#didn't manage to tie the two pieces together as much as I hoped to bcs I had no idea how I was gonna colour either one when I sketched XDD
mimimarilynart · 9 months
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@toastedbuckwheat Happy birthday my love🥰🥰
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septembersghost · 2 years
Ibsen anon here! First of all, I’m glad you even gave a damn about my nerd bullshit ramblings, let alone knew what I was on about, so it was amazing to read your answer. I have a whole lot more to talk about in terms of the parralels of the break up scene.
I managed to find a transcript of Doll’s House online and it turns out there are even more similarities between the play’s ending and BCS. In both scenes, the husband character begins by angrily responding to some semi related issue only to be totally blown away by the revelation that the wife wishes to break off the relationship. There’s a period of increasingly desperate bargaining as the husband refuses to take the wife’s threat seriously and blames the discord on other matters.
Jimmy: “we’ll never come back to this house again”; Helmer: “now is the time for education!”
The conversation becomes increasingly personal as both parties admit that while there is love between them (the exception being how Nora describes Helmer as you point out) it isn’t healthy or productive, hence the wife feels morally obliged to leave. In the end, she does, leaving the husband alone to absorb the shock.
The more I think about it, the more Better Call Saul does read kind of like an Ibsen play. It’s a naturalistic, character driven story where most of the powerful moments are told by dialogue. The original conflict gives way to something far more morally grey and devastating. The best the viewer can hope for is a bitter sweet end.
oh i love nerdy ramblings and finding connections in other stories and allusions across time and media!!! even if i hadn't been somewhat familiar with what you meant, i'd still have appreciated you sharing and finding the parallel! you explained this so well.
this is an aside, but since you mention that it's a naturalistic, character driven story (and i agree!), one thing i'll say is that i relish how they earn their few operatic moments. brba leaned a bit more into that by nature of its western roots and its action styling, whereas bcs is much more noir, but i was talking to a friend about this after 6x08 - lalo and howard being buried in the lab could easily sound goofy on paper. lalo bleeding out and getting an iconic Villain's Last Laugh could play silly. yet both worked, and the shot of that hole in the ground was completely gutting. it achieved what they wanted it to, adding a ghoulish pall over the lab that churns out life destroying poison. it was always a tomb. gus walking out of the room in casa tranquila and straightening his tie with half his face blown off was a moment like that too, where it's allowing itself a stroke of melodrama, but it works and is an indelible, horrifying image.
jimmy and kim's story mostly existing apart from the cartel storyline lent it a particularly grounded reality, especially since we spent a lot of time with them in moments of closeness and in step-by-step thought processes and personal transitions. the something stupid montage works so beautifully not only because we know them well, but because it tells an entire story through the visuals of their days, and being that familiar with their thought processes and emotional responses and relationship to one another makes them feel very real. that's why i think their dynamic affected and touched so many of us even though it didn't follow the story beats some audience members expect from a romance. it wasn't about epic moments with swelling violins, or overt sex (not that there's anything wrong with those things! but it's more what we're conditioned to expect, to be told is love, and it was refreshing to be given this beautiful, heartbreaking story that was crafted so honestly and broke that mold). it was two people finding missing pieces that fit together and building a life as best they thought they could, until they couldn't. it doesn't make their love not real, it doesn't even end it. breaking up when you hate each other is painful and biting, but breaking up when you love each other so enormously that it can barely be expressed, knowing you're ruinous anyway, knowing that love runs so deep you'd literally die and kill for each other and that breaks you? THAT'S Romantic tragedy, baby!
sorry this is so off-topic, too many thoughts in my head
anyway, yes, there has always been an unvarnished honesty and very personal intimacy that we've experienced with jimmy and kim.
i think a thing to consider is kim leaving is only a pyrrhic victory for her. she's not escaping the relationship as much as she's escaping her own skin. while she does feel it's a moral obligation, she does act out of integrity and awareness, she's also imploding. even her conviction they're okay on their own is proven remarkably wrong. so hopefully we still get to a place of her reconciling and self-actualizing. she's such a meaningful female character that i want to hope they won't deny her that. there's no chance for nora ever coming back through the door, and we wouldn't want that for her. his pathetic desire that she might change her mind and come back is more about possession of a wife than it is love. kim and jimmy are a compelling contrast to that idea (since their whole relationship was anything but patriarchal, really!). her walking back into frame wouldn't be a diminishment of her or a denial of her strength, it would be an assertion of sorts, a reconciliation of who she is. bittersweetness can exist with poignancy and power, i think. going with the days of wine and roses theme, they've now hit the rock bottom of their addiction and the unavoidable split, but it concludes with the barest glimmer of hope, and sometimes that's all you need. "you better give up on me." "not yet."
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olwolo · 3 years
Maybe you're right, maybe I'm just looking for excuse to punch c!wilbur, guess no one will ever know. Jokes aside, yeah I feel like cc!wilbur was for sure poking fun at that but also speaking as c!wilbur bc the bastard energy (affectionate) is just extra strong on that first live, he was having too much fun with it. And still I miss wilbur lore so much and has been what? two weeks? The struggle is real. But SAME!! Dsmp is such a open to interpretation storytelling for each character but they give so much material to just like... make everything coherent and tie up together. I've been rewatching few streams as well, mainly niki's and philza just to catch more details and stuff since I wasn't here since the very beginning (despite already watching most of those streams lol) it's just so nice. I'll forever think about the 1 sec of sunrise duo interaction during doomsday :( and how that day was like reeeally important for the syndicate in general. I feel like everything started to tie up together right there, which is one of the reasons why I feel techno wasn't 100% sure to invite ranboo at first like he was with niki. He didn't saw what ranboo did, but he did saw niki burn the l'mantree! Just, really nice tied together! That's one of the reasons I still love that it's scripted now. I feel like ppl really talk a lot about how much more genuine was before, but the way everything fits now is just really pleasing. I'm no animator so I can't talk that well about the voice acting and stuff, but I really like how everything is going man. Such sucker for all the storylines honestly lmao
Olwolo writing mumza lore confirmed ?? Lmao I love how you choose flowers as well!! We've been knew that's ur thing since ur new c!wilbur designs but I absolutely love ur approach for the death! I have so many feelings and headcanons about the end of each character (on the dsmp in general) and mumza being the goodness of death makes me feel 10x better about all that, absolutely love whipped philza for including that! I can only wonder if c!wilbur ever got to met her while he was dead, maybe not since tommy mentioned he was in the in between. This is probably too deep for the lore but man do I love the content they give us to work with headcanons lmao I'll never forget how techno was like "me and phil made the execution machine, headcanon that as u wish" I love it. Philza lore is just so nice to me we really need more of it. I saw someone taking about how mumza took two of his cannon lifes for him to have 1 immortal life and I kinda dig that idea. Just have to think more about it ig lol but olwolo tumblr user I hope that u know, and I can't stress this enough, that you're free to share any headcanons you might have been obsessing at the moment. Everybody loves olwolo headcanons, pretty sure its scientifically proven (by myself) 🧨
fair. and yeah i too am waiting for c!wilbur lore but i managed to wait like six months so i can do with few weeks sjkdl i definitely talked about it already but i enjoy the use of livestreams for storytelling so much!! it gives such a nice way to get attached to characters and like get in their heads? you can easily understand their motivations and their perspective of the story and it works in favor of villains like c!dream and c!schlatt too because there's only so much you can piece together from an outside perspective and just! it's all so neat!!
and now looking back at doomsday with the context of syndicate existing is so nice because i can appreciate the little moments between the four even more!! i love going back to some vods and seeing how moments gain new context. like dream talking about attachments during the railway skirmish or wilbur wondering if phil would be proud of him during the festival. it somehow all ties up so well. tbh i like the more scripted approach but i miss the semi-lore streams we got during s1 and early s2 which is why i really enjoy the las nevadas streams rn. they give off manburg and new l'manburg era vibes and i'm loving it.
just the way how i guess open? the medium of dsmp storytelling is really makes my creativeness run wild because there is kinda no limit to how you can imagine the characters or the landscapes so i just end up with ideas for worldbuilding when i come up with headcanons sdjk and i love the idea of c!wilbur meeting mumza after his death but i also really like the theory that the afterlife got fucked up because of the existence of revival book resulting in limbo (which now that i think about it could tie nicely with her appearance in the story). and i can't wait to get some more c!philza lore too! personally i like the idea of his longevity being tied to him having wings idk i like to show how old he is by the wingspan i draw him with- the older he gets the bigger they grow and i apply that to c!wilbur as well hence the tiny wings i draw him with. just the idea of c!wilbur also being able to live for hundreds of years but dying so early on has been plaguing my brain ever since cc!phil confirmed his character to be Old. another thing that i can't stop thinking about lately is the good ol' possession theory. i liked it during new l'manburg and i still like it now dhsjk so. c!quackity with small horns under his beanie (already started my propaganda with the sketches from few days ago sdjkslk;j)
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