#dick sellars
myvinylplaylist · 10 months
The Astronauts: Go...Go...Go!!! (1965)
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RCA Victor Records
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juarezesdeporte · 8 months
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Inglewood, California.- Dak Prescott lanzó para 272 yardas y un touchdown, y los Vaqueros de Dallas se recuperaron de la paliza de hace una semana, venciendo anoche 20-17 a los Cargadores de Los Angeles
Prescott completó 21 de 30 pases y también anotó un touchdown por tierra. Se convirtió en el mariscal de campo número 30 en la historia de la NFL en lanzar al menos un pase de touchdown contra 31 o más oponentes cuando conectó con Brandin Cooks para una anotación de 2 yardas con 11:19 restantes en el juego para darle a los Vaqueros la ventaja 17-10.
Los Angeles empató a 17 con 7:11 restantes cuando Gerald Everett atrapó un pase de touchdown de 1 yarda de Justin Herbert.
Brandon Aubrey anotó dos goles de campo, incluido uno de 39 yardas con 2:19 restantes, para darle la ventaja a los Vaqueros.
Los Cargadores tuvieron una última oportunidad de enviar el juego a tiempo extra, pero Stephon Gilmore interceptó a Herbert en la yarda 33 de Los Angeles con 1:22 restantes para sellar la victoria. En la jugada inmediatamente antes de la intercepción, Herbert fue capturado por Micah Parsons para una pérdida de 8 yardas.
“Resiliente. Los chicos pelearon. Sabíamos que este era un equipo realmente bueno”, dijo Prescott. “Los registros no necesariamente lo demuestran, pero nada lo demuestra en esta Liga. Ofensiva, defensiva, ahí mismo se les ocurrió una jugada enorme. Algo sobre lo que podamos construir”.
Dallas (4-2), que viene de una derrota por 42-10 en San Francisco el 8 de octubre, mejoró a 10-1 desde el comienzo de 2021 en juegos después de una derrota. CeeDee Lamb tuvo siete recepciones para 117 yardas.
Herbert lanzó para dos touchdowns y finalizó 22 de 37 para 227 yardas y una intercepción. Keenan Allen tuvo siete recepciones para 85 yardas y una anotación.
Los Cargadores, que venían de un descanso, cayeron a 2-3.
Los Cargadores anotaron en su primera serie por segundo juego consecutivo y tercera vez esta temporada cuando Allen atrapó un pase de 1 yarda de Herbert en tercera y gol. Austin Ekeler, quien se perdió los últimos tres juegos debido a una lesión en el tobillo, tuvo la jugada clave en la serie cuando recibió un pase de pantalla de Herbert de 28 yardas hasta la yarda 4 de los Vaqueros.
Dallas respondió en su siguiente posesión cuando Prescott ejecutó una lectura de zona a la perfección. En cuarta y 1 desde la yarda 18 de los Cargadores, el apoyador de Los Angeles, Tuli Tuipulotu, se estrelló desde el borde para derribar a Tony Pollard detrás de la línea de golpeo, pero Prescott mantuvo el balón y se fue por el medio intacto para igualar el marcador. 
20                   17
Vaqueros       Cargadores
Equipo           1         2         3         4         T
Dallas             7         3         0         10       20
Los Angeles   7         0         3         7         17
Primer Cuarto
LAC: K. Allen en pase de 1 yarda de Herbert (extra de Dicker), 10:31
Dal: Prescott en acarreo de 18 yardas (extra de Aubrey), 6:21
Segundo Cuarto
Dal: Gol de campo de 32 yardas de Aubrey, :00
Tercer Cuarto
LAC: Gol de campo de 24 yardas de Dicker, 1:08
Cuarto Cuarto
Dal: Cooks en pase de 2 yardas de Prescott (extra de Aubrey), 11:19
LAC: Everett en pase de 1 yarda de Herbert (extra de Dicke), 7:11
Dal: Gol de campo de 39 yardas de Aubrey, 2:19
Líderes individuales
Dallas: Prescott 7-40
Los Angeles: Ekeler 14-27
Dallas: Prescott 21-30-0-272
Los Angeles: Herbert 22-37-1-227
Dallas: Lamb 7-117
Los Angeles: K. Allen 7-85
(Associated Press)
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scifictional · 9 months
Among Friends Part 3: Decoherence
Among Friends Part 3: Decoherence “A time-travelling alt-history blend of William Burroughs & Philip k. dick… illustrated using the dream sorcerer midjourney…  form follows function at the gates of hell!”  Simon Sellars, Author of Code Beast & Applied Ballardianism Matthew is sent on a mission to the desert where he discovers the visionary work of land artist Robert Powers just as Valentina…
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oldshowbiz · 3 years
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Steve Armitage: The blue Hockey Night in Canada blazers…
Jim Hughson: I got one right away and I still have it.
Steve Armitage: I own two of them. I will probably donate them to the BC Sports Hall of Fame, of which I am a member, or give them to somebody to take care of.
Jim Robson: I had three. I gave two away for charity auction. I don’t know if they got much for them. I gave one to the Salvation Army. I could just imagine some guy stumbling down Cordova Street [Vancouver’s skid row] wearing a Hockey Night in Canada blazer.
Gary Dornhoefer: I think the moths got mine. Long gone. You know, that blue blazer reminds me of my first year in Philadelphia [playing for the Flyers]. Ed Snider bought everybody an orange blazer. I wore it after a game to a restaurant and some guy thought I was a waiter. I never wore it again.
Steve Lansky: Blue blazers were not kind if you sweated (laughs).
Mark Askin: I’ve got mine. It’s in a glass frame and it’s sitting in my office.
Bill Good: I think mine disappeared in subsequent moves and clean-outs. I had it for quite a while because my kids wore it from time to time to costume parties.
Mark Askin: I had it at the office until about a year ago because I would run seminars for kids at Leafs TV and I would say, “Your goal should be to be as proud of one piece of clothing in your career as I am of this.”
Dick Irvin: I still have it and it’s hanging upstairs in one of the closets.
Doug Sellars: I still remember the place you had to go to get your jacket. It was called “His Place” on Yonge Street. It was right across from our offices in Toronto. You went over, you got measured, and your jacket got delivered. It was quite something. God, awful ugly jackets when you look back. I’ve still got mine. Doesn’t fit as well.
Steve Lansky: I remember being handed the blue blazer for the first time and, really, not even being able to handle the magnitude. Both the blue blazers are hanging up in my closet because I couldn’t bear to ever part with either one of them. I have the one I got when I started and I have the one I got after I had had a few meals on the road (laughs).
Steve Armitage: We used to get a new one every year. The color never changed and the crest never changed, but you do twenty or thirty games a year, the thing would have to be dry-cleaned, the thing would fall apart. I probably went through, in my career, half a dozen of them. I kept two. You put them in the back of your closet. Those days of the robin’s egg blue jacket are long gone, but I can tell you that it was a magnet.
Mark Askin: I’ve seen a couple on Ebay. I don’t know if that would be [from] a crew member or what. I don’t know  … but you’d have to tussle me pretty damn hard [for me] to even think of giving it away.
Bill Good: I wore it proudly.
Steve Lansky: They’re actually in the suit bag I got them in, together in the closet, and will remain there until the end of time.
Steve Armitage: You would walk into an American rink where they really wouldn’t know too much about Hockey Night in Canada, but they would recognize the Hockey Night in Canada jacket.
Harry Neale: If you wore them [through] some parts of New York you could get shot. I guess they looked good on television, but when you used to go for a five-game trip … you couldn’t wear your jacket. You couldn’t wear that on the plane. So you always had to pack the damn thing. I never liked it, but that was part of the deal. I don’t think I have it. I don’t know why if I do. I was never a big fan of them … Those powder blue ones. I don’t know who came up with those ones, but I was never a fan of them. It might have looked good on television, I don’t know.
Steve Armitage: That was Ralph’s invention, the choice of the color.
Harry Neale: Next time I see him I’m going to give him my old coat and say, “You can wear this damn thing. I’m not wearing it!” They were strange looking outfits.
John Wells: You know, I had blue blazers and peach blazers and CTV purple blue, and CBC gold blazers… I had them all saved at a point and time. Somehow or other they ended up being tossed. I don’t have any blazers left. And black TSN ones too. There were a lot of blazers … I had a Hockey Night one with the faded blue – the lighter blue blazers – I think it actually ended up hanging in a sportsbar somewhere … As I say, the piece of paper Ralph handed me … I think I bought the blazer for forty-nine bucks at Eaton’s. It was almost in the kids department … I bought that one with my own money. I was pretty excited to get the job so I never really thought about expensing it.
Mark Askin: When you were given it, you didn’t need a pass. It was the pass.
Steve Armitage: It opened more doors quicker than anything I’ve worn representing the CBC because of that distinctive color and crest.
Steve Lansky: The 1985 All-Star Game. I was working on the players’ bench and Ralph was doing the world feed. John was doing the domestic feed, but Ralph was doing the world feed, so ESPN was probably involved and who knows, maybe Sky Channel to England. I can’t remember. Anyway, player introductions finish. Everyone goes to commercial. Andy Van Hellmond [the referee] drifts to center ice. Wayne Gretzky comes to him from one side, Mario Lemieux from the other. I hear Ralph yell, “They can’t drop the puck!” So I hit my key – I’m sitting on the bench – and I say, “What do you mean, Ralph?” “Not everyone’s back from break – he can’t drop the puck!” I said, “Well, Ralph, he’s going to drop the puck!” I’ll leave the [cussing] out, but he says, “Kid! He can’t drop the puck!” So I start yelling, “Andy! Andy!” It’s too loud. Andy can’t hear me. Now I’m in full panic mode. Wayne and Mario are basically five feet from that dot. So, I throw open the gate and I walk toward Andy. I’m wearing my blue blazer. He literally crouches down to drop the puck and I yell, “Andy!” I’m about fifteen feet away from him now. Iremember he mouthed a profanity like, “What the eff are you doing here?” I said to him, “You can’t drop the puck … not everyone’s back from break! You can’t drop the puck!” At this point I realize I’m standing in the middle of the ice and he goes, “Okay!” He turns to Wayne and Mario and says, “Skate around.” They skate around. I said, “I’ll wave to you when you can drop it.” He says, “Okay, kid.” I go back to the bench. I stand on the ice because I know he won’t drop the puck if I stay on the ice. I put my headset back on. Ralph goes, “Oh my God, we’re back. He can drop the puck!” I point at Andy, I hop over the board and Ralph goes, “Good job, kid.”
Mark Askin: When you wore it, there was nowhere you couldn’t go. When the lights went out in 1988 in Boston, I was doing stats in the booth. When the lights went out – I jumped out of the booth and went down to the Oilers dressing room. Not one person said, “What’re you doing?” That jacket was your pass.
Dick Irvin: The last time I wore it was two summers ago at the Just For Laughs Comedy Festival. They hired me to do a skit with William Shatner. The guy that was running the show was a big hockey fan and thought I should walk out and do my shtick wearing my Hockey Night in Canada blue jacket. I couldn’t button it.
Mark Askin: When you wore it – you felt like you’d made it. You felt important – real important.
Steve Armitage: Yes. It’s strange. When you put it on you became - Hockey Night in Canada. It symbolized to the guys that wore it – you were a breed apart. You were different from the team broadcaster, the mid-week broadcaster. This was Hockey Night in Canada. It was big.
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babybluebex · 3 years
why's everyone getting horny for him on anon? Own that exquisite taste y'all. thirsting over King Schultz or Miles Sellars or Blofeld or Dušan Mirković is nothing to ever be ashamed of. The man exudes big dick energy and deserves all the thirst.
(this is a joke, I'm not seriously shaming anyone for thirsting on anon, I get it but my shame is long gone)
i tend to get a lot of anons lol, i don't think it's christoph specific
but king schulz is REALLY doing something to me i SWEAR
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dannyreviews · 4 years
Entertainment Legends Who Should Receive The Kennedy Center Honors (2020 Edition)
Another update on potential future honorees.
Alan Alda, Jane Alexander, Michael Caine, Leslie Caron, Glenn Close, Billy Crystal, Daniel Day-Lewis, Judi Dench, Robert Duvall, Harrison Ford, Boyd Gaines, Joel Grey, Gene Hackman, Rosemary Harris, Anthony Hopkins, Glenda Jackson, Kevin Kline, Frank Langella, Nathan Lane, Jessica Lange, Elaine May, Ian McKellen, Helen Mirren, Bob Newhart, Christopher Plummer,  Maggie Smith, Dean Stockwell, Dick Van Dyke, Denzel Washington, Betty White
John Adams, Daniel Barenboim, George Crumb, Carlisle Floyd, Valery Gergiev, Phillip Glass, John Corigliano, Dave Grusin, Mike Post, Simon Rattle, Steve Reich, Ned Rorem, Lalo Schifrin, Leonard Slatkin, La Monte Young, Hans Zimmer
Toni Basil, Savion Glover, Cynthia Gregory, Kenny Ortega, Susan Stroman, Tommy Tune
Woody Allen, Francis Ford Coppola, Ron Howard, James Ivory, Norman Jewison
Herb Alpert, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Emanuel Ax, Burt Bacharach, Carla Bley, Yefim Bronfman, Larry Carlton, Ron Carter, Ry Cooder, Chick Correa, Stanley Drucker, Bela Fleck, James Galway, Evelyn Glennie, Keith Jarrett, Kim Kashkashian, Doug Kershaw, Ramsey Lewis, Wynton Marsalis, Jean-Luc Ponty, Arturo Sandoval, Peter Schickele, Pinchas Zukerman
ABBA, Paul Anka, Janet Baker, Cecilia Bartoli, Kathleen Battle, Betty Buckley, Shirley Caesar, José Carreras, Eric Clapton, Judy Collins, Phil Collins, Renee Fleming, Barry Gibb, Kiri Te Kanawa, Allison Krauss, Jerry Lee Lewis, Gladys Knight, Patti Lupone, Audra McDonald, Bette Midler, Sherrill Milnes, Liza Minnelli, Van Morrison, Bernadette Peters, Samuel Ramey, The Rolling Stones, Linda Ronstadt, Renata Scotto, Ringo Starr, Bryn Terfel, Frankie Valli, Frederica von Stade, Willard White
Theatrical People:
Emanuel Azenberg, Alain Boubil/Claude-Michel Schonberg, Peter Brook, Michael Frayn, Athol Fugard, David Hare, Sheldon Harnick, Bill Irwin, James Lapine, David Mamet, Terrence McNally, Alan Menken, Trevor Nunn, Tim Rice, Stephen Schwartz, Peter Sellars, Richard M. Sherman, Tom Stoppard, Charles Strouse, Jonathan Tunick, Jerry Zaks
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michaelsellars · 4 years
Doctor Who: Meglos by Terrance Dicks. #horror #DrWho https://t.co/raqI2s8B10
Doctor Who: Meglos by Terrance Dicks.#horror #DrWho pic.twitter.com/raqI2s8B10
— Paperback Horror | Michael Sellars | Horror Writer (@HorrorPaperback) December 13, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/HorrorPaperback
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dahliawolfe · 3 years
Roswell fanifc. Definitely not cannon. Very much smut. Very much poly. 
She’s attacked from behind. Slammed into the wall of the Pony on her way to take the trash out. The breath leaves her body in a harsh woosh. Blood beaded up on her forehead, as a gash was opened up from the rough steel.
“You little slut! Defending them damn Ortecho’s! They’re not here to protect you now, are they!?” is slurred into her ear from behind. Embyr rolls her eyes.
“Listen, Chad Thundercock, if you don’t let go of me, I’m going to kick you in the balls. And I don’t think your teenie weenie can take the blow.” Jake Sellars slams her into the wall again, and she growls. This racist piece of shit is really pissing her off.
“Oh yeah, Bitch. Will you now?” he spits, pressing something to her throat. She freezes. The bastard has a knife on her. “Cuz it looks to me, like I have the upper hand here. Now, how’s about I wash that whore mouth out for you?” She hears the chink of his belt buckle before suddenly all of his weight is gone. She turns to see a pissed Alex Manes holding a gun to the dude’s head and an eerily calm Michael Guerin staring at her intently.
“You alright?” the latter asks through clenched jaw. Alex drags Sellars to his feet, slamming him into the wall behind her.
“I….Yeah. I’m ok,” she answers. She is a little more shaken than she’d like to admit, but she would survive. Her fear quickly turns to anger, and she snatches up Sellars’ fallen knife. Pushing Alex out of the way, she corners Sellars, pressing the knife to his throat. “How does it feel, you dick?!” she yells. She digs the knife into his neck just deep enough to draw blood. “You think this is funny, huh?! Picking on other people because of their sex or skin color?! How do you like being the one persecuted?!”
“Embyr, enough,” Alex warns, stepping forward, laying a hand on her shoulder.
Hands shaking, Embyr presses the blade just a little harder.
“Emy, it’s ok,” Michael says, stepping close and placing his hand over the one of hers holding the knife. Giving one last growl and lunge, Embryr pulls away, only then noticing that Sellars had pissed himself.
“Pathetic,” she spits, storming away.
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“Hey, don’t walk away from us!” Alex booms behind her. But Embyr doesn’t stop. She doesn’t need this right now.
“Emy! Stop!” Michael yells. She stomps her feet, stopping herself and turning to face the two men.
“What?! What do you two want?! It’s rush hour, and if I don’t get back in there, Maria is going to fire my ass!”
“She will not,” comes a softer voice behind her. She turns to see Maria looking at her in concern, before the older woman steps forward and cups her chin, tilting her head up to inspect the damage. “Oh, Honey, what happened?” Maria coos.
“That Sellars dick roughed her up! Don’t you monitor who comes in here?!” Michael Guerin snaps at Maria, who, for her part rolls her eyes and focuses back on Embyr.
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“Ok, Kyle is in there. Corner him and take him upstairs to get you fixed up,” she orders, giving Embyr a gentle smack to the ass.
“Maria, I’m ok. I just want to go back to work.”
“Listen, you can go talk to Kyle, or I’ll take you to the hospital myself,” Alex dictates, crossing his arms over his chest. It was now Embyr’s turn to roll her eyes. “Fine,” Alex huffs, marching over, and scooping her up, throwing her over his shoulder.
“Put me down!”
“Are you going to talk to Kyle?”
“No!” He gave her a rough smack to her ass. “Oww! Fine! Yes!” Giving her another smack for good measure, Alex plops her on her feet and motions for her to lead the way into the bar.
“It’s not too bad, a stitch or two should fix you right up,” Kyle Valenti dictates, snapping his latex gloves off of his wrists. “Come on, we can take you to the hospital, and I’ll get you fixed up.”
“Uhh, can’t I just do all that tomorrow? It’s almost closing time, I should get down to help out with last call.” Kyle shakes his head at the younger girl.
“Fraid not. We don’t want it to get infected.”
“Don’t you have anything in your bag that could help?” Kyle narrows his eyes at her.
“Embyr, are you afraid of going to the hospital?” he asks gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. She snorts, violently yanking her body away from him.
“What?! No! I’m not afraid!” Kyle holds his hands up, nodding to Michael and Alex.
“She needs stitches. I’m heading back to the hospital to finish up some paperwork. I’ll be there for an hour or so, if she changes her mind.” He then gathers his medical bag and walks out of the room.
Michael pulls Alex to the side. “Listen, let me have a second with her, ok? Let me talk her into it, and if that doesn’t work, you can drag her out kicking and screaming.” Alex frowns but nods.
“Fine, but I don’t always want to be the bad guy.”
Michael makes his way over to Embyr, taking a seat next to her on the velvet couch. “What’s up, Pumpkin? You can tell me?”
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“I’m not your pumpkin. And there’s nothing up. I just don’t want to go to the stupid hospital, ok?!”
“No, not ok. You’re hurt, and you need stitches. And Kyle, as much as I dislike him, is a good doctor. So, why are you so against going to the hospital?’ He slings an arm over her, only to feel her slightly trembling. “I’ll be with you. Alex will be with you. I bet you won’t even feel it.”
“I can’t…I can’t go there,” she replies through clenched teeth.
“Why not?”
“My mom, she went there. She never came back. You go in, and you never leave, Michael!” It was clear that she was definitely panicking. And Michael didn’t know the whole story, but he knew that her mother had died when she was very young. Mimi and Maria had taken her in and raised her after. And if anyone knew about losing family, or well, not having them to begin with, it was Michael Guerin.
He pulls her into his lap and against his chest. “Hey, it’s ok. I would never allow that to happen to you. You’re safe here, with me. I promise you.”
“I can’t! I can’t go!” she wails against his shirt.
“Shh. Shh. It’s ok. Everything is ok.” He soothes her, running his hands down her back. “Emy, no one is going to hurt you while I’m around. Me and Alex…” and there it is. Something that neither he, nor Alex had ever spoken aloud, but both of them understood. “We’ll take care of you.” Because, dammit, they would. He knows how much he cares about the girl in his lap. And he knows how much Alex cares about her too. And he feels it so much it hurts, this desire to be everything for her. And fuck, maybe he’s crazy, hell, he is definitely crazy, but he knows that he, and Alex, and Embyr fit together like some cosmic puzzle that is pulled together by forces unknown to him. “That’s all we want to do, Baby. We just wanna take care of you.” And since when is Michael the sappy one? She looks up at him with teary eyes.
He chuckles. “I don’t know, man. I have no idea. But I know we do. And I promise you, that’s enough.”
Embyr looks into his eyes, searching for a sign of dishonesty. She finds none. She nods slowly. “Ok, I’ll go, but only if you promise to stay with me.”
“Scout’s honor,” Michael swears, helping her off of his lap and taking her hand.
“Ok, that’s it. You’re done,” Kyle says, standing back to look at his handiwork. Alex crowds in close, taking a look for himself.
“Thanks,” the soldier mutters, taking Embyr’s hand and helping her down from the exam table.
“Yeah. Sure. No problem. Anything for Embyr,” Kyle replies, giving the girl a smile. Tugging her closer, Alex slings his arm around Embyr.
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“Let’s get you home, Baby,” he coos. He throws another glare at the doctor before motioning for Michael to lead the way and following him out of the hospital.
Embyr’s asleep by the time they make it to Alex’s house, so Michael stoops and lifts her from the truck and carries her inside, depositing her on Alex’s bed and removing her boots. He covers her with the blanket and softly kisses her head before leaving the room to find Alex.
Alex places two beers on the coffee table and sits to wait on his boyfriend. They have a lot to talk about, and he figures they should get it done before Embyr wakes up. Michael appears soon enough, throwing himself on the other end of the couch and snagging a beer. “I take it you said something to her about…the arrangement?” Alex begins.
Michael nods. “She wasn’t going to that hospital any other way. That’s for damn sure.”
“And what did she say?”
“Not much. She was scared. Not of us! Or at least, I don’t think so.”
“Hmm. Well, she didn’t run away, so that’s a good sign, I suppose.”
A soft hand strokes her head, waking her up from a peaceful sleep. She groans slightly before opening her eyes. Michael and Alex are sitting on each side of her, smiling down. “Hello, Beautiful,” Alex greets, stroking her hair again.
“Hi,” she yawns, unconsciously leaning into the hand.
“Think you’re up for talking with us?” Michael asks, nervousness tightening his smile. She nods, sitting up, pulling her knees to her chest.
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“Em, I know Michael mentioned something to you before we took you for the stitches tonight. Do you remember?”
“Yeah. Kinda. He said something about you guys wanting to take care of me. And it’s ok. I know he was only trying to calm me down. I don’t actually expect you guys to do that. Don’t worry.”
Alex frowns. “It wasn’t just to calm you down. We do want to take care of you. We want to show you love, and make you feel good. We want you to be ours.”
“But…You guys are already together…? So, how would I fit into all that?”
Michael chuckles. “Perfectly. You’d fit right in between both of us. In all the best ways, Emy.” Alex rolls his eyes.
“What Michael is trying to say, is; we love each other, but we want to love you too. We want you to be our girl.”
“Like a throuple? Or something?” She frowns, thinking that she had chosen the wrong word.
“But that seems…complicated?”
“Well, it would be. But we’d set rules. And boundaries.”
“Like, for starters, it would only be the 3 of us. We wouldn’t be with anyone else, and neither would you. Complete loyalty. And you would tell us if and when something was too much. We’d go at your pace.”
“And…And this is essential. We’d be in charge. All the time. We want to take care of you. So, you’d have to let us.”
“I don’t understand.” Alex smiles softly.
“That’s ok, Babydoll. What I’m saying is, Michael and I would care for you physically, emotionally, and sexually. We’d be in charge at home, out in public. And in the bedroom.” Embyr’s eyes widen slightly.
“I mean, I can take care of myself. I’m not like…stupid or anything.”
“No! Of course not! We don’t think that at all!” Michael rushes. “We just want to take care of your and show you we care about you.”
“We know you’re not stupid, Em. Trust me. We also know that you’re very special. Especially to us.”
“You don’t have to decide now,” Michael assures, rubbing the back of her neck gently.
“I…I wanna….I wanna do it.” Alex and Michael both beam.
“Well, in that case…How about we give our little girl a treat for being so good for us, huh, Michael?” Alex asks, giving Embyr a naughty smile.
“You read my mind,” Michael replies.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The 10 Best RoboCop Movie Villains, Ranked | ScreenRant
Though he represents some fascinating ideas about humanity, the extent to which machines have integrated themselves into modern life and the social implications of private business expanding into public services, Detective Alex Murphy (otherwise known as RoboCop) is a hero who’s not much of anything at all without a host of colorful villains to dispatch. Luckily, the series has never disappointed in that department.
RELATED: 10 Most Powerful Villains In The Matrix Trilogy, Ranked
From goons and criminals on the streets to nefarious business people at the highest level of society, the RoboCop franchise’s vision of a futuristic Detroit is never wanting for evil-goers to be wiped away by its cyborg champion. Here are the ten best RoboCop movie villains so far.
10 Rick Mattox
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Mattox, played by Jackie Earle Haley, is a weapons expert and military tactician who specializes in the use of the drone technology at the heart of the 2014 RoboCop’s story. He not only seems incapable of viewing Alex Murphy as a human being, but also clearly has a grudge against him from the word go for encroaching on his territory.
RELATED: Star Trek: The 10 Deadliest Villains The Next Generation Crew Ever Faced
Their rivalry only intensifies when Murphy’s new abilities are let loose in a training exercise, where he humiliates Mattox in front of his employers.
9 Raymond Sellars
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The head of the unscrupulous Omni Consumer Products (OCP) in the 2014 reboot of the franchise, Raymond Sellars was played by Michael Keaton. His character was clearly one that the producers wanted to get just right, passing the role around several prominent actors before finding the right fit. Keaton nails the sly two-faced ways that the character requires.
Sellars understands the importance of image above everything else. He’s a ruthless operator who will do anything to achieve his goal of legalizing the use of his military drone technology on home soil.
8 Bob Morton
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Bob Morton, though nothing more than a seemingly-standard ladder-climbing sleazeball at OCP, holds a special place in the history of RoboCop villains, and the RoboCop franchise overall, as he’s technically the first person responsible for the creation of RoboCop.
RELATED: The 10 Best Villains From The DCEU, Ranked
Bob is a prime example of the stereotypical 80s business cutthroat that Paul Verhoeven’s original movie so spectacularly sent up. He has no regard for human life and views his crude behavior as a winning quality in his dog-eat-dog world. However, he crosses a far bigger dog at OCP and it results in his grisly murder. 
7 Pat Novak
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Played by the incomparable Samuel L. Jackson in the 2014 reboot, Pat Novak is a media personality who hosts a shouty infotainment show called The Novak Element, which acts as a perfect satirical take on a flashy entertainment show masquerading as news.
Novak was one of the many elements left hanging at the end of the reboot, which fans are unlikely to ever see fulfilled in any way. If parts of the reboot were ever carried into future movies, Novak would be a must-have choice.
6 Dick Jones
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A Senior Vice President at OCP, Dick Jones is practically a gangster who works in a high-rise office. His desire to further his career through the unsound ED-209 robots is scuppered when an enterprising Bob Morton seizes on Jones’ public failure with the ED-209 and pushes for RoboCop to take center stage.
RELATED: Quentin Tarantino's Best Villains, Ranked
Jones uses his hired muscle to brutally murder Bob Morton, but his secretly recorded confession is played by Alex Murphy to the OCP board, resulting in his termination. This allows Murphy to overcome the programming that forbids him from acting against an OCP employee, resulting in Jones going through a top floor window.
5 Hob
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Like an R-rated Bugsy Malone or a real-life Bart Simpson, Hob is a foul-mouth from RoboCop 2 who’s tougher and wiser than most of the hardened criminals in Detroit. He was a point of controversy when the movie was released, but he’s grown in popularity over the decades, as has the movie itself.
Hob is pretty unrepentantly devious, which is what makes him so much fun to watch, but his character is predominantly a tragic one. He comes to exemplify what Murphy struggles against the most in the movie: the total corruption of innocent youth.
4 “The Old Man”
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The president of OCP, simply referred to as “The Old Man”, is one of the few villains to survive the events of more than one RoboCop movie. He’s never as directly evil as his employees, but that’s because he’s never as directly involved in their schemes (most of which seem to end up profiting him).
RELATED: 5 Disney Villains That Are Better Live-Action (& 5 That Work Better As Cartoons)
“The Old Man” is more than happy to pit his workers against one another for the prospect of a higher position, and their scrambling to get to the top often results in chaotic plans that he’s always shielded from in some way.
3 Donald Johnson
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The most successful of the ladder-climbers within OCP, and one of the few characters and actors to appear in all three of the original RoboCop movies, Felton Perry’s Donald Johnson proves himself smarter than the rest of his co-workers, simply by staying either alive and out of prison despite the disastrous failures of those around him. 
Johnson practices a level of caution that other OCP executives wilfully lack and you feel that he’s consistently underestimated as a result of that, much to his benefit. Think Smithers from The Simpsons, only far more cunning.
2 Cain
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The leader of a gang that revolves around the production, sale and consumption of a fictional drug called “Nuke,” Cain is the main antagonist of RoboCop 2. Through addiction to his drug, he cultivates a status as some kind of revolutionary guru.
When his body is totalled by RoboCop, his brain is placed into the body of a much larger, much more deadly, machine intended to become Robocop 2. Needless to say, Cain wreaks absolute havoc with his new powers and built-in weapons.
1 Clarence Boddicker
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Of the original RoboCop’s plethora of villains, Clarence Boddicker still remains the most vividly memorable and entertaining of the movie, and, indeed, the franchise. He has far fewer overall goals than your standard RoboCop villain, who’s usually trying to facilitate a master plan to control the city. Boddicker mostly seems concerned by just continuing day-to-day as a violent criminal, killing and stealing anything he wants, whenever he wants.
Emboldened by his support from Dick Jones at OCP, who uses Boddicker to do his dirty work, he has an unforgettable level of confident swagger and menace. Especially for a character played by actor Kurtwood Smith, perhaps best known as "the dad from That ‘70s Show."
NEXT: 10 Most Evil Pixar Villains, Ranked
source https://screenrant.com/robocop-movies-greatest-best-villains-ever-ranked/
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juanitastar · 7 years
Suicide Squad Team que hice una vez
Las puertas eléctricas se abrieron ante Efraín, quien entró a la sala de reuniones, no perdiendo tiempo para sentarse en la silla principal. Había dos personas más en la mesa: Blanca Ruiz, encargada del Norteamérica y Centroamérica. Luciano Da Silva, Sudamérica. ¿Y Efraín? El resto del mundo.  
 No había necesidad de presentaciones, Efraín tronó los dedos y un par de folders aparecieron al frente de todos.
 —No le daré vueltas al asunto —dijo el joven que había sido criticado por ser demasiado joven para su cargo—. Este es el problema: Una dimensión de bolsillo ha chocado con nuestro planeta. Al parecer, a alguien en algún lugar de universo se le ocurrió llenarla de monstruos carnívoros y soltarla en el espacio. Nosotros fuimos los afortunados.
—Oh Joy —suspiró Blanca, no luciendo impresionada.  
 —Detalles de los monstruos —pidió Luciano.
 —Imagina toda clase de insectos gigantes como si fueran animales de carne y hueso —sugirió Efraín—. Esa fue la descripción que nuestro agente envió.
 Luciano asintió.
 —Qué asco.
 —Sí. Hasta ahora, el punto de conexión se encuentra aquí —Efraín tronó de nuevo los dedos, y un holograma del planeta apareció en medio de los tres reunidos. Un punto rojo brillaba en la locación—. Necesitamos enviar un equipo para que entre a la dimensión, y la destruya por dentro.
 —¡Ja! Siento lastima por los pobres que cargaran con el trabajito —musitó Blanca, echándose hacia atrás en su silla.
 —Em, no sientas pena —comentó Luciano, hojeando el archivo en sus manos—. Esta gente es basura.
 Efraín aclaró su garganta para atraer la atención de sus jóvenes colega. Irónicamente, a veces se sentía demasiado viejo en compañía de ellos.
 —Si me permiten, les presentaré al equipo.
  Julio gruñó cuando oyó su celda abrirse, girándose en la cama y dándole la espalda a quien sea que acabase de entrar.
 —¡De pie, Paz! ¡Tienes visita!
 —¡A menos que sea modelo, no me interesa! —contestó Julio sin voltearse.
 L: Julio Paz, imaginen a Catwoman combinada con Leroy Jenkins. Criminal buscado en treinta países reconocidos y diez países no reconocidos. Capturado porque se puso a coquetear con un policía encubierto.
 L: Suena demasiado común. ¿Qué es lo peor que ha hecho?
  —Hice un par de revistas de ropa interior, si eso ayuda.
 Julio oyó una voz joven y eso le bastó para voltearse, encontrándose de frente con el cañón de una pistola 45 apuntado a sus sienes.
 —¿Julio? Me llamo Daniel —se presentó el joven—. ¿Quieres morir ahora o morir más tarde?
 Julio sonrió maliciosamente.
 —Eres cómo un sexy viuda negra.
 E: Aparte de obtener el numero del policía que lo arrestó, luego de que este se diera cuenta de que le Julio le había robado su billetera... se infiltró en la dimensión por su cuenta para robar un huevo de esas criaturas con éxito. Es extremadamente bueno en mantenerse con vida.
 B: I’m sold. Next.
E: René, hechicero. Arrestado luego de que manipulara al presidente como una marioneta por tres meses y causar un eclipse de misma prolongación. Ochenta cadenas perpetúas sólo por lo del presidente. Es nuestro enlace a la magia negra.
 Para Efraín, lidiar con René, era un dolor en el trasero. Si, tenía su propia magia, si se llegasen a enfrentar seria una batalla de la que no estaba seguro de salir con vida. El problema con René, era que este podía haberse escapado sin problemas hacía mucho tiempo, a pesar de los sellos mágicos que Efraín había colocado en su celda.
 Pero René seguía allí, lo que significaba que estaba en el lugar donde deseaba estar. Quizás esperando un momento como este.
 —¿Y que gano yo a cambio? —preguntó René, luego de recibir el lujoso beneficio de una misión explicada y una cortes invitación a unirse.
 —¿Qué quieres?
 L: Pregunta: René es un hechicero que puede manipular gente, aparte de todo lo que implica ser un enlace a la magia negra. ¿Cómo diablos pretendes manejar eso desde una silla a miles de kilómetros de distancia?
 E: Aparte de los sellos místicos en los collares que volaran sus cabezas, también pretendo enviar a otra persona.
 René sonrió, poniéndose de pie.
 —Por ti para que no interfieras personalmente en mis asuntos por una semana, luego de todo esto.
 Efraín hizo un esfuerzo para no reaccionar visiblemente a ese pedido.
 —No puedo prometer eso —dijo calmadamente.
 René se encogió de hombros.
 —¿Puedes resolver esta situación sin mi?
 Cruzaron miradas unos segundos antes de continuar.
 —Bien —respondió Efraín, poniéndose de pie sin dejar de mirarlo a los ojos—. Una semana. Y ello no implica que no dejare de enviar hasta el último soldado detrás de ti.
René extendió su mano, invitando a un saludo con una sonrisa genuinamente cordial.
 —Deja varios en reservas para que caben tumbas.
—Ha pasado tiempo, Itzel —fue el saludo que Efraín dio al entrar a la habitación, viendo a la reclusa sentada cruzada de brazos y piernas.
 Un movimiento de su brazo y fueron dejados a solas para una conversación privada.
 —No sé si decir que eres muy valiente en venir a verme… —Itzel se descruzó de brazos y piernas, pareciendo lista para atacar a la menor provocación—. O llamarte descarado
  E: Itzel, experta en magia azteca. Guerrera de pueblo. Presa por colocar todas las cabezas de los líderes y comandos importantes de las bandas de México en la plaza de la capital. Tres cadenas perpetuas. Nunca ha intentado escapar. Y aun no sabemos como lo hace, pero sigue asesinando presos, a pesar de que lleva tres años en solitario y estoy seguro que mis sellos si funcionan con ella.
 —No estoy aquí por nosotros…
 —No hay nosotros, Efraín. No desde que pusiste esos sellos alrededor de mi celda. —Interrumpió Itzel. Uno de los problemas de tener un ex novio mágico, es que este conocía todos tus trucos.
 —Yo diría desde que hiciste un espectáculo con criminales —replicó Efraín, sintiendo su nivel de calma deslizarse unos metros.
 Itzel soltó una risilla sarcástica, girando los ojos.
 —Oh, sí, me encanta esta discusión.
 —No, no vine a eso. El mundo está a punto de irse al infierno. Necesitamos tu ayuda.
 L: Encantadora dama. Misma pregunta que el anterior.
 E: A diferencia de René, con ella si se puede negociar.
 —Quiero una sola cadena perpetua y salir libre al año bajo libertad condicional —pidió la joven.
 E: Junto con René, es parte de nuestra única oportunidad de sellar la dimensión.
 B: Todo horrible hasta ahora, ¿Quién mas tienes para esto?
E: Alexander Marley. Corta cuellos profesional, más rápido que Usain Bolt, ha evadido persecuciones policiales a pie. Increíblemente dócil si lo mantienes a base de marihuana y sexo. En preparación para esta misión, no ha tenido una dosis en meses de ninguno de los dos.
 —I will cut your fucking dick off…
 Efraín se encontró con Alexander en el desierto gimnasio de la cárcel de máxima seguridad. Esas fueron las primeras palabras que el jamaiquino dijo luego de golpear un saco de boxeo por diez minutos corridos sin siquiera detenerse.
 Según experiencias pasadas, no había forma de obligar a Marley a hacer algo si este no quería. Todos los que lo intentaban terminaban en cuidados intensivos.
 —Es suficiente Marley —habló Efraín—. O vienes conmigo o pongo una bala en tu cerebro. De cualquier forma, dile adiós a tu pequeño reino en esta prisión.
 Alexander golpeó el saco con particular fuerza una última vez, mirando a Efraín de reojo.
 —You got a cute face.  
 B: Su archivo tiene acusaciones de ataque sexual. Gross.
E: Tranquila, a pesar de todas sus faltas, Marley es un caballero en el aspecto íntimo. Sus ataques fueron contra condenados por estos crimines. Digamos que el hombre cree en la castración cómo solución definitiva al problema.
 B: Aaaaand I have a favorite.  
 E: Luis Ángel de Honduras. Es todo lo que se sabe de él. Edad, apellido, si esa es su verdadera apariencia. Todo lo que tenga que ver con este metamorfo es una incógnita. Capturado de milagro, porque imitó a un prófugo, según él, en un momento en que le falló la memoria. Es el shiny pokemon.
 L: Me gusta pokemon.
E: A mí también
 —¡Efraín, querido! ¡Cuánto tiempo! ¡Haz engordado!
 E: Que mal que no pueda decir que me guste Luis.
 —Luis Ángel…
 E: Odio las cosas que no tienen lógica.  
B: Conozco a esta chica. Camila de Nicaragua. Bruja. No es estrictamente basura. Pero le parece entretenido hacer estallar volcanes o causar terremotos de poca intensidad. No le pareció tan gracioso cuando mi pie estuvo en su cara.  
E: Estoy al tanto.
B: Another magic user. How did you convince her?  
 —No sé para que me quieres —dijo Camila, mirando a todos los guardias armados junto a Efraín, quien la miraba serenamente, con sus manos en sus bolsillos—. Pero me consigues cinco minutos a sola con la teñida boricua y hago lo que quieras.
 Efraín sonrió.
 E: Luego te digo.
 Catalina suspiró mentalmente al oír la voz de Gregorio, no esperaba dar esta noticia sin prepararse primero en cómo decirla, pero ya veía venir la pregunta.
 —¿Qué es eso que sólo cuatro personas para la próxima misión? Me eligieron, pero igual…
 —Créeme Greg, no tengo idea —respondió Catalina, suspirando—. Todo lo que sé es que debemos preparar testamento de antemano.
 —Oh, pues nada nuevo.
 —No, nada.  
 L: Agente de las fuerzas especiales colombianas, coronel Catalina Gómez. Dos años de experiencia en combate cercano, nunca ha sido herida. Resta decir, prodigio de la milicia. Su escuadrón fue quien investigó la primera anomalía. Fue la única razón por la que volvieron con vida.
 E: Ya se le avisó que no debe esforzarse tanto esta vez.
 L: Un escuadrón de ocho personas…
 B: Plus tres guardias que acompañaran a Catalina, uno recomendado por cada uno de nosotros. Ninguno menos desechable que los reclusos.
 — ¿Cuál es el plan de acción? —quiso saber Blanca, cerrando el folder de documentos.
 El planeta grafico que habían estado viendo cambio, ahora viéndose una pequeña zona, un cuadrado  rojo parpadeante.
 —Según la información de Catalina, la dimensión des de alrededor de cuarenta kilómetros de largo. Al final de esta, hay un punto en donde todos lo eléctrico deja de funcionar. Es allí donde entran nuestros usuarios mágicos. Colocaran un sello hecho por mí que me permitirá transportarme al área, y entre los cuatro, destruiremos la dimensión. Si todo sale bien, todos saldremos ilesos y solo nos quedaran los monstruos que ya hayan salido para lidiar. Si todo sale mal, moriremos y el mundo tendrá una seria infestación. ¿Preguntas?
 —¿Cuándo empieza la misión? —preguntó Luciano.
 Efraín chequeó su reloj, miró a los presentes y sonrió.
 —La misión empezó hace cuarenta minutos.
 Tanto Luciano cómo Blanca le miraron entretenidos, para nada ofendidos de haber sido dejados a ciegas de esto. Quizás porque cada uno en esa habitación tenía sus propios ases bajo la manga.
 Un tronado de dedos por parte de Efraín y una pantalla se formó en el centro de la mesa. En ella, la imagen del equipo en plena acción se alzaba a la vista.
 —Magia seguro tiene sus ventajas —comentó Blanca, cruzándose de piernas para disfrutar del show.
 —Un equipo de gente suicida también —agregó Luciano con entusiasmo.
 Efraín suspiró.
 —Esperemos que ambos sean suficiente para salvar al mundo.
 Quería hacer algo con eso.  I’m a sucker for AU y elección de equipos. Esto es un oneshot.
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ocioenlinea · 5 years
Videosalas del 24 al 30 de mayo de 2019
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Lerdo de Tejada 2071, entre Marsella y Chapultepec. T/3615-8470. Entrada libre.
D: Joshua Logan
Con William Holden, Kim Novak, Rosalind Russell
Estados Unidos, 1955. d: 115 min.
Cansado de vagar, Hal Carter llega como polizonte de tren a un pequeño pueblo, donde encuentra a su viejo compañero de escuela Adam Benson quien ahora es un próspero empleado de su padre y además pretende a la chica más linda del pueblo, Maggie Owens. En un picnic, muchas emociones encontradas van a salir a flote.
Viernes 24, 16:00 y 18:00 h
D: Richard Eyre
Con Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, Florence Pugh
Reino Unido, 2018. d: 115 min.
Ambientada en un presente de ficción, un anciano rey abdica y divide su reino en favor de sus dos hijas corruptas y aduladoras, rechazando a la única que realmente le ama. Su fatal decisión llevará a la familia y al estado al colapso y al caos. Critics Choice Awards: Nominada a mejor telefilme. Satellite Awards: 3 nominaciones incluyendo Mejor telefilm.
Sábado 25 y domingo 26, 16:00 y 18:00 h
D: Marcel Carné
Con Annabella, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Louis Jouvet
Francia, 1938. d: 95 min.
En un modesto hotel de un barrio popular de París, Renée y Pierre, una joven pareja de enamorados, alquilan una habitación para una sola noche. Con la intención de suicidarse: Pierre matará a Renée de un tiro, y luego disparará contra sí mismo. Pero el plan no sale como tenían planeado.Círculo de Críticos de Nueva York: Nominada a Mejor película extranjera.
Lunes 27, 16:00 y 18:00 h
D: Rob Williams
Con Adam Fried, Ian Dick, y Rachel Alig
Estados Unidos, 2017. d: 96 min.
El film explora el romance entre Hank, un chico judío que ha tenido bastantes desencantos y ahora ya no está buscando amor. Y a Kurt, un chico casado con su mujer Kate, del Medio Oeste que necesita a alguien para romper la monotonía de su matrimonio obsoleto. Los hombres se encuentran en una escapada tropical.
Martes 28 y miércoles 29, 16:00, 18:00 y 20:00 h
Con Ekaterina Scherbachenko, Pavel Cernoch, Paul Groves, Dominique Blanc
Director Musical: Teodor Currentzis
Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real, 2012. d: 164 min.
Iolanta y Perséphone, nos relatan historias transformadoras; dos melodramas cargados de simbología que navegan de la luz a la oscuridad, y a la inversa, en los que detrás de cada personaje está siempre su opuesto. Sellars ha utilizado para su narración un escenario único con “imágenes visuales muy intensas y abstractas”, en las que todo cambia, como en el drama simbolista ruso.
Jueves 30, 16:00 h
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BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA DEL ESTADO DE JALISCO JUAN JOSÉ ARREOLA. Periférico Norte Manuel Gómez Morín 1695.Sala de cine, piso 1. T/3836-4530. Entrada GRATIS.
D: Leon Schlesinger
Viernes 24, 16:00 h; sábado 25 y domingo 26, 13:00 h
D: Jose Antonio Páramo
Con Juan Diego, Nicolás Dueñas, Joaquín Hinojosa, Manuel Ángel Egea
España, 1978. d: 115 min.
La historia comienza en Yuste, en 1558. El rey Carlos I de Castilla y emperador de Alemania está a punto de morir y se confiesa ante fray Bartolomé de Carranza. En su último examen de conciencia, el monarca se pregunta si fue justo matar a los comuneros. Así, en varias escenas retrospectivas, se suceden los acontecimientos que jalonan la revuelta de las Comunidades de Castilla.
Sabado 25, 12:00 h
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
"Competition Time" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 4 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/competition-time-father-ted-series-1-episode-4-dead-parrot-6/
"Competition Time" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 4 | Dead Parrot
I see you’re capable Dougal equipped if you end up Ted you love this Dougal ok here I come who are you imagined to be Ted what are you doing you’re true can’t go as Elvis you wait a 2nd you’re Elvis as good what i do know is I received Elvis written on my back i don’t believe this little bit of a accident all right there exceptional minds believe alike I suppose i have been pronouncing for the final two weeks that I used to be going as Elvis ah that is most of the time where I bought the thought this is nice this fairly is the first all priest stars and their eyes appear alike competitors I proposal I had a danger of profitable I’ve even cleared a space for the trophy besides the one we received for coming third in the noodle championships as you optimistically win Ted you under no circumstances understand and considered one of you run earlier than me I look in Aegis every person will feel I copied the idea of you good Ted to be fair no it is a bit bizarre you happen to feel of it as well correct correct I just must go as mom Teresa once more who’re you purported to be Elvis i’m Elvis i am Elvis i do know you’re Elvis father Woodall Elvis that is the situation a cup of tea within the afternoon you look slightly one-of-a-kind father i am and a hair color whatever no i’m Elvis Presley are you father to not flip up for the books anyway the historic police appear like exhibit the next day oh now I see well I have to say i’m watching forward to that is father Kiernan coming he is not going to be known he’s a best laughs I recollect last year telling all his experiences he had me in stitches you comprehend it is right what they say about chubby man is not it they’re jollier than the rest of us they’ve a way of looking at matters he shot himself I believe that is in most cases the way in which with fats men is not us they snicker to hide the tears but you that’s existence joyful one minute and the subsequent I suppose you just go and shoot yourself and that is that hello ha Ted whats up dick Barney good day chica how are matters on rugged Island oh now not so unhealthy you all set for tomorrow the competitors what can we bought planned I mustn’t say that’ll be supplying you with an knowledge mother Teresa no I do believe it maybe another danger of successful this year oh good do you particularly dick comprehend who’s Eddie appear Dugan i am asking you yet another time don’t go as Elvis huh seem i have been looking ahead to this it for ages i know all of the strikes and everything and don’t forget who’s judging this year best Henry Sellars no he’s coming right here Wow I did this dooble father performed is bringing him over I’ve on no account met a celebrity before you met the Pope did i don’t don’t forget when we run improper that was the boat felon dwelling within the generation of gallery the Vatican doing oh the identical i would not say is that superstar like within the authentic feel of the phrase you know the Pope is God’s representative on earth to loot you think of you taller what like a large you already know Henry retailers come in right here which pay attention to the Elvis obstacle look we toss first whoever wins can go as Elvis ok all right proper heads or tails heads or tails Google hi there no tears heads yes heads Google you ought to commission can you prefer between the two sorry about that head it simply bought a bit excited there i’m go once more heads or tails heads are you sure certainly price tails heads tails heads Dugan heads dude mcountdown tails heads tails heads Google Google are you all proper Pam howdy i’m I in finding head i’m just no longer the fine at making selections appear Aram I tell you what we do you toss the coin i will take heads heads it is go forward toss it there put out of your mind it forget it sure hiya Henry’s on fed back to you Monica for a five-point question the capital of England is it new york London of Munich i’m going to provide you with a clue you live there Oh James you realize I leaned on the button he’s high-quality isn’t he dead Henry I need to be right here any second are you excited Ted Henry retailers seem at him they may be asking the questions sew in time saves how many sorry London any idea why you left the BBC Ted I seem Ted why don’t you be Elvis when you consider that you notion of it first I believe it can be only reasonable i go with mother Teresa i am sorry do it i am being very selfish i’m sorry you you goes never-ending no Ted it’s no longer fair on you you you had your coronary heart set on it no significantly you go Xander’s fairly high-quality thanks Ted unless you would pick to move as mother Teresa I no now not fairly anyway there’s only one mom Teresa and that is you Ted thanks Doodle boy good at least i will have the glory of taking care of mr.Marketers it is major that we be tremendously Nystrom that’ll toughen our probabilities of successful are a hundred% we will need to fill him up with foods and drinks until it is popping out of his ears and you can be first-class to mr. Marketers will not your father father you all right ah no now not rest room duck once more what that does to you perhaps seeing the pink elephants once more how many fingers am i conserving as much as you if you’re now not too dangerous in most cases getting a Mewtwo by way of now that’ll be him that Henry oh god he’s here hi there there Henry Sellars father Ted truly it is a great honor to have you ever here mister oh and it can be beautiful to be right here too whats up father um sorry this is father Dugan McGuire Duggal say something to the place mr. Sellars in how historical are you he requested you mr. Sellars how historic he that’s fairly all right i’m 37 father this is father Jack Hackett hiya father through father simply gone for his walk huh no is there anything we are able to get you mr.Agents and make contact with me Henry well them in the event you had something to eat might be maybe a sandwich mrs. Doyle some sandwiches hiya is there whatever wrong along with your head do just right what no it is just his hair looks a little bit doodle I did not say anything it is simply Henry’s hair looks somewhat mad is his father carried out with you oh sure she’s just bringing out their hee ha ha ha dad ha ha dartie excellent to peer it sit down there you have to be on craggy Island again ah god i haven’t noticeable you in a while I take into account the final time I was here we had that funny incident don’t forget ha ha I consider I believe you may have forgotten all about us first a kind of thing you realize well what what what is this what is that this the last time father finished was with us yeah father Jack misplaced his slippers first percentage like he had us watching every father was if it’s like the kind of factor you understand we discovered them after a while this was her pitch like oh Lord how lengthy is the card you’re four hours with the thing I believe it must be so what’s it like being a television famous person haha well it have got to it ought to be I need to say Henry we’re simply so delighted to have you ever right here is there some thing else we can get you no no i am satisfactory some extra solar no oh no no no no i’m first-rate most likely pleasant thanks the whole lot ok with your hair stop speakme about Henry’s hair i’m sorry Haley it’s just your hair is so natural-watching do we can stop talking about it it fairly is a beautiful head of hair anyway what I used to be pronouncing used to be some thing you wish to have at all just ask first we are able to get it for you there is no hindrance there and i imply something anything that you wish to have anything that you wish to have there shall be at all possible for us to get you just requested for and that i mean anything there’s no concern there Todd something well genuinely i have been having slightly of crisis getting the English papers i’m wondering would receive the English papers whatever you need something else just out besides definitely the English papers good you wouldn’t have the quantity of a father dick burn in any respect you would be making mistake for those who went to consult with them oh good why is that father they are lepers they’re nepers the three of them are lepers rugged Island is a leper colony leper colony you’re no longer serious well no it can be no longer leprosy anything incorrect there you ever believe how strange it was she clergymen dwelling on my own on an island like that oh no there’s something no longer relatively proper there you would be at an advantage staying with us Ted would you tell me the place the older if you recognize the older the historic hair is up the steps and it’s fee below left haha it can be a wig time for just a little nightcap on you are walking out of sandwiches I bring in some extra yeah I will not have a sherry thing do not be silly now of course you no no no rather I shouldn’t how rough it should support you see no no it’s not a just right notion you go ahead just a bit drop just a teeny tiny bit at present little bit of sherry section any person as the de ireland doesn’t win the Eurovision song Contest go on no no no really oh yeah go one go on do not stroll on one go on go on go on go on go on go on go on no significantly oh go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on what a shout of bastards Oh Lord Ted why did you provide him a drink I didn’t comprehend this had happened I desire it that is why they sacked him from that program he is a terrible alcoholic he is been on the wagon now for a year oh my god Ted how was once I supposed to know sack me I made the BBC I made it probably you may have a leisure you’ll be able to feel better an hour far from me fresh the keys Suns long past forgot the bed there is certainly not ending on anyway i’m gonna kick myself you wanna battle huh bloody monks oh oh bloody sanctimonious scumbags surely made my lifestyles a misery with so mother honey however are you definite you wouldn’t like to move to mattress remembers itself a little longer ha ha uninterested with you old bastard i am getting out of right here don’t you try and discontinue me it is real what they are saying although isn’t it you should certainly not meet your heroes you’ll only be disillusioned think if we weren’t have got to get her back he’d be like Bigfoot besides he’d be a BBC television presenter you see him they are very the trees obtained him terribly sorry however all of the sergeant aren’t any main issue father i’ve been through it before rock stars actors television personalities they go off to drink within the medicines they usually come over to locations like this the solitude can get to them what occurred to this fella he was first-rate at some point and then he took a sip of sherry relapse that is when there are most hazardous correct you’re ready i would like you to bang these together as a way to this that should scare a move to the woods so I take a transparent shot on them tranquil lasered out father it would just put him to sleep for somewhat nonetheless it appears slightly severe it can be the first-rate we’ve got you understand excellent god this jogs my memory of Vietnam no no I imply you realize the film’s hiya wait let’s go it can be Jack I’ve obtained a clear shot of him father do you want me to get him no newcomers go he make us all manner again oh my god my head oh there you are Henry a first-rate cup of tea what Oh oh my god the place am I what occurred final night time I do not forget having a sip of sherry nothing to fear about i am hoping I did not do whatever to embarrass your father Judith you are first-rate Henry I anticipate that to be father dick bone I variety of believe sorry for him though marooned on that island with these Eagles and there’s without doubt nothing in common most likely nothing in common hi there hiya dick Ted we have been just speakme about you fairly yeah we were just announcing how best you had been particularly no hilarious dick I was simply calling to make certain you are gonna flip up tonight why wouldn’t I turn up tonight well you recognize probably a bit of embarrassing to a come final again we’re all becoming lastic it is you who’ll be coming last correctly I told her might have a bit of guess on to these watch our money where your mouth is Ted what are we talking about here a pound two pounds five kilos five kilos what’s the topic dick you scared course i’m no longer scared 5 pounds it’s see you tonight well i’d better go get myself cleaned up for tonight you know brush my tooth unusual FF a strange style of uncooked meat in my mouth that on a way that’s not right you might be Henry 5 pounds I ought to be insane we haven’t a hope in hell why can’t all of us goes over seeing that we all seem the identical Google anyway Jack will probably be in any moment looking for his afternoon drink there he goes bang on time Teddy looks very rough we are going to have to get him sobered up if he is gonna do this contest no Dougal wait go away him i have an thought you realize he looks a bitch like he is not going to intellect me telling you this now ah no no no anyway Henry marks for father Carl excellent i’m going to supply him seven out of ten that implies that the men from rugged Island are nonetheless in the lead with nine out of ten so tremendous hand for Diana Ross and two of The Supremes Oh begin celebrate from yet consider we now have nonetheless got one more X in the past oh yes so ladies and gents please welcome pop tradition the keep on with father McWhorter and father Hackett Elvis Presley used to be a easy truck driver from america but at some point within the 1950s he invented rock and roll I remove in Elvis became famous then they compelled him into the navy then he came out and ten years later he got here again with a comeback special Elvis was back from then unto the top of his existence he performed in Las Vegas and grew to be as soon as again the king of rock and roll thank you i am fasting Lord God Almighty three Elvises for to you with a final max nice intent used to be outstanding thanks very a lot celebration 5 pounds Ted hard seem dick will we no longer windy recognize him by means of this 12 months the trophy goes to craggy Island I think if each danger of successful subsequent 12 months you’re really lifeless no man sir let’s go house i know you said him speedily 20 of whiskey at home fun that is ceramic dachshund particularly eejit is not he useless here we are actually oh well considering I failed to make a idiot of myself the final time I would as good have a pitcher of affordable sweet no don’t fear father definite if I cannot rejoice tonight so when am i able to the bastards what is going on on how dare they do that to me well there he goes once more rip their head under no circumstances mind we are able to look for him within the morning anyway well performed once more Dougal what’d you believe of the trophy that’s excellent it is all in view that the you Ted put it there
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
"Competition Time" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 4 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/competition-time-father-ted-series-1-episode-4-dead-parrot-6/
"Competition Time" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 4 | Dead Parrot
I see you’re capable Dougal equipped if you end up Ted you love this Dougal ok here I come who are you imagined to be Ted what are you doing you’re true can’t go as Elvis you wait a 2nd you’re Elvis as good what i do know is I received Elvis written on my back i don’t believe this little bit of a accident all right there exceptional minds believe alike I suppose i have been pronouncing for the final two weeks that I used to be going as Elvis ah that is most of the time where I bought the thought this is nice this fairly is the first all priest stars and their eyes appear alike competitors I proposal I had a danger of profitable I’ve even cleared a space for the trophy besides the one we received for coming third in the noodle championships as you optimistically win Ted you under no circumstances understand and considered one of you run earlier than me I look in Aegis every person will feel I copied the idea of you good Ted to be fair no it is a bit bizarre you happen to feel of it as well correct correct I just must go as mom Teresa once more who’re you purported to be Elvis i’m Elvis i am Elvis i do know you’re Elvis father Woodall Elvis that is the situation a cup of tea within the afternoon you look slightly one-of-a-kind father i am and a hair color whatever no i’m Elvis Presley are you father to not flip up for the books anyway the historic police appear like exhibit the next day oh now I see well I have to say i’m watching forward to that is father Kiernan coming he is not going to be known he’s a best laughs I recollect last year telling all his experiences he had me in stitches you comprehend it is right what they say about chubby man is not it they’re jollier than the rest of us they’ve a way of looking at matters he shot himself I believe that is in most cases the way in which with fats men is not us they snicker to hide the tears but you that’s existence joyful one minute and the subsequent I suppose you just go and shoot yourself and that is that hello ha Ted whats up dick Barney good day chica how are matters on rugged Island oh now not so unhealthy you all set for tomorrow the competitors what can we bought planned I mustn’t say that’ll be supplying you with an knowledge mother Teresa no I do believe it maybe another danger of successful this year oh good do you particularly dick comprehend who’s Eddie appear Dugan i am asking you yet another time don’t go as Elvis huh seem i have been looking ahead to this it for ages i know all of the strikes and everything and don’t forget who’s judging this year best Henry Sellars no he’s coming right here Wow I did this dooble father performed is bringing him over I’ve on no account met a celebrity before you met the Pope did i don’t don’t forget when we run improper that was the boat felon dwelling within the generation of gallery the Vatican doing oh the identical i would not say is that superstar like within the authentic feel of the phrase you know the Pope is God’s representative on earth to loot you think of you taller what like a large you already know Henry retailers come in right here which pay attention to the Elvis obstacle look we toss first whoever wins can go as Elvis ok all right proper heads or tails heads or tails Google hi there no tears heads yes heads Google you ought to commission can you prefer between the two sorry about that head it simply bought a bit excited there i’m go once more heads or tails heads are you sure certainly price tails heads tails heads Dugan heads dude mcountdown tails heads tails heads Google Google are you all proper Pam howdy i’m I in finding head i’m just no longer the fine at making selections appear Aram I tell you what we do you toss the coin i will take heads heads it is go forward toss it there put out of your mind it forget it sure hiya Henry’s on fed back to you Monica for a five-point question the capital of England is it new york London of Munich i’m going to provide you with a clue you live there Oh James you realize I leaned on the button he’s high-quality isn’t he dead Henry I need to be right here any second are you excited Ted Henry retailers seem at him they may be asking the questions sew in time saves how many sorry London any idea why you left the BBC Ted I seem Ted why don’t you be Elvis when you consider that you notion of it first I believe it can be only reasonable i go with mother Teresa i am sorry do it i am being very selfish i’m sorry you you goes never-ending no Ted it’s no longer fair on you you you had your coronary heart set on it no significantly you go Xander’s fairly high-quality thanks Ted unless you would pick to move as mother Teresa I no now not fairly anyway there’s only one mom Teresa and that is you Ted thanks Doodle boy good at least i will have the glory of taking care of mr.Marketers it is major that we be tremendously Nystrom that’ll toughen our probabilities of successful are a hundred% we will need to fill him up with foods and drinks until it is popping out of his ears and you can be first-class to mr. Marketers will not your father father you all right ah no now not rest room duck once more what that does to you perhaps seeing the pink elephants once more how many fingers am i conserving as much as you if you’re now not too dangerous in most cases getting a Mewtwo by way of now that’ll be him that Henry oh god he’s here hi there there Henry Sellars father Ted truly it is a great honor to have you ever here mister oh and it can be beautiful to be right here too whats up father um sorry this is father Dugan McGuire Duggal say something to the place mr. Sellars in how historical are you he requested you mr. Sellars how historic he that’s fairly all right i’m 37 father this is father Jack Hackett hiya father through father simply gone for his walk huh no is there anything we are able to get you mr.Agents and make contact with me Henry well them in the event you had something to eat might be maybe a sandwich mrs. Doyle some sandwiches hiya is there whatever wrong along with your head do just right what no it is just his hair looks a little bit doodle I did not say anything it is simply Henry’s hair looks somewhat mad is his father carried out with you oh sure she’s just bringing out their hee ha ha ha dad ha ha dartie excellent to peer it sit down there you have to be on craggy Island again ah god i haven’t noticeable you in a while I take into account the final time I was here we had that funny incident don’t forget ha ha I consider I believe you may have forgotten all about us first a kind of thing you realize well what what what is this what is that this the last time father finished was with us yeah father Jack misplaced his slippers first percentage like he had us watching every father was if it’s like the kind of factor you understand we discovered them after a while this was her pitch like oh Lord how lengthy is the card you’re four hours with the thing I believe it must be so what’s it like being a television famous person haha well it have got to it ought to be I need to say Henry we’re simply so delighted to have you ever right here is there some thing else we can get you no no i am satisfactory some extra solar no oh no no no no i’m first-rate most likely pleasant thanks the whole lot ok with your hair stop speakme about Henry’s hair i’m sorry Haley it’s just your hair is so natural-watching do we can stop talking about it it fairly is a beautiful head of hair anyway what I used to be pronouncing used to be some thing you wish to have at all just ask first we are able to get it for you there is no hindrance there and i imply something anything that you wish to have anything that you wish to have there shall be at all possible for us to get you just requested for and that i mean anything there’s no concern there Todd something well genuinely i have been having slightly of crisis getting the English papers i’m wondering would receive the English papers whatever you need something else just out besides definitely the English papers good you wouldn’t have the quantity of a father dick burn in any respect you would be making mistake for those who went to consult with them oh good why is that father they are lepers they’re nepers the three of them are lepers rugged Island is a leper colony leper colony you’re no longer serious well no it can be no longer leprosy anything incorrect there you ever believe how strange it was she clergymen dwelling on my own on an island like that oh no there’s something no longer relatively proper there you would be at an advantage staying with us Ted would you tell me the place the older if you recognize the older the historic hair is up the steps and it’s fee below left haha it can be a wig time for just a little nightcap on you are walking out of sandwiches I bring in some extra yeah I will not have a sherry thing do not be silly now of course you no no no rather I shouldn’t how rough it should support you see no no it’s not a just right notion you go ahead just a bit drop just a teeny tiny bit at present little bit of sherry section any person as the de ireland doesn’t win the Eurovision song Contest go on no no no really oh yeah go one go on do not stroll on one go on go on go on go on go on go on go on no significantly oh go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on what a shout of bastards Oh Lord Ted why did you provide him a drink I didn’t comprehend this had happened I desire it that is why they sacked him from that program he is a terrible alcoholic he is been on the wagon now for a year oh my god Ted how was once I supposed to know sack me I made the BBC I made it probably you may have a leisure you’ll be able to feel better an hour far from me fresh the keys Suns long past forgot the bed there is certainly not ending on anyway i’m gonna kick myself you wanna battle huh bloody monks oh oh bloody sanctimonious scumbags surely made my lifestyles a misery with so mother honey however are you definite you wouldn’t like to move to mattress remembers itself a little longer ha ha uninterested with you old bastard i am getting out of right here don’t you try and discontinue me it is real what they are saying although isn’t it you should certainly not meet your heroes you’ll only be disillusioned think if we weren’t have got to get her back he’d be like Bigfoot besides he’d be a BBC television presenter you see him they are very the trees obtained him terribly sorry however all of the sergeant aren’t any main issue father i’ve been through it before rock stars actors television personalities they go off to drink within the medicines they usually come over to locations like this the solitude can get to them what occurred to this fella he was first-rate at some point and then he took a sip of sherry relapse that is when there are most hazardous correct you’re ready i would like you to bang these together as a way to this that should scare a move to the woods so I take a transparent shot on them tranquil lasered out father it would just put him to sleep for somewhat nonetheless it appears slightly severe it can be the first-rate we’ve got you understand excellent god this jogs my memory of Vietnam no no I imply you realize the film’s hiya wait let’s go it can be Jack I’ve obtained a clear shot of him father do you want me to get him no newcomers go he make us all manner again oh my god my head oh there you are Henry a first-rate cup of tea what Oh oh my god the place am I what occurred final night time I do not forget having a sip of sherry nothing to fear about i am hoping I did not do whatever to embarrass your father Judith you are first-rate Henry I anticipate that to be father dick bone I variety of believe sorry for him though marooned on that island with these Eagles and there’s without doubt nothing in common most likely nothing in common hi there hiya dick Ted we have been just speakme about you fairly yeah we were just announcing how best you had been particularly no hilarious dick I was simply calling to make certain you are gonna flip up tonight why wouldn’t I turn up tonight well you recognize probably a bit of embarrassing to a come final again we’re all becoming lastic it is you who’ll be coming last correctly I told her might have a bit of guess on to these watch our money where your mouth is Ted what are we talking about here a pound two pounds five kilos five kilos what’s the topic dick you scared course i’m no longer scared 5 pounds it’s see you tonight well i’d better go get myself cleaned up for tonight you know brush my tooth unusual FF a strange style of uncooked meat in my mouth that on a way that’s not right you might be Henry 5 pounds I ought to be insane we haven’t a hope in hell why can’t all of us goes over seeing that we all seem the identical Google anyway Jack will probably be in any moment looking for his afternoon drink there he goes bang on time Teddy looks very rough we are going to have to get him sobered up if he is gonna do this contest no Dougal wait go away him i have an thought you realize he looks a bitch like he is not going to intellect me telling you this now ah no no no anyway Henry marks for father Carl excellent i’m going to supply him seven out of ten that implies that the men from rugged Island are nonetheless in the lead with nine out of ten so tremendous hand for Diana Ross and two of The Supremes Oh begin celebrate from yet consider we now have nonetheless got one more X in the past oh yes so ladies and gents please welcome pop tradition the keep on with father McWhorter and father Hackett Elvis Presley used to be a easy truck driver from america but at some point within the 1950s he invented rock and roll I remove in Elvis became famous then they compelled him into the navy then he came out and ten years later he got here again with a comeback special Elvis was back from then unto the top of his existence he performed in Las Vegas and grew to be as soon as again the king of rock and roll thank you i am fasting Lord God Almighty three Elvises for to you with a final max nice intent used to be outstanding thanks very a lot celebration 5 pounds Ted hard seem dick will we no longer windy recognize him by means of this 12 months the trophy goes to craggy Island I think if each danger of successful subsequent 12 months you’re really lifeless no man sir let’s go house i know you said him speedily 20 of whiskey at home fun that is ceramic dachshund particularly eejit is not he useless here we are actually oh well considering I failed to make a idiot of myself the final time I would as good have a pitcher of affordable sweet no don’t fear father definite if I cannot rejoice tonight so when am i able to the bastards what is going on on how dare they do that to me well there he goes once more rip their head under no circumstances mind we are able to look for him within the morning anyway well performed once more Dougal what’d you believe of the trophy that’s excellent it is all in view that the you Ted put it there
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dannyreviews · 6 years
Entertainment Legends Who Should Receive The Kennedy Center Honors (2018 Edition)
Here is an update of the list that I did last year. I’m putting in new names and taking off those that have since passed away. I will update periodically.
Alan Alda, Jane Alexander, Michael Caine, Zoe Caldwell, Leslie Caron, Diahann Carroll, Glenn Close, Billy Crystal, Daniel Day-Lewis, Olivia de Havilland, Judi Dench, Robert Duvall, Harrison Ford, Boyd Gaines, Joel Grey, Gene Hackman, Rosemary Harris, Anthony Hopkins, Glenda Jackson, Kevin Kline, Frank Langella, Nathan Lane, Jessica Lange, Ian McKellen, Helen Mirren, Christopher Plummer, Carl Reiner, Maggie Smith, Dean Stockwell, Dick Van Dyke, Denzel Washington, Betty White
John Adams, Daniel Barenboim, Valery Gergiev, Phillip Glass, John Corigliano, Dave Grusin, Gershon Kingsley, Francis Lai, Michel Legrand, Johnny Mandel, Ennio Morricone, Krzysztof Penderecki, Mike Post, Simon Rattle, Steve Reich, Lalo Schifrin, Leonard Slatkin, Michael Tilson-Thomas, La Monte Young, Hans Zimmer
Toni Basil, Savion Glover, Cynthia Gregory, Kenny Ortega, Susan Stroman, Tommy Tune
Woody Allen, Francis Ford Coppola, Stanley Donen, Ron Howard, James Ivory, Norman Jewison, Franco Zefferelli
Herb Alpert, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Emanuel Ax, Burt Bacharach, Yefim Bronfman, Larry Carlton, Ron Carter, Ry Cooder, Chick Correa, Stanley Drucker, Bela Fleck, James Galway, Evelyn Glennie, Jimmy Heath, Keith Jarrett, Kim Kashkashian, Wynton Marsalis, Jean-Luc Ponty, Arturo Sandoval, Peter Schickele, Wayne Shorter, Pinchas Zukerman
ABBA, Paul Anka, Charles Aznavour, Janet Baker, Cecilia Bartoli, Kathleen Battle, Shirley Caesar, José Carreras, Carol Channing, Eric Clapton, Judy Collins, Phil Collins, Renee Fleming, Barry Gibb, Kiri Te Kanawa, Allison Krauss, Jerry Lee Lewis, Gladys Knight, Little Richard, Patti Lupone, Audra McDonald, Bette Midler, Sherrill Milnes, Liza Minnelli, Van Morrison, Bernadette Peters, Samuel Ramey, The Rolling Stones, Linda Ronstadt, Renata Scotto, Bryn Terfel, Frankie Valli, Frederica von Stade, Willard White
Theatrical People:
Emanuel Azenberg, Alain Boubil/Claude-Michel Schonberg, Peter Brook, Michael Frayn, Athol Fugard, David Hare, Sheldon Harnick, Bill Irwin, James Lapine, David Mamet, Terrence McNally, Alan Menken, Trevor Nunn, Tim Rice, Stephen Schwartz, Peter Sellars, Tom Stoppard, Charles Strouse, Jonathan Tunick, Jerry Zaks
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michaelsellars · 2 years
The 'establishment' aren't taking anyone down. The idiot keeps shooting himself in the dick. https://t.co/jN5Yx6wX9x
— Michael Sellars | Horror Writer (@HorrorPaperback) Jan 27, 2022
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michaelsellars · 2 years
When you don't know the difference between a big dick and a small hand. https://t.co/bwvnI1aFPj
When you don't know the difference between a big dick and a small hand. https://t.co/bwvnI1aFPj
— Michael Sellars | Horror Writer (@HorrorPaperback) Dec 31, 2021
from Twitter https://twitter.com/HorrorPaperback
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