#denise esposito
deniseespositoart · 10 months
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The Ballad of Darren 💙
📸@ deniseespositoart
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laliofficial · 1 year
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WTNV quick rundown - 66 - worms...
Featuring the voice of Mara Wilson as The Faceless Old Woman.
We all lie dreamily upon damp earth spotting clouds shaped like animals we have yet to invent. Welcome to Night Vale.
NV is suffering from an infestation of worms, as it did 12 years ago. They're doing all of the 'usual worm things': flying around and dropping trees onto cars and houses, spitting venom as well as eating stray cats and then leaving large, mewling pellets all about town. They've completely enveloped the Rec Center annex, which iwas holding a Continuing Education Course: Counter-Terrorism Techniques for Beginner.
City Council, initially classifying the crisis on a warning scale as 'worms...' updates it to 'Worms!!' which isn't as bad as 'WORMS' but has the potential to be as destructive as the WORMS! (and twice underlined) outbreak of 1997.
The SSP are too busy with the worms to deal with trying to find Hiram or the FOW, who are still at large. Cecil recounts in third person how they have tried to harm Dana several times, resulting in him being puppetted into her helping her. He continues, in third person, to express how he still believes she bought him in the aunction and has been using him to help her without asking. 'Frank Chen' says he saw Hiram flying far away so Hiram is absolutely not still in NV. Eventually the worms are beaten back by the SSP armed with flamethrowers.
Cecil however, has been distracted from the worms problem due to really wanting to see Carlos. He laments openly about how it's weird that people can't go into the dog park and openly admits he wants to try and break into it so he can go and visit Carlos.
The FOW appears in Cecil's radio booth and seems eager to both absolve herself and Hiram and to get Cecil out of NV so he won't save Dana. She disguises this as wanting to help and tells him how he will have a dream from which he will wake and be told how to get into the dog park.
He then receives a black envelop from Station Management with a glyph on it which scares him into thinking he's in trouble for questioning the dog park being forbidden. He instantly apologises for doing so, but Station Management tells him that he misread the glyph. The glyph on his envelop is the abbreviation for human resources, who have approved his vacation. They then show him the actual glyph which means what he thought the first one meant and he falls unconscious for 'some time'. During which he receives the message about getting into the dog park as foretold by the FOW.
Weather: "Little Black Star" by Hurray for the Riff Raff http://hurrayfortheriffraff.com
After years of trying, NV is finally allowed to have a Book Club. It will be run by Tamika Flynn at Patty's Hardware & Discount Pastries (“Shop at Patty’s! They’ll never suspect a thing!,” Patty shouts in the looped recording playing from her perpetually squirming animatronic statue out front of her flagship store) Tuesdays from 2-4 pm.
Spring League tryouts are being held from 10am to 2pm 'next Saturday' with volunteer coaches Betty Lucero and Lusia Tereshchenko. There is a joke here hinting at the ridiculous idea of assigning kids into teams based purely on their dispositions which directly parodies the house sorting mechanic in the HP series. Coach Tereshchenko died over 150 years ago and is now a ghost.
Craigslist in NV apparently just sells your things to random people without your consent. Citizens by the name of Denise Esposito, Sally Jansen, Mario Landis and Pedro Reyna are mentioned.
It seems that Cecil did indeed get the voicemails and describes Kevin vaguely as a 'colleague? acquaintance? nemesis?'.
Cecil expresses that sometimes he becomes weary of NV itself, likely because of events that put him in danger or take over him to help others and other such things which leave him in constant danger and anxiety.
I'll be back. Whenever. Refreshed. You'll know when. It'll be when you hear my voice again. Stay tuned next for… I don’t know. Anyway, time for vacation! Good night, Night Vale. [sound of headphones coming off; maybe a mic bump] [calling off mic; leaving the studio] GOOD NIGHT! Woo hoo!
Proverb: When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true, but - because of distance - not for millions of years.
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Gigi D'Alessio sui social con tutti i figli: “Il mio patrimonio”
Tgcom24   Gigi D’Alessio padre e nonno (3 nipoti): chi sono i figli, quanti anni hanno, che cosa fanno Claudio, Ilaria, Luca (avuti da Carmela Barbato), Andrea (avuto da Anna Tatangelo) e il piccolo Francesco (avuto da Denise Esposito)   Gigi D’Alessio posta per la prima volta una foto social insieme a tutti i figli. “Ecco il mio patrimonio” scrive a corredo dell’immagine che lo ritrae…
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evatremila · 4 months
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Gigi D'Alessio sarà di nuovo papà: «Ho sei figli, a volte ho sbagliato, ma per me sono il dono più grande» Solo pochi giorni fa, Gigi D'Alessio ha rivelato che la sua compagna, Denise Esposito, è in dolce attesa. Per il cantante partenopeo questo bebè sarà il sesto figlio: una bella famiglia, tre diverse mamme e un grande amore che unisce Gigi a... Continua a leggere.. https://www.eva3000.com/gigi-dalessio-sara-di-nuovo-papa-ho-sei-figli-a-volte-ho-sbagliato-ma-per-me-sono-il-dono-piu-grande/?feed_id=3432&_unique_id=65b010deb51c1
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kritere · 9 months
Gigi D’Alessio in vacanza con Denise Esposito e il figlio, le foto tra relax e divertimento al mare
DIRETTA TV 2 Agosto 2023 Gigi D’Alessio si sta concedendo qualche giorno di vacanza in Sardegna, a Porto Rotondo, insieme alla sua famiglia. Con lui la compagna Denise Esposito e Francesco, il figlio che hanno avuto insieme. Come mostrano gli scatti, la coppia si rilassa si prende cura del piccolo. 0 CONDIVISIONI È tempo di vacanze per Gigi D’Alessio. In pausa dal suo tour estivo, il…
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xtruss · 1 year
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Tafa - Protest March: Double Synthesis. ‘I thought there were just a few hundred artists in New York. Eventually I realized there were thousands and thousands from all over the world.’ Photograph: Courtesy of the artist
Ghanaian Painter Tafa: ‘The Painting Is Greater Than The Artist’
The acclaimed artist made his way from Ghana to being feted by New York’s high society and is now showcasing his varied work in a Chelsea exhibition
— Veronica Esposito | Thursday 16 February 2023
Ghanaian artist Tafa Fiadzigbe – known to the art world simply as Tafa – has come a long way. “I grew up in the slums of Ghana, and the slums in the third world are very different from slums here in America,” he said to the Guardian. “I knew people who ate from garbage dumps. When I was growing up, if someone told me I was going to be in the company of people like Bill Clinton and have them support my art, I’d have thought they were crazy.”
Now showing at Chelsea’s Pictor Gallery in New York until 25 February, Tafa’s art is at once visceral, transcendent, and abstract. The pieces at his show include a frenzied protest march against police violence, an ethereal image of a goddess making her ascent, and a homage to Sarah Baartman, a Khoikhoi woman who was exoticized by 19th-century Europeans for her bodily proportions.
Pursuing his vocation, Tafa studied art as a college student in Ghana before setting his sights on New York City. Upon arriving in 1993, he quickly realized he had some major misconceptions about his adopted home. “Originally I thought there were just a few hundred artists in New York. Eventually I realized there were thousands and thousands from all over the world.”
Looking back, Tafa now believes that his lack of knowledge was actually an asset. “Maybe 95% of artists in NYC don’t make a living from their art. I didn’t know how hard it was to make your living from art. If I knew what I knew 10 years later, I probably wouldn’t have done it. I was lucky.”
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Tafa – The Canonization of Sarah Baartman, from 2022. Photograph: Courtesy of the artist
A lauded innovator with the palette knife, Tafa turns countless lumps of color into paintings that cause intense feelings of motion and exuberance. Although his subjects vary widely, frequent themes are the Black struggle for equal rights, the majesty of contemporary sports, and the rhythms and movement of music. Whatever he is composing, for Tafa, dynamism is key.
“When I paint I like movement, and for the paint to be very dynamic. I use layer and layers, I scratch the paint, all to create the balance of movement and a rippling effect. I don’t want it to be static, I want you to feel the movement and power and energy. I want you to hear the sound and voices of the people, the anger and frustration and all that.”
A breakthrough moment happened for Tafa early on in this time in New York when David Dinkins, who was then in office as the city’s first Black mayor, came to one of Tafa’s shows and bought a piece. Besides being a prominent politician, Dinkins was also a known art collector and a fierce advocate for culture, and so was in a position to get Tafa noticed. “Because of Dinkins, a lot of people started coming to me and saying ‘I saw your art.’”
Pictor Gallery’s director Denise Adler happened to meet Tafa by chance when each of their daughters attended the same high school together. She quickly knew that Tafa was an artist she wanted to pay attention to. “When I met him, I realized he was the real deal. I noticed that he was very quiet and subdued, but his work is so colorful and loud. I love his color choices, his use of paint. I’m fascinated with artists who do texture like he does. It has almost a mixed media quality to it.”
Adler added that she was compelled by Tafa’s ability to combine sensual beauty with substance and depth. “The pieces are beautiful to look at, but they speak volumes to serious topics that are interesting. You look at it once and you see one thing, you look at it again and you see another thing. You see more and more as you look more closely. I love that.”
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Tafa - Pelé The King Photograph: Courtesy of the artist
Professional sports has long been a favored subject of Tafa’s, and he shared that his fascination began when he was a young boy mesmerized by the soccer great Pelé. “Being a child in Ghana, everybody played soccer and knew about him,” he said. Looking back, Tafa laughed at how he had naively assumed Pelé was a compatriot: “I didn’t know he was from Brazil. I thought he was from Ghana.”
For Tafa, part of the attraction of sports is the grandeur of competition and the outsized personalities of elite athletes. This can be seen in a work like Pelé the King, which captures the precision and electricity of the soccer legend’s iconic bicycle kick. Melting into a background of bright red with one leg outstretched toward a soccer ball, Pelé looks less like a mortal than a deity.
“When I look at sport, there’s this religious aspect to it,” said Tafa. “To me, as religion becomes less and less important to parts of the world, now it seems like sports is the new religion. We have the gods and the deities and the saints at the sports bar. These are the myths and the gods of our times.”
In his artistic practice Tafa thrives on intuition, losing himself while the painting reveals itself to him. One such experience occurred live in front of a fervent audience at Madison Square Garden, when the artist composed a painting of the game while it played out before him. To Tafa, the pressure of combining performance, athletics, and his artistic vocation made the experience unforgettable. “It was so intense how everybody was looking at me. It was magical and beautiful.”
Frenzied and exhilarating, yet also calculating and controlled, Tafa’s paintings very much look like the product of a man at one with his canvas. His very diverse output is unified by a singular artistic style that speaks to Tafa’s intense connection to his work. “The painting has its own life, the painting is greater than the artist. So the painting takes you to a different direction from where you want to go. The painting sends me messages. It speaks to me – more than I try to control it, it liberates itself.”
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Betty Schneider and Giani Esposito in Paris Belongs to Us (Jacques Rivette, 1961)
Cast: Betty Schneider, Giani Esposito, Françoise Prévost, Daniel Crohem, François Maistre, Jean-Claude Brialy, Jean-Marie Robain. Screenplay: Jacques Rivette, Jean Gruault. Cinematography: Charles L. Bitsch. Film editing: Denise de Casabianca. Music: Philippe Arthuis.
Paris belongs to the French, which is one of the problems Francophobes have with it. And there's much for them to find problems with in Jacques Rivette's first feature, one of the key works of the French New Wave. Even I found myself squirming at the gallery of poseurs present at the party near the beginning of the film. But then I realized that the film is a kind of critique of poseurs: Everyone plays a role, it seems to be saying, and everyone tries to bend the narrative in their direction. The narrative of Paris Belongs to Us is a deconstruction of the political paranoia thriller: Its characters are caught up on a vast international right-wing conspiracy that may or may not exist. The idea that it does exist seems to be supported by the fact that several of its characters are exiles from Franco's Spain and Joe McCarthy's America, and the fact that some of them end up dead. The idea that it exists only in the minds of the characters seems to be supported by the fact that none of these anxious artists and intellectuals ever manage to accomplish anything: They're paralyzed by their own paranoia and egotism, or rather, like Lewis Carroll's Red Queen, they're running fast to stay in the same place. Rivette admired Lewis Carroll, so we can see his protagonist, Anne Goupil (Betty Schneider), as Alice in the Parisian pays des merveilles. She falls into the chaos of a production of Shakespeare's Pericles, a mess of a play that he probably wrote only half of, directed by Gérard Lenz (Giani Esposito), who is somehow ensnared in the political mesh that claimed the life of a composer named Juan, who had taped a guitar piece as accompaniment for the production. But after his suicide (if it was one) the tape has disappeared. Anne takes on the job of finding the tape, which leads her deeper into the mesh and into encounters with more strange characters. In the conclusion, nothing is concluded except the lives of several people, and the viewers are left wondering, "What was all that about?" Which is exactly what Rivette wants them to wonder. The film is like life: full of loose ends.
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years
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John Lennon by Denise Esposito.
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I Remember When Rock Was Young Yellow Farewell Elton John Gift For Fans And Lovers shirt
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The Star Wars galaxy I Remember When Rock Was Young Yellow Farewell Elton John Gift For Fans And Lovers shirt . has always been filled with some of the most iconic villains in history, including the legendary Darth Vader. In the seven years since Disney took control of the galaxy far, far away, fans have already been treated to the likes of Kylo Ren, Moff Gideon, and Cad Bane, with several of these threats coming straight out of Disney+. As Disney+ continues to be home to most of the Star Wars universe, the galaxy will soon expand again with Andor. The Rogue One prequel will revisit Diego Luna's Cassian Andor in the years leading up to his ultimate sacrifice in the name of the Rebel cause, and that will undoubtedly lead to new Empire threats being introduced.I Remember When Rock Was Young Yellow Farewell Elton John Gift For Fans And Lovers shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's Among these antagonists are Kyle Soller's Syril Karn and Denise Gough's Dedra Meero, both of which will undoubtedly be causing plenty of trouble for Andor during his twelve-episode first season I Remember When Rock Was Young Yellow Farewell Elton John Gift For Fans And Lovers shirt . Ahead of the Disney+ series, Gough spoke to The Direct and revealed comparisons to one of television's most famous villains. Speaking to The Direct in an exclusive interview, Andor actress Denise Gough, who plays Dedra Meero, discussed how other villains influence her character. Gough explained how Breaking Bad's Gustavo Fring - played by Giancarlo Esposito - and his "meticulous" nature influenced her Andor villain: "Gus from Breaking Bad is my ultimate villain character. In his meticulous... You know when he kills somebody, and he takes off his suit really perfectly, and he folds everything, and then he brutally murders someone and then comes back and showers? So yeah, him, Gustavo Fring from Breaking Bad." You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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deniseespositoart · 1 year
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Saw Damon Albarn & Jamie Hewlett yesterday and needless to say that the new Gorillaz album is on loop and already one of my favourites ✨💖✨
Instagram: @deniseespositoart
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gossipnewsitalia · 2 years
Gigi D’Alessio sul palco a sorpresa col figlio Francesco
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Gigi D’Alessio e il commento di Nino D’Angelo: “Uguale a mamma Denise”
Gigi D’Alessio per la prima volta mostra pubblicamente suo figlio Francesco, nato lo scorso gennaio dalla compagna Denise Esposito. Il celebre cantante campano a sorpresa mentre era impegnato in una tappa del suo tour ‘Figli di un Dio Minore ha fatto capolino sul palco con il piccolo tenendolo tra le braccia mostrando tutta la sua felicità e gioia, quindi la presentazione del bimbo al pubblico, a cui ha fatto seguito una puntualizzazione di Nino D’Angelo che sta eseguendo il tour insieme all’amico e collega.
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Gigi D’Alessio sul palco a sorpresa col figlio Francesco Gigi D’Alessio presenta il piccolo Francesco “Questa è la cosa importante che vi volevo dire: lui è Francesco. Per la prima volta sul palco”: così un emozionato D’Alessio, con in braccio il suo piccolo Francesco, lo ha presentato durante il concerto. Il video dell’affettuoso e inaspettato gesto è stato diffuso sui social da una orgogliosa mamma Denise, che ha pubblicato tra le sue Stories Instagram il dolce momento tra suo figlio e papà Gigi. “Francesco è tale e quale alla mamma”, ha sottolineato poi Nino D’Angelo, che, raggiunto l’amico in scena, ha dato un bacio sulle guance del piccino. Gigi e Denise innamoratissimi L’amore tra Denise e il musicista campano sembra proseguire a vele spiegate. Voci vicine alla coppia testimoniano che i due sono innamoratissimi. In effetti nelle rare occasioni nelle quali si sono mostrati insieme D’Alessio e la Esposito, hanno sempre dato l’impressione di essere innanzi a due persone che si amano profondamente. Proprio recentemente a Denise è stata fatta una dedica emozionante e mozzafiato da parte del compagno che, durante un concerto a Viggiano, nel Potentino, l’ha fatta sciogliere. “Quanti amori nascono così, ti prendono e non c’è modo di poter scappare via”, ha intonato lui, raggiungendo con lo sguardo gli occhi commossi ed innamorati della giovane avvocatessa che stava seguendo il fidanzato dal backstage.
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Gigi D’Alessio sul palco a sorpresa col figlio Francesco Di Gigi D’Alessio ormai conosciamo praticamente tutto, di Denise invece si sa molto poco. Da quando però ha iniziato a frequentare il cantante è venuto alla luce qualcosa in più: ha 30 anni quindi 25 anni di meno rispetto al compagno ed ha origini napoletane, è una brillante avvocatessa che ama la sua privacy e non ha certo smania di apparire sulle copertine. Sarebbe stata proprio lei ad imporre una linea ferrea da seguire sul restare nell’ombra e salvaguardare la sfera privata. Read the full article
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laliofficial · 1 year
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telodogratis · 2 years
Gigi D'Alessio sul palco del concerto con il figlio avuto da Denise Esposito: "Ecco Francesco"
Gigi D’Alessio sul palco del concerto con il figlio avuto da Denise Esposito: “Ecco Francesco”
Il cantante ha presentato al suo pubblico il bimbo, nato a gennaio dall’amore per la fidanzata Denise Esposito che sui… “Questa è la cosa importante che vi volevo dire: lui è Francesco. Per la prima volta sul palco”: così Gigi D’Alessio ha presentato ai fan il più piccolo dei suoi figli, nato a gennaio Read MoreVipToday
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nofatclips · 5 years
Uomini topo by Carmen Consoli from the collection album Eco di sirene - Regia: Giacomo Citro
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evatremila · 2 years
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Gigi D'Alessio esce allo scoperto con Denise: il loro bacio greco è da sogno! Prima foto pubblica di Gigi D'Alessio accanto alla compagna Denise Esposito: sotto la luna greca il cantante napoletano mette le cose in chiaro, e presenta ai suoi fan la dolce metà che gli ha dato un bambino. Gigi D’Alessio ha pubblicato ... Continua a leggere.. https://bit.ly/3zOubB3
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