#dempsey wouldn’t dine on crayola would he?
DEMPY! We know Maddie loves to cook, and I know your stomach is never ending, so what are some of your favorite things she makes? What are your favorite dinners to share with her? Also our next double date is going to be at one of our houses I’m not having you attempting to strangle my German across the restaurant table again
First of all, HE STARTED IT! I don’t care what kind of sappy tricks he’s pulling on you. If you’re listening, Richtofen, I’d- *pauses to take a deep breath and roughly sighs* Whatever. It’s a long story… But I’d be more than happy to do a double date at one of our houses again. It’s probably for the better. Now, about her cooking. I had no idea she enjoyed so many different kind of meals! I clearly hit the jackpot when she told me what people were having in the 50s.
I saved you from jello dinners and ham and banana hollendaise!
You sure did, Maddie. *shudders at the thought of jello* Back on topic, I ended up expanding my palate with all the amazing stuff she’s made for me. You know what they say, the way to someone’s heart is through the stomach.
For starters, when I was sick, she made this chicken and rice porridge for me. It’s simple and yet so savory. It’s easy on the stomach too. I always look forward to when she makes it to help me feel better or when it’s cold outside. Now that I’m in New York, I need whatever I can get to fight the kind of winters I have to put up with now.
Then, there’s this one dish she taught me about called… uh, I don’t want to be jerk and pronounce this wrong, but it’s nicknamed K-Army Stew (Budae Jijae). And man, is it awesome! And it’s got a bit of American influence too! Turns out at the end of the Korean war, U.S. Army rations were used when food was scarce. And they were able to make something really great out of a tough situation. It’s basically a spicy stew where you can add whatever you want! Maddie usually adds noodles, Chinese sausage or hotdogs (I prefer hotdogs), kimchi, mushrooms, baby bok choy and a few dumplings to top it off. Damn it, just thinking about it makes me hungry…
I also better highlight a dessert too, right? Because it’s almost Thanksgiving, I better bring up the butterscotch cinnamon pie! It’s a pudding pie but she makes it from scratch. It’s perfect. It’s sweet but not too sugary and it screams comfort food. It has the same texture of pumpkin pie, only with butterscotch and cinnamon instead. I honestly prefer it over pumpkin pie. I only worry because Maddie never looks relaxed when she bakes it.
That’s because I nearly messed it up one time when I got to the step of stirring the melted butter and brown sugar. If you stop for a second, it’ll crystalize and harden. And I don’t want to start all over again!
But you always turn out fine, right?
I don’t wanna jinx myself.
I know you won’t, cupcake. But yeah, that’s just a few to name. I’d go on about her yakisoba or the HUGE ASS T-bone steak she grilled for me but you can only fit so much. In fact, why not come over to our house for dinner? You’d be able to try for yourself! But keep the German on a leash. I don’t want him going upstairs when I’m not looking.
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