#desertduo soulmates REAL
ariapmdeol · 2 years
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 8 months
Propaganda masterpost for desertduo
They are two idiots thinking eachother's udeas are good and then somehow winning
They are two idiots thinking eachother's udeas are good and then somehow winning
They don’t have a single brain cell between them. They poked the goat to “see what would happen” and ended up getting their bases covered in duped ender dragon eggs.
Particularly in Hermitcraft, they are the most chaotic together. Chaotic in the most stupid of ways. Example: they blew up an intricate machine from one of the most "threatening" people on the server, stopped posting for a while, tried fixing it and failed, and tried apologizing with diamonds (Grian), theme park gifts (Scar), and by calling the victim "handsome" and "smart" and everything they could think of. And THEN, when Doc (the victim) retaliated with very intricate pranks that take a lot of skill and knowledge, they teamed up, went to the perimeter they were banned from as their alter egos as a loophole, and FILLED the ENTIRE PLACE (and it's a ginormous hole down to bedrock, many chunks wide) with CHICKENS. Just. A lot of chickens. Chickens everywhere. Oh my god. And another thing. Grian loves pressing buttons, like ADORES it (that's how the machine broke in the first place) and Scar... well. He gets confused easily and also breaks a lot of machines. So when people in the server build stuff, they have to both Grian-proof it (make sure an overexcited person who loves pressing buttons won't break the system) and Scar-safe it (make sure it's easily understandable and won't be broken like that). But now they also have to GRIAN-AND-SCAR-PROOF their stuff, because i swear, they multiply each other's dumbassery like by 100. And all that is just from the current arc of Hermitcraft season NINE. If we go back to season eight for a second, Grian decided to fake being AFK in all his friends' bases, and when he got to Scar's, Scar built him a ROLLERCOASTER RIDE to the BOAT TOTEM (boatem) HOLE THAT GOES BEYOND BEDROCK. People constantly fell there in the season and it was hell gearing themselves back up. But Scar was sure they were gonna land on the boatem and thought Grian was asleep because of time differences. But he failed and both died either way. And good fucking thing Grian was watching it all happen. Scar was SINGING him a SONG. You could even HEAR HIM COMING UP WITH IT BEFORE THE ACTUAL RIDE. Scar by FAR had the BEST reaction to the AFK experiment. And GODDD they're such idiots together. Unless they're in it for survival (aka the Life series) in which case Grian basically becomes his nanny let's be real. Scar is way too prone to die. He dies literally all the time and someone's gotta have him on a leash.
grian thinks that hes the responsible one in the dynamic but really hes just as much a chaos gremlin as scar is
they enable each other constantly. fellow builders to friends to enemies to friends to enemies to f
they share two braincells with each other and they do not work half the time. The number of things they fucked up is not even countable. One of them will be like "I'll save you!" and then both of them need someone to come and save them. They also are connected at the hip and love to annoy each other and other people so so much. they need help
They are so. so. Pesky british bird who loves explosions and has an attention span of 2 + catboy scammer who likes to lick magic and die badly. They are perfect for each other and their friendship is so precious to me. They are canonically soulmates. Currently theyre camping out on the edge of their enemy's giant hole because they accidentally exploded his machine together while Grian was procrastinating. The situation escalated because Grian likes war and Scar likes chaos so now theyre sitting directly in the path of their enemy's giant TNT-pooping goat mecha. Their plan? Build a buttercup-themed mecha to fight it because buttercups are poisonous to goats
They have caused a lot of chaos and destruction due to their lack of braincells /pos
Scar dragged Grian to the desert on a llama to monopolize on its sand, they blew up their friend’s tunnel bore, and rode a roller coaster together. They just bounce a braincell back and forth basically.
They ping pong a brian cell between each other and the few times it produces a thought the idea is always a bad one
they have two brain cells between them and they are not sure where they left them, they actively search for trouble and act sincerely shocked when it bites them on the ass, very orange cat coded if you ask me
Things only work out for them by pure luck. They both think they have the braincell and will be the one to pull each other through but they are both wrong. Tripping over their own feet and stumbling so hard and yet still coming out on top just because the others fall over harder
They get in a room together and its like all braincells disappear. They blew up their neighbors redstone, they filled his base with thousands of chickens, they die nonstop, they bully the other (in a friendly way) constantly and then do the exact same thing, theyre dunbasses ur honor
Theyre literally, just an echochamber of dumb. They actively lose braincells when around eachother. Grian seems smart and calculated but he can never get anything to work properly and scar is just an absolute hazard to himself and grian tries to keep him safe. They both die in minecraft so much. Grian also just has a habit of pressing every button lever or chest he ever sees. Even if its an obvious trap. He breaks stuff so easily. Grian WILL press the big button on top of the tnt block thats in plain sight. Especially right after scar says "i wonder what that does". Theyre duo can be summed up to trickster dumbass and dumbass with a heart of gold. They literally started a prank war by accidentally blowing up someones redstone. They are the unattended children on every server theyre in.
long live the science bros.
One owed the other a life debt for killing them with a creeper (it was just a prank, bro) and so they spent the season trying to monopolize all of the sand in a desert, and that's jusr scraping the surface of how stupid they are.
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double life smp is a real sitcom.
I don't know if anyone said this, but I just realized that Double Life SMP represents the stages of development of relationships with its soulmates. I don't know if Grian intended it from the beginning (most likely not), but the fact that the couples themselves were accidentally formed is even tragicomic. Furthermore, I'm not talking about the shipping itself (it's a pity)  but rather the platonic one??? I hope you understand. 1 - falling in love - Jimmy and Tango. Before that, they practically did not communicate on the Life SMP series, rarely crossing paths. Why are they the first? Yes, they are stupid (/pos) clumsy, they still accept one another. When you are just getting to know each other and there is literally the purest fluff in the air. Their ranch and warden plans mAKE ME CRY MORE THAN TITANIC FANS OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT- 2 - burning love - Etho and Joel. The same candy and gift period. When you're full of energy, you practically go crazy and do everything to your other half, for example, wear a shirt with his face on it OR BUILD A DAMN SHIP - that's how they are MAXIMUM crazy-chaotic, your honor. 3 - golden age, marriage - Bdubs and Impulse. Already more or less calm, they live together. And everything seems to be wonderful! But like all relationships at this stage - they begin to face the problems of life together, for example, as Bdubs snoring (although Impuls is used to this). Isn't it cool to have big parties with friends at home? 4 - stagnation - BigB and Ren. It is still a calm period, perhaps the calmest of all. B U T is it good? The same period where one secretly finds another person, and the other begins to notice it. Future weed seeds are scattered. 5 - the beginning of the rift (HAHA) - Grian and Scar. The relationship between the couple itself is increasingly strained, there are many misunderstandings, ALTHOUGH SOMETIMES THEY STILL HAVE GOOD MOMENTS!! Unfortunately, the first person is still not talking about the other person, the second person is already aware of it. Someday, desertduo will have fluff… someday…. 6 - conflict - Cleo and Martin. Oh... this is where the bullshit begins - the second person goes about his business\interests, and when he comes back he understands - there is nothing left to do, to fix. Your once soulmate is now happy with someone else and openly says so, disowning you in public. 7 - the end - Pearl and Scott. Not together, estranged even. At first the first one still does not understand why exactly this happened, but in the end she reconciles. Looking for peace in a faithful friend - a dog. The second is happy with the other. Maybe the second will try to save the relationship at the very end, but it will already be too l a t e. // Thanks for reading! I hope to hear others though about that. My English is still not good, so I asked for help from beautiful @octopuss-y <3
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unicornhazel · 2 years
I wanted to ask what qualities of each season did you like? It could be the plot, game mechanics, anything! :D
Always a pleasure to see you :)
I had a crazy October and then I was Violently Ill and Lurking on this hellsite BUT I'M BACK (until I feel awkward and go back to lurking again)!!!
I'M SO EXCITED FOR NEW SEASON. So I've been watching traffic series since Third Life and I've been so completely obsessed with it that it ends up consuming my entire being for a while.
I loved the simplicity of Third Life tbh, seeing how the factions formed, alliances formed and broken, all of them playing with their three lives. Honestly though, just the desertduo brainrot. It's so real. I'll be going about my day and suddenly BOOM! Desertduo brainrot.
Last Life, I'll be honest, the thing i loved the most was Joel going absolutely INSANE. He is so pathetic but dangerous I love him to bits. Also Mumbo Jumbo. No I will not elaborate. (yes i will, THAT ENDER CRYSTAL. HE SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN SO MANY KILLS FOR THAT. Mumbo Jumbo deserved better). And Cleo. GOD. I am so completely obsessed with Cleo in every series she's a part of. AND ALSO ETHO AND BDUBS. The boogeyman system was really fun, going in to each episode and not knowing who was going to be Inflicted with the Curse, reading chat to see who kills who, keeping track of number of lives and deaths of every character, god i could go on. I've watched every pov from Last Life (no I did not touch grass but I see no correlation) and. Every single one of them was amazing. I loved it all to bits.
Also watched every pov of Double Life but PEARL. Pearl was hands down my favourite that season. I was slightly sad about having fewer episodes but i did love the soulmate system! Anything that gives me Joel and Etho together in my books is S tier so. No complaints. It was so cool because it made sure that people who hadn't necessarily interacted before had to adapt and play together in order to survive and it's just. So cool. How do they come up with these. How do they manage to live in our brains after all these months/years. I Do Not Understand. Incomprehensible. But I'm so glad they do because it is so fun to watch.
Every Friday evening (Tuesday before), I'd settle in with some snacks and watch every pov, make a playlist for each week and just. Get lost in their world for a little bit. I love them all so much.
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