hugheshugs · 2 years
daddy issues au
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summary: you've been craving your father's affection for years and after endless heartbreak, his best friend shows you how to be loved.
pairing: dadsbestfriend!thomas x brisson!reader
warnings: major age gap !! thomas is 40. absent father, lots of angst, anxiety, sadness, fear, hurt/comfort, regarding smut: innocence kink and daddy kink. other warnings will be specific to each fic.
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series —
for hockey
part one
when your brother and dad are out for practice, you're met with unexpected company in your house.
going grape
part two
you and thomas get close after you meet some of your dad's friends for the first time and he has to reintroduce himself to hide suspicion.
dinner time
part three
you find out something that upsets you and leads you to avoid dinner but thomas comes to find you anyway.
the unknown remedy
part four
thomas shuts himself off from everyone for a couple days, resulting in a surprise from you and his friends. you find out one of his secrets and he gets vulnerable, leading you to reassure him that everything'll be okay.
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imagines —
i'm not your dad
when you're in distress and call your dad to come get you, he sends his best friend instead.
force him to love you
after running out of the house because of a fight with your dad, thomas has to find you.
don't call me baby
brendan brings home a girl who makes you cry and he feels the need to defend you.
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blurbs —
more blurbs under #dbf!thomas thoughts
teasing him at the dinner table
suggested 18+ but not close to nsfw, use your discretion | thom and y/n teasing each other when bren has him over.
his sounds of pain
dbf!thom taking y/n with him when he gets a new tattoo and she gets turned on by his little grunts and winces.
school supplies
dbf!thom taking you shopping for something you need.
brendan catching you together
suggested 18 + | dbf!thomas about them kissing or doing the devils tango and her dad walking in.
being there for you
part two
on senior night when everyone’s parents are supposed to show up for photos and celebrations, y/n thinks she’s gonna be the only one without someone there until thom shows up.
your first tattoo
dbf!thom being there for your first tattoo.
fights and rainy days
first time sleeping in dbf!thom bed.
cooking class
thom teaching you how to cook since your dad is always so busy with your brother.
pain and promises
thom helping you through your period.
honey butter
you're studying for a big test and you're super stressed so thom offers to help you.
convincing him
thom talks your dad into letting you get a tattoo.
you love him more
you tell your dad he treats you unfairly.
you have a breakdown in front of thom because you feel alone.
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¿Cuándo es la final del DBF Pokal de este año?
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¿Cuándo es la final del DBF Pokal de este año?
Fecha final DBF Pokal 2023
La DBF Pokal 2023, una de las competiciones más emocionantes en el mundo del fútbol, ha llegado a su emocionante final. Después de meses de intensa competición, los equipos finalistas se preparan para enfrentarse en un partido que promete ser épico.
Este torneo, que ha capturado la atención de aficionados de todo el mundo, ha sido un escaparate del talento futbolístico y la pasión por el deporte. Desde equipos de renombre hasta sorpresas emocionantes, cada encuentro ha mantenido a los espectadores al borde de sus asientos.
Ahora, con la fecha final de la DBF Pokal 2023 en el horizonte, la emoción alcanza su punto máximo. Los finalistas, tras superar obstáculos y desafíos, se enfrentarán cara a cara en un enfrentamiento que determinará quién se alzará con el prestigioso trofeo.
Los aficionados de ambos equipos están ansiosos por presenciar este momento histórico y apoyar a sus jugadores favoritos. Las expectativas son altas y la rivalidad es intensa, lo que añade un nivel adicional de emoción al evento.
La fecha final de la DBF Pokal 2023 promete ser un espectáculo inolvidable, lleno de acción, drama y momentos emocionantes. Los equipos dejarán todo en el campo en su búsqueda del título, y los aficionados no pueden esperar para ver quién saldrá victorioso en este enfrentamiento épico.
Estadio final DBF Pokal
El Estadio final de la Copa de Alemania, conocida como DBF Pokal, es el escenario donde se define al campeón de este prestigioso torneo de fútbol. Este estadio es el punto culminante de una emocionante temporada, donde los mejores equipos del país se enfrentan en intensos partidos para llegar a la gran final.
El estadio final de la DBF Pokal es el lugar donde se respira la emoción y la pasión del fútbol alemán. Los aficionados llenan las gradas con sus cánticos y banderas, creando un ambiente único y vibrante. Los equipos finalistas se preparan para dar lo mejor de sí mismos en un enfrentamiento que puede definir su temporada y dejar huella en la historia del fútbol alemán.
Los jugadores saltan al campo con determinación, sabedores de que están a punto de vivir un momento inolvidable en sus carreras deportivas. Cada pase, cada remate y cada intervención defensiva son vitales en la lucha por levantar el trofeo de campeón. La tensión se siente en el aire y los corazones de los aficionados laten al ritmo del partido.
La emoción crece a medida que avanza el encuentro, con momentos de gran intensidad y jugadas que mantienen a los espectadores en vilo. El pitido final marca el fin de la contienda y el inicio de la celebración para el equipo ganador, que levanta el trofeo de la DBF Pokal entre vítores y aplausos.
El Estadio final de la DBF Pokal es el escenario donde se escriben historias inolvidables y se coronan a los héroes del fútbol. Es un lugar donde la pasión y la emoción se fusionan para crear un espectáculo deportivo único que perdurará en la memoria de los aficionados por mucho tiempo.
Equipos final DBF Pokal
Los equipos finalistas de la DBF Pokal, uno de los torneos de fútbol más emocionantes de Alemania, han demostrado su valía en una competencia reñida y llena de acción. En esta etapa culminante, los mejores equipos se enfrentan cara a cara en busca del codiciado título.
El ambiente en el estadio es eléctrico, con los fanáticos llenando las gradas para apoyar a sus equipos favoritos. Cada pase, cada disparo y cada gol son recibidos con gritos de emoción y expectación. Los jugadores, con determinación en sus ojos, luchan con todas sus fuerzas en el campo de juego para llevar a su equipo hacia la victoria.
En la final de la DBF Pokal, la presión es máxima y cada minuto cuenta. Los equipos demuestran su habilidad táctica, su destreza física y su espíritu de equipo en un duelo que mantendrá a los espectadores al borde de sus asientos. Los enfrentamientos entre los jugadores, las jugadas estratégicas y los momentos de genialidad individual hacen que este partido sea una experiencia inolvidable para todos los amantes del fútbol.
Al final del encuentro, solo un equipo levantará el trofeo de la DBF Pokal en señal de su triunfo. Sin embargo, tanto el ganador como el perdedor habrán dejado todo en la cancha en una muestra de pasión y dedicación por este hermoso deporte. La final de la DBF Pokal es más que un partido de fútbol, es un evento que une a jugadores y aficionados en torno a su amor por el juego bonito.
Resultado final DBF Pokal
El DBF Pokal es una de las competiciones más emocionantes y esperadas en el mundo del fútbol. Cada año, los equipos más destacados de Alemania se enfrentan en intensos y apasionantes partidos en busca de levantar el codiciado trofeo.
El resultado final del DBF Pokal es siempre motivo de gran expectación entre los aficionados y seguidores de este deporte. Los equipos compiten con determinación y entrega en cada encuentro, sabiendo que solo uno podrá consagrarse como campeón al final del torneo.
Los partidos del DBF Pokal suelen ser vibrantes y llenos de emoción, con jugadas increíbles y momentos que quedan grabados en la memoria de los espectadores. Los equipos luchan con ahínco en cada minuto de juego, demostrando su talento y habilidad sobre el terreno de juego.
El resultado final del DBF Pokal no solo determina al campeón del torneo, sino que también deja un legado de momentos inolvidables y hazañas deportivas que perdurarán en el tiempo. Los aficionados celebran con pasión cada gol, cada jugada exitosa y cada victoria de su equipo favorito en esta apasionante competición.
En resumen, el resultado final del DBF Pokal es el punto culminante de un torneo lleno de emoción, competitividad y juego limpio. Los equipos luchan con fervor y entrega para alcanzar la gloria, y los aficionados disfrutan cada momento de esta competición que reúne lo mejor del fútbol alemán. ¡Que viva el DBF Pokal y que gane el mejor equipo!
Transmisión final DBF Pokal
En la emocionante transmisión final de la DBF Pokal, los fanáticos del fútbol se deleitaron con un enfrentamiento lleno de intensidad y pasión. Este torneo, conocido por su competitividad y drama, reunió a los mejores equipos de la liga en una batalla épica por el trofeo codiciado.
Los espectadores presenciaron momentos de pura habilidad y destreza mientras los jugadores luchaban en el campo por la victoria. Los goles espectaculares, las jugadas tácticas y la emoción desenfrenada mantuvieron a todos al borde de sus asientos durante toda la transmisión.
Los equipos participantes demostraron su determinación y espíritu deportivo, lo que resultó en un espectáculo vibrante y lleno de sorpresas. Los jugadores mostraron un nivel excepcional de rendimiento, destacando sus habilidades individuales y su trabajo en equipo.
Al final, solo un equipo pudo alzarse con el trofeo de la DBF Pokal, mientras que el otro demostró su valía y entrega en cada minuto del partido. Los fanáticos aplaudieron a ambos equipos por su desempeño excepcional y brindaron su apoyo incondicional en este evento deportivo emocionante.
La transmisión final de la DBF Pokal quedará grabada en la memoria de los aficionados al fútbol, como un recordatorio de la pasión y la emoción que este deporte puede generar. Este evento demostró una vez más por qué el fútbol es considerado el deporte rey, capaz de unir a personas de diferentes culturas y países en torno a su amor compartido por el juego.
0 notes
hugheshugs · 2 years
dbsf!thomas has me thinking about them kissing or doing the devils tango and her dad walking in imagine the tension like damn dog
not really smutty but 18+ !!
for all the blurbs that arent accurate w the timeline, im just gonna say they're not canon, like this one. but it would go similarly, this just isnt how i think he'd find out about them.
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your body was flushed against thomas' as you laid on top of your soft comforter, quiet, heavy breaths leaving your lips.
"are you sure you locked the door?" you asked nervously, wrapping a hand around his bicep.
"do you think i'm an idiot?" he asked, the corners his eyes creasing.
"i just don't want anyone to see us," your voice shook for all the wrong reasons.
"they won't," he mumbled, his thumb coming up to your lip. "now, where were we?"
the heat between your legs was almost unbearable at his words, and the look in his eyes certainly didn't help. neither did the tattoo near his collarbone, or the chain around his neck.
"god, i need you to touch me, thom," your back arched as you whined.
you were fully clothed, him shirtless, which only drove you further to insanity. his body was a blessing and you were grateful to have him all to yourself.
"be patient, mon amour," he tutted. "we'll get there."
his lips locked with yours and you moaned, cupping his cheek to bring him closer. he tasted like the mango chapstick that had previously been on your lips, and it was heaven.
he let out a sigh of content as you wrapped your leg around his torso, pulling him down against your crotch. his hips moved at a rhythmic pace right against your clit, causing you to lose your focus as you struggled to kiss back.
"mh— thom," you mumbled against his lips. "i need you."
a hand made its way into your hair, deepening the kiss. "if i take you, we might get caught. think you can be quiet for me?"
you nodded eagerly. "i'll be good, i promise."
his breath fanned against your face. "i don't know. maybe we shouldn't go further? not right now—"
"no, thom, please. you don't understand, i need you now."
"what if we get caught?"
"you're really turning me off right now," you huffed impatiently.
he rolled his eyes. "i'm being realistic."
"i was the one who asked you earlier and you said you locked the door so what's the big deal now?"
"earlier, i was blinded by lust—"
"are you not anymore?" you cut him off.
"no, i am," he gave you a small, toothy smile. "but i don't want that to lead to something bad—"
right as those words left his mouth, your door bursted open. heavy footsteps quickly made their way into your room, not even giving you both the chance to act casual.
"y/n— what the fuck?" brendan's eyes met thomas' and they widened as he stopped in his tracks.
thomas scrambled off of you and shot up to his feet. "it's not what it—"
"shut the fuck up," your dad's nostrils flared angrily. "why the fuck are you on top of my daughter?"
"well, technically i'm not on top of her anymore—"
"thomas fucking bordeleau, i'll rip your body apart limb by limb if you don't tell me why the hell you were touching my daughter."
thomas swallowed loudly, full of fear for the first time in his life. he felt his heart in his throat.
"dad, it wasn't his idea," you shook your head. "i wanted it, please don't get mad at him."
"y/n, i don't want to hear another word from you."
"but dad—"
he cut you off with a glare, tears welling up in your eyes. "enough. not another word."
"why in the world would you think it would be okay for you to fuck my best friend? he's forty fucking years old!" he shouted, making you flinch.
tears fell from your eyes but you remained quiet like he demanded.
"don't yell at her—"
"bullshit," he cut thomas off. "i can't even think straight, i don't know what the fuck to say to you guys but you're in deep shit, y/n."
"it's not her fault," thomas defended. "i'm the older one, blame me."
"it takes two to fuck, thomas," he spat.
"stay in your room," he said to you before clenching his jaw at thomas. "you're coming with me."
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hugheshugs · 2 years
part two to the one where he misses out on senior night
part one
this ones a bit different but i hope you like it :)
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when you and thomas walked into the house, you heard the sound of sweet laughter coming from the living room. if it were any other day, or any other time, you'd probably be upset. hell, the you from earlier today would have been upset. but at the moment, you couldn't care less and that was all thanks to the man who showed up for you.
your dad and hunter had come back from the dinner not too long ago, both of them sitting on the couch enjoying a movie you've never heard of. you and thomas made your presence known and their heads whipped towards you.
"hey! how was it?" brendan asked, looking down at the bouquet in your hands.
"it was fun. look what thom got me!" you showed him excitedly. "aren't they pretty?"
his eyes flicked up towards thomas', who simply shrugged as if to say the flowers should have come from you, not me.
"he didn't have to do that," he chuckled a bit knowingly—yeah, he knew he was in the wrong.
"hunter, look!"
you were so blinded by joy that nothing else mattered. you walked to the couch and sat beside your older brother, showing him the pretty bouquet.
while you were distracted, brendan got up and walked towards thomas, pulling him aside.
"how much were the flowers?" he mumbled, pulling out his wallet.
"what? bren, no," thomas refused, immediately shaking his head.
"how much were they?" he repeated, toying with some bills.
"i'm not making you pay for them, bren, are you out of your damn mind? what do you think this is?" thomas asked, reaching out and grabbing his hand to stop him.
he gave thomas a hard stare. "that's my daughter. my daughter. the least i can do is pay for flowers you didn't need to buy. i owe you, remember."
"yeah, you do owe me," thomas agreed while nodding. "but not like this. put your fucking wallet away, she's coming."
he shoved it back in his pocket, greeting his kid with a smile. she grinned at the both of them, swaying on the balls of her feet.
"whatcha guys up to?" you asked sweetly.
"what do you want?" he rolled his eyes at your antics.
"what do you mean?" you feigned innocence. "just wanted to know what you were doing."
they both knew you better than that, giving you the same look, and you had to sigh as you'd been caught.
"okayyy," you puffed your lips out in defeat. "i wanted froyo. can we go get some, please?"
"please dad! it's my day today," you begged, grabbing his hand. "it wont even take long, we can just grab it and come back."
"hun, i'm tired. and hunter and i were busy," he sighed, giving you your answer.
"but dad—"
"i said," he let out a breath, closing his eyes. "i'm tired. maybe tomorrow, okay?"
you frowned. "okay."
thomas watched the way your shoulders slumped, the bouquet still in your hands as you made your way up to your room. he knew the happiness would only last so long after seeing your dad.
"good god, bren," he mumbled just loud enough for brendan to hear. "i'll take you!"
you stopped in your tracks and turned around. "no, you don't have to waste your night for me. you've already done so much."
"y/n, i'm not wasting my night," he gave your dad a glare. "i want to take you."
slowly, you walked back up to them, looking up at him with your soft eyes. "are you sure?"
"positive," he said in a heartbeat.
"dad, can i go?" you asked for permission.
brendan gave thomas a look—they seemed to do that often.
"yeah, whatever. here, take this," he waved his hand tiredly before reaching into his back pocket for the second time tonight.
"not again—"
"thom, shh," you shushed him as brendan handed you some cash. "thanks dad."
"yeah, thanks dad," thomas thanked sarcastically.
brendan made a face, crinkling his eyes and giving thomas an equally sarcastic smile.
"we'll be back in a bit," thomas said before his hand came up to hover behind your shoulder, guiding you away.
"bye guys!" you waved at the other two with a grin.
thomas would do all he that could to keep that smile on your face.
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hugheshugs · 2 years
dbf!thom being there for your first tattoo (preferably one between the boobs, but that's just what i want)
not canon
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"what are you getting?" thomas asked as you took off your shirt. "woah, why are you getting naked? babe, i'm not fucking you on this—"
"we're not having sex," you laughed, turning around for him to unclasp your bra. he hesitated, waiting for you to clarify what was going on.
"i'm getting a boob tat," you informed, craning your head back to look at him.
his eyes widened. "i'm sorry, what?"
"i mean, not exactly on my boob but like, in between them. now take it off."
it fell off immediately and he placed it on the table in the room. he parted his lips to speak but his breath got caught in his throat and he choked, coughing up a bit.
"you good, bro?" you asked, standing up to aggressively pat his back.
"i'm good, and stop calling me bro," he moved away from your assault. "and sit back down, its weird seeing you walking around naked in public."
"first of all, i'm not naked," you pointed out after listening to him. "and second, we aren't technically in public. this is a private room."
"another man's going to see your boobs," he realized aloud, hands instinctively reaching out to cover your chest.
"thom," you said as his hands touched your skin. "a girl. not a man, a girl."
"oh," was all he replied, eyebrows furrowing as he squeezed in thought.
"you're squishing my boobs."
"they're my favourite stress balls."
you gave him a look and he simply gave you a cheeky smile before the tattoo artist walked in.
"no, no, no! you can come in!" you exclaimed right as she was about to turn around. "he's just annoying."
"i thought he was your—"
"no, nope, boop, shh," you cut her off immediately. "let's get this boob tat started, shall we?"
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hugheshugs · 2 years
i'm not your dad | t. bordeleau
au masterlist
summary: when you're in distress and call your dad to come get you, he sends his best friend instead.
contains/tw: dadsbestfriend(dbf)!thomas, dad!brendan, reader has a meltdown, mostly hurt/comfort or angst, one minor suggestive phrase.
pairing: dbf!thomas x reader
timeline: takes place a couple months after they met
word count: 1.4k
note: the title was funny to me :)) you're always welcome to discuss this AU, dbf!thom or dad!bren in my inbox if anyone wants !! also, please send me an ask or comment if you wanna be tagged in anything related to dbf!thom <3
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the cold air nipped at the goosebumps on your bare arms as you stood in the dark. you'd finally decided to go out with your friends after weeks of stalling, only to have them leave with a set of boys, which left you all alone.
you didn't know where you were. they were your ride, so you simply followed them without question and ended up where you were. you were freezing, your feet hurt, you were hungry and just one minor inconvenience away from a meltdown.
your teeth sunk into your lip in an attempt to stop it from shaking. you didn't want to accept defeat but you had no other option, so you quickly dialed your dad's phone number.
"you've reached the voicemail box of—"
a frustrated sound left your mouth as you resorted to texting him instead. within a couple minutes, your phone rang.
"y/n, this better be important. i'm at an event," brendan cut you off before you could explain.
that was the minor inconvenience that led you to your meltdown.
you tried holding in the dam of tears, sucking in a sharp breath. you didn't know why you ever thought it would be a good idea to call him in the first place.
"i'm gonna hang up if you don't say anything—"
"i need you," you practically whimpered. "i-i'm stuck here, i don't know where and i don't know how to get home. please come get me."
he paused at the sound of your voice. "god, the things you get yourself into. this is important for hunter, y/n. you know i can't just leave."
"please," you begged. "i don't know where i am. its cold and dark and—"
"okay, okay, just hold on. i'll try to get out of this, give me some time and i'll be there. send me your location, alright?" he cut you off with a sigh, rubbing his forehead.
"mhm, i will. t-thank you dad, i'll see you soon," you replied, relieved and shocked that he agreed.
"see you," he hung up in an instant.
after sending him your location, you took a seat on the dirty curb in front of you, waiting for him to come. the orange street light flickered above you, on the verge of bursting, and an eerie feeling creeped up your spine.
you brought your knees up to your chest and ducked your head down, tears soaking the fabric of your dress. you heard small, frightening sounds as you waited, like the rustling of a bag behind you and footsteps. you wouldn't dare lift your head up for fear of what you'd see.
after nearly thirty minutes, you heard a car pull up. you immediately looked up with a small, fake smile on your face but upon the sight, a feeling of dread and disappointment filled your stomach.
you put your head back in your hands, sobs wracking through your body. you couldn't think straight, you didn't care who heard as the man who wasn't your father walked towards you.
the warmth of thomas' body radiated onto you as he stood by your feet, looking down at you with his arms crossed.
"what's wrong, mon chou?"
he held back a sigh and sorrow flooded through his body when he didn't get an answer from you, only hearing your cries. bending down at his waist, he cradled the back of your head in his hand and forced you to tilt your head up.
you looked heartbroken. your red, wet eyes almost made him angry. all he wanted to do was talk to whoever made you feel this way, but he already knew the culprit.
"you just wanted your dad, didn't you?" he asked softly.
your chest clenched at his words and you tried your hardest to hold back a sob as you nodded. your lip continued to tremble and he brought his hand to your cheek, the reason for your goosebumps now shifting.
"i'm sorry. i know i'm not your dad— god, that would be terrible. i'd never want to— i mean not because of you, you're amazing. i just mean like... you know, because—"
"i-i get it," you cut him off. you would have chuckled if you weren't feeling so miserable.
his eyes flickered around your surroundings before he crouched down to his knees. you sniffled, wiping the endless stream of tears with the back of your hands.
"c'mon, let's get outta here," he grabbed your hand and pulled you up with him. he began walking but you stayed frozen in place, causing him to turn back towards you.
"i don't wanna go home. please— please don't take me home," you shook your head.
you were making this hard for him. "i can't not take you home, y/n. bren'll be waiting for you."
"he won't even be home! he doesn't care, it doesn't even fucking matter!" you wept. "i don't matter."
"yes you do," he snapped back, almost angrily. "let's go, i'll take you somewhere else for now but you have to go back home later."
he spoke so sternly that you couldn't argue. he held the car door for you and waited until you buckled yourself up before heading into his own seat. no one said a word as he started the car and drove back home.
it was warm in his car but you still felt cold. you felt vulnerable and exposed. all you wanted was your dad and now, if he didn't already, thomas knew for sure that you never had him.
the silence wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comfortable either. you felt the need to speak up and say something. perhaps a thank you.
you opened your mouth to speak but he beat you to it.
"are you cold—"
"did you see my underwear?" you blurted out, a sniffle following.
his lips parted as his eyes glanced back and forth between you and the road. "i— what?"
"when i was sitting. 'cause.. 'cause i'm wearing a dress and i w-was sitting with my knees up."
"i mean i.. yeah," he confessed, looking away.
"i'm sorry," you apologized barely audibly as your face heated up.
"it's fine. not the way i thought i'd see you like that for the first time but," he stopped himself with a shrug. "cold?"
"huh?" you asked, eyebrows furrowing.
"nothing," he shook his head. "cold?"
for the first time tonight, a real smile danced upon your lips. "i know what you meant."
"i don't know what you're talking about," he kept his eyes on the road.
"sure," you played along while glancing at the tatooed arm on the wheel. his other arm rested by his side, his hand sitting comfortably on the gear.
you pushed away every sinful thought that rushed into your mind. "i'm sorry you had to come get me.. but thank you for coming."
"never apologize to me. i'd rather not have you stranded somewhere you don't recognize and i'm glad he asked me to come get you."
with a nod, you pursed your lips before asking the question that's been on your mind. "you weren't busy, were you?"
"hm?" he asked for clarification.
"like— like when dad called you, or texted, whatever. when he asked you to come get me.. were you doing anything important?"
you noticed something change in his eyes as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. he opened his mouth before shutting it and repeated the action two more times before confessing.
he didn't want to tell you what he was doing out of fear that he'd make you feel worse. you were just starting to feel better, he didn't want to take that away from you after your long night. but he also didn't want to lie. his voice got caught in his throat as he wondered how to answer the question. the answer was so straightforward that he couldn't think of any other way to say it.
"i was, um.. i was at the event."
his eyes continued to avoid yours, not wanting to see the way your jaw dropped in the slightest.
"you what?"
"i was at the event," he repeated. "with your dad."
"you were there? so you could leave and he couldn't?" your murmured.
his head finally turned to you. "i'm sorry."
his hand on the gear made a move towards your own, rubbing soft circles on your skin. the action and the way it made you feel was almost enough to make you forget about your dad. almost.
but even though it wasn't enough, your breath still got caught in your throat.
even though it wasn't enough, you still felt warmth in your chest when you looked down to see your hands intertwined.
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hugheshugs · 2 years
going grape | t. bordeleau
au masterlist
<- prev part, this is part two.
summary: you and thomas get close after you meet some of your dad's friends for the first time and he has to reintroduce himself to hide suspicion.
contains/tw: its not nsfw or 18+ but it is a little suggestive. mostly cuteness, and its kinda funny.
pairing: dbf!thomas x brisson!reader
word count: 2.4k
note: i hope you guys like this one !! im also thinking that the next part might be a continuation of this one? theres a lot to expand on :) remember to comment or send me an ask if you wanna be tagged in anything dbf!thom xx
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"oh my god," you groaned, fanning your face as you trudged down the stairs. "it's so hot!"
the tiny white sundress you wore did nothing to cool the raging heat in your body. for some reason, the further you walked into the living space, the hotter you got.
"hello? is anyone even home?" you asked loudly, hoping to catch someone's ear. when you found yourself in the living room you noticed the sliding door to the backyard completely open, meaning the AC was off—the reason for the outrageous warmth in the house.
the closer you got to the backyard, the more sounds you heard. laughing, music, bottles clanking against one another. your soft, bare feet quietly pattered into the back where you were met with a bunch of unfamiliar faces.
they all looked so.. old.
well, not old old, you could just tell that they weren't young. but they were all handsome, you didn't know where all these attractive middle aged men came from and you were confused.
as soon as you caught sight of a familiar face, you heard your dad's loud voice from somewhere nearby. you found him in a split second and walked over to him with your head down, not wanting anyone to notice you.
"dad," you tugged on the bottom of his shirt as he stood behind the grill.
he turned to you with a spatula in his hand. "oh hey, honey. you finally woke up."
you furrowed your eyebrows. "i've been awake since twelve. who are these people?"
setting the spatula down, he turned to you and blinked, almost as if there were no thoughts in his head. the corners of your eyes crinkled as he remained silent before he put his hands on your shoulders and bent down to your level.
"you've never met any of these people?" he whispered so quietly you barely heard him.
you shuffled a little closer before shaking your head. "who are they?"
one of his hands came up to rub his face in hopes of soothing the shock raging through him. "these guys are my best friends. from college, they're my best friends since college and you haven't met any of them?"
"you're kind of making it sound like its my fault.." you told him, playing with your fingers.
"no, no, it's not. it's mine. here, c'mon let's introduce you to them—"
"do we have to?"
"what?" he asked before standing straight and grabbing your hand. "yes, you have to meet them. you're going to be seeing 'em a lot more now that bordy's back."
bordy? you thought to yourself. what an odd name.
you took small steps behind him, not noticing the eyes on you as he practically had to yank you with each movement of your feet.
"boo, party pooper's here! who invited her?" hunter shouted before lowering the music.
"hunter, be nice," brendan glared at his eldest.
it felt like there were a dozen pairs of eyes on you. you'd never been surrounded by this much testosterone before and it hit you right in the pit of your stomach as you stared back, feeling exposed in your short attire.
"y/n, these are my buddies. boys, this is my daughter, y/n."
"why haven't we met her before?" a man with a handsome nose asked, squinting before flicking his sunglasses down to his eyes.
brendan paused for a moment. "that's a good question i wish i had the answer to. boys, name and number now, please."
"number?" you looked up at him. why would you need their phone numbers?
"hockey numbers," he explained. "they played hockey."
"why is that important?"
he rolled his eyes. "fine. boys, name and fun fact now, please."
no one said anything, collectively staring at the boy sitting on the purple lounge chair. he sighed before sitting up.
"you guys still need to me lead you, huh? i'm nick, or blanks, whatever you wanna call me. i was their captain back in college," he gave you a smile.
they began to go by seating order and you were introduced to six other guys, all of whose names you'd already forgotten. not because you weren't paying attention but because you were distracted by the man sitting at the end of the line.
"and i'm thomas," the last one said. he was the one you met that day, which led you to appreciate that he pretended your first encounter never happened. "or bords, bordy, i don't really care. fun fact—i'm your dad's best friend."
oh. he's the bord.
if he's dad's best friend, why is he so hot?
when you saw him last, he was wearing a long sleeved shirt. today, as seven of your dad's friends sat outside, shirtless in your backyard, you crossed your legs at the way your body reacted to his.
he was fit, muscular, built like a god, even. and the tattoo on his right hand along with the sleeve on his other arm made you sweat even more than you thought would be possible. his cool demeanour did nothing to put you at ease.
and his voice, where could you start? you hadn't noticed it last time, for you were completely blinded by fear, but his voice was so skily and smooth. it was violently calm and low, and you liked it so much that you wished to have a conversation with him just to hear him speak again. it was laced with dominance, and your mind felt hazy as his words continued to run through your mind.
"your turn," one of the boys.. jack, you thought, said to you.
"what happened to your face?" the tall one asked immediately after.
you were completely flustered by thomas that you didn't trust yourself to speak. all you wanted was to run up to your room and hide. you squeezed your dad's hand and looked up at him for help but he simply gave you a shrug.
"um, w-well," you inhaled sharply as you felt an incoming burn on the pads of your feet. "you already know my name and— fun fact, my face, i uh.. i ran into a pole."
kent, who you remembered, spoke up after pursing his lips and furrowing his eyebrows. "i feel like that's not really a fun fact. are you okay? how did that happen?"
"oh, you know," you chuckled lightly, catching thomas' gaze.
he stared at you with a teasing gleam in his eyes, almost as if to say 'really, that's what you came up with?' and you looked away immediately.
"it just kinda happened," you shrugged. "okay i'm gonna go back up to my room b-but it was nice meeting you guys. bye!"
you held the bottom of your dress before practically sprinting up to your room. you opened your window before falling face first onto your bed, screaming into the mattress.
why was he so hot? why did he have to be your dad's best friend? you felt disgusted that you hoped to see him more often, as your dad said you would.
you couldn't help it. you felt hot again, but this time it had nothing to do with the temperature. you sighed, situating yourself properly onto your back as you heard the sounds of the party downstairs.
you let out a shaky breath, resting your hands on your lower stomach. you wished to read the words decorating his skin. you wished to see the art up close, admiring it all while he touched you where you needed him most.
your face crinkled in distaste, shaking your head at your impure thoughts.
get your head out of the gutter, y/n. it's never happening.
thomas wanted to see you again. no, he didn't want to, he needed to. and it wasn't because of your dress that left nothing to his imagination, it was far from it (—but he wouldn't lie, you did look really hot).
he noticed the way you squeezed your dad's hand tight, holding it throughout the entire introduction. the way you couldn't meet anyone's eyes, especially not when you spoke. and even when your eyes did meet his for a fraction of a second, he couldn't make out the emotion washing over them. after the way your last encounter ended, he didn't think this everlasting feeling of concern would go away.
"i need to get out of the sun for a bit," he told the group. "i'm going inside."
"it's gonna be hotter in there," brendan pointed out.
"not if i lock you guys out and crank the AC," he smirked as he stood up from his seat, stretching a bit.
"y/n might throw a fit if she's locked in there with you," hunter snorted.
we'll see about that.. he almost muttered under his breath.
when he walked in, brendan was right, it was hotter than it was outside. but he shut the door behind him—no, he didn't lock it—and walked into the kitchen where the AC controls were located.
he nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw you sitting on the island, your legs dangling under you while you sucked on a popsicle. his presence was unknown to you and he immediately averted his eyes from the sight of your dress bunched up at your waist.
clearing his throat, he made his way past you to do what he'd come to do. satisfied when he heard the low hum of the cold breeze flowing through the house, he looked for a drink from the fridge.
you couldn't take your eyes off him. your neck was craned towards him and your grape popsicle began to drip onto the white cloth adorning you, but you were unaware, more focused on the dragon-bird like thing inked onto his back.
"you're burning holes into my body," his voice caught you off guard. "can i help you with something?"
you swallowed nervously when he closed the fridge and turned back towards you, a beer in his hand as he stepped around the island and stood in front of your legs. "you're dripping, ma douce."
you nearly dropped your popsicle, eyes bulging out of their sockets. "i— what?"
you shifted uncomfortably and he chuckled. "your popsicle, i meant. it's dripping."
you looked down at frowned. "oh no, my dress! dad's gonna be pissed."
thomas clicked his tongue, hating the immediate nervousness on your face. "just hide it in your room, i've got a tide pen. i'll bring it over tomorrow, problem solved."
"t-thanks," you smiled softly before you felt something sticky running down your hand. "i need to eat this."
"don't stop on my watch," he raised his hand in surrender, taking a sip of his drink.
you hesitated, eyes flickering back and forth between him and the popsicle. it seemed like something you shouldn't do, especially not with the way you'd been feeling. but it was an innocent act.
bringing the frozen treat up to your lips, you slowly licked the bottom to stop it from dripping. he held back a groan, chugging the rest of his drink to distract himself from the growing ache between his legs.
"i wanted to make sure you were alright," he grabbed your attention, forcing you to eat it properly. he was focused on the red bruise on your cheek, restraining himself as best as he could from touching it. "and i wanted to apologize for the last time we met. kind of got off on the wrong foot."
"no, no," you shook your head immediately. "that thomas was a lot different from this thomas. don't apologize. besides, i'm okay."
this peaked his interest. "different in what way?"
"it seemed like a different kind of.. you, and i want to give you another chance. that thomas was the kind of man every mother wants for their children. i mean, yeah, you scared me but that doesn't really matter.." you chose your words carefully.
"this thomas is the kind of man my dad tells me to stay away from. you seem pretty cool."
your doe eyes snuck into his heart and made a home just at those words. you read him inside out, and something sparked inside him.
"and what are you gonna do about it? are you going to stay away? listen to your dad, hm?" he challenged.
you abandoned the popsicle and grabbed his left hand with both of yours, rubbing your thumb over the tattoos by his wrist. he could feel the sticky popsicle juice on your skin, and he knew you were rubbing it onto his, but you were so blissfully unaware that he chose to stay quiet.
"no," you shook your head after a moment. "i won't."
he let out a content sigh. "well, i'm still sorry. is your face alright? does it hurt, have you been icing it regularly?"
you shook your head, not looking up. "i really like this eye you've got here."
he felt your finger poking at him and let out a breathy laugh. "you're avoiding my question."
"i shook my head," you shrugged. "technically, i didn't avoid it."
"smart girl."
you blushed at the unnecessary praise and his smile widened ever so slightly.
"you're really fascinated by tattoos, huh?" he asked, still waiting for you to look at him.
"dad doesn't have any and yours are really cool. can.. can i see the one on your back?" you asked shyly, finally looking up.
"of course," he muttered before turning around.
you parted your legs and grabbed his hips, moving him back until the cool marble hit his tailbone. your fingers stayed there for a couple moments, softly grazing his skin. a nervous-like feeling flooded your stomach.
"whoever did this did a really good job," you mumbled, reaching up to touch the feathers on the wings.
"you like it?"
"mhm," you hummed, looking at the boy standing in the bird's body. you were confused but didn't ask any questions, just taking in the design he believed was important enough to stay on his body forever.
he opened his mouth to speak before he heard the sliding door open, quickly moving away from your hold. you almost frowned until one of the guys walked into the kitchen and thomas gave you a look, pretending to drink out of his empty cup.
"what are you guys doing here?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow.
"hey, luke. just getting to know the little brisson," thomas shrugged a shoulder. "right, y/n?"
"yup," you nodded bashfully, resting your hand beside your thigh. you cringed when you felt something gross on your skin, looking down to see your melted popsicle.
thomas held back a laugh. "it's going grape."
next part ->
dbf!thom taglist<3 @hockey-lover86 @cuttergauth @bbbbruins @makenzie3s @wxndxh @kenzie3165 @jayrami3 @hailcale
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hugheshugs · 2 years
first time sleeping in dbfthom bed… maybe a rainy day and his sheets are just so soft and warm 🫠
okay this one got long. kinda really long. got kinda angsty and its not even canon so-
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when you knocked on thomas' door absolutely soaked from the pouring rain, he immediately pulled you in and tried his hardest not to reprimand you.
"y/n, what the hell were you doing outside?" he asked as your clothes wet the floor.
"w-well, you see," your teeth chattered, arms crossed as you tried warming yourself up.
"don't tell me you fought with your dad again," he sighed, already knowing the answer.
"it wasn't m-my fault."
"i know it wasn't, it's always his. now c'mon, let's get you warmed up and into bed, hm?"
he took your shivering frame upstairs and into his bedroom, leading you to the massive ensuite. you and him had been getting closer recently, and the kiss he left on your forehead before walking out did nothing to control the raging feelings in your mind.
your heart fluttered as he closed the door and you stripped out of your disgustingly damp clothes to take a nice, warm shower. the hot water felt amazing on your skin, you no longer smelt like mud and dirty rain. you smelt like him, which led to a feeling of comfort washing over you.
when you stepped out of the shower you noticed some clothes sitting on the counter by your towel, your dirty ones no longer on the ground. you smiled to yourself before changing into the sweatpants and hoodie he left you.
they were huge. you cuddled into the hoodie and a lingering scent of cologne hit your nose, making you grin as butterflies filled your stomach.
he was sitting on his bed when you walked out, giving you a warm smile when his eyes met yours. he felt his chest flip at the sight of you in his clothes and he chuckled at how big they were on you, nevermind the fact that you didnt bother rolling the pants up, letting them dangle past your feet as you struggled to walk.
"c'mere," he beckoned with a smile.
"i'm trying," you giggled with slow steps.
the moment you took a seat on his bed, you let out a loud gasp. "your bed is so comfy!"
"is it?" his head tilted in surprise.
"mhm," you nodded, flopping back onto the mattress. "i love it so much."
"you can sleep here if you want," he suggested, pushing himself off the bed and onto his knees. "just tell your dad where you are."
you couldn't see him so you didn't know what he was doing, as your head was tilted upward to the ceiling. ignoring his last sentence, you felt his fingers along the bottom of your—his— pants and your heart leaped, causing you to quickly sit up straight.
"what are you doing?" you asked, looking down at him.
"fixing your pants," he mumbled in concentration as he folded the bottom up.
"that tickles," you held back a laugh as he brushed against the bottom of your foot. "don't make me kick you in the face."
"would you really do that to me?" he looked at you briefly before moving onto the next.
"not on purpose."
a couple moments of sweet silence passed, at least in your eyes. in thom's, however, the silence was nothing close to comfortable, the thoughts in his head causing a rapid change of energy. he bit the inside of his cheek as his hands held each of your ankles.
you simply shrugged and laid back, deaf to the loud argument inside his head. your arms spread out and began to make snow angel-like movements on the soft comforter.
"tell your dad you're with me," he said after a few minutes.
your face fell and you paused. "why?"
"he's gotta know where you are. he'll worry—"
"he doesnt care, thom," you cut him off. "he never does."
he stood up and grabbed his phone, a bit of frustration rushing through his veins as he clenched his jaw at you. a pang of fear hit your gut at the look on his face, afraid you'd made him upset. you sat up once again and he showed you the missed calls on his screen.
"my phone was on silent," he started, tapping his foot. "don't tell me he doesn't care when he calls me every time you leave."
you swallowed the lump in your throat, looking away from the screen. guilt immediately flooded your heart. "i'm sorry."
"i know you're scared of him sometimes, ma belle. and i know that he has a weird way of showing you that he cares but deep down, he really does."
his hand came up to the back of your head, forcing you to look up at him. "i'll call him back, tell him you're safe and convince him to let you stay the night. does that sound okay?"
you simply nodded at his words, not wanting to disappoint him as a stray tear fell from your face. his thumb came to your aid, wiping it away.
"don't cry, love."
"i d-didn't know he cared," you mumbled, holding back tears.
"he doesnt seem to show it," he agreed. "get settled and i'll be back in a bit, alright? you're okay, don't worry."
you hummed in response and he walked out to call your dad, not wanting you to hear the conversation if brendan were to say anything dumb like he always tended to. you climbed into the blanket and rested your head upon the fluffy pillow, a sigh leaving your lips.
by the time he got back, you'd already fallen asleep and he hadn't been gone long either, which made him smile. you were just tired and all you wanted was rest.
"you're lucky your dad said yes," he muttered, flicking off the light and turning the lamp on instead.
"goodnight and sweet dreams, mon chou. i'll be here when you wake up."
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hugheshugs · 2 years
okay thought, ik she probably doesn’t have the time for a sport, but what if she were part of something like track (an easier sport to be apart of) and on senior night when everyone’s parents are supposed to show up for photos and celebrations brendan never shows so she thinks she’s gonna be the only one without a parent or someone there then thom shows up cause she’d been talking about it for days and he wanted to make sure she had someone for her !
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"what do you mean you aren't coming?" thomas asked as he stood in front of your school.
"i can't make it, there's this dinner and—"
"a dinner's more important than your daughter, really?" he cut brendan off aggressively. "bren, i'm tired of your bad parenting, are you fucking kidding me? she's waiting for you, she's been looking forward to this for weeks."
"first of all, i'm not a bad parent," brendan sighed through the phone. "i'm doing what i think is best for both of them. you aren't their dad, i'm doing what i can."
"yeah, i see that," he scoffed. "i guess i'm going to be the one dropping her home then, right?"
"... can you?"
"god, bren," he groaned, running a hand through his hair. "yes, i can, but you gotta do better."
"i will, okay, i will."
he rotated the bouquet in his hand. "i gotta go. i'll see you when we get home."
"i-i mean, her home— your house. when i drop her home, to your house," he stammered, eyes wide.
"right. see ya."
he uttered a small goodbye before hanging up and shaking his head. after taking a deep breath, he fixed his posture and made his way to find you—which wasn't that hard considering all he had to do was follow the other parents.
you stood in the corner of your room, all by yourself as you watched the other students with their families. thomas spotted you immediately, his heart clenching at the sight of your face. you looked defeated, as if you knew your dad wasn't going to show.
you hadn't noticed him when he began walking towards you, too distracted by all the happy faces around. it was when he came up beside you and tapped your shoulder that you flinched and looked at him.
"thom, what are you doing here?" your eyebrows raised in surprise, glancing down at the flowers in his hand.
"i'm here for you," he gave you a smile, holding the flowers out for you to hold. "these are for you."
your lips parted and you grabbed them at a loss for words. "thank you."
"anything for my best girl. now c'mon, let's go take some pictures and have fun. rub it in your dad's face a little," he said almost playfully.
you chuckled. "i like the sound of that."
part two
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hugheshugs · 2 years
for hockey | t. bordeleau
au masterlist
summary: when your brother and dad are out for practice, you're met with unexpected company in your house.
contains/tw: dbf!thomas, dad!brendan, major age gap !!, descriptions of fear/a meltdown, intruders, injury, mentions separated parents.
pairing: dbf!thomas x reader
word count: 1.1k
note: i know this wont sit right with some people (the pairing), with the reader being so young and bordy being like 20 years older, so please dont read it if you're one of those people. this is purely FICTION. nothing really happens in this part bc its like an intro to the AU but i didnt tag my taglist bc i dont wanna make anyone uncomfy <3
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ever since you were little, it was apparent that your dad favoured your older brother. and after your mom left, it had almost become neglecting. what bothered you was that he didn't even know what he was doing.
he was just so invested in helping hunter with his nhl career that he'd forgotten about his little girl. having to take on the role of being both a father and a mother to his kids, he couldn't seem to give them equal amounts of parenting.
but no matter how many years went by, you'd never blame him. you set the blame upon your dead beat mother instead.
you were laying in your room when you heard a voice echoing through the house. not thinking much of it, you waited for one of the boys to shout for you like they always do when they remember you're home.
this time, however, they took too long. you began to grow suspicious because the time frame in which they normally call for you had passed. with a sigh, you pushed yourself out of bed, still dressed in your pyjamas as you made your way downstairs.
you could see the entrance as you stood on the final few steps of the staircase. one thing you couldn't see were the shoes they wore to practice everyday. taking a deep breath, you were stuck on what to do. someone was in your house and you were all alone.
your phone was up in your room which meant you'd have to walk all the way back just to grab it. but maybe there was no one here. maybe you'd just been hearing things— you shook your head as you heard the sound of footsteps. you were frozen in place, your heart practically leaping out of your chest as they got closer.
"hello?" the voice called out.
you brought a shakey hand up to your mouth as tears rapidly welled up in your eyes. you were frozen in place. no matter how much you wanted to run—you couldn't. no one should be in your house. no one else had a key other than the three of you.
the man's feet approached the staircase from your right. you could see him walking towards you with your peripheral vision. as he caught sight of you, now standing at the foot of the staircase, you both let out a loud scream.
"please don't hurt me!" you exclaimed, scrambling to run upstairs. your foot got caught and you fell, taking a blow to your cheek.
"no, no, i'd never hurt you!" the man shook his head, arms reaching out instinctively. you only looked back at him and crawled further up, away from him with trembling breaths. "what are you doing here?"
"wha— i-i live here. why are you here? what do you want from us?" you asked, voice thick with fear.
your questions went in one ear and out the other for a couple moments as he took in the situation. he recognized the worry and anxiety on your face, and his heart ached. he didn't know who you were but your eyes looked so familiar, and as far as he knew, no one was supposed to be home.
"i— this is my friend's house," he replied softly, hoping not to scare you any further. you swallowed the lump in your throat, the beat in your chest telling you not to trust the stranger.
you sniffled, finally turning your body towards him. "y-your friend?"
he winced at the gash on your face, watching as you tilted your head in confusion while sitting on the step.
"brendan," he let out a breath. "briss— brisson, brendan brisson."
"my dad?" you asked quietly, using the back of your hand to wipe the tears off your face. humiliation instantly seeped through your veins and all you could hope was that this man wasn't important.
"you— he has a daughter?" he asked a bit shocked. never once had his friend mentioned anything about having a girl. he only knew about hunter.
"i've known him for ages. he let me, um, he gave me a key this morning," he tried to explain. "i was just here to grab some more equipment. you know, for hockey."
"right," your bottom lip wobbled. "for hockey.. my name's y/n."
"thomas. nice to meet you."
"y/n! it's dinner time," brendan shouted from the foot of the stairs.
he heard a faint 'i'm coming!' before walking back to the dinner table where hunter sat. they hadn't seen you all day, seeing as you were hiding the injury on your face. you'd tried covering it up with some makeup but it was a pathetic attempt.
"tomorrow we're going to work on your shot.." you heard your dad speaking as you walked towards them.
you took a seat with your head down, holding the right side of your face in the palm of your hand. to anyone it would look like you were fine, perching an elbow onto the table to make it believable.
"hey, sweetheart. we haven't seen you all day, where were you?" brendan asked you before taking a bite of whatever healthy dinner he'd made for tonight.
"oh, you know.. just studying," you shrugged, looking down at your plate. a layer of salad with a fat slab of roasted chicken breast on top. yum.
"that's my girl. now c'mon, eat up and get some rest. it's been a late night."
you nodded, picking up your fork in your left hand. hunter furrowed his eyebrows from his seat across the table. "what are you doing?"
"what do you mean?" you asked, feigning innocence.
he gave you a are you serious look. "left hand. really?"
"i-i wanna try something new," you told him. "i wanna be ambidextrous. any problem with that?"
"weirdo," he scoffed, leaving you alone.
your dad silently watched from beside you, judging as you struggled to pick up the salad.
"y/n, for the love of god, please use your other hand. this is brutal to watch," he practically begged after a couple moments.
hunter snickered. "yeah, y/n. for the love of god."
"no, i'm good," you shook your head, slowly balancing the lettuce on your fork as you brought it to your mouth. you were just millimeters away before it fell onto your lap.
"it's okay! i'll just try again," you insisted.
"one more time. if you don't get it in your mouth this time, you're using your right hand," brendan finalized.
"don't worry, dad. i got this," you muttered before stabbing one end of the chicken and bringing it up to your mouth. you tilted your head up to take a bite out of it, the other two watching in both distgust and awe.
"see," you replied with a mouthful. "i did it."
next part ->
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hugheshugs · 2 years
im just a slut for like dbf!thom and just domestic fluff like obvi since briss is so busy with your brother constantly- maybe thom teaching you how to cook or something
contains: dbf!thom, food, cooking, their dynamic progressing :) this is a bit earlier into things
omg yes. okay this isnt as fluffy as ik we would have liked but this au is kinda depressing lol. also, briss is always cooking healthy shit so hunter doesnt get out of shape and you're just stuck eating it every time. so when thom asks you what you want to eat you're always like uhhh..
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the first time thomas stayed the night and joined your family dinner, he was.. confused, to say the least. your dad used to eat healthy, sure, but not for the most part. not like he did now—so when he saw what brendan was feeding you and hunter, he could hardly believe his eyes.
that wasn't to say the food was bad, no, it was just a weird feeling to see that his best friend had changed more than he thought. however, he found it odd when it kept happening. how did your dad have the time to make 'healthy' home cooked meals everyday but not enough time to take care of you? it frustrated him.
so when brendan had asked thomas to take care of you for the night, he decided it was time to teach you how to cook something you actually liked to eat. not something he knew you pretended to like because you didn't want to get in trouble.
"y/n! come down here please."
you'd been laying on your stomach, legs propped up into the air as you scrolled through your phone. you heard his voice and your heart dropped before you scrambled to get up and run downstairs. his tone didn't sound angry but his words were enough to scare you nonetheless.
"don't run, ma belle," he warned, hearing your heavy footsteps creeping up on him.
you stopped, fingers coming up to your necklace as you anxiously fiddled with the pendant. his back was turned towards you as he began doing something in front of the stove.
"did i do something wrong? i'm sorry—"
"no," he quickly cut you off, whipping his head towards you. "you didn't do anything wrong. i just wanted you to help me cook dinner."
your lips parted. "oh."
it wasn't an unwelcomed feeling but a flutter of warmth leaped into your heart. as sad as it sounded, no one—your dad—had ever asked you to help them with anything as domestic as this. you always did what you were told, chores and all, but helping someone because they wanted your help was different.
and you hated how good it made you feel. it was bittersweet that it was him who asked.
"why don't you start by putting the pasta in the pot," he spoke slowly after a moment. "you do like pasta, right?"
"mhm," you nodded your head, stepping towards him to do as he instructed. "how much?"
"use your judgement."
you gave him a blank stare. "you trust me?"
"what?" his eyes crinkled at the sides. "of course i do. besides, if you make too much we can always eat it tomorrow."
this didn't help. you blinked at him rapidly, nerves creeping up your spine.
"i don't want to do anything wrong," you confessed.
"we'll do it together," he reassured, sensing your internal fear. you didn't trust yourself.
you held the box of dry pasta in your hand, hovering over the water boiling on the stove. he knew he shouldn't, but he placed his hand on top of yours and let the noodles fall in.
your eyes widened and you gulped at the feeling of his fingers on your skin. were you sweating because of him or the steam hitting your face? you couldn't tell as he moved your quivering hand away from the stove, letting go after doing so.
"so— um," he looked away nervously and walked over to the fridge. "you can grab a fork and stir it so they don't stick together. also, whenever you're making pasta make sure to salt the water a lot."
"totally didn't know that," you muttered shakily, grabbing a fork from the drawer.
he raised an eyebrow at your snarky remark, peaking his head out from behind the fridge to look at you. you didn't think anything of what you said so you didn't catch him looking at you, but he was surprised.
"didn't know you had it in you," he commented after grabbing what he needed.
"what?" you turned.
"sarcasm," the corner of his lip quirked upwards.
"you think you're funny."
"i think it's the other way around, mon chou. now let's get the sauce going."
"you always call me these names and i don't even know what they mean," you told him quietly.
he smiled. "you'll figure it out one day. alright, chop chop. grab the onions and garlic."
"... where are they?"
"have you not gone through the kitchen yet? you've been here like five times."
"that doesn't mean i'm gonna snoop through your things," you looked at him in confusion. what was he expecting from you?
"well i'm giving you permission to," he stated firmly. "turn my whole house upside down, i don't fucking care. just find the onions and garlic."
he laughed—almost giggled—at his last sentence and so did you, finding humour in his seriousness until the end.
"you know, your dad and i used to make this all the time back in college."
"is it really cooking if you're using premade pesto?"
he stopped pouring it in the pan and gave you a look. "oh, come on, y/n."
"i'm just saying," you held your hands up with a laugh.
he grinned, handing you the spoon to mix everything up as he leaned against the counter beside you. "do you know anything about your dad in college? everything we did?"
"nope," you shook your head with a shrug. "he always told hunter about it. i remember listening in on their conversations but i never got those talks."
the smile on your face was deceiving, he could tell. "do you care to know?"
"it always sounded really fun," you confessed, grabbing the pot of rotini.
"well, now we've got something to talk about over dinner, hm?"
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hugheshugs · 2 years
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grey: dating your dad's best friend.
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hugheshugs · 2 years
Calling dbf!bords daddy for the first time
18+ !!
i know this was supposed to be nsfw but i got a bit soft
goodness. it would just be in the heat of the moment. he probably got you all subby and if you guys were around a lot of people, he definitely noticed something was wrong so he slipped you past brendan and up to your room. you looked up at him with those doe eyes of yours while his right hand cupped your cheek, his thumb coming dangerously close to your lip.
"what's wrong, mon amour?" he asked softly.
"i needed you.. daddy," you mumbled ever so quietly.
he sucked in a sharp breath at your words, trying to focus on you instead of the ache in his pants.
"i'm here now. tell me what you need."
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hugheshugs · 2 years
can we talk about the differences in dbf!bords and readers evenings/nights together before v after they officially get together? like the domesticity of it all and the subtle little changes they make together
ooo okayokay
so thom used to sleep in a dark, quiet, slightly warm room. dark as in no light whatsoever, quiet as in no sounds at all. his room was always warm because he likes sleeping with only shorts on, as we talked about previously.
y/n sleeps in a dimly lit room and she needs some sort of sound to lull her to sleep. she also likes her room to be cold because she likes bundling into her blankets.
i feel as though the changes are mostly prominent in thom because he isn't very picky about his sleeping habits. that wasn't to say that you were picky, but you were less likely to fall asleep if any of your habits were to change. so he makes the adjustments by changing the temperature of his room, turning on his lamp before shutting off the lights and opening the window just a crack for you to hear the sounds.
as for you, you started sleeping in his shirts instead of your tanktops (a very subtle change on your part)—but you wore your tanks when you wanted skin to skin contact. and no shorts because the shirts are always long enough. you always appreciate the changes he makes for you so you pay him back by giving him light back scratches sometimes. its a small gesture that he loves and as much as you love it when he stays awake until you fall asleep, you also love it when he falls asleep on your chest because you calmed him down.
idk if this is what u wanted but if u have anything specific u wanna ask/add, pls do !!
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hugheshugs · 2 years
How would dbf!Bords react to reader crying after a big event he showed up for but bren didn’t. Like she’s crying more over the fact that she’s so happy or like grateful he showed up for her rather than the disappointment/sadness/anger over her dad not showing up for her because she’s so used to it. I’m picturing like he’s driving her home and maybe they stop to get a celebratory treat and she just starts crying. I feel like he’d be overwhelmed and wouldn’t know how to react for like a second or two before reaching over to try to give her a hug or just rub her back
he'd definitely be shocked for a minute before realization seeps in and he's like wait she's crying.
look i know milkshakes are part of the other au, but bear w me here. he takes you to get milkshakes after this big event and you guys are happy, he's asking you tons of questions and its a fun time for you. but then the waitress sets the millshake on the table and you realize thom didn't get himself one. he only ordered one for you bc it was your day and you deserved it.
you simply stare at the milkshake with silent tears streaming down your face and at first, thom doesnt realize bc you look fine. but then he's like wait a minute, and before he knows it, your head is in your hands as you sob inside the empty diner.
and obviously he's never been in this situation before so he quietly freaks out for a moment before regaining his composure, bc he's the adult and he does know what to do. so he quickly comes over to your side of the booth and pulls you into his chest, a soft hand running up and down your back to calm you down.
and you just stay like that for minutes until you start to feel better, and even when you're okay, he doesn't leave your side.
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hugheshugs · 2 years
Dbf!bords having to keep a hand over your mouth while you guys are fucking so you stay quiet
18+ !!
right hand, specifically. good god, he loves seeing the way your eyes roll back when he's restricting you the way he does. maybe a hand over your mouth while the other comes up to your throat?
im weak
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