#didn’t get healed and then got 10 temp hp
scriptmyworld · 2 years
does laudna only have like one hp FKFHSKDJ
9 notes · View notes
tabletopjourneys · 3 years
Session 33 Notes
The Silver Scale Pack continues clearing out Perfection of the graboid invasion. @gher-bear @aradow @telurin @epimetala​
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On this day, the Silver Scale Pack continues clearing Perfection of its graboid invasion, abusing pots and making Ixayl’anu dance for attention. Through the power of teamwork and a bomb we kill quite a bit. I think the Anesh government owes us at least $40,000 for the big ones, and we oughta charge for all those little ones too! Also, we got ourselves a live one (shrieker).  We should get at least $50 g’s for that, even if it isn’t a full-sized worm! (Tremors 2 nod where the Mexican gov offers characters $10k per worm, $50k if they catch a live one) They sure did a number on all the buildings in town though, lemme tell ya, 3 rotting graboid corpses and over a dozen shrieker bodies...Perfection stinks y’all!
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(An Uneasy Short Rest) Rana’s perception check shows the camels aren’t entirely happily in their stall, but they’re safe.
Rana tries to jump across to Phi’s building, rolls 8, Phi tries to grab her, rolls a 9 they both fall and take one point of damage each.
Tarma-Diem drops the rope again for them to climb up on their building.
Phi manages to get up the rope, Rana gets halfway up, but slides back down, we help her finish climbing up the 2nd time.
Tarma-Diem rolls up the rope again and sticks it back in their pack.
We try to rest up as much as we can, hoping the worms leave the camels alone.
We hear a rumble in the distance. Everybody but Ixayl’anu sees the big building on the other side of town (southwest) shaking and lifting off its foundation.
Phi checks in to see how hurt we all are.
Rana: aside from you falling on me I’m fine.
Tarma-Diem: Not even a scratch left, out of big spells though.
We spend a few minutes watching the big Southwest building roiling, visible cracks starting in the structure. Then it stops and we think maybe we can relax now, except it starts rumbling under a closer building and it moves from one building to the next, getting closer. Rana is back on her feet as we discuss whether we want to try and rest or keep going.
As soon as Rana moves the rumbling stops then our building starts to lift up near where Rana is.
Tarma-Diem: Should’ve been quieter.
Ixayl’anu tries divine sense. Nothing pings.
We spend the next half hour or so sitting still and we get a very uneasy short rest out of it.
They harass our camels some too, stress them out, but they don’t get eaten (stone block cracks too).
Rana looks around for something loose on the roof and finds clay pots and an umbrella. She Zeldas a clay pot off the roof once she gets the all clear from the rest of us.
It gets about 10 feet away and gets sucked down, pot 2 same thing happens, this time she sees the barest shape of one of the noses of a big creature. She hands the last pot to Ixayl’anu who throws it in pretty much the same spot. Pumpkin sized pots.
Tarma-Diem: What was part 2 of this plan exactly?
Rana: I don’t know do you have any ideas?
Poison in a Genofeva pot?
Rana is gonna try to hit one with lightning bolt as soon as we see movement after tossing the umbrella, but nothing happens.
Tarma-Diem: Lee did say they learn...maybe it learned nothing’s there?
Phi: I wanna jump to the other roof, see if there’s more pots. Phi makes it with a 21, Rana sees the ground moving toward that building, but no emergence. Tarma-Diem is already paying attention to Phi instead and would have missed the opportunity to attack anyway.
Phi’s new roof has a half dead plant, a rug, weird odds and ends, no clay pots, a stool, a little table. Phi throws the potted plant (7). The plant stays, but Phi has to make a dex saving throw, she easily manages to keep her feet as the building pushes up 2 or 3 feet at that corner.
Rana sees the nose and casts lightning bolt. It takes the full 32 damage.
Tarma-Diem was too busy being impressed by Phi’s building surf acrobatics to remember to hit the worm too. The building drops as the creature burrows deep under ground after screaming. It very quickly zooms off Northeast. We talk plans, Phi offers to run around playing bait because she can shoot at the same time, Tarma-Diem says at that, they can do it instead and misty escape back to a roof or cast hellish rebuke the moment they get hurt.
In the end, we send our tank down, who can also misty step to safety. Ixayl’anu casts shield of faith on herself, Rana casts guidance on her, Ixayl’anu gets off the roof while we all hold actions for the first one to appear. (Combat Commences)
Rana feels a tremor under her feet, a snake thing pops up at Ixayl’anu’s feet and hooks her.
Ixayl’anu misses, rana misses, phi misses. We weren’t expecting the tiny tongue. Tarma-Diem hits with the last crackle of eldritch blast for 7dmg.
The graboid tongue tenses around Ixayl’anu tighter after the eldritch blast. 
Rana thorn whips it for 6 damage. 
Ixayl’anu is still grappled, she tries to hit it rather than breaking free, she misses. 2nd attack does 6 dmg though. It lets go and snakes back into the ground.
Ixayl’anu stays there watching the ground.
Phi: Where ya goin fucker?! *holds her action for if it pops back up*
Worm pops up with an open maw directly under Ixayl’anu to swallow her whole. Hits with a 22 for 22 dmg all around her.
She fails her saving throw.
Tarma-Diem: Shit!
Phi shoots for 38 total damage.
It screams in pain as Phi gets it right in the soft tissues of the mouth.
Tarma-Diem shoots an eldritch blast for 15dmg.
Rana casts healing word level 2 on Ixayl’anu for 9 pts with her bonus action, thorn whips it but it skitters across the heavy armor of the head.
Ixayl’anu lashes out with her weapons and 14 dmg, and another 8dmg - 22 total. She stabs down cackling and making lightning sound effects as she kills it.
Ixayl’anu feels it go limp under and around her.
Phi does a 360 perception check of 18. She doesn’t see anything but she does notice that all the little guys we killed earlier are gone. She doesn’t say anything out loud.
Ixayl’anu climbs out of the mouth and moves away, we all hold actions for a very tense moment but nothing happens.
Ixayl’anu walks around trying to tempt one out, but she is covered in yucky smelling saliva slime that is getting all the sand stuck to her.
Eventually a snake thing pops up but misses her.
By then Tarma-Diem has forgotten they’re supposed to be holding an eldritch blast, Rana misses with her rock, Phi hits it with a 13 and it pops back down into the ground.
Tarma-Diem: Damn it, I forgot to…
Rana: Keep dancing!
Ixayl’anu: Keep dancing? Dancing?! That’s what you think I’m doing down here?
Ixayl’anu jumps up and down some more.
Phi’s building begins shaking and moving again but she surfs the building with a nat 20, the whole inner portion of her roof is caving in.
Phi tries to jump onto our building and Rana catches her.
As the building collapses, 5 of the little guys boil out of that building and scream, but they’re just looking around at the rubble.
Rana casts Erupting Earth under them. Does 11dmg on success, 5 on fail - red fails, blue succeeds, green succeeds, purple crit succeeds: Rana: So there are more of these things!
Ixayl’anu: They came from the building?
Rana: Yes, keep dancing!
Tarma-Diem does 12dmg to purple with an eldritch blast.
Phi shoots and misses.
Tarma-Diem gets off 2 more eldritch blasts, one crits, 21 total damage.
One lifts its flaps and sees us - Tarma-Diem quickly puts their hands over their ears, they remember this shit, we all save, Tarma-Diem rolled a nat 20, didn’t even need advantage.
Shriekers run after us to do a little pyramid. Purple launches himself up the top and takes a bite out of Phi for 8dmg.
She uses her reaction to uncanny dodge, only takes 4dmg.
Blue is a little short still and can’t quite get up there.
Ixayl’anu runs over and stabs at green, seeing if she can destabilize the pyramid. Does max dmg (15). Blue manages to hop onto red and down. Ixayl’anu misses her 2nd attack.
She still has 4 minutes on shield of faith.
Phi ignores purple assuming we’ll handle it and shoots blue for 4 damage.
Rana shoolilas purple for 4dmg.
Tarma-Diem dbl crits purple for 29 total dmg, it dies.
Green screams at Ixayl’anu, who goes deaf for a whole minute.
Red pushes past green and misses Ixayl’anu, blue pushes green to the back and almost hits Ixyal’anu but misses.
Ixayl’anu flails at and misses blue with both attacks. She screams back at them.
Phi shoots at blue for 19dmg, gets it right in the front, it stumbles back and shakes a little bit.
Rana shoves purple off the roof onto green and deals 1 dmg and it gets pushed back into shifting dirt area. She steps up to the edge and gets a wonderful view of a worm spy-hopping up and eating green before going back down with it. - perception of 19 doesn’t see anything extra.
Tarma-Diem hits red with an eldritch blast for 8dmg.
Both attack Ixayl’anu and both fail. They get in each other’s way.
Ixayl’anu deals 13dmg to blue.
Phi shoots at red and deals 20dmg. They’re looking equally rough.
Rana holds a thorn whip for any giant worm action.
Ixayl’anu makes her dex saving throw as giant worm misses her coming up out of the ground. It nonetheless hits her for 22 and deals 6dmg (-6 temp hp). It goes back down, but Rana’s thorn whip still goes off, but misses.
Ixayl’anu misses her attack of opportunity as well.
The structure of our building is starting to collapse.
Tarma-Diem splits an eldritch blast dealing 12dmg to blue, 4dmg to red.
Blue shrieks at red and they try to disengage.
Ixayl’anu misses her attack of opportunity against blue.
They get out into the central road.
Ixayl’anu ignores Rana’s no-no-no arm waving and runs out into disturbed earth. She swings at blue twice and misses.
Phi tries to jump to the roof to still see these guys, 22 acrobatics and shoots at blue. Bonus action hides but in a way to look in both directions.
Rana holds another thorn whip for the next time the big worm appears. Perception check 11, focused on where Ixayl’anu’s area, but she nonetheless notices when the snakes pop up near purple’s body. Unfortunately her thorn whip misses. Rana: “Worm still in the area!”
Inspired by Phi’s acrobatics, Tarma-Diem tries to jump roofs as well to keep the shriekers in sight. They try to jump to the next building, roll a 3 (They are the cat gif of judging their jump so carefully only to fail spectacularly). They cast fly before they hit the ground though and float over to the next building, They did it! They hover over the roof. 10 minutes of fly.
Ixayl’anu chases the runners into the building under Phi and Tarma-Diem. There’s a whole pack in there though. 6 of them total. She tries to lightning breath them all, can only get 3 though. Blue dies, the others look pretty good. Ixayl’anu: “Found some more!”
Phi just waits, holding an action for any of them that leave the building.
Rana tries to jump to the next building with us with a 7 and goes cougar to climb back up to the roof, prowls up beside Tarma-Diem.
Tarma-Diem flies down but can’t see over Ixayl’anu, so they move forward to open the window, fly back as shriekers inside look their way. Pink and yellow try to climb out of the window at the same time but get in each others’ way.
Yellow wiggles out. Pink is primed to go next.
Others missed Ixayl’anu. 
Ixayl’anu attacks orange and does 7dmg.
Phi shoots at yellow and does 7dmg.
Rana pounces yellow and knocks it prone. Bonus action bites, but misses.
As Rana scuffles with yellow, a graboid tongue grapples her.
Tarma-Diem flies in, puts their arms around Rana-kitty “Just me,” then thundersteps them both to the building on the other side of the road. Worm, yellow and pink all fail their saves and take 31 damage each. There’s a shriek and the worms go limp, worm dies. Orange and green try to get out of the door making str attacks against Ixayl’anu. She manages to keep orange back, but green gets out and manages to shove her prone. Green keeps going west into the building we will eventually designate as “the clown car building.”
Red attacks Ixayl’anu with advantage. 8dmg. Pink gets out of the window, looks around and then ducks into the first building we stood on. Yellow took an action to stand and ran with green.
Ixayl’anu stabs at red for 6dmg misses 2nd attack.
Phi shoots at red and misses, then moves back up to raised platform on the roof.
Rana pounces red from above, deals 3dmg claw, misses bite. She then runs off to see if she can lure pink back out.
Tarm-Diem flies over with Rana and sees 2 more in there with pink, shoots pink with eldritch boss: “Got 3 in here”, then flies up a little higher, farther off the ground.
Red misses, orange misses attacks on Ixayl’anu.
Pink gives a rallying cry and all 3 try to attack Rana. Pink misses, orange-red hits (12dmg), blue crits (17dmg to Rana after she loses cat). Total 29.
Ixayl’anu hits red for 6dmg, then misses next attack.
Phi shoots pink for 14dmg.
Rana casts spike growth with a 20ft radius/40ft diameter, placed to hit the 3 in front of her without hitting Ixayl’anu. Bonus action healing word L1 on herself and use item for extra healing. 22 healing and stands the line.
Tarma-Diem sees Rana cast this and flies as far into the circle area as they can get while still being visible to blue and pink, then eldritch blasts them both, they hit blue for 6dmg, miss pink.
Successfully distracted, they both charge me and take 20 dmg each on the way there, snap at my heels at disadvantage and both miss.
Tarma-Diem laughs and flips them off.
Red-orange does something I missed.
Ixayl’anu kills red by chopping his head off, spilling more gunk everywhere. She swipes at orange nat 20, deals 21dmg, divine smites it for 8 dmg (29 total). She stays there trying to block the doorway still.
Phi shoots blue and deals 18dmg.
Rana shelolas orange-red but misses. This particular shrieker has apparently changed its name henceforth in my notes. I’m pretty sure it’s the same one who used to known as Red-orange. Same colours, but different order, please don’t dead name it.
Tarma-Diem flies back toward Rana to bait more travel through the spike growth. Blue gets hit for 5dmg on eldritch blast, 2nd blast hits orange-red for 11dmg.
Pink kills itself on spike damage. Blue runs for me, 8dmg, but misses.
Orange-red is pretty focused on Rana though, it misses her (be its valentine?).
Ixayl’anu takes 14dmg from orange.She heals herself by 16.
Phi shoots at blue, does 20dmg, it dies.
Rana shilalos orange-red but misses.
Tarma-Diem eldritch blasts orange-red for 10dmg.
Ixayl’anu can hear again!
Orange-red takes 14dmg getting to Tarma-Diem but also crits at disadvantage. Oh no! Tarma-Diem takes 11dmg and gets pulled down a foot or two before it lets go. Tarma-Diem: “Ah, shit!”
Ixayl’anu hits orange for 12dmg.
Phi hits orange-red for 24dmg, leaving it on death’s door.
Rana thorn whips orange-red back to her 6dmg it dies dragged across spikes. (Oops, Tarma-Diem face pulls a shitload more)
Tarma-Diem flies over to where they saw green and yellow go earlier (clown car building is about to get named thusly), but there are now 10 of them in there. “Holy shit guys, there’s ten of them in here!” The shriekers had their flaps up and see Tarma-Diem, who makes sure they see them move away from the group before flying 20 feet down the road away from everyone, and then up 10 feet.
They pyramid purple up to Tarma-Diem who hits for 7dmg.
Tarma-Diem misty escapes 30 feet north and 5 more feet up, invisible, but still heat signatured.
The last two from the clown car building spotted Rana first and headed for her. One of them gets Rana for 11dmg.
Ixayl’anu runs after these new two, leaving orange who misses its attack of opportunity, but then misty steps onto the building near my pyramid and throws alchemist fire into the pile.
It does max dmg (4), pink hit, yellow hit, red hit, redpurple hit, blue hit, redblue hit, redpink miss, purple missed.
Phi bonus action hides, shoots at purple and does 21dmg.
Rana sheleileis greenred for 8dmg and tries to get her back against a wall.
Tarma-Diem flies over between North buildings (in spike growth area) and down to hover 6 ft off the groud again until they see the ones on Rana between the two street-side buildings. They cast eldritch blast “Over here again fuckers!” They hit green with 10dmg, but miss greenred, who ignores the bait. 
Green takes 32dmg getting to me, misses it’s jump attack.
Greenred does 5dmg to Rana.
Orange runs up to Rana as well, but misses.
Everybody in the fire pile takes 11dmg each biting and flailing at each other.
Ixayl’anu jumps off the roof and runs to Rana (19 athletics), and casts warding bond on Rana. Rana gets +1AC and saving throws and resistance to all damage, Ixayl’anu takes the same amount of dmg as Rana now.
Phi shoots at redgreen but misses.
Rana shelalas orange but misses.
Tarma-Diem flies about 20 feet closer to Ixayl’anu and 1 ft up, kills green with 6pt eldritch blast, hits greenred for 8pts, still hovered over the spike growth.
Purple and pinkred run and bite at Ixayl’anu. Orange misses Rana, redgreen misses Ixayl’anu, redpink hits Ixayl’anu though for 5dmg, purple also hits her for another 11dmg (16 total).
Fire dmg on remaining group deals another max dmg of 4, and then they deal another 10dmg to each other.
Ixayl’anu to Rana: Wanna get out of here?
Rana reaches out: Yes please.
Ixayl’anu misty steps them both to the nearest rooftop, then pile drives back down onto redgreen (20 athletics, cool flip and everything), 14dmg, then 11dmg. For a fantastic looking 25 total.
Phi shoots redgreen for 27, killing it right out from under Ixie.
Rana magic stones orange for 8dmg, it’s on death’s door.
Tarma-Diem lands on a building at the very corner in view for last turn of fly (except it wasn’t because I can’t math), eldritch blasts purple for 5dmg, pinkred for 6dmg.
Purple takes the bait, but only goes 5ft in, takes 5dmg, backs back out.
Redpink attacks Ixayl’anu but I missed what happened with the attack.
Big group takes another max fire dmg (4pts), yellow dies.
Ixayl’anu slaps a 20pt heal on her chest.
Phi shoots at pinkred but misses.
Rana casts healing word 2nd level on Ixayl’anu for 9pts. Then magic stones orange, does 3dmg, kills orange.
Purple takes 3 eldritch blast dmg, redpink takes 12 dmg, but still focuses on Ixiayl’anu anyway, misses, purple backs up anyway, does not like getting hit in the face.
Fire group only takes 1dmg this time around. In the commotion the on fire group moves a little closer to center of the road. The ground around them shudders and a giant worm comes up out of the ground, chomps down on bluered, and sucks it back down. Worm is gone, leaving a big hole.
Ixayl’anu: Oh shit *stabs at purple still anyway* 9dmg, then another 7dmg (16 total)
Ixayl’anu: Diem! Can you throw a rope?
Phi misses redpink.
Rana thorn whips redpink for 6dmg, 4 pts of smash-fall dmg. (10 total)
Tarma-Diem pulls out the rope and commands it to tie off for Ixayl’anu. “K, it’s up!”
On-fire group takes 3 more fire dmg (there are only 4 of them left). They scatter in different directions still on fire.
Redpink notices the glorious heat-source of redpurple and attacks it, leaving it close to death.
Purple misses Ixayl’anu.
Big guy is not visible this turn.
Ixayl’anu swipes at purple and deals a total of 16 dmg, kills purple, gets 8 temporary hp, and runs over to the rope
Redpink gets an attack of opportunity on her and does 17dmg.
Ixayl’anu grabs the rope just after Rana panic-drops the spike growth to avoid hurting her.
Phi shoots at one of them and misses.
Rana magic stones redpink and does 6dmg.
Tarma-Diem eldritch blasts the farthest runner for 21 total dmg and finishes it off. The other two however use their whole action to go 120ft and get out of everyone’s range for future turns.
All runners take 1 fire dmg before calculations on them stop.
Remaining 2 shriekers miss their attacks.
Ixayl’anu climbs up to the roof.
Phi shoots at one and misses.
Rana thorn whips redpink for 5dmg + 5 slam-fall dmg (10 total).
Tarma-Diem deals 14 eldritch blast dmg to redpink
2 fire dmg kills redpurple.
Redpink jumps at Ixayl’anu futilely.
Ixayl’anu throws her javelin at redpink and misses, 2nd one hits for 4dmg and kills him. (Aftermath Investigations and RP)
Tarma-Diem: Still got 2 who ran off into the desert, a giant worm, and whatever else may be in these buildings.
Ixayl’anu: did you see the worm?
Tarma-Diem: Yeah, we got that to deal with and those two ran off capable of reproducing a shitload more.
Rana does a perception check (12). 
Tarma-Diem slumps down with their back against the lip of the roof.
Ixayl’anu crit-perceives the guys running, still on fire, and also saw a bush raise and lower on the ground in the distance.
Tarma-Diem gets a nat 20 perceiving those guys to fly after them but they are specs in the distance. They also see the bush go up and down, but it doesn’t seem to be chasing the little guys.
Tarma-Diem’s perception skills are tapped out now though and they do a whopping ZERO for aerial search of the entire area
Tarma-Diem looks in each building after, ready to fly off and lead them out of town, but doesn’t see anything. We take a short rest. After we discuss plans, we take a look around. Phi sees a small fire in the distance, but we don’t really see anything else. After the short rest, we take a closer, group look at each building.
Tarma-Diem gets a nat 20 investigation on the first building they’d checked alone while flying. These people were very well prepared, and even though things fell off walls they could still tell these people were pretty well off. Tarma-Diem finds a box marked explosives.
Phi checks box of explosives for traps (18). There is a very complicated lock on it but no other forms of trap. Phi attempts the lock (22), takes her a minute or two but it pops open. Inside is a bunch of c4 sticks - 5 of them. Plastic explosives can be placed as an action, and detonated with a press of a remote detonator (an object interaction). Plastic explosives also explode on their own if they are caught within the radius of an explosion that does at least 10 points of bludgeoning damage. Each creature within 20 feet of a detonated plastic explosive must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Each additional block of explosives increases the damage by 5d6 (to a maximum of 40d6), and the radius by 10 feet (to a maximum of 80 feet).
We each get 1 brick, Phi gets 2. Rana makes sure the building stays as closed up as we can get it, all windows and doors closed, so that it will hopefully remain empty as we proceed, leaving nowhere for anything to hide when we try to sleep later. This is her plan at each, subsequent building and we all follow suit.
We back up and start with the very first building in town, on the left when we’d first arrived.
Rana gets a perception of 17 on building A while Tarma-Diem investigates with an 8. It’s a transient guardhouse of some sort with basic swords and arrows.
We cross the street to B, Rana perceives it with a 21 - big hole in the center, blood on the walls, broken and open food stuff.
With an investigation of 8, Tarma-Diem gets a snack of their choice! (twinkies lol)
Outside the next building, the ground around the dead worm just below the surface has turned soggy, like standing on a mattress.
Since we already took care of building C (hopping back and forth across the road alphabetically, left then right lol), we move on to building D (on the same side as B/the market we first roof-climbed.
Rana perceives at a 16, Tarma-Diem investigates with a 13 - sticks of furniture, scrap of clothing that might’ve been a shirt, and blood.
Tarma-Diem reminds everyone about the building behind this one and how it was difficult to see inside around the crates when they did their aerial search.
For recording purposes, I am calling it building E. This time around Tarma-Diem gets an 18 investigation and sees a moving 2-by-2 crate near the back. Tarma-Diem: (whispered) Shit! They make motions to back everyone out. Tarma-Diem: There’s one in a crate back there, a little one (they make approximating gesture of box size)
Ixaylanu goes back in first and tips the box up to see a little baby white one who screams at her but he can’t get out and the scream does nothing.
Ixaylanu squats a little and does the bird head tilt thing. It screams fiercely and tries to jump out but can’t make it.
Ixyal’anu: "It's all white..."
One of us (Tarma-Diem maybe since I didn’t label speaker?): Maybe we could nail the crate shut or something? Would let people study it?
Ixayl’anu throws a small ration at it.
It feels around with its tongue and eventually eats it.
When next it lifts its flaps, it doesn’t scream, when she puts her hand close though it does scream and tries to bite her. Dex save 22/nat 20, she’s fine, it snaps at empty air.
Tarma-Diem: Can you try and talk to it?
Ixayl’anu: I doubt it’s going to work but…*she casts it anyway*
It doesn’t work.
Ixayl’anu figures out the heat sensing thing by fluffing her feathers and noting that it doesn’t react to anything but her actual body heat.
Someone: It's been in here with food for awhile and there's no others...
Someone else: Yeah but it's had an hour to make more if it's going to
Rana leaves while we talk about it to look around outside before we move on. Perception 21 on our surroundings - the fire is still up pretty far from town, town is otherwise quiet.
Ixayl’anu and Tarma-Diem put the lid back on the crate, keeping the small guy in a box with some food. Ixayl’anu hefts it up on her shoulder and goes outside. It screams and kicks around for the first few minutes every time it’s jostled before it finally settles down like “Guess this is my life now.”
Rana 19 perceives the next building is about to collapse and stops Diem from going inside.
Rana perceives the next building with an 8, Diem goes in and investigates with 15. Nothing’s really damaged, so probably nothing even got in here, just evidence that people packed and left in a hurry.
Rana perceives (16) next building. 16 investigation for Tarma-Diem as well - they see a lot of nice towels in this bath house, they take one. It’s fluffy and soft (one should always bring a towel, rules of adventure and all that).
Rana skips the clown car building for the biggest building. There’s a giant worm in the middle of the building part that we could smell long before we see it.
Tarma-Diem, meanwhile, still investigates clown car building with a 16 - scorch marks inside, wrecked, food stuffs, some dead little ones inside, they close it up like Rana did with the other ones, then join everyone else at the big building.
Rana goes in, the rest of us follow. Phi finds half of a medicine kit. Phi 19s investigation
Rana perceives 17 on last plaza building - nothing in there. 2 investigation from Tarma-Diem.
Rana looks out toward a small building on the fringe of the village.
Tarma-Diem: That one was closed up tight and empty when I checked earlier.
Rana goes to have a look anyway - 14 perception (told ya ~).
Ixayl’anu gets her platinum ring back from Rana.
Rana begins making a shrieker corpse pile in the middle of the road, including the few from the clown car building. The rest of us begin helping.
Tarma-Diem hits everyone with prestidigitation again after we complete the corpse pile
We argue a bit about rooftops vs. the comfort of the tiny hut which cannot fit on them, but certainly has a bottom. Tarma-Diem and Ixayl’anu opt for comfort, while Rana and Phi opt for better vantage points and safety. We split shifts accordingly (1 rooftopper, 1 tinyhutter/1 dark vision, 1 not).
Tarma-Diem casts tiny hut in a 10 ft radius around them, within sight of the corpse pile but not so close the smell permeates the dome. They also take first watch in order to finish scribing alarm. Self-imposed concentration check only a 6, so it takes them two hours instead of just one to finish scribing the alarm spell.
They let everyone know they can cast perimeter alarms now, then ritual cast it on the inside of the hut, choosing the bell ping so everyone can hear it if the hut gets disturbed by giant worms.
Next session Thursday Feb 11 at 5pm est.
6 notes · View notes
wuffielover · 6 years
NERD NOTES- LIveblogging Critical Role Campaign 2 ep 7 PART ONE
Fjord is at 25/30 hp i’m pretty sure not 30/30
Also he used his spell slots so that Hex shouldn’t have gone off lol. They DID NOT short rest at the end of the last ep ETA NVM I just remembered Hex lasts an hour after casting, don’t mind me...
Oh god Khary’s character is squishier than Caleb... well at least he has less HP but his AC is probably better so they might be about even.
Traumatizing children, it’s a group tradition!
Ah the struggle of not having darkvision and having to light it up wherever you fight... risk giving away your position or take disadvantage on EVERYTHING
And Khary introduces his character with a voice of PURE SEXUAL CHARISMA.
Man as front-liners Molly and Fjord really need to pick up some better armor ASAP. Molly’s at 16 which... ehhhh.. but Fjord’s at what, 14? That, frankly, sucks. My BARD had better AC than that at lvl 3 and she’s not even proficient with medium armor.
NOTT YOU’RE OUT OF SPELL SLOTS TOO STOP THAT no seriously she used Shocking Grasp & Hideous Laughter last time and she’s only got 2 slots at lvl 3. She knows 3 spells but ONLY HAS 2 SLOTS so that Shocking Grasp should have been a no go ETA I LIED I LIED I’M DUMB Shocking Grasp is a cantrip!! I got it mixed up with Burning Hands...
AAAAND their great childcare record CONTINUES...at least Matt didn’t instakill the kid and is giving them a chance to heal him before he croaks.
Hyena down the gnoll hole.
Lol Jester is SO MAD that she has to SAVE THIS STUPID CHILD instead of KILLING THINGS a bloodthirsty girl after my own d&d group’s heart...
Poor Liam is rolling such consistently bad attacks... that Fire Bolt will work eventually, and when it does...he’s going to roll a 1 on the damage dice lol
Oooo I think Nott has a cruuuush.
I like how the child they saved is now just an it, lol... 
Yeah take a stroll down the hole, the goal is the gnoll ....
Seriously that gnoll is worth 60 gold go get it. That’s a healing potion + extra 10 gold.
God Shakaste’s so intense... i’m digging it
THANKS JESTER for asking the IMMEDIATE question that I wanted to know. If there’s no other survivors this crew needs to BAIL for now.
As an aside while they’re looting this room, I love Liam’s dedication to the German accent/Caleb voice, even when he’s telling Khary what dice to roll for his damage lol
Hey, they successfully rescued some people! And a child even! Although he’s probably traumatized for life...
PLEASE TAKE A SHORT REST ... Fjord needs his spells back plz
Shakaste laying out some smooooth talk... Nott “I’m not interested in a relationship right now!” LOLLLL
OH GOD Fjord and Nott... YOU GUYS JUST HEAD BACK TO THE GROUP GEEZZZZ nah go with your gut, improv is great, take some risks!
Plus I think half-orcs should always have a bit of a tendency to recklessness, personally... that’s how I play mine at least! She’s level headed UP TO A POINT, then before you know it she’s spitting blood in her enemy’s face with one HP left but still going for a kill instead of running away...
But don’t take too many risks you’re only lvl 3 guys! ...Guys?
OK OK OK if Matt lets y’all retcon a short rest in there then go for it! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DM GENEROSITY WHEREVER POSSIBLE (I learned that when my lvl 1 druid got taken out by a Nat 20 attack after the DM at first wasn’t going to hit my squishy lvl 1 butt and I said, and I quote “No, it’s fine, I won’t die unless you roll a crit!” .... yeah when your max HP is 9 and you take 32 damage, that’s INSTADEAD.
Missed the end of that quick fight while I gave the animals their nightly treat...
The crew is plowing through this dungeon, nice job guys! Go til someone gets knocked unconscious, that’s my motto.
Hey Travis remembered to make a Con save after he took damage! So honest, what a good dude.
Honestly Khary/Shakaste’s natural charisma is too much, he could take charge and just lead everyone else around by the nose and they would thank him for the privilege!
“Cool it” OH GOD Fjord was that a dad joke when you cast that? Was that lame enough for a Dad Joke??
They still aren’t putting up the temp hit points for Armor of Agathys, Fjord’s at 30 right now not 20.
Ooo Frostbite’s nice. A little more damage than Vicious Mockery and has the same ability to impose disadvantage as a bonus!
Ahh cursing at people when you can’t think of a clever thing for Vicious Mockery... classic.
HOLDING ACTIONS in D&D: technically when you HOLD an action, you give a specific trigger that has to happen and then you will do a specific thing. Marisha used it correctly here as in “I will hold my action and when there is light I will attack the gnoll in front of me.” BUT you can’t use it like “I’ll hold my action and just randomly do something whenever.” You CAN hold your whole turn and say “I’ll take my turn after so-and-so” but that permanently changes your initiative order for the rest of the combat.
I missed it on the screen if they added the temp hit points from Aid but they still haven’t added Fjord’s Armor HP properly...
Jester’s tanking so good! Good job girl! Use that shield!
Yeah nice deflect Beau! Our poor monk tanks all the time in our group too...
Yayyy Molly hit with both his attacks! Maybe the group’s shitty attack luck will change...
Nice one from Nott! ANND they did add the points from Aid, Shakaste’s total went from 18 to 23. STILL NOT THE ARMOR POINTS THO C’MON GUYS
The boys charging up Marisha before she rolls Acrobatics LOL
C’mon MAKE THAT SAVEEE with Advantage! DO ITTTT
....or not. Well could’ve been worse!!
Good news so far in this fight is everyone’s doing OK on hit points! Bad news is the big baddie hasn’t really taken a swing at anybody yet and HE’S GOING TO
OR NOT nice use of that spell Shakaste! Keep that big guy from hitting cuz he’s gonna hit hard!
Yay Jester and Nott teamwork kill!! I love them together so much...
Well at least they added Fjord’s HP gain from the Hexblade’s curse but he’s STILL 10 ABOVE THAT FROM THE ARMORRRRR
Beau’s bounces back from her gnoll hole stroll...
And Caleb’s attack mojo is officially back too!
Beau comes through with a clutch attack of opportunity to finish the last guy, yeah team! Cleaning out this gnoll hole like pros...
On to the break! And then Part 2!!
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Amos you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Gideon Prewett!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
First of all, I have to address that there’s a wonderful irony in accepting someone with the same name as my character in the rp. But honestly, your app was a delight to read -- the depth of exploration in your personification of Gideon absolutely beautiful. You left us with such a clear picture of the character, both in his backstory and in the potential future effects of the war, all while bringing through Gideon’s humor as well. We’re so thrilled to welcome you into the rp and can’t wait to see you explore all of the dimensions to Gideon that you presented in your app! *your FC change to Eddie Redmayne has been accepted!
application beneath the cut
Amos, 20, he/him, GMT
I won’t lie, I can get extremely busy, I am currently training at drama school in technical theatre, and some weeks it is manic, that being said, I have missed writing so much, and I have missed being part of an rp group even more, I am committed to making it part of my daily routine again. My uni work should calm down for the next couple of months and I really want to write as much as I can in that spare time. 5/10
*removed for privacy
I searched for HP RP in tumblr and your ad was one of the most recent posts, I had a click around your blog and really liked the look of you!
I am a Neville Longbottom through and through. I could be painfully awkward,self conscious, under confident, clumsy, making goofy mistakes, but in the last couple of years I think I’ve really come a long way. I’ve found my voice, and my confidence, I am happy with who I am as a person, and am no longer striving to be someone I’m not, I have recently decided to stop being so embarrassed all the effing time and just accept that sometimes I do silly things and it’s better just to laugh about it than worry over it for the next week. It has honestly enhanced my life. I’m still waiting on the magic physical transformation into a greek God though.
If there is anything in my app that doesn’t fit with your current Fabian’s headcanons and such, then I will be most happy to adapt if I got in and had a chance to speak with them!
Gideon Prewett
I would be happy to keep Ryan Gosling, although in Fabian’s bio it says the twins look exactly the same, so I would also be quite happy to take on Eddie Redmayne. I would quite like them to be identical, unless of course Beth would prefer them to be unidentical.
I have been in love with the Prewett twins for a good couple of years now. I wrote Fabian in another rp for a long time and got very attached to him, although I have played both Fabian and Gideon at various different points. When I first started I thought every rps interpretation of the twins would be very different because there is so little on them in the books, but it turns out everyone has very similar ideas. I love that, I love that their character shines through those small details and through the legacy of their family in the books and through the reputation of the Order and through what we imagine the first wizarding war must have been like.
I love that they are essentially broken people trying so hard to make everyone else around them safe and happy, and I love that they are the kind of people who rebel against growing up. I do think it’s very important to see them as individuals, but I think their relationship with each other is one of their most essential qualities. I think it is what makes them unique characters to write. Even if you were writing other twins, I don’t think you’d have the same kind of experience. I think it’s that relationship that keeps drawing me back to them. Their personalities and their backstories, occupation, hair colour whatever, can change from rp to rp, and I love exploring each slightly new character, but most of all I love finding out how they interact with their twin, and what their priorities are during the war, and what lengths they are willing to go for their family.
I think my interpretation of Gid in this rp, is someone who is not necessarily hiding their negative emotions by putting on a brave face and cracking jokes, but instead, he is separating the good from the bad. He doesn’t mind when people see he’s having a bad day, or if people can tell he’s angry, or stressed, he won’t do much to hide it whilst the situation is still having that negative affect on him. But as soon as he gets to the party or the pub, or he’s having a laugh with a friend, he lets go of whatever is bothering him and enjoys the moment. And think it is people who generally make him happiest, like, he can find enjoyment in food and sunsets and such, but it’s interacting with people that really brightens his mood.
No Preferred ships as yet. Bisexual but with a higher preference for men that he’s not quite willing to admit yet. Male, he/him.
Gideon works in the Department of Magical Transportation. It’s not his dream job, or something he’s particularly enthused about, but it keeps him busy and it pays the rent. He got a job in a low level position a couple of years after graduating Hogwarts, thinking it would simply be a filler until he found what he was really supposed to be doing. However a summer temp job turned into 7 years of small talk, paperwork and rank climbing. The truth is he never really figured out what he wanted to do, apart from boyhood dreams of being a quidditch player, he never found a career that grabbed his entire attention. Now with the war, he has higher priorities than finding his true calling. It is a stable job and it gives him a good position in the Ministry, which is helpful for Order work. Despite what all this may point too, Gideon is a very intelligent individual, perhaps not academically outstanding, but his brain is always ticking along, even when it is being numbed by repetitive form filling and box ticking.
Gideon is very interested in the arts. He always liked music, but after graduating from Hogwarts and moving to London he fell in love with muggle artist like Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin. It started with him curiously walking into a muggle record shop and buying a few singles, now he is hooked on Ginsberg’s poetry, and Robert Mapplethorpe’s photography. Particularly Mapplethorpe. Gid really likes that they don’t move, like a one way mirror, he can take as much as he likes from the photo but it doesn’t take anything back, it almost feels like a secret, and being a twin, he doesn’t get too many of those. A couple of years back he picked up a guitar, and now he can play a few chords or pick a few tunes. He also likes to scribble down ideas whenever he gets a chance, half finished lines of poetry or prose litter his apartment collecting coffee stains and dust.. Sometimes he thinks maybe he was meant to be an artist, but he brushes those thoughts quickly away.
Gideon isn’t great at relationships anymore. A couple of years ago he had a fling with a guy at the ministry called Anthony. Gid fell head over heals, he felt it was a lot more than a fling, but Anthony insisted that it was just a bit of fun. He didn’t allow Gid to tell anyone, explaining that his family wouldn’t be very understanding if they found out, and at first he was fine with that. At first everything was spectacular. But eventually Gid ended up giving a lot more into the relationship than he was getting back. Gid was essentially at his boyfriend’s beck and call, but if Gid ever had a bad day, Anthony always had some excuse for why he couldn’t come over. It went as far as Gid being guilt tripped into missing the birth of one of his nephews because his boyfriend had a cold and needed looking after. Anthony often asked to borrow money from Gideon and although Gideon barely had anything to give, he would give it freely, to the point where the boyfriend spent money Gid needed for food on a new pair of shoes. Anthony would near constantly flirt with people infront of Gid, but if Gid so much as looked at someone else the wrong way, Anthony would fly into a jealous rage. In short Gid was miserable, but he was living in those moment of blissful hope where Anthony would make him feel like the only person in the entire world who was worth a damn. Unfortunately, those moment became few and far between. Eventually someone (probably Fabian, let’s be honest) got worried about how far Gid had declined from his old chipper self, and intervened. Gid had to break up with Anthony, and after a tumultuous on again off again period Gid finally broke ties completely. On the outside it appeared like Gid soon bounced back to his old self, but underneath he still carries the scars of the relationship. He finds it hard to commit, or trust people’s affection, the insecurity that probably lead to the relationship getting so out of hand in the first place, even more pronounced now. He never thought he would be sucked into abuse like that, always the first to speak up about other people’s injustices, but he quickly found out it was much different when he was submerged in the situation himself.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it: Right, I was thinking about this the other day, and I think it would be really very useful to have a spell that let me see round corners. Because, the other day, I was in the arse end of London, at a pub, a muggle pub I should add, those places are crazy! But anyway, I needed the toilet quite badly, I stumbled in, there are just two stalls, neither of them have door so I storm into one, and there’s two people furious shagging on the loo, now, if I’d been able to see round that corner, I would have made a strategic retreat before getting anyway close to that cubicle. Although, I suppose, being in muggle London, I couldn’t have used magic anyway. And really, if I hadn’t been so drunk I might have taken the loud moaning and groaning as a cue too. But, you get my point! It would be a handy thing to have up your sleeve!
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: Fabian, of course, in this purely hypothetical situation that we have never done before because it is completely FORBIDDEN and not allowed at all. But I’d probably bring a packet of smokes, maybe something a little stronger, Fabian could bring a wireless because I’m cheating and assuming he’s getting one item too. Then we could find a nice little clearing somewhere and relax far away from the troubles of the world, closer to the very real troubles of getting speared by an angry centaur. Again, like I said, a purely hypothetical situation.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make? It takes me forever to decide what to eat at restaurants, everything sounds so good, the whole place smells amazing, the guy across from me has something on his plate that looks delicious, but it’s all so expensive! Maybe I’ll just have a salad. Oh no, but you’re ordering a steak and my mouth will water the whole meal, Screw it! Bring out three pheasants, oysters and a bucket of champagne!
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you? That I don’t care about something I definitely do care about. I don’t care if someone says I don’t care enough about signing Stacy’s leaving card, because honestly I spoke to Stacy once and I really don’t care about signing her leaving card. But if someone dared say I didn’t care about my family, they were have a hex coming their way. I know sometimes I can come off a little nonchalant because I like to have a good time, but that does not mean I don’t care. I care way too much for it to be discarded by an offhand comment from someone who has no idea what they’re talking about.
It was the hottest day of the year so far. Gid could feel the sweat making his shirt stick to his back, his school tie and cloak had long since abandoned. Nearly everybody was down by the lake. Couples were sitting on the grass enjoying the last light of the sun giving their significant other’s acne clad faces a golden glow. Groups of friends pretended to do their homework whilst exchanging the latest gossip and daring each other to throw things at the squid. And then there was Gideon and Fabian. They stood apart from the rest, purveying over the scene in front of them. Gideon was relatively satisfied by the turnout, of course, the poor fools didn’t yet realise they had turned out for anything.
“You definitely set the timer up right?” Gideon asked Fab as they waited.
“Yes, definitely. Any second now.”
“Really? Because that’s what you said last time. Remember how disappointing that was. Just a good job we didn’t advertise this time.” Gideon smiled despite himself and Fabian gave an amused huff.
“Any second n-”
Fabian was cut off by the abrupt explosion from across the lake. Reds and greens and purples burst into the twilight sky. Flowers and streamers of light illuminating the faces of the Hogwarts populations as they looked on in avid fascination. Gideon very nearly fist bumped the air. The fireworks were an incredible success. People were gasping and laughing and screaming.
People were screaming.
Gideon came too. He was on his knees, sweat slick hair stuck to his face and his head hung uselessly on his chest. His hand clenched around his wand feebly at first, then stronger. People were screaming. They were running. They were terrified. Someone booted his leg as they ran past and stumbled over his inanimate body. He barely felt it.
His eyes were open, but he couldn’t see anything. Just dust, the thickest cloud of dust, he couldn’t even make out the ground in front of him. He struggled to remember where he was.
He had lit a fuse. He had been told to light a fuse. He had thought it would be a good idea. He had thought it would make a difference. Now people were screaming. There was a baby crying somewhere. The dust and chaos cleared fractionally and Gideon could make out the wreckage of the blast.
What had he done? He tried to get to his feet, but his legs wouldn’t work. He dragged himself over to a wall, he couldn’t breath. Every time he drew in a breath, he sucked in the dust and began to cough. He would die here. He couldn’t breath. He had killed people here. Innocent people. The baby had stopped crying. He had to get out.
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