#definitely cheating by using the monster truck video but whatever
overtake · 11 months
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post-race max hair is something special
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight
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The End is Nigh
Davenport, Iowa
We begin this episode with Pestilence paying an ailing woman a visit. He’s riddled her with more diseases than she can handle. What an experiment!
One Day Earlier
At Bobby’s, Sam’s getting an earful from Dean about his plan to say yes to Lucifer. Dean gets a call from Cas. Dean wants to know where he is --they all thought he was dead. He’s in a hospital. He’s not one for conversation at the moment, but does tell Dean that he just woke up in the hospital. Dean tells him their next step: get Pestilence. 
For Hospital Bed Science:
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Cas groans in pain and tells Dean he can’t fly anywhere. He’s thirsty, and his head aches, and he has a bug bite, and he’s all so very... Dean finishes his thought with, “human”. Cas needs money for pain meds and travel expenses. 
Also, he stops Dean from hanging up and says that he owes him an apology. “You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be,” he confesses. Dean’s awkward about such a solemn apology. I’m soft about how soft this moment is. 
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The brothers head out to scope out the convalescent home where Pestilence chills. They knock out the security guard to watch video footage of the place. 
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Eventually Sam notices the camera flickering with one person. They head out to find him. 
As Pestilence is taking care of Cold Open Celeste, a demon comes in to warn him about the Winchesters. He’s upset over what they did to his brothers, and wants revenge. The demon reminds him he’s not supposed to hurt “the vessels”. He doesn’t care and starts hurting everyone in the building. 
Sam and Dean start coughing, and struggle to keep walking. They both collapse outside Pestilence’s door. They’re now riddled with disease, just like Celeste. While the boys struggle on the ground, Pestilence gets to monologue a bit about the frailty of humans. 
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Enter one VERY human-like angel. Yeah, poor Cas is just as affected as the Winchesters. Pestilence laughs, “There's not a speck of angel in you, is there?” Cas then lunges at him, and cuts his ring finger right off. “Maybe just a speck.” Oh Cas, you badass. Never change. 
The demon attacks, and he knifes her. Pestilence disappears, but not before ominously stating, “It’s too late.” 
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And now they have three rings. 
At Bobby’s, Dean asks for some good news. Bobby tells them that Chicago is about to get hit with the storm of the millennium. Three million people are going to die. 
GOOD NEWS, Bobby! Or as Cas deadpans, “I don’t understand your definition of ‘good news’.” 
Bobby points out that Death will be there. They still need his ring. 
Sam wonders how Bobby knows all this. Enter Crowley. 
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Bobby admits to selling his soul to Crowley. Dean demands that Crowley give it back. Sam wonders if Bobby had to kiss him. Bobby denies it --but Crowley’s got proof. Of course. 
Crowley won’t give back Bobby’s soul as insurance that the Winchesters won’t kill him. I mean, I kind of have to side with Crowley here. He’s being REALLY generous even considering giving back Bobby’s soul. Bobby sold it fair and square. He’s getting information from Crowley in return. 
Later, by the Impala, Dean and Sam talk. Sam admits that he has his doubts about his plan as much as the rest of them. “You, Bobby, Cas...I'm the least of any of you.” Like, OUCH, Samuel. We deep dive into Dean’s self-worth issues on the regular, but let’s just pause and reflect on the younger sibling right now. 
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Sam’s all they got though, so they have to try. 
Crowley interrupts the broment with news about the world. It seems that Pestilence was spreading Swine Flu, and Sam’s old buddy Brady’s company was cranking out the vaccine --only it was full of Croatoan virus not a cure. If this vaccine is distributed nationwide, it’ll all be over.
Cas and Bobby pack up the van. Cas is...moody. He mourns the loss of his angelic might. The only thing he has available to him now...is a shotgun. (Starts humming) Bobby tells him to quit whining and load the truck. 
The teams finish packing for their respective hunts. Sam waxes nostalgically about the simpler days of hunting monsters. Dean doesn’t think it was ever simple. Crowley interrupts and presents Dean with Death’s own scythe (in travel-sized form). 
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Crowley urges Bobby to stand up and get ready to fight. He reveals that he inserted a little healing clause into Bobby’s soul deal that healed Bobby’s paralysis. Bobby stands up triumphantly. 
Later, Sam, Bobby, and Cas drive towards the Croatoan virus operation. Cas reflects on Sam’s idea to toss himself into the pit along with Lucifer. He thinks it’s a solid plan. 
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Cas passes along some new intel about the archangel prize fight: Michael has taken Adam as a vessel. He warns Sam that failing to control Lucifer means that the apocalypse will happen, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Oh, and “there’s also the demon blood…” Sam will have to drink gallons of blood in order to be strong enough to contain Lucifer. BLEGH.
The next morning, they lurk at the distribution facility. A truck tries to leave and Cas takes out the driver and jams the gate controls. Sam and Bobby head into the warehouse, only to find that the demons have already infected some of the workers with Croatoan. Sam races off into the warehouse to save (uninfected) civilians. 
Dean and Crowley enjoy their first date, tracking Death to a little warehouse.
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There’s a lovely clip where Crowley mentions that the area is swarming with reapers, and we get a reveal…
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Crowley zaps into the warehouse, discovers that Death isn’t there, then meets Dean outside again. He suggests hightailing it out of Chicago and waiting for the next doomed city in order to find Death. That’s not good enough, though. Dean wants to find a way to save people, even if they can’t track down the Horseman. While Dean despairs, Crowley peers into a little pizza place and then heads back to Dean. He found Death! With his work done and not even a high five to show for it, Crowley zaps out of there.
Back at the warehouse, Sam’s finishes evacuating the uninfected civilians. Just as they think they’re home free, Sam gets attacked and Bobby’s gun jams. Enter Castiel, who shoots Sam’s attacker and says, “Actually these things can be useful.” 
For Angel with a Shotgun Science:
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Dean creeps through the pizza parlor, which is full of dead patrons and waitstaff. Death’s scythe heats up in his hand and, agonized by the red hot handle, Dean drops it. The next thing he knows, his Death super-weapon is safely by Death’s side. 
Death sits at a table savoring a piece of pizza, and invites Dean to join him.
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Dean wants to know if he’s about to die, but Death informs him that he has other plans for him. Death quietly reminds Dean that he’s as old and vast as the universe. No biggie though. Dean’s a bacterium, practically, but it’s fine. Death serves Dean a slice of pizza and I desperately long for some good Chicago deep dish. 
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Death says that he’s as old as God, and maybe older. “At the end, I’ll reap him too.” (And while I appreciate that they didn’t kill Chuck in the traditional stabby manner, I’ll always mourn that we didn’t get to see this line fulfilled in one of the finale’s endless montage sequences, and that Billie didn’t survive to do the job.) (Boris, huddled in the corner: Death didn’t reap Chuck because he won, and the story isn’t over yet...)
Anyway, Dean’s appropriately awed by Death’s power. “This is way above my pay grade,” Dean mutters. Death reveals that he’s been waiting for Dean to catch up to him - Lucifer’s spell has prevented him from directly seeking out the Winchesters. “I’m more powerful than you can process, and I’m enslaved to a bratty child having a tantrum,” Death spits. Preach! Death proposes depowering Lucifer’s Death weapon. He’ll hand Dean his ring willingly.
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“What about Chicago?” Dean asks, ever the hunter.
Oh, Chicago can survive. Death likes the pizza. He hands Dean his ring and tells him that he has to do whatever it takes to trap Lucifer. “You’re going to let your brother jump right into that fiery pit. Now, do I have your word?” Dean takes the ring as Death issues one final warning. “You know you can’t cheat Death.”
Back at Bobby’s, Dean looks at the rings. They’ve got all four of them and together, they form into a magic little bundle of rings. Bobby finds Dean for a little heart to heart. 
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Dean reveals that he lied to Death - he’s not okay with Sam tossing himself into the pit. However, Bobby thinks that Death may be right about Sam’s plan being their best option. Bobby watched Sam save all the civilians in the factory before they blew it up, and he thinks that Sam can handle it. “Sam will beat the Devil, or die trying. That’s the best we could ask for. What exactly are you afraid of? Losing? Or losing your brother?”
O, Quotes:
I don't understand your definition of good news
We'll catch Death in the next doomed city
Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky. This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers. I'm old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you
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purplesurveys · 5 years
How many times have you ever ridden an elephant? Once, in Bali. I was around 15 and didn’t know any better. I wouldn’t do it again. Do you like cobblers? As far as I know those things have fruit in them, so no. What do you think about Lord of the Rings? Never followed the trilogy; I tried reading it but was BORED out of my mind from the very first book. I do remember having a PS2 game of LOTR and watching my cousins and uncles play – was pretty fun and gave me lots of memories from childhood. What kind of cup did you last drink out of? It was a plastic cup that resembles glass. Do you currently have any cuts or scrapes? Nope.
Did you like Barney as a child? Did I like Barney? Honestly it was all I ever watched as a kid, other than Magic English and repeats of Toy Story and Finding Nemo, hahaha. I think we had all the Barney DVDs, too. What color vacuum do you use? We don’t use a vacuum anymore but we used to own a very big and bulky white one. Do you have a lot of clothes hangers in your house? Yes. Have you ever been in a Latin class? Nope. I never had to take a foreign language elective and I’m also not sure if my school even offers Latin. Have you ever had bubble gum stuck in your hair? Yeah, when I was like 5. Weirdly enough it was easy to remove it, though. Is there any pet hair stuck to your clothing? Right now, no. What do you smell? Nothing significant in particular. Have you ever watched The Gremlins? I have not. What is your favorite type of seashell? I don’t have a favorite; I find them all pretty. Do you love 3-D movies? Waste of money. The movies are just as good when watched in 2D, and you even get to save 100-200 bucks. But ya know, whatever floats your boat. Have you ever used Proactiv? No. Is your cell on charge? It is, but from my laptop because I’m also charging the latter and there’s only one charging port available from where I’m sitting. Do you like dirt or sand better? Sand is fun to play with. When's the last time you had a hamburger? Tuesday. Do you own an iHome? I don’t. Do you own a BEST FRIEND charm or firgurine? No. What do you think about rainbows? I think they’re pretty. I feel nice when I do see them. Are you wearing anything on your head right now? I've put on my hairtie to style my hair in a ponytail. Are you watching cartoons? Not at the moment. Do you own a pet spider? I don’t, and I’ve never had a pet spider. Do you like mouthwash? Idk, I don’t really use it. Have you ever used a Ped-Egg? I have no idea what this is. Do you like Olay products? Nope...I don’t use skincare products, period. Have you ever gone on a cruise? Yep, I have. Do you use green pens? When correcting papers, sure. Do you own anything that has a striped pattern on it? I have shirts that have striped designs. Do you watch Wheel of Fortune? I don’t. They don’t air it here so I don’t really have a reason to want to watch it. Are there any fake tattoos on you? No, I haven’t done this since I was like 14 lol. When's the last time you saw your grandpa? Father’s side, last September. Mother’s side, 2015. Is there a rocking chair in your house? No. Do you call your animals "baby names"? Huh?? What does ‘baby names’ mean? Why does George Lopez say "I GOT THIS!!" in that voice? ??? Do you have homework? Yes but don’t remind me lmao this day is for taking surveys onlyyy. Have you ever gone to a Monster Truck show? No, that sounds really boring for me. Well, have you ever seen the Nutcracker? Nope, but I would love to. Where did you get your bed sheets? Pretty sure my mom got them from a department store. Do you always use manners? Of course. Have you ever been stood up? I don’t think so. Are your lips chapped? No, they aren’t. Have you ever been kicked in the throat? Wow, that’s terrible but no. Do you own a fishtank? I don’t. When is the last time you were sick? I have no idea; I barely get sick. It was sometime in high school, definitely. Do you like the song "Barbie Girl"? Not really, but I don’t actively hate it. What do you usually order from Taco Bell? I get one of their burritos, but tbh I’ve only ever been to Taco Bell twice that I can’t even call their burritos my usual. If you have a cell, is it touch screen? Yes. Do you own a feather boa? No. Are you allergic to peanuts? I am not. Do you wear ribbons in your hair? No, I wouldn’t know how to tie them. I think they’d look pretty on me, though. Did you get into the Livestrong bracelet kick? Never did. How many pictures are on the wall of the room you are in? There’s five pictures and two paintings on my bedroom walls. Do you use cheat codes on video games? I used cheats on my Grand Theft Auto games. Have you ever gone mudding on a fourwheeler? I have not. Is there a rolly chair in your bed room? No. What is your favorite flavor Jolly Rancher? Ugh this survey is such a drag skskksksksk I have not tried Jolly Ranchers ever. Who is your favorite super hero? I don’t like any of them. Who is your favorite Villan? I don’t have a favorite Villan. Have you ever been to a church camp? No that sounds insanely boring. Is there a trampoline in your back yard? There isn’t, and we never had one. Have you ever played Dance Dance Revolution? A few times before at Kaira’s place. I hate dancing though so I usually let my other friends hog the game instead. Have you ever swam in a creek? Nope. Do you enjoy running? When I was younger, sure; that’s why I took up track for a couple of years. Then I found out it wasn’t the sport for me because my endurance is just terrible. How long has it been since you last slept? It’s been around eight or nine hours. What are your thoughts on Myspace? Iconic, I guess, but I was always too young for it. It was dying by the time I joined it. What is the last thing you dropped? My phone charger. How many nickels are in your posession? I don’t have any nickels and I’ve never had. Is the sound on your laptop or computer turned off? Nope, it’s turned on right now. How many items do you have in your "favorites"? You mean my bookmark bar? A ton. I have important links, articles to read, quirky websites I don’t want to forget, and even my own bookmark folder for surveys that I save for future reference hahaha. Would you ever slide down a razor blade slide into a pool full of alcohol? What the fuck. What is the last infomercial you saw? I recently saw a HILARIOUS ad for a local water dispenser that was styled as an infomercial. How many magnets are on your refrigerator? Too many. My dad technically travels for a living and he has always bought magnets from every single city he’s been in. He’s been to every continent except for Africa and Antarctica, I think. How many keychains do you own? I’m not really fond of collecting them. JM did give each of us Ferrari keychains from his recent trip to Singapore for the F1 races, however they’re called. Do you own anything with a peace sign on it? I’m not entirely sure, but I don’t think I do. Have you ever been to Johnny Rocket's? I went there, once. There was a time when Tumblr decided that Johnny Rockets was a cool retro place for the hipsters, so I asked my mom to take us there. Food sucked and was WAY too expensive. How many stuffed animals are in your room? None. Was never into them. Look up, then to the right. What do you see? The wall and a small TV. Have you ever done the "Cupid Shuffle". No. Do you know how to do the Solja Boy dance? I know how, I just won’t dance it lmao. Are you currently being stalked by anyone? As far as I know, no lol. When is the last time you wore shorts? Right now. Do you like elevators or escelators? Escalators. Have you ever layed on a tampur pedic? No. Have you ever been in Karate? No. What color is the nearest lampshade? There aren’t any in this place in the house. Is there anyone in the room with you? I’m in the dining room, but my sister is in the living room which is just super nearby. How long has it been since you've eaten a Reese's? 2-3 weeks ago.
When is the last time you went to Walmart? Never. Do you own any body glitter? I don’t. What brand of hair straightner do you own, if you own one? I don’t have one. What is your favorite brand of chips? PRINGLES What time was it 20 minutes ago? 3:51 PM. When is the last time you pet an animal? A few minutes ago. Do you own anything from Aeropostale? No. Did you have fun with this survey? Meh. Was it random, or no? It was random, but I didn’t know 2/5 of the things that were being talked about and it was almost purely yes or no.
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mspriss-2u · 7 years
Before the Fame
*Another chapter, yea! I apologize for how slow this story is going.   I only have 5 more chapters left. Thank you guys for hanging in there. *
posted 6-3-2017
Chapter 7
So this was not what she had expected, but she could definitely say she was pleasantly surprised. Luke had texted her during the week, asking her how she was with a fishing pole. Janelle almost laughed because he was basically asking her if she could breathe. Her whole life had been near and in the water, so fishing was second nature to her. Once she told him she loved fishing he told her to gear up because they were going out on the water this weekend. If Janelle was honest with herself, she was excited to get a chance to be outdoors, but nervous to have that much alone time on the lake with Luke this early into…whatever it was they were trying to start up.
But today was the day. Luke had picked her up and they were already well on their way into the middle of the water on a beautiful boat with the wind blowing in her face.  Luke looked over at Janelle enjoying the look of happiness overtaking her face. He had been pleasantly surprised when Janelle had came with some of her own fishing equipment and bait. Luke had tried to do this with one date when he first started college, but she complained about the wind from the boat ride and almost became hysterical when it came to baiting the fishing rod to fish. Obviously that was a disaster, but Janelle seemed like the type to like being outdoors, he was glad to know he was right.
They had set up and had their rods in the water when Janelle had the bright idea to put on a bet. “So, how about whoever gets the most fish from today will be treated to a homemade fish dinner this week by the loser?” she said with a sly smile. Luke was not into having to prove himself to anyone, but her smile held something he was interested in finding out more about, so he accepted.
Janelle beamed as they got back to Luke’s truck. She had caught 12 fish with ease, especially with her variety of bait. Luke was slightly sulking first to a slightly bruised ego and secondly to the idea he would be cleaning fish this weekend, which was tedious and smelly.
“Don’t be a sour puss. This was a great time. I only made the bet so I could have an excuse to see you sooner…plus we can’t leave good fish to waste,” she said as she looked over at him from the passenger side grabbing his free hand and giving it a squeeze.
 Luke couldn’t help but to smile. Maybe losing wasn’t so bad, especially when he had so much more to win.
This week seemed to have dragged on for Janelle. Luke had shared he may be busier this week as his coaches were priming him for next season because he had scouts truly interested in him. If Janelle was being honest with herself, his talk of scouts and possibly being drafted in the NFL caused her some dread. She wasn’t sure why, but she knew whatever happened would definitely have some impact on them.
Luke was so happy the weekend had finally hit again. He felt like he had been hit by a truck this week with all of the training and all of the play briefs. If he was honest it all at times felt overwhelming, but he knew his coaches were trying to give him the best advantage this year, plus he was never the one turn away from a challenge. Today though, he had just slept in an extra hour and started cleaning the fish. He opted to do it outside where it wouldn’t bother his roommate and he could make a mess without it being an issue. Once he finished, Luke had to admit he found himself getting giddy. Him and Janelle had only had a few text messages between them this week due to his busy schedule, so this would be the first time he saw her without any distraction or instead of a brief view of her in class. He had asked his roommate early in the week to find a place to crash, not that he was expecting anything to happen with him and Janelle. He just knew since they were still feeling things out that it would probably be awkward being romantic with the roommate coming in and out of the room. He decided to straighten up his place a little and then kick back to look at some ESPN. It was the best way he could settle his mind until tonight.
Janelle looked her clock. Her roommate Callie was throwing suspicious glances her way especially since this was the 2nd weekend she had been out and about. Usually Janelle stuck to her room or the library. However, her roommate didn’t press for many details, Janelle guessed she remembered the heart to heart from earlier in the school year. Janelle decided she would at least throw her a small bone, so she would feel somewhat in the know.
“So, I probably will be in later tonight. I have a little outing. I’ll try not to wake you. If I am not coming back, I will send you a text so you don’t have to worry.” She said, looking pointedly at Callie.
Callie gave her a small smile back. “Well, I hope you have a great time. You look stunning for whoever this mystery person is that you are meeting.” She said with a wink and left it at that.
“Thanks boo!” see you later.
When Janelle pulled up she texted Luke so he could meet her. While she waited she felt her nerves start to spike. It had been a while since she had felt this way. She remembered that awful guy she dated back in her last years of high school. He said all the right things, had all the right moves, but in the end he was a liar, cheat and worst of all an abuser. She was never more hurt and embarrassed than when she came running into her home with her clothes ripped and a black eye. Her father had been filled with all the rage. They had just lost her mother and there Janelle was just adding to the pile of worries. When she heard him crying in his room later that night, she knew she had caused him real heart ache and vowed she would not be wooed by another monster again.
Janelle was startled when she heard the knock on her window. It was clear Luke had been trying to get her attention for a few minutes while she was off thinking.
“Hey there, glad you finally came back to me,” he said giving her a hug and chaste kiss as she got out of the car.
“Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and zone out. So, shall we? I’m starving” she said, following him as he led the way.
Janelle wasn’t surprised that his apartment was decked out in nice décor. She had picked up that Luke may have come from a family with some money, because he lacked for absolutely nothing. However, she was surprised at home wonderful the food smelled. She honestly wasn’t sure if he could cook, but so far this indicated maybe he knew what he was doing….or maybe he ordered it from somewhere, but nevertheless it smelled edible.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” he said shutting the door and leading Janelle on a mini tour. She listened as he explained it was only him and another teammate who lived here. Luckiliy, the “dorms” for the athletes had less restrictions and operated like real off base apartments versus the rest of the dorms oncampus. It was clear males lived in the home because the living room was set up like a real man cave, with a 60 in screen TV, several game systems and reclining couches.
“Well this does look homey and comfortable. Do you have people over often?” Janelle asked as she sat on the chair by the kitchen island while Luke prepared their plates.
“Umm I usually don’t like to have company over too much. If anything, we may have some video game tournament for one day on the weekend or a barbecue for those of us who decide to stay on campus during some of the less extravagant holidays. Other than that, my roommate and I like to just chill here. He is more outgoing than me so he will spend more time at some of his other friends’ apartments than he does here. It works out well enough for me though.” Luke explained.
He walked over and placed their plates on the island. Janelle marveled because it seriously looked like he had pulled this recipe right off a magazine cover.
She side eyed him suspiciously as she took her first  bite. “Mmm, oh my goodness” she moaned around the fork.
Luke thought he could listen to her make that sound forever, as he watched her reaction to his dish.
“This is amazing! No way you could have cooked this up.” She said.
“Oh but I did. You just weren’t aware of the level of skills I have in the kitchen,” he said with a smug smile.
“I don’t know where you learned to cook like this, but this is unreal.”
“Well, you can thank my aunt. She was a chef at one of our local upper end restaurants and she taught me a few things. I called her to tell her I had to cook up this fish for a special person, so she hooked me up with the perfect recipe. I’ll have to tell her it was a hit.”
They had some small talk as they both finished up their meals. Luke protested when Janelle insisted she would clean the dishes since he had made an amazing meal for them. While she cleaned, she had him pick out a movie for them to watch.
Luke decided on something safe and entertaining, so he put in “Avatar” for them to watch.  When Janelle had joined him on the couch, she had brought popcorn with her. He’d guess she had found it when she was putting everything back in the cupboards.
“I hope you are good with Avatar. I’m not exactly sure what you are into as far as movies go,” he said sheepishly.
“Oh this is fine. But for future reference, I love suspense and comedies. Shutter Island is one of my favorites,” she said with a smile around a mouth full of popcorn.
They sat on the reclining couch so Janelle decided she would lean on Luke’s chest with his arm around her as they watched the movie. If Janelle had to be honest she was having trouble concentrating. Luke smelled delightful and feeling his chiseled chest beneath her was turning her into goo. She softly started rubbing his chest through his shirt. She thought it innocent enough, nothing over the top. Meanwhile, Luke was acutely tuned in to the fact he could feel her rubbing his chest. Also, little Luke seemed to like it as well as he felt himself starting to get hard. He didn’t want to startle Janelle so he slowly pulled up the covers next to him cover his growing erection.
“You seem to like my chest there.” He said commenting on her petting.
“It’s nice, I imagine you don’t work out for it not to be admired,” she said coyly.
“True, but I only require admiration from people of my choosing.”
“Oh, so I should feel flattered,” she said cocking an eyebrow and stopping her rubbing for the moment.
He just smiled and laughed, “I’m not saying that, I’m just saying everyone doesn’t get to be here. I’m glad you are though,” he said leaning down going for a chaste kiss.
Instead he got hit with a fiery kiss. Luke wasn’t expecting passion from Janelle, but she was definitely enjoying her time with him if the kiss was anything to go by. He started slowly rubbing the side of her stomach as he kissed her. He enjoyed hearing her soft moan as he explored her mouth with his tongue. It wasn’t until she put her hand up to the nape of his neck and started lightly scratching that he truly felt himself lose his composure. He pulled Janelle on his lap which was still covered by the blanket, but he couldn’t imagine it was doing much to hide how much he wanted Janelle. He started kissing the side of her neck as he held her on his lap. Janelle could feel him starting to rub on her leg as they both got into the kiss. She knew they were both getting hot and bothered if her drenched panties were anything to go by and if his poorly hidden erection wasn’t already a dead giveaway. In the lucid part of her mind, she knew she was not ready to have sex with Luke, but boy was he making this a hard fight. It was when she felt his fingers unzip her pants and reach down her panties did she come back to herself.
“Luke, baby I need you to slow down,” she said putting her hand over his to stop him.
He was breathing heavily, but she knew he was trying to fight his way back to thinking clearly so he could listen to her.
“I’m not saying I don’t want to have sex with you, but I am saying I’m not ready to go that far,” she said looking at him.
Look shook his head, he understood and agreed that actually having sex was probably too soon now, but that wasn’t going to stop him from making his plea.
“I agree, but I’m begging you just let me please you tonight. I swear no actual sex, but I want you to feel amazing. Hell since you stepped in with these jeans, I’ve wanted you,” he confessed.
Janelle had to admit with the way she was still heated that did not sound like a bad deal, so she agreed and Luke was on her in no time. He started back kissing her but slowly this time. He lifted her off his lap and laid her down on the couch so he could have better access to her. He started trailing kisses down her neck while he slipped his hand up her shirt to start tweaking her nipples.
“Fuck” she moaned as she found herself enjoying his ministrations on her body.
That was all the encouragement Luke needed. He lifted her shirt up to her neck and then pulled her breast out of her bra. Luke listened to her melody of moans as he starting sucking on her breasts. He didn’t think he had heard anything as beautiful as the sound of Janelle coming undone. As he continued to torture her with his mouth, he let one of his hands continue down into her jeans.  He was met with a puddle of wetness that pleased his ego so he gave a moan of his own. He took the time to play with her the lips of her sex and lightly tease her clit. He could tell she was ready for him to get on with it if her squirming was anything to go by. He decided he was too impatient to keep on playing with her and sunk two fingers into her wetness. Janelle gave a relived sigh followed up by moans as she felt Luke’s fingers exploring her. Her body was on absolute fire. She felt herself trying to lift her chest to give him more of her breasts all while trying to push down to ride her fingers. She knew if anyone walked in, it would definitely be a sight to behold. She felt he width of her fingers digging as deep as they could inside her, searching for the spot to make her see stars. He would occasionally add a swipe of her clit that sent electric waves through her. It wasn’t long before Luke found her sweet spot. He knew this because she started grinding on his fingers like her life depended on it. She had pulled his face up to hers so she could kiss him and tug on his hair as her breath grew ragged. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” she chanted softly as she gave way to gasping moans. Luke felt a gush of wetness hit his fingers as her body went stiff and then gave a shuttering shake as she started coming down off her orgasm. Luke gave her another quick kiss before removing his fingers and going to thre restroom to handle his own erection and clean himself up. While he was gone, Janelle sluggishly started moving around to straighten herself back up.
When he returned to the room, she felt herself blush slightly.
“Hey beautiful, no need to blush, you look amazing when you are coming undone,” he said almost reverently.
“Well I could have, you know..” she said gesturing to his now disappeared erection.
“Nope, this was about you and making you feel good, which was quite satisfying in itself,” he said with a smug smile.
“Umm, I don’t know if you had to get back to your dorm, but my roommate isn’t here tonight and I really would like you to stay over. No funny business, scout’s honor.”
“That’s not a bad idea, but I’ll have to leave by 8:00am okay,” she agreed.
“Deal, let’s go back to my room, it is way better than this couch.” He said offering his hand and leading the way.
Janelle felt excitement, something she hadn’t felt in a romantic relationship in a long time. Luke was turning out to be someone who just kept her on her toes, and she liked it.
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shalegas34 · 7 years
bizarre love triangle chapter 5
“It happens,” Macquarie said with a shrug. “You take risks, sometimes you lose. No risk, no return.”
Jamie Sykes had called after the news with an earbashing, but Macquarie reminded him the portfolio was designed to offer an 18% return on average. At least a couple of the 30% companies were expected to become redundant.
Sundance had folded from poor management, not a falling oil price. The equity issue had been a last-ditch attempt to save 3000 SA jobs in the Bight oilfields, but creditors had gone ahead and forced the administration. ‘Involuntary voluntary administration,’ the press was calling it.
Macquarie was up to his eyeballs in work trying to salvage something for the fund investors from the wreckage. His options were worthless now the stock had been suspended from trade, though he argued against that for all he was worth. Despite all of this, he still took time out to talk to me about the EOFY investor presentation.
“I need you to make Northstar sound good,” he urged me. “Everyone’s spooked. We didn’t even sign Sundance a month ago. I can’t let these people run.”
“I’m not sure I can do this,” I said.
“Yes, you can,” Macquarie replied. “I believe in you. Talk to Rowan, see what she can give you. Morgan Stanley was paid to sell that stock. Talk to Jule, she’s got records of clients. Find out what their interests are, and pander!”
I was sweating. I answered the phones. I couldn’t hold this kind of weight.
“It’s administrative,” Macquarie urged. “I just need you to collate information. Please.” I’d never seen his eyes so void of life. “I was up until 4 last night, video conference with the management in Texas.” He rubbed his forehead, which was starting to wrinkle.
“Things are getting a bit tough, Aurizon,” he said, meeting my eye. “The ’37 crisis hit the Sydney property market harder than anything. We couldn’t get a cent over five hundred for the house.”
My jaw dropped. Macquarie had lived in a million-dollar suburb.
“Barely enough left for a down-payment here. Sydney’s job is covering most of the mortgage. I’m not going to lie – the fund is struggling; nobody wants to touch equity right now. If we lose Jamie Sykes, I have to move the kids into a rental.”
Macquarie was crumbling before my eyes. I wanted to reach out and give him a hug.
“Come on. Let’s walk to the train station,” he said one night the next week. I was still floundering, trying to wade through the impossible quantity of information I’d been sent by Rowan, half of which made no sense with my proletarian vocabulary. I’d only just finished googling what a tranche was by this stage, and Macquarie needed a convincing presentation by the end of the month.
“This presentation is nothing more than a sale,” he said to me, as we took the lift down from the 9th floor. We were squashed together in one corner; I hadn’t seen anybody go home before eight in days. I was feeling hot, but it was probably just the cramped space. I tried not to look at Macquarie in case he misconstrued my blushing for romantic feelings. He smelled really good though, god why.
“It’s just a sale,” he said again. “That’s your goal. You only have to think about how you’re going to get there. It’s like a journey where you’re planning out truck stops.” I suddenly thought of Princess Monster Truck, who was recovering well in hospital. “Use your imagination. You’re rich and you want to get richer. What do you want to hear?”
I realised Macquarie was waiting for an answer.
“Uh…” I looked him in the face. Those eyebrows I used to love. “High returns?” I managed to rasp out, aware of all the highly educated bankers surrounding us and listening in.
“That’s definitely part of it,” Macquarie said. “And don’t be afraid to spit it out; you’d be surprised at how much you know. People want high returns, solid risk management, and legal assurance, and social responsibility is a bonus. Those are your truck stops. Put something together, then make it sound good, because the numbers only do half the job. You can make Northstar sound like a gold chest or a scam using the same numbers.”
We headed out of the building and began ambling towards Flinders Street station. I naturally wanted to walk faster than Macquarie, but I made a conscious effort to slow myself down. That was comfortable.
“You know, I was trying to explain to Sydney the other day, what it's like working with you," Macquarie said suddenly. "They didn't get it."
"Oh. It's been a while, I guess," I offered.
"Nah. They think you're fully straight and narrow... Uh, books-wise, I mean," he added quickly, considering my appearance. "But you're actually a wild card. You could do some really good shit around here."
I wasn't sure what to make of his assessment, not that I'd never been called a wild card before. It was just usually used as an insult.
"Just take some ownership of the project. I'm okay with that. It's not like I have time not to be."
We swiped our myki cards and split up at the top of the escalators. Macquarie headed for the Glen Waverley line, and I watched him disappear into the train, where he looked weirdly vulnerable without his spacious office flanking him. Times might've been hard, but that wasn't a bad direction to be heading in. I wasn't far out of the city, so I just jumped on whatever was leaving next. Frankston, maybe. I didn't even check.
We walked to the train together the next two nights too. I had really started labouring on this presentation when the phones were quiet. The structure was hardly a handout, but I tested it a few times on Leila until she could follow what I was trying to say. Macquarie had told me to keep it accessible to "plebs", which I assumed meant non-bankers.
My conversations with him became increasingly circular, but I stopped caring. Work became my excuse to talk with Macquarie, and I spent my days strangely passionate about interest rate hedges, and other things which had nothing to do with my life or my little side project.
"I took Travis to see Princess Monster Truck the other day," Macquarie said on Thursday night. "The nurse remembered me so she let me in. Travis loves cats." He started laughing like that was somehow an entertaining interest. "I thought of him when you yelled at me about Princess."
"You should come round and see the other one," I offered, then immediately regretted it. I realised I didn't want to see Macquarie with his family.
"We still have to catch up," Macquarie agreed. "Our schedules are crazy though. Sydney does weekend shifts, and I get to coach Travis through his debating tournament." The word "coach" was accompanied by an exaggerated wink.
"He always throws it if I'm not there. I just point at people to keep him on track, you know? Otherwise he rambles on and goes over time. It's not even cheating, but they keep threatening to lifetime ban me. Travis would throw a fit."
The corners of Macquarie's mouth lifted lazily.
"It's always the smart ones."
My face burned, but I couldn't deny the quality of that roast. I was crisping up. "Please, I won't have any skin left at this rate."
Although I bantered on the outside, I was really growing to appreciate how Macquarie had let my ridiculous breakdown, of which I was duly embarrassed, slide right off his back. No hard feelings, and he never dished me out an ounce of pity. Maybe he didn't care enough to treat me differently, but I hoped not, because I could really use a friend like that.
The week after that, after I'd knocked my presentation out on her, Leila invited me to an admin staff cocktail/quiz night on Friday.
"Come on, it'll be good. We have a banker table," she said, giggling.
"Oh yeah, who's going?" I asked casually, taking the bait.
"Jule, Macquarie, Kirk... Porter said she might."
"Macquarie..." I said, smirking as I thought of Travis's sacrifice.
"You are way too excited about him," Leila said, turning to Jo so they could laugh at me together.
"Ha," I said, rolling my eyes. So what if I wanted to hang out with him? Macquarie had been in Adelaide for a few days, going through preparations for the Northstar offer, and the office was kinda lonely. Neither Macquarie, Rowan, nor Sally was responding to anything by that point, so I figured things were heating up over there.
Meanwhile, the most action I'd seen was snatching up a pack of Bottlemen tickets that morning. I still wasn't sure how many kids there were, so I went 6 just to be safe. I could always sell one on downstairs if I'd fucked up.
Macquarie called in the evening, sounding like death warmed up. "Everything's almost ready over here," he said. "I want to get us a visit to the mine, to give you a bit of perspective, but I also need to meet with the manager." He took a deep breath. "Sally has been... well, weird. I mean, she was always keen on Northstar, but she's putting words in the directors' mouths now. About the expansion timeline."
He left it at that.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked.
"Thanks Aurizon, but I've got this," he said. "I'll let you know when your stuff's organised."
Ouch, I'd needed that. I didn't remember when I'd started thinking of myself as someone important round here.
"No problem," I replied.
We left it at that.
The week dragged on slowly. I wasn't going to lie, I was holding out to see Macquarie again, which was ridiculous. I tried to focus on my work. It wasn't like I had nothing to do; with new deals in the pipeline, I was getting proper business calls at a dozen an hour, pinged over from Macquarie's direct line as he bummed around in Adelaide.
Friday afternoon, I left work early to help Leila and the others set up the cocktail night venue.
The bankers arrived at 6.30, Macquarie fresh off the plane.
"Hey Aurizon," Jule said brightly, like we were best of friends all of a sudden. "How's it going?"
"Good thanks. You?" I said, sneaking a glance at the weirdly reticent Macquarie. He glanced sideways back at me and smirked.
"There was that email I never got back to you about, I'm sorry..." Jule began, before launching into what she'd prepared. She walked me through our five biggest investors and gave me some tips on their values. Jamie Sykes liked to think he was playing it safe, while Victoria Super needed real assurance. Amanda Ling could be impressed with environmental innovation, but the Tate brothers preferred reckless profits.
"We're heading out for pres," Macquarie seized his chance when Jule stopped for a breather. "But I'll introduce you first. This is Aurizon, of course. Aurizon, this is Kirk from prudentials and Porter Cleeson, head of debt."
"Nice to meet you," I said.
"I've organised the Northstar site visit for us," Macquarie said. I pretended I didn't hear Porter scoff in response, and did my best to explain to her and Kirk what was I was doing.
"Ah, it's good to get Aurizon riled up sometimes," Macquarie said, with a wink to me.
"It's going to be a long night," I sniped in return, and everybody laughed.
"We'll be back before 7," Macquarie said, as the bankers filed out to hit the bigger bar upstairs.
The quiz night was a riot from the start, even though I spent most of the time on Jo's table staring at Macquarie's back. My teammates got smashed but I didn't feel like drinking.
Turned out, it was a good thing I kept my wits about me. We were placing a respectable sixth out of 14 teams when Sally Zhou turned up in a stunning cocktail dress, and sat herself down without asking at Leila's table.
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