#digimon 02 epilogue
DigiWeek 2022 - Day 3: Recess/Humor
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Day Off Characters: Koushiro Izumi, Tentomon, Megumi Izumi (OC), Akemi Izumi (OC) and the rest of the original Chosen Children's kids. Summary: Koushiro takes care of the Chosen Children's kids for a whole day.  Koushiro was sweating from nervousness. He still didn't exactly know how he was thrown into this situation, but there was no way to get out from it now. He had no problem taking care of Megumi when Akemi had to go out, but he was never given the task to handle seven more children at the same time alone. He had dealt with dangerous evil Digimon in the past, but couldn't take care of such great kids. "Daddy?" Megumi looked up at him and Koushiro broke off his trance. "Are you okay?" "Yes, sweetheart. I'm fine." "So what are we going to do?" "I don't know. Play videogames? I have no idea what kids like playing nowadays. When they are in a group, I mean." "Koushiro?" Tentomon landed in the middle of the bunch of in-training Digimon. "Why don't you show them one of the games you used to play at their age?" "I think they will be bored as he… really bored. They barely spend time outside nowadays. Not to mention it's dangerous." "Take them to the park then. It has a very large green area and you won't have to worry about them getting hit by a car or anything." "I don't think I can handle so many children on my own." "You've done a good job so far." "They just got here." "I still think you're doing great." "You think we should?" "I have no doubt about it." "Alright. Megumi, come here." "What's it, daddy?" The red haired girl made her way through the other children, who were either playing videogames or watching it. "What if we go to the park?" "To the park? To do what?" "There are a lot of things we can do there, Megumi." Tentomon said. "When your father was a child he used to play a lot there with the rest of the Chosen Children during summer vacation." "Really? You didn't have videogames back then?" "We did. Nothing like the ones we have today though." "You know, Koushiro and Taichi were part of the soccer team when they were in fifth and fourth grades." "Are you serious?" Takato asked shocked and approached the small group. "Daddy never told me that." "That's true. Me, him and Sora." "Mommy too?' Aiko came closer when she heard her mother's name. "Was she any good?" "Yes, she was. She was one of the main players of the female soccer team while she was part of it." "Cool!" "If you all want, we can go to the park and play some soccer." "Yes, let's go daddy." Keep reading it on FF.net or AO3
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polite-pandemonium · 8 months
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Me to me: don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes you toei has burned you so many times before you know better than this don't get your hopes up don't get your hopes DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP
Also me: Hopes? High. Delusions? Strong. Theories? Brewing.
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amethyst-geek · 8 days
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atsoraasayoma · 1 year
I have been meaning to have a one sided conversation about this…
Take a look at these two images:
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What is the difference between them? They don’t have Takeru or his son in the image. Or Daisuke and his son.
Why is this significant?
Takeru is telling the story of the epilogue. If he is standing with the others in the second pic next to them it makes things appear as if he is not center stage with the wrap up.
So what? What does that have to do with ANYTHING Atsora?
Let me ask you a question. If Takeru could decide in the first image where he would stand or where his place would be aren’t you curious?
As a Takari fan it is incredibly important. Before anyone lambasts me about the epilogue how they are not together or he never said they were
I would like to say two things about this.
1. Until we can see faces or learn names of the spouses of the other Digidestined hopefully with the zero two epilogue movie I WILL NEVER GIVE UP.
2. Now for the important part and some creative thinking. At first when I looked at the first image I had thought they were taking some kind of picture but it’s just a visual from Takeru’s viewpoint. It is the second image that is quite telling.
We see in the first image how Takeru views the Digidestined. But, in the second pic we see the same but in reverse. Though I did notice they shifted a bit.
Indeed, if we address the gaps between them in the first picture Daisuke would fill the gap between Sora and Yamato..
But what about the SECOND gap between Hikari and Koushiro that Tentomon is conspicuously blocking from view? That is quite a gap!
Well, in the second image Joe is seen with Mimi and Sora right next to him. Koushiro has shifted to look like he is standing right by Hikari but he is actually behind her.
With the separation Takeru appears to fit right between Mimi and Koushiro who is still standing behind Hikari. So then what does that mean?
It means based off of ALL of this Takeru would fit literally right beside Hikari with Koushiro behind her and Mimi a little bit ahead of them.
Literally it appears as if he would have stepped forward from standing beside her!
Does this mean anything?
Not really. Or should I say it shouldn’t. But from an overly teased Takari shipper it means just another bread crumb to follow.
I mean think about it. This is the very last scene of them all. And where does it look like Takeru placed himself? Where is the gap in the first picture where Takeru COULD place himself? The second picture tied in the answer!
So even if it’s not canon (still possible) the fact in the addressed gaps it appears Takeru comes forward in line to that spot-that gap even IF it’s not canon this is where Takeru and his son are placed.
Now do me a favor. Take his son. Take Takeru. Look at the second picture and look back to the first.
Where do YOU think he would be standing?
It kind of makes it look like they are a family doesn’t it?
(Someone photoshop it. It will help keep me sane.)
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mattman324 · 10 months
I am becoming firmly convinced that the First Godwin's Law of Digimon 02 is "02 is shit (specifically because the epilogue ruined my ship)" which every argument about 02 being bad will, inevitably, turn out to be. All of them. Every single one. All the ones I've seen over the twenty years of people talking about it. It never ends.
(the second is Ankylomon -> Shakkoumon -> Vikemon and the third is The Fucking Dark Area but that one only really comes up when the topic is fanfiction thankfully)
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firedragon1321 · 7 months
Missing Digidestined Theory
Hi and welcome to my humble abode. Tonight at 4 am, I'm going to (try) to make sense of some Digimon shit. Namely the number of Digidestined in Adventure's world, and how that correlates to a certain statement from the producers. This is entirely headcanon, possibly AU, and also made at 4-6 am. It also contains spoilers for the new 02 movie. There is a brief mention of child death. And it ends with complaints about the timeline and epilogue.
EDIT: This is no longer solid for several reasons, mainly conflicting information in 02 the Beginning, the presentation of clear AU as a theory, and the use of a ship blog as a source. On the first, I had not seen the movie yet (and now have doubts that Lui was really "the first", but that's a theory that basically ends in "Daigo/Maki's group were still first"). On the latter two points, I really should know better, and I apologize.
I have closed notifications due to some rude behavior, so I won't see any updates on this. However, I also deleted the original edit mentioning that since it itself was rude. There's really no reason to leave this up, except I like the idea generally and for archival purposes. If you still wish to read it, it is stored below. Just get ready for 40 year old Lui, lol.
I'll hook you with this- there weren't five Digidestined globally in Maki's time. There were eight.
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This goes off a statement from one of the producers. You can read it all here.
Basically, the number of Digidestined worldwide would double. This ensures everyone would have a Digimon partner by 2027 (aka, the epilogue).
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Doing the math- the number would exceed the global population (approximately 8 billion people) in 2020 (becoming 16,777,216 to be precise- 2019 cuts it close with 8,388,608, but the math is not wrong either way).
The exact statement says this "doubling" occurred from the Parrotmon incident forward. I personally believe that's BS because Willis exists. He receives Gummymon and Kokomon around the same time that the original Botamon spawns. There's also Meiko, Ken, and Ryo (depending on how you interpret the WonderSwan games). Meaning the number of Digidestined is higher than 8, and possibly already doubling.
Let's assume Lui is the first Digidestined. He seems to be around his early 20s (or ages really well- maybe it's Maybelline). Then Daigo and Maki's team came after him. Then Adventure team and so-on.
This all rides around this comment, as there are no official ages for Daigo, Maki, or Lui and we need them. User SharpeBB from With the Will points out the following, which I used as it's the only logical explanation I can find.
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So based on this theory- assuming they were 11/12 when they were chosen, and Maki's age in the flashback is as SharpeBB claims, the original Digidestined would have set out on their mission in 1987 (using the age of 9 as a baseline for reasons I will explain later and computing in Maki's age of 21).
I assume for this theory that Maki was a Digidestined for at least two years prior to losing Tapirmon (referring to the flashback involving the Harmonious Ones). My tri. knowledge is a bit rusty. But since that flashback occurs in the Digital World, I'll have to assume she met Tapirmon in the real world, there was time fuckery similar to Adventure, adults were looking for the members of that team in the Real World, or any combination of the three.
So- 27 (Maki's age) minus 9 (assumed age when first she became a Digidestined) is 18. 18 years before tri. in 2005 was 1987.
There are five of these "original kids"- Daigo, Maki, and three unnamed ones. But you may notice that five is not an even number, nor a multiple of two. The lowest number of Digidestined that must exist globally at that time is eight. This doesn't mean for Maki's team specifically- they could be in another country, like the numerous American Digidestined.
So going backwards- there would be four Digidestined (globally) in 1986, two in 1985, and one (Lui) in 1984.
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Incidentally, Lui was born on a leap year...which 1972 is. Using the baseline of 12 years (based on the above image), he would be 40 in 02 the Beginning. Let's just say he ages well.
So I bet you're tired of BS- let's get to the meat and potatoes. How many Digidestined really exist by the time of Adventure? Well, with 12 years between 1987 (original Digidestined) and 1999...the answer is 32,768.
Remember that not all Digidestined go to the Digital World. Some of this number might have died (we can't rule out "accidents" in the Digital World entirely, nor death via other means). Others might have stayed in the Real World and never went to the Digital World. Still others might have let their inner child- and partner- die (see Kizuna). But given the time gap between Daigo/Maki's team and 1999 alone, I don't think all 32,000+ of them were twiddling their thumbs.
There's more threats out there that we don't know about. There's more dead kids than we can fathom. And worse still, this only accelerates the amount of time until everyone has a Digimon. It would exceed the global population in 2009 with 16,777,216- that same number from the start- three years before 02 the Beginning.
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Yet we can see that this is not the case. Ukkomon's MO is to give everyone a Digimon partner, which the world is not ready for. Recall that the production team claims the worldwide doubling occurred starting with Tai's team. Including those eight and the four outliers I mentioned, everyone would have a Digimon by 2019 (with an estimated 12,582,912 partnerships- this exceeds the global population). In 2012, this number is merely 98,304. Which makes sense for the Ukkomon plot.
So I wasted your time. Except...
I still feel this math doesn't account for things like Daigo/Maki's team and Lui. The producer's math states there are 64 Digidestined globally by 2002. But this cannot be the case as how do the Digidestined from before- or even kids like Willis- factor in? Like, they fit numerically, but how did they find their partners? Why were they chosen? Especially those before 1999, if it all connects to the Botamon in Japan? Also- assuming Lui is as young as he looks (i.e.- around Davis's age) makes Maki older than him...which makes no sense, given the average age someone becomes a Digidestined and her own assumed age.
It makes more sense for Lui to look really good for forty than the entire timeline does if we assume that the doubling began in 1999.
And this is because of two issues. One is "left hand not talking to right hand" throughout the Adventure timeline. There's simply no communication between departments (especially for the WonderSwan games, the canonicity of which is flaky even in my own personal timeline). This has resulted in other plot holes throughout Adventure canon.
Another is a hardcore determination to keep the epilogue canon, despite conflicting elements from tri. on forward. The link at the very beginning attempts to explain the epilogue, yet includes some absolutely bonkers explanations for things like why Matt became an astronaut (basically, there's extraterrestrial threats made in response to digivolution, and the Dark Masters are implied to be one of them, despite actually being linked to Apocalymon- is he also an alien???).
There was supposed to be a season 3 that would have evened out a lot of this (I'm afraid I forgot the link- if someone has it, let me know so I can add it). But we never got it, so the epilogue will never make logical sense. Almost all attempts to canonize it cause batshit lore to enter the chat, or it simply does not mesh with batshit lore from tri. onwards.
Both of these elements cause massive plot holes that make the 1999 doubling pace simply not work. So I'll play with this AU/headcanon some more. Besides, I personally find the idea of Digidestined hiding for decades interesting...
Thanks for surviving to the end!
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Fixed a calculation to include Meiko (forgot her by accident.).
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reliablejoukido · 2 years
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hello Daikeru nation. I have a mashup, of sorts.
✨~they are married~✨
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mishiroweek · 9 months
Admin 1 is also a Taiora fan, but your girl got screwed up by Toei more than 20 years ago. I guess it was my destiny to ship non canon couples only 🫣
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pollyanna-nana · 2 years
Rewatching Digimon Adventure 02 (again) with a friend really has me thinking about… there’s no way the writers didn’t know what they were doing with the Jogress stuff, right. I mean. The whole “partners” thing + Ken’s insecurity abt it + Daisuke’s reassurance, the borderline tender looks they give each other, the whole “feeling each other’s heartbeat” thing????
Like my god, if this was between a male and female character that would 1000% be setup for an endgame romance but because it was a children’s anime from the early 2000’s we got nothing. But like. Fuck bro I have a hard time believing NO ONE on the writing team realized they were injecting near lethal levels of fruitiness into Ken and Daisuke specifically
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pestopastaenjoyer · 2 years
i love takari as much as the next person whose watched the adventure saga unfold since childhood but honestly what would make so much sense to me and what would feel so natural for them is dating for awhile, breaking up mutually for work and career things, living their own lives, and then meeting again as older adults and falling back in love LIKE ???? it’s cheesy. it’s my fav trope ever. it’s cliche. idgaf.
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keep-on-trying · 8 months
Part of me is worried of not liking 02tb but another part of me wants to feel optimistic because hey: I felt the same about Kizuna and loved it! So same might happen with The Beginning! But.... I don't know when i'll get to watching it because fuck. I don't think theather release in Finland is even realistic.
I don't even remember how fast I got to watch Kizuna lol. Is there any info I might have missed about on?
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sluggybasson107 · 2 years
🎃 for the spooky art, could you possibly draw iori? do we pick the costumes? if so, maybe he could be a lil vampire or something? thank you 🥺🍂🎃
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[Image Description: A digital drawing of Iori Hida as a vampire. His outfit is a mix of a traditional vampire and of a samurai. He rests his back on a wall and peers around the corner on the left. Iori holds onto his swords as if he's about to fight. The drawing has a watercolor texture to the strokes, and there's only purple, orange, white, and red for the colors. End Image Description.]
Hi Chloe!! First of all, thank you so much for the ask! Second, I'm sorry I took this idea and twisted it into something more bizarre, but I got an idea in my head and I got carried away xD
The main idea of this was that Iori, a vampire, dislikes other vampires due to their gruesome acts towards innocent humans, so he attempts to kill those he finds to be too dangerous. His swords are made of metal that can kill a vampire (usually vampires are hurt by silver, so maybe he has a silver sword?? Or some metal that vampires also dislike). I know I must've gotten a lot of details about his outfit wrong, but I honestly had a lot of fun and wasn't as specific towards smaller details in this drawing.
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mel0deon · 9 months
now that im in college, it really sets on my soul that im graduating a few months before the digimon 02 epilogue
like its 2027
its not that far away
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amethyst-geek · 21 hours
If a hypothetical Digimon Next Gen anime were to reveal that Hikari also has a young daughter in addition to the son seen in the epilogue (for argument's sake, let's assume that the reason this daughter was absent from the epilogue was because she was attending a friend's birthday party), I want this hypothetical daughter to be partnered with a Puttimon.
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atsoraasayoma · 1 year
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Me trying to console myself telling myself that the zero two epilogue will be denied in the 02 Epilogue Sequel and that Takari will be canon.
It’s pure patamonium [pandemonium]
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[This is going to hurt…]
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DigiWeek 2022 - Day 4: School's Play/Drama
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: The School Play Characters: Sora Takenouchi, Yamato Ishida, Aiko (OC), Kouji (OC), Takeru Takaishi, Kimi Takaishi (OC), Kenichi Takaishi (OC), Natsuko Takaishi, Toshiko Takenouchi, Hiroaki Ishida, Haruhiko Takenouchi (both mentioned). Summary: Aiko is going to perform on a play for the first time.  Sora held the fancy burgundy dress in front of her as soon as she finished sewing it, with a large smile on her face. Though she specialized in kimonos, she just couldn't say no to the opportunity to make the outfits for Odaiba's Elementary School play, especially when Aiko was in the cast and relentlessly begged her mother to accept it. The hardest thing was keeping it a secret, as Sora wanted to show it to her daughter so bad. She neatly folded the dress and put it on the top of the high pile of outfits, feeling extremely grateful and proud of everyone's effort into making it work. All that was left to do was take the request to school and wait for the day of the play.
Kouji was already waiting by the door when she opened it. She immediately bent down and picked him up, not surprised at all that he was standing there. He's always had a sixth sense when it came to her, maybe because he was more attached to her than Aiko was. "Mommy." He hugged her tight. "Hey, sweetheart." Sora dropped her keys over the counter and walked into the living room. From the kitchen, she could hear Aiko speaking loudly and found out she was actually rehearsing for her play. "Did the kids give you too much trouble?" "Not really." Yamato looked at her from his seat on the couch. "Kouji was watching TV pretty much the whole time and Aiko has been reciting her lines from the play who knows for how long. At this point I could easily replace her." "She's just that excited for it." Sora stated with a light smile. "She reminds me of you whenever you had a concert. I swear I could hear you playing from my apartment and I lived on the opposite building." "Oh come on. I didn't play that loud." He protested jokingly. "Sure you didn't. It's a good thing your father only arrived late at night. He'd have gone crazy if he didn't." "Are you insinuating I was a bad player?" He stood up and walked to her. "Who? Me?" Sora laughed and put Kouji back down. "No, I actually think you were an amazing player and singer too." "I can be amazing in many other things, you know?" He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her towards him. "Don't I know it?" She whispered staring intensely into his blue eyes and kissed him briefly. "I'm so happy you're staying longer with us this time." "Me too. I always feel like I'm missing out too much when I'm away." Yamato looked at their children. "They weren't this big when I left a year and half ago." "Well, eighteen months had gone by since then. They grow up incredibly fast at this age." "Tell me about it." "Mommy, did you finish my dress?" Aiko stood beside them and looked at Sora with apprehension and hope. "Yes, I did. I finished it today." "Is it beautiful?" "It is. It's the prettiest dress I've ever made. You're gonna love it." "Can I see it?" "Sorry, sunshine. It's a surprise. But you'll find out a little before the day you're going to perform. It's not much long now. Just be a little more patient." "You're telling her to be patient?" "Yeah, well…" Sora smiled. "She will have to be." "Judging from the way she's looking forward to this play, I'd say it's highly unlikely." "Probably." Keep reading it on FF.net or AO3
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