinema Filmi)
1999 – Yetenekli Bay Ripley (Meredith Logue) (Sinema Filmi)
1999 – Pushing Tin (Connie Falzone) (Sinema Filmi)
1998 – Elizabeth (I. Elizabeth) (Sinema Filmi)
1997 – Thank God He Met Lizzie (Lizzie) (Sinema Filmi)
1997 – Paradise Road (Susan Macarthy) (Sinema Filmi)
1997 – Oscar ve Lucinda (Lucinda Leplastrier) (Sinema Filmi)
1995 – Bordertown (Bianca) (TV Dizisi)
1994 – Police Rescue (Vivian) (Sinema Filmi)
1994 – Heartland (Elizabeth Ashton) (TV Dizisi) 1994
1981 – Entertainment Tonight (Kendisi) (TV Dizisi) (3 Bölüm)
Cate Blanchett Explains Where Her Moral Compass Lies. Anatomically.
Cate Blanchett winning Best Actress for “Blue Jasmine”
Kaynaklardan toplanarak derlenmiştir.
Cate Blanchett Biyografisi. @CateBlanchett Tam adı: Catherine Élise Blanchett Doğum tarihi: 14 Mayıs 1969 Doğum yeri: Ivanhoe, Melbourne / Avustralya…
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nvlv · 7 years
Dan Frantz Cinematography Reel 2017 from Dan Frantz on Vimeo.
Formats: Arri Alexa XT Red Dragon Sony FS7 Sony A7Sii Super 8mm Black Magic Cinema Camera 2.5k
Projects in order of appearance: Tyler (Dir. Andy Koeger, Devyn Tyler, Adam O'Farrill) Alabama Shakes - "Gimme All your Love" (Dir. Clayton McCracken) Celestial Being - "Vapor Rises" (Dir. Nic Yiallouris) Velvet Drive (Dir. Luke Orlando, Dan Frantz) Margaret Park (Dir. Cameron Spencer, Dan Frantz) Conscript (Dir. Dan Frantz) Lonny (Dir. Nic Yiallouris) a Closet Made of Sheets (Dir. Kira Bursky) Road of Injustice (Dir. Jamie Casino) Onirique (Dir. Clint Rea, Alex Shilt) Troy Allen Promo (Dir. Rachel Scaffe)
Audio: Alan Watts - Stop Trying to Change the World Noisia - The Approach (Reprise)
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mtvforcrows · 1 year
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Rebecca Black - Crumbs (2022)
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