#dfk 2023 audiobook translation
jinx-you-owe-me · 17 days
of the dfk audiobook translation
Narrator (Nichtraucher): So the Internals flew to the aliens themselves and to get a picture of it.
Narrator (audiobook): An overdimensional cardboard spaceship is let down from the ceiling.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): Due to the heroic act of the brave alien Uli, who the astronauts had met on their travels through space... the aliens met the earthlings as friends.
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Direktorin Kreuzkamm, whispering: „That’s Ruda! And her friends!“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „How beautiful!“
She sighs happily.
Narrator (audiobook): Ruda and the others play the aliens. They hug the astronauts and welcome them on their planet. Suddenly, words like „External“ or „Internal“ don’t even matter anymore.
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Ruda, through the microphone: „Although galaxies apart, we have achieved peace in the end!“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): And if Internals and Externs could empathize with each other… I should be able to manage it with Justus as well.
Justus looks at Robert. Robert looks back. Justus waves a little.
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Narrator (audiobook): Only separated by the middle aisle, Robert and Justus look at each other for a long time.
Justus turns away and starts clapping.
Bökh, to Direktorin Kreuzkamm next to him: „They've finally made peace! That’s awesome!“
Narrator (audiobook): You can recognize forgiveness in their eyes. And longing to let a deep friendship bloom again.
Loud applause and whistles from the audience. Standing ovation.
The kids on stage bow.
Justus and Robert look at each other again while they clap, this time smiling.
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Frau Kreuzkamm hugs Justus in joy.
Audience: „Encore! Encore!“
[Note: the internet tells me that's the english version of "Zugabe". I hope that's true]
Bökh: „There’s Uli!“
Uli: „The only home we’ve ever known.“
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Narrator (audiobook): At the very end, Uli is shown in a video recorded at the hospital. The play was a full success - and it united people who hadn’t believed in it themselves for a long time.
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Narrator (audiobook): The next morning is the day of departure. Almost all kids have packed their suitcases and are picked up by their families. Justus Bökh stands at the gate and sends off his Internals. Only Martina is walking tensely through the corridors, because she still has a test ahead of her today.
Narrator (audiobook): Finally, the test begins. Besides Herr Bökh, an official examinor is also present, but Martina doesn’t let him unnerve her. She only focuses on her tasks - and sometimes the encouraging gaze of Justus Bökh.
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Narrator (audiobook): It’s already dark when Martina returns to her room, where Jo is already waiting for her. She sits down at her bed.
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jinx-you-owe-me · 14 days
of the dfk audiobook translation
this is the final part!!
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Jo: „Hey! How did it go?“ Martina: (breathes out slowly) „No idea.“ Martina: „I don’t know if I made it.“ Jo: „Ach, I'm sure.“ Jo: „When will you get the information?“ Martina: „Soon.“ Martina: „…“ Martina: „That was it.“ Jo: „What?“ Martina: „My only chance for the scholarship.“
Narrator (audiobook): Jo takes Martina in her arms.
Music fades in and continues into the following scene.
Martina: „Will we still be friends? Even if I have to leave?“ Jo: „'Course.“
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Narrator (audiobook): In the evening, Robert sits at the bar of the town pub. Justus comes in and sits down next to him.
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Bökh, to the barkeeper: „Will you make me a beer?“ Barkeeper: „With pleasure.“
Justus sighs. He shoots a few looks at Robert from the side.
The barkeeper sets the beer down in front of Justus.
Bökh, to the barkeeper: „Thank you.“
Silence and music again….. But it’s comfortable this time. Not like in the wagon.
Robert looks at Justus for a moment. He turns away to take another drag from his cigarette.
Nichtraucher: „I didn’t think you’d come.“
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Silence and music
Bökh: „Of course I did.“
Justus takes a drink from his beer.
Robert raises his glass to his lips, still turned away from Justus.
Nichtraucher: „On the youth.“
Justus sets down his beer and looks at Robert in silence for a few seconds.
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Bökh: „On us.“
This time, Robert looks at him. He studies Justus' face for a few seconds before turning away with a smile.
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Narrator (audiobook): Almost simultaneously the two turn around to a small stage with a few instruments standing on it.
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Justus looks at Robert and raises his eyebrows.
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Nichtraucher: „Are you ready?“
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Justus shrugs and nods.
Narrator (audiobook): A few moments later, Justus has strapped on the guitar and is standing in front of the microphone. Robert sits at the piano and takes a last drag from his cigarette.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): And I promise you one thing; tomorrow, I’m a nonsmoker.
Narrator (audiobook): Justus addresses the few guests in the bar, but they are only of secondary importance tonight. Because here and now is about so much more.
Bökh: „We’re the Bandits.“
Robert chuckles.
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Justus starts singing.
Different scenes are shown while the song plays. It switches back to Justus and Robert singing together inbetween.
[This music video is mostly that but with lyrics over top, but it also includes scenes from previously in the movie. Song lyrics + translations can be found here.]
Narrator (audiobook): And so everything finds a happy ending. The Internals stranded at the boarding school in the holidays spend idyllic days at the lake and in the mountains. With their new friends, the Externs, also.
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Narrator (audiobook): And finally Herr Bökh receives the releasing letter, which he immediately delivers to Martina.
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Narrator (audiobook): She has passed the test. She will see the boarding school and her new friends again after the holidays.
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Narrator (audiobook): But for now it’s off to Berlin to Martina’s brother and mom. She has a lot to tell after all - especially about the flying classroom and how it came to be.
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The song fades out with this scene. The "Bandits" finish their song. Justus grins at Robert. Robert breathes out and smiles back, nodding. The audience inside the bar cheers.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): Most people take off their childhood like clothing that fell out of fashion and is then forgotten in a basement. Don’t let your childhood be driven out of you. Only those who grow up and stay children are human. The simple things are sometimes complicated. If you didn’t understand something, ask your parents. And - dear parents. If you happened to not understand something, ask your children.
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jinx-you-owe-me · 2 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
Matze: „You know, maybe you need to do something that nobody else dares to do.“ Uli: „What do you mean?“ Matze: „Something unexpected I guess. …I don’t know, think of something!“
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Narrator (audiobook): It leaves us hoping this advice won’t end up disastrous. Martina hurries to the house of the Kreuzkamms. Herr Kreuzkamm is playing with his little son in front of the entrance, who is sitting in the drivers seat of a small VW Bus while Herr Kreuzkamm secures a surf board on the roof.
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Little son: „Vroom! Vrrroooom!“ Herr Kreuzkamm: „Huh? Do you want to honk?“ Martina, out of breath: „Hello? Herr Kreuzkamm?“ Herr Kreuzkamm: „Hello. Yes?“ Martina: „Is Ruda home?“ Herr Kreuzkamm: „Well, that’s a lot going on today. First the whole gang tramples through our house. Then someone wanted the keys to the rowing club. Then someone wanted a climbing rope. And now you?“ Martina: „Is Ruda still here?“ Herr Kreuzkamm: „Yeah, she’s up in her room. You can go in, the door‘s open.“ Martina: „Thank you.“
Narrator (audiobook): Martina hurries up the stairs, enters the house and opens Ruda's door.
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Narrator (audiobook): She’s sitting at her desk and turns around emphatically bored.
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Ruda: (sighs) „What do you want.“ Martina: „You have to release Jo.“ Ruda: „Oh, really?“ Martina: „Yes.“ Ruda: „You used our skating rink. Egerland saw you. And that’s why we took your best friend!“ Martina: „What?! You guys are crazy!“ Ruda: „This is our proposal. We want the wagon.“ Martina: „Can’t we just make peace for once? Is that so hard?!“
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Ruda: „Internals and Externs don’t mix. Have never mixed. You’ll learn it.“ Martina: „Yeah? Then we’ll free her by force.“ Ruda: „By force? How cute. I can’t wait so see that. Doctor's daughter.“ Martina: „I’m-” Ruda: „You don’t even know where Jo is.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Sebi, Musti and another Extern have tied Jo to a chair in a boat house by the lake.
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Sebi: „So, we need to go now. You’re provided for. Watch over her.“ Jo: „No, you can’t just leave me alone like this!! Let me go!“
Narrator (audiobook): Sebi and Musti leave the boat house while the third one stays with Jo and keeps staring at her incessantly.
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Jo: „What are you staring at?!“
The Nichtraucher theme plays while he walks through grass with a towel over his shoulder.
Narrator (Nichtraucher): When I get stuck with my story, I smoke. Or I go for a swim or play piano.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): Um. You should swim or play piano, forget about the smoking thing! I’ve wanted to quit for a long time! In any case, I went outside and knew how the story continued.
The Internals and Externs have gathered at the lake shore in seperate groups.
Internal: „Dude, what do we do now?“
Martina runs up to them.
Martina, out of breath: „There’s no other way! Didn’t find a solution. They want the wagon now.“ Matze: „Never! Jo wouldn’t have let that happen.“
Ruda runs up to the other Externs and greets Musti.
Matze: „We need to fight this out.“
Narrator (audiobook): The Externs have also arrived now, and like in a group duel the two parties stand face to face at the lake shore. Suddenly, Robert appears, who wants to take a bath.
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Nichtraucher, in a completely nonchalant tone: „What’s going on here?“ Martina: „They kidnapped Jo!“ Matze: „This will be a battle.“
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Nichtraucher: „You want to fight? …Meinetwegen. But don’t think I’ll stitch up your injured. I hope your all vaccinated against Tetanus.“
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Martina: „Are you a doctor?“
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Nichtraucher: (annoyed sigh) „Tell me, can’t you just let two representatives fight this thing out? Each group sends one… and who falls off the bridge first… loses. Hm?“
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jinx-you-owe-me · 2 months
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jinx-you-owe-me · 2 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „I hereby hand over the production for the closing celebration to you.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Given her overflowing time planner…
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Have fun and toi, toi, toi!“
[Note: is „Toi, toi, toi“ a thing in other countries?? Its basically a way to wish luck in the theatre. Like „break a leg“]
Narrator (Nichtraucher): …Frau Kreuzkamm counted on Jo and the self-responsibilty of the students.
Narrator (audiobook): Jo steps in front of the group.
Jo, overly enthusiastic and cheerful: „Let’s get started!"
Narrator (audiobook): Ruda, however, doesn’t play along with it.
Ruda: „You can do that on your own.“ Jo: „Come on, guys, it’s gonna be cool! Who's with me?“
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Apart from Jo's friends, only Egerland raises his hand, but Sebi slaps it down again and pulls him with her.
Narrator (audiobook): The Externs leave the hall as one, and even the majority of the Internals have other plans.
Internal: „Sorry, Jo, we’re not getting involved in that.“ Other Internal: „Too much stress for us…“
Everyone leaves, muttering among each other („No, no thank you“)
Jo: „Are you serious?!“
Narrator (audiobook): Apart from our four friends, all the other Internals seem to be serious about it as well, because Martina, Jo, Matze and Uli are the only ones left.
Jo: „Ugh, it can’t work with this amount of people!“ Martina: „It has to work! If I get a reprimand, I won’t be taken in.“ Matze: „Ask me, my father always punches me in the face when I get another one!“ Uli: „…It would be my first one…“
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Jo: „Guys. I have an idea.“
Narrator (audiobook): Jo brings her friends back to the clearing and proudly points to the train wagon.
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Jo: „Okay, guys, this is the flying classroom! We’ll put a nose on the front. A wing here. And a rocket engine in the back. We get the stuff from the theatre fundus, and then we produce a film that we’ll show at the closing celebration!“ Martina, lighting up: „A film?“ Jo, excitedly: „Yes!! And-“
Narrator (audiobook): Jo falls silent. From the inside of the train wagon comes piano music.
Jo: „Do you hear that?“
Narrator (audiobook): She sneaks to the wagon and looks through one of the windows. She sees a man sit there and play with a cigarette in his mouth. All of a sudden, he abruptly turns his head and looks directly into her eyes.
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Narrator (audiobook): Jo frantically comes running back to her friends.
Jo: „Shit, guys! Do you hear that? There’s someone in there! He saw me!“
The door of the train wagon slams open. The kids gasp.
Narrator (audiobook): Suddenly, the door of the wagon opens. At first, the Internals only hear a voice.
Nichtraucher: „Are you trying to break in here?“ Matze: „Co-come on, let’s scram!“
Narrator (audiobook): But Martina forges ahead.
Martina: „Excuse us! We got lost.“
Narrator (audiobook): The smoking man -approximately Herr Bökh’s age- steps out of the door and examines the Internals closely.
Jo: „Uh- What- What are you doing here?“ Nichtraucher: „That’s really none of your business.“
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Martina, with emphasis: „Jo, come on!“ Jo: „No, wait- Do you sleep in there?“ Nichtraucher: „… This is private property here.“
Narrator (audiobook): But Jo doesn’t let up and persistently asks further.
Jo: „What was that song? Who is it from?“ Nichtraucher: „…“ Nichtraucher: „From me.“ Jo: „Do you give lessons?“ Nichtraucher: „Piano?“
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Jo: „No, for smoking. Of course Piano.“
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Nichtraucher: „No, I don’t.“
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Nichtraucher: „Ok, and now off you go, you little squirts!“
He turns around to go back inside.
Jo: „No, stop, wait! Uh… We’re four Internals from the boarding school Sigismund. And we want to shoot a movie for the closing celebration. Because we have trouble with the Externs and… Doesn’t matter, you can’t explain that. In any case, we wanted to ask if we could shoot on your property.“
The Nichtraucher pauses when Jo mentions the boarding school and turns around.
He listens silently and seems to be thinking.
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Narrator (audiobook): Robert, that’s what the man is called, who, as previously mentioned, is also the author of this story, seems to be surprised by this blunt question. He takes a long drag and looks Jo in the eye.
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Jo: „Please?“
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jinx-you-owe-me · 13 days
PART 1 - In which we meet Martina and she receives a fateful letter.
PART 2 - In which Martina arrives in Kirchberg and meets Matze & Uli, who tell her how things go around here.
PART 3 - In which Martina meets Jo, who throws her suitcase on a car, and the kids discover a hidden train wagon.
PART 4 - In which the Nichtraucher and the handsome Theodor first appear and the kids are sent to Bökh's office.
PART 5 - In which Bökh makes a deal with the custodian Mr. Rothe and Martina gets called a doctor's daughter.
PART 6 - In which Martina makes a phone call, Oskar burns some eggs and Matze & Uli have a conversation.
PART 7 - In which Herr Bökh gets described as an "unglücklicher Spießer" and Direktorin Kreuzkamm complains to him.
PART 8 - In which Direktorin Kreuzkamm gets flustered, Bökh invokes a punishment and Martina decides to skate.
PART 9 - In which the plans for the play are shared and set into motion but Egerland doesn't get to play a girl.
PART 10 - In which the kids meet the Nichtraucher.
PART 11 - In which the kids start filming, Uli gets roasted by the audiobook narrator and Jo receives some bad news.
PART 12 - In which Robert as the narrator drops a quote about running away, Theo's fingers experience an unfortunate collision with the piano lid and Jo gets kidnapped.
PART 13 - In which Matze gives advice to Uli about doing something brave and the Nichtraucher gives advice about writer's block and fights before going for a swim.
PART 14 - In which we bear witness to the most embarassing duel in history.
PART 15 - In which the kids throw sand at each other, Jo comes free and Erich Kästner is misquoted.
PART 16 - In which the Internals are sent to Bökh's office a second time.
PART 17 - In which Justus Bökh tells his story.
PART 18 - In which Martina has to break her promise to Oskar and Jo tells her story.
PART 19 - In which the kids put the pieces together and both Justus Bökh and the Nichtraucher are met with an unexpected surprise.
PART 20 - In which Justus and Robert have a conversation in the train wagon and stare at each other incessantly.
PART 21 - In which Uli is stuck in a trash can on top of a closet and Direktorin Kreuzkamm says a quote from the book.
PART 22 - In which Uli announces he'll prove his bravery, Jo & Martina have a fight and Jo talks to and plays piano with the Nichtraucher.
PART 23 - In which Uli climbs a wall.
PART 24 - In which Uli falls and Justus & Robert meet at the hospital.
PART 25 - In which the Internals make plans, Martina gets help from Bökh and Ruda talks to her mother.
PART 26 - In which almost all conflicts get resolved in a few minutes.
PART 27 - In which the school closing celebration takes place.
PART 28 - In which the kids finish their play, Justus & Robert once again stare at each other for very long and Martina takes her admission test.
PART 29 - In which Martina & Jo parallel the 2003 movie, Justus & Robert meet at a bar, Martina gets accepted into the boarding school and everyone lives happily ever after.
The Secret Part 30 - Translation of the song lyrics of "Mit Träumen kann man fliegen"
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jinx-you-owe-me · 2 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
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Bökh: „Over 20 years ago, there was also a boarding school here, as you might know. And there were teachers that were good and others that were less good. And there were Externs and Internals. And there was a boy who was as homesick as you, Uli. And who read as much as Martina. Loved cake like Matze. And wanted to become a pop star, like you, Jo. And he had an enemy. His name was Robert. He was an Extern from the town here. And although this Robert seemed the have everything the boy wanted, he still picked on him. Pushed him around and made fun of him… Well, like the Externs have done with the Internals for generations, right.“
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Jo: „And vice versa.“ Bökh: „Exactly. And vice versa.“ Bökh: „…yes. And one day, the boy’s mother got sick. She was brought here to Kirchberg into the hospital and the boy snuck away from the boarding school every day to visit her. And one day he was caught by the boarding school director. And he got grounded.“
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Martina: „Couldn’t he just say what was up?“ Bökh: „No, because it was a very… cold and stern man whom he didn’t trust. And Robert in turn knew from his father, who was a doctor at the hospital, that the boy’s mother was fighting for her life there. So he offered his help."
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Bökh: „And so every night he layed in the boarding school bed in place of the boy. So that he could visit his mother. And then they became really good friends. Even had a band together. They weren’t all that bad.“ (sighs) Bökh: „I certainly don’t need to tell you who this boy was, right?" All of the kids in unison: „You, Herr Bökh.“ Bökh: „Exactly. And why I’m telling you this story.“ Uli: „I think I understand it.“
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Matze: „So we get Chips and Lemonade?“
Jo: „The Externs today aren’t like that.“ Bökh: „Jo, I obviously care about two things. Firstly; rules are well and good, but not as important as humanity. Ok? And secondly I want you to trust me, that you’re not afraid to come to me. Okay?“
The kids nod.
Bökh looks at his watch.
Bökh: „Alright. I need to get a bit of work done now.“ Martina: „But what happened to Robert?“
Bökh slumps back in his seat with a heavy sigh.
Bökh: „Ach. Robert, he… I think he later studied medicine in the city. Ah, we unfortunately lost touch.“
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Jo: „Why?“ Bökh: „… Well, that- That happens sometimes when you become an adult, then… suddenly, your closed loved ones are gone.“ Jo: „… What, just like that?“
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Bökh nods silently.
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Bökh: „… Mhm.“ Matze: „How sad… I think friends should always stick together.“ Bökh: „Yeah, exactly.“ Jo: „Can’t you prevent that somehow?“ Bökh: „Yes. We need to look out for each other. Ok?“ Bökh: „Alright. I need to get a bit of work done now. Take your lemonades with you.“
The kids scuffle and stand up. Jo takes a bowl of chips with her as well.
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Uli: „Thank you."
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jinx-you-owe-me · 3 months
11 notes · View notes
jinx-you-owe-me · 3 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
Narrator (Nichtraucher): It was hard for Martina to leave her mom and brother behind on their own. But she knew that the scholarship money was a huge help for the family.
Martina leans over her brother’s bed and gives him a good night kiss.
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Martina: „(kiss) Sleep tight, big boy.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): And with every step that brought her further away from home, a new feeling grew inside her. She didn’t recognize it herself at first; it was the excitement for a big adventure.
Scenic views of landscapes full of mountains, lakes and forests while the title music plays and all the names of the main cast appear on screen.
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Narrator (audiobook): And so Martina starts her journey into the mountains. After a sad goodbye from her family, she stepped on the train that brought her to the South, to a place that the author of this story is quite familiar with as well.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): That’s how Martina came to Kirchberg. The place of my youth. Where our paths crossed and I finally discovered what I wanted to write for you.
Martina walks through the streets of Kirchberg. There are people climbing a wall in the background. The village looks very idyllic.
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Narrator (audiobook): Martina pulls her suitcase through the placid alleys of the village at the foot of the alps. She seems cheerful and determined to pass the boarding school’s probation time. As she is looking for her place to stay, two boys come running up to her.
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Matze: „Hey- Hey, you, wait, not that way! Are you Martina?“ Martina: „Yeah?“ Uli: „My name is Uli von Simmern. Sorry for the delay.“ Matze: „And I’m Matze.“
They start walking together.
Matze: „Originally, Jo was supposed to pick you up, but she was busy again.“ Uli: „We’re supposed to bring you to Bökh, the boarding school director. He’s waiting for you.“
Narrator (audiobook): Indeed. Justus Bökh, the head of the boarding school, is standing impatiently at the school gate and checks his watch over and over again. He asks two students walking past him;
Dr Bökh: „Hey, have you seen Jo?“
Narrator (audiobook): But they only shake their heads.
Meanwhile, Matze und Uli give the new girl a small guide on how to behave around here.
Matze: „There’s only one rule around here. Internals and Externs don’t mix.“ Martina: „What does that mean?“ Uli: „Us, the Internals in the boarding school up on the hill, and the Externs down here in town.“ Matze: „Other side of the road is their territory.“ Martina: „And why?“ Matze: „Phew, no idea.“ Uli: „It’s always been that way.“ Matze: „There’s a legend that says if you manage to climb onto the city wall, all of Kirchberg is yours.“ Martina: „Really?“ Matze: „But no one has achieved it so far.“ Uli: „If i could do that, i could solve all of our problems.“
The people with their climbing equipment walk past them.
Narrator (audiobook): The three walk over the town square.
Matze: „Everything is split. Internals - Externs.“ Uli: „Like, Matz always buys his cinnamon buns over there. Our territory.“ Matze: „Our school - both. You’ll catch on eventually.“
Narrator (audiobook): Matze noticed a woman and a girl that are walking towards them.
Matze: „Careful, the principal! That’s Frau Kreuzkamm. She’s okay actually, but her daughter Ruda is really intense.“
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Frau Kreuzkamm: „Hi, kids!“ Matze: „Hello!“ Uli: „Hello, Frau Kreuzkamm! Ah- ow!“
Narrator (audiobook): While the headmistress walks past them with appropriate distance, her daughter Ruda shoves past Uli and gives him a body check.
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Uli: „Hey!“ Martina: „What was that for?!“
Narrator (audiobook): But Ruda just counters with a middle finger and follows her mother.
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Matze: „Didn’t pay attention. Their territory.“ Martina: „Are you okay?“ Uli: „Yeah…“ Matze: „Come on, let’s go.“
Narrator (audiobook): A few minutes later, Martina, Matze and Uli arrive at a manor that looks like an impressive monastery and is surrounded by a huge plot of land; the Johann-Sigismund-Gymnasium.
(Note: I do not understand why you would describe it like that.)
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jinx-you-owe-me · 23 days
of the dfk audiobook translation
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Martina: „I need to tell you something. I’m not a doctor’s daughter. I don’t have a phone because I don’t have money. And my clothes are second-hand. Not vintage.“ Jo: „Why didn’t you say anything? I told you about my mother too.“ Matze: „You know, Martina, I think that you don’t have to act like you’re rich. You’re still you!“ Martina: „I know. But I just wanted to be someone else.“ Matze: „Uli shouldn’t climb up there either.“ Martina: „And you don’t have to do boxing if you don’t want to.“ Matze: „And you, Jo, don’t have to be so cool all the time.“ Jo: (laughs) „I am cool! And you, Matze, are way more clever than you always think.“ Matze: „Really?“ Jo: „Yeah!“ Martina: (giggles happily) Matze, genuinely: „Thanks!“
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Narrator (audiobook): But their good mood abruptly vanishes when they meet Ruda and her gang down in town.
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Martina: „Oh no.“ Jo: „Not good!“ Matze: „Externs.“ Jo: „Technically it’s our territory…“ Martina: „We’re outnumbered.“ Matze: „We can’t just run away!“ Martina: „I don’t know!“ Jo: „Whatever. We stick together here.“ Matze: „For Uli.“ Martina: „For Uli.“ Jo: „Yeah. For Uli.“
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Narrator (audiobook): The three gather all their courage and approach the Externs - they’re prepared for the worst. As always, Ruda takes the word.
Ruda: „Uh. So. Well- We didn’t want it to come to this. We’re sorry.“ Sebi: „It just went way too far, that Internals-Externs thing.“ Martina: „Yeah. We all really overdid it.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): And now? On this day, they didn’t have an answer. So Martina focused on studying for the admission test with the help of Justus Bökh.
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[Note: the red text on that picture says "Matze - losing is not an option - Papa"]
Matze: „Hello, Papa? I won’t go to the boxing camp this year.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Matze prepared his holidays.
Matze: „I’ll stay here with Uli!“
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Uli: „Mama!“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Uli was brought new laundry and the school books for next year.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): The handsome Theodor felt the pressure to be solely responsible for the entertainment at the closing celebration.
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Jo: „For you.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Martina can’t believe that Jo is gifting her the phone.
Martina: „What?“ Jo: „I'm getting a new one anyway.“
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Martina: „Jo, that- I can’t accept that!“ Jo: „How else am I gonna call you in the holidays?“
They hug.
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Martina studies in the light of her flashlight while Jo sleeps.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): And apart from this nice gesture from Jo, not least because of the amount of school material, everything seemed to be heading towards a closing celebration without a play for Martina. To which Martina, Jo, Matze and Uli had still invited me though.
The doors to the assembly hall open. Kids run in first, followed by their parents and the older kids.
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Narrator (audiobook): It’s finally time. The day of the closing celebration has come. Parents, siblings, teachers and the students rush into the assembly hall in crowds.
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jinx-you-owe-me · 29 days
of the dfk audiobook translation
Kids all cheering „Uli! Uli! Uli!“
Narrator (audiobook): He’s made it.
Kids clapping and cheering
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Matze, yelling: „Uli, you showed everybody!!“ Uli: „I did it!!“
Applause from the kids. The Externs look at each other.
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Uli: „Yes!!“
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Even Robert claps impressedly. He moves to leave.
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Uli: „The wall is mine!“
Narrator (audiobook): Jo confidently walks up to Ruda.
Jo: „Kirchberg is just ours now. Or so I’ve heard.“ Ruda: „What?! Forget it.“ Jo: „Hä, hello, he's up there, or isn’t he.“ Sebi: (scoffs) „But he was secured, it doesn’t even count then!“
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The Internals and Externs start arguing.
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Narrator (audiobook): And again a fight has broken out between the Internals and Externs. Not a physical one this time, but the kids are yelling so loudly that Uli catches everything from above. He carefully steps forward to get a picture of the situation. But then… he steps on an unstable roof tile and falls down head first.
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A gasp.
A crush as the roof tile breaks on the ground.
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Narrator (audiobook): The tile falls off the roof, in front of the feet of the arguing pack, who immediately look up.
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Screams and gasps. Someone, it might be Matze, yells: „Uli!“
Narrator (audiobook): He hangs helplessly on his rope. But the knot loosens and Uli is in free fall. His small body crashes onto the concrete.
Narrator (audiobook): Matze rushes to his friend.
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Matze, weepily: „No, Uli, are you okay?“ Nichtraucher, yelling: „No touching!!“ (tone lowered, but still tense) „No touching.“
Narrator (audiobook): Robert is immediately on hand too.
Nichtraucher: „Uli? Can you hear me?“
muffled sounds of talking in the distance - this is kind of from Ulis PoV. ("We fucked up!" "That wasn't our fault!" "It is, we cheered him on!")
Narrator (audiobook): Uli is unconscious - he’s bleeding from his mouth and nose.
Nichtraucher, muffled: „We need an ambulance, quick.“
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Loud gasp/sob from Uli when he catches conciousness for a brief moment before drifting off again
Narrator (audiobook): Shortly after, Martina, Jo and Matze are sitting in the hospital waiting for news about their friend. Herr Bökh joins.
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Bökh: „Kids! There you are. How could that happen?“ Matze: „He planned it all so well!“ Martina: „He simply slipped.“
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Bökh: „But why did he even climb up there?“ Jo: „He wanted to conquer Kirchberg.“ Bökh: „Pardon?“ Jo: „The legend says that the town will belong to the one who makes it onto the city wall.“ Bökh: „Somebody just made that up! That’s complete nonsense.“ Jo and Matze, incredulous: „What??“
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Narrator (audiobook): Justus Bökh sees Robert coming out of the Intensive Care Unit.
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Bökh, quietly: „What are you doing here?“ Nichtraucher: „I happened to be there.“ Bökh: „Yes, and? How- how is he?“ Nichtraucher: „He’s broken his leg and has a few contusions. He‘ll have to spend the holidays here, but it’s nothing that will last.“
The kids sigh in relief. Martina squeezes Jo's hand.
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Bökh: „Thank God.“ Nichtraucher, to the kids: „Come on! You can see him.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Our friends don’t need to be told twice. They run off.
Justus lets out a tense sigh.
Narrator (audiobook): Robert talks to Justus.
Nichtraucher: „It should never have come to this.“
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Bökh: „How dare you accuse me like that?“ Bökh: „You’ll go back to your old wagon now, put your feet up, while day for day i fight to give these children a home and keep them from nonsense like exactly that.“
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Bökh: (breathes in shakily) „I need to inform the parents now.“
Narrator (audiobook): Justus turns around and leaves. Unfortunately he doesn’t hear what Robert has to reply.
Nichtraucher: „…That’s not what I meant.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Thank God Uli is lively again. He’s happy about his sick visit.
Uli: „This time I showed everyone, didn’t I?“ Martina: „That you’re brave? You could definitely say that." Matze: „And totally stupid! You can completely forget Sylt now.“ Uli: „But now Kirchberg is just mine! Cool!“ Jo: „…That was just a joke. A few people made it up back then.“ Uli: „Aw, man. :(“
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jinx-you-owe-me · 1 month
of the dfk 2023 audiobook translation
Narrator (audiobook): Robert puts another piece of wood on the trunk and swings the axe.
Bökh: „And you never wanted to get in touch?"
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The Nichtraucher picks up a piece of wood.
Nichtraucher: „Why should I? We didn’t see each other for the past ten years either.“
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He rips the piece of wood apart with his bare hands. While holding eye contact with Justus.
Justus lowers his head.
Jo: „Uh.. weren’t you-" Martina, quietly: „Jo, leave it. Lets go.“
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Martina, louder: „We need to go! We still have something to do.“
The kids leave. Jo and Martina are holding hands as they walk away.
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Bökh: „Yeah… Thank you, kids.“
Jo, whispering as they walk away: "What was that just now?!"
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Robert picks up the chopped wood and walks back to his wagon. Justus looks after him.
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Narrator (audiobook): If the two friends will find back together? Matze isn’t so sure of that.
Matze, sarcastically: „Well, that was a great success!“ Jo: „Yeah, so much for friendship between Internals and Externs.“
Narrator (audiobook): At least Robert granted Herr Bökh access to his wagon. He looks around lost in thought more or less, while Robert washes the dishes.
Dishes clatter. There is silence otherwise.
Justus stares wistfully at Robert while he washes the dishes.
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Justus takes his eyes off Robert and starts looking around while Robert continues to ignore him.
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Bökh: „I thought you were living in London.“ Nichtraucher: (silence) Bökh: „It's nice here.“ Nichtraucher: (silence)
Justus starts walking around.
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Bökh: „I told the kids about our friendship.“ Nichtraucher: „As a cautionary tale?“ Bökh: (chuckles/scoffs) „No. Of course not.“
Narrator (audiobook): Bökh spots the poster of „the Bandits“, the same one hanging in his apartment.
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Bökh: „The 'Wild Dog' that we always played in is still there.“
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Nichtraucher: (silence)
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Bökh: „Should we meet there sometime? For a beer?“
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Robert looks up.
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He lets out a small huff, almost like an incredulous laugh or a scoff.
He dries his hands on a towel and folds it.
Nichtraucher: (silence) Nichtraucher: „I don’t know what we would have to say to each other.“
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Bökh: „Hm. Well. A lot of time has passed.“
Narrator (audiobook): Robert sits down at the table and lights himself a cigarette.
Justus turns as well and starts looking around again.
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Nichtraucher: „Why didn’t you come to Marie’s funeral back then?“
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Nichtraucher: „You didn’t even get in touch.“
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[„You didn't even get in touch“ -> parallels to „And you never wanted to get in touch?“]
Justus is silent. He starts fiddling with his jacket and pulls it off his shoulder. He lets out a deep, shaky sigh and is silent for another few moments.
Bökh: „…I don’t know, you met her and… and suddenly you were gone.“
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[Parallels to „suddenly your closest loved ones are gone“]
Bökh: „As if everything -our friendship, the band- as if that had all just been a dream.“
Justus turns around and looks at Robert.
Bökh: „Wir zwei. Wir hatten doch Pläne.“
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Bökh: „That really hurt me.“ Nichtraucher: „It hurt you.“
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Silence. Just the music.
Bökh: „Yes. Very much back then.“
The Nichtraucher lets out a soft incredulous laugh again, almost like a scoff.
Nichtraucher: „I see.“
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Long silence. Justus stares out the window. Finally, he turns and walks to the door.
Bökh: „You know where to find me.“
Justus leaves the wagon. Robert nods to himself silently.
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Narrator (audiobook): And with these words, Herr Bökh leaves his friend’s train wagon. If the two will ever see each other again?
#das fliegende klassenzimmer#dfk 2023 audiobook translation#dfk#das fliegende klassenzimmer 2023#mine#this is the most scene of dfk 2023 to me. i am having so many feelings and thoughts about it#there is so much to unpack#i really hope this did it justice... the whole. silent staring obviously doesnt translate#the silence in general doesnt translate#i would recommend to actually watch the scene#the silence is so so pivotal#another addition;#ach gott ich nehm grad neue bilder auf weil diese szene hq wirklich wert ist#und ich komm immer noch nicht darüber hinweg dass justus den nichtraucher allen ernstes 7 SEKUNDEN LANG ANSTARRT WÄHREND DER SPÜLT#ich hab hier wirklich am image limit gekratzt#tbh mit dem foto von den kindern kann ich nichts anfangen aber es scheint nicht unwichtig zu sein so i included it#it cant be robert and justus cause these kids are waaayy too young#if robert and justus met in school#these kids are like. idk. 9??#and i assumed they met when they were around the age of the kids in this movie#but maybe i got it wrong??#its so funny at some point i dont even talk about the Main Things of this scene anymore and focus on the most miniscule details instead#thats probably bc ive watched it maybe 10 times now and literally know this scene by heart. but let us PLEASE talk about the Main Things#i am so ready to have endless discussions about justraucher#hopefully the last addition of tags;#ok honestly i made almost as many edits to the tags as i did to the post#cause i kept changing little things so my comments werent up to date anymore#i think this part will be my magnum opus out of them all. but who knows theres still 9 to come#i think it shows that this is my favourite 🙃#oh yes i also added mentions to the parallels. felt like these were significant
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jinx-you-owe-me · 1 month
of the dfk audiobook translation
Narrator (audiobook): Martina puts her arm around Jo.
Jo: (sniffles) „It’s alright.“ Jo: „I’ll just stay here. At home. With you.“
She smiles a little.
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Jo: „Will you also tell me when something is wrong?“
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Martina, quietly: „Yeah, of course.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Despite all hardships, our four friends will not be intimidated. They walk through the boarding school while Jo tells them about her guess.
Jo: „Ok. So. Herr Bökh told us this eternally long story.“ Uli: „It was really interesting!“ Jo: „But did you notice that he mentioned a Robert?“ Martina: „Yes??“ Jo: „Who happens to be a doctor?“ Matze: „Huh, who are you talking about?“ Uli: (sighs) „Na, Matze! Who studied medicine, plays piano and is called Robert?“ Matze: „Uhh… no idea?“ Jo: „So. We’ll get Bökh now.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Herr Bökh has no idea what is happening when Martina, Matze and Uli guide him out of the boarding school. Jo is already waiting with a blindfold in her hand.
The blindfold consists of a pair of sunglasses with drawings taped over the glass.
[Note: if my eyes aren't fooling me it's the ones Jo was drawing earlier]
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Jo: „Put it on!“ Bökh: „…Do I have to?“ Martina: „Yes. It’s supposed to be a surprise.“ Jo: „Do you not trust us?“ Bökh, sheepishly: „Doch.“ (laughs a bit nervously) „Of course.“
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Narrator (audiobook): The kids guide their boarding school director down the steps into the valley.
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Martina: „Careful, another one-“ Jo: „Stairs!“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Every person needs at least one good friend. No one knows when you meet them. But when you do, you ask yourself; why not sooner?
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Narrator (audiobook): They’re already on the last path through the trees, but Bökh still has no clue.
Bökh: „So… does it have to do with your performance for the closing ceremony?“ Jo: „Yyyeah, a little bit!“ Uli: „Maybe.“ Bökh: „Hmmm. I heard you want to shoot a movie.“ Martina: „Yeah, we’re having a few… technical difficulties.“ Bökh: „Really? Do you need help?“ Jo: „Nah, we’ll manage it.“ Martina: „Careful, stairs.“ Bökh: „Stairs!?“
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): Friendships aren’t always easy. You need to listen to each other, be there for each other and be happy for each other.
The Nichtraucher is currently chopping wood in front of his wagon in a sleeveless shirt.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): And it’s no secret; real friends prove themselves in times of need.
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Jo: „And we’re here! Tada!“
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Narrator (audiobook): Robert is chopping wood when his visitors arrive. The kids take off Herr Bökhs blindfold and he sees…
Bökh: „Robert!“
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Narrator (audiobook): But Robert’s reaction is unexpected.
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Nichtraucher: „What is this."
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Nichtraucher: „Why did you bring your teacher here?“ Jo, clearly taken aback: „Uh. …You know each other. …Don’t you?“
Nichtraucher: „And? I didn't ask anyone to interfere with my life.“
Silence. The kids cearly didn't expect a reaction like this. Bökh steps forward.
Bökh: „Well, this is all very surprising for me as well.“
The Nichtraucher continues chopping wood.
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Bökh: „So this is where you live. Have you been here for long?“ Nichtraucher: „A while.“
The wood cracks loudly.
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jinx-you-owe-me · 3 months
of the dfk 2023 audiobook translation
Martina: „…Can I borrow your phone really quick?“ Jo (confused): „Hm?“ Martina: „Mine’s broken.“
Narrator (audiobook): Doctor’s daughter? If Jo knew… Martina borrowed the phone to make a call. I wonder who she’s calling?
Oskar: „Thaler?“
Narrator (audiobook): Exactly! Martina is calling her brother, who is at the moment clumsily trying to make himself fried eggs.
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Martina: „It’s me!“ Oskar: „Martina?!“ Martina: „How are you?“ Oskar: „Good…“
Oskar is putting the frying pan with the messed up eggs into the sink and letting water run into it.
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Martina: „Are you sure? Can you manage?“ Oskar: „Yeah… It’s just boring without you.“
Narrator (audiobook): The burnt eggs in the pan, which he douses with water, say something else.
Martina: „Are you alone?“ Oskar: „Yeah, Mama is on late shift again…“
Oskar is stepping out onto the balcony.
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Oskar: „And? How is it on that giggle mountain?“
[Note: He says „Kicherberg“ here, which is a wordplay that I can’t translate. The words „Kicher“ and „Kirche“ sound similar. „Kicher“ means „giggle“ and „Kirche“ means „church“. „Berg“ is the mountain]
Martina: (laughs) „You mean Kirchberg. Well, it’s all very different from back where we live. It’s nice there too, but it’s just more rural here. Small houses…“ Oskar: „Since when do you like where we live?“
Narrator (audiobook): Jo steps out of the room into the corridor.
Martina (hastily): „I need to go now, Oskar, bye, love you!“
She hands the phone back to Jo.
Jo: „You need a phone here. That’s our only connection to civilization.“
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SCENE CHANGE. We now see Matze and Uli’s room.
Narrator (audiobook): Matze and Uli share a room. Uli is in the process of creating a map of the old city wall of Kirchberg, with the title;
Uli (whispers): „The legend of Kirchberg!“
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Matze, angestrengt schnaufend: „…19! …20!“ (pants)
Narrator (audiobook): …while the strong Matze is busy doing his fitness exercises on the floor.
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Uli: „Now?“ Matze (panting): „Can you help me with the Sit-Ups really quick?“ Uli: „Yes.“ Matze: (breathes out deeply)
Narrator (audiobook): Uli gets up from his desk and holds down Matze’s feet while he does his stomach exercises, pulling himself up to his knees with the power of his torso.
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Uli: „One. Two. Three. Four…“ Matze: „I’m gonna train until I’m invincible as a boxer! Fast like Ali, elegant like Maske, effective like the Klitschkos!“
Matze lets himself fall on his back with a huff.
Uli: „Invincible. Can you teach me that too?“ Matze: „What?“ Uli: „Well, how to defend myself.“ Matze: (sighs) „Uli, I’m taking care of you! Okay?“
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Uli: „Yeah… There’s really just nothing I’m good at. Except studying.“
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Matze: „I wish I was as smart as you.“ Uli: „And I wish I was as strong as you.“
Matze smiles.
Matze: „…By the way… what are you doing in the holidays, you don’t… happen to be here?“ Uli: „Nah. That’s pretty soon! My grandparents invited us to Sylt. Um. And I thought you’d be in your father’s boxing camp?“ Matze: „Yeah… I don’t really know if that’s for me yet. They’re all just amateurs…“
Matze stands up and walks over to the wall where his training plan hangs.
Narrator (audiobook): Matze studies the training plan hanging on his wall. Maybe he’s taken on a little too much?
As the night falls, Justus Bökh goes around to check wether all students are in their rooms. He starts with Matze and Uli.
Knocking. Door opens.
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Bökh: „Good evening, you rascals… Everything alright here?“
Narrator (audiobook): The two mumble an answer.
Bökh: „Full sentences, please.“ Matze: „Everything alright…“ Uli: „…Herr Bökh.“ Bökh: „Exactly. Herr Bökh.“ (takes a breath) „Good.“
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jinx-you-owe-me · 26 days
of the dfk audiobook translation
Uli: „I only had six days left to do something brave. Otherwise I wouldn’t have come back afterwards.“ Matze: „That’s why you counted the days…“ Uli: „Mhm...“ Matze: „You know what, fuck that, Uli. The main thing is that we’re together. I’ll just stay here too, ok? If you can climb up there, then I can cancel my father’s boxing camp. Fuck the holidays!“ Uli: „Fuck the holidays!“
They high-five.
Jo: „Yes! Fuck the holidays!"
Jo puts her hands on theirs.
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Jo: „I’m here too. And so is Martina.“ Martina: „…“ Jo: „What? You have to study here, don’t you?“ Martina: „Yeah.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Suddenly, Martina is fighting back tears and runs out of the room.
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Uli: „What’s up with her?“
Narrator (audiobook): She walks past Herr Bökh.
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Martina: (sobbing) Bökh: „Martina, are you okay?“
Narrator (audiobook): But Martina doesn’t want to talk to anyone. She walks to the exit. Bökh follows her.
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Bökh: „Martina! Martina, wait!“
Martina stops at a railing.
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Bökh: „What’s wrong?“ Martina: „Nothing. I just want to be alone.“ Bökh: (silence) Bökh: „Is it because of Uli?“
Martina sniffles and shakes her head.
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Bökh: „Are you scared of the holidays? Of the studying here?“ Martina: „No. I like studying.“
Bökh: „Then what is making you so sad? Hm?“ Martina: (sobs) Bökh: „Are you homesick?“ Martina: „I- I promised my brother to go on vacation with him. But I need the scholarship for that first.“ Bökh, quietly: „I see…“ Martina: „And- the money for the car- I will probably never be able to pay that.“ Bökh: „Okay, um… should we reschedule the admission test to be earlier?“ Martina nods. Bökh: „Yeah? Ok. You'll come to me after class every day and we’ll study. And when the holidays begin, you can go home to your family.“ Martina, quietly: „Thank you.“ Bökh: „And I’ll deal with Herr Rothe. And now go to your friends.“
Narrator (audiobook): Relieved, Martina goes back into the hospital. But Herr Bökh doesn’t get a break. He is on the phone with the Direktorin.
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Herr Bökh! That is horrible!“
Narrator (audiobook): On her way home, Frau Kreuzkamm meets her daughter in front of the door.
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Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Hold on, I’ll call you back.“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Ruda, is that true?“ Ruda: „I would have to know a bit more specifically what you mean.“
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Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „That you kids cheered while the little Uli von Simmern almost fell to his death.“
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Ruda: „…“ Ruda: „No, that’s not true.“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „But he’s in the hospital. Were you there?“ Ruda: „How is it my fault that the little whacko thinks he can conquer the town just by climbing a wall.“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Ruda, I’m not stupid, I know exactly how this goes around here.“ Ruda: „No, you don’t! You’re a teacher and you don’t notice anything anyways cause you’re never home!“
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Narrator (audiobook): Her friend Musti comes around to pick her up.
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Musti: „Ruda. Are you coming?“
Ruda breathes shakily and walks past her mother.
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Hi, Musti.“ Musti: „Hi.“
Narrator (audiobook): Back at the boarding school, Martina wants to tell her friends the truth.
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jinx-you-owe-me · 3 months
of the dfk 2023 audiobook translation
the Nichtraucher theme plays.
The camera pans out from the kids standing in the garden through the window inside the train wagon.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): Could I have guessed how significant to me the four were going to become? I don’t know. I just took them for a couple of friends who got lost.
Martina (in the distance): „I’m gonna get my suitcase.“
She starts walking away.
Narrator (Nichtraucher): …Even though they barely knew each other. Anyways, I was glad when they left and I could focus on my music again.
The camera pans out further. The Nichtraucher becomes visible. He’s playing piano, a cigarette in his mouth.
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Jo (in the distance): „Guys, wait!“
Narrator (audiobook): Could you have guessed? The author of this story lives in the old train wagon. While the kids return to town, he continues playing on his piano with a cigarette in his mouth.
Martina and the others have gone back to the wall. She pulls herself up and peeks over the edge. But the car is gone and so is her luggage.
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Martina: „Crap. My suitcase!“
Narrator (audiobook): Finally, with lots of delay, the kids have reached the boarding school high up over the town. It looks more like a castle than a house for school children.
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Uli: „Man! We’re gonna get in so much trouble!“ Jo: „I did you a favor. A skate park without graffiti? Please.“
Narrator (audiobook): Martina is delighted by the castle-like boarding school with the medieval look.
Martina: „How gorgeous…“ Jo: „All of them are spoiled kids of spoiled parents if you ask me.“
Narrator (audiobook): Jo spots a boy from afar that seems to pay a lot of attention to his appearance and looks well groomed, with coifed hair and fancy designer clothes.
Jo: „Ugh, and now we need to get past that guy as well… That’s the 'handsome Theodor'.“
She rolls her eyes.
Random girls to Theodor: „Hello!“ „Hi!“ Theodor: „Hello Cecile, nice evening, right?“ Random girls whispering behind Theodor's back as they walk away: „(Laughs) Like a doorkeeper!“ „(Laughs) Yeah, he’s always so…“
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Theodor to the kids: „Do you know how late it is?“ Jo: „Theo! Wow! You look great. Have a nice evening!“ Theodor: „Nice evening… …Hold up! Bökh wants to see you. Immediately.“
Narrator (audiobook): With their heads low, the kids walk through the marvellous pergola to get to the head office. The boarding school director opens the door to his spacious and modern office.
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Bökh has already been waiting by the window and immediately opens the door when they knock.
Bökh: „47 minutes past curfew. Come in…“ (door closes) Bökh: „You must be Martina, right?“ Martina: „Hello.“ Bökh: „Good evening. Hello. Why on earth didn’t you just bring our new student here from the train station?“ Matze: „There were circumstances…“ Martina: „It was my fault. I asked them to show me around town.“ Bökh: „Ah. And how do you like Kirchberg?“ Martina: „Nice.“
Narrator (audiobook): There’s another person waiting for them in the office; the custodian, a huge and intimidating man, who now joins them. Jo starts to defend herself.
Jo: „The Externs started it!“ Bökh: „Of course, it’s always the Externs' fault. Guys, you know what I think of these quarrels. Nothing. Alright? That needs to seriously finally stop now!“
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(vague hums from the custodian)
Bökh: „May I introduce you to Mr. Rothe?“ Rothe: (hums) Bökh: „Mr. Rothe found something on the front of his car that doesn’t belong there.“
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