copperbadge · 5 months
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It's time for some Post Office Bounty! I am bad at checking my PO box but always delighted to find treats when I do. Up top, some delightful random flavored chips from @221squee, thank you! The takoyaki chips are very pungent -- they taste very nice but they do smell very strongly of fish -- and the "Chip Star" consomme flavor was delightful, I ate them all in like a day or two. I have to admit I haven't tried the foie gras flavor yet...I have had foie gras before but that's how I know it's, uh, a powerful flavor. I'll get up the courage eventually. :D And I love the card!
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I always know when I get a package from @shirokou that it's going to be full of fun stuff -- there are some wonderful enamel pins (I'm going to have to redo my Ita bag for the new year!) and stickers, and I'm excited to learn about these diviniation dice that came with such a fun rolling mat. I'm going to be doing some tarot reading tonight so hopefully I'll do some dice throwing too!
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And so many lovely cards! There's one in the middle that you can barely see because I wanted to make sure I covered up any faces, but I always love seeing the photo card every year! (And loved hearing about the new pup.)
The glittery gifts up top is a fun 3-D card from @scifigrl47 , and next to it the basket of boughs is from @delphia2000, thank you both for the holiday wishes! There's some pretty sheep from T in Berwyn (glad I offered some comfort and entertainment this year!) and a wonderful polar bear with some penguins from @kimmiesue13. I got a fun Christmukkah card from Josh & Kris (man the card also reminded me about the holiday I invented, Christisntspringhereyetmas, but there's always next year to celebrate that). Finally, a beautiful and indeed terrifying owl card from Wendy (it's so eerie, I love it) and some awesome glittery snowmen from Traylor.
Thanks everyone! I hope you all had a good holiday and that it's okay I posted the holiday cards a bit later than I'd hoped :)
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ileliberte · 6 years
delphia2000 replied to your post: I am genuinely so excited about the Crazy Rich...
Loved the books too! I am looking forward to seeing this.
Same! I was surprised at Michelle Yeoh’s casting at first because she was definitely not what I’d envisioned for Eleanor when I was reading the books, but I love her so I’m excited about the feel she’ll bring to the character. Especially because I think it could have been really easy to make her a mostly one dimensional character, but it seems like they made it better.
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marveltrumpshate · 3 years
December 2020 MTH fills part 2/5
Part 1 here.
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020
Our AO3 collections: 2018, 2019, 2020 (only has works posted to AO3)
Completed works tag list: 2018, 2019, 2020
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type. 
Chiara Mushiemadarame/@mushiemadarame - Cyberpunk AU art of Thor on a motorycle bringing Loki close to him for @siriuslyyellow
@claraxbarton - “Beloved” (Clint/Steve anniversary fic) for @sarahcakes613 (MTH 2019)
@colonelrogers - Art of Marvel Avengers Steve and Tony wearing each other's clothes for @stevesnarkrogers - Art of Steve and Tony under the mistletoe for @stevesnarkrogers
@dapperanachronism - “Absence of Knowing” (post-CA:CW Bucky/Tony fic) for delphia2000 (MTH 2018)
Embroidery by Rebecca/@embroid-away - Embroidery work of 616 Steve and Bucky crossdressing to go undercover for @kalika999
Emerson/@bilbos - Thor/Bruce fantasy AU gifset for @ruquas
@eurydia - Art of WWII Steve and Bucky with their arms slung over each other's shoulders for anouki
flowerparrish/@flowerparrishcreates - Podfic of “Log Cabin/Camping,” a Steve/Bucky Avengers camping trip fic for BritBrit99
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copperbadge · 1 year
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It’s time for POST OFFICE BOUNTY! Two days later than I promised at least one person who sent me stuff, MY APOLOGIES :D
@lololovescheese sent me the second most horrifying owl in the world, I both fear and love him. Prowly now has a pal on the shelf where he lives when it’s not Halloween! (Also I don’t know when you sent the package but it genuinely did not make it into my mailbox until two weeks ago at the absolute earliest, sorry the Chicago post office still blows.)
@shirokou sent me some delightful enamel pins -- I saw the cats-chewing-their-own-tails kickstarter or possibly shop a while ago and almost bought some, so now I have some, hooray! I’ve put the lion on my bag for traveling. Also the lovely card and the very Whovian notebook, which has a nice heft to it!
And some cards! Top image, clockwise starting with the bear, is a lovely bear in snow from @delphia2000 (I salute the Frozen North!), one of the Art Institute’s snow-covered lions from @celticjade13 and the sticker that proclaims it was carried by dogsled (love the dogsled cards!), and lastly a vibrant rainbow unicorn card from @froofie and Biscuit. Deebs and Dot send their love to Biscuit :D
Lastly! A very Mandalorian holiday from @scifigrl47 (which also came with some delightful presents but I tore into them earlier :D), a peaceful snowman from @trayker (so much glitter!) and a Krampus meting out punishment from @221squee. I recently got to witness a LARP where a Krampus dragged one of the players around in a sack, so this was especially timely!
Thanks as always to everyone who sends stuff! If you’d like to say hi the slow way, you can always send mail to Copperbadge, PO Box A3309, Chicago IL 60690. 
Although it tends to take a while to arrive...
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copperbadge · 4 years
redneckrhetorician replied to your post “Bram Stoker’s Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola came out when I was...”
Mina is honestly the most competent hunter in the group, or at least the only one that knows how to do proper research and planning (as opposed to charging in and hoping for the best).
She’s also far and away the best communicator -- I want to like Van Helsing but if he had told ANYONE ANYTHING they might have been able to do more for Lucy. I know it’s tough to tell a bunch of 19th century men anything, but still. 
delphia2000 replied to your post “Bram Stoker’s Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola came out when I was...”
I read the original as a young teen and because of that, never found vampires to be sexy.
It does really crack me up how Stoker goes out of his way to talk about how even her fiancee was super repulsed by Lucy as a vampire, and popular culture just straight up skimmed on by all that. :D
archwrites replied to your post “kel121288 replied to your photo “HALLOWEEEN IS COMING [Description: a...”
Sam, they are NOT marshmallowy unless you are trying to imagine a marshmallow that Satan created to deceive six-year-old boys in 1955. I have not had a circus peanut since I was in kindergarten and yet their appalling taste haunts me still. But my dad loves them AND he loves candy corn AND I suspect him of being a supertaster, hence my curiosity
thethrillof replied to your post “kel121288 replied to your photo “HALLOWEEEN IS COMING [Description: a...”
circus peanuts are firmer and taste a little bit...bananna-y? i guess?
You guys are not selling these. :D I’ll give them a try if I see some, though. I did look for the Turkey Dinner candy corn and no luck so far....
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copperbadge · 4 years
fruitgoat replied to your post “In looking for an old post this morning I ran across one in which I...”
This sounds completely on brand for you. Probably as a lead-in to accidentally becoming a celebrity guru and then being injured by an armadillo.
Being a guru just seems very stressful. At least, the hollywood kind of guru. Perhaps if I avoid that I can avoid the armadillo too :D
kc-crawfish replied to your post “Sam you're the resident food expert, so I'm curious to hear your...”
Whenever someone says they don’t like mayonnaise, I think about the fact that most commercial brands make it wrong. It’s supposed to be made with egg yolks only, but almost all of the ones in grocery stores use whole eggs instead. That’s why I’m a Blue Plate snob (and because I’m a New Orleanian).
I think for me it’s a texture thing -- although making it only with the yolks might solve that problem too. But it’s the thin oiliness of it that I don’t care for. Mind you, I don’t mind it in cooking, like in deviled eggs or egg salad or similar, and I’ll eat lobster roll if it’s a lobster-salad type of deal, but mayo straight on a sandwich, no thanks. 
punchholesinthesky replied to your photo “Whenever I go out on my bike (and if I go running outside), I use an...”
is that strava? I always use the follow my ride option when I head out on my own
No -- it’s RoadID/eCrumb, it’s designed more to let other people track you than to track yourself, the functionality’s quite basic. I do have a fitbit that I use for run tracking. 
delphia2000 replied to your photo “So uh. You guys remember that Breadroom Set post?  A generous Anon...”
Is the bread pillow firm enough for good support? I could use a new body pillow.
Not really, it’s quite soft, but I will say that the pillowcase is removable, so if you wanted to stuff a firmer pillow into it you probably could. It’s also not reaaaally a body pillow -- it’s longer than a normal pillow but not quite long enough to be what I’d think of as a body pillow. 
kitsparrow replied to your post “,Snape is trans!! How delightful. I had to reread SH with all the talk...”
Possibly also the "slow-burn" feel came from when it was more like twenty short chapters before you combined them?
Yeah, and/or the fact that I posted it as I wrote, so it was posted over a series of months. 
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copperbadge · 4 years
ijustloveeverythingokay replied to your photoset “I took a long stroll from South Loop to River North today, in part...”
Thanks for sharing �� I’ve been sorely missing seeing the spring gardens pop up around the city, and tulips are my absolute favorite.
My mother’s too! She loves visiting Chicago in the spring because of the flowers on State and on Michigan. Going to Macy’s and spending ten minutes outside of it photographing flowers is one of those “every time we’re in Chicago” things :D 
redsector-a replied to your photoset “I took a long stroll from South Loop to River North today, in part...”
A) Thank you (and your mum!) for the lovely flower pics! B) It's really freaking creepy to see Michigan Ave that quiet (I know earlier in the day you can catch it that way, but still - eeeeeerie).
What’s so interesting to me is that intellectually I absolutely know it’s creepy to be on Michigan at 10am and see it that way, but because I’m so used to early hours, to me it also feels normal. Running that area at 3am, and walking around it on my commute at 7am, it just feels like home. 
rumtastique replied to your photoset “I took a long stroll from South Loop to River North today, in part...”
why on earth did sephora board their windows? that seems like....overkill, or something.
I couldn’t give you the rationale, but they’re far from alone, they’re just the Most Dramatic about it. A lot of the stores that have long glass windows boarded them up; presumably it’s to keep people from breaking in, though if someone is breaking into your shop through a plate-glass window they probably are going to attract a police presence fairly quickly. A lot of stores also boarded up just the doors, so that people couldn’t pick/jiggle/break the lock and get in. 
junker5 replied to your post “I was supposed to be taking my mother to a concert here this weekend. ...”
�� I’m sorry, Sam. I know she misses you.
Well, we had a zoom call yesterday and Dad’s treating her to homemade whoopie pies and bbq today, so I can’t feel too awful for too long. But it is sad, to see the Chicago so shut down like that. 
unholydevilhost reblogged your photo and added:
what a pretty little cat!
Thank you! I love her :) 
digitaldiscipline reblogged your photo and added:
yep, that’s a cat asking for a manager.
Dearborn “Karen” Starbuck. 
noriannbraindripshere replied to your photo “I took a couple of photos of Deebs on the ottoman yesterday, not...”
she looks like she moved so fast it left a light trail :D
Ahahaha yes, good point! Head whips around with a motion blur...
lightwit replied to your photo “It is the ninth of May. THE NINTH. OF MAY. We are TWO MONTHS into...”
This is a common occurrence in Germany, at least, probably most of Europe. Every May around the 11th. We even have a name for it: Eisheilige = Ice Saints. ;)
ICE SAINTS. What a wonderful, blessed phrase. 
delphia2000 replied to your photo “It is the ninth of May. THE NINTH. OF MAY. We are TWO MONTHS into...”
Woke up at 9am to 51 degrees with a high of 61 for today. Congrats on being colder than Alaska!
Last year’s polar vortex we were colder than Mars, so I guess we’re making progress...
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copperbadge · 4 years
delphia2000 replied to your photo “70sscifiart: Jim Steranko’s 1979 cover art for Marvel Comics Index:...”
Jim had a huge artist's 'morgue' of art/photos, etc to refer to, but he never copied directly. He'd study a file and then go draw completely from his mind. I only posed for him twice, for a paperback cover and a comic book cover.
Oh that’s super neat though! He seems like he’d be fun in person. Do you know which covers you’re “on”? 
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copperbadge · 4 years
sailorsol replied to your post “I simply do not care for the term “shelter in place” so I have decided...”
1) I approve. 2) I think you need to consider the fact that March is now the month that requires surviving, and lay off February in the future. 3) I remember when you used to call them doonagh days, and this is like two or three weeks of it!
OMG yes doona days! Although I still have to work from home and I need two monitors to do it, so a desk is necessary. But at least my commute is shortened. 
spiderine replied to your photo “Taking a break from the Purple Cow today to bring you some fun drawing...”
What is it with all the purple?
Well, I only had two Ed Emberley books, the Big Purple and Big Orange, and I figured I’d make purple a brand. :D 
I have the sequel to the Purple Cow book too, I probably have enough content to at least get us to May. Oooh and I have my Halloween Crafts For Kids book around here somewhere, it has the best “paper bat” template in it. 
geekgirl76 replied to your post “rdprice29 replied to your photoset “Decided it was time to change out...”
I have a problematic relationship with duvet covers, they're far too much bother to wash weekly so yeah, top sheets rock. But then, my bedding is more traditional, in that I often have a quilt or coverlet over my duvet, so it's not like I'm doing the whole all in one thing anyway.
I used to do duvet-plus-quilt in winter, but then I got a super thick duvet and started overheating if I did it that way...
kel121288 replied to your post “rdprice29 replied to your photoset “Decided it was time to change out...”
Wait... there are people who don't use top sheets?
Oh yeah. And I have to admit there is a very nice feeling in just crawling directly under a blanket. But my days of No Topsheet are long past me now...
delphia2000 replied to your post “rdprice29 replied to your photoset “Decided it was time to change out...”
Top sheets can be used as a bottom sheet if they are big enough to be tucked under. Also, sew 2 together with an open end to make a new duvet. My kid (who is old enough to called a full grown ass man now!) also hates top sheets. I figured it was generational.
Oh shit, I might mend the topsheet I’m retiring and turn it into a duvet cover, that’s not a bad idea. Otherwise it’s going to be used as lining for a gift I’m sewing for a friend. 
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copperbadge · 4 years
marsmaywander replied to your post “The last few days, whenever I’ve felt anxious, I’ve sewn a mask. I do...”
just tried, and i think it's "makemasks2020" - just for others trying to get to the site :D
Oh good catch, thanks! Serve me right for doing that on my phone and not checking. I’ve updated! 
darningdisparatedreams replied to your photoset “cuteanimals-only: x-files bgm ♪ I feel like a death metal version of...”
Bahaha. Yes. https://youtu.be/BCIYmpR7a_k
I was unprepared for this and it was DELIGHTFUL. 
perletwo replied to your post “delphia2000 replied to your photo “70sscifiart: Jim Steranko’s 1979...”
I can no longer hear the name Steranko without thinking of Leverage. "In the vent?! Really?"
LOL! When I first watched Leverage I was like “Wait, did they...did they name a security company after the comic book artist?” and lo and behold, THEY DID. 
delphia2000 replied to your post “delphia2000 replied to your photo “70sscifiart: Jim Steranko’s 1979...”
The paperback was Leigh Brackett's "Hounds of Skaith" and the comic is Creatures on the Loose #21, Gulliver Jones. He took a lot of artistic license with my boobs LOL! BTW, he loves his fans and is always gracious towards them. He's also very intelligent and interesting to talk to. Just a horrible boyfriend LOL!
Amazing, I will bear in mind the boob issue but imma look those up for sure. Sad to hear he wasn’t good to his girlfriends, but at least he was to his fans! 
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copperbadge · 4 years
cross-cultural-microwave-studies replied to your post “Me: I bought a new coat! REI was having a sale and last year’s parka...”
This is so sweet and lovely. I wonder how many things my parents hassle me to buy (like a new bed) have cultural layers like this
What’s so interesting is I don’t remember getting a new coat every winter as a kid -- we may have done, but I don’t remember it being like, a big deal. Much more vivid is going Christmas shopping and then going out for McDonalds, because that was something Mum did as a kid and she used to tell us about it while we were eating our fries. :D  
spiderine replied to your post “Me: I bought a new coat! REI was having a sale and last year’s parka...”
if the old one is in good repair, donate it to a place that gives winter coats to those in need.
That’s the eventual plan -- for now it’s a spare since I have enough people crashing at my place who occasionally didn’t pack a heavy enough coat (or don’t own one), but the old Backup Coat will be donated in short order. 
kimmiesue13 replied to your photo “scifigrl47: copperbadge: drownedinlight: @copperbadge this now...”
I like your stripey pants, too, Sam
They are awfully kicky! I need a pair like that, clearly. 
arsenicjade replied to your link “Red Lobster Offers Heart-Shaped Boxes Filled with Cheddar Bay Biscuits...”
also, I'm told, incredibly chewy. and patently unkosher. so many things.
Well, I can’t argue with unkosher, but lobsters can be pretty delicate, texturally, if cooked properly. The problem there is that they have to both be fresh and be cooked by someone who knows what they’re doing, and it’s hard to get both of those almost anywhere except a coast. :D And honestly even fresh lobsters don’t have a ton of flavor, so really you’re there for the butter. :D 
delphia2000 replied to your photo “Finally, a show the whole family can enjoy. [Description: Dearborn and...”
My dog would love this. She charges the tv, barking whenever the ad for quitting smoking 'slow turkey' come on. Chased 3 eagles out of our backyard yesterday.
I showed it to my parents for their dog because they like to leave the TV on for him when they go out, but they liked it so much sometimes they put it on just for themselves. Which is hilarious, walking into the living room and my parents are hanging out, TV For Cats on in the background...
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copperbadge · 4 years
mousezilla replied to your link “Blue crabs and Cuban sandwiches: The one food you should try in each...”
LOL I didn't realize the "regret" thing was you, Sam. Ok, clearly the only answer is a duel at dawn, 30 paces with rubber trout.
LOL I’m not  bothered. I’m just saying, Hot Dish...it lingers, man. It lingers. 
chicleeblair replied to your post “Your posts about your current writing project made me wonder about...”
oh im glad you’re working on don’t read the comments, the deeper we get into the current political situation the more it resonates with me.
It’s difficult to define “staring blankly at it” as working, but I am doing my best :D 
delphia2000 replied to your post “I agree with king crab for Alaska, BUT while you're up here you should...”
Good halibut is not fishy. Same for good salmon.
See, you say that, but as a supertaster every fish is fishy when cooked. I can just about handle raw sushi-grade, and smoked salmon is already, but everything else is just...so fishy. Jesus so fishy. 
delphia2000 replied to your post “THANK you for having the courage to stand up for Detroit-style pizza...”
When I left MI lo these many years ago, there was no Detroit style pizza. It's a new thing, therefore, not valid. The Coneys are amazing.
I VALIDATE IT. New does not mean invalid! :D 
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copperbadge · 4 years
dbdatvic replied to your photo “Did my first skeleton crossword in a while! No pencils, we die like...”
There's a Dell Pencil Puzzles & Word Games monthly magazine that used to have some of these. Even if it no longer exists, I bet there's a replacement-type mag avaiable? --Dave ps: yeah, they called them 'diagramless'
I knew they were also called Diagramless, but why would you define anything by what it isn’t when you could call it A SKELETON? :D
Also in my experience, diagramless sometimes means normal crosswords but also often means like, crosswords that are of the “super simple” kind, like the kind you see on printed kids’ activity menus in restaurants? Which is not really...fair, or how crosswords were meant to function. 
i-ddpej replied to your photo “Did my first skeleton crossword in a while! No pencils, we die like...”
No Pencils Club solidarity! My dad does puzzles with pen *and* pencil, carefully erasing all of his test stuff and inking in the right answers as he finds them, but I learned to puzzle from my mom and we don't believe in pencils. (Dad hates it, lol, he says it looks diseased and sickly. xD)
I honestly just can’t stand the texture of a pencil on paper. Unless it’s either super sharp or super hard lead, I just cringe. 
delphia2000 replied to your photo “Did my first skeleton crossword in a while! No pencils, we die like...”
My mom used to do those under the name 'diagramless' crosswords. I only do regular crosswords, but yeah, ink rules. (And I usually do the same printing only taught by my comic book artist boyfriend who insisted I print as my cursive was shite.)
Yeah, there’s a strong kinship between comic lettering and draftsman lettering, and my cursive was bullshit anyway, so I feel ya. 
jbk598 replied to your post “rionsanura replied to your photo: Did my first...”
My dad was an engineer who mostly designed filters & valves, and his handwriting, esp. for crosswords, looked like yours.
VALIDATION! And also thank you to the anon who sent me an ask about this. It’s nice that I still look faintly drafts-y :D
rionsanura replied to your post “rionsanura replied to your photo: Did my first...”
she got a degree in botany, so I suppose it's possible? hmm. My uncle is an architect and yours also resembles his, but much more my grandmother's. I wonder if there are different schools of draftsmanship
Or maybe she picked it up from him? Like, sort of picked up a bit of his style but with her own twist! Definitely mine has shifted since I left the arts, my Ns and Ws are a lot softer and I don’t as often drop my verticals anymore.
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copperbadge · 5 years
mooseman13579 replied to your post “I swear to Skimbleshanks if I see one more goddamn webcomic about a...”
Do you ever see a post and realize there’s something going on that’s going on in the other room?
delphia2000 replied to your photoset “Under The Blue Sheet” is the most highly contested territory of the...”
Thought of them the other day in PetCo where they have a sulk Gingerbread house for kitties.
THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THESE TO MY ATTENTION, it’s the reason I found the Sulk Trailer. :D 
siinik replied to your link “Rev Wage Drop - Twitter Thread”
I was one of the people who asked for info a while back, and I'd like to say that I appreciated the advice then and I appreciate your heads up now. You've been very decent and upfront about this, thank you so much. :) it was fun while it lasted, though I figured out that it was not for me almost immediately. I found the metrics irritating-I could see how unforgiving the rating system was. It doesn't foster or allow room for developing talent: they think its disposable
Interestingly, because I was both a Rev+, a Line beta, and invited to be a grader, I’m still on Rev’s mailing list; I just got an email about changes they want to institute in the wake of all the outcry, and two of them are metrics and grading :D 
Grading really is stupid harsh. One of my very first TCs out of the gate was a flawless transcript of a 50 minute call and I got a 1 on it because I didn’t include the 10 seconds of recorded voice at the start. I was under the impression that computer/automated voices were not supposed to be recorded, and when I brought this up with appeals, they were like “Yeah sucks you thought that, the 1 stands.” Apparently I was lucky not to be booted for turning in an “incomplete” transcript. 
kimmiesue13 replied to your post “When you're ready to pick up National Clean Yo House Month again, can...”
I think a simple thing that often goes overlooked is plan your route, too. My errands intentionally flow in a circle, so at the end I'm on my way home and haven't inadvertently missed something
Oh hell yes. It hadn’t even occurred to me that people wouldn’t think to plan their route! Mine is meticulous to the point of absurdity, but I forget some folks wouldn’t think of it or know to do it.
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copperbadge · 5 years
delphia2000 replied to your panorama “digitaldiscipline: Jesus christ, I wouldn’t touch this, which means it...”
This doesn't sound that bad to me. I'm in my 60's and eaten all kinds of depression/50's foods.
Honestly other than not liking full-sugar Coke, it doesn’t sound too awful to me either. But it also sounds really chemically interesting -- I don’t normally do jello salads anymore because they’re kind of low-hanging fruit, but I’ll be fascinated to see how this one shakes out. 
sofiadistracted replied to your panorama “digitaldiscipline: Jesus christ, I wouldn’t touch this, which means it...”
It separates into three layers?
Makes sense -- cream cheese is a lot denser than gelatin, and nuts are too, but I’m not sure what the three layers will be. My guess is cream cheese, a nut-cream-cheese-gelatin mixture, and then pure gelatin. 
niennanir replied to your panorama “digitaldiscipline: Jesus christ, I wouldn’t touch this, which means it...”
this isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. I'm not sure how it's going to come out now that they make coke with corn syrup though, my aunts stopped putting coke in the jello when they stopped making it with cane sugar so IDK
Oh, I’m accounting for that! I ordered Mexican Coke, it’s made with real sugar. And I figured out the rough weights of the cream cheese and jello (3oz each) which means with a brick of modern cream cheese and two packages of Jello I’ll have enough to try a second batch with Diet Coke too, just to see how that comes out. 
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copperbadge · 5 years
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Post Office Bounty! Only a few more to go before I’m all caught up. 
Clockwise from top left, the glittery Winter Wishes card and lovely Alaska sticker are from @delphia2000, thank you! The glittery christmas tree, lace, and photo of the House Panther are from M. in Missouri, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my fic. 
The Holiday Dogs are from @godof221b and her wife C, which came with a wonderful Holiday Letter -- I love getting Holiday Newsletters, they’re such a great slice of peoples’ lives. 
The red Christmas Tree card and a beautiful multicolor origami crane (sorry I didn’t get a better shot of it!) are from @mamajosrefuge. I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the tumblr, and thank you for the good wishes -- the Cryptids thank you too :)
The tiny Avengers stocking ornament and wonderful card of a cat having a....a nice bath :D are from @roguewrld -- I got such good ornaments this year, I really will need to put up a tree next year. Not sure how the cats will cope, but they’ll have to :D 
The lovely winter landscape and the tree photo are from B; congratulations on your new house and I’m so glad you got to enjoy decorating it! 
And finally, the doggo and the Dubious Consentacles are from @lostchips -- I figured you might not want your face all over my tumblr, but Alaska was too cute not to share! :D 
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