#dbh was written in a way that practically ignores the existence of the internet and makes androids as a parallel to slavery
iwonderwh0 · 4 months
Here’s a take
And let for a moment ignore the dbh and think of androids in general, in a more realistic way
Humans don’t hate androids because they are “perfect” or some shit like that
But because they exploit human emotions and turn human sympathy and compassion for each other into a vulnerability.
Now on how exactly androids poison human connection by mimicking it. Think of how corporate world exploits positivity and makes it toxic, uses major key music and bright colours, smiles at you with a big smile while not actually being friendly or caring about you, something that a lot of people grew so sick of that being unapologetically unfriendly and grumpy became kind of an attractive trait that in comparison feels GENUINE. So what happens when a corporation becomes so good at imitating human connection that you can’t even tell the difference? You become suspicious to other people.
You see genuine human interaction through the prism of constantly comparing it with androids. You start to pick up the exact things androids mimic and start to run new versions of Turing’s test on everyone.
Imagine being fired from your job by what looks like another human, a pretty one, that looks genuinely sorry. Genuinely sympathetic. And what’s worse – you fall for it. You leave feeling this sympathy and only when you start to think about it logically as opposed to emotionally (you just got manipulated), you realise that no real human even cared enough to talk to you personally. Not only you got fired, your company manipulated you into thinking that they still genuinely care about you. The resentment that will grow in you the longer you think about it will only be amplified with each “genuine” android you see.
Now when you see another beautiful human you can’t even appreciate their beauty because they are too much like an android. People who are pleasant to be around suddenly make you feel uncomfortable because they are a little too much like androids. And the more “genuinely-looking” androids get, the less genuine humans who do the exact same thing will look in comparison. Their behaviour will be subconsciously registered as an attempt to manipulate.
Now, think of millennial “grumpy” response to toxic positivity multiplied by ten, the one that spreads into each human interaction you have. Everyone is a test subject. Nothing is genuine. When it looks like it is –you are being manipulated into liking someone who isn’t even fucking real. Suddenly being near assholes becomes weirdly comforting, because at least you can be sure that this is real. As a protest to androids becoming better at imitating love, you start to sparkle your casual interactions with hate. It becomes new way of assuring your humanity, authenticity, your real life “I’m not a robot” badge that you exchange with other people that are equally testing you for authenticity as you are testing them.
And living in a society where you subconsciously start to view interactions as only genuine when they are expressing negative emotions (to be more specific, egoistic and hostile ones) — this is hell. It will make you miserable. It will make you hate androids for stealing something so precious you didn’t know it could be stolen. And seeing people who fall for this emotional trap every time, going as far as defending androids, preferring them to real people — will only make you angrier. And there is nothing you can really do with this anger either, other than to gradually become more and more hostile towards the androids and the people who defend them.
Sure, you hate the company(ies) responsible for androids, but you don’t interact with their representatives every day – you interact with androids. The product. And under this angle, will people hate androids? Yes. Yes, they will. And if you are not delusional, you’ll learn to hate them as well. The hatred is justified, as androids are the walking embodiment of a dark pattern*. It’s not about them “stealing jobs” (company executives made a conscious decision of “optimising” their businesses), it’s not about them “being perfect”. It’s far deeper than that.
* dark pattern is basically psychologically effective manipulative design. As an example – infinite scroll, gambling games, fake close buttons that make you click the ad, etc.
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