#despite all his horn knee daniel is practically nonsexual dkfhd
rainymoodlet ยท 1 year
ykw? i'm going to cheat bc i need that delicious content,๐Ÿ‘ƒ ๐Ÿ’ž for Dan pls
ayyy ella, bless you for these!! that second question is one i actually wanted to cover hehe~ ๐Ÿ’›
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๐Ÿ‘ƒ does your oc smell good? do they have a signature scent?
oh, daniel smells amazing. apart from the oils he uses in his beard and mustache, he seems to carry a natural scent of warm mahogany, burnt tobacco, wood fires, and appaloosa plains dirt. he smells like an old and homey barn, abandoned for years but still full of hay and sweet memories. he smells like the rich burn of a cigar in a smoky saloon, very earthy and dark. there's a little spritz of cologne here and there, a faint scent of sandalwood, flannel if you sus it out. he smells like something you want to bury your face in and never leave.
no i am not thirsty for my own damn sim nO I'M NO--
๐Ÿ’ž do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?
a BRILLIANT question, and it will definitely pertain to the challenge! daniel is not a very sexual guy (hence his fluster at being turned on by rune while very, very cross-faded) and while he is aware of his natural dominance and the ways in which he's very physical, he actually puts a lot of weight and importance into sex and isn't a very horny person in public. (at least... while not in a relationship ;p) growing up as he did, he would have been absolutely murdered is his father ever learned about his sexuality - so that lead to years and years of denial, compulsive heterosexuality, and a general disdain for his sexual self.
daniel feels very vulnerable during sex, even when he's in a dominant position. (he is a switch!) the aspects of his history with his sexuality come into this, naturally, but there's also the reality that what he likes to do and have done to him is very personal!! he doesn't have one-night stands, he doesn't go out on dates - he lives in a big ranch with his three dogs and his horses man!! this dude is simultaneously uninterested and pent tf up.
but daniel will not have sex with anyone before they have a real, tangible connection. he is loyal and develops deep attachments to the people he's had sex with. and, in the biggest switch-up i can think of in this challenge, he will not be having sex with both of our finalists, either! he is either going to be a wedding night man, or i'll leave it dubious as to who got dan into bed on their final nights! how could he possibly look his finalist in the eye when he's boned their competition??? that's just not how he rolls.
(which also means, my dear friends, that daniel will not be kissing anyone in front of the other contestants. he's going to have a hard time with this once we get up there and our number of sims drop, but he's committed to it! the first kisses we'll ever see will be on solo dates alone~)
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