#destiny 2 eramis
zaahaaz · 1 month
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just-in-case-blog · 6 months
예전에 트윗했던 내용 텀블러 백업: https://twitter.com/yingnet7/status/1663201091654402050?t=qStusocRnYtWYwipewDeJQ&s=19
우주 해적 시즌Season of Plunder 때, 에라미스와 칼싸움하고 아이도 구해낸 뒤에 거미가 파는 술 한 병 얻어서 아이도한테 따라주면서 자기 어머니 이야기하는 미스락스가 보고 싶다.
미스락스가 에라미스를 죽이지 않은 건 단순히 살생은 나빠! 같은 원칙 때문에 자비를 베풀거나 딸을 구해준 빚을 갚으려한게 아니라 자신의 그리고 자기 종족의 "과거"를 부정하지 않고 받아들인 행위라고 생각했음... 에라미스는 나이가 많고, 쉽게 폭력을 일삼던 미스락스의 과거랑도 닮아서 엘릭스니의 과거 세대를 상징할 수 있으니까.
그래서 미스락스가 에라미스에게 네 딸에게 네가 어떤 사람인지 보여주라는 도발을 들었을 때 에라미스를 부정하지 않고(=죽이지 않고) 칼을 거두었다고 봄. 아이도는 과거를 부정하지 않고 과거를 통해 성장해야한다고 말로 표현했지만 미스락스는 행동으로 보여줬다고 생각해
그래서 에라미스에게서 칼을 거둔 이 싸움 이후에 엘릭스니 구역 모금 이벤트에서 거미와 협력할 수 있었다고 생각함. 그 전까지 거미와 마주하기 싫어한 이유는 자신의 과거를 돌아보기 싫어하는 태도의 연장선상이라고 봤어서... 이제 자기 과거를 연상시키는 거미도 덜 껄끄럽게 대할 수 있었겠지
그래서 본인이 마주하기 싫었던 과거 인정하면서 동시에 성인으로서의 아이도도 인정하는 의식처럼 거미한테 얻은 술 아이도한테 따라주며 이야기 나누는 미스락스 보고 싶음.
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sabbathism · 6 months
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the Verticality of Devotion
my piece for the @finalityzine ! so proud to have been a part of this and to be featured alongside so many powerhouses of art
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kasimova-dariia · 1 year
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Space crabs 🦀
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telestoapologist · 1 month
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gaurdibuja · 11 months
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I really miss Eramis, hope they bring her back in future seasons, I think her concept had so much potential and it's been wasted this whole time
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h3xxthev3xx · 23 days
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My piece for the latest @d2artevents !
'Era-Misa' based on the Mona Lisa 💙
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I know a few of you already know this, but I love rediscovering things in destiny. First this:
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And also this one.....
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And then I realized....!!!
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BUT WAIT THERE"S MORE!!!! If we look at the "broken crown" but flip it.... And then place it next to a captain's helmet...
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TELL ME THIS IS NOT WHAT THE WRITER OF THAT LORE TAB MEANT She was a captain "the shipstealer", a baron also, I believe. But even they wear this type of helmet... and that coupled with the lore tab... I want to believe this is connected. I want to believe that the helmets are reminiscent of something from Riis. I mean, obviously they are to some extent, but that... I don't know... Because only the military survived the whirlwind, so warrior helmets became the new "crowns" of the eliksni people. Kells wore their battle gear for so long that the only crown they knew was that of a military helmet. God I want to know more about RIis. I want it so bad I can taste it.
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shaxxuality · 9 days
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lavenderarts · 12 days
keep in mind, the places you'll go: a Destiny 2 AMV
My first ever animated video is finally done!! It's been 2 straight months of hard work learning to animate and improving my video editing skills, and I'm super psyched to be able to share it with you all. I've wanted to make something else since the response to Lemon Boy from last year was so good, so here's a little retrospective on where we started and how far we've come, just before Final Shape.
Check it out HERE: 👉 https://youtu.be/UumGULU9qNU 👈
Thanks for all the good times, Bungie. See you on the other side, Guardians.
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unstable-and-gay · 3 months
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Ashamed to say I've made more textposts. Enjoy
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fmab · 1 year
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“We need not be enemies. Come home, Eramis.”
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thefirstknife · 2 years
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Oh my god. Bungie put an article for National Coming Out Day!
These are official wallpapers with sexualities! Sobbing! He he, I was right that Drifter is bi/pan! This confirms he's pan! Also Mara is confirmed to be bi!
There's also a free code R9J-79M-J6C for the rainbow transmat effect that you can pick up from Rahool.
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ahamkara-apologist · 14 days
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finally got the chance to draw so I kinda went ham with drawing up a headcanon sheet for the Eliksni, in which I blatantly disregarded the canon skintones and just had fun (i don't really enjoy how pink they are in canon personally- I think they should have more natural colour variation)
Some notes:
-The freckles on Eramis and Variks are just freckles, they're not due to age. As for the alarming amount of minor scratches scarred into Eramis's neck and, to an extent, Misraaks- those are marks from hatchling claws! They're traditionally considered marks of beauty and wisdom in Eliksni society. Eramis has many to mirror her many litters, while Misraaks only has a couple from Eido
-I drew everyone but Taniks bald because I drew Taniks first and then realized later that it kinda obscured my hcs for their individual head shapes, so their setae is on the bottom. Setae is someting that only fully sexually mature adults develop, and is much closer in texture to a horse's mane than human hair. It also runs all the way down the back of their neck, much like a mane, and in some cases (like Taniks) has barbs or hooks along its strands so that ornaments can be woven into it, which is inspiration that I took from decorator crabs
-Eramis's facial scars were given to her by a Guardian at Twilight Gap, and are deep enough that they cut into her nasal cavity. Luckily, it's right near the nostrils anyways so she isn't impacted too bad, but she does have to be careful about keeping it clear of debris. Deep in her eye sockets, she's also had some electrodes installed that link to sensors in her helmet and give her little buzzes/shocks whenever something passes in front of it to help compensate for being half-blind, but it's a pretty crude device that doesn't work all that well on small objects
-Each Eliksni's ethnicity is written below their names, which is why Eido has a question mark. She's a mixed kid- try to guess which Houses her parents might have been from ::3
-The horns/shoulder spines were extra spikes of mineralized chitin that were common on adults in Riis, and were traits that were lost during the Drift. They often were calcium/mineral stores used to show age and fitness, but since resources in Sol are scarce, they no longer grow during molts. Riisborn Eliksni still have horn nubs, but that's about it
-As for the sexual dimorphism thing: that's more just me musing about how slight it would be with my hcs about their reproduction (which involves females laying fertilized eggs into a specialized broodpouch in the male, who then builds on their yolk supply and gives them the calcium needed to form eggshells, and thus needs to be bigger). When given actual Eliksni with a natural range of bodily variation, it would be near-impossible to distinguish them
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theforsakenprince · 8 months
really really love how Destiny handles the topic of redemption and redemption arcs, because Destiny doesn't even bother with the question of "Have they earned it?" and instead asks "Do they want to change?"
For all the chances Calus has been given to turn back on the path he's on by us and even his own daughter who he abused, he never does. He's stuck in his ways and adamant that he's correct and dies for it, forgoing all the chances he's been given. Savathun was given a literal second chance with becoming a lightbearer, but chooses not to change a single thing.
Meanwhile, Eramis seems to be taking that chance (albeit very slowly lmao). She's at the other end with Calus during Beyond Light, but the deeper she finds herself in with the Witness, she starts to realize this isn’t what she wanted at all (personally I believe it started with seeing her dead eliksni friends being turned into scorn as a “gift” but it could easily be a multitude of things) and she takes the hand that Eido and Mithrax hold out to her. She’s done horrible things, of course, but it wouldn’t be a redemption if she hadn’t. Eramjs just needed to realize what she’d done and have the capacity to change.
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uvexar · 8 months
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Built to fall
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