#decrease stitch
frontlawnfood · 2 years
*cackles in yarnwitch*
I have hacked the k2tog. (That's "knit two stitches together" in knitterspeak, a decrease stitch that has a visual lean toward the knitter's right hand once complete.) The method I was taught for k2tog hurts my wrist and this pattern is loaded with them, so after two days of struggling with an aching wrist and loose, loopy decreases, I had to figure out a physically easier way to do it. Here's what I came up with, hope it helps others. Joint-Issues-Friendly K2Tog 1. Beginning on the front of your current row with the stitch pair to be k2tog'd (Pic1) 2. Slip the 2 stitches onto the right hand needle (Pic 2) 3 Flip the work around so the needle with your working thread and the pair of slipped stitches is in your left hand, and you're looking at the back of your row (row, not necessarily the "wrong" side of the piece, Pic3) 4. Purl those 2 stitches together, so that the completed stitch ends up on the needle in your right hand. (Pics 4 & 5) 5. Flip the work again so the decrease stitch (now just one loop) is on the needle in your left hand, and you are looking at the front of your row. (Pic6, and again, that's row, not necessarily the "right" side of the piece.) 6. Slip the finished k2tog back onto your right hand needle. (Pic 7) Pic 8 shows how the k2tog stitch looks when I do it the way it's shown in my nan's books & on youtube (bottom), vs the method above (top). As you can see, I am able to get a much smoother, cleaner decrease stitch this way, and it still "leans" to the right as k2tog should do. :)
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gardenvarietycrafts · 2 months
Shetland Lace Class
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The knitter's guild had Lauren Nelkin, a knitting pattern designer who also teaches knitting classes, host a series of classes this weekend, and I was fortunate enough to be able to snag a spot that had opened up for her class on Shetland lace knitting this morning! These are the swatches I made of the bead stitch and bird's eye stitch, though I mostly worked on the bird's eye stitch at home. There's also a sample of a lace edging that's quite a bit bigger repeat, and a bit more intimidating, that I'll attempt to swatch up later.
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mintowls · 5 months
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im going to make a really long cat wish me luck everyone
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mutantenfisch · 2 months
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Look! I've got new socks!
Pattern is Herbstblattsocken by Maren Wilczek (German)
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mephestopheles · 4 months
Hey crocheters, specifically newer pattern makers, but this goes for everyone. When creating a pattern, especially for the written portion, it is in your best interest to look up the terminology and shorthand used in most patterns. I understand that terminology is different in places (see UK vs US). However if you have to start your pattern off when an abbreviation list that looks absolutely like you just grabbed the alphabet and threw it at the screen, you will hear my screaming and cursing your name no matter where you live.
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cutearose · 3 months
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socks :)
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ihatecispeople · 4 months
ah. knitting made 100x easier when i realised im a combined continental knitter. now it all makes sense
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spatsandcravats · 4 months
*groan* I failed at Knit Math and I've mapped out my decreases all wrong
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Blocked doliy 9 and it. I really just can't tell if it was meant to be this way. Doily 8 has such a cool 3D effect that looks fully intentional but doily 9 has it's own separate 3D effect. The ease of blocking for 9 was incredible compared to 8, I pinned out the outside petals and it instantly became an even circle. Even the crochet bind off makes more sense this way (pattern called for 14 chains, I used 12 chains for doily 8 and 14 for doily 9).
I can only find ONE image of this pattern knit up and it looks like 8. But if I had to come down for one that feels more like it was intentionally designed this way, it's 9.
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yurious · 26 days
I have the bad habit of knitting until I'm too sleepy and make a mistake on my work and only then I put it down
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shivunin · 10 months
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Progress on the Warden scarf c: the left edge is being a huge pain in my ass and I had to frog half of it and work up to this point again, but I am confident that a border will fix it. I am thinking it'll probably be in the same steel grey that will act as the "studded" bits in the center of each diamond.
On a side note, this stitch is soooo texture and I know I am going to love having something to run my fingers over when I wear it.
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typheus · 3 months
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Here's the Sontag I've been making so far. Right now it's just a big triangle but I've just started one side of the front!
Crochet work up so much faster that knitting but omg tunisian crochet hurts my hands so bad 😬
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godofsmallthings · 3 months
i vowed i would stop doing scrappy crochet and start doing nice crochet for this sweater vest but alas half-assing things is in my blood
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beomurang · 6 months
Dead inside because my precious bear is falling apart
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ladychraelix · 2 years
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it's like an hour and change until wednesday im just gonna call that good and post my arcana update now for wip wednesday
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elucubrare · 2 years
i made a second version of a colorwork hat that turned out child-sized when i did it last year, and this year it is better but still a little less crisp than i'd like, and i think a lot of it is that the yarn was sold as fingering but i'm 95% sure it's significantly closer to lace weight & i was using the smallest circular needle i have but it was still much too big. you can also see the place where i went to joann's and got a finger guide for stranded knitting but i honestly think the yarn size was a bigger problem.
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