#did not really understand what the community was talking about re: andor until we got into the prison and then i was like ohHOHO
olreid · 2 years
ok after catching up on andor, i think its essentially just competent television and the rave reviews maybe say more about how bleak star wars output has been in recent years than any particular virtue of the show itself. which is fine! THAT SAID when one is used to having to ask who cleans the severed floor or who works at the meatpacking plant its nice to wonder absently who's off building the death star or whatever and then the next episode is the protagonist getting picked up on a false charge and thrown into a labor prison where he's forced to produce imperial machinery. : )
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Far From Home, Part Nineteen: Blaze of Glory
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Series Summary: Reader is torn from her reality and dumped into the middle of a war. Will she make it home? Or will she find where she belongs? A Rogue One Reader Insert Fanfiction. Gifs and recognizable characters are not mine, but the story and all of the mistakes are!
Far From Home - Masterlist
Chapter Notes: I really don’t have much to say about this part... only a request that you don’t hate me too much :-| Last chapter will be up tomorrow! Weird....
Warnings for this chapter: major character death, nightmares (mentioned)
A year has passed since Rhayna’s death. I wish I could say that it was easy to move on after talking to her, but there were still nights where I would wake up screaming and drenched in sweat. It wasn’t just me though, Cassian got them too. So, we traded off, comforting each other until the nightmares faded into memory.
To my dismay, Cassian and I eventually were forced into taking separate missions again. Tension had risen higher than ever between the Empire and the Alliance, and we felt that we were running out of time. There had been no word from Tivik since he made a move to join Saw’s faction, we didn’t even know if he was still alive. Which brought us back to square one.
There was only one thing I could think of, and it involved under-cover work on an imperial destroyer.
“This is a terrible plan.” Cassian said, grimacing.
I agree.
I looked to General Draven for help, knowing he would look at it from a logical standpoint. “I agree.” He said.
Cassian looked smug until Draven said, “With Y/N.”
“What?” Cassian echoed my inner thought, eyes wide.
General Draven shrugged, “It makes sense. We’ve been looking for information for months, and haven’t found anything. It’s time to dig deeper.”
I smiled at the small victory.
Cassian glared at me, “Fine. I’ll run the mission with K-2.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but General Draven cut me off. “No, it was Captain Y/L/N’s idea. She will lead the mission with K-2. Besides, I already have something lined up for you, Captain Andor.” He squared his shoulders, as if daring Cassian to argue with him.
Cassian glared back at me, then nodded at General Draven.
I was dismissed to prepare for my next mission as they stayed behind to discuss the details of Cassian’s. I was still gathering my few belongings when Cassian stormed into my room, furious. “Why would you do this?” He demanded.
“You mean my job?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
Cassian sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Y/N, we’ve never been able to successfully infiltrate a destroyer before.”
“No one has ever re-programmed a security droid either. Yet you did it.”
He groaned. “This is not the same thing. And you nearly died just trying to get him home.”
“And now he fights for us. Maybe the attempts on the destroyers have never been successful because we didn’t have K-2.”
“Why does it have to be you?” he asked, pleading.
“Because this is important, and it was my idea. Would you let anyone else carry out a plan that you came up with?”
“No, I would…” He stopped and glanced at me as I giggled. I watched as he realized what he had just said, and he stared at a spot on the ground. “You tricked me into saying that.”
“I did score pretty high in espionage.” I quirked, making him grin. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He seemed to fight it for a moment, but gave in and wrapped his arms around me, sighing into the hug. “I’ll be okay.” I said, enjoying the feel of him. It had been too long since we had really spent time with each other.
“You better.” He pulled away to look into my eyes. “Just make sure you come back to me.” He tangled his fingers in my hair, and pulled me into a passionate kiss.
I broke away from the kiss, breathless. I knew that if I lingered too long, I would never leave. “Always. Besides, we have a lot of missed time we need to catch up on.” I said, standing on my toes to press my lips against his in one more chaste kiss. I grabbed my bag and turned to leave, but stopped at the door. I turned to him, and watched him try to hide his look of pain. “I love you, Cass.” I said, feeling guilty.
He smiled at me sadly. “I love you too, Y/N.”
I winked at him, then walked out of the door.
Getting into the destroyer was easier than I had expected. We landed on an imperial occupied planet, and hid the Hammerhead. I borrowed some storm troopers’ armor…
Well, after I knocked him out I relieved him of it. I don’t really intend to keep it at least. After I donned the armor, K-2 communicated with the computer and discovered there would be a shuttle leaving soon transporting a group of troopers back to the destroyer.
Can you believe the luck?
Once we were on board, K-2 and I moved freely around the ship. We were only stopped once by a trooper guarding the elevators.
“Where are you taking this droid?” He asked.
I looked up at K-2, hoping I wouldn’t have to say anything. I wasn’t sure if there were any female troopers, and was convinced my voice would immediately give me away.
K-2 started stuttering, as if he were shorting out.
“Taking him for repairs?” The trooper asked me.
I nodded once at him.
“Move along.” The trooper said, opening the elevator for me.
I pulled the stuttering K-2 into the elevator and shut the door.
“Nice work droid, you’ll make a fine spy someday.” I said, once the elevator started moving.
“It is what I’m programmed for human.” He quipped back, making me smile.
We arrived at a blessedly quiet floor, and found a small room that housed a computer K-2 could talk to.
“With good fortune like this, we’ll be out of here in no time.” I said, watching the door as K-2 worked.
He stood, communicating for the computer for a long time. Eventually, my nerves got the best of me. “Have you found anything yet?” I asked, feeling jittery.
“There is no mention of the weapon, but there are a few things that keep coming up. There are many mentions of kyber crystals, and attacks of shipments from Jedha by Saw Gerrerra. Plus, another name.” He said.
Cassian was right about the crystals.
“What’s the name?” I asked quietly, as a group of troopers passed by the door.
“Galen Erso.”
My head snapped up as the name registered. “The scientist?”
“Yes, he is a scientist.”
I remembered the words one of my instructors had spoken about Galen. Mostly, I remembered the awe in his voice. ‘Galen Erso, theoretician, mathematician, engineer and experimental physicist. He is the leading authority on crystals and their potential use in supplying power. And one of the few who refused to weaponize his knowledge.’
“Does it say where he is being held?” I asked.
“No, but there is also mention of a daughter. Jyn Erso, who is somehow connected to Saw Gerrerra. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.”
That’s it.
“Good work K-2, that’s something we can use!”
My joy was cut short by the sound of an alarm.
“K? What’s happening?”
“The computer is locking down. They have discovered that there is an intruder on board.”
My blood ran cold, “Does it say how many?”
“Just one, disguised as a storm trooper.” He said, looking at me.
Maybe we should have hidden the unconscious trooper better.
My mind started racing. If they’re looking for a disguised storm trooper, I will most likely be an easy one to pick out. I am much shorter than all of them, and the first time I speak will be a dead giveaway.
They’re only looking for a disguised storm trooper.
I looked up at K-2 with a lump forming in my throat as I began to understand what would have to be done.
There’s only one way to get the information we found out of here.
“K, we’re going to have to split up.” I said, resolving myself.
“Cassian won’t like…”
“Cassian isn’t here.” I snapped. “Just, trust me on this. You have the information, and they aren’t looking for you. You need to get out. I’ll meet up with you when I can.”
“You leave first,” I continued, “and head to the hanger. Catch the first transport, get to the Hammerhead and take off immediately. I’ll contact you if I get out.”
“The odds of your escape…”
“Don’t tell me the odds.” I said, closing my eyes. “Get going.”
K-2 looked at me for a moment, and headed to the door without another word.
“Wait, K.” I said, opening my eyes again.
He stopped and turned back to me.
I pulled out a holo-recorder I had been carrying and stared at it, thinking about the message it contained. I handed it to K-2 with a shaking hand, and said, “Give this to Cassian if I don’t make it out. When the time is right.”
He looked down at the recorder, then back to me. “When will be the right time?”
“You’re his friend, right?” K-2 just stared at me. “You’ll know.”
He glanced toward the door, then back at me. “I forgive you, you know.” I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “For shooting my arm off. And threatening to turn my head into a lamp. I must admit I understand the draw, I would make a handsome lamp.”
I giggled, and gazed fondly at the droid. “Get going.”
“It would be easier if I had a blaster.”
I rolled my eyes. “No, K-2. That’s just an easy way for you to be discovered.”
“Couldn’t hurt to try.” He said strolling out the door.
If I didn’t know any better, I would say he was part human.
I chuckled as I watched the K-2 disappear down the hallway. I gave him to the count of ten, and exited the room in the opposite direction, walking slowly.
You and me to the end then?
“Did you really see it happening any other way?”
Not really, but one could always hope.
“Funny, you’re supposed to be the logical one.”
I’m your own mind you know, it’s not my fault you spent too much time alone and turned me into a separate entity.
“Fair enough.” I said.
I heard the sound of armored feet closing in, and I decided to strip off my disguise.
Thank goodness, that armor looked terrible on you.
“Really? I thought I looked pretty good.”
The footsteps were almost on top of me now. The lullaby suddenly felt heavy on my shoulder.
I pulled out my blaster. “Take out as many as we can before we go to sleep?”
I always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.
“Blaze of glory it is then.” I said, firing as the first trooper rounded the corner.
I was sitting on the ground propped against a wall, barely able to keep my eyes open. I stared at the lullaby in my hand, thinking of Cassian. I prayed that he would understand why I had to do this.
I was surrounded by bodies. They had arrived in waves but I kept firing relentlessly, wanting to take out as many as I could to give K-2 time to escape. I’m not really sure how many times I have been shot at this point, but the rush of adrenaline and the need for time kept me going.
Now I sit here, injured and completely spent, hoping that my diversion had been enough. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard another group of troopers arriving. “I’m sorry, Cass.” Letting out a heavy sigh, I popped the pill into my mouth and swallowed.
Not bad kiddo.
“Thanks for having my back, brain.” I mumbled.
My vision started to fade as the troopers rounded the corner and started shouting. I couldn’t hear what they were saying. When I looked up, Rhayna was standing in front of me with her hand held out to me.
“Come on Captain Dummy. You did good.” She said, smiling at me.
I reached out to her, but hesitated. “Does it hurt?”
She cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Death?”
I nodded.
“No, it’s easier than going to sleep.”
I smiled, and took her hand.
She helped me up, and I never felt pain again.
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